Anxiolytics work. Natural Anxiolytics: The best anxiolytics. When are anxiolytics used?

In the modern world, most people are forced to constantly be in a state of stress and emotional tension, which naturally leads over time to various neurotic disorders. By the way, in developed countries, up to 20% of the population suffers from these disorders.

In connection with the described situation, the problems of diagnosing neurotic disorders, as well as their treatment, are currently becoming one of the most relevant in pharmacology and medicine. And drugs that help to cope with increased anxiety, anxiety and disorders are among the most popular today.

In the article, we will try to take a closer look at the effect of psychotropic drugs, a group of which includes tranquilizers, also called anxiolytics, and antidepressants, and also to understand what is the difference between their effects on the human body.

Anxiety disorders are the scourge of modern man

Among the psycho-emotional disorders that manifest themselves within the framework and should be highlighted in the first place), it is anxiety disorders that are most common. By the way, they can also be observed as a separate nosological form (i.e., an independent disease), for example, in the form of panic attacks, social phobias, or And, unfortunately, anxiety-depressive disorders currently occur in 70% of patients with depressive states of non-psychotic origin, while for reasons that have not yet been clarified, 75% of them are women.

It is worth noting that if neuroses increase the feeling of fear and anxiety, regardless of the nature of the underlying disease, then in medicine this is always considered as a negative circumstance. This happens because anxiety greatly worsens the psycho-emotional state of the patient, and against this background, psychosomatic pathology may develop, and the somatic (bodily) diseases that he already has will be more difficult and with a worse prognosis.

Various psychotropic drugs, which include tranquilizers (anxiolytics) and antidepressants, help to fight the state of anxiety.

Anxiolytics (tranquilizers) and antidepressants: the difference between them

But it is immediately necessary to clarify that, despite a similar general focus, these funds have a different effect on the patient. And the main difference between them lies precisely in the fact that anxiolytics work to destroy the feelings of anxiety, melancholy, restlessness, irritability that accompany depression, and antidepressants fight the disease itself.

Tranquilizers (a list of drugs with this action will be provided below) detect their effect immediately, but it usually lasts no more than a day, after which the patient, without receiving the next dose of the drug, may again experience alarming symptoms.

The effect of antidepressants is longer, as it is aimed at the causes of the appearance of a pathological condition. The course of treatment with these drugs can last 1-2 months, and in severe cases up to a year. But with the right therapy, antidepressants allow you to get rid of depression completely. In severe cases of the disease, tranquilizers are prescribed together with antidepressants - some treat the manifestation of the disease, while others treat its cause.

What properties do tranquilizers have?

So, we found out that tranquilizers primarily have an anxiolytic effect - this is a decrease in the patient's feelings of fear, anxiety, tension, manifested to varying degrees in various psychosomatic pathologies.

As a rule, tranquilizers also have a sedative (general sedative), hypnotic, muscle relaxant (reducing muscle tone), as well as anticonvulsant action. And the hypnotic effect of the described drugs is expressed in the increased effect on the patient's body of hypnotics, analgesics (painkillers), as well as narcotic drugs used together with tranquilizers.

These drugs can be very effective for (so-called obsessiveness) or increased suspiciousness (hypochondria). But it should be noted that at the same time, acute affective, delusional, hallucinatory and other disorders, which can also be accompanied by anxiety, fear and anxiety, cannot be treated with tranquilizers.

How is information transmitted in the human brain?

To understand how a person develops a constant feeling of fear and anxiety, emotional tension, as well as other signs of a depressive state, let's look in general terms at how information is transmitted in the brain.

The brain consists of nerve cells - neurons that do not directly touch each other. There is a synapse (or synaptic cleft) between neurons, and therefore the transfer of information, namely electrical impulses between neurons, is carried out with the help of chemical mediators called mediators.

Violations in the emotional sphere of a person lead to a change in the concentration of some mediators (this condition includes a decrease in the amount of three of them): norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine.

How does an antidepressant work?

The action of antidepressants is aimed at regulating the number of mediators. Once a neuron receives an electrical signal, neurotransmitters enter the synapse and help carry that signal further. But if they are destroyed, then the transmission process becomes weak or even impossible. And in such cases, as a rule, we are talking about a depressive state of a person - the patient's concentration is disturbed, apathy occurs, the emotional background decreases, anxiety, fear and similar manifestations of a pathological condition appear.

The appointment of antidepressants in this condition prevents the destruction of mediators, due to which the transmission of the nerve impulse is enhanced, and the inhibition of the signal is compensated.

But it should be borne in mind that long-term use of antidepressants inevitably causes side effects in the form of weight changes, impaired sexual activity, dizziness, nausea, and itching of the skin. Why these legal psychotropic drugs are inevitably placed in the category of drugs that require special control over the appointment and intake.

Why are tranquilizers so widespread?

Unlike antidepressants, the effect of anxiolytics is to reduce excitability in the subcortical areas of the brain, while the effect on the concentration of mediators in these drugs is weakly expressed.

In clinical practice, the spread of tranquilizers (anxiolytics) is facilitated by the fact that, compared with antidepressants, they have fewer severe side effects and, as a rule, are well tolerated by the patient.

Anxiolytic drugs are used both in hospital and outpatient settings. And the scope of their use has long gone beyond the scope of psychiatry. It covers neurological, surgical, oncological and other diseases. And this is primarily due to the fact that since the development of the first tranquilizers, their group has already included more than 100 different drugs with a wide range of effects, and the development of new ones is still ongoing.

When are anxiolytics used?

So, as you probably already understood, in order to eliminate the feeling of fear, anxiety, increase the threshold to normalize sleep, reduce irritability, incontinence and hypochondriacal reactions, the patient needs to prescribe anxiolytics. Their influence helps to streamline the patient's behavior, reduce the exhaustion of the central nervous system, improve the patient's social adaptation, and even reduce autonomic disorders. Indications for the use of these drugs are both neurotic conditions and manifestations of sleep disorders, as well as cardiovascular problems and pain syndromes.

The most common in such cases are tranquilizers related to benzodiazepines: Xanax, Lorazepam, Finazepam, Elenium, Diazepam or Relanium. But the so-called atypical anxiolytics are also widely used - for example, Buspirone hydrochloride or Mexidol preparations.

Tranquilizers: a list of drugs and their effects

Tranquilizers (anxiolytics), as already mentioned, are used in the treatment of many diseases of both psychosomatic and somatic origin.

These drugs help reduce the excitability of those parts of the human brain that are responsible for emotional reactions. And the main thing in tranquilizers is an anxiolytic effect, which is expressed not only in reducing anxiety, but also in reducing obsessiveness (obsessive thoughts), as well as in alleviating hypochondria (increased suspiciousness). They relieve mental stress, fear and anxiety, which is most pronounced in such drugs as Finazepam, Nozepam, Diazepam and Lorazepam.

And the drugs "Nitrazepam" and "Alprazolam", which have a pronounced effect, can also be classified as a sleeping pill-tranquilizer. Medicines "Mezapam" and "Grandaxin" are classified as so-called daytime tranquilizers, which are practically devoid of muscle relaxant (muscle relaxing) and sedative properties, which allows them to be taken during working hours.

The drugs Clonazepam, Finazepam and Diazepam also have an anticonvulsant effect, and they are used to treat autonomic crises and convulsive syndrome.

How are anxiolytics prescribed?

When prescribing anxiolytics, the difference in the spectrum of their action is necessarily taken into account. Although in large doses, any of them exhibit all the pharmacological properties characteristic of tranquilizers.

The usual course of treatment for drugs that have an anxiolytic effect is approximately 4 weeks. In this case, the drug is taken from a week to 10 days constantly, and then a three-day break is taken, after which the drug is resumed. This mode allows in many cases to avoid the effect of addiction if long-term use is necessary.

At the same time, a short-acting anxiolytic agent (for example, Lorazepam or Alprazolam) is recommended to be taken 3-4 times a day, and long-acting agents (Diazepam, etc.) - no more than 2 times a day. By the way, Diazepam is often prescribed to be taken once at bedtime, as it has a pronounced sedative effect.

Precautions when taking tranquilizers

But all the drugs described above require mandatory medical supervision, otherwise the patient may develop addiction - the anxiolytic effect with prolonged use will be reduced and an increase in the dose of the drug will be required. In addition, the formation of A is also likely with prolonged use, the risk of dependence increases especially strongly. In turn, this can also cause the so-called withdrawal syndrome, which leads to a general deterioration in the patient's condition and, by the way, to an exacerbation of precisely those symptoms that anxiolytics were aimed at eliminating.

By the way, these side effects of tranquilizers are especially pronounced in children and adolescents under 18 years of age, which is why their use in this age category is possible only in exceptional cases, when there are clearly justified indications for this. But even so, the duration of therapy should be kept to a minimum.

List of major adverse effects of anxiolytics

Unfortunately, the anxiolytic effect is not only the anti-neurotic effect of the drug on the human body, but also some of the problems caused by its side effects.

The main manifestations of the side effects of tranquilizers are a decrease in the level of wakefulness, which is expressed in daytime sleepiness, impaired attention and forgetfulness.

And the effect of muscle relaxation (relaxation of skeletal muscles) is also manifested by general weakness or a decrease in strength in some muscle groups. In some cases, the use of tranquilizers is also accompanied by the so-called "behavioral toxicity", that is, a slight impairment of cognitive functions, expressed in some decrease in memory, susceptibility and speech skills.

Doctors consider the use of daytime tranquilizers as one of the ways to alleviate the situation, which include Gidazepam, Prazepam, as well as Mebicar, Trimetozin, Medazepam and other drugs in which these side effects are manifested to a small extent.

Signs of an overdose of tranquilizers

The pronounced anxiolytic effect of tranquilizers often leads to thoughtless and uncontrolled intake of these drugs. After all, a quick release from a state of emotional stress is so great!

But anxiolytics, especially those that belong to benzodiazepines, are easily soluble in fats, which helps them to be completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and evenly distributed in the tissues of the human body. And this, in turn, leads in case of an overdose to very serious consequences.

As a rule, an overdose is accompanied by increased drowsiness, weakness, impaired gait, speech and dizziness. More severe stages of poisoning are accompanied by respiratory failure, changes in tendon reflexes, complete loss of consciousness, and sometimes a coma. Therefore, despite the fact that it is not difficult to obtain some tranquilizers (although these are psychotropic drugs) without a prescription, remember that these drugs can only be taken on the advice of your doctor and under his control!

What other drugs have an anxiolytic effect?

By the way, drugs that are not related to sedative-hypnotics are sometimes used as anti-anxiety drugs in medicine. So, for example, such an antihistamine drug as "Hydroxyzine" has a clear anxiolytic effect. This is especially expressed in situations where the patient's anxiety and emotional stress are caused by skin irritations.

Some nootropics (for example, Phenibut) also have an anti-anxiety effect. The homeopathic remedy "Tenaten" has also proven itself worthy.

Tinctures of some medicinal herbs (motherwort, immortelle, prickly tartar, Rhodiola rosea, peony and Schisandra chinensis) will help improve mood by removing the feeling of depression or irritation. And calendula will relieve not only psycho-emotional stress, but also the headache caused by it.

Ginseng root will help increase resistance to stress, and angelica and hawthorn will be useful for insomnia. All these herbal infusions are drunk in courses of 14 days, and if the expected effect does not occur, a doctor's consultation is required.

Tranquilizers - what are they and why are they needed? The action and use of tranquilizers in medicine

Daily stress has long become a reality for most Russians living in megacities. The increased pace of life, troubles at work, lack of sleep and rest lead to the appearance of irritability, anxiety and restlessness, emotional stress. As a result, working capacity decreases, sleep problems arise, and rest does not bring complete relaxation. Tranquilizers help reduce the effect of stress factors, reduce anxiety and gain emotional stability ... But at what cost?

Understanding concepts

Tranquilizers got their name from the Latin word tranquillo- "calm down". Tranquilizers are psychotropic drugs, that is, they affect the central nervous system. They have a calming effect, reduce anxiety, fears and any emotional stress. The mechanism of their action is associated with the inhibition of brain structures responsible for the regulation of emotional states. The effect of drugs that are benzodiazepine derivatives has been most fully studied - most of the tranquilizers on the market today belong to them (there are also drugs that do not belong to this group, we will talk about them later).

Benzodiazepines are substances that reduce the excitability of neurons by acting on GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors. Most compounds from the group of benzodiazepines are tranquilizers, some are used as hypnotics. With long-term use, they can cause addiction and physical dependence.

Often tranquilizers are confused with antidepressants, considering these terms as synonyms. What is the difference between tranquilizers and antidepressants? Antidepressants are psychotropic drugs that stimulate the nervous system, while tranquilizers are depressants. That is, antidepressants increase emotional activity and improve mood, and tranquilizers - soothe.

Calming agents are divided into 3 main groups (classification of tranquilizers):

  • Antipsychotics, or "big" tranquilizers , - antipsychotic drugs that are used mainly for schizophrenia and other severe mental illnesses, accompanied by feelings of anxiety, fear and motor agitation.
  • Anxiolytics (from the Latin "anxietas" - anxiety, fear, and the ancient Greek "???????" - weakening), or "small" tranquilizers , - now they are most often understood as tranquilizers, and antipsychotics are no longer considered as such.
  • Sedatives - drugs, the action of which is mainly aimed at inhibiting the nervous system and improving the quality of sleep.

In this article, under the term "tranquilizers" we will understand only drugs from the group of anxiolytics, as is customary in modern medicine.

The main action of tranquilizers

Anxiolytics can have different effects, the severity of which varies from drug to drug. Some anxiolytics, for example, do not have hypnotic and sedative effects. In general, drugs in this group have the following actions:

  • Anti-anxiety- reduction of anxiety, fear, anxiety, elimination of obsessive thoughts and excessive suspiciousness.
  • Sedative- decrease in activity and excitability, accompanied by a decrease in concentration, lethargy, drowsiness.
  • Hypnotic- an increase in the depth and duration of sleep, the acceleration of its onset, is primarily characteristic of benzodiazepines.
  • Muscle relaxant- relaxation of the muscles, which is manifested by weakness and lethargy. It is a positive factor in relieving stress, but can have a negative effect in work that requires physical activity, and even when working at a computer.
  • Anticonvulsant- blocking the spread of epileptogenic activity.

In addition, some tranquilizers have a psychostimulant and antiphobic effect, they can normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The first tranquilizer, synthesized in 1952, is meprobamate. Anxiolytics were widely used in the 60s of the XX century.

Advantages and disadvantages of taking anxiolytics

General indications for the use of tranquilizers are as follows:

  • Neuroses accompanied by anxiety, irritability, fears and emotional stress, neurosis-like states.
  • Somatic diseases.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Decreased craving for smoking, alcohol and psychoactive substances (withdrawal syndrome).
  • Premenstrual and climacteric syndromes.
  • Sleep disorder.
  • Cardialgia, coronary heart disease, rehabilitation after myocardial infarction - as part of complex treatment.
  • Improving the tolerance of antipsychotics and tranquilizers (to eliminate their side effects).
  • reactive depression.
  • Epilepsy - as an aid.
  • Spasms, muscle rigidity, convulsions, tics.
  • Psychotic and similar states.
  • Prevention of emotional stress.
  • Vegetative dysfunctions.
  • Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Migraine.
  • Panic states, etc.

It should be noted that most anxiolytics not assigned (!) with everyday stress, their use makes sense only in acute stressful conditions and in extreme situations. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Remember: treatment with tranquilizers can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications to taking benzodiazepine tranquilizers are: liver and respiratory failure, ataxia, glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, suicidal tendencies, alcohol and drug addiction.

The disadvantages of benzodiazepine tranquilizers also include the formation of dependence. There may be a withdrawal syndrome upon discontinuation. In this regard, the WHO Conciliation Commission did not recommend (!) use benzodiazepine tranquilizers continuously for more than 2-3 weeks. If long-term treatment is necessary after 2-3 weeks, you should stop taking it for a few days, and then resume it at the same dosage. The withdrawal syndrome can be reduced or avoided completely if, before stopping the use of tranquilizers, gradually reduce the dose and increase the interval between doses.

Tranquilizers are quite effective drugs, which nevertheless have significant contraindications and disadvantages. That is why they are usually dispensed in pharmacies strictly by prescription. In this regard, modern medicine continues to search for sedatives with minimal side effects, more effective and safe, not causing addiction.

OTC drug as an alternative to tranquilizers

About what non-prescription anti-anxiety drugs exist today, says the specialist of the pharmaceutical company "OTCPharm":

“There are very few over-the-counter tranquilizers included in the international drug classification system registered in Russia. One of these drugs, belonging to the latest generation, is Afobazol. This is a unique alternative to tranquilizers for anxiety, various somatic diseases, sleep disorders, premenstrual syndrome, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, smoking cessation and withdrawal syndrome.

Afobazole is a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic and does not cause addiction when taken. It has an anti-anxiety and mild stimulating effect, does not cause drowsiness and lethargy, which means it can be used during working hours. Also, "Afobazole" does not cause muscle weakness, does not affect concentration. After the end of the reception, there is no withdrawal syndrome. The drug has minimal side effects, which may include allergic reactions and temporary headache. The drug has some contraindications, and therefore, before taking it, you should consult with a specialist.

P.S. OTCPharm is the largest pharmaceutical company in Russia, a manufacturer of over-the-counter drugs, one of which is.


tranquilizers(from lat. tranquillium - "calm") are one of the most important groups of psychotropic drugs. Recently, they are increasingly called anxiolytics (from the Latin anxius - "anxious" and the Greek. lysis - "dissolution"). There are other, less common names - ataractics (from the Greek ataraxia - "equanimity"), psychosedative, anti-neurotic drugs.

The anti-neurotic action of tranquilizers is based on their ability to relieve psycho-emotional stress in all its manifestations in the form of internal restlessness, tension, anxiety, fear. Therefore, all tranquilizers are evaluated, first of all, by the strength of their anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) action.

Anxiolytic action is most pronounced alprozolam, diazepam, lorazepam, phenazepam, clobazam; somewhat weaker - in amicid, hydroxyzine, bromazepam, tofisopam, mebicar, medazepam, prazepam, tibamate, chlodiazepoxide; meprobamate, carisoprodol, trimetosine, oxazepam, benzoclidine, benactizine, phenibut have an even lesser ansiolytic effect.

!!! All tranquilizers potentiate the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system of substances with a narcotic effect.

The severity of antiphobic and anti-anxiety actions for most tranquilizers is identical. Chlodiazepoxide and aloprozolam have particularly strong antiphobic effects.

Antidepressant action possess benzoclidine, tofisopam, amiksid, less pronounced - mebikar, medazepam

All tranquilizers, depending on their ability to cause a sedative (sedative-hypnotic) or stimulating effect, are divided into the following groups. Drugs with a pronounced sedative (hypnosedative) effect: amicid, benactizin, bromazepam, hydroxyzine, gindarin, glycine, carisoprodol, clobazam, lorazepm, meprobamate, temazepam, phenazepam, phenibut, chlordiazepoxide, estazolam; this group may also include benzodiazepine derivatives belonging to the group of hypnotics (nitrazepam, flunitrazepam). Tranquilizers with a less pronounced sedative effect: benzoclidine, oxazepam, dipotassium clorazepate.

« Daytime tranquilizers", which have a pronounced sedative effect: gidazepam, prazepam or have a slight stimulating effect: mebicar, medazepam, trimetosine, tofisopam.

Diazepam(seduxen, relanium) refers to drugs with a universal action. At a dose of 2-15 mg/day, it has a stimulating effect, and at a dose of more than 15 mg/day, it has a sedative effect.

All tranquilizers, except drugs with a stimulating effect (tofisopam, trimetosine), reducing psycho-emotional stress, eliminate associated sleep disorders, in connection with which they reduce, and in some cases remove the need for sleeping pills. The severity of their action correlates with the degree of sedation. in addition, some drugs have their own hypnogenic effect: dipotassium clorazepate, lorazepam, temazepam, phenazepam and other benzodiazepine derivatives, due to which they are sometimes considered in the group of hypnotics.

Muscle relaxant action characteristic of many tranquilizers and manifests itself along with a decrease in psychogenic due to muscle tension. It usually correlates with the severity of the sedative effect of the drug. The most pronounced muscle relaxant effect is possessed by carisoprodol, lagaflex, meprobamate scutamyl-C, tetrazepam.

An important property of tranquilizers is their vegetotropic action.. It is based, first of all, on the vegetative-stabilizing effect, due to the suppression of neurotic manifestations as a cause of autonomic dysfunction. In addition, many drugs - diazepam, chlodiazepoxide, etc., as shown in experimental work with isolated organs, have proper vegetotropic properties. Alprozolam, diazepam, tofisopam, clobazam, hydroxyzine, phenazepam, prozapam, medaepam have the most aghetostabilizing effect in various somatoform (psychophysiological, psychovegetative) disorders.

Almost all tranquilizers have a good effect on cardiovascular and other disorders that have a predominantly sympathoadrenal orientation, which is associated with the presence of all drugs in this group (except tofisopam), along with anxiolytic, mild sympatholytic action. Moderate hypotensive action, especially with an increase in blood pressure, they have benzoclidine, gindarin, and with parenteral administration, diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and to a lesser extent mebicar. Some tranquilizers also have antiarrhythmic properties, most pronounced in diazepam, chlodiazepoxide. Tofisopam, in addition, reduces myocardial oxygen demand and improves the contractility of the heart. Tofisopam and benzoclidine have a favorable effect on cerebral circulation, which can contribute to their use in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular pathology.

Antihypoxic action possess some derivatives of benzodiazepine, primarily diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, nitrazepam.

With psychogenic respiratory disorders, in particular with emotional hyperventilation, medazepam can provide a good, normalizing respiratory movement effect.

With vegetative imbalance with the predominance of parasympathetic reactions, leading to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, tranquilizers with a strong vegetostabilizing effect and having an anticholinergic and antispasmodic effect can be effective: benactizine, hydroxyzine, to a lesser extent - clobazam, medazepam, diazepam, trimeosin, tofisopam.

Along with psychotropic and vegetotropic action, many tranquilizers cause a number of effects that are of independent importance and give originality to their spectrum of action. It is primarily anti-paroxysmal and, in particular, anticonvulsant action, the most significant in parenteral diazepam, somewhat less pronounced in alprozolam, gidazepam, gindarin, dipotassium clorazepate, clobazam, lorazepam, medazepam, estazelam, nitrazepam and phenazepam. Clonazepam also has anticonvulsant activity.

The commonality of pathophysiological mechanisms in the development of vegetative paroxysms can explain the paroxysms-suppressing effect of parenterally administered diazepam on both sympathoadrenal and parasympathetic, including vestibular, paroxysmal states. Phenibut, phenazepam, diazepam have some antihyperkinetic action.

Practically significant is and the ability of tranquilizers increase pain threshold; it is especially sensitive in phenazepam, diazepam, mebticar, tofisopam and makes it appropriate to use them in various pain syndromes.

Benactizine may have antitussive action. Hydroxyzine has an antiemetic, antihistamine, antipruritic effect.

In addition to the pharmacological characteristics of tranquilizers, it is important to know the pharmacokinetic features of drugs, since not only the frequency of administration depends on the duration of their action, but also the time for the possible development of a withdrawal syndrome, the likelihood of dependence. For drugs with long half-life(more than 10 hours) include: alprozolam, bromazepam, diazepam, clobazam, clonazepam, lorazepam, medazepam, meprobamate, nitrazepam, prazepam, phenazepam, flunitrazepam, flurazepam, chlordiazepoxide; co average half-life(about 10 hours) - lormetazepam, oxazepam, temazepam; short half-life(less than 10 hours) - brotizolam, midazolam, triazdam.

Tranquilizers are a group of pharmacological drugs, the main task of which is to eliminate anxiety and psycho-emotional stress. In addition to these effects, this group of drugs may have a hypnotic, anticonvulsant effect, as well as muscle relaxant and stabilizing. The main diseases in which tranquilizers are used are neurosis-like conditions. However, this is not all indications for use. To date, there are a huge number of tranquilizers. Each drug has its own characteristics, allowing the doctor to individually approach the treatment process. This article will help you form an idea of ​​what tranquilizers are, how they work, what they are. You will be able to get acquainted with the most common representatives of this group of medicines, the range of their use, and the features of use.

So, tranquilizers. The name comes from the Latin word "tranquillo", which means to calm. Synonyms for this term are such words as "anxiolytics" (from the Latin "anxius" - anxious and "lysis" - dissolution) and "ataraktiki" (from the Greek "ataraxia" - equanimity, calmness). However, the most common is still the term "tranquilizers". Based on the name, it becomes clear that this group of medicines is aimed at eliminating anxiety and fears, eliminating irritability and emotional tension. Tranquilizers calm the human nervous system.

Tranquilizers have been known to medicine since 1951, when the first drug of this class, Meprobamate, was created. Since then, this group of drugs has grown considerably and continues to do so. The search for new tranquilizers is due to the need to minimize the side effects from their use, eliminate the effect of addiction to some of them, and achieve a rapid onset of anti-anxiety effect. This does not mean at all that of the already available drugs there is not a single worthy one. It's just that the whole world strives for perfection, and medicine as well.

What are tranquilizers?

The group of tranquilizers is heterogeneous in its chemical composition. Their classification is based on this principle. In general, all tranquilizers are divided into two large groups:

  • benzodiazepine derivatives;
  • drugs of other pharmacological groups with anti-anxiety effect.

The most common benzodiazepine derivatives are Diazepam (Sibazon, Relanium, Valium), Phenazepam, Gidazepam, Alprazolam, Tofisopam (Grandaxin). Among tranquilizers from other chemical groups, hydroxyzine (Atarax), Mebicar (Adaptol), Afobazole, Tenoten, Phenibut (Noofen, Anvifen), Buspirone (Spitomin) are often found.

Expected effects of tranquilizers

Most tranquilizers have a wide range of effects:

  • reduce the level of anxiety and soothe (that is, sedate);
  • relax muscles (muscle relaxation);
  • relieve convulsive readiness during epileptic seizures;
  • have a hypnotic effect;
  • stabilize the functions of the autonomic nervous system.

This or that effect of a tranquilizer is largely determined by its mechanism of action, the characteristics of absorption and splitting. That is, not every drug "can" all of the above.

What are "daytime" tranquilizers?

In connection with the peculiarities of the impact, a group of so-called "day" drugs is distinguished among tranquilizers. "Daytime tranquilizer" means, in the first place, that it does not have a sedative effect. Such a tranquilizer does not reduce concentration, does not relax the muscles, and maintains the speed of thinking. In general, it is considered that it does not have a pronounced sedative effect. Daytime tranquilizers include Gidazepam, Buspirone, Tofisopam (Grandaxin), Mebicar (Adaptol), Medazepam (Rudotel).

How do tranquilizers work?

All tranquilizers work at the level of brain systems that form emotional reactions. This is the limbic system, and the reticular formation, and the hypothalamus, and the thalamic nuclei. That is, this is a huge number of nerve cells scattered in different parts of the central nervous system, but interconnected. Tranquilizers lead to the suppression of excitation in these structures, in connection with which the degree of human emotionality decreases.

The direct mechanism of action is well understood for benzodiazepine derivatives. There are various benzodiazepine receptors in the brain that are closely related to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. GABA is the main inhibitory substance in the nervous system. Benzodiazepine derivatives act on their receptors, which is transmitted to GABA receptors. As a result, the inhibition system is launched at all levels of the central nervous system. Depending on which benzodiazepine receptors will be involved, the nervous system realizes one or another effect. Therefore, for example, there are tranquilizers with a pronounced hypnotic effect, which are used primarily for the treatment of sleep disorders (Nitrazepam). And other tranquilizers from the benzodiazepine group have a more pronounced anticonvulsant effect, and therefore are used as antiepileptic drugs (Clonazepam).

The complex daily life challenges our patience, will, discipline, and emotional balance, testing our limits daily.

Heavy daily life, chronic stress and fatigue often cause more serious disorders such as anxiety, sleep problems, lazy mood, depression and more.

Psychological and behavioral disorders have shown an alarming trend towards an increase in global incidence, which is also one of the main reasons for research into the treatment and manifestations of this type of disease.

Tranquilizers are a group of drugs that came on the market around 1950 and are one of the most commonly used drugs today. They used to be divided into large and small groups, but due to the inconsistency of the name with their use, the risks of addiction and unwanted effects, the terms are rapidly losing popularity.

What are tranquilizers?

Tranquilizers are a group of medicinal substances that have the ability to eliminate nervous tension, fear and anxiety. They create an apathetic feeling when stressful circumstances arise. Tranquilizers have a calming effect and facilitate the onset of sleep, some of which are successful in complex therapy for seizures of various etiologies.

Tranquilizers are also called anxiolytics and relieve symptoms of anxiety (fear, anxiety, insecurity, nausea, sweating, sleep problems, etc.).

They include several main groups of drugs:

  • benzodiazepine derivatives: chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, oxazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam, bromazepam, midazolam and others
  • diphenylmethane derivatives: hydroxyzine, capodiam
  • carbamates: meprobamate, emiclamate
  • barbiturates: phenobarbital, secobarbital
  • azaspirodecanedione derivatives: buspirone
  • antidepressants: tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • some beta blockers: propranolol
  • other: gepirone, etofocin, mefenoxalone, gendocaryl

The main agents most commonly used in clinical practice are numerous benzodiazepine agents, and barbiturate preparations are most commonly used due to lower efficacy and higher risks compared to benzodiazepine derivatives.

Benzodiazepines are used for the short-term treatment of various types of anxiety disorder, acute anxiety, and others, and long-term use carries risks of drug dependence.

Some of the anxiety events are successfully responded to by beta-blockers, which suppress sympathetic activation and relieve associated symptoms (palpitations, tremors, high blood pressure, etc.).

Many antidepressants have some degree of anxiolytic effect and can be used in the treatment of anxiety, since the risk of addiction is much lower.

Depending on age, severity of symptoms, type of disease, presence of underlying diseases, other medications taken, each individual patient has an individual approach, and the therapeutic plan must be adapted to his specific needs.

The same drug shows different efficacy and activity in different patients and individual diseases, with dose control and optimal use also varying depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Indications for tranquilizers

The drugs are most commonly used in the form of tablets or capsules, depending on the most commonly used doses, and you can find drugs with different strengths in the same dosage form.

Depending on some of its features in pharmacokinetics, the most commonly used group, namely the benzodiazepines, exhibit a different high rate of absorption after oral administration.

Depending on the duration of their action and their retention in the body, they are divided into short-acting drugs with a half-life of less than five hours, such as midazolam, intermediate-acting triazolam, plasma half-life of 5 to 24 hours (such as alprazolam, lorazepam) and long-acting drugs (plasma half-life of 24 hours) such as diazepam.

Their mechanism of action includes an increase in the suppressive effect of the mediator GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) on the central nervous system.

Benzodiazepines cause the following main pharmacological effects in the body:

  • anxiolytic: when taken in small doses
  • sedative-hypnotic: at low doses they lead to sedation and have a sleeping effect at high doses
  • anticonvulsant: inhibits the development and spread of seizures in the central nervous system
  • relaxing muscles: reduce muscle tone
  • anterograde amnesia: when taken in high doses, it is impossible to remember what happens during the drug's action

The main indications for their use as anxiolytics are anxiety, panic disorders (episodic paroxysmal anxiety), depressive disorders, other anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, myoclonus, social phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, insomnia, Tourette's syndrome and others.

Extremely suitable for short-term therapy and treatment of acute anxiety, showing very good results. Their use for a long time creates serious health risks.

Risks and side effects of tranquilizers

Tranquilizers can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms such as drowsiness, confusion, disorientation and incoordination, muscle weakness, less often muscle pain, xerostomia (dry mouth), blurred vision, etc.

Tolerance develops over time, gradually, but mainly to anticonvulsant and sedative-sleeping effects. The anxiolytic effect does not develop tolerance, so the need to increase the dose over time. Continuous treatment with tranquilizers and especially with benzodiazepine derivatives creates a risk of developing drug dependence.

After the cessation of long-term treatment (more than three months), a typical withdrawal syndrome occurs with insomnia, anxiety, headache, tremors, gastrointestinal complications, etc.

The degree of central nervous system suppression varies from severe drowsiness to coma, depending on the dose and the individual sensitivity and sensitivity of the patient. The main signs include severe muscle weakness, ataxia, drowsiness, speech disorders (unintelligible speech), lethargy. Coma and respiratory depression with respiratory depression develops in several doses and is highly poisoned.

Due to the danger of toxic reactions and drug addiction, it is recommended to keep them out of reach.

In patients with certain underlying conditions (serious liver or kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, severe depression with suicidal thoughts and behavior), tranquilizers should be administered with caution and, if necessary, using a lower dose.

It is not recommended to use them during pregnancy or breastfeeding, unless expressly directed by a healthcare professional, in cases where the benefits of their use outweigh the risks to the fetus, newborn, or infant.

The concomitant use of tranquilizers with certain other drugs increases the risk of toxic effects, side effects, and worsening of the patient's general condition.

These are, for example, sodium valproate, barbiturates, ethanol, some antifungal agents (ketoconazole), antibiotics (erythromycin), anticoagulants (heparin) and others.

You must tell your doctor about all medicines you are taking, including those available without a prescription, commonly used pain relievers, and nutritional supplements, herbs, and medicinal plants.

Unauthorized change in your prescribed treatment plan is contraindicated because abrupt cessation of therapy, increase or decrease in dose are serious risks to your health. Always consult your doctor and, in case of suspicion, suspicion or questions about therapy, do not be afraid to ask.

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