Dog rot worms maggots treatment. How to get rid of maggots. Causes of infection with gadfly larvae in dogs

As a rule, maggots in a wound in a dog start up if the animal is in a neglected state. Unhealed open injuries, festering wounds, ulcers, scratched insect bites - an ideal environment for laying eggs of various flies, from which larvae hatch later. Such a phenomenon in a clinical setting is called miasm. If you do not urgently take the necessary measures, this threatens with serious consequences, up to the death of the pet.

How to detect maggots?

Festering wounds are a favorite place for maggots. They multiply at maximum speed, since the dog's body has all the comfortable conditions for them to live: affordable food and warmth. In an open wound in a dog, you can easily notice oblong light creatures with the naked eye. Feeding on the pet's flesh, they will actively increase in size and more and more absorb soft tissues, which begin to decompose later. Fly larvae, penetrating deep into wounds, eat through subcutaneous tunnels, causing even more harm to the dog. Eating cells, maggots injure muscle and bone tissue. In addition, the spread of pathogenic microflora in the body further worsens. Skin tissues in the affected areas begin to swell and fester.

Symptoms and treatment

Miasm in a dog is divided into three types:

If maggots are wound up in a dog’s wound, you can’t do only superficial treatment. Treatment should be under the full supervision of a veterinarian. Since until all the larvae are destroyed, the exudate is eliminated and the pathogenic microflora is not suppressed, the tissues will not heal, which means that an outbreak of another lesion is possible.

Fly larvae are not dangerous to humans, but they have a good appetite and are able to eat a dog alive.

If the presence of maggots was detected at the initial stage of reproduction and there are few of them, you can handle it yourself. For treatment, you need chlorhecidin, it must be applied to the wound for several days. But it should be remembered that the solution contains toxic substances that the animal can lick off, and this can lead not only to severe poisoning, but also to the death of the pet. In this situation, it is better not to risk it, and if maggots are wound up in the wound of the dog, immediately contact the veterinary clinic.

Preventive measures

Increased attention to the dog, regular skin inspection and timely treatment of open wounds with foul-smelling products will not allow flies to lay eggs. If at least one fly larva was seen in the house, it is urgent to examine the animal and carry out a complete disinfection of the room. Regular control of flying insects, keeping the dog's habitat clean and hygienic, will prevent the development of miasms.

As a rule, a dog that is in a very neglected state becomes a victim of maggots - with festering wounds, untreated injuries, and also not treated for fleas in time. What to do in this case? How to get maggots out of a dog, you will learn more in our article.

Where you can see maggots, how to get maggots out of a dog

Maggots on a dog multiply at cosmic speed, since it is in dog hair, in feces, that they have all the conditions for a comfortable stay:

  • warm;
  • constant source of food;
  • the ability to move around on a dog without spending your own strength;
  • a great place to lay larvae.

How can you conclude stool, anus, open festering wounds– are favorite place for maggots. They very actively absorb already dead skin, meat that has begun to decompose.

Treatment: how to remove maggots from a dog

Maggots on a dog simply need to be treated. How to remove maggots from a dog is a matter of life and death for a pet. On the Internet, you can find many folk recipes for getting rid of this scourge, ranging from tar to simple chlorhexidine. However, you should pay attention to the health of the pet from the inside. Remember when was the last time a worming was done. Call a doctor at home? As soon as possible. Maggots in a dog pose a significant risk to the animal.

    Maggots can be brought out in several ways, but first the general preparation of the animal should be carried out.
  • First of all, you need to deworm the animal with the appropriate drugs that the veterinarian will recommend.
  • After the anthelmintic, the room should be thoroughly disinfected, and even better, the entire apartment in which the dog lives.
  • All alternative methods of treatment should be used only after consultation with a veterinarian.

Maggots though not infectious to humans, but they have a fairly good appetite and can eat the whole dog alive. If these maggots were seen in the tail area, the development of the situation should be observed in an open wound. In that case if there are not many insects you can try to do it on your own, treating the wound with chlorhexidine proceed to the destruction of uninvited guests. This is done in the following way.

    How to remove maggots from a dog if there are not many of them:
  • Apply liquid tar. Within a month, this substance will completely destroy maggots. The smell is not pleasant, but for the sake of the health of your beloved pet, it is worth to endure.
  • Having wondered what to do if the dog has maggots, it should be remembered that the use of bleach is strictly prohibited. This extremely toxic substance can lead to severe poisoning and death of a pet.

Nevertheless, there are benefits from maggots, they remove dead areas in the wound. But this is noticeable only when these insects were specially placed in the wound, and the maggots themselves are the brainchild of a scientific laboratory.

Should I call a doctor at home to get help on how to remove maggots from a dog

How to prepare for a doctor's visit

Visiting a doctor at home will save a lot of time, which can be spent usefully, for example, to examine the rear opening of the animal for cleanliness. You should also carefully prepare for the doctor's visit. Prepare a clean towel, wet wipes, and a large, wide area covered with a sterile sheet. When the doctor comes, you should remain calm and not panic. Dogs are excellent psychologists and they catch the slightest change in their owner's mood. Panic is just as easily transmitted to them, and an agitated animal is quite difficult to examine. Which doctor to call? First of all, you should invite a veterinarian who will conduct a general examination of the animal. In agreement with the owner, a dermatologist from our veterinary center will be sent.

    You can further familiarize yourself with the list of our doctors who are ready to help on the first call:
  • classical doctor;
  • dermatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • dentist;
  • nephrologist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • female gynecologist;
  • ratologist (specialist in rodents and guinea pigs).

It is worth at least once to use such a convenient service as a veterinarian at home - you will no longer want to come to the veterinary center on your own.

Prevention, the best way to get rid of maggots in a dog

Necessarily implement dog check-up. Take her to the doctor every six months for a checkup. This simple measure will help to notice any pathologies in time and not lead to maggots. A competent doctor will also prescribe an adequate anthelmintic. If at least one individual of maggot is wound up in the house, it is necessary to carry out the most thorough cleaning with disinfection of the room, and it is also necessary to inspect the beast. Behind the anus should be completely clean, without an obvious unpleasant odor. Pet your dog daily. This simple measure will help you notice uninvited guests in a timely manner. Remember that the doctors from the Ya-VET veterinary center will do everything to restore the pet's health with maximum losses.

Representatives of the family of flies - gadflies have a hemispherical, well-developed head, with bare eyes, which are wider apart at the back of the head in females than in males; simple eyes - three. Antennae placed in fossa on forehead, short, segmented, with hairless or up to half feathery setae; in the female, the 3rd segment is much larger than in the male.

The proboscis of the American group Cuterebridae is rather large, horny, cranked, retracted into the oral fissure and hardly visible from the outside, without tentacles. The body is large, wide, with a transverse seam on the back, the hind legs are often very elongated.

Dogs become infected when they come into contact with grass in nature, on which there are gadfly larvae. The movement of the dog in relation to the grass stimulates the larva to move to a moving object - the dog. The larva will then move around the dog's body until it finds an opening to enter under the skin.

Infection with gadfly larvae is seasonal in summer to early autumn, during the period of activity of adult gadflies.

An infestation with the larvae of the Cuterebra gadfly may present with bumps above the surface of the skin, or the dog may show signs associated with the movement of the larvae through the tissues. Symptoms may include respiratory signs, neurological signs, ophthalmic (eye) and skin signs.

Respiratory symptoms:

  • Cough.
  • Fever.
  • Confused breath.

Neurological symptoms:

  • Dizziness.
  • Loss of coordination (moving in a circle).
  • Paralysis.
  • Blindness.
  • Permanent lying position.

Ophthalmology symptoms:

  • Damage caused by larvae in the eyeball.

Skin symptoms:

  • The location of the larva under the skin (tubercle, bump, seal) will be raised above the level of the skin and has a hole so that the larva can breathe.

Causes of infection with gadfly larvae in dogs

Treatment of infection with gadfly larvae in dogs

If the larva is at the end of its migratory stage and has established itself in a specific location on the body, such as under the skin, in the eye or nose, your veterinarian will be able to remove it safely.

Maggot therapy is a method of cleansing purulent and gangrenous wounds, known since ancient times. However, it would be wrong to assume that you can take any larvae and fearlessly plant them in a wound on the body. The technique requires knowledge and experience of use. Therefore, if a patient has worms in the wound, a visit to the doctor should be mandatory and prompt.

Larval therapy - what is it?

The conducted studies of scientists have proved that the use of maggots of a certain type, worms in cleansing wound surfaces is a progressive method of treatment. The time spent on cleaning is up to 5-6 days, but the use of traditional methods allows you to achieve a similar result only for 90 days. Doctors recommend that the technique be widely used, for example, in the treatment of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus.

Treatment with maggots is a fairly forgotten old remedy. It was used both in ancient times and during the Second World War, but the advent of antibiotics led to a decrease in the popularity of therapy. Today, the technique is in demand among adherents of alternative therapy in our country, as well as as an aid in European clinics.

The essence of the technique is that maggots eat only dead tissue and do not touch healthy areas. This is what attracted the attention of experts. The opinion of professionals is unequivocal: the use of sterile larvae and maggots of flies can significantly speed up the cleaning process, and hence the healing of wounds. In addition, there are no problems with drug compatibility, and the risk of infection of wounds with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics is also reduced.

What larvae are being treated?

To sterilize and eliminate tissue necrosis, larvae of common flies are used. These little sympathetic worms can work wonders. Maggot larvae, applied to the wound, eat and eat away the necrosis with an art that some surgeons cannot.

However, despite all the positive aspects, not every patient will be able to undergo therapy. To allow worms to be in the wound is to have fortitude and not suffer from squeamishness. The method is simple: sterile maggots are applied to the wound with necrosis and pus. The top crust must then harden for the worms to eat away the dead flesh. After all, the wound is opened, the larvae are removed and you can wait for the healing of the flesh.

The principle of action of maggots on the patient's body

Empirically, scientists have found that the ability of fly larvae to heal wounds is caused by suppression of the body's immune response. The substance secreted by fly larvae when combined with blood serum causes a decrease in protein levels. In some cases, the concentration is reduced by almost 99%. A detailed study of blood samples showed that the components of the mucus break down the compliment C3, C4, which leads to suppression of the immune response and the fastest healing of wounds. Moreover, the healing process is not burdened with purulent inflammation of healthy tissue, there is no tumor, swelling and focal redness - the characteristic signs of the onset of an infectious process in healthy tissue.

Fact! The mucous substance does not lose its useful qualities even when boiled, aged for a month - this property ensures the effectiveness of larval therapy even in the case of especially neglected gangrenous, purulent processes.

Today, doctors successfully use the antibiotic seraticin isolated from the mucus of maggots, which is used to treat trophic ulcers and bedsores.

Treatment technique

To get the right maggots, the flies are kept in a sterile, enclosed space where they can lay their larvae. Then the worms are placed in bags and only after that you can use the "live medicine". The impact of worms on the human body is as follows:

  1. sterilization of focal wounds;
  2. stimulation of healing;
  3. cleansing by eating necrotic areas;
  4. the secreted substance allantoin stimulates the healing process.

Fact! Allantoin, excreted with the urea of ​​the larvae, is also found in cow urine. That is why in villages wounds are still washed with evaporated urine of cattle.

It should be noted that seraticin, an antibiotic contained in the mucus of worms, resists 12 strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, destroys Escherichia coli and bacteria that cause pseudomembranous colitis.

Maggot therapy includes several mandatory stages:

  • breeding of fly larvae of a certain type (green, blowfly);
  • obtaining eggs with their subsequent washing and sterilization;
  • removal of larvae;
  • placing worms in the wound;
  • opening the wound and removing maggots.

Before placing the worms in the wound, they are forced to starve, so placing the larvae in the wound for more than a day is not recommended. However, sometimes the time of therapeutic exposure is calculated individually. It all depends on the severity, the size of the affected area, the type of wound and the presence of purulent inflammation. For example, if the lesion is chronic, the bed is covered with disinfected larvae for 4 days. The procedure can be repeated several times, achieving complete cleaning of the wound bed and a speedy recovery of the patient.

Interesting! Sometimes silky lucil larvae are used. These worms secrete an enzyme that dissolves dead tissues and then eat the resulting substance. After 2-4 days, individuals grow to a size of 12 mm and stop cleaning the wound. If necessary, they are replaced with a new portion of maggots and continue therapy.

Unfortunately, maggot therapy in its original form causes rejection rather than acceptance in the average patient. Not every person is capable of allowing worms to appear in the wound, and doctors prefer more conservative methods of healing. But if the doctor suggests trying this option, you should not refuse - in just 1-2 days the bed of the most neglected wound will be cleaned, and the healing process will go much faster. In this case, you do not have to put shock doses of antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

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