We equip the office according to Feng Shui: how to attract good luck and prosperity in business. Feng Shui office and home office design

Properly furnished study of a house or apartment is the key to good performance. Therefore, many, sitting in terribly uncomfortable offices, make numerous rearrangements. And in the end, the result is the same - a bad mood, unwillingness to work. It's all about the energy of the room. We invite you to take advantage of our advice. It is the Feng Shui office that will create the perfect atmosphere for hard work.

Let's talk Feng Shui about the workplace

The workplace is one of the most important places in the office. Therefore, its location must be given maximum attention. You should not place your workplace so that you sit facing the front door and your back to the window. In this case, you will be on the path of movement of the energy brought by all the guests of the room, which is not always positive, and fence off from the life-giving sunlight. Practice shows that working in a pose "face to the door and back to the window" is the most common mistake. Don't repeat it. Ideally, if the table is placed in such a way that the door and window are on the sides of it.

Let's take everything in order

Remember that the primary goal of feng shui is balance and harmony, so perfect order should be your faithful companion. Optimize your workspace in such a way that you do not make unnecessary movements, do not look for the necessary items and, accordingly, do not waste valuable energy.

Let's discuss the general interior of the Feng Shui office

Try to avoid irregularly shaped furniture and interior elements, as they are sources of harmful sha-chi energy. There should be no jagged lines in the design of the cabinet, as they symbolize shadow yaos. Open cabinets and shelves with books or folders are also inappropriate. All cabinets should have doors, and on top of the cabinets it is better to put pots with climbing plants, which subdue the negative sha qi, also called "poisoned arrows."

Size always matters

If you have a very small office, visually expand it with a mirror or a picture that depicts large spaces. For example, mountains or meadows. But, in any case, not urban landscapes.

Lighting is like a magnet for good luck

Also important is the lighting of the workplace, which attracts good luck and favorable emotions that lead to job satisfaction. Sunlight carries a lively favorable energy, so natural lighting is preferable to artificial. If the room you're working in has no windows at all, hang a picture of a sunny, fine day on the wall.

Protective shell

In order to compensate for the daily flow of negative energy that various visitors can bring to your office, place crystal objects that are suitable for the situation in your immediate vicinity. They will create a protective shell around you and give you vitality.

Here, however, are all the most important rules, observing which you will provide your office with favorable energy. Your performance will increase. The old work routine will no longer seem endless to you. You will find peace and good mood. You will be stimulated and motivated, which is the main thing in a good job.

The mirror is an integral part of the interior, hardly anyone can imagine life without this important thing. But what does the reflective surface carry and how does this object affect you and your home? Find out what Feng Shui experts have to say about it.

A huge number of signs and beliefs are associated with mirrors. There are many ways to divination on the mirror. A reflective surface can bode both bad and good. Our ancestors believed that a mirror is a portal to the world of the dead and this cannot bode well.
In the house, a mirror, in addition to its main function, can serve as a key component of the interior. Thanks to mirrors, you can visually enlarge the space and give a small apartment space.

Where to hang a feng shui mirror

According to Feng Shui theory, a mirror can attract, spread and absorb positive energy, it all depends on the location of the object. Be attentive to the mirrors in the house, a dusty and dirty mirror will block out everything positive. Such neglect of cleanliness can result in family conflicts and material problems.

Mirror in the hallway

The entrance to the house is an important place. From how the hallway is framed will depend on whether favorable energy enters the house. It is important to pay attention to the front door, in no case should it be displayed in the mirror. But the biggest mistake is to hang a mirror on the door, thus blocking the entrance for any positive emotions.

Mirror in the bedroom

Feng Shui attaches great importance to this part of the house, because it is here that a person gains vitality. Do not place large mirrors from ceiling to floor in the sleeping area. And although mirrors are welcome in feng shui, in the bedroom it is better to limit yourself to a small mirror on the dressing table. It is impossible for the bed to be reflected in the mirror, this will lead to quarrels and conflicts between people who sleep together. If this cannot be avoided, place indoor plants next to the mirror.

Mirror in the living room

The living room is the place where family and guests most often gather. A mirror in this part of the house will favorably influence the energy of the house. One has only to determine in which zone to hang it. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place the piece of furniture so that it reflects the front door or window, it is advisable to position the mirror so that something pleasant can be seen, for example, an aquarium or indoor plants.

Feng Shui mirror placement rules

  • Try not to hang a mirror in the kitchen, the hostess will get tired faster, and cooked food will carry negative energy.
  • In your personal account, you can’t hang a mirror in front of your desk, this will negatively affect business and finances.
  • Feng Shui masters advise to abandon mirrored ceilings, as everything positive will be reflected and go down.
  • It is best to place auspicious symbols in front of the mirror, which the reflective surface can multiply, for example, coins or fruits.
  • Try not to reflect the door in the mirrors, so you block out everything positive.

Get in the habit of looking in the mirror with a smile, so your vitality will double, and others will feel that positivity comes from you. Follow these simple rules and harmony and comfort will reign in your home. We wish you good luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

Office building

Businessmen spend a huge part of their own time at work - in the office, in the store. The situation prevailing in the workplace has a tremendous energetic and psychological impact on us and the state of our affairs. Therefore, if you have difficulties or evenly low incomes, turn around and see where your store or office is located, what surrounds it, where the windows and doors of the building go, in which it is located.

Any business begins, whether it is opening a store or an office, with the choice of a place for it. It turns out that almost half of the success of the whole undertaking depends on the location of your office. Therefore, if you are looking for a new office, be sure to use the advice of Feng Shui masters and be very careful when choosing a place for an office. Pay attention not only to the beauty and cleanliness of the street, which, of course, is very important for your spiritual comfort, but also to a number of other subtleties:

  1. Energy stagnates in pyramidal buildings - choose a building of the correct shape for your office.
  2. It is bad to place offices in buildings where the area of ​​the upper floors is larger than the lower one, there are protruding cornices and the like - this will lead to currency problems or dictatorship of management.
  3. The Feng Shui office should not be located at the end of a long corridor, the elevators should not be located opposite the entrance to the building.
  4. The office itself should not be placed next to an elevator, with frequently used stairs - funds will simply flow through these energy holes.
  5. Do not arrange an office above the garage (active movement below always destroys financial stability).
  6. It is not necessary that the facade of the office looks at the facade of the building opposite.
  7. Do not locate business premises in buildings with mirrored windows - this makes it difficult for the proper Chi energy to pass through.
  8. Beware of an empty space behind the office building - things in such an office will not go well. Ahead, the wasteland, on the contrary, will be very useful, creating space for activity and development.
  9. Be wary of buildings very close to your office, especially if they "look" at your door entrance, or pointing at your store sharp corners or disproportionate facades.
  10. The office should not be located near areas associated with death (cemeteries, funeral homes); diseases (hospitals); prison.
  11. Your office space should not be located at V-shaped or T-shaped intersections - they create a powerful flow of negative, destructive Sha energy.

Cabinet equipment

Placement of offices in the office

In the office, as well as in the apartment, everything starts with the entrance hall, the role of which in modern office centers is played by the reception room. Getting there, your client immediately makes a memory of your company. In fact, the reception room serves as a buffer for negative energy. Therefore, it should be spacious, and try to arrange a small fountain opposite the entrance. To strengthen the barrier to negative energy, temporary partitions and huge flower pots are also used - large ficuses or palm trees. It is also great to hang mirrors and wind chimes in the reception area.

In the hallway of the office, the same laws apply as in the hallway of the apartment. In one corridor, you do not need to have many doors looking at each other. All this will cause confusion and irritation of your guests. Doors should be spaced at regular intervals. If it so happened and such an arrangement cannot be avoided, then the same mirrors, ornamental plants, paintings, lighting fixtures, and wall cladding will help to smooth out this effect.

All this concerns ordinary offices, not open space offices, without corridors and doors, where 20-30 employees work at once. A modern open-plan office with lots of desks on the fly is much better for feng shui tasks. Here you can use screens, partitions, creating small office areas for employees. Here it is easier to properly arrange hanging flowers, mini-greenhouses, mirrors, paintings.

Feng Shui cabinet: furniture arrangement

Cabinet interior

The main office furniture is the tables at which employees spend a huge part of their time. The most important thing in the arrangement of tables is to avoid positioning your back to the door. The surest position is a free view of the entire room, making it possible to constantly control entry and exit.

If there are two or more tables in the room, it is better to place them diagonally relative to the door in the corners of the room, overlooking the door. No need to put tables opposite each other, in a straight line with the door. Employees who constantly exchange glances throughout the day may start to conflict together. In any case, tables should not be placed in a straight line with the door. If you still cannot avoid the position with your back to the door, you can hang a mirror to the right of the person sitting with his back to the door. Or delimit the person sitting with his back from the door with a screen, partition, cabinet. This blocks negative energy from the front door.

It is also not necessary to sit in the office facing or with your back to the window - there is a "brain drain" and the health of employees. Also, this situation makes a feeling of insecurity, and in order to avoid it, the window must be covered with at least a curtain or blinds.

feng shui office furniture

Let us recall the image of an official (chief) wandering through films, sitting at a huge dark-colored desk, dozing or shifting pieces of paper from place to place. This is because the table is the main furniture of any office. The efficiency of your work depends on its correct choice and location.

Light wooden tables represent reliability and creativity. Almost always in the office use square or rectangular tables. Such tables support the earth element. Round or semi-circular tables are more suitable for creative work. Dark colored desks are not very good feng shui because they slow down the reaction.

Chairs and armchairs in the office should be with high backs, comfortable. The color of the chairs can be used to stimulate the working energy of each employee. So, brown, white color (concentration) is suitable for Metal people, blue, black color (affects sociability, strengthens positions), Wood people - green, Fire people - red, Earth people - brown, reddish hue (dynamism).

It is useful to apply the principles of the Bagua quadrants to your table. Mentally mark your desktop according to the Bagua compass and arrange each of its zones in accordance with its meaning.

Bookshelves, archival cabinets - another indispensable attribute of the office. It should be borne in mind that an unlimited number of folders and papers that are visible in such cabinets have a bad effect on the creation of positive Qi, visually increase the amount of work. Therefore, cabinets and shelves should be closed, with doors or screens, there should be no extra papers on the tables - only those that are needed.

You should be careful with the mirrors in the feng shui cabinet, because. reflective surfaces and mirrors also visually increase the amount of work.

A frequent attribute of the cabinet is a safe. It should be in the left corner, accounting - in the right side of the office. It’s great to have a picture of mountains hanging behind the director’s back.

Feng Shui Cabinet Bagua Sectors

Green Dragon - a mascot for business

If we consider the office by zones according to Feng Shui, then they can be stimulated depending on what result you want to achieve. If you want to remove the emerging confrontation, stimulate the southwest zone; activation of the northwest develops team thinking, leadership (it's great to hold meetings here); activation of the western sector makes up for the lack of creative abilities, creativity; the south is glory and recognition, the southeast is the sector of material well-being.

Stimulation of these zones occurs in the usual way for Feng Shui: these are fresh flowers, plants, signs, crystals.

Because the east is growth, development, spring, creativity, here you can put pictures with landscapes, flowers, wood products, wood trinkets. The east is guarded by a green dragon, here you can put his figurine. You can also use all the signs to attract wealth, which have already been mentioned. The East is a family zone in a broad sense, so it's great to hold various gatherings, celebrations, tea parties here, it's great to arrange a rest room or at least a quiet corner for office workers to relax here.

It is much better that the appropriate side for each of the servants be chosen individually according to his Gua number. Everyone will benefit from this, so if you cannot influence the position of your own workplace, at least sit in the direction that suits you.

Wall color in the office

Because Yang energy (business activity) dominates in the office, it is better to make the color of the walls in the office in soft, pastel colors. This activity is due to both the activities of the people themselves and the energy of working computers and office equipment. In itself, this bias towards Yang is appropriate in the office, but the contradiction between Yin and Yang is better to smooth out. This can also be done through neutral, soft tones of curtains, floors, etc. With all this, it is useful to highlight individual colorful areas on the wall (pictures, photos) in order to stimulate the labor activity and imagination of employees.

Feng Shui talismans for the office

Owl - a mascot for business

Feng Shui office is hard to imagine without symbols and talismans. Those feng shui talismans for the office that, for example, help increase income will be appropriate in the office: a three-legged feng shui toad with a coin in its mouth, an owl, a money tree.

Three Chinese coins meant for good luck in trading, or 6 coins will not work unless they are placed with the Yang side up (Yang side - 4 characters, Yin - 2). These coins need to be glued in the office on all principal folders with contracts, account books with the yang side up to raise the level of sales and turnover. Such coins can be glued to boxes with funds, safes. And most importantly, don't forget to give them to all your sales and marketing managers.

It doesn't matter what kind of retail company can stick such coins to the doors of stores, put them under the door mat, stick them to the lock. For example, one popular English company in all its own supermarkets puts such coins under the floor of each trading floor, and it does not charge income. These coins must be changed on the eve of each new lunar year.

They say that feng shui works even when you don't believe in it. Therefore, why not try using it to change your life for the better by making a feng shui cabinet? Feng Shui specialists assure that you will not even notice how your business will go in a year, with all this very quickly. Maybe you simply do not notice the changes that have occurred in your life after the implementation of feng shui methods, or do not correlate them with the applied opportunities. But, most likely, you will be simply amazed at how quickly and perfectly the principles of the correct redistribution of energy, which Feng Shui teaches us, will start to work, miraculously changing life for the better.

The location of the manager's office in the company's office, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is the most important place that affects the success of the entire business. It should be located in the optimal location of the building, office, and mistakes should not be made here. Recognize the hierarchy of superiors and apply the rules and procedures by which feng shui brings harmony to the decision-making space. The boss is the one who takes full responsibility for the result of the company's work, he affects its prosperity and profit. The office of the head should be protected, energetic and bright. All other rooms are better to have a slightly different energy. Employees need to work in a calm environment, they do not need to be intimidated by the presence of a boss or supervisor.

Let us consider in more detail such an important object as table leader. Its location in the office can greatly affect the status of a person. The best is the side from which, sitting, you can see almost the entire room. Diagonal lines are the best. Doors and windows should never be located behind a person. The table should be placed so that you can both view the entrance and have enough natural light. It is good if there is a wall or a supporting structure behind your back.

To select a boss table, it is recommended to conduct a birth date analysis that determines how compatible a particular table material is with the person who comes into contact with it. If the company changes CEO, the desk will usually need to be replaced.

The quality of work also depends on the order on the table. Chi energy cannot flow freely if countless objects and piles of paper block its movement. The more sheets, books and working materials on our table, the smaller the events that will take place in the work. The information space also has volumes. With a heavy workload and high responsibility, keeping the desk clean is of fundamental importance, because the cleanliness of the desk does not allow confusion to develop in the mind.

If there is a need for something new (a new job, new income, etc.), then it is important to leave only strictly necessary items on the table: in this way the Universe will provide for your needs. If you print on the surface of the table, the symbolic Bagua compass, then by combining different objects with their fields, you can create a kind of harmonious balance that increases concentration and attention and therefore improves productivity.

To keep the electric field clean, we need to separate any electrical equipment from our body by at least 50 cm. Flat screens do not create problems, but chargers, power supplies and adapters can cause both electrical pollution and health problems.

Office location and specifically the executive's office relative to the sun, can greatly affect performance. Working in an office located in the north, you will be more easily prone to bad mood or depression. Sunlight helps to achieve success and contributes to efficient work. Therefore, it is optimal if the environment is facing east or south. The West is only recommended for those who stay late in the office.

In general, constant use of artificial light should be avoided, which can have negative effects on mood and health in the long run. Even if your office is in the basement, try to place the tables as close as possible to get light from the windows. The sun is the energy of life for any business.

Meeting room. In the company, an office for negotiations and discussions is symbolically associated with the battlefield. This is where we hold meetings and strategic encounters. This is the second most important place to place in an office. Better than a meeting room, it is better to choose an oval or round table so that everyone can look into each other's eyes and have more complicity.

If your business needs something out of the ordinary, hanging pictures of landscapes with hills or heavenly beaches on the walls, it allows the mind to wander and stimulate our creativity, allowing us to increase the (virtually) thinking space in the limited rooms within which we work every day.

Separately, it is worth mentioning plants that can be of great help, as they purify the air of pollutants. For example, Dracaena Marginata (we give common plant names to avoid confusion) is recommended if there are many computers in the room. Bamboo, Sanseveria, Spathiphyllum are great if you work around copiers and printers. If you are in an office where there is carpet or carpeting, then Aloe and Ficus are the most suitable plants.

It is very important to carefully choose the dominant color in the office in accordance with the personality and career goals:

  • Orange - helps in times of confusion and confusion;
  • Silver - increases self-esteem;
  • Blue - prevents nervous exhaustion;
  • White - calms emotionally;
  • Yellow - stimulates mental activity;
  • Indigo - awakens intuition;
  • Brown - helps to overcome insecurity;
  • Black - helps to avoid emotional hypertension;
  • Golden - useful for achieving goals;
  • Pink - relaxes mental tension;
  • Red - reduces physical fatigue, excites;
  • Green - relaxes the nervous system;
  • Violet - at an unconscious level, it reminds of spirituality;
It is also important to use auspicious directions for a certain color according to the personal Gua number calculated based on the leader's date of birth.

It should be remembered that according to the teachings of Feng Shui, regardless of ability, the leader whose office has a generous flow of Qi has an advantage.

Each person spends more than half of his existence on work. Therefore, it is so important to create an atmosphere of coziness, comfort and equip the office in such a way that there is no feeling of discomfort, irritation and does not negatively affect the physical, social, emotional and mental premises. Feng Shui will help you achieve your goal.

The best office space

The office should be equipped in a spacious, bright room of the correct - square or rectangular - shape. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to find such a room, then the missing Feng Shui angle can be compensated by placing a mirror in this place. Otherwise, a negative influence will spread in that area of ​​​​energy impact, which this angle should have strengthened.

Great importance for professional growth and success is given to the color scheme in the design of the cabinet itself. It is not recommended to use too bright colors. Colors must be selected restrained. A warm brown shade is considered ideal, which, according to your desire and taste, can be embellished with some kind of red accents. The yellow color scheme will help to visually expand a small room. For the design of the cabinet, you can use gray, white and black, but in no case black and white design. The use of green, blue or purple shades for decorating the room is contraindicated.

Career zone

In accordance with the laws of Feng Shui, the zone for enhanced mental activity should be located in the northern part of the office or apartment. Therefore, you are very lucky if the office is located in this place. And if in reality it is otherwise, then you need to work on it. To activate the process or just to increase the salary, use the image or figurine of a turtle. It symbolizes wisdom, longevity and guarantees heavenly support. It is desirable that the talisman is also located in the northern part of your office. Aquariums or fountains will help to activate the career growth zone.


The purpose of this teaching is, first of all, harmony and balance. Order in this case is your faithful companion, assistant and servant. Try to get rid of unnecessary papers and other rubbish that appears on your desk in a timely manner. The ideal order is . Any metal thing or just a desk work lamp located in the left corner of the table will help you attract financial well-being.

The location of your workplace also plays an important role.

It is not advisable to install a desktop in the south direction, this can lead to overstrain and stress. For beginner businessmen, an orientation to the east is well suited, for leaders - a northwest direction. In order for the business to be stable, it is necessary to choose the western direction, and to attract the energy of creation - the southeast.

Hanging structures over your head attract all sorts of failures and constant illnesses into your life.

Try to set up your desk so that you don't sit with your back to a window or doorway. The ideal option would be the position when you sit "sideways" to these "energy" points. And if the dimensions of the room are so small that they do not allow you to put the desktop in a safe area, then you can resort to a few tricks. For example, put a figurine of a turtle behind your back on the windowsill. She will protect and guard your "rear". Hang blackout curtains on the window to reduce the negative impact. Place a mirror on the table so that you can see the reflection of the one who enters your office in it.

The table must be placed in such a way that you can approach it from any direction. Such a little trick will help expand your perspectives and opportunities. And the table, which stands in the corner, sandwiched between the closet and the wall, attracts difficulties. On the wall opposite the table, hang a mirror that will visually increase the size of your office. An atmosphere of comfort and warmth will be created by paintings or photographs hung on the wall right in front of your workplace. Please note that they should emit light and remind you of warm summer days, a period of serenity and peace.

If a sharp protruding corner is aimed at your workplace, then it will begin to accumulate negative energy, giving it to you. To neutralize this influence, find a place on the edge of your table for a houseplant oriented to this corner. The cactus does this well.

Not bad when there is a wall behind your back without windows and doors. It symbolizes reliability and support from influential people. To enhance this effect, place a picture or photo with a reproduction of a steep mountain on the wall. And if behind the back there are shelves, cabinets with open shelves or aquariums, then their influence will be very negative.

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