School system of special education. Correctional education

According to the standard provision, special (correctional) institutions in Russia are divided into 8 types:

1. A special (correctional) educational institution of the 1st type is created for the education and upbringing of deaf children, their comprehensive development in close connection with the formation of verbal speech as a means of communication and thinking on an auditory-visual basis, correction and compensation for deviations in their psychophysical development, to obtain general education, labor and social preparation for independent living.

2. A correctional institution of the II type is created for the education and upbringing of hearing-impaired children (having partial hearing loss and varying degrees of speech underdevelopment) and late deaf children (deaf at preschool or school age, but retaining independent speech), their comprehensive development based on the formation of verbal speech, preparation for free speech communication on an auditory and auditory-visual basis. Education of hearing-impaired children has a corrective orientation, which contributes to overcoming deviations in development. At the same time, during the entire educational process, special attention is paid to the development of auditory perception and work on the formation of oral speech. Pupils are provided with active speech practice by creating an auditory-speech environment (using sound-amplifying equipment), which makes it possible to form speech on an auditory basis that is close to natural sound.

3.4. Correctional institutions of the III and IV types provide training, education, correction of primary and secondary deviations in the development of pupils with visual impairments, the development of safe analyzers, the formation of correctional and compensatory skills that contribute to the social adaptation of pupils in society. If necessary, joint (in one correctional institution) training of blind and visually impaired children, children with strabismus and amblyopia can be organized.

5. Correctional institution of type V is created to educate and educate children with severe speech pathology, to provide them with specialized assistance that helps to overcome speech disorders and related features of mental development.

6. Correctional institution VI type is created for the education and upbringing of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (with motor disorders of various etiology and severity, cerebral palsy, with congenital and acquired deformities of the musculoskeletal system, flaccid paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, paresis and paraparesis of the lower and upper extremities), for the restoration, formation and development of motor functions, correction of deficiencies in the mental and speech development of children, their social and labor adaptation and integration into society on the basis of a specially organized motor regime and subject-practical activities.

7. A correctional institution of the VII type is created for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation, who, with potentially preserved opportunities for intellectual development, experience weakness in memory, attention, lack of pace and mobility of mental processes, increased exhaustion, unformed voluntary regulation of activity, emotional instability, for ensuring the correction of their mental development and emotional-volitional sphere, the activation of cognitive activity, the formation of skills and abilities of educational activity.

8. Correctional institution of the VIII type is created for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation in order to correct deviations in their development by means of education and labor training, as well as social and psychological rehabilitation for subsequent integration into society.

The educational process in institutions of 1-6 types is carried out in accordance with the general educational program of general education.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Examinations in mathematics (grade 2) for special (correctional) institutions of the VIII type

Examinations in mathematics were developed for the entire academic year for grade 2 under the "Program of Special (Correctional) Institutions of the VIII Type." Options are differentiated. Option 1 - for students...


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The methodological development contains material for compiling a description and description-comparison of two animals using a presentation I made for the lesson....

Correctional educational institutions are specially created, taking into account all the needs, educational institutions that provide students with developmental disabilities; training, education, treatment, contributing to their social adaptation and integration into society.

For the first time, special education for special children began in Spain in 1578, in England - in 1648. in France in 1670. Attempts at special education for children with intellectual disabilities began in the 19th century, combined with research on the very phenomenon of oligophrenia. In the Russian Empire, the system of special education for children appeared in 1797 with the establishment of the department of Empress Maria Feodorovna, which paid special attention to orphanages.

At the beginning of the 20th century, about 4.5 thousand charitable organizations and 6.5 thousand institutions for the social support of children, including those with developmental disabilities, operated in the Russian Empire. In pre-revolutionary Russia, a network of special educational institutions was created, and by the beginning of the 20th century, when the experience of teaching and raising special children was adopted everywhere, knowledge was systematized - correctional pedagogy took shape as a single system of correctional education.

Today in Russia, the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions are regulated by the model regulation “On a special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities” (1997) and a letter “On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of types I-VIII” .

Special (correctional) institutions in Russia are divided into 8 types:

1.Special (correctional) educational institution Type I is created for the education and upbringing of deaf children, their comprehensive development in close connection with the formation of verbal speech as a means of communication and thinking on an auditory-visual basis, correction and compensation for deviations in their psychophysical development, to receive general educational, labor and social preparation for independent life.

2. Correctional institution type II is created for the education and upbringing of hearing-impaired children (having partial hearing loss and varying degrees of speech underdevelopment) and late deaf children (deaf at preschool or school age, but retaining independent speech), their comprehensive development based on the formation of verbal speech, preparation for free speech communication on auditory and auditory-visual basis. Education of hearing-impaired children has a corrective orientation, which contributes to overcoming deviations in development. At the same time, during the entire educational process, special attention is paid to the development of auditory perception and work on the formation of oral speech. Pupils are provided with active speech practice by creating an auditory-speech environment (using sound-amplifying equipment), which makes it possible to form speech on an auditory basis that is close to natural sound.

3.4. Correctional institutions III and IV types provide training, education, correction of primary and secondary deviations in the development of pupils with visual impairments, the development of safe analyzers, the formation of correctional and compensatory skills that contribute to the social adaptation of pupils in society. If necessary, joint (in one correctional institution) training of blind and visually impaired children, children with strabismus and amblyopia can be organized.

5. Correctional institution Type V It is created to educate and educate children with severe speech pathology, to provide them with specialized assistance that helps to overcome speech disorders and related features of mental development.

6. Correctional institution Type VI created for the education and upbringing of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (with motor disorders of various etiology and severity, cerebral palsy, with congenital and acquired deformities of the musculoskeletal system, flaccid paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, paresis and paraparesis of the lower and upper extremities ), for the restoration, formation and development of motor functions, correction of deficiencies in the mental and speech development of children, their social and labor adaptation and integration into society on the basis of a specially organized motor regime and subject-practical activities.

7. Correctional institution type VII is created for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation, who, with potentially preserved opportunities for intellectual development, have weakness of memory, attention, lack of pace and mobility of mental processes, increased exhaustion, unformed voluntary regulation of activity, emotional instability, to ensure the correction of their mental development and emotional-volitional sphere, activation of cognitive activity, formation of skills and abilities of educational activity.

8. Correctional institution Type VIII is created for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation in order to correct deviations in their development by means of education and labor training, as well as socio-psychological rehabilitation for subsequent integration into society.

The educational process in institutions of 1-6 types is carried out in accordance with the general educational program of general education.

From the foregoing, we see that the main goals of correctional education of any kind are social adaptation and integration of a special child into society, that is, the goals are completely identical to inclusion. So what is the difference between inclusive and specialized education? First of all, in the ways of achieving the set goal.

1. The methodology of special education is formed on the basis of knowledge of the physiological and mental characteristics of children with developmental disabilities. Individual and differentiated approach, special equipment, special techniques, visualization and didactics in explaining the material, special organization of the regimen and occupancy of classes based on the characteristics of children, nutrition, treatment, unified work of speech pathologists, speech therapists, psychologists, doctors ... this is not the whole list what is not and cannot be represented in a mass school.

2. The main goal of a mass school is to give students knowledge for their subsequent use. In a general education institution, it is the level of knowledge that is primarily and significantly evaluated, education takes 5-10% of the program. In correctional institutions, on the contrary, first of all, most of the program 70 - 80% is occupied by education. Labor 50%, physical and moral 20 - 30%. Great emphasis and emphasis is placed on teaching labor skills, while each correctional school, in accordance with its type, has its own workshops in which children are trained in precisely those professions that are available and allowed to them, in accordance with the approved list.

3. The organization of education in a correctional school consists of 2 parts. In the first half of the day, children receive knowledge from teachers, and in the second half of the day, after lunch and a walk, they study with a teacher who has his own program. This is learning the rules of the road. Rules of conduct in public places. Etiquette. Role-playing games, excursions, practical tasks with subsequent analysis and analysis of the situation. Handicrafts... And much more, which is not provided for by the general education program.

So the question arises, who is better at socializing, adapting and integrating special children to life in a macro society with such significantly different approaches? Is it worth so ruthlessly destroying what has been accumulated for centuries, worked out, created for special children? Shops, yards, playgrounds, children's infrastructure, cooperation between mass and correctional schools are quite a sufficient stadium for the introduction of special children into society. So what is the essence of inclusion? And do we really need it so badly?

- institutions intended for children, adolescents and adults with various anomalies of psychophysical development.

in Russia in the 19th century. special educational institutions were created, as a rule, on a charitable basis and only for children with pronounced defects (schools for deaf, blind and severely mentally retarded children). The contingent of such schools covered no more than 6% of the total number of these children. Many categories of anomalous children were not taught at all. In the XX century. the state has set the task of educating and introducing children with various disabilities to socially useful work through the correction and compensation of defects. Special educational institutions were included in the general system of public education, health care and special support and differentiated according to the nature and depth of a particular defect.

The system of the Ministry of Education includes: a) special boarding schools, schools with an extended day, in which all categories of anomalous school-age children who are subject to general education are trained; b) special evening (shift) and part-time schools for working youth with hearing and vision impairments; c) special preschool institutions: orphanages, boarding schools, boarding preschool departments at special schools; kindergartens, nursery schools, special groups at mass kindergartens with an extended day or with children staying in them for five days; d) speech therapy centers at public schools. The system of the Ministry of Social Security includes: a) educational and production enterprises of the Society of the Deaf and the Society of the Blind, intended for the professional training of young people with hearing and vision impairments; b) boarding schools for children of preschool and school age with severe forms of mental retardation, cerebral palsy (in the absence of movement and speech), deaf-blind-mute, including those with mental retardation. Those who graduated from any special schools (except for auxiliary ones for mentally retarded children) can enter, taking into account the rules for admission to technical schools and universities of the country on a general basis.

Thanks to an in-depth, comprehensive study of the laws and characteristics of the psychophysical development and cognitive capabilities of each category of abnormal children, a differentiated network of ten types of special schools and preschool institutions has been created. This network includes: schools for deaf children, where students receive an incomplete secondary education (corresponding to eight classes of a mainstream school) in 12 years of education; schools for the hearing impaired with two departments: 1) for 12 years of study, students receive general secondary education, 2) for the same period - incomplete secondary education; schools for the blind and visually impaired, which can exist both separately and as independent departments for one or another category of children with visual impairments; schools for children with severe speech disorders with two departments: 1) for 11 years of education, children with such speech pathology as alapia, aphasia, dysarthria, etc., receive an incomplete secondary education, 2) for children with severe forms of stuttering (children from this schools go into mass as the defect is eliminated); schools for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including those with the consequences of cerebral palsy (for 11–12 years of education, children receive a secondary education, classes for children with intellectual disabilities are allocated at the school, working according to special curricula); schools for children with mental retardation (9 years of education, children are transferred to mainstream schools as the delay is corrected); schools for mentally retarded children (auxiliary schools), in which students for 9 years of study receive an education approximately at the level of primary mass school. All types of special schools, except auxiliary ones, provide qualified education. Only two types of schools (for the deaf and for the hearing impaired of the 2nd division) provide incomplete secondary education, the rest provide secondary education. The curricula of all special schools provide for industrial and labor training in some type of industrial or agricultural labor. Students are provided with special textbooks in all major subjects of the curriculum.

A network of special preschool institutions has been created for all categories of anomalous children who will have to study in special schools. Children from 3 to 7 years old are brought up in preschool orphanages, kindergartens, from 2 to 7 years old in nursery gardens, and from 5 to 7 years old in preschool departments at the corresponding special schools. In some mass kindergartens there are special speech therapy groups, where children are transferred for one year to correct their speech disorders.

Correctional education of children with disabilities - as a category

Considering the problem of modern special (correctional) education, it is necessary to clarify each of the concepts included in its name: education, special, correctional education.

The most complete definition of the concept education gave: "Education is a socially organized and normalized process of constant transfer of socially significant experience by previous generations to subsequent generations, which is, in ontogenetic terms, a biosocial process of personality formation. Three main structural aspects are distinguished in this process: cognitive, ensuring the assimilation of experience by a person; education of typological personality traits as well as physical and mental development."

Thus, education includes three main parts: training, upbringing and development, which, as indicated, act as a single, organically connected with each other, and it is almost impossible to distinguish, distinguish between them, and it is inappropriate in the context of the dynamics of the system.

The root of the concept of "correctional" is "correction". Let us clarify its understanding in modern research.

Correction(lat. Correctio - correction) in defectology - a system of pedagogical measures aimed at correcting or weakening the shortcomings of the psychophysical development of children. Correction means both the correction of individual defects (for example, correction of pronunciation, vision), and a holistic influence on the personality of an abnormal child in order to achieve a positive result in the process of his education, upbringing and development. The elimination or smoothing of defects in the development of cognitive activity and the physical development of the child is denoted by the concept of "correctional and educational work".

Correctional and educational work is a system of comprehensive measures of pedagogical influence on various features of the abnormal development of the personality as a whole, since any defect negatively affects not a separate function, but reduces the social usefulness of the child in all its manifestations. It does not come down to mechanical exercises of elementary functions or to a set of special exercises that develop cognitive processes and certain types of activity of abnormal children, but covers the entire educational process, the entire system of activities of institutions.

Correctional education or correctional educational work is a system of special psychological and pedagogical, sociocultural and therapeutic measures aimed at overcoming or weakening the shortcomings of the psychophysical development of children with disabilities, providing them with available knowledge, skills and abilities, developing and shaping their personality as a whole . The essence of correctional education is the formation of the child's psychophysical functions and the enrichment of his practical experience, along with overcoming or weakening, smoothing out his mental, sensory, motor, and behavioral disorders.

All forms and types of classroom and out-of-class work are subordinated to the correctional and educational task in the process of forming schoolchildren's general educational and labor knowledge, skills and abilities.

Compensation(lat. Compensatio - compensation, balancing) replacement or restructuring of disturbed or underdeveloped body functions. This is a complex, diverse process of adaptability of the body due to congenital or acquired anomalies. The compensation process is based on significant reserve capabilities of higher nervous activity. In children, in the process of compensation, new dynamic systems of conditional connections are formed, impaired or weakened functions are corrected, and personality develops.

The earlier the special pedagogical influence begins, the better the compensation process develops. Correctional and educational work, begun at the early stages of development, prevents secondary consequences of organ damage and contributes to the development of the child in a favorable direction:

Social rehabilitation(lat. Rehabilitas - restoration of fitness, ability) in the medical and pedagogical sense - the inclusion of an abnormal child in the social environment, familiarization with social life and work at the level of his psychophysical capabilities. This is the main task in the theory and practice of pedagogy.

Rehabilitation is carried out with the help of medical means aimed at eliminating or mitigating developmental defects, as well as special education, upbringing and professional training. In the process of rehabilitation, the functions impaired by the disease are compensated.

Social adaptation(from Lat. Adapto - adapt) - bringing the individual and group behavior of abnormal children in line with the system of social norms and values. In anomalous children, due to developmental defects, interaction with the social environment is difficult, the ability to adequately respond to ongoing changes and increasingly complex requirements is reduced. They experience particular difficulties in achieving their goals within existing norms, which can cause them to react inappropriately and lead to deviations in behavior.

The tasks of teaching and educating children include ensuring their adequate relationship with society, the team, the conscious implementation of social (including legal) norms and rules. Social adaptation gives children the opportunity to actively participate in a socially useful life. Work experience shows that students are able to master the norms of behavior accepted in our society.

Let's give an approximate meaningful decoding of the educational correctional process, proposed:

1.remedial education- this is the assimilation of knowledge about the ways and means of overcoming the shortcomings of psychophysical development and the assimilation of ways to apply the knowledge gained;

2.Correctional education- this is the upbringing of typological properties and personality traits that are invariant to the subject specificity of activity (cognitive, labor, aesthetic, etc.), allowing to adapt in the social environment;

3.Corrective development- this is the correction (overcoming) of deficiencies in mental and physical development, the improvement of mental and physical functions, the intact sensory sphere and neurodynamic mechanisms for compensating for a defect.

The functioning of the correctional pedagogical system is based on the following provisions formulated within the framework of the theory of cultural and historical development of the psyche developed by him: the complexity of the structure (specific features) of the defect, the general patterns of development of a normal and abnormal child. The goal of corrective work should be an orientation towards the all-round development of an abnormal child as an ordinary one, simultaneously correcting and smoothing out his shortcomings: "It is necessary to educate not the blind, but the child first of all. To educate the blind and deaf means to educate deafness and blindness ..." ( 22). Correction and compensation of atypical development can be effectively carried out only in the process of developmental education, with the maximum use of sensitive periods and reliance on the zones of actual and immediate development. The process of education as a whole relies not only on established functions, but also on emerging ones. Hence, the most important task of remedial education is the gradual and consistent transfer of the zone of proximal development to the zone of actual development of the child. The implementation of correctional-compensatory processes of atypical development of the child is possible only with the constant expansion of the zone of proximal development, which should act as a guide for the activities of a teacher, educator, social pedagogue and social worker. There is a need for systematic, daily qualitative improvement and increment of the level of proximal development.

Correction and compensation for the development of an atypical child cannot occur spontaneously. It is necessary to create certain conditions for this: the pedagogization of the environment, as well as the productive cooperation of various social institutions. The decisive factor on which the positive dynamics of psychomotor development depends is adequate conditions for upbringing in the family and the early start of complex treatment, rehabilitation and correctional psychological, pedagogical, sociocultural measures, which involve the creation of an occupational therapy environment focused on the formation of adequate relationships with others, teaching children the simplest labor skills, the development and improvement of integrative mechanisms in order to include, if possible, on an equal footing, children with problems in ordinary, generally accepted socio-cultural relations. in this regard, he wrote: "It is extremely important from a psychological point of view not to lock such children into special groups, but it is possible to practice their communication with other children more widely" (19). An obligatory condition for the implementation of integrated education is the orientation not on the characteristics of the existing disorder, but, first of all, on the abilities and possibilities of their development in an atypical child. There are, as noted, several models of integrated education for children with problems:

1. Education in a mass school (regular class);

2. Education in a special class of correction (leveling, compensatory education) at a mass school;

1. The principle of unity of diagnostics and correction of development;

2. The principle of correctional and developmental orientation of training and education;

3. The principle of an integrated (clinical-genetic, neurophysiological, psychological, pedagogical) approach to diagnosing and realizing the capabilities of children in the educational process;

4. The principle of early intervention, which implies medical, psychological and pedagogical correction of the affected systems and functions of the body, if possible - from infancy;

5. The principle of relying on the safe and compensatory mechanisms of the body in order to increase the effectiveness of the ongoing system of psychological and pedagogical measures;

6. The principle of an individual and differentiated approach within the framework of correctional education;

7. The principle of continuity, succession of preschool, school and vocational special correctional education.

Correctional educational work is a system of pedagogical measures aimed at overcoming or weakening the violations of the psychophysical development of the child through the use of special educational means. It is the basis of the process of socialization of abnormal children. All forms and types of classroom and extracurricular work are subordinated to the correctional task in the process of forming general educational and labor knowledge, skills and abilities in children. The system of corrective educational work is based on the active use of the preserved capabilities of an atypical child, "poods of health", and not "spools of disease", in a figurative expression. In the history of the development of views on the content and forms of correctional educational work, there were various directions (35):

1.Sensualistic direction (lat. sensus-feeling). Its representatives believed that the most disturbed process in an abnormal child is perception, which was considered the main source of knowledge of the world (Montessori M., Italy). Therefore, special classes were introduced into the practice of special institutions to educate sensory culture, to enrich the sensory experience of children. The disadvantage of this direction was the idea that improvement in the development of thinking occurs automatically as a result of improvement in the sensory sphere of mental activity.

2. Biological (physiological) direction. Founder - O. Dekroli (gg., Belgium). Representatives believed that all educational material should be grouped around the elementary physiological processes and instincts of children. O. Decroly distinguished three stages of correctional and educational work: observation (in many respects the stage is consonant with the theory of Montessori M.), association (the stage of development of thinking through the study of the grammar of the native language, general educational subjects), expression (the stage involves work on the culture of the child’s direct actions: speech , singing, drawing, manual labor, movements).

3.Socially - activity direction. (gg.) developed a system of education of sensory culture based on socially significant content: play, manual labor, subject lessons, excursions into nature. The implementation of the system was carried out with the aim of educating children with mental retardation of a culture of behavior, the development of mental and physical functions, and voluntary movements.

4. The concept of a complex impact on the personality of an abnormal child in the process of education . The direction took shape in the domestic oligophrenopedagogy of the VG. XX century under the influence of research on the developmental significance of the learning process as a whole (, Kuzmina-,). This direction is associated with the concept of a dynamic approach to understanding the structure of a defect and the developmental prospects of mentally retarded children. The main provision of this direction was and remains at the present time that the correction of defects in cognitive processes in children with developmental disabilities is not allocated to separate classes, as was the case earlier (with Montessori M.,), but is carried out in the entire process of education and upbringing atypical children.

At present, defectological science and practice faces a number of organizational and scientific problems, the solution of which would make it possible to qualitatively and quantitatively improve the process of correctional education (51):

1. Creation of permanent full-time psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation commissions, with the aim of earlier identification of the individual structure of a developmental defect in children and the beginning of corrective education and upbringing, as well as improving the quality of the selection of children in special (auxiliary) educational institutions;

2. Implementation of the total intensification of the process of correctional education of children with disabilities through defectological general education and improvement of pedagogical skills;

3. Organization of a differentiated approach with elements of individualization to the didactic process within certain categories of children with developmental disabilities;

4. Distribution of correctional educational work in some specialized children's medical institutions, in which children of preschool age are treated, in order to optimally combine medical and health-improving and psychological and pedagogical work for the successful preparation of children for training in a special educational correctional school;

5. Providing an opportunity to receive an adequate education to all children with disorders of psychophysical development. Insufficient (incomplete) coverage of atypical children by special (correctional) schools is noted. At present, about 800,000 children with developmental defects in the country are either not enrolled in school education at all, or are studying in mass schools, where they do not have adequate conditions for development and are not able to master the educational program;

6. Strengthening the material and technical base of special correctional preschool and school institutions;

7. Creation of a multi-purpose experimental production for the development and manufacture of small series of technical teaching aids for children with sensory and motor developmental disorders;

8. Development of sociological problems related to defects in ontogeny, which will contribute to the disclosure of the causes of developmental deviations, the implementation of the prevention of defects, planning the organization of a network of special institutions, taking into account the prevalence of children with disabilities in different regions of the country;

9. Expansion of the social and cultural support network for families raising children with disabilities, defectological education of parents, introduction of innovative forms of work of educational institutions with the family of an atypical child.

If the parents themselves have understood or doctors and other specialists have established that the child has developmental features, you need to find a suitable educational institution as soon as possible. And the sooner you find the one that suits your child with his individual characteristics, the higher the chances of his rehabilitation, social adaptation, psychological correction and overcoming health-related difficulties.

Related materials:

Kindergarten plus elementary school

There are so-called elementary schools-kindergartens of a compensatory type, where kids with developmental disabilities are at first simply in the garden and socially adapt in the company of other kids, and then staying in the kindergarten smoothly moves on to primary school. Then, depending on how the child copes with the program, he goes to the 1st or immediately to the 2nd grade of a correctional school.

Features in development are too different

There are so many features in development and they are so dissimilar that "special children" sometimes do not fit into the "stencil" of a particular diagnosis. And the main problem of their education lies precisely in the fact that all the children are completely different and dissimilar, and each with their own oddities and health problems. And yet, experts have established the main developmental problems or diagnoses, which are indicated by such abbreviations:

cerebral palsy - cerebral palsy;

ZPR - mental retardation;

ZRR - delayed speech development;

MMD - minimal brain dysfunction;

ODA - musculoskeletal system;

ONR - general underdevelopment of speech;

RDA - early childhood autism;

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder;

HIA - limited health opportunities.

As you can see, from all of the above, only cerebral palsy, MMD and problems with the musculoskeletal system are specific medical diagnoses. Otherwise, the names of children's features, oddities and problems are very, very conditional. What does "general underdevelopment of speech" mean? And how is it different from “speech delay”? And this is a "delay" relative to what - relative to what age and level of intelligence? As for “early childhood autism”, this diagnosis is made for children so dissimilar in behavioral manifestations that it seems that our domestic experts themselves do not agree on autism, since they have not yet studied this disease well enough. And today, almost every second restless child is given the “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”! Therefore, before agreeing that this or that diagnosis will be attributed to your child, show it to not one, but at least a dozen specialists and get clear arguments and clear medical indications from them, according to which the child will be assigned a diagnosis. Such a diagnosis as blindness or deafness is obvious. But when a playful child, who gives caregivers and teachers more trouble than other children, is in a hurry to assign a “diagnosis”, just to get rid of him by transferring him to a kindergarten or school for “children with special needs”, then you can fight for your child . After all, a label pasted since childhood can thoroughly spoil a child's life.

Special (correctional) schoolsI, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIIandVIIItypes. What kind of children do they teach?

In special (correctional) general educational schools of the 1st type Hearing-impaired, hearing-impaired and deaf children are trained. AT schools II type deaf children learn. Type III-IV schools Designed for blind and visually impaired children. SchoolsVkind accept students with speech disorders, in particular stuttering children. Type VI schools created for children with problems in physical and mental development. Sometimes such schools function at neurological and psychiatric hospitals. Their main contingent is children with various forms of cerebral palsy (ICP), spinal and craniocerebral injuries. Type VII schools for children with ADHD and mental retardation. Type VII schools dealing with dyslexia in children. Alexia is the absence of speech and a complete inability to master speech, and dyslexia is a partial specific disorder of mastering reading, caused by a violation of higher mental functions. And, finally, in special (correctional) general educational schools of the VIII type educate mentally retarded children, the main goal of these educational institutions is to teach children to read, count and write and navigate in social conditions. At schools of the VIII type there are carpentry, locksmith, sewing or bookbinding workshops, where students within the walls of the school receive a profession that allows them to earn a living. The path to higher education is closed to them; after graduation, they receive only a certificate stating that they have attended the ten-year program.

Correctional school: strive for it or avoid it?

This difficult question is up to you. As we know, cerebral palsy also has such different and dissimilar forms - from deep mental retardation, in which doctors pass a verdict: "untrainable" - to completely intact intelligence. A child with cerebral palsy may suffer from a musculoskeletal system and at the same time have a completely bright and smart head!

Considering all the individual characteristics of the child, before choosing a school for him, consult a hundred times with doctors, speech pathologists, speech therapists, psychiatrists and parents of special children who have more experience due to the fact that their children are older.

For example, is it necessary for a child with severe stuttering to be in an environment like him? Will such an environment do him any good? Wouldn't it be better to follow the path of inclusive education, when children with diagnoses are immersed in an environment of healthy peers? Indeed, in one case, a correctional school can help, and in another ... harm. After all, each case is so individual! Remember the first shots of Tarkovsky's film "Mirror". "I can speak!" - the teenager says after a hypnosis session, forever freeing himself from a strong stutter that has oppressed him for many years. A brilliant director thus shows us: miracles happen in life. And the one whom teachers and doctors put an end to, sometimes can surprise the world with an outstanding talent, or at least become a socially adapted member of society. Not special, but an ordinary person.

Visit the school in person!

Doctors will be the first judge of your child's abilities. They will send him to the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC). Consult with the members of the commission, which school in your district is best for your child, will allow him to reveal his abilities, correct his problems and shortcomings. Contact the district resource center for the development of inclusive education: maybe they will help with advice? To get started, call the schools available in your district. Chat on the forums with parents of children who are already studying. Are they satisfied with the education and the attitude of the teachers? And it is better, of course, to personally get acquainted with the director of the school, teachers and, of course, with future classmates! You must know what environment your child will be in. You can go to the websites of schools, but there you will receive only a minimum of formal information: on the Internet you can depict a beautiful picture, but will it correspond to reality? A true picture of the school will give only her visit. Having crossed the threshold of the building, you will immediately understand whether there is cleanliness, order, discipline, and most importantly, the reverent attitude of teachers towards special children. All this you will feel right at the entrance!

Home education - as an option

Doctors offer home-based education for some children. But again, this option is not suitable for everyone. Some psychologists are generally categorically against home education, because for children with special needs there is nothing worse than isolation from society. And home-based learning is isolation from peers. Whereas communication with them can have a beneficial effect on the mental and emotional development of the child. Even in ordinary schools, teachers talk about the great strength of the team!

Please note that there are several schools, for example, of the VIII type in each district, and there is even a choice, but not every district has schools for blind or deaf children. Well, you will have to travel far, drive or ... rent an apartment where there is a school your child needs. Many non-residents come to Moscow solely for the sake of educating and rehabilitating their special children, because in the provinces, by and large, there is simply no correctional education. So, visitors do not care in which district to rent housing, so first they find a school suitable for the child, and then they already rent an apartment nearby. Maybe you should do the same for your own child?

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone is equal

Know that according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the law on education, everyone has the right to education, regardless of the diagnosis. The state guarantees the general availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education (Articles 7 and 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are explained in the Federal Law of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education", in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 2 of which one of the principles of state policy in the field of education is general accessibility of education , as well as adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students .

So, in order to enroll a child in the first grade, you must submit to a general education institution an application for admission, a birth certificate, a medical card in the form 0-26 / U-2000, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.2000 No. 241, a certificate of registration child (form No. 9). Parents have the right not to report the diagnosis of the child when they are admitted to an educational institution (Article 8 Law of the Russian Federation of 07/02/1992 N 3185-1 (as amended on 07/03/2016) "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision" (with amended and supplemented, effective from 01/01/2017), and the school administration has no right to receive this information from anyone other than the parent (legal representative) of the child.

And if you think that the rights of your child are being infringed upon by attributing a false diagnosis to him (after all, objectionable people were hidden in psychiatric clinics at all times), feel free to join the fight! The law is on your side. Remember, there is no one but you to protect the rights of your child.

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