Male castration pros and cons. Restoration of fertility by voluntary surgical sterilization. Urologists of our clinic performing male sterilization

Modern medicine positions the surgical sterilization of the stronger sex as a 100% method of contraception. Additionally, the operation, so that men do not have children, is cost-effective, safe for the body and painless due to the use of modern anesthetics.

Care for preventing unwanted pregnancies is often placed on fragile women's shoulders.

Responsible and respectable men understand that this issue concerns them to the same extent.

Modern medicine is of the same opinion and offers many methods of contraception (from medication to surgery).

At home, you can also apply methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Classification of contraceptive methods

The most general classification involves the allocation of such methods of male contraception as:

  • stopping the formation of spermatozoa;
  • slowing down their maturation;
  • preventing them from entering the female genital tract.

Methods for preventing unwanted pregnancy are also divided into:

  1. Behavioral. They are the most widespread. Assume premature interruption of the act or its artificial extension without bringing to ejaculation. They don't give 100% results. negatively affect men's health.
  2. Barrier. Based on the use of condoms. Optimal in the absence of a permanent partner. Condoms are the only way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Chemical. Assume the use of various pharmaceutical preparations. These can be tablets and subcutaneous implants.
  4. Surgical. These include the male spiral (“umbrella”, which is placed in the scrotum and contains a drug that adversely affects the germ cells), vasorectomy and vasectomy (ligation and cutting of the spermatic cord, respectively).

Goals and indications for male contraception

Important! The main goal pursued is to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Significant indications for male contraception may be the following facts:

  • promiscuity (lack of a permanent partner);
  • unwanted childbearing at the current time;
  • the presence of genetic ailments that can be transmitted from parent to child at conception;
  • contraindications to pregnancy in a woman;
  • the impossibility for medical reasons of female contraception.


This method of surgical intervention from unwanted pregnancy is used all over the world. However, its popularity varies. In Russia and Belarus, vasectomy is rarely used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In the Scandinavian countries, the opposite is true.

The essence of the method

Surgical intervention consists in violation of the patency (integrity) of the vas deferens.

They are simply cut, and the spermatozoa do not have the opportunity to get into the erupted sperm. The result of a vasectomy is a complete loss of the ability to fertilize an egg.

The main difference between such an operation and castration is the preservation of sexual desire, and ejaculation. The functioning of the testicles in all men after such a surgical intervention is preserved.

Vasectomy is a radical method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is recommended to use it exclusively for medical reasons or if you do not want to have children (including in the future).

What happens to seminal fluid?

The appearance and volume of the ejaculate after a vasectomy does not change. Spermatozoa make up only a hundredth of its composition. They continue to be produced by organisms, but are not removed from it.

After surgical intervention, the male representative retains the possibility of fertilization for some time. Approximately this continues for another twenty ejaculations. Accurate data regarding the safety of unprotected intercourse can be given by a specialist based on the analysis of semen analysis.

Advantages of the operation

Vasectomy is characterized by a number of "pluses". These include:

  • 100% efficiency;
  • lack of relationship with the quality indicators of sexual intercourse;
  • single manipulations;
  • preservation of the functional abilities of the testicles in relation to production (in some cases, there is even an increase in hormonal activity);
  • safety, high speed, painlessness (local anesthesia is used) of surgical intervention.

Specialists have revealed the effect of vasectomy on biological age: the operation rejuvenates the male body.

Disadvantages of the operation

The considered surgical intervention is characterized by some "minuses". The latter are in the following aspects:

  • the reversibility of the method is not always possible (it all depends on the time elapsed after the operation);
  • exposure to sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus;
  • pain after the procedure (of a short duration);
  • unprotected intercourse does not immediately become safe;
  • possible side effects after anesthesia and interventions of the surgeon in general.

Operation progress

The considered surgical intervention is not difficult. The sequence of operation is as follows:

  • introduction of local anesthesia;
  • making an incision in the groin area;
  • intervention in the integrity (cutting) of the vas deferens and ligation of its ends;
  • performing similar actions on the other side;
  • suturing the wound (modern self-absorbable threads do not require subsequent removal of sutures).

The duration of the procedure is up to a third of an hour. Staying in stationary conditions is not required.

The rehabilitation period after the operation is one week. An increase in its duration is possible in the presence of side effects. The resumption of sexual activity by a man is allowed immediately after complete recovery.

Possible Complications

Vasectomy is characterized by the following possible side effects:

  • infection in the wound due to the low qualification of medical workers and in the absence of proper hygiene until complete healing;
  • formation of hematomas and edema in the area of ​​intervention;
  • increase in temperature indicators.

How to temporarily become infertile

Folk sages do not stand aside and offer their own ways on how to become infertile for a man at home in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

"Samurai Eggs"

It is possible to make a man temporarily infertile by periodic exposure to high temperatures. This method was actively practiced in ancient times in Japan. The essence of this prevention of unwanted pregnancy is taking a hot bath.

The conditions are as follows:

  • required temperature - 46.6 degrees Celsius;
  • duration of the procedure - 45 minutes;
  • frequency - every day;
  • course duration - one month.

The effect lasts up to six months. Explanations lurk in the violation of the production of male germ cells during overheating.

A similar effect is observed with daily long-term (at least 4 hours) driving.

The danger of the "Samurai Eggs" method lies in a significant increase in the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors in men.

Herbal contraception

Women often resort to the use of herbal decoctions, infusions, and tinctures to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Their action is based on the contraceptive properties of plants. The variety of options is quite wide.

Regarding male protection against unwanted pregnancy, the list is more modest. Popular options are celandine. They significantly inhibit the activity of spermatozoa. The result is the prevention of conception. Form of use - infusion.

The procedure for preparing an infusion from an unwanted pregnancy:

  • place the raw material in the selected container;
  • pour water at boiling point;
  • tightly close the lid (you can use a thermos);
  • let it brew for two hours;
  • separate the thick;
  • cool to room temperature.

  • refusal to use aluminum utensils;
  • The maximum storage period is one day.

Note! Herbs are powerful allergens.

The effectiveness of folk methods of protection against unwanted conception for men is more than doubtful. You definitely shouldn’t rely on them with an irregular partner or with a strict medical contraindication for pregnancy.

Useful video

Summing up

Contraceptive issues are not a place for experiments and testing of dubious options. The desire to protect her husband from the surgeon's knife can turn into an unwanted pregnancy. Vasectomy is a method with a "world name". In some cases, it is the best of what modern medicine offers.

It's so difficult - every day to control the reception or remember about in the midst of foreplay. And all these, with their side effects - bleeding and bloating, are also pretty tired. Tubal ligation? You can think. But aren't there too many risks and costs, and sterilization of men (vasectomy) is much safer, besides, representatives of a strong body recover much faster. And before you listen to the lectures of a young man about why it is you, and not him, who should take care of “not flying in”, it would not hurt to arm yourself with some arguments about.

This is a common operation.

It is effective if you follow the doctor's instructions.

Vasectomy (in terms of quality) is successful in 99% of cases. For safety reasons, doctors recommend using a backup control method for three months after the procedure. And some count differently: to be completely sure that a woman will not become pregnant and there is no more sperm left in the channels, 20 ejaculations are needed. Sperm finally disappears from the seed, but the volumes do not change from this, because it is no more than 1%.

It can be undone

Yes that's right. The recovery operation is no more difficult than the first one: the doctor simply restores the patency of the vas deferens and everything returns to normal. True, success can be guaranteed only in the first 5 years after the operation. And if a man does not want to undergo a similar procedure again, there are many ways of artificial insemination, for example,. The most common reasons for refusing this effective procedure are remarriages or the loss of a child, which prompted the desire to have a baby. But there are very few cases when, due to pain and discomfort after the procedure, patients ask to cancel it, very little is known.

It does not affect male potency

Unlike many male fears, sterilization does not affect and testosterone levels always remain the same. There is no change in sex drive, just no sperm production.

And three more arguments "for"

1:0 in favor of men. Vasectomy significantly reduces the risk of developing. This conclusion was reached by researchers from the American Urological Association.

1:0 in favor of women. A 2015 study by scientists from Stanford University (USA) proved that women whose partners underwent a vasectomy procedure were 46% more likely to have sex at least once a week, compared to women whose men did not undergo such a procedure.

"Yes" to spontaneous sex: a draw. If a couple chooses a vasectomy, they are much more likely to have spontaneous sex, Werthman says.

The term vasectomy refers to a surgical operation to block the reproductive function in men. The concept itself appeared in the medical community no more than half a century ago, but now this method has gained wide popularity as the most effective male contraception.

Unlike those who have undergone castration, those who have undergone a vasectomy have the opportunity to enjoy the joys of their sex life without restrictions. The procedure does not have any negative consequences, except for male infertility.

As a rule, the decision in favor of sterilization is made on the basis of several reasons that are significant for them. First, the unwillingness of men who already have children, additional family replenishment. Secondly, the presence of a hereditary disease that can be transmitted to offspring. Thirdly, intolerance to other methods of intimate protection from a completely unwanted pregnancy of a partner.

Whatever the case, voluntary male sterilization should be a measured and well-considered life step, since a reverse vasectomy is nearly impossible.

By modern medical standards, vasectomy is not a complicated procedure and does not have a huge number of contraindications. But this is a surgical intervention in a healthy living organism, which requires preliminary preparation from the patient. Before the operation, it is necessary to carefully examine: pass urine and blood for a general analysis, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, make an electrocardiogram, undergo an examination with a specialized urologist. These routine preoperative measures are very important because they minimize possible subsequent complications.

Operation steps

The idea of ​​a vasectomy is to prevent sperm from getting to the sperm that is released during intercourse. To do this, the vas deferens is blocked - through it the spermatozoa enter the seminal fluid. There are two ways to make a duct “impassable”:

  1. remove its easily accessible part,
  2. stop it with a special clamp.

The Internet makes it possible to get acquainted in detail with the course of the operation through text materials and videos posted online. A vasectomy video shows that male sterilization is much more painless than female sterilization. For such a medical intervention, there is no need to open the abdominal cavity - only surgical manipulations in the groin are enough, which differs from similar operations in women. In addition, the video shows how simple the procedure is in its idea, and how accurate the surgeon's actions must be.

If you study the video recording the process of male sterilization in more detail, you can highlight its main stages.

  1. Local anesthesia and disinfection of the groin area is carried out.
  2. The location of the vas deferens is determined, and a small incision is created above it, dissecting first the skin and then the muscle tissues.
  3. The duct is isolated, then stopped. The video shows the tiny size of these conductive tubules, less than two to three millimeters in diameter, and the true finesse of the doctor's work.
  4. The cut ends are tied up or soldered with special metal clips. They are not rejected by the body and are not absorbed in it. As a rule, these are titanium clamps.
  5. Previously made incisions are processed and sutured with a special material that does not require the removal of sutures.

Vasectomy is performed under sterile conditions and lasts no more than half an hour. The procedure does not require stationary supervision, and after twenty to thirty minutes, having recovered, you can go home. Despite the general simplicity and painlessness, the period after such an operation as male sterilization requires care.

In particular, the first 48 hours are not recommended physical activity, you can not wet the scrotum, so as not to bring the infection into the wounds. A week should refrain from intimate contact. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the remnants of spermatozoa completely disappear from the semen only after twenty ejaculations. So unprotected sex will be possible only after two (or maybe even three!) Months, after passing tests for the absence of spermatozoa in the seed. There are cases when the vas deferens was restored.

Unexpected effects and consequences

Sterilization affects only the ability to have children - all other indicators of male power - erection, ejaculation, orgasm, will remain unaffected. Moreover, it will not reduce the volume of sperm, except perhaps by one hundredth. Sometimes patients, on the contrary, showed a marked activation of male function. Scientists attribute this to an increase in the production of sex hormones.

There is a practice in the world when male sterilization is carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation.

Despite the promised increase in libido, not every man is ready to risk the most intimate because of frightening complications. The possible unfortunate consequences of a procedure such as sterilization broadcast video frames widely on the network. The result of watching such a video is unambiguous - few people will agree to do the procedure after what they see. Hemorrhages and hematomas, infection, inflammation of the testicles are far from unpleasant phenomena that demonstrate the side effects of the operation. Fortunately, all these cases are extremely rare.

Pros and cons"

The fear of letting doctors near the most personal male part of the body is a weighty argument against it. Although, of course, not the main one. The main reason for not accepting vasectomy is that the process is not reversible. After five years from the moment the operation was performed, a reverse, but rather risky vasectomy, is still possible. Only now, after the specified period, all attempts to experience the joy of physiological fatherhood again will be in vain.

As an alternative abroad, there is the practice of freezing sperm before the procedure - as a fallback, in case you definitely want to have a baby. However, to what extent will this be possible in Russia's unstable conditions? And the considerable cost of the procedure is inaccessible to most of our citizens.

There are also many benefits to sterilization.

Arguments for":

  1. Extreme efficiency;
  2. Not temporary, but permanent contraception, which does not require additional methods of protection from partners;
  3. There are practically no side effects;
  4. The quality of intimate contacts does not deteriorate.

However, men who undergo sterilization should not forget: it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Getting a vasectomy means giving up children. Don't expect the effects to affect all aspects of your sex life.

User experience

The history of the use of this measure in the world shows that vasectomy is done by adult citizens who already have children. Legislation in many countries deliberately limits the age before which the procedure cannot be performed, preventing young people from making mistakes, since a reverse vasectomy is unlikely. Densely populated countries such as Japan use this tool as a demographic tool. The record-breaking country in terms of the number of operations performed is the United States (more than half a million operations). The Americans go for it, knowing full well that the measure is by no means temporary and the operation, often, is not at all reversible.

In Russia, sterilization is allowed only for obvious medical reasons, or upon reaching the age of 35 for a parent who has at least two children. The cost of such a procedure starts from 14,000 rubles.

The operation of vasectomy (sterilization of men) creates irreversible processes that contribute to the oppression and suspension of reproductive function. Surgical intervention is carried out with the voluntary consent of the patient. During the operation, the vas deferens are blocked, they become impassable, and spermatozoa lose their ability to enter the seed.

Don't confuse vasectomy with castration. The latter involves the removal of the testicles.

Vasectomy surgery is almost 100% effective. But on condition that it is carried out by an experienced specialist - a urologist or surgeon. To carry out such operations, a license for this type of activity is required.

Before prescribing an operation, the doctor without fail sends the man for a detailed examination: an ECG, a consultation with a urologist. In addition, general urine and blood tests are required, as well as blood for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.

The operation is done under local anesthesia. It is believed that according to some characteristics, sterilization of men is easier than that of women, because during a vasectomy, the abdominal cavity is not opened. An incision is made in the groin above the seminal duct, this duct is isolated, and the ends are tied up. The wound is then closed with self-absorbable sutures. The operation takes about 20 minutes. The patient can go home on the same day that the operation is performed. Full return of all functions occurs in a week. When all side effects disappear, you can return to sexual activity.

Sterilization among men is becoming an increasingly popular procedure.

To the "pros" this surgery can be attributed to the absence of serious complications. In addition, sexual functions after vasectomy remain unchanged, surgery does not affect the production of sex hormones. In addition, the operation does not affect the quality, duration and sensations of sexual intercourse, except, of course, that the partner will not be able to become pregnant.

Vasectomy has limitations- the possibility of spontaneous opening of the seminal ducts and a long postoperative period (about three months), during which additional contraception should be considered. In addition, in the first months a man may be accompanied by unpleasant and somewhat painful sensations, he may feel discomfort.

A good example of how a vasectomy works

Regrettably, some complications may occur after the operation. Among them:

  • hematomas of the scrotum
  • puffiness
  • infection
  • temperature rise
  • chills
  • pain in the scrotum

If you notice any complication in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, go to the hospital immediately if your partner hasn't started her next period.

There is such a thing as a reverse vasectomy. This is an operation that returns . It is carried out on the condition that after a vasectomy it takes up to four years. This operation restores reproductive functions and the ability to have children for more than half of men.

Vasectomy: myths about it

Sterilization = castration - a mistake! With a vasectomy, the testicles continue to perform their direct function - to produce testosterone. The volume of sperm does not decrease after the operation, the quality of sexual intercourse does not deteriorate. The operation does not make a man inferior, just that the sperm loses the opportunity for fertilization.

There is no way back. Reverse vasectomy has become increasingly common in recent years. After them, the ability to have children returns to about 60% of men. However, these chances decrease by 10% annually.

Women's opinion about male sterilization

Catherine:“My attitude towards vasectomy is mixed. I don't know if this is good or bad. Personally, I would never have ventured to such an operation. But my husband recently shocked me with the news that he had a vasectomy. Of course I was shocked! We already have three children and he argued his decision by saying that he no longer wants me to give birth. He doesn't like being protected. Personally, my opinion is this: he just wants to take a walk in his old age and that this would not have any consequences. And the operation in this case is like a reusable condom.

Currently, more than 50 million men have had a vasectomy (sterilization). This is approximately 5% of married men of reproductive age. For comparison, female sterilization as a method of birth control is chosen by 15% of families.

It depends on you and the decision of the doctor. At first, you need to continue to be protected, since it takes 8-10 weeks and 15-20 ejaculations for the sperm to stop being released. You can find out about the onset of complete sterility by analyzing seminal fluid. A fluid sample can be obtained through masturbation or by using a special condom during normal intercourse. Laboratory studies of the obtained sample allow us to say whether spermatozoa are present in the fluid erupted during orgasm.

As long as the analysis does not show the absence of sperm, you will have to use other means of protection.

Does vasectomy reduce sexual pleasure and potency?

Erections, orgasms and ejaculations will most likely be the same as before. Most men say that the pleasure even increased, because after the operation they no longer have to worry about a possible pregnancy. Many do not notice any changes. Sometimes there is a slight decrease in sexual desire. It is extremely rare for men to lose the ability to have an erection. This is due, rather, to the emotional state before the operation.

A vasectomy makes a man sterile, not impotent. It does not affect the level of male hormones in the blood. The hormones responsible for beard growth, deep voice and sexual desire will still be produced. Hormones continue to circulate in the blood, so all male sexual characteristics are preserved. And even the amount of fluid released during ejaculation will remain almost the same: sperm makes up only 2-5% of the volume of seminal fluid.

Is vasectomy reversible?

Yes. The modern development of microsurgery has increased the efficiency of operations to restore the vas deferens. True, no one gives guarantees for the success of such an operation. It is very difficult, expensive ($10,000 - 15,000) and takes about 2 hours. An operation to restore the vas deferens is wanted by 2-6% of previously sterilized men. The most common reasons are remarriage, the death of a child, or the desire to have a child due to increased wealth.

There are 2 types of such operations: vasovasostomy and epididymovasostomy. During a vasovasostomy, what was done during a vasectomy is eliminated, that is, the ends of the vas deferens are sutured together.

Epididymovazostomy is a much more complex operation, requiring great experience and skill from the microsurgeon. It is done in the event that the sperm does not enter the vas deferens due to inflammation of the epididymis - the canal located behind the testis. During the operation, the vas deferens are attached directly to the epididymis.

Efficiency of Reverse Operations

According to studies, in 90% of cases, sperm begins to be released again during ejaculation. In 50% of couples, after the man undergoes surgery to restore the vas deferens (vasovasostomy), the partner manages to become pregnant. Feedback efficiency

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