A dog is a man's friend: quotes about true fidelity. The dog is the most faithful friend of man and family

Dogs have always been close to humans: hunting, hiking, and even flying into space. The dog saved a man more than once, risking his own life. And sometimes she is not only a friend, but a very close, dear being. Sometimes it replaces our relatives and loved ones. The dog saved a man more than once, risking his own life. And sometimes she is not only a friend, but a very close, dear being. Sometimes it replaces our relatives and loved ones. "A dog is a man's best friend" is not an empty phrase. How many songs, films are dedicated to our four-legged friends! How many songs, films are dedicated to our four-legged friends! And how many poems, stories, stories, fairy tales, novels - do not count! How it all started - a man finds a friend.

Dog professions. Service dogs have different professions: bloodhounds, shepherds, guards, border guards, divers, guides. Service dogs have different professions: bloodhounds, shepherds, guards, border guards, divers, guides. During the war years, dogs were orderlies, mine detectors, signalmen.

Monuments to dogs Man did not remain indifferent to the deeds of animals. There are a huge number of monuments to "man's true friends" in the world. Man did not remain indifferent to the actions of animals. There are a huge number of monuments to "man's true friends" in the world.

Monument - to a dog named Barry. Monument "Faithful Hachiko"

Interesting Facts. While working on the topic, I learned that dogs in different countries bark differently, so Albanian ones - "ham-ham". Albanian - "ham-ham". In Catalonia, "pap-pap". In Catalonia, "pap-pap". Chinese - "wang-wang", Chinese - "wang-wang", Russian "bow-wow", Russian "wow-wow", Slovenian "hov-hov", Slovenian "hov-hov", Ukrainian "gaff-gaff" . Ukrainian "gaf-gaf". Icelandic - “wow-wow”, Icelandic - “wow-wow”, Indonesian “gong-gong”, Indonesian “gong-gong”, Italian “bau-bau”. Italian bau-bau. Conclusion. The dog is one of the first to become a friend of man, and this connection lasts for many times. There is always someone who needs you, There is always someone who needs you, Who so naively believes in you, Who boldly trusts the soul, Who is ready to wait, loving at the door ...

1. It happened in the 70s.
Kiev resident Vera Arsenyevna Kotlyarevskaya, an activist of the Kyiv Society for the Protection of Animals, a teacher of biology at the Kyiv Pedagogical Institute, came to Moscow on official business.
At the Vnukovo airport, in the midst of the bustle of the flight, her attention was attracted by a shepherd dog, which was lying in a waiting position. As it turned out, the dog had been waiting for its owner for 2 years, who left it at the airport. All this time, the airport workers took care of the shepherd, but she did not let any of the people close.
When the plane arrived, the shepherd became extremely excited, every cell of her body was filled with impatient expectation. The owner did not return. He betrayed the dog. They worried about her, they wrote about her in the press, but no one could help the dog's grief. The local authorities decided to shoot her. Vera Arsenievna arrived at the scene at the right time, she immediately realized that she could influence the course of events. A week passed before the dog (later named Palma) believed the woman and allowed the collar to be put on. Then there was a flight to Kyiv, where the hospitable house of Vera Arsenyevna was waiting for the dog Palma.

2. For several years now, the main attraction of Tolyatti has been considered not only the giant AvtoVAZ, but also an inconspicuous monument to a dog on the outskirts of the Avtozavodsky district.
For seven years, the faithful dog has been waiting for his owners who died in a car accident on the city street ...
He was first spotted on the side of the road back in 1995.
A medium-sized, densely built shepherd dog with a squeal threw itself under the wheels of oncoming cars. The cars left, but the dog remained.
She, a devoted and loving soul, did not know that those whom she was so desperately waiting for would never return to her.
In the summer of 1995, shortly before the appearance of the ghost dog on South Highway, a car accident occurred at the same place.
The cherry-colored car, in which the newlyweds were returning from their honeymoon, collided with an oncoming car. Of all the passengers, only the dog remained unharmed.
During the impact, the dog was simply thrown out of the car. The young wife died before the doctors arrived. A few hours later, the man also died in intensive care.
And the dog remained waiting for him at the place where he had last seen him alive.
The dog did not leave the owner.
More precisely, the place where I saw him for the last time.
He was waiting, waiting for the owner to come. And he would definitely come if he was alive ...
For 7 years, in heat and cold, the dog guarded the last refuge of his master.
Only a few months later, the dirty, skinned dog was noticed by the locals.
The dog was given the nickname Konstantin ("permanent", "faithful").
Everyone was waiting for a little more - and the dog would forget about what had happened. But every day he again and again rushed into oncoming cars.
And he chose cherry "nines": "The owner is back!".
But the cars went by.
The story about him was repeatedly published by newspapers throughout Russia.
When they found him dead in the forest, they began to say that Kostya fell under the wheels of a large KamAZ, and the driver, frightened by the people's wrath, thus "hid the evidence."
But no traces of violent death were found.
Dogs often leave, sensing the approach of death, so as not to die in front of their owners.
So the constantly faithful Konstantin went into the forest, so that the owner, returning, would not see him dead. The dog was sure that sooner or later the owner would come. Can't come. And so I waited until the very end...
This was unfortunate news for all the townspeople, the dog was very loved and for some time he was able to become a living legend of the city.
Due to lack of funds and self-initiative, in memory of the dog, residents put up a memorial shield by the side of the road with the inscription: "To the dog who taught us love and devotion."

Since these days, he has become a symbol of Togliatti and an object of imitation of loyalty to his loving owners. This shield was constantly blown away by the wind and was often broken by vandals.
Then the public of the city of Tolyatti came up with the initiative to erect a real bronze monument to Konstantin.
“A dog is depicted on the pedestal, a ribbon is wrapped around the dog, which symbolizes the road. At the end of the ribbon is a star symbolizing the owner's soul.
The dog's gaze was fixed on the star."
Two years after the death of the dog, a monument was erected with the inscription "Monument of Devotion" at the intersection of the Southern Highway and Lev Yashin Street.
The monument, in fact, is not intended for the dog anymore, but for the people themselves. To be remembered.
Collected 250 thousand. rubles, and the Ulyanovsk sculptor Oleg Klyuev sculpted a dog in bronze, in his words: "All that I tried to embody in my work was boundless devotion."
According to the sculptor's idea, the dog sculpted in bronze "looks into the distance with hope in his eyes."
In 2003, on the Day of the city of Togliatti, a monument was erected.
And now on the roadside, no longer alive, but a bronze dog froze. The sculpture, one and a half meters high, is mounted on a granite pedestal in such a way that those driving along the Southern Highway have the impression that the dog turns its head after passing cars.

3. Italian worker Carlo Siriane somehow picked up a small black and white puppy. The grown dog became a favorite of the whole family, and the owner was accompanied daily in the morning and met in the evening at the bus stop.
So they called him - Fido, which means "faithful."
But once after the bombing (December 30, 1943), the familiar bus was gone for a long time.
Then another stranger came. And not all the inhabitants of the village returned with him.
For 14 years, every evening Fido came to the bus stop and waited.
All of Italy learned about fidelity and devotion to Fido. Not only Italian newspapers wrote about him, but also newspapers of many other countries. The fundraiser was attended by residents of various places in Italy. The monument was opened in December 1957 in the city of Borgo San Lorenzo.
To this celebration, the widow of Carlo Soriane brought a faithful dog, who was awarded a gold medal knocked out in his honor. Two years later, the dog was gone.
But there was a monument with a short inscription on the pedestal: "Fido. An example of devotion.

4. In the USA, on the high bank of the Missouri River (the largest tributary of the Mississippi), there is a monument to the Scottish Shepherd Dog, large stones on the hill are stacked so that they form a noticeable inscription from a distance Shep.
Shep first appeared here when the coffin with the body of the owner (the shepherd with whom the dog was tending the flock) was transferred from the train to the steamer.
Soon the railroad workers noticed that the dog came to each train, and ran away with his departure. With all his appearance, the dog expressed hopeless longing ...
The news of the devoted Shep quickly spread, letters rained down with inquiries about his fate. For almost 6 years old Shep kept his watch.
In January 1942, the dog was gone. And in the spring, this monument of fidelity was built with the funds raised by the railway workers.

5. In Poland stands "Monument to the dog Jock". This is a monument to dog loyalty.
A dog named Jock waited for a whole year on the Grunwald Ring (rondo Grunwaldskie - transport interchange in Krakow) for his master.
According to the Association of Animal Friends of Krakow, its owner probably died of a heart attack while driving a car through this square.
The dog practically lived on the square waiting for the owner for nine months.
He became a favorite of the residents of the surrounding houses.
Public service workers tried to attach him to a shelter for stray dogs, but Jock was not given to them.
Adults and children brought him food.
A year later, Jock nevertheless chose a new mistress for himself - the old geography teacher Maria Muller. When she died, Jock was transferred to a dog shelter, from where he escaped and threw himself under a train.
The monument-sculptor Bronislawa Chromego, made of sandstone, is a dog stretching out its paw, surrounded by caring human hands.

6. A monument to the bull terrier Patsy Ann is installed in the city of Juneau (Yuno) in Alaska.
On the pedestal is the inscription: "Greet her, touch her, and when you leave Yuno, take the symbol of friendship with you on the journey of your life."
The inscription is dedicated to a bull terrier named Patsy Ann, who has been deaf since birth.
Every time a ship came to the port, she hurried there, always guessing exactly the right berth.
When the passengers went ashore, she ran up to each of them and rejoiced, as a dog can rejoice at the arrival of his beloved master.
Patsy Ann didn't miss a single ship, not a single person.
It was love for people that made the path of the deaf bull terrier to the pier unchanged for many years.
Even today, after her death, she sits in the port, waiting in eternal patience, open in the fog, illuminated by the sun or covered with snow.
In 1934, the mayor of the city declared Patsy Ann the official greeting of Yuno, and the residents called her a symbol of devotion and love for people of all dogs in the world.

7. Monument to Laika (1954 - November 3, 1957) - the Soviet cosmonaut dog, the first animal put into Earth's orbit.
It was launched into space on November 3, 1957 at half past six in the morning Moscow time on the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik-2. At that time, Laika was about two years old and weighed about 6 kilograms.
The return of Laika to Earth was not planned.
Like many other animals in space, the dog died during the flight - 5-7 hours after launch, she died from stress and overheating, although it was expected that she would live for about a week. Later, a monument was erected to her in Moscow on the Petrovsky-Razumovskaya Alley.

Laika. A photo

8. Greyhound Guinforth belonged to a knight who lived in a castle in the vicinity of Lyon. One day the knight went hunting, leaving Ginfort to guard his little son.
When the knight returned from the hunt and entered the children's room, he saw that it was in complete disarray - the cradle was upside down, the child was nowhere to be seen, and Ginfort was grinning at his master with a bloodied mouth.
Deciding that Ginforth had killed his son, the knight in a rage killed the dog.
And suddenly he heard a baby crying. The knight turned over the cradle and saw his son lying under it, whole and unharmed, and next to him - a dead viper.
It turned out that Ginforth killed the snake that crawled into the children's room and saved the child.
Realizing their mistake, the knight and his whole family buried the dog with honors, erecting a stone on Ginfort's grave and planting trees around the burial place, arranging a crypt for Ginfort. Soon, the locals recognized Ginfort as a saint, noting that he patronizes babies. Catholic theologians, alarmed by the veneration of the dog as a saint, accused the worshipers of this cult of sacrificing babies to Ginforth at his grave.
The veneration of Ginfort as a saint persisted for several centuries until 1930, despite repeated bans from the Catholic Church.

Greyhound. Photo of the breed.

9. Veterok and Ugolyok are outbred dogs launched into space from the 31st Korolyovskaya site (USSR) at 1:30 am on February 22, 1966 on the Cosmos-110 biosatellite. The flight duration was 23 days.
The dogs were transferred to the ship six hours before launch.
Before the start, Ugolyok was called Snowball; he was renamed Ugolka, as he was dark in color.
The satellite landed on March 17, at seven o'clock in the evening the dogs were already at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health, where they were preparing for launch into space.
When the nylon suits were removed from the dogs, it turned out that the dogs had no hair - only bare skin, diaper rash and bedsores. The dogs did not stand on their feet and were very weak, both had a strong heartbeat and constant thirst.
After some time, the dogs were already running around the territory of the institute, like ordinary yard dogs. Subsequently, they gave healthy offspring and lived in the vivarium until the end of their days.

10. The world-famous Beelka and Streelka are mongrel dogs launched into space on the Soviet ship Sputnik-5, the prototype of the Vostok spacecraft, and were there from August 19 to 20, 1960.
The purpose of the experiment to launch animals into space was to test the effectiveness of life support systems in space and to study the effect of cosmic radiation on living organisms.
Dogs Belka and Strelka are the first living creatures to safely return to Earth after an orbital flight.
A few months later, Strelka had six healthy puppies.
One of them was personally asked by N. S. Khrushchev. He sent it as a gift to Carolyn Kennedy, daughter of US President John F. Kennedy.
Currently, stuffed animals are in the Moscow Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.

11. Barry (1800-1814) - the most famous dog of the St. Bernard breed.
Lived in the monastery. Saint Bernard, on the Italian-Swiss border, worked with Alpine rescuers, saved 40 people in 10 years.
In the Alps there is the St. Bernard Pass. Once there was a road connecting Italy with the countries of Central Europe.
This road was difficult both because it ran at an altitude of two and a half kilometers, and because of the weather conditions of those places: a snowstorm suddenly began and travelers caught on the road often lost direction and died.
The monks gave shelter in their monastery hotel to travelers passing through the pass, helped those in trouble.
Barry saved forty people in the mountains in the winter and was mistakenly killed by the last of those whom the dog saved. Perhaps this is a legend.
But it says that once a particularly strong snowstorm broke out, and even the dogs trained by the monks were unable to cope with it and returned to the monastery, exhausted.
And only Barry did not leave the search, and eventually found a man covered with snow. The dog began to dig it up, but when the man saw a dog's face in front of him, he decided that it was a wolf in front of him, and killed his savior.
This was the forty-first person Barry had saved.
According to another version, the forty-first was a child. Barry found him in the mountains, and warmed him with his warmth until the boy woke up and managed to wrap his arms around the dog's neck. Then Barry began to carefully drag the child, after a while he was able to climb onto the back of the dog and Barry delivered the rescued child to the nearest settlement.
There he served for another twenty years and died a natural death.
Barry's mummy is on display at the Natural History Museum in Bern, Switzerland.
In addition, his statue is located at the entrance to the Cemetery of Dogs in Paris. The inscription on the pedestal reads: "Barry, who saved forty people and killed forty-first."

12. Balto (Bolto) (English Balto) - Siberian Laika, sled dog from a team that transported medicines during the diphtheria epidemic in 1925 in the cities of Alaska, USA.
Balto was born in 1919 in the small town of Nome in Alaska.
Balto spent the first few years of his life transporting food for the city. It was considered rather slow and not suitable for heavier work.
In early 1925, diphtheria, a terrible disease affecting children, broke out in the settlement of Nome. A medicine was needed - diphtheria serum (antitoxins), moreover, to all adjacent hospitals. Contacting by telegraph with all nearby cities, they found out that a little serum remained in the city of Anchorage, which lay a thousand miles from the settlement.
An ice storm and a storm prevented the planes from taking off. It was decided to transport the serum by train to the city of Nenana (Nenana), but no further, due to the lack of railroad tracks. However, Nenana was located at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers of icy desert. The inhabitants of Nome suggested a way out: to equip a dog team and rely on the speed and strength of the dog's paws and the skill of the team leaders.
The team was equipped, and the teams set off into the icy wind and snow. Many gave up during the transition. This is not surprising, because it was almost impossible to find the way in a snowstorm. The first to arrive in Nenana was Gunnar Kosen (Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen), whose team of huskies was led by Balto. However, on the way back, Gunnar was so weakened by frostbite that he could not continue to lead the team.
And so, when Gunnar Kosen lost all hope of saving the children of Nome, Balto, who remembered the road, himself led the team back to the city, without slowing down until a safe arrival in Nome. Upon arrival, the dogs were so exhausted that they did not even have the strength to bark, but the medicine was delivered to the sick.
In 1995, an entertaining and very interesting cartoon was shot in the best traditions of hand-drawn Hollywood animation, based on the real life of Bolto. I myself watched at one time, not to mention the children, with great pleasure, respect and gratitude.

Balto. (stuffed animal)

Balto with children

13. Greyfriars Bobby was a Skye Terrier who rose to prominence in the 19th century after guarding the grave of his deceased owner in Edinburgh, Scotland for fourteen years until his own death on January 14, 1872.
Bobby belonged to John Gray, who worked as a night watchman for the Edinburgh City Police.
They lived inseparably for about two years. On February 15, 1858, John Gray died of tuberculosis.
He was buried in Edinburgh at the Greyfriars Kirkyard churchyard at the Greyfriars Kirk church in the old part of the city.
Bobby, who outlived his master by fourteen years, spent the remaining years at his grave, only occasionally going to a restaurant near the cemetery, where he was fed by the owner, or in order to wait out the frosts in nearby houses.
In 1867, when Bobby, like a dog without a master, was threatened with destruction, the Lord Mayor of Edinburgh, Sir William Chambers (also director of the Scottish Society Against Cruelty to Animals), paid for the renewal of Bobby's license and took him under the responsibility of the municipality. Bobby received a collar engraved in thick brass plate and inscribed "Greyfriars Bobby from the Lord Mayor, 1867, authorized".
This collar is currently on display at the Huntly House Museum on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh.
Bobby died in 1872 and, as he could not be buried directly within the Greyfriars Kirkyard cemetery, he was buried at the gate, near the grave of John Gray.
Life size statue of Greyfriars Bobby. The red granite stone on Bobby's grave was erected by the Helping Dogs of Scotland and inaugurated by the Duke of Gloucester, Richard Windsor, on May 13, 1981. The inscription on the stone reads: "Greyfriars Bobby - died January 14, 1872 - age 16 - May his loyalty and devotion be a lesson to us all"

14. Hachiko (jap.) - a dog of the Akita Inu breed, which is a symbol of loyalty and devotion in Japan. Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923 in the Japanese prefecture of Akita.
The farmer decided to give the puppy to Professor Hidesaburo Ueno, who worked at the University of Tokyo. The professor gave the puppy the nickname Hachiko (eighth).
When Hachiko grew up, he always followed his master everywhere.
He went to the city every day to work, so the dog first accompanied him to the entrance to the Shibuya station, and then returned there again at 3 o'clock in the afternoon to meet him.
On May 21, 1925, a professor at the university had a heart attack.
The doctors could not save his life, and he never returned home. Hachiko was eighteen months old at the time. On that day, he did not wait for the owner, but began to come to the station every day, patiently waiting for him until late in the evening. He spent the night on the porch of the professor's house.
Despite the fact that they tried to attach the dog to the homes of friends and relatives of the professor, he invariably continued to return to the station.
Local merchants and railroad workers fed Hachiko, admiring his perseverance.
The dog became known throughout Japan in 1932 after the publication in one of the largest newspapers in Tokyo of the article "The faithful old dog awaits the return of his master, who died seven years ago." The story won the hearts of the Japanese, and curious people began to come to Shibuya Station in order to look at the dog.
Hachiko came to the station for nine years until his death on March 8, 1935. Dead Hachiko was found on the street, not far from the station.
He died of heart filaria and several yakitori sticks were found in his stomach.
A year before, on April 21, 1934, a monument was erected to Hachiko, at the opening of which he personally attended.
After his death, due to the wide resonance, a day of mourning was declared in the country.
During the Second World War, the monument was destroyed - the metal of the monument went to military needs. But Japan did not forget the dog - and after the end of the war, in August 1948, the monument was restored. Today, the statue of Hachiko near Shibuya Station is a meeting place for lovers, and the image of the dog in Japan has become an example of selfless love and fidelity.

15. “When I participate in experiments involving the death of an animal, I feel great regret that with a rude and ignorant hand I break an inexpressible artistic organism, that I am the executioner of a living being,” wrote Academician Pavlov in one of his works.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was the first in Russia to come up with the idea of ​​erecting a monument to a dog as a faithful companion and assistant to scientists.
But Russian officials took the idea with hostility. They said: "A monument to a dog? Yes, where has it been seen!"
When Ivan Petrovich went to the authorities with a petition regarding the installation of a monument, Western scientists found out about this. And they said that they would give money in order to erect such a monument in France or Germany.
Pavlov refused. He believed that such a monument should stand only in Russia and only in St. Petersburg. Because, despite the difficult times - the consequences of famine, devastation and the Red Terror, it was St. Petersburg that was considered one of the centers of world science in those years.
As a result of the efforts of Academician Pavlov, Petersburg became the first city in the world where a monument was erected to a nameless dog that contributed to the development of human science.
This was in 1935. Monument with an inscription "From grateful mankind" and to this day can be seen in the courtyard of the Institute of Experimental Medicine.

Another monument to Pavlov's dogs.

16. In Krasnodar - at the corner of Krasnaya and Mira streets - a monument to dogs in love was solemnly opened.
The appearance of such an unusual monument became possible thanks to the project for the improvement of Krasnodar, initiated by the city department of architecture.
“Krasnodar is a city for people, but dogs are also its full-fledged residents.
This "dog capital" is a city within a city.
And the monument to dogs in love is “made for the joy of people”, so that a gloomy person, when he sees it, cheers up.
In turn, the chief architect of Krasnodar Alexander Kuznetsov noted that the uniqueness of the monument to dogs lies in the fact that it is the only one in the city that grants a wish.
“To make a wish come true, you need to rub the paws of the dogs,” said the architect.

17. This Mumu was installed in 1998 on the English Channel in the city of Anfleur by Russian director Yuri Grymov.

And these are the immortalized boots of Gerasim and the sad Mumu.
Installed in St. Petersburg at the entrance to the club-cafe "Mumu" on Turgenev Square.

18. I had a faithful dog. Black and white East Siberian Laika named Ataman.
My faithful friend and devoted dog.
I dedicate a post to him, and after many years I say - thank you, thank you and remember you, Ataman.
He is worthy. Waited 2 years and was able to follow me anywhere and at any time and season. I will not describe the merits of my friend here, it is understandable by people and more than once proved in practice by a dog that she is always able to love, understand and protect in cases of danger, with her devoted soul and valuable life.

Many families get a dog, because they are loyal and attentive and for many are considered the most expensive companions in life. For thousands of years, four-legged friends have lived with humans. With a dog, you are never alone, because a dog is a man's best friend. Did you know that a dog affects 22 percent of the life expectancy of the owner or mistress. And yet it is so. Dogs are able to solve our pressing problems, such as lack of exercise or to protect an overly weak immune system. Our four-legged friends have a keen sense when something is wrong with us and can formally suffer for us.

  • Do you have physical ailments?
  • Are you suffering from mental health problems?
  • Are you suffering from loneliness? Do you need a true friend?
  • Do you feel threatened and afraid of burglars?
  • Are you a woman traveling on the road who needs an escort?
  • Are you overweight?
  • Does your life seem boring?
  • Are you suffering from physical disabilities?

No matter what problem you have, dogs have been serving humanity for centuries. And this is no coincidence. A dog, as the most faithful four-legged friend of a person, solves many problems every day, both for a person in particular and in family life.
Whether your family dog ​​is for you as a friend or as a substitute for occupational therapy for the elderly. Dogs include an incredible amount of gaps in people's daily lives - often most people don't even know it. Take this knowledge for your situation!

The question of the appropriateness of using a dog

Now you can consider using a dog as a useful solution to your problem. Scientists believe that dogs are social creatures that have brain structures similar to humans and that they feel like we do. Studies have shown that stress levels are reduced when we pet a dog.
For a dog, it doesn’t matter if its owner is thin or fat, rich or poor. The animal love of a dog has no prejudice. And this is important.
The human brain has been imprinted on nature and animals for millions of years. Research shows that our brains react differently to living things than they do to inanimate things. Animals give us something that people often lose. For example, intuition, spontaneity, disinterestedness.

Dogs have a key to the elderly and lonely people. Many need the need to care for others. Animals give a sense of what is needed and structure the day of a lonely person, being, first of all, a living being with whom one can communicate or cuddle can.

Unfortunately, in practical life there are still few circulating esoteric, healing stories about how dogs help in curing oncology and many aspects of the impact on human health.
But modern research is once again proving the positive relationship between a dog and a person's physical health. An important aspect here is that dogs have a positive effect on the motivation for physical activity of their owners.

Yachmenev Dmitry

the abstract presents materials on the topic "Dog and man"



MBOU "Taseevskaya secondary school No. 1"


"Man's Faithful Friend"

Completed by: Yachmenev Dmitry

1st grade student B

Head: Eremenko A.V.


Introduction…………………………………………………………………. 3

1. How a man tamed a dog……………………………………………4

2. Breeds of dogs……………………………………………………………...6

3. Known dogs…………………………………………………………9




For thousands of years, a dog has been living next to us - a true friend and helper of man.

She guards herds of sheep and cows, searches for criminals, detects drugs, helps hunters track down and shoot game, guards the state border - you can’t list everything. I have a dog too. Every day when I come to feed her, she looks at me with a devoted look, wags her tail and it seems that she understands everything that I tell her.

Dogs know how to calm us down after any trouble at school, at work. Here we open the gate to the courtyard, the door of the apartment .... A joyful screech, a devoted dog's look. And when a shaggy muzzle lies on our knees, it becomes very good. And when we get sick, doesn’t a shaggy friend lie by the bed for hours? And if there is a scratch or a cut on the hand, doesn’t he try to heal this place with his licking?

We all know how devoted our outbred mutts are to us. And how they rejoice at our return home after school! And they wag their tails, and jump merrily on their hind legs, squealing and whining from the joy of meeting! Dogs are our true friends!

I became interested in learning more about our four-legged friends.

1. How a man tamed a dog.

A dog is a true friend of man and his assistant from ancient times. The wolf is considered to be the ancestor of the domestic dog; he was the first animal that man adopted into his home. It happened 20 thousand years ago. Primitive man feared for his life. He listened to every rustle, to an unfamiliar sound: whether the enemy was creeping up. And the dog hears what a person does not hear, feels various smells that are inaccessible to a person. She is especially sensitive at night, because in the past the dog was a nocturnal predator.

It took millennia before the predator forgot distant habits and became a true friend to man. Gradually, man tamed the dog to guard the house-cave, and in case of danger, give an alarm. She began to help the man on the hunt: she looked for game, brought it to the owner, helped the man to defend himself. And when a man took up cattle breeding, the dog began to guard the cattle.

In ancient times, special fighting dogs, Molossians, were bred in Greece and Rome. In the army of Alexander the Great there was a detachment of such dogs. In the Middle Ages, during the siege of Valencia, 5,000 dogs, chained in armor, took part in the battle.

In Russia, since ancient times, dogs have helped hunters. Peter I had a liaison dog. She carried his letters and orders.

In Czechoslovakia, a postman dog delivers letters and telegrams to tourist camps and holiday homes located in hard-to-reach places.

Dogs have a very good sense of smell. The dog is able to sort out smells, highlighting the only one you need from hundreds. The world of smells, one might say, is the main thing for a dog: it does not see well.

Scientists have established that the dog's vision is colored. But she can only see a person at a distance of three hundred meters. Another feature of dogs is the ability to cover distances of tens of kilometers.

So why is a dog considered a friend of man. It turns out that dogs of any breed are distinguished by sincere affection for the owner. And if he pays the dog the same, a special kind of feeling arises between them, which are called fidelity and love. A man fell in love with a dog for devotion and affection. And the dog became his best four-legged friend. Many people after communicating with dogs become kinder, better and calmer.

2. Breeds of dogs.

All dog breeds are divided into three main groups:

  1. Service (military, guard, shepherd, riding)
  2. Hunting (commercial and sports)
  3. Room decorative

Service dogs include Shepherds, Huskies, Boxers, Great Danes, Collies, etc.

Service s Both have different professions:

  1. Dogs are bloodhounds
  2. Dogs are shepherds
  3. Dogs are watchmen
  4. Dogs are border guards
  5. Dogs are divers
  6. Not so long ago, dogs mastered the profession of a gasman. They walk along the gas main, checking for gas leaks.
  7. Dogs - geologists discover minerals at a depth of several meters.
  8. Now dogs are used to search for crashed aircraft.
  9. The service of dogs at airfields is widespread: four-legged customs officers have perfectly learned to find explosives, weapons, and drugs.

Let's talk about some breeds of service dogs.

Sheepdogs - German and Caucasian Shepherds and reliable guards, and loving pets at the same time. They communicate well with children, as well as with other animals. It is not advisable to leave them alone for a very long time, because they need constant communication with a person. This breed has a very calm nature. A properly trained German Shepherd always behaves properly according to the circumstances. German Shepherds are well suited to work and have been used as working dogs for many years.

They serve in the police, help rescuers, help blind and deaf people as guide dogs, and also participate in hostilities. Their mind and sense of smell, efficiency help to perform almost any task.

Collies are very friendly and sociable. They need to pay a lot of attention. If the owner is not around for a long time, collies can get sick or change their behavior. They don't like loud sounds. This breed needs a lot of exercise. Therefore, walking with her, you need to pay attention to games and walks without a leash.

Diver - Newfoundland. This dog does not have diving equipment. But she dives and swims no worse than a master of sports. The owners try not to take her to the beach with them, because, obeying instinct, she begins to fish out of the water on her own in order to “rescue” peacefully bathing people.

hunting - dogs that are used as assistants in hunting. Especially often such a hunt was organized by Russian tsars. This species includes the Russian hound, Russian canine greyhound, setter, spaniel, pointer.




Room decorativedogs are bred for decoration, recreation. They are called decorative because they decorate our life, make it not so gray and monotonous. These dogs are adorable! For the most part they are small. She is always next to the owner, maybe even in her arms and even in her pocket. They are fun, they are funny. And they also have a very worthy quality - they are very jealous - they do not let anyone near their master. So they are good watchdogs. These dogs include poodle, lap dog, toy terrier and others.

lap dog

Toy Terrier


3. "Dog" work and famous dogs.

The dog is not only an excellent watchman, it also copes well with various jobs.

  1. The role of draft or sled dogs is great. In the north, dog sleds run across the snows of the tundra. 8-10 dogs harnessed to light sleds can cover a distance of 150 km per day. How many polar explorers were helped by dogs to master hard-to-reach areas of the Far North. The famous polar explorer Sedov fell ill with scurvy during his heroic attempt to reach the North Pole and died on February 20, 1914. The companions buried their captain and moved on. But the leader of the team, Fram, did not go with them. He lay down on his master's grave and died on it.
  2. Who doesn't know border dogs? Day and night they help guard the borders of our country. By the behavior of the dogs, the border guards learn about the approach of scouts. Fearless and courageous shepherds pursue criminals, help to detain enemies. It is difficult to do without dogs in the protection of public order. The dog helps not only to catch up with the robber, but also to find him by the smell of his belongings. Dog-hound-thunderstorm of all criminals.

Dock - from the detective police of Rome. On his account, 400 detained thieves and bandits, Doke participated in 160 fights, received 7 gunshot wounds and several stab wounds.

In the St. Petersburg police served a dog named Sultan. He returned to the injured people the valuables stolen from them for a total of two million rubles. Now the effigy of the Sultan stands in the museum of criminalistics in St. Petersburg.

Customs dogs have learned to find explosives and even weapons that can be used by bandits, terrorists; these dogs find drugs.

Doberman Pinscher named best bloodhound Sauer . In 1925, he tracked down a thief by smell at a distance of 160 km.

  1. A guide dog replaces eyes for a person who has lost his sight: he leads him to work and home, protects him on the way. The All-Russian Society of the Blind has a school where guide dogs are trained.
  2. In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, dogs, along with the fighters, went through a difficult battle path. They were both liaison officers and helped the nurses carry the wounded from the battlefield, set mines. Dogs were successfully used in the destruction of German tanks. Shepherd-sapper Dick discovered 1728 Nazi mines. Signalman Jack transferred 2932 combat documents. 900 wounded were taken from the battlefield by the dog team of foreman Fedulin.

On account of the dogs - 300 destroyed enemy tanks. Dogs were carriers. They delivered important messages. There were dogs - mine detectors. There were sled dogs. But the main merit of dogs in the war is mine clearing of roads, buildings, villages, cities.

  1. Dogs also played an important role in space exploration. This is the husky that prepared Yuri Gagarin's flight into space. Her flight brought information about the effect of weightlessness on a living organism. On August 20, the first "cosmonauts" returned to Earth, each weighing 5.5 kg. They made 18 orbits around the Earth. The successful space journey of Belka and Strelka showed that there is a practical possibility of man's flight into space.
  1. And how many people were saved by dogs during fires, search operations.

St. Bernard named Barry saved 40 people in the Alps. This dog went out into the blizzard and blizzard to find people who had gone astray. Leo Tolstoy wrote a story about a fire dog named Bob, who carried 12 small children out of the fire.

  1. Man has learned to use dogs in various areas of his life. The dog Krista (GDR) walked along the entire 7 km gas pipeline, checking for gas leaks anywhere. If the dog detected a gas leak, it reported by barking and laying down near the emergency site. After a while the dogs learned to patrol 18-
    kilometer track in Tallinn. A dog from Finland identified mineral deposits in 1962. And our shepherd Karat found ore at a depth of 12 meters. Now dogs are being trained, which in the future will find sunken boats and ships underwater.

Monuments to dogs.

In gratitude for their loyalty and devotion, mankind erected monuments to dogs.

  1. It is believed that the very first monument to a dog was erected in the 4th century BC near the city of Corinth. According to legend, a dog named Soetr woke up the garrison of the city when the enemy quietly crept up to him. The enemy was driven back, and Soetre was awarded a monument during his lifetime and a silver collar with the inscription: “Defender and savior of Corinth.”
  2. The monument to Barry the dog is the most famous. It was built almost 190 years ago and stands in one of the cemeteries in Paris. Barry rescued more than 40 people during snow drifts in the Alps.
  1. In Berlin there is a monument to the guide dog.
  2. A monument to a dog that served science was erected in St. Petersburg.
  3. A dog named Faithful stands a monument in Italy. For 14 years he came to the station every evening and met his master there, who was killed in the war.


This is how day after day we live next to true true friends. We all know how devoted our outbred mutts are to us. And how they rejoice at our return home after school! And they wag their tails, and jump merrily on their hind legs, squealing and whining from the joy of meeting! Yes, and they are the most faithful watchmen of our yard! No wonder proverbs say:

  1. A good dog will not be left without an owner.
  2. The dog is man's best friend.
  3. With a faithful dog, the watchman sleeps.
  4. A good dog does not bark at the wind.
  5. Honor for the owner and the dog.
  6. Loyal like a dog.
  7. And you won't find dogs.

However, if you have a desire to get a dog, you need to remember some rules.

  1. Walk with the dog.
  2. 2. Wash occasionally.
  3. 3. Take care of the coat.
  4. 4. Regularly inspect the mouth, dogs can also have a toothache.
  5. 5. A place to sleep - away from drafts.
  6. 5. Clean your ears.
  7. 6. Teach the rules of conduct.

    Who does not love dogs does not value loyalty. We can safely agree with this statement, because dogs are the most sincere, most faithful and devoted animals. If the dog is angry - it barks, if it is glad to see someone - it wags its tail and curls around its legs. This is the main difference between dogs and people - they are always sincere and never lie or hypocrite.

    Dogs are so striking in their spiritual devotion that they have become not just pets, but also the center of many statements, and even works. We offer you a selection of quotes with meaning, beautiful and funny phrases about dogs. Cheer up with us and with your four-legged friends!

    And dogs, unlike people, have a good memory for the good - and a bad one for the bad. (Elchin Safarli)

    Dogs, unlike people, do not offend just like that ...

    I have long suspected that dogs are much smarter than humans; I was even sure that she could talk, but that there was only some kind of stubbornness in her. She is an extraordinary politician: she notices everything, all the steps of a person. (N. Gogol)

    Dogs see everything, but they are silent about everything.

    Dogs talk, but only to those who can listen. (Orhan Pamuk)

    A dog, even when it wags its tail, is talking to a person.

    Dogs are generally loved more than wives, because dogs only bark at strangers. (V. Havel)

    They don't hurt their dogs...

    If people have the naivete to believe in God, then dogs have the naivete to believe in man. (Eric Emmanuel Schmitt)

    A dog will trust his master like a man would trust God.

    If you need someone grateful, get a dog. (R. Harris)

    You can't wait for gratitude from people.

    If a dog puts its head on your lap, sooner or later you begin to understand that it needs to be stroked. (Matt Haig)

    A loving owner will stroke the dog without hints.

    I'm not obsessed with dogs, I just love them so much. (Tom Hardy)

    You can't help but love dogs.

    The dog is a friend. She understands everything, but she can't say anything. The dog sympathizes silently - this is its advantage.

    Many people love dogs because they are friends who never criticize.

    Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy. (Wilfred Lampton)

    A puppy is happiness that grows.

    The life of dogs is too short, this is their only drawback.

    The worst thing is to lose those to whom you are so attached.

    It's good when a dog is a friend, but it's bad when a friend is a dog ...

    Dogs are the most loyal and selfless friends.

    The dog is the only creature that has seen its God with its own eyes. (Jack London)

    All dogs idolize their owners.

    The dog jumps on your lap because he loves you; cat - because she is so warm (Alfred North Whitehead)

    The dog is looking for affection, the cat is looking for profit.

    A dog is the only creature in the world that loves you more than itself. (Josh Billings)

    Too bad not everyone appreciates it.

    If you pick up a hungry dog, feed and caress it, then it will not bite you; This is its fundamental difference from a person.

    A dog, unlike a person, will always be grateful and will never betray.

    The gods do not count the life time spent walking the dog. (Folk wisdom)

    When you walk your dog, you are actually walking yourself.

    Maybe being called a dog is not such a big insult. (John Stephens)

    Strange people: they are compared to the most devoted creatures on Earth, and they are also offended.

    The most loving creature in the world is a wet dog. (Ambrose Bierce)

    Mine and dry loves me...)

    Each dog must have its own bone. (Bee Dorsey Orley)

    And your place in the house.

    It doesn't matter: a person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really doesn't like being alone. (Karel Capek)

    In general, they find each other.

    Don't live in a city where you can't hear the barking of dogs.

    This means that unfriendly people live there.

    Women and cats always do as they please; men and dogs can only relax and come to terms with this state of affairs. (A. Heinlein)

    Everyone has their own destiny…)

    Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people. (Elian J. Finbert)

    Dogs sincerely believe those with whom they live.

    Buy a puppy and you will get the most devoted love in the world.

    There is only one way to buy love with money - to buy a puppy.

    It's not the dogs that you should be afraid of, but their owners.

    If the owner never offends the dog, then in turn, he will never get angry at people.

    A dog is not just a friend of a person, it is part of the family!

    Or rather, a full-fledged and equal member of the family!

    The dog is the most wonderful, perfect and useful of all the acquisitions that man has ever made. (J. Cuvier)

    When a person gets a dog, he disciplines himself.

    No matter how little money you have, a dog always makes you rich. (Lewis Sabin)

    It's true, because dogs give us something that money can't buy - love.

    Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, unlike humans, who are unable to selflessly love and mix love and hate. (Sigmund Freud)

    Dogs can't be hypocrites.

    Money can buy any dog, but not the wagging of its tail.

    Tail wagging must be earned

    To compare a bad man with a dog is to give him a great compliment and a great insult to the entire canine race...

    A bad person is not worthy of such a comparison.

    The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs. (G. Heine)

    And the more I am disappointed in people.

    Dogs laugh too, only they laugh with their tails. (M. Eastman)

    Dogs have their own language - sign language, it replaces a thousand words.

    We love our dog and don't want it to change for the better; and in the people we love, we want to change a lot. (Nadine de Rothschild)

    They don't try to change those they love...

    The dog has seldom succeeded in instilling its prudence in man; but it costs nothing for a man to dissolve a dog. (J. Thurber)

    The dog lends itself well to training, but it feels the weakness of the owner no worse ...

    We need to learn from dogs: they always look at us ingenuously, without any catch, with an open soul and appreciate in us not our advantages or disadvantages, but what we are. (V. Ghazaryan)

    Dogs teach us to be sincere.

    Wonderful creature dog. No other animal gives up its freedom so willingly in order to faithfully serve man. Most people are completely incapable of doing this. (Mark Frost)

    People cannot even sacrifice their freedom for the sake of love.

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