Colostrum in autoimmune diseases. Colostrum: reviews of doctors are negative. Colostrum - what is it?

Colostrum (colostrum): capsules, powder, chewable tablets, liquid

Colostrum: Capsules, Powder, Chewable Tablets, Liquid

Protect your health and stop aging with Colostrum PLUS ® by Symbiotics

Colostrum is the first food that mammals produce at birth. It is often referred to as the "perfect food for life". It contains an excellent combination of immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids to protect the body and stimulate the baby's immune system. As we age, the immune and growth factors in our body decline and we become more prone to fatigue, unwanted weight gain, loss of skin firmness and muscle tone. In addition, we become vulnerable to pollutants and allergens.

Colostrum PLUS ® is a source of powerful, natural antibodies and immune factors that help strengthen the immune system and play a key role in health:

- Gives strength, increases endurance and the formation of lean muscle mass;

– Promotes the formation of a healthy intestinal flora and supports the entire gastrointestinal tract;

– Stimulates cell regeneration for healthy skin, bones, muscles, nerves and cartilage.

Remember, not all colostrum is the same. Make sure your family benefits from Colostrum PLUS® to the fullest.

Colostrum - Frequently Asked Questions

Why bovine colostrum?

Studies have shown that immunity and growth factors in bovine colostrum are nearly identical to those in human colostrum. Because bovine colostrum is not species-specific, it is effective in both humans and other animals.

Why do adults need Colostrum?

Immediately after puberty, our body begins to age, gradually producing fewer immune and growth factors that help us fight disease and heal damaged tissues. Colostrum is the only natural source of these vital components. According to research, colostrum not only supports the functioning of the immune system, but also increases the consumption of fat as a fuel and optimizes cell reproduction. As far as we know, no substance on earth has such miraculous benefits.

How safe is it?

Colostrum is a natural product that has long been used as a bioactive supplement.

What if I am lactose intolerant?

What if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

Check with your healthcare professional before taking prescription and over-the-counter drugs, herbs, and dietary supplements. The same goes for colostrum.

Can I give Colostrum to children?

For children who have not been breastfed, pediatricians recommend adding colostrum to formula milk. Be sure to check with your pediatrician about dosing.

How about pets?

Bovine colostrum works wonderfully on cats, dogs and other mammals because it is not species specific. As a powder, it can be added in small amounts to food and water. Most pets love the taste of colostrum. It is advisable to drink it with water.

How much should be taken?

Can I take Colostrum at the same time as other supplements/drugs?

Colostrum acts in the digestive tract in such a way that all substances taken orally (food, herbs, medicinal substances, medicines) are better absorbed by the body. Although nothing is known about drug interactions with colostrum, check with your doctor first, as other supplements and medications you take may have a pronounced effect.

What is the difference between powder and capsules?

Research suggests that to get the most benefit from colostrum, it should be taken in both powder and capsule form. Colostrum capsules should be taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water so that it enters the small intestine, where immune factors are most active. To experience the beneficial effects of growth factors, colostrum should be taken in powder form,
which will allow it to mix with acid in the stomach or mouth. The powder can be diluted with water or juice (preferably orange).

Does Colostrum have side effects?

Side effects are very rare. If you experience serious side effects, stop taking the drug immediately and contact your doctor. Due to the detoxifying properties of colostrum, some side effects may occur. Before leaving our body, the toxins can cause a small rash, changes in the gut, and flu-like symptoms. Most of the side effects are due to
taking other active supplements or drugs with colostrum. In this case, consult your doctor.

I am a vegetarian. Colostrum is not an animal food?

Although colostrum is an animal food, it has been an integral part of the strict vegetarian diet of rishis (spiritual leaders in Hinduism) for thousands of years. In modern India, milkmen supplied colostrum to wealthy vegetarians. Interestingly, in India, the birthplace of vegetarianism, a cow is considered a sacred animal.

Is colostrum a natural antibody?

Colostrum has shown beneficial effects on health. However, taking colostrum is not able to change the innate genetics of a person. Colostrum does not change our DNA - our genetic make-up is determined by our parents. The goal of any nutritional support is to improve the body and prevent the growth of diseased cells. The health benefits of colostrum are written in numerous scientific

Why is some Colostrum fat free?

There are no growth factors in the fatty part of the colostrum. They are proteins and are not found in fats. Degreasing colostrum protects against rancidity.

How safe are gelatin capsules?

Gelatin capsules are generally considered safe and are made from the connective tissue of healthy animals.

Undoubtedly! Cow dung can get on the udder and introduce E. coli, salmonella and pathogenic bacteria. This threatens to contaminate dairy products. Dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurized to kill pathogens. There are two ways to pasteurize colostrum: flash pasteurization (15 seconds) and long 30 minute bath pasteurization. Instant pasteurization uses expensive, high-tech equipment that does not destroy the natural properties of colostrum. During a long half-hour pasteurization, a huge tub of colostrum is heated from the outside. It takes a long time to heat the colostrum pot to the right temperature. During this time, bacteria multiply in the colostrum. They feed on colostrum, destroying its natural properties and reducing its effectiveness. Most of the colostrum sold today is for the pet food market and is not pasteurized.

Does colostrum have to be pasteurized?

Undoubtedly! Cow dung can get on the udder and introduce E. coli, salmonella and pathogenic bacteria. This threatens to contaminate dairy products. Dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurized to kill pathogens. There are two ways to pasteurize colostrum: flash pasteurization (15 seconds) and long 30 minute bath pasteurization.
Instant pasteurization uses expensive, high-tech equipment that does not destroy the natural properties of colostrum. During a long half-hour pasteurization, a huge tub of colostrum is heated from the outside. It takes a long time to heat the colostrum pot to the right temperature. During this time, bacteria multiply in the colostrum. They feed on colostrum, destroying its natural properties and reducing its effectiveness. Most of the colostrum sold today is for the pet food market and is not pasteurized.

When is the best time to collect colostrum?

A high level of immunoglobulin plays a very important role for newborn calves, as it is the only source of immune protection at birth. However, for people taking colostrum as a supplement, the level of immunoglobulin in the colostrum is not a measure of quality. The first milk yield contains a large amount of immunoglobulin, and, accordingly, not enough other useful substances such as lactoferrin and platelet-rich plasma. To obtain a perfectly balanced product, colostrum must be harvested within the first 48 hours.

Does colostrum contain estrogen?

Bovine colostrum contains a tiny amount of estrogen. In this form - when taken orally - it is not absorbed by the human body. There is evidence that growth factors in colostrum balance the levels of sex hormones and growth hormones. Women receiving hormone replacement therapy are advised to adjust the intake of drugs and active supplements that increase the level
estrogen. Colostrum - Superfood

Colostrum Mt. Capra, CapraColostrum, Goat Milk Colostrum

In the article, we will consider the reviews of doctors about colostrum.

In fact, this is mother's milk, which begins to be produced starting from the last day of pregnancy, and during the first seven days after the baby is born. This happens in humans and all mammals. The composition of colostrum can be very different from the mother's milk, which the baby eats throughout the feeding. In biological supplements, cow colostrum is usually used.

What it is?

Colostrum is called complex preparations that have an immunomodulatory effect, created on the basis of cow colostrum. Such supplements, as a rule, are products of network companies that distribute various therapeutic and preventive products. Colostrum helps people to restore their immunity by developing resistance to any colds, among other things, it is a natural source of essential substances suitable for activating and supporting the immune system.

Reviews of doctors about colostrum will be presented at the end of the article.

Composition and format of release

It is usually produced in capsules, packaged in jars of sixty to ninety pieces each. It has a special composition, which includes various unique ingredients and immunoactive substances. These include:

  • Proteins that protect the human body from various foreign elements (be it bacteria, mold, viruses, allergies) are called immunoglobulins.
  • Carriers of protective information along with transfer factor molecules that teach the body to fight infections penetrating into it.
  • Lactoferrin, which acts as an antiviral antibacterial element with antioxidant properties.
  • Cytokines that are able to activate the synthesis of immunoglobulins, strengthening the immune system, and they also have anti-inflammatory and antitumor functions.
  • Interleukin, which is an element responsible for protecting the body from various inflammatory processes.
  • Endorphins, which are designed to protect the body from stress.
  • A growth factor on which the proper development of children depends, as well as tissue renewal and slowing down the aging process of the body.
  • Amino acids, acting as a kind of building material for the protein structure and muscle fibers.
  • Nucleotides that take part in the synthesis of DNA, and in addition, in the development and renewal of all body cells.

Now let's talk about the pharmacological possibilities of colostrum for children and adults.

Properties and functions

Colostrum has a strong immunomodulatory property and especially affects the body against the background of a state of immunodeficiency or autoimmune abnormalities. Manifesting regulatory properties make it possible to have a rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the human body. Colostrum contains many biologically active substances that are not found in milk and are not found in any other product. Colostrum is recommended for use in such cases:

  • In order to improve the effect on immunity.
  • As part of the restoration of the digestive system.
  • To renew brain cells.
  • Such a remedy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Improving emotional tone.
  • Increased performance.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Protection of the body from various infections and diseases that occur in the cardiac and vascular, as well as digestive systems.
  • Recovery of liver cells.
  • Healing of wounds and burns in a short time.
  • The ability to cleanse the body, slowing down the aging process.

According to doctors, colostrum is very popular.

"Colostrum LR"

Colostrum brand LR has the following characteristics:

  • It is produced within a few hours after the birth of calves and supplies newborns with everything they need.
  • It is extracted exclusively from cows bred in Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland.
  • Does not contain any preservatives.
  • Pure and fat-free colostrum.
  • This product is not pasteurized: it is of high quality and carefully processed when refrigerated.

Reviews of Colostrum LR Colostrum are mostly positive.

It is worth noting that this is the only product with colostrum on the market that has received the seal of quality from the Frezenius Institute. LR brand colostrum provides direct protection to consumers in the following cases:

  • In the presence of any colds.
  • Against the background of gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa).
  • In the presence of diseases that are accompanied by loose stools.
  • Colostrum perfectly strengthens the immune system, so it is advisable to use it when the body is weakened after an illness or treatment (for example, against the background of minor side effects during chemotherapy).
  • In case of increased stress on the body, for example, during winter periods, in stressful situations, when playing sports or while working with sick people.

Colostrum for children

It is better to read the reviews of doctors in advance.

This remedy is used for babies in the form of a biologically active food supplement. The drug is used as a source of immunoglobulins G. The composition of such a product usually includes bovine colostrum along with mannitol, fructose, citric and ascorbic acid, dye (usually retinol palmitate or beta-carotene), natural flavor, silicon and magnesium stearate, which differ vegetable origin.

According to reviews, colostrum for children is very well suited.

How to use

The method of application is usually as follows: for children, starting from the age of five, one tablet is prescribed twice a day during meals. The duration of the therapeutic course, as a rule, is one month. Such biological additives effectively increase the immunity of the child, stimulating the regenerative processes of the child's body.

"Colostrum Argo"

This is another highly effective biologically active food supplement developed on the basis of bovine colostrum. Reviews of "Colostrum Argo" are also available.

For its preparation, primary mother's milk is also used, which is secreted by the mammary gland of mammals within two days after the birth of offspring. It is worth noting that colostrum differs significantly from milk in its physical and chemical properties, as it contains a wide range of antibodies designed to support immunity. This substance has a high nutritional value. "Colostrum Argo" has the following properties:

"Colostrum NSP": composition and form of release

Each jar of this drug contains one hundred capsules with a dosage of 510 milligrams. One pill contains the following ingredients: dry colostrum along with astragalus, maitake mushroom and inositol. And the auxiliary component in this case is gelatin. "Colostrum NSP" has the following properties:

  • Providing an immunoregulatory effect in case of diseases and allergies.
  • Increasing the overall resistance of the human body to colds and all kinds of infections.
  • The process of rejuvenation along with the acceleration of tissue regeneration.
  • Prevention of complications after any surgical intervention.

Reviews of doctors about "Colostrum NSP" are rather contradictory.

Negative reviews of doctors about colostrum

It is worth emphasizing that colostrum is a very useful product, and therefore it is not surprising that it is difficult to find negative reviews from specialists on the Internet about it. But nevertheless, these still occur.

First of all, doctors report that this primary milk, which contains a large amount of active immunoglobulins, can provoke allergic reactions in people, especially in children. But, fortunately, as doctors emphasize, such a phenomenon is quite rare. What other negative reviews of doctors about colostrum are there?

In addition, some doctors call such biological supplements useless pacifiers that should not be purchased. To avoid deception, it is best to buy such a remedy only from trusted and well-deserved manufacturers. There are also complaints about the cost. For example, one can of pills on average costs the consumer one and a half thousand rubles.

In addition to the negative reviews of doctors about colostrum, there are also positive ones.

Positive feedback from experts

Doctors report using colostrum in many of their patients. As noted, doctors prescribe such drugs, especially for the treatment of older people in order to stimulate their immune system. For example, thanks to this medicine, according to doctors, it is possible to defeat sinusitis by taking about ten capsules.

In addition, doctors report that against the background of fibromyalgia, within three weeks, patients experience fatigue along with muscle and general pain and other symptoms. In their practice, doctors use colostrum to manage a variety of conditions in the form of reduced immune function, chronic or infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and allergies.

But as noted, most often doctors successfully use such biological additives for the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory canals of all types, especially with sinusitis. Clinical studies, in turn, according to doctors, have proven the effectiveness of colostrum in relation to Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, herpes viruses, polio and Candida fungus.

My review today will be devoted to taking such a dietary supplement as Colostrum for autoimmune diseases, namely rheumatoid arthritis.

This diagnosis was made with a great delay, when exhausting night pains significantly worsened the quality of life. At first they bothered me only a few times a year, then - a couple of times a month (usually - on the new moon and full moon), then - most of the month. Rain, snow, north wind, south wind, etc. etc. - all this did not let me sleep until the morning, - I was "twisted", "spun", "hooked" ... I managed to fall asleep only at 6-7 in the morning, woke up in the afternoon with terrible stiffness in the joints, a feeling of weakness. NSAIDs did not help at all (neither injections nor pills), hospitalization loomed. But there were already serious drugs with a bunch of side effects, so I decided to try dietary supplements first.

My first rheumatoid arthritis product was Colostrum by California Gold Nutrition. If you are reading this review, then you probably know that Colostrum is colostrum, the first secretions of the mammary glands, for the first time hours after the birth of a mammal with a high content of immune factors. It is a well-researched and beneficial supplement that is safe even for pregnant and lactating women.

Colostrum contains dozens of components essential for health, mainly for immune system support and growth. Colostrum is composed of various macro and micro components such as cytokines, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, growth factors and hormones, etc. These components perform various biological functions that are essential for maintaining health and immune function.

Here is a link to one of the scientific studies proving the effectiveness of Kollostrum in a variety of autoimmune (and other) diseases: [link]

In autoimmune diseases, Collostrum helps in the following ways:

Immune factors (lactoferrin, polypeptides rich in proline, etc.) regulate the body's immune response;
- growth factors restore damaged cells;

Anti-inflammatory substances help to reduce the inflammation characteristic of autoimmune diseases.
How is the immune response regulated? Transforming growth factors alpha and beta were found in colostrum. Growth factor beta suppresses the functions of cells involved in immune defense when the infection is eliminated and the work of immune cells is no longer necessary. It is under the influence of this factor that the synthesis of collagen and the production of immunoglobulin IgA increase during wound healing, the generation of memory cells occurs (we are talking about "immune" memory).

The growth factors in bovine colostrum repairs the damage caused by autoimmune diseases. Transforming growth factor can reverse protein breakdown to promote tissue repair. For example, epidermal growth factor may help reverse the cellular damage associated with autoimmune diseases. IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) helps to stimulate the transport of glucose molecules in patients with type 1 diabetes.
Growth factors have an anti-inflammatory effect, namely inflammation is a consequence of autoimmune diseases.
Studies show that colostrum contains components that can positively influence the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), and TNF-a is considered by modern medicine as one of the most important areas in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Growth factors restore damaged cells of the gastrointestinal tract. They can also reduce the cellular distance of the gastric epithelium, which prevents the leakage of toxins from the intestine into the body (leaky gut syndrome, or increased intestinal permeability). This is especially true for patients with autism and psoriasis.
Studies show that colostrum is effective in the treatment of a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders, including the treatment of gastrointestinal tract caused by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Colostrum is also used in the treatment of diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori and in infectious diarrhea.

I chose Colostrum from California Gold Nutrition because of the good reviews (collostrum also varies) and ease of use (capsules are more convenient for me, although the same jar of powder is cheaper). On the iHerb website, the share price was about 700 rubles. (now - about 1000).

I started taking Kollostrum in winter with a severe exacerbation. I took 2 capsules 2 times a day (strictly on an empty stomach) - already on the third and fourth day I felt relief - the night pains became dull. This package should have been enough for 2 months, but it was not always possible to drink 4 capsules a day, so it was enough for about 2.5 months.

And behold, a miracle happened! Night pains have stopped and have not bothered me for several weeks. Today I woke up, it was raining outside the window (it turned out that it had been raining all night), and my back, which always "felt" the approach of rain or strong wind for 2-3 days, did not feel it at all.

Of course, I still have a lot to do. Chronic sleep deprivation led to constant fatigue, because of which I could not only do physiotherapy exercises (which is very desirable), but also simple household chores (after sleeping, after 2-3 hours I was terribly hungry again). After Kollostrum, I start taking other supplements (sulfur, boswellia, etc.). I am also going to take a new (for myself) type of collagen type II.

I note that I have been taking type I and III collagen for a long time and I am very satisfied (more on this in the Magic Collagen review, or how to look 16 at 40).

How is type 2 collagen different? Collagen of the first and third types helps to preserve the youthfulness of the skin (95% of all collagen in the human dermis is collagen of these types), and type II collagen is the main protein that forms the structure of cartilage, i.e. more suitable for joints. I'm not sure if it is indicated for rheumatoid arthritis, because it is still an inflammatory disease and here you need to make the main efforts to relieve inflammation, but still I'm going to finally do physical therapy or yoga - so at least some benefit for joints, I hope this type of collagen will bring me.

I'll post the results later.

Colostrum means colostrum in English. Colostrum is secreted from the mammary glands of a woman in the last days of pregnancy and the first days after childbirth. It has a thicker texture than breast milk. Colostrum contains a high concentration of nutrients. This is due to the fact that the baby's stomach immediately after birth is too small. It holds only a few tens of milliliters of food.

Application in sports nutrition

There are many supplements for athletes that contain colostrum. Usually it is bovine colostrum. It is assumed that taking dietary supplements allows you to increase strength or build muscle.

This is unlikely. Perhaps colostrum can be used as a source of protein. But this is hardly advisable, given the higher price compared to whey protein.

Children suffer from infectious diseases much more often than adults. They have immature immunity. Therefore, caring mothers are trying in every possible way to strengthen it. One way is to take dietary supplements containing colostrum.

Unfortunately, its use will lead to nothing. A baby's digestive system develops rapidly after birth. Therefore, all immunoglobulins that get there with cow's milk or colostrum are quickly destroyed in the intestines.

Consider the main supplements containing colostrum, which are used in sports nutrition, as well as to strengthen the immune system in children and adults. They are not cheap. A month of receiving such funds costs 1000-3000 rubles.

Colosrum Direct liquid

The supplement is available in liquid form. Colostrum Direct costs 2000 rubles for a 125 ml bottle. Take the remedy for 15 days, 8 ml per day.

It is proposed to use it to stimulate the immune system and treat acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, gastritis, diarrhea of ​​any origin. It is assumed that Colostrum liquid increases strength, treats autoimmune diseases, destroys any infections, including HIV.

Colostrum NPS, like most supplements from this company, is intended to treat all diseases. The dietary supplement allegedly stimulates the immune system, improves skin condition, normalizes blood sugar, destroys fungi and viruses, treats cancer, and restores damaged body tissues. Price - 870 rubles for 60 capsules of 500 mg.

Additional components:

  • astragalus membranous;
  • shiitake;
  • maitake mushroom.

Colostrum plus costs 2655 rubles for 60 capsules of 680 mg. The tool is a source of transferrin, immunoglobulin and polyproline.

It is used to strengthen the immune system, increase the energy reserve of the body, normalize the endocrine system. Colostrum plus is supposed to protect a person from any bacterial and viral infections.

A dietary supplement from the company Argo containing colostrum is called Colostrum TSN. Price - 800 rubles for 60 capsules.

The list of diseases that this supplement claims to treat is huge. These are inflammatory processes of any localization, all autoimmune diseases, peptic ulcer, benign tumors, diabetes, and even pathologies such as AIDS and cancer. Colostrum TSN is supposed to strengthen the immune system, promote weight loss, energize, heal wounds, etc.

Colostrum Essence is available in packs of 60 capsules. Dosage - 400 mg. The tool is positioned as a source of vitamins, minerals, immunoglobulins, cytokines, lactoferrin.

The supplement is used for reduced immunity. Its reception is shown by a course not less than 2 months.

Under the same brand, Colostrum Essence cream is produced. It costs 600 rubles for 200 ml. It is believed that this nourishing cream saturates the skin cells with useful substances and accelerates its regeneration, making it elastic and elastic.

Additive Now Foods Colostrum costs 1800 rubles for 90 capsules of 500 mg. It is used to stimulate the immune system. It is assumed that this effect is provided by the presence of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polysaccharides, probiotics and immune system factors in the composition of dietary supplements.

Additional substances in the composition:

  • olive leaf extract;
  • arabinogalactan from larch;
  • astragalus;
  • eleutherococcus.

It is assumed that Colostrum Now Foods can be taken with frequent SARS, allergic diseases, inflammatory processes of the urinary system, respiratory tract infections.

Instructions for use

Most colostrum capsule supplements are taken one to two times per day. The course of treatment usually lasts 1 month. Some manufacturers recommend taking dietary supplements for 2-3 months. There are also supplements designed for continuous long-term use.

All of them have no contraindications, with the exception of the standard set of pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance. There are no side effects. In children, most dietary supplements based on colostrum are approved for use.

Doctor's review

Receiving colostrum is completely useless for both an adult and a child (with the exception of the neonatal period), for a number of reasons:

Colostrum components are not absorbed. Most of the beneficial properties are explained by the presence of immune factors, cytokines, immunoglobulins, etc. in the colostrum. All these substances are of protein origin. Therefore, in a mature digestive system, they cannot be absorbed. Immunoglobulins will be broken down by intestinal and pancreatic enzymes in the same way as any protein food.

Immunoglobulins do not prevent infections. Most people use dietary supplements, supposedly strengthening the immune system, not for therapeutic, but for preventive purposes. That is, they drink them to avoid infectious disease in the future. But immunoglobulins are substances that destroy existing infections. They do not enhance the body's defenses. To provide immunity against infection for a long time, immunoglobulins must be produced in one's own body, and not come from outside.

Immunoglobulins are specific proteins. They do not eliminate all types of infections. Immunoglobulins are synthesized in response to the penetration of specific antigens into the body. For example, antibodies against rubella, gonorrhea, or tapeworm may be produced. The child, constantly consuming colostrum and breast milk, is protected in the first months of life from those infections that the mother had had. If you consume colostrum in the form of dietary supplements, accordingly, this will protect you only from those infections that a cow once had (the colostrum in most supplements is of cow origin).

Potential Benefits of Taking Colostrum

It is possible that colostrum in adequate dosages can be used to treat certain infections. Humans and cows have several common infectious diseases. Colostrum may well contain immunoglobulins against E. coli, clostridium, rotavirus, Shigella Flexner and several types of staphylococcus aureus.

This list only lists intestinal infections. Why? The reason is stated above. Antibodies cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream due to their breakdown by the mature digestive system. Accordingly, if they can act somewhere, it is only in the intestines. But even there, the chances that colostrum will work are minimal, because:

  • Intestinal infections affect the large intestine, and immunoglobulins are destroyed before they reach it - in the small intestine.
  • It is far from certain that the cow, from which colostrum was obtained for the production of dietary supplements, was ill at one time with shigellosis or rotavirus infections.

Perhaps the use of colostrum is a promising direction in medicine of the future, but not of the present. If cows are given certain infections and then colostrum is obtained from them, and if a good way is developed to deliver colostrum to the human colon, then some diseases can be treated in this way. But so far it makes no sense. Most of these infections are quite successfully destroyed by antibiotics or go away on their own after a few days, without any treatment.

Attention! Unfortunately, back in 2015, Colostrum Direct (liquid colostrum) was not sold on the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus due to economic sanctions (completely withdrawn from supplies). As an alternative, we suggest taking a course of a useful supplement to strengthen the immunity of adults and children - Cistus Incanus capsules from LR (cistus). For throat problems, also use a throat spray from this beneficial plant.

Colostrum is a quick help to your immune system. From the milk of the first hours of life of the offspring. For better results in everyday life, old age and in sports!

Colostrum is colostrum, the first real cow's milk. It is produced only a few hours after the birth of the calf, and supplies the newborn with everything necessary.

  • Exclusively from cows bred in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France.
  • Without preservatives.
  • Pure colostrum, fat free.
  • Not pasteurized: high quality and careful processing when refrigerated.
  • The only colostrum product on the market to receive the seal of quality from SGS Frezenius.

Scope of Colostrum Pearls from LR: as a biologically active food supplement containing class G immunoglobulins (IgG).

Release Format: liquid in a 125 ml bottle.

Discovery of the colostrum

Colostrum, also called primordial milk or colostrum, is the milk produced by a cow during the first hours of her offspring's life and differs significantly in composition from regular milk. Already at the end of the eighteenth century, the physician Christoph W. Hufeland described the positive effect of colostrum on the health and growth of newborn calves. Primary milk is now known to help the calf survive because its high concentrations of immune and growth factors provide the newborn with a natural inoculation against germs, bacteria, and viruses (calf immunization), as well as ensure the growth and vitality of the calf.

Why can a person use bovine colostrum?

Since cow and human colostrum are almost identical in composition and the same pathogens act on humans and cows, cow colostrum is undoubtedly beneficial for human health. At the same time, a cow's colostrum contains millions of times more immune information than a human colostrum. In addition, immune substances in the cow's colostrum are contained in a concentration forty times higher than their content in human blood.

Colostrum production.

Colostrum intended for human consumption is obtained exclusively from cows bred in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Only excess colostrum is used, which is secreted in the first 12 hours of life of the offspring, since all the ingredients in it are contained in the highest concentration. Patented, gentle "cold production" technology ensures maximum concentration of ingredients (unlike pasteurized colostrum products). In the production of Colostrum Direct, a gentle freeze-drying technology is used. Colostrum Direct is a 100% natural product that does not contain chemical additives or preservatives. The packaging of Colostrum Direct bears the stamp of the Fresenius Institute. Colostrum is also suitable for people allergic to cow's milk protein, sensitive stomachs and diabetics.

composition and impact.

Compound: bovine colostrum, defatted, devoid of casein. Contains lactose.

Description of ingredients:

a) Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, Iga, IgE) in high concentration: specific antibodies whose task is to recognize viruses and bacteria, and their destruction or marking to facilitate the impact of other immune structures on them;

b) Natural growth factors such as IGF1, TGFA, TGFB and EGF: have a positive effect on metabolism and stimulate cell growth and regeneration (1GF1 has a general effect, TGF A + B acts on muscle tissue, EGF on the skin);

c) Immunoregulators, such as, for example, lactoferrin and cytokine (interleukin, interferon): they control the overall defenses of the body, trigger and harmonize defense reactions.

Lactoferrin is one of the most powerful antiviral and antibacterial substances. Scientific studies have proven that interferon slows down the growth of tumor cells.

d) PRP = proline-rich polypeptide: serves to maintain the balance of the immune system by curbing its excessive activity or maintaining an underactive, weakened immune system;

e) free amino acids (to preserve and restore body cells);

e) vitamins, minerals, trace elements;

g) enzymes, such as, for example, the "anti-aging enzyme" telomerase.

Applications (based on Prummer 2007 and Kelly 2003)

Colostrum provides immediate protection:

  • with all colds (ARVI);
  • with gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • in diseases accompanied by loose stools.

Colostrum strengthens the immune system:

  • when the body is weakened after past illnesses or treatment (for example, minor side effects during chemotherapy);
  • with increased stress on the body, for example, in winter, in stressful situations, during sports, when working with sick people (increased stress in sports and professional activities).

Colostrum regulates the immune system:

  • with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal mycosis, infectious diarrhea);
  • restoration of a healthy intestinal mucosa with allergies (for example, with pollen allergy), sensitivity to allergens decreases;
  • in autoimmune diseases (eg, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, AIDS).
  • improving sports results in a natural way (improving lipid metabolism, improving muscle tissue regeneration);
  • regeneration and formation of tissues (cartilaginous and bone tissue) - stimulation of collagen synthesis in the skin ("anti-aging effect").

Action, expected effect of the use of Colostrum

The immunoglobulins, growth factors and immunoregulators contained in colostrum protect, strengthen and regulate our immune system. In addition, they support the regeneration of our body. As a rich source of free amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, colostrum supports and improves digestion and metabolism at the cellular level. Liquid "Colostrum direct" is used as a first aid for the onset of symptoms of the disease. It is taken 1-2 tablespoons a day in its pure form or mixed with cold juice.

The MAIN purpose of taking Colostrum is to have an immediate effect on the immune system and to strengthen or harmonize the body's ability to heal itself. At the same time, a weak, emaciated body is more sensitive to the effects of Colostrum. According to a study conducted by Italian scientists (Cerasone 2005), Colostrum is 3-5 times more effective than a regular flu shot.

Read also the article: "LR Colostrum - quality criteria".

  • Product technical information

    Vendor code: 80361-140

    Certificate (certificate of state registration): RU.Е.021201.06.11.

    Manufacturer:"Colostrum Technologies GmbH", Richthofenstr.21 1/2, 86343 Konigsbrunn, Germany for "LR Health&Beauty Systems GmbH"

    Best before date: 18 months. Store the opened bottle in the refrigerator and use within 14 days.

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