Cats with short paws are the name of the breed. Cats with short legs: breeds. Description of the breed: appearance standards

Today it is very difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to animals. This is probably why, according to statistics, pets live in about 70% of houses or apartments. They help the person brighten up their loneliness and give love that even living people cannot give. One of the most desirable animals in the house is a cat. Since ancient times, there have been beliefs that it was these mustachioed friends of man who possessed supernatural powers.

For example, they could take the pain of their master for themselves, see some kind of otherworldly activity and protect the house from it. And it is also known that it is natural for a person to choose everything extraordinary for himself, and even cats can perfectly fit this description.

Now we are talking about one of the most unusual representatives of the cat family, namely cats with short legs. The Munchkin cat breed, also known as the Dachshund cat, has gained wide popularity around the world due to its extraordinary appearance. Their main trump card is considered to be unusually small paws for our eyes. Despite their defect, if you can call it that, these "gnomes" are more mobile than any other cat. They move like ferrets and don't really sit in one place for even a second.

Origin story

The very name "Munchkin" these cats got from the little mythical men from the tales of Oz. . The history of these unique animals begins in 1983, in the USA. One evening, Louisiana resident Sandra Hochenedel found a small ball of wool under an old, abandoned van. It was a dirty, hungry cat with unusually short legs. The woman thought that the animal was crippled because of the harsh conditions in which she existed before, and took her to her home.

Soon it turned out that the kitten was waiting for offspring and absolutely all newborn kittens adopted their mother's defect. The day when the children of Blackberry (that was the name of the cat) were born and is considered the moment of the birth of the Munchkin breed, and the kids inherited short legs due to a natural mutation.

Description of the breed

contemplation of representatives This breed evokes in everyone a whole palette of different emotions - starting with pity and ending with pure delight. It is very hard to hide your smile at the sight of such a charming creature. And even despite the fact that the breed standard has not yet been fully decided, you will recognize a Munchkin from a thousand. A wide head, a medium nose with a slight deflection, confident, high-set ears, a tail like a flowing feather, as well as beautiful eyes, shaped like a walnut, and each color is deep and unique.

Paws are the main feature of this breed, separating them from all other cats. They are short but straight. And in terms of their activity, Munchkins are no different from an ordinary domestic cat. The weight of the short-legged ranges from 2 to 6 kilograms, and the shiny and smooth coat is famous for the difference in colors.

Since the species of any animal are divided into subspecies, It is also worth highlighting the three main varieties of munchkins:

  • Dwarf.
  • Standard.
  • Super short.


Today, in addition to purebred Munchkins, there are already many targeted selections, that is, a symbiosis of two breeds, one of which is short-legged. Such a crossing of these animals can be combined into a small rating:

Quadruped character

It's clear to everyone that the owners of their pets never talk about them in a bad light. Munchkin owners are included in this list and respond to their roommates in a particularly good way. Munchkins are considered one of the most gentle and affectionate cats. Despite their insignificant defects, they are self-sufficient, intelligent and cheerful. Do not expect these cuties to mess up the house and break dishes - they are simply incapable of it. They easily get used to new people in the house and also do not suffer from neuroses.

Unusual habits of cats

Like all earthly creatures, even cats have their quirks. They will help you overcome your laziness and lack of concentration, because they will drag all the scattered things away from people's eyes. Also, this little prankster respects his personal space and asks this of you. So you'll have to get a small one cozy home for him.

Health features

The only problem of little charms is called lordosis, namely the weakening of the vertebral muscles, due to which it descends into the chest. It is difficult for a cat to move because of the pressure of the spine on the internal organs. This disease is rare, but it is very difficult to treat, because it is not well developed. Therefore, experts recommend regular visits to the veterinarian with your animal.

The love we receive should also be given to others. And Munchkins are primarily cats that have their own specific needs. This little one needs attention and care. So get ready for gentle combing of wool, difficult manipulations with washing the cat and also caring for the ears, eyes and claws. The most important point is the toilet - the sides should be low to suit the features of your pet. These animals are not special gourmets, but the diet must be clearly monitored. A little dry will suffice for them. feed or natural meat. If you follow these tips, the Munchkins will be very grateful to you.

Price range

Few representatives of this breed but they are very popular. The price range starts from $250, and depending on the exterior, it can reach 800. It is likely that due to the uniqueness of these fluffies, it will be somewhat problematic to get animals. But, believe me, after this little miracle crosses the threshold of your house with its paws, you will never regret it.

Munchkin cats are distinguished by their very short legs, which have developed as a result of a natural mutation. At the same time, their body and head have the same proportions as those of ordinary cats. A lot of controversy has been raised around the breed, as many believe that these cats are “defective”.

In fact, they are healthy and happy animals that do not have health problems due to short legs, like some breeds of dogs. Munchkins are not only healthy cats, they also love to run, jump, climb and play just like other breeds. In addition, they are very sweet and love people.

Cats with short legs have been documented as early as 1940. A British veterinarian reported in 1944 that he had observed four generations of short-legged cats, which are similar to ordinary ones, except for the length of the limbs.

This line disappeared during World War II, but after that there were reports of similar cats in America and the USSR. Cats in the USSR were even observed by scientists, and were called “Stalingrad kangaroos”

In 1983, Sandra Hochenedel, a music teacher from Louisiana, saw two pregnant cats on her way home, who were driven under a truck by a bulldog.

Having driven the dog away, she saw that one of the cats with short legs, and regretting it, took it to her. She named the kitty Blackberry and fell in love with it.

What a surprise it was when half of the kittens born by her also had short legs. Hotchenedel gave one kitten to a friend, Kay LaFrance, who named her Toulouse. It was from Blackberry and Toulouse that the modern descendants of the breed went.

Toulouse grew up in freedom, and spent a lot of time on the street, so soon a population of short-legged cats began to appear in the area. Thinking it was a new breed, Hochenedel and LaFrance contacted Dr. Solveig Pfluger, a judge at TICA.

He conducted research and delivered a verdict: the cat breed appeared as a result of a natural mutation, the gene responsible for the length of the paws is recessive and the breed does not have back problems that dogs with short legs have.

The Munchkin was first introduced to the public in 1991 at the National Cat Show held by TICA (The International Cat Association) at Madison Square Garden. Critical hobbyists immediately branded the breed as unviable, as it would have health problems. After much debate, in 1994, TICA introduced the Munchkin into a new breed development program. But even here there was a scandal, as one of the judges protested, calling the breed a violation of the ethics of felinologists. Munchkins received champion status in TICA only in May 2003.

In addition to TICA, the breed is also recognized by AACE (The American Association of Cat Enthusiasts), UFO (United Feline Organization), Southern Africa Cat Council and the Australian Waratah National Cat Alliance.

Several organizations still do not register the breed. Among them: Fédération Internationale Féline (the cause is genetically ill), the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and the Cat Fanciers’ Association.

In 2014, a cat named Liliput (Liliput), was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest in the world. Height is only 5.25 inches or 13.34 centimeters.

Like many new breeds, the Munchkin met with resistance and hatred that lives on to this day. The controversy about the breed is especially strong, as it raises the issue of morality. Is it worth it to breed a breed that is deformed as a result of a mutation?

True, they forget that the mutation was natural, and not created by man.

Fans say that these cats do not suffer at all from their unique paws and cite the jaguarundi, a wild cat with a long body and short legs, as an example.


Munchkins are similar in every way to ordinary cats, except for the length of their paws. The body is medium in size, with a broad chest, oblong. The bone structure is well expressed, the animals are muscular and strong.

Sexually mature cats weigh from 3 to 4.5 kg, cats up to 2.5-3 kg. Life expectancy is 12-13 years.

The legs are short, and the hind legs are slightly longer than the front. The tail is of medium thickness, often the same length as the body, with a rounded tip.

The head is broad, in the form of a modified wedge with smooth contours and high cheekbones. The neck is of medium length, thick. The ears are medium in size, wide at the base, slightly rounded at the tips, located at the edges of the head, closer to its crown.

The eyes are of medium size, nut-shaped, set rather wide and at a slight angle to the base of the ears.

There are both short-haired and long-haired. Long-haired Munchkins have a silky coat with a little undercoat and a mane around the neck. Thick hair grows from the ears, and the tail is abundantly plumed.

Shorthairs have a plush, soft coat of medium length. The color of cats can be any, including point ones.

Crossbreeding with other breeds of shorthair and longhair cats is allowed. Kittens with long legs resulting from such crosses are not allowed to the show, but can be used in the development of the breed if they have interesting colors.

Since the breed is still very young and is constantly crossed with cats of other breeds, the coloration, the shape of the head and body, even the character, can vary greatly.

Years will pass before certain standards are developed for the breed, similar to those that exist for other breeds.


The character is different, since the gene pool is still wide and thoroughbred and ordinary cats are used. These are affectionate cats, cute kitties.

Munchkin kittens are friendly, sweet and love people, especially children. This is a great choice for large families as Munchkins remain playful kittens throughout their lives. Appearance, and the habit of rising on its hind legs to view the world around, will not leave anyone indifferent. They are curious and rise on their hind legs in order to examine something.

Despite their short legs, Munchkins run and jump just like normal cats. These are normal, healthy cats, with a peculiarity in the length of the paws. Yes, they will not jump from the floor to the closet in one jump, but they compensate for this with their energy and activity, so much so that you will only be amazed.

They can even catch mice, but don't keep them out of the house. There is a risk of losing, because these koloboks attract the views of different people.

Munchkin cats that not everyone is given to get to know, but if you fell in love with her, you can never stop loving her.

Completely unaware that they are different from their long-legged relatives, they live and rejoice, remaining funny, curious, cheerful.


Munchkins do not need special care, it is enough to comb out the coat twice a week, for short-haired and once.

The rest of the procedures are standard for all breeds: cleaning the ears and trimming the nails.


They do not suffer from any special diseases, which is due to the youth of the breed and the wide variety of cats involved in its formation.

Some veterinarians are concerned about these cats' spine, more specifically lordosis, which in severe cases can affect the cat's heart and lungs.

But to find out if they suffer from excessive lordosis, a lot of research needs to be done, since the breed is still young. Most fanciers deny such problems in their pets.

It is also suspected that the gene responsible for short legs could be lethal when inherited from two parents at once. Such kittens die in the womb, and then dissolve, although this has not yet been confirmed by tests. But, this feature is definitely found in cat breeds and, however, is caused there by the gene responsible for taillessness. The scientists hope to track the process to identify lines of cats that are prone to the disease.

Partly because of their uniqueness, partly because of their popularity, Munchkin kittens are in high demand. Usually in nurseries there is a queue for them. Although they are not so rare and expensive; if you are flexible in terms of color, color, gender, then the queue will be significantly shorter.

The problem in breeding munchkins remains the question - what to do with kittens that have ordinary paws.

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People have been surrounded by pets for a long time. Selfless affection, fidelity, devotion, sincere love - those feelings that a person seeks among his own kind, but more often finds among our smaller brothers.

No wonder Heine's quote is so widely known: "The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs." Statistics say that pets live in 70 percent of houses or apartments. Traditional aquarium fish and hamsters, ferrets and chinchillas that have already become familiar, exotic monitor lizards and adorable dwarf rabbits have firmly established themselves in human habitation.

All these diverse representatives of the animal world are able to brighten up the loneliness of each person or become favorites of the whole family. Most often, cats and dogs are chosen as a pet.

But recently, ordinary representatives of cats and dogs are not popular. Fashion trends have also penetrated into the cozy world of pets. A new trend is cats with short legs. A kind of double dachshunds in the cat universe.

Origin of short-legged cats

The modern history of the breed dates back to 1983. It was then, in the United States, in one of the cities of Louisiana, a lady named Sandra Hochenedel picked up a stray cat with short twisted legs on the street. The foundling was nicknamed Blackberry.

After the animal was brought home, the owner discovered that the cat was expecting a baby soon. The day that the Blackberry successfully lambed is considered the moment the Munchkin breed appeared. All kittens inherited short mother's legs, while they were alive and well and very active.

Thus, the Munchkin breed did not arise as a result of targeted selection, but was the result of a natural mutation. The mutant gene for limb length has provided short legs for generations of cats.

Since this gene was dominant, when short-legged animals were crossed with long-legged cats of other breeds, most of the kittens were born with short limbs. Therefore, the Munchkin can be called a breed bred "at the hearth."

The breed is named after Frank Baum's book The Wizard of Oz by Lyman. The Munchkins are named after the funny little people who live in the fabulous Blue Country.

According to some reports, the first mention of "cototaxes" dates back to the 30s of the last century. It is assumed that short-legged animals appeared in England during this period, and that at least four generations of such animals were obtained there. But English felinologists failed to preserve the new species during the Second World War.

It is curious that individual individuals of this species have survived in the USSR. At least short-legged cats are mentioned by a German author who visited Stalingrad in 1953. However, no serious documentary evidence of the reliability of these facts has yet been presented.

The Munchkin was officially recognized as a new breed by TICA (International Cat Association) in 1991.

Standards and Varieties of the Munchkin Breed

Each species is divided into subspecies. Based on the length of the limbs, Munchkins are divided into three varieties:

  • Dwarf.
  • Standard.
  • Super short.

Munchkin fur can be absolutely any color. According to the length of the coat, this species is divided into short-haired and long-haired. Short-haired cats are owners of plush wool of medium length, semi-long-haired cats have silky, longer hair with a rich undercoat. The eyes are almond-shaped, any color is also allowed. The set of the eyes gives the muzzle an open, slightly surprised expression.

Sometimes in the litter there are kittens with limbs of the usual length. This is not scary, they are carriers of the “short-legged” gene and are suitable for procreation. The offspring from such animals will also be purebred, with small legs.

Munchkin character

Those who expect that short legs will make these cats inactive and more calm are greatly mistaken. In fact, these are superbly dexterous animals, capable of conquering any height, and very quickly moving in space both horizontally and vertically.

The tail serves as the Munchkin's fifth paw. For example, if a cat needs to inspect the surroundings, then it sits on its hips and stretches out into a “column”, leaning on its tail. The front legs are free, folded under the breast. In this pose, the Munchkins bear a striking resemblance to miniature kangaroos.

By nature, these animals are docile. Kittens, playful and peaceful, do not show unreasonable aggression. They are great companions for children's play.

Unlike most other types of cats, these cats easily adapt to changes in their environment, are sociable, make new acquaintances with pleasure, find a common language with other pets. Munchkins are trainable and can be taught simple tricks.

Munchkin eccentricities

Unlike most cats, there are a number of unique features in the behavior of the Munchkin. For example, they love to arrange hiding places. Owners need to break the habit of throwing their belongings around the house. Otherwise, they will have to be found in such secret nooks and crannies of the apartment, the existence of which the homeowners did not even imagine before.

In addition to arranging hiding places, these cats love to nest. In this they resemble dogs with their attachment to booths. If you are the owner of a short-legged treasure, you need to purchase a special cat house. Otherwise, the cat will build a shelter for itself from all the materials at hand that it can find.

Munchkins love to walk outside. If you teach them to walk on a leash from childhood, then joint promenades somewhere in the park will give you a lot of pleasure.

Necessary Care

These cats are easy to care for. There are a number of standard recommendations that must be followed:

  • Short-haired cats are combed out once every five to six days, long-haired cats - more often, once every three days.
  • Wash the animal no more than once per season, you can not wet your head while bathing. As a rule, Munchkins are not afraid of loud noise, so they use a hair dryer to dry their fur after a bath. But if the animal shows anxiety when blow-drying, do not stress it. In this case, you need to dry the animal with a few towels.
  • Nails are trimmed twice a month. In this case, it is necessary to act very carefully so as not to touch the vessels located at the base of the nail plate.
  • Eyes and ears are cleaned with cotton swabs as they get dirty.
  • Teeth are cleaned once a month, treated with a special paste.
  • A large litter box is chosen for munchkins, as they prefer to handle both needs at the same time. The sides should be low so that it is convenient for the short paw to climb into its toilet.
  • Vitamins are given to animals only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

What to feed a munchkin

These cats are not suitable for food of plant origin. The structural features of the stomach will not allow them to digest it properly. The diet of munchkins should include high-quality dry food and natural meat dishes. It is permissible to give sea fish in small quantities. Once every two weeks, you can pamper your cat with a chicken egg.

Food must be strictly dosed - this species is prone to obesity. The animal must have 24/7 access to water.

Briefly about health

The average lifespan of this breed of cat is approximately fifteen years. Good maintenance, care, comfort and regular examinations in a veterinary clinic will prolong the life of a fluffy pet.

The main disease of Munchkins is curvature of the spine. But recently, veterinarians are increasingly inclined to believe that this problem is inherent in the entire cat family as a whole, and is not exclusively a problem of the Munchkin breed.

Price range

Now short-legged cats are the object of desire of many felinologists. Munchkins are insanely popular not only in the United States, but also in the vastness of our country.

The price of a kitten of this breed starts from $250 and can, depending on the exterior, reach $800 or even more. It is difficult to buy them, because this breed is not yet very common. But when the short-legged miracle crosses the threshold of your apartment, all your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Popular kennels of this breed:

  • Russia - (here is your cattery);
  • Belarus - (take a seat);
  • Ukraine - (submit an application).

The Munchkin cat breed is one of the most unusual. Munchkins are short-legged cats. Munchkin cats are often called dachshunds because of their short legs. In this article you will find a description and photo of the Munchkin breed, find out the nature of these cats, and also find information about the care and maintenance of Munchkin cats.

The description of the Munchkin breed should begin with a consideration of the most unusual feature of these cats - their short legs. The paws of the Munchkin are several times shorter than those of an ordinary domestic cat. However, this does not prevent them from leading a full life and does not affect mobility. The rest of the appearance of Munchkins is no different from other cats.

Munchkin cat breed is long-haired and short-haired. These cats have a smooth, shiny and silky coat. It is very dense, with a moderate undercoat and good protective properties. On the lower part of the body, the hair is longer than on the rest of the body, and the fur collar stands out mainly in long-haired Munchkins. Munchkin cats can have colors of various colors and their combinations.

Munchkin cats have large expressive eyes, a round head, an elongated body, short legs and a long tail. Eye color in these cats is not related to color and can have different colors. The wide-set ears of the Munchkin are of medium size. The hind legs of these cats are longer than the front. Munchkin weight varies from 2 to 5 kg. Cats are bigger than cats. The average life expectancy of a Munchkin is 12 years.

The description of the Munchkin breed includes another unusual feature of these cats. Munchkins love to sit on their hind legs, keeping their torso upright and hanging their short front legs on their sides. In this position, they look especially cute and very reminiscent of kangaroos. Short-legs can stay in this position for quite a long time and often sit for hours in front of the window, watching what is happening on the street.

The history of the Munchkin breed originates from the state of Louisiana. In 1983, one of its residents picked up a cat with short legs on the street. The woman took pity on the animal, took it home and surrounded it with care. The cat was very fond of in the family and was named Blackberry (Blackberry). The hostess even found a couple for Blackberry.

The resulting offspring created a real sensation. The kittens born had short paws, although in a pair of Blackberry they found a cat with paws of a standard size. As it turned out later, Blackberry was a carrier of a natural mutation. The Munchkin breed did not occur as a result of selection, but due to spontaneous mutation. Munchkins have the gene for achondroplasia, which is responsible for short legs. If at least one of the parents has such a gene, then the kittens will definitely be born with short legs.

The same gene is responsible for short stature in dachshunds. Short-legged cats have received worldwide recognition. Munchkins appeared in Russia only in the early 2000s. The breed was named after munchkins, the little men in the book about the magical land of Oz.

The character of a Munchkin cat is wonderful. They are very peaceful, intelligent, affectionate and sociable. The friendly and patient nature of the Munchkin cat makes them one of the best pets among cats. The Munchkin cat breed is very inquisitive, these cats get along well even with children. The character of the Munchkin cat is very calm, but if necessary, they can stand up for themselves.

The short legs of the Munchkins do not prevent them from running and jumping fast. These are very funny, nimble and curious creatures. Munchkin cats are energetic, agile and fast. Munchkins run pretty fast and stomp their short paws in a very funny way. Munchkins cannot jump high, but they are very active, so they will always find an alternative option to climb higher.

Munchkin cats are amazing creatures that are full of warmth and tenderness for people. Munchkins very easily and quickly adapt to the regime of the owners. These cats love to take part in family gatherings, master's conversations and always feel the mood of a person. Munchkins treat guests with friendliness and interest. The docile nature of the Munchkin cat makes it great to coexist with other animals in the house. These cats can walk on a leash and love to travel.

There is one small flaw in the nature of the Munchkin cat. They like to appropriate various small gizmos. If a munchkin lives in your house and some little thing is missing, look for it in your pet's favorite secret corners. As for Munchkin kittens, you often have to look for them yourself. Toddlers are very curious and often get into difficult situations, climbing into hard-to-reach places. This is especially true of various hills, climbing which, they themselves cannot get off.

The content of the munchkin is pretty simple. Munchkins are clean and tidy cats, quite unpretentious in care and do not have serious health problems. The only weak point in this breed is the back. Munchkins are genetically predisposed to such a disease as lordosis of the back - this is a weakening of the spinal muscles. This disease causes problems with the heart and lungs. This disease occurs in other cats, but Munchkins are more likely to suffer from it than other breeds. Therefore, be sure to visit the veterinarian regularly.

The content of the munchkin requires a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. These short-legged cats can be fed both homemade food and premium dry food. In food, munchkins are unpretentious. The main thing is that the food is varied and healthy. Ready-made feeds will cover all the needs for the necessary vitamins and provide complete nutrition for the munchkin.

When feeding with natural products, the basis of the diet should be lean meat. In addition, it is necessary to give fermented milk products, cereals and vegetables. A couple of times a week, you can add fish and eggs. In percentage terms, the optimal diet is as follows: meat - 60%; vegetables - 30%; cereals - 10%. Munchkins are prone to gaining excess weight, which leads to health problems, so do not overfeed your pet.

Munchkin care is quite simple and does not require much effort. It will be necessary to purchase various toys, a tray, bowls and install a scratching post. Do not forget to arrange for your pet a corner in the house where he can relax and be alone. If you have a large house, you can put a basket or a couple of boxes in different parts of the house.

Munchkin care includes a set of standard procedures, such as: cleaning ears and teeth, combing, trimming claws, and more. The coat should be brushed at least once a week, long-haired Munchkins will need to be brushed more often. To do this, you need to purchase special combs. Bathe the Munchkin only with specialized shampoos and no more than 3-4 times a year.

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The cat breed with small paws is the Munchkin. This is an unusual dachshund cat, which has a standard body length, but its small paws are 2 or even 3 times shorter than those of its relatives. In addition to external features, the animal also has behavioral originality.

So, in order to look around, representatives of the breed, instead of standing on their hind legs, sit on their backs and firmly fix in this position, resting their tail on the floor. Cats can stay in this position for a very long time. The front paws, which at this time helplessly hang along the body, give the pets a resemblance to a kangaroo. If you look at the photo, you can see how funny the cat looks in this case.

Origin story

The breed was bred on the basis of animals that had a random mutation that made their paws short. Special cats were discovered in Europe in the 30s of the 20th century. However, at that moment they were not interested in breeders. As a breed, the Munchkins began their formation in 1983 in Louisiana. In Russia, representatives of cats with small paws appeared only in 2001.

The name of the breed is taken from the popular children's fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz", where the little men were called Munchkins.

The mutation causing paw length reduction is very strong and persists even if a particular cat meets a cat with legs of normal length. If you wish, you can find photos of such special cats.

breed standards

Since the Munchkin (a cat breed with short legs) is bred based on a random mutation of ordinary outbred cats, their breed standards are fairly wide-ranging. They are allowed:

  • any even colors;
  • any length of wool;
  • any combination of wool colors;
  • colors of any patterns, including medallions.

The mutational changes affect only the small paws of the cat and do not touch the spine, which is why the cat remains quite mobile and can survive even in the street.

The character of this domestic cat, which has small paws, is very pleasant. He is sociable and friendly, and also has a high intellect. Finding a common language with them is very easy, and therefore animals quickly become favorites of the whole family.

Despite all its peacefulness and affection, the animal can perfectly stand up for itself, if necessary, using its teeth, which are particularly strong and can easily cause serious damage. This compensates for the fact that short legs are not as strong in defense as long ones. This should be taken into account and not left alone with the animal of the child, if he does not understand when the cat wants to take a break from communication, and when it is possible to continue playing with it.

body structure standards

The general standards for the body structure of a cat that has small paws as a sign of the breed are as follows:

  • medium-sized head with a long nose;
  • ears are large, rounded, with pronounced pubescence;
  • the neck is rather long, graceful;
  • the body is elongated, of medium length, with well-developed muscles. Its size is like that of an ordinary cat;
  • the tail is in proportion to the body;
  • paws are short, of the same thickness throughout the entire length;
  • the undercoat is well developed;
  • wool is distinguished by high protective properties from adverse weather conditions and is akin to that of cats forced to live on the street.

The appearance of Munchkin cats is quite diverse, and therefore, if desired, everyone will be able to choose an unusual pet of exactly the kind that they dreamed about. The description of cats is very attractive. They actively conquered the world. With a strong desire, you can always find at least one cattery for breeding such cats.

Features of the representatives of the breed

Representatives of the breed of short-legged Munchkin cats have their own unique features that in many ways equal them with dogs. Observing their behavior, one can decide that a cat is sometimes called a dachshund not only because of the structure of its limbs, but also because of dog habits. The main, unusual for other cats habits that the Munchkin cat has are as follows:

  • Love for secrets. The cat hides in them not food, but various objects that he liked as a toy. Small paws drive them into inappropriate places on purpose. The cat deliberately hides its prey there so that the owner does not take away this property. Given this feature of the pet, it is worth putting some things, including socks, out of the reach of the cat when he appears in the house. Otherwise, some of the things simply will not be found, since it will never cross a person’s head to look for a lost item in the most secluded corners of the apartment.
  • Nest arrangement. A cat with small paws is distinguished by a pronounced genetic memory, and like its ancient ancestors, it diligently equips itself with lairs in a secluded place, in its opinion. Munchkins may nest in drawers and cabinet shelves, other furniture, and other inappropriate places. The older the animal becomes, the more it becomes attached to its shelter. In order for the peculiarity of the cat not to complicate the life of the owners, he needs to immediately buy a house in which he can relax in the same way as a dog does in his booth.
  • Craving for walking. Munchkin is not indifferent to being outdoors and strives with all his might to have a free exit from the premises. Small paws don't make him a couch potato. In order for nothing to happen to the animal, it must be constantly monitored during walks. This is due to the fact that they have small paws and not always the Munchkins will be able to quickly run away if necessary.

The easiest way to do this is to teach your pet to a leash in the same way as a dog. The animal will be very happy to go to the fresh air in any weather, easily adapting to it because of the characteristics of its coat. Do not be surprised if the pet begins to bring a leash and a collar in his teeth. A cat with small paws is very smart and can always show that it wants to take a walk.

The owners also note the cheerful disposition of their unusual pets. Munchkin, cats with short legs, are very willing to keep children company in fun, but only if they know the measure and do not cause him discomfort. A cat will not tolerate anything unpleasant for itself out of love for children and will quickly retire to its lair if it is offended. It will be very difficult to extract it from there, since the animal will defend itself, first of all using its teeth, and not small paws, because due to their short length, the munchkin is not able to actively use its claws in defense.

Caring for a short-legged pet

A cat whose paws are small is the same as an ordinary one, and therefore there are no special complicated rules for caring for it. For a comfortable life of a pet, proper care is needed for him, the same as what would be required if a cat with paws of normal length entered the family. The main recommendations for caring for the Munchkin include the most necessary for many other breeds..

  • Regular hair brushing. It doesn't matter if you buy a longhaired or shorthaired cat. Wool during molting in both animals falls out especially intensively, the rest of the time it climbs less, but constantly. In order for the cat not to swallow its hairs, which can lead to blockage of the intestines, combing out with a special slicker comb during molting is necessary daily, and at other times - once every 3 days.
  • Bathing. Washing cats, despite their dislike for water, is a must. This should be done at least once every 3 months, using special shampoos for cats, which are made according to all the requirements of veterinary medicine. It is not allowed to wet and wash the head of the animal. After bathing, if the cat is not afraid of a hair dryer, then it is used to dry the coat. If the munchkin does not tolerate such a device, then the pet is simply wiped dry and left in a warm place to dry. After this, a dry cat must be combed.
  • Dental treatment. To prevent problems with the gums, it is necessary to apply a special veterinary paste to the teeth and gums of the cat once a month using a cat's toothbrush. Ears and eyes are cleaned only when necessary, and preferably in this case with an appeal to a veterinarian, since in the absence of diseases, the cat should not have problems with them.
  • Nail clipping. Without experience, you can’t do it yourself, because you need to know the rules for its implementation and be able to hold your paws. It is carried out on average 1 time in 2 weeks. The procedure requires special care so as not to hurt the blood vessels and nerve endings. It is best if a veterinarian tells you how to carry out a cat manicure.
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements. It is not recommended to arbitrarily prescribe them to a cat, and they should be used only as prescribed by a veterinarian, and following his instructions.
  • Toilet. Cats with small paws are especially clean and try not to visit the tray just to urinate, and endure until they manage to combine two things at once. The tray must be chosen spacious and with low sides. The high walls of a cat litter box are insurmountable for a cat. Small paws will not allow the cat to get into it. The filler is best used clumping. Clumped material and faeces should be removed daily.

Thus, it becomes clear that for the Munchkin, despite the special paws, care is the same as for an ordinary cat.

Diseases of cats with small paws

In general, Munchkins are highly immune and do not suffer from frequent illnesses. Their average lifespan is 15 years, like most cats that have normal paws.

However, as a cat ages, lordosis (curvature of the spine) may occur, but such a health disorder can appear in other breeds over the years. With lordosis, there is a significant change in pressure on the internal organs of the animal, from which they begin to malfunction. In the event that the cat’s pathology is detected on time, you can stop its progression and extend your pet’s active life.

The price of cats with short legs is quite high, and they are few and hard to find. Having decided to get such a pet, it will take a lot of effort to find a kitten whose paws resemble a dachshund. However, every owner of a unique cat with unusually short legs will say that all the efforts to find a kitten and the financial expenses for its purchase are justified. However, it is worth remembering that ordinary basement murks and murziks, having become family members, turn out to be the best and indispensable for the owners, and it doesn’t matter at all how long their paws are.

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