The expression I is constant in its impermanence. Constancy. Elegant aphorisms about constancy

Impermanence female and male

In love, like in school: the most interesting thing is change.

? Konstantin Melikhan, Russian artist and aphorist

People are more constant in their hate than in their love.

? Samuel Johnson, English writer and lexicographer (18th century)*

The stronger a person's character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love.

? Stendhal, French writer (19th century)

The fickleness of the women I was in love with was redeemed only by the infernal constancy of the women in love with me.

? George Bernard Shaw, English playwright*

A fickle woman cannot be perfectly happy, but she will never be completely unhappy.

? John Gay, English poet and playwright (18th century)*

We complain about women's fickleness; but if not for it, we would have much more reason to complain.

? Felix Chwalibug, Polish writer*

Young men are not satisfied with one, but no matter how many they see, they desire as many, considering themselves worthy of all, therefore their love cannot be constant.

? Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian writer (14th century)

For men, infidelity does not mean inconstancy.

? Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, French writer (18th century)

I find it funny when women happen to call men treacherous and accuse them of being fickle. They would be right if they could prove that, by swearing allegiance to them, we already harbor the intention of violating this allegiance. Alas! We love without asking the mind, and even more so the mind has nothing to do with it when we stop loving.

? Giacomo Casanova, Italian adventurer (18th century)

The restless need for love that torments us in the first years of youth throws us from one woman to another until we find one who cannot stand us: here begins our constancy - a true endless passion, which can be mathematically expressed by a line falling from a point to space; the secret of this infinity is only in the impossibility of reaching the goal, that is, the end.

? Mikhail Lermontov, Russian poet (19th century)

Men are surprisingly illogical: they repeat that all women are the same, and constantly change one for another.

? Colette (Sidonia Gabrielle Colette), French writer*

I don't have a permanent girlfriend. But I know a girl who would be pissed off if she heard that.

? Mitch Hedberg, American comedian*

Men belong to the category of animals that are constant only when they are mistreated.

? Mary Montagu, English poetess (XVIII century) *

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Most people who strive for a goal are more likely to make one big effort than to persevere along the chosen path; due to laziness and inconstancy, they often lose the fruits of their best undertakings and allow those who set off on their journey later than they, and walked more slowly, but without stopping, to overtake themselves.

Despite the fact that Boris came with the intention of talking about his love and therefore intended to be gentle, he irritably began to talk about female inconstancy: about how women can easily move from sadness to joy and that their mood depends only on who looks after them. Julie was offended and said that it was true that a woman needed variety, that everyone would get tired of the same thing.

There is no good news at all. Have you ever thought about what the total amount of information in the world's media is reporting?
- It's not easy to articulate.
"Really simple," said Apollo. - It communicates impermanence and suffering. The world is unstable - otherwise there would be no need for any news. And impermanence and suffering are practically the same thing. One inevitably leads to the other. Even when suffering is disguised as pleasure in the fact that today is bad for someone else

Nocturne lunar descend Hekate,
Removing the secrets of the midnight seal -
The silence of the lips is not to blame for anything,
Where only poetry is allowed to breathe.
Where in the starry infinity of space
Those who left earlier hear steps,
Where time is the standard of impermanence
And life, and deeds, and love.
Let the seconds tick away
Snowflakes cling to the sweaty glass
But your clothes are still warm
Lying carelessly on the floor.
You sleep and smile carelessly -
Without daily restrained bills,
And I'm ready to listen probably forever
A pouring nocturne from the night sky.
Everything in this world is meetings and losses,
Everything in this life is paying bills
But are you and I to blame
What happiness finds us at night?
And stripped of body and soul,
You believe in breath more than words...
What a joy to fall asleep with you
And wake up next to each other in the morning.

To be a woman means to depend on a man's desire, on his mood. And men's desires are changeable, like the sea wind. Today a man is attracted to this, tomorrow - this. Man is synonymous with impermanence. The woman will agree with the course chosen for her. But even if this is life, it is not yet a dream. Woman is the daughter of eternity. And if she does something, she does it "forever". Let a man change courses and tacks, but in one thing he must be faithful and honest - in his attitude towards a woman.

Snow is the epitome of impermanence, she says. - As in the book of Job.
I put on a coat. I'm not a Bible scholar. But sometimes strange scraps of what we learned in childhood stick to the sticky surface of our brain.
Yes, I say. - And the embodiment of the light of truth. As in the Revelation of John the Theologian: "His head and hair were white as snow."

Daisies hid, buttercups drooped,
When I froze from bitter words.
Why do you girls love beautiful, -
Their love is erratic.

Olga Voronets

A fool who is in a hurry and constantly changes his attachments.

Anne and Serge Golon, "Angelica"

The more physical pleasure is at the basis of love, the more love is subject to impermanence.

Stendhal, "About Love"

A man abandoned by a woman can curse inconstancy and find himself another woman; a person abandoned by a friend can curse deceit and look for another friend; but for those who have lost a part of themselves, it remains only to purse their lips in silence, without tears, and go from a big city to a big airport.

Mitchell Wilson, "Encounter on a Distant Meridian"

In the human world, impermanence is common.

"Walking castle"

Men are in many ways real fools, they equally call coquetry and pride and inconstancy of women.

Alexandre Dumas, Vicomte de Bragelonne, or Ten years later

Some people are so fickle that they approve of one thing while sitting and another when standing.

Thomas More

Idleness always breeds inconstancy in the soul.

Mark Anney Lucan

Just as love without respect is short-lived and fickle, so respect without love is cold and feeble.

Benjamin Johnson

A fickle woman is one who no longer loves; frivolous - the one who already loves another; windy - one who does not know if she loves and whom she loves; indifferent - one who does not love anyone.

Jean de La Bruyère

You can not become attached to people with all your heart, this is a fickle and dubious happiness. Even worse is to give your heart to one single person, for what will be left if he leaves? And he always leaves.

Erich Maria Remarque, Station on the Horizon

We are so fickle in friendship because it is difficult to know the properties of the soul of a person and it is easy to know the properties of the mind.

François de La Rochefoucauld

There is nothing permanent in this world except impermanence.

Jonathan Swift

Low is that vulgar admirer who loves the body more than the soul; he is also impermanent, because what he loves is impermanent. One has only to fade the body, and he loved the body, how he will fly away, flying away, shaming all his wordy promises.

Fame will pass, it has accompanied me long enough. She's leaving, and I always knew it was fickle. At least I experienced it. But still, that's not what I live for.

Marilyn Monroe

I do not recognize inconstancy
Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting to me nature,
Changing forever their essence,
Like mercury from temperature changes.

George Byron, Don Juan

Oaths of love prove her inconstancy: true friendship does not pronounce them.

Pierre Buast

Commerce is a child of fortune, fickle and deceitful, like a mother.

Samuel Johnson

The stronger a person's character, the less he is prone to inconstancy in love.

Stendhal, "About Love"
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