degrees of obesity. How is eating behavior regulated in the brain? How is eating behavior related to emotions? General principles for the treatment of obesity

This condition is nothing more than a violation of metabolic processes in the body, accompanied by the accumulation of excess body weight. Medical specialists around the world have recognized the fact that excessive body weight is epidemic in nature and contributes to a decrease in the functionality of organs and systems of a large number of people. Extra pounds lead not only to a decrease in the quality of life, but also to the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, organs of the digestive tract and a deterioration in the state of the body as a whole. Some sources distinguish 6 types of obesity, some are characterized by a more concise classification.

Below are the main types of obesity in women and men of different ages.

Types of obesity according to etiology

Taking into account what served as a provoking factor in the occurrence of excessive body weight, the following types of excess weight are distinguished:

  1. Cerebral. A similar condition occurs with tumor, infectious or traumatic damage to some brain structures of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus. This kind of obesity is called cerebral;
  2. Alimentary. This type of obesity is the most common. The peak incidence of the alimentary form of pathology occurs in countries with a high population density. The reason for the accumulation of excess kilograms is an excessive and unbalanced diet, as well as eating fast food products. As additional factors in the development of alimentary obesity, the habit of getting rid of stress through eating, eating late (after six in the evening), as well as a hereditary predisposition to metabolic pathologies are distinguished;
  3. Medical. This form of the disease is provoked by the use of such groups of drugs as antidepressants, glucocorticosteroids and combined oral contraceptives.

In some sources, this classification of obesity has more points, one of which is overweight, provoked by physical inactivity.

Classification according to morphology

Given the mechanism of accumulation of extra pounds in the body, the most common forms of obesity are distinguished.

hyperplastic form. In this case, we are talking about an increase in the number of fat cells in the human body. Such a disease rarely has an independent character, and in most cases it occurs in combination with other metabolic pathologies.

hypertrophic form. If a person suffers from the so-called hypertrophic type of disease, then the number of fat cells in the body remains unchanged. The growth of kilograms occurs due to an increase in the size and mass of adipocytes (lipid cells).

Some people may have both forms of obesity.

Classification by the nature of the distribution of fiber

Given the nature of the distribution of lipid fiber in the body and the places of its greatest accumulation, medical specialists have identified the following types of excess weight:

  • abdominal type. This form of the disease most often occurs in the male part of the population. Excessive accumulation of subcutaneous lipid tissue occurs in the region of the anterior abdominal wall. In addition, the abdominal form is characterized by an increase in the amount of adipose tissue, which is located around the abdominal organs;
  • Android type. People with this type of pathology suffer from excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the abdomen, shoulders, armpits, neck and chest. Android obesity can be the result of pathologies of lipid metabolism, diabetes mellitus, hirsutism, and high blood pressure;
  • Gynoid type. This variety is characterized by the accumulation of adipose tissue in the lower part of the human body (thighs, lower abdomen, buttocks and lower legs). The gynoid type of the disease is also called female-type obesity.
  • Mixed type. With a mixed variety of the disease, fatty tissue is distributed everywhere, affecting the upper and lower sections of the human body.

Classification by body mass index

This medical parameter was developed to assess the degree of increase in normal body weight. Depending on the percentage increase in normal body weight, there is such a classification of obesity:

  • Mass increased by 10-29% - I degree. When an initial degree of obesity occurs, men and women develop symptoms such as irritability, depressive states, complexes associated with appearance, and emotional lability;
  • Weight increased by 30-49% - II degree. Such a condition cannot be regarded as a physiological norm, since it is accompanied by such negative signs as edema of the lower extremities, shortness of breath during exercise, palpitations, and increased sweating;
  • Weight increased by 50-99% - III degree. This degree of overweight is characterized by a general severe condition that leads to a marked deterioration in the quality of life. It is characterized by acute complications, expressed in symptoms such as tachycardia, varicose veins of the lower extremities, edema, pain in the heart, decreased performance and shortness of breath;
  • Mass increased by 100% or more - IV degree. People suffering from the fourth degree of obesity are faced with an increase in body weight, more than 2 times. For such patients, any physical activity is unbearable, they lose their working capacity and the ability to self-service.

The last type of overweight is called, which is a serious pathological condition that threatens not only human health, but also his life. In the absence of timely assistance, obesity and the types of this pathology can lead to death.

symptomatic obesity

Speaking of a condition such as obesity, the classification singles out a symptomatic type of pathology as a separate item. This serious condition occurs against the background of a disease of organs and systems. In this case, the accumulation of extra pounds is not directly related to the amount of food eaten. The following conditions can lead to the formation of this disease:

  • Pathologies with an established genetic defect (deviation in the structures that regulate lipid metabolism at the genetic level);
  • Neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • Structural functional diseases of the central nervous system (infectious lesions, disseminated systemic abnormalities, benign and malignant brain tumors, adiposogenital dystrophy, empty Turkish saddle syndrome, and pituitary tumors);
  • Pathology of the endocrine system syndrome (Cushing's, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism).

Currently, there is no single classification of obesity. As a worker, you can use the following:

General obesity (according to I. I. Dedov et al., 2000)

    primary, or exogenous-constitutional, or alimentary-metabolic, or "simple" (simple) obesity

    Gynoid (lower type, gluteofemoral)

    Android (upper type, abdominal, visceral)

    With separate components of the metabolic syndrome

    With advanced symptoms of metabolic syndrome

    With severe eating disorder

    night eating syndrome

    Seasonal affective fluctuations

    With hyperphagic stress response

    with pickwickian syndrome

    With secondary polycystic ovaries

    With sleep apnea

    With pubertal-youthful dispituitarism


    Secondary, symptomatic

    With established genetic defect

    As part of known genetic syndromes with multiple organ damage

    Genetic defects of structures involved in the regulation of fat metabolism

    Cerebral (adiposogenital dystrophy, Babinski-Pehkranz-Froelich syndrome)

    Tumors of the brain, other cerebral structures

    Dissemination of systemic lesions, infectious diseases

    Hormonally inactive pituitary tumors, "empty" sella syndrome, "pseudotumor" syndrome

    Against the backdrop of mental illness



    Hypofunction of the gonads


    Hyperinsulinism (insulinoma)

    Obesity local

    Segmental, lipodystrophy


    Stages of obesity:



    Residual (residual effects after persistent weight loss).

  1. Forms of obesity: changes in the human body

primary obesity. The most common primary form of obesity, which accounts for more than 75% of all cases of the disease. In its development, the alimentary, or exogenous, factor is recognized as the main one, which is associated with the excess energy value of nutrition with low energy return, which contributes to the accumulation of adipose tissue and the formation of obesity. Metabolic-alimentary, or exogenous-constitutional, obesity is associated with an energy imbalance, when energy intake from food exceeds its expenditure, resulting in increased synthesis of triglycerides in adipose tissue. The main ones are two etiological moments: nutritional imbalance and decreased physical activity. Alimentary imbalance is caused by the predominance of mainly animal fats and carbohydrates in the diet or a violation of the composition and diet (rare and plentiful food, consumption of the main share of the daily energy value of food in the evening). Excessive food intake is facilitated by the period of pregnancy and childbirth in women, family eating habits, etc.

Numerous studies in recent years have shown that calories derived from fat are more conducive to weight gain than those derived from proteins and carbohydrates. Body weight remains stable if the proportion of energy consumed in the form of fat is equivalent to the proportion of energy received by the body from the oxidation of fats. If the amount of fat in the food exceeds the possibility of its oxidation, then the excess fat will accumulate in adipose tissue, regardless of how much energy is consumed that day. It is believed that individuals with a hereditary predisposition to obesity have a reduced ability to oxidize fat. The ability of muscles to oxidize fat is significantly reduced in conditions of hypodynamia, when quitting smoking and drinking coffee (nicotine and caffeine increase the sensitivity of adipose tissue to catecholamines), some endocrine diseases in which secondary or symptomatic obesity develops.

symptomatic obesity. Syndromes associated with damage to the central nervous system. cerebral forms obesity are important from the point of view of etiology, pathogenesis and clinic. In these cases, violations of the central apparatus of obesity regulation are most clearly represented. Cerebral obesity occurs most often on the basis of various brain lesions. The appearance of obesity is preceded by infectious diseases (influenza, typhus, malaria, etc.), trauma (contusion, bruise, skull fracture), organic lesions of the central nervous system (tumors, residual effects of encephalitis, Parkinson's disease, syphilitic lesions of the meninges, tuberculosis, etc. .). Diagnosis requires a thorough neurological examination (detection of motor, sensory disorders, tendon, skin, plantar reflexes, examination of the state of cranial and peripheral nerves, etc.). Examination of the fundus, radiography of the Turkish saddle, electroencephalography are necessary.

Laurence-Myna-Barde-Biedl syndrome. A rare disease that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. It manifests itself in childhood with dementia, slowing of sexual development, impaired development of the limbs, skull (acrocephaly), spine (kyphoscoliosis), chest deformity, congenital heart disease, growth failure, night blindness, retinal degeneration and arteriole sclerosis, hearing loss.

Gelino's syndrome. Along with obesity, short-term coma, catalepsy (a second loss of muscle tone), a fall without loss of consciousness, double vision, a change in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, and hallucinations are noted. The disease is very rare and often begins in menopause. Hyperphagia and edema may be observed.

Babinsky-Frelich disease. Most often it occurs in boys, in whom obesity is combined with underdevelopment of sexual characteristics, growth failure, diabetes insipidus, and the expansion of the Turkish saddle.

Morgagni-Stuart-Morel syndrome. It occurs in women of mature age and is manifested by obesity, thickening of the inner plate of the frontal bone and virilization.

Tsondek's syndrome. Type Z obesity occurs in adolescence and includes hypogonadism, feminization in boys, and virilization in girls. It is currently believed that these are private forms of Cushing's disease.

Prader-Willi syndrome. It is rare and only in children and is manifested by dwarf growth, muscular atony syndrome, underdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics, diabetes mellitus, dementia, syndactyly.

endocrine obesity. Endocrine obesity is one of the symptoms of the primary pathology of the endocrine glands: hypercortisolism, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, hyperinsulinism.

Hypothyroidism (myxedema)- a disease caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Primary hypothyroidism may be due to a congenital anomaly, inflammation, lack of iodine in the environment, damage to the thyroid gland after the introduction of radioactive iodine, an overdose of mercazolil. Secondary occurs when the hypothalamic-pituitary system is damaged. It is more common in women and is manifested by chilliness, drowsiness, lethargy, memory loss, slow speech, arthralgia, swelling of the face and extremities, dryness and pallor of the skin, thickening of the tongue, hoarseness, brittleness and hair loss, decreased body temperature, constipation, bradycardia, hypotension.

Syndrome and Itsenko-Cushing's disease. May be a clinical manifestation of dysfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal cortex. The anatomical substrate may be hypertrophy, pituitary adenoma. Women get sick 3-4 times more often than men. Characterized by a moon-shaped face, obesity of the upper half of the body, arterial hypertension, hirsutism, pink striae, hemorrhagic diathesis and subcutaneous hemorrhages, acne, increased thirst, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis, amenorrhea, hypokalemia, plethora, hyponatremia.

Diabetes of "bearded women". It is associated with trunk-type obesity, hirsutism, mild diabetes, and sometimes arterial hypertension. The differential diagnosis is carried out with Cushing's syndrome and adrenal-sexual syndrome.

secreting insulinoma. It is most often diagnosed at the age of 30-50 years, and in 75% of cases it occurs in women. Manifested by obesity, hypoglycemia, mental disorders, hunger intolerance, increased secretion of insulin. Diagnosed by angiography and scintigraphy of the pancreas, sometimes laparoscopy is necessary.

Adiposogenital Syndrome. It is not always combined with obesity, which is more common in the acquired form of the disease. This syndrome should be differentiated from hermaphroditism and Cushing's syndrome.

Hypogonadism. It is caused by insufficient secretion of androgens due to congenital underdevelopment of the gonads, their toxic, radiation damage, dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Manifested ganoid type of obesity. With damage to the testicles before puberty (pre-pubertal), typical eunuchoidism, high disproportionate growth, elongated limbs, underdevelopment of the chest and shoulder girdle, gynecomastia, lack of hair on the face and body, high voice, underdevelopment of the genital organs develop. With secondary hypogonadism, obesity, lack of potency and sexual desire are also observed. In the post-pubertal form of hypogonadism, the symptoms are less pronounced.

Hyperprolactinemia occurs with an increase in the secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland due to the tumor process, the use of drugs (neuroleptics, cerucal, contraceptives, etc.), primary hypothyroidism. Elevated prolactin levels lead to decreased gonadotropin function and infertility. In women, in addition to obesity, amenorrhea, decreased libido, hypoplasia of the uterus, vagina are observed, in men - oligo- or azospermia, impotence, decreased libido, gynecomastia.

Klinefeld syndrome. Most often manifested clinically in menopause. It can be combined with obesity and impaired glucose tolerance, mammary gland hypertrophy, testicular underdevelopment, female-type hair growth, sexual dysfunction, azo- and oligospermia, and increased excretion of gonadotropins in the urine.

Stein-Leventhal syndrome. Excessive obesity is combined with dysmenorrhea, infertility, underdevelopment of the uterus, virilization, sexual dysfunction, persistent headache and abdominal pain, and constipation. A gynecological examination makes it possible to detect ovarian cysts and make a diagnosis.

local obesity. Lipophilic alimentary dystrophy. Apparent obesity depends on edema of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, elephantiasis of the limbs, muscular adynamia, gynecomastia and testicular atrophy in men, polyneuritis, swelling of the parotid glands, osteoporosis, bradycardia, cracking of the mucous membrane of the corners of the lips, glossitis and pharyngitis appear. It is necessary to differentiate with myxedema.

Lipomatosis. Refers to benign hyperplasia of adipose tissue, sometimes with a connective tissue capsule or passing into the area of ​​normal adipose tissue without distinct boundaries. The most common form of the disorder is numerous lipomas, which are localized symmetrically on the limbs. Seen predominantly in men. Lipomas are painless on palpation and are similar in histological structure to normal adipose tissue. Lipoma adipocytes are resistant to lipolytic factors.

Painful lipomas (Derkum's syndrome)- Numerous painful lipomas located symmetrically on the trunk and extremities, sometimes accompanied by generalized itching and general weakness.

clinical picture. Usually obese patients present numerous complaints. They are concerned about general malaise, headache, shortness of breath even with mild physical exertion, and increased fatigue. With hypothalamic-pituitary obesity, thirst, increased appetite, drowsiness, a sudden feeling of hunger, accompanied by weakness, sweating, tremor, dizziness, which occur in the evening and at night, are often noted. In the hypothyroid form, patients complain of lethargy, apathy, chilliness, constipation, etc.

Often complaints are due to concomitant diseases. With damage to the digestive organs, heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, and upset stools are often observed. With changes in the cardiovascular system, patients are concerned about shortness of breath, palpitations, pain in the heart, swelling of the lower extremities. In case of violations in the osteoarticular apparatus, pain in the joints, lumbar region, etc. is noted.

In the anamnesis of life, often burdened heredity, professional factors, features of diet and lifestyle, past diseases. It is known that obesity occurs twice as often in women than in men, and between the ages of 30 and 60 years.

An objective examination of persons with metabolic-alimentary obesity shows a uniform distribution of adipose tissue throughout the body, with hypothalamic-pituitary - fat deposition in the face, upper shoulder girdle, mammary glands and abdomen. In hypoovarian obesity, fat deposits are located mainly in the pelvis and thighs, often in the back of the head a “fat pad” is determined. Hypothyroid obesity is characterized by a uniform distribution of fat with a pale tint and dryness of the skin.

The skin is usually of normal color, rarely pale or hyperemic. If obesity develops during puberty, narrow, non-atrophic striae are often found on the skin of the abdomen, mammary glands, the inner surface of the shoulders and thighs. In patients with android type of obesity and advanced gynoid obesity, the function of sweat and sebaceous glands is often increased, so the skin is moist, greasy, with pustules, eczematization, pyoderma, furunculosis. Inguinal and umbilical hernias are typical.

With hypothalamic obesity, cyanotic striae, pigmentation in places of friction, black acanthosis are observed. Frequent hyperinsulinemia in obesity is one of the factors in the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension and polycystic ovary syndrome. Hypertrichosis is quite typical for obesity and is explained by the formation of secondary polycystic ovaries with anovulation. In contrast to severe hirsutism in secondary obesity, excessive hair growth is moderately developed.

Good day, dear blog readers and just random passers-by! Today I want to dedicate this post to all those who are actively looking for and interested in information about being overweight.

An article on the stages and types of obesity in men, women and children (photo), how to determine the BMI and degree (table), whether they take to the army and how many kg a person has at 1,2 and 3 degrees. Here you will find comprehensive answers to all questions regarding the diagnosis of excess weight and the prognosis of future life.

I congratulate everyone on the first day of 2012 and I hope that you will spend the long weekend with benefit, and not just sitting stupidly at the TV. It's time to start doing some kind of sport or fitness in the gym. Already now you can prepare for the new summer season, because you will not have time to look back, and spring is already knocking, as they say.

Every person needs to physically load themselves, and not just those who will be discussed in this article. For example, I have a BMI of 22, but this does not mean that I can relax, there is always the opportunity to increase this level to 30, for example. Therefore, I do fitness 3 times a week, which is what I wish you.

How to determine the degree of obesity

Determining the degree of obesity in women and men is necessary to assess the severity of the disease. There are several methods for assessing the degree of obesity. What methods and how they are used, let's figure it out.

Due to our mentality and folk traditions, fullness (obesity) is still not considered a disease. And this is bad, because this condition can lead to more serious disorders in the body, such as impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes, at least.

Types of obesity in men

If you think that men can gain weight and store fat in a male pattern, then you are wrong. Recently, there are more and more men who have a female type of obesity, as in the photo below (on the left, the distribution of fat by female type).

Fortunately, this type is quite rare, most often you can see "beer tummies" like this one. This is the most dangerous type in terms of the development of metabolic disorders and requires urgent treatment.

Waist to hip ratio

To determine the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular complications, the ratio: waist circumference / hip circumference is used. Normally, for men, this indicator should be no more than 1.0, and for women - no more than 0.85. If these figures are higher, then the risk of developing complications in the face of type 2 diabetes increases.

Waist measurement

Another important indicator is the size of the waist. Normally, in men, it should not exceed 94 cm, and in women - 80 cm. Exceeding these indicators also leads to an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to being overweight, there are other risk factors for developing diabetes, and which you can find out from the article.

Degrees of obesity in children

Each person has the opportunity to calculate his ideal weight and begin to implement measures to reduce his real weight in order to avoid the appearance in the future.

But, however, it is worth considering that these calculation formulas are not very suitable for children and athletes. This is due to different proportions in children and the predominance of muscle mass in athletes and bodybuilders. In this section, we consider the problem of diagnosing excess weight in small representatives of humanity.

Unfortunately, I state the fact that the incidence of obesity among children is steadily growing every year. In Russia, it has not yet become an epidemic, but in developed countries, doctors and scientists are literally screaming that overweight children are approaching a critical point.

If the Russians continue to adhere to the Western standard of living and inspire their children with their values, then in a dozen years a similar fate awaits us too (see photo above). Take care of your children! After all, excess weight is not only chubby cheeks and soft rounded shapes, but also a lot of concomitant pathology.

Children, just like adults, can get obesity of the first, second, and even third degree. This is especially true for adolescents and children of the first years of life. Since it is during this period that there is an active division of adipose tissue cells.

When can a child be considered to have a weight problem?

If you suspect a child has weight disease, then you can quickly and easily calculate BMI, which correlates with fat mass in both adults and children, and as recommended by the WHO. I wrote about this formula at the beginning of the article. The evaluation of the calculation results is similar, namely:

  • overweight corresponds to a BMI of 25 to 30
  • obesity of the 1st degree corresponds to a BMI from 30 to 35
  • obesity of the 2nd degree corresponds to a BMI from 35 to 40
  • obesity of the 3rd degree corresponds to a BMI of more than 40

Degrees of obesity in children in tables

But this method is very rough and does not take into account children's parameters. Pediatric endocrinologists use a more accurate method - the use of percentile or centile tables, which compares the weight, height, sex and age of children. Agree that this method is more individual. A child's body weight is considered overweight when the indicator is within the 85-95th centile, and obesity starts at the 95th centile.

Modern centile tables were created recently in 2006 based on the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS). They are created in each country, taking into account national characteristics. They use a system of standard deviations (SDS - standard deviation score). WHO uses standard deviations of -1, -2, -3 SDS, median, and +1, +2, +3 SDS.

Based on WHO recommendations, obesity in children and adolescents should be defined as +2.0 SDS BMI, and overweight from +1.0 to +2.0 SDS BMI. Below I give a photo of the official table for boys from 2 to 5 years old and show how to use it correctly (click on the image to enlarge it). Then you can for all ages and calculate already for your child.

So, in the first column you see the age - year / month, in the second column you see the age in months, we skip the next three. We look at the last 7 columns. The median column means the average BMI for this age and is considered normal if your indicator fits into the indicators between the -1SD and 1SD columns.

If the BMI is from 1SD to 2SD, then this indicates that the child is overweight. If more than 2SD - obesity.

Still there is not in the form of tables, but in the form of graphs. Here, whichever is more convenient for you. The chart looks like this. I took as an example the BMI for boys from 5 to 19 years old (the picture is clickable)

Here you see 5 lines that divide the chart into 6 intervals. The BMI is read as the norm, which falls between the yellow lines. Horizontally is age, and vertically is BMI. I hope you remember how to calculate it.

As you can see, this graph does not indicate SD, but the centiles that I spoke about at the beginning. Thus, the old and modern designation are combined. .

With what degree of obesity they take to the army

This question interests many young people, as well as their parents. After all, complete recruits can become the subject of ridicule and bullying among more slender comrades. When I was still working in a state hospital, I had to fill out a bunch of acts from the military registration and enlistment office on obesity, and some recruits had to serve our Motherland.

And all because not all overweight men fall under the exemption and even deferment. When you come to the commission, they weigh you there, measure your height and calculate your BMI. According to the results of the calculation, a diagnosis of "Obesity" is made and a referral is given to an endocrinologist for examination. Guaranteed to serve young people with 1 degree of obesity and overweight.

Those with grade 2 obesity receive a delay of 6 months, then all over again. And those who have grown their body to 3 degrees of obesity most often receive a life-long exemption from service, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes with the third degree they can only give a reprieve and later you have to repeat everything again. According to BMI 4, the degree of obesity does not exist.

That's all for me. Exercise and your body will thank you! What sport do you do? How do you feel about him in general?

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

In today's world, the number of overweight people is growing exponentially. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, fast food and bad habits of a person. Being overweight poses a serious threat to human health. Obesity becomes a critical point. obesity classification used by doctors to determine the degree of obesity. In past years, a person's height-to-weight ratio was used to classify obesity. The modern classification of obesity allows you to more accurately determine the degree of threat and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

obesity classification. Obesity is a large amount of excess fat in the human body. It is unfortunate, but being overweight can cause the development of very serious diseases. And as the statistics assures, significant obesity causes a high increase in mortality among people prone to obesity. Obesity can provoke the development of such serious diseases as: diabetes mellitus, stroke, cirrhosis of the liver. In addition, obesity has very serious consequences for the human psyche: complexes develop, a hostile attitude towards oneself. And advertising all kinds of miracle pills for getting rid of excess weight is a serious threat to the life and health of obese people.

many years for obesity classification used a table of ratios of weight and height of a person. However, the validity of this classification has often been questioned. To compile the table, average weights for persons of a certain age were used. Over time, this classification has undergone major changes. The age scale was excluded, three body types were identified: large, medium, small. The lack of a clear classification of body types leaves a very noticeable gap in the calculation of the desired weight. In addition, as scientists have proven, obesity and overweight are completely opposite concepts. With this classification, an athlete can be classified as obese due to large muscle volume, and not due to excess fat.

Data for calculation:

Calculation results:

Classification of obesity by BMI and risk of comorbidities

The presence and severity of obesity

Disease risk


< 18.5 кг/кв. метр

There is a risk of other diseases

normal body weight

18.5 - 24.9 kg/sq. meter

Weight gain

25 - 29.9 kg/sq. meter


Obesity 1 degree

30 - 34.9 kg/sq. meter

Obesity 2 degrees

35 - 39.9 kg/sq. meter

Very tall

Obesity 3 degrees

≥ 40 kg/sq. meter

Extremely high

To determine the amount of excess fat in the body, I use various methods. You can carry out weighing under water to accurately determine the density of the body. This is explained by the fact that fat is very light, and soft tissues and bones are much heavier than water. That is why this method allows you to very accurately determine the exact amount of excess fat in the body. Same for obesity classification The method used is a method in which the ratio of bones, soft tissues and fat is determined using X-rays. Also, a special device is used to measure the amount of fat - a micrometer. With it, you can measure the amount of body fat in different parts of the body.

Scientists have proven that measuring the amount of fat on the skin fold in the triceps region allows you to accurately judge the total fat content in the body. For most cases, the limit of obesity can be considered the amount of fat in the total body weight, equal to 30% for women, and 25% for men.

At obesity classification one of the most reliable methods is the examination of the naked body of a person. The amount of fat in this case is determined by simple spikes. If necessary, this examination is supplemented by determining the thickness of the fat folds with a micrometer. To determine the ideal weight of the patient in this case, his weight is taken at the end of the growth period, at about 25 years. All other kilograms can be considered superfluous. Comparing the weight in this case is very convenient and allows you to outline a reasonable and real value of the weight. However, if the patient was already overweight by the age of 25, it becomes much more difficult to carry out such measurements.

obesity classification defines the following types. Abdominal type of obesity, femoral-buttock and mixed type. The abdominal type is the deposition of fatty compounds in the abdomen and upper body of a person. Femoral-gluteal, respectively, in the thighs and buttocks, and the mixed type implies a uniform distribution of body fat throughout the human body.

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