Broken tooth what can be done. Treatment of a cracked and split tooth. Damage is different

Enamel protects teeth from aggressive external influences and mechanical damage. However, when it is thinned, the risk of injury increases. They can be either small - chips, microcracks, or touch a vast cavity and even the root system. The most dangerous situation is when the teeth are broken in half. In this case, there is a risk of damage to the soft and hard tissues of the jaw.

Most likely, previously treated teeth with a large cavity or with a removed pulp can break.

Cracks and chips appear during impacts and increased loads. But even a slight impact can cause injury if the enamel is weakened. Factors that cause breakage include:

  1. Incorrect treatment: too large filling, incorrectly installed pin, inconsistency of dentures with bite.
  2. Lack of fluorine, phosphorus and calcium.
  3. Bad habits: biting off threads, nails, cracking nuts, seeds, packages.
  4. Improper diet: an abundance of sour and sweet foods. The absence of solid foods in the daily diet - carrots, apples - also affects the strength of the enamel.
  5. Increased acidity of saliva.
  6. Sudden temperature changes. Microcracks form on the enamel if you drink cold food with hot drinks and vice versa.
  7. Blows and injuries of the jaw.
  8. Self whitening. Hard abrasive particles scratch the enamel and provoke the formation of cracks.
  9. Parafunctions of masticatory muscles - bruxism.

Important! Most likely, previously treated teeth with a large cavity or with a removed pulp can break. This is due to a violation of the integrity of the enamel layer and a violation of the blood supply.

Symptoms and possible complications

It is not always possible to detect a crack in a tooth. Sometimes it is too small. The problem is detected only when the factors worsen or during a diagnostic examination. It is possible to detect only an emerging injury by primary symptoms:

  1. Indeterminate localization of toothache.
  2. Hypersensitivity to cold, hot, sour and sweet foods.
  3. Pain while eating and closing the jaws.

Tooth fracture.

Further development of the disease is complicated by secondary factors:

  1. Unpleasant odor as a result of infection, inflammation of the pulp and gum pocket.
  2. Darkening of the enamel due to tissue necrosis.
  3. Bleeding and swelling of the gums near the damaged area.
  4. The root of the tooth becomes mobile.
  5. The tooth begins to protrude from the row.
  6. Sharp pain on palpation.

Important! It is worth contacting dentistry in the early stages of the disease. This will increase the chances of a successful recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Types of cracks

According to the type and localization of fractures, several types of cracks are distinguished:

  1. Diagonal. Crosses the tooth from top to bottom at an angle. Usually the healthy part is larger than the chipped part. The latter is removed and replaced with composite materials.
  2. Horizontal. Divide the enamel in half in the plane. The lower the crack is, the higher the likelihood of complications. A chip located at the neck of the tooth affects the pulp and root system. With this type of injury, reinforcement with pins or prosthetics is mandatory.
  3. Vertical. Externally, the chip looks like a tooth has burst into two parts. Such an injury quickly expands, reaches the root, in some cases - affects the bone tissue of the jaw.
  4. Internal. The most dangerous case. It is difficult to diagnose and treat. Usually the problem is discovered when the root is broken and it is no longer possible to save it.

Important! In a separate group, cracks in the incisors and canines are distinguished due to the peculiarities of the treatment. Minor chips are eliminated by remineralization, in case of serious injuries - with a thin ceramic plate.

First measures

If a tooth is cracked, you should contact the dentist as soon as possible. But when it is not possible to immediately get an appointment with a doctor, first-aid measures will help prevent complications:

  1. Eliminate stress on a broken tooth.
  2. Limit hot, cold and hard foods. Food is better to grind or chop.
  3. Take an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory medicine: Ketanov, Nimesil, Affida Fort.
  4. Rinse your mouth every 1 - 2 hours with antiseptic solutions, salt-soda baths, decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark.
  5. Avoid touching a cracked tooth with your tongue and fingers.

Important! Preliminary measures can be used as a temporary remedy in extreme cases. It is advisable to make an appointment with the clinic immediately after the discovery of a chip.

Types of cracks.


Diagnosis of a broken tooth takes several stages:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity.
  2. Examination with a dental probe - the instrument will get stuck in the crack.
  3. Palpation: An injured tooth will respond with pain when pressed.
  4. Application of special dyes to enamel.
  5. Radiography. With its help, you can determine the depth of the injury and identify intradental cracks.

Important! The most accurate results show a study under a microscope. However, such equipment is only available in endodontic centers.


The method of treating broken teeth differs depending on the nature and localization of damage:

  1. With microcracks, fluoridation is used - applying fluorine-containing preparations to the enamel.
  2. Small surface chips are restored with composite materials.
  3. Extensive lesions are eliminated by prosthetics or strengthening the root system with pins.
  4. With vertical and diagonal cracks, one chipped part is removed completely, the second is strengthened and built up. Such treatment is possible if at least a third of the root remains unaffected.
  5. When the root system is damaged or the trauma has affected the jaw tissues, the tooth has to be removed.
  6. Incisors and canines are prosthetized with veneers.
  7. With injuries of wisdom teeth, extraction is preferred. "Eights" practically do not participate in the experience of food, their treatment is complicated, and it is impossible to guarantee a successful outcome.

Important! The smaller the injury, the more successful and cheaper the treatment will be. Restoration of small chips will cost 1,500 - 3,000 rubles, and prosthetics - from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Cracked teeth are a dangerous dental disease. They are not always visible, injuries quickly worsen and often lead to tooth extraction.

How to restore a tooth with cracks and splits: the most complete information about restoration methods

Tooth enamel is a hard tissue that can withstand mechanical stress. But traumatic impacts, blows and other factors can lead to its damage. If a tooth is cracked, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, its safety depends on it. In addition, the presence of damage is not always noticeable to the naked eye, so a visit to the dentist is a mandatory event, especially if there are painful sensations, sensitivity to temperatures.

Types of cracks

If you have a cracked tooth or a crack in the enamel, it is worth assessing the nature of the damage. There are several types of such problems:

Note! The closer to the neck (gingiva) the damage is located, the more likely it is to lose the crown part of the tooth. This means that the risk of losing a tooth increases and it will take much more time and money to restore it.

  1. horizontal: in this case, there is a girdle crack around the crown,
  2. vertical: located parallel to the direction of growth and divides the tooth into two parts. In some cases, this type of split involves the separation of the wall from the main part. As a rule, the length of the defect reaches the root, which increases the risk of pulpitis,
  3. oblique: crosses diagonally. In such situations, even part of the crown may break off,
  4. break into parts: if the vertical crack is deep enough, there is a breakdown into two (or even more parts!), which is often accompanied by the mobility of one of them,
  5. root crack: such damage opens access to the pulp (nerve) to pathogens, so treatment should be carried out as quickly as possible,
  6. a cracked tooth with a filling: fillings are one of the risk factors, so this situation is quite common. Any cracks of a previously filled tooth can be observed - vertical and horizontal, including those that include damage to the filling material itself.

Symptoms of a cracked tooth

A cracked tooth may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain - it can give to different areas,
  • hyperesthesia or high sensitivity to temperatures (hot and cold food, drinks, inhalation of cold air by mouth), chemical influences (acids - for example, when eating citrus fruits),
  • discomfort when biting and chewing, closing the jaws.

Symptoms are not limited to the above, if the presence of a defect has already led to complications of an inflammatory-infectious nature. In this case, other signs may also appear. For example, bad breath, a sharp increase in pain, swelling and redness of the gums, swelling of the soft tissues of the face - it all depends on what concomitant disease has appeared due to the fracture.

Causes of cracks

Why do teeth crack? This can happen due to one or more factors that contribute to the weakening of the enamel:

  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements - often the result of an unbalanced diet, a forced diet or a violation of food absorption,
  • "Love" for sugar - consumption of a large amount of sugary foods and drinks,
  • frequent use of nuts, seeds, the habit of chewing on hard objects, i.e. constant mechanical stress on the enamel,
  • temperature contrast - simultaneous consumption of hot and cold food, drinks,
  • violation of the tone of the masticatory muscles - bruxism, etc., which leads to an increased load on the enamel.

Other causes can also lead to damage: injuries, regular intake of certain medications, violation of the technology of dental procedures.

Diagnostic methods

Cracked tooth: what to do? First of all, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to assess the depth of damage, determine the prognosis and tactics of further actions. Diagnosis is a rather complicated event if the violations are not visible on the surface. The primary method here is the collection of anamnesis, questioning and visual examination of the enamel.

Radiography is the main method that will help determine the crack of both the front and any other tooth. Based on the picture obtained, the dentist performs probing - looking for the location of the crack. The criterion in this case is the pain sensation at the pressure of the probe, as well as when biting a special instrument.

Microscopic examination is an advanced method for diagnosing the condition of the enamel. It allows you to determine the damage or fracture with a high degree of accuracy.

Treatment of cracks and splits

The tactics of treating a cracked tooth is determined by the doctor, taking into account the depth and scale of the damage, the general condition of the enamel and tissues of the entire oral cavity. There are several effective therapies.

  1. enamel strengthening is carried out if the crack is relatively small and is located on the surface: the dentist will resort to the use of special strengthening agents. A mixture containing calcium and fluorine is applied to the enamel for a certain time, on average - within 2 weeks. This will strengthen it and prevent deepening damage,
  2. composite build-up with a slight crack and a chipped part of the enamel along with dentin. Allows you to restore color and shape,
  3. Veneering is a modern method of treatment in cases where there are multiple microdamages to the enamel. The method involves the processing of tissues and the fixation of special plates that will help hide the defect,
  4. endodontic treatment is required in more serious cases - fractures, damage to the root system, deep cracks. In the vast majority of cases, the pulp is removed even in the absence of clinical symptoms of its inflammation. This is due to the fact that open access to the neurovascular bundle provokes the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Even if there are no symptoms of pulpitis, microorganisms can already begin to multiply in soft structures, and if the disease manifests itself after the restoration of the form, this will entail unpleasant consequences and the need to undergo treatment again, already with depulpation,
  5. a stump tab or the installation of pins is required if the tooth has broken off at the root and nothing remains of the crown. In this case, either an artificial crown is placed on top, or a composite build-up is performed.

Can a cracked tooth be saved?

It is possible even if it is divided in half and one of the parts is movable. But in order to increase the chances of preservation, it is worth consulting a doctor as soon as possible.

If the molar is divided into two parts, it is possible to save one of them, strengthening it with a crown. The moving part must be removed.

If a wisdom tooth is cracked, the doctor may be inclined to remove it. This is due to the fact that the “eights” practically do not take part in the chewing process, moreover, they are very far away and it is extremely difficult to treat them.

Saving a milk tooth with a crack requires special care - when filling the root canals, the doctor must exclude damage to the rudiments of the permanent ones. However, endodontic treatment is the main tactic of therapy if the crack is sufficiently impressive. For minor damage to the enamel, the specialist will resort to applying a special composition, as is the case with adult patients.

What to do at home

Broken tooth: what to do at home? In general, such a question should not even arise - it is impossible to do anything on your own, restoration can only be done in the dentist's office. But consider first aid measures.

  • rinse the mouth with antiseptics,
  • in case of pain, take an anesthetic (it is advisable to do this only if you definitely do not get to the doctor in the next 6 hours),
  • limit chewing on the causal side, do not eat solid foods,
  • try not to touch the damage with the tongue,
  • do not drink hot or cold drinks - give preference to water at room temperature.

In order to prevent the appearance of cracks, chips and breaks in the enamel, it is necessary to exclude risk factors: provide a balanced diet, limit the consumption of sweets, regulate the temperature of food and drinks, fight bad habits and visit the dentist on time.

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A tooth split or cracked vertically in half: what to do and can it be saved?

Healthy enamel and proper care of it reliably protect the tooth from decay and cariogenic bacteria. With its thinning, the risk of tissue damage increases. Not only chips and cracks in the enamel are possible, but also fractures of the molar crown, extensive lesions that can affect the cavity and root system. One of the most dangerous situations is splitting a healthy or filled tooth in half.

Causes of cracked teeth

Causes of a chipped tooth include:

If the enamel has burst, it is important to immediately contact the dentist with the problem. Such injuries threaten with serious complications, a fracture of the tooth root, the symptoms of which may not appear immediately. This increases the risk of loss of the unit and infection of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Timely treatment will prevent the destruction of the crown and root, help to avoid removal.

Stages of cracks in the teeth with a photo

The fate of a tooth with a mother-in-law is different in each case. The possibility of its preservation is affected by the nature of the chip and crack, the location and scale of the fracture. The specialist evaluates the fracture of the tooth, checks whether the pulp is affected, looks where the crack is located, whether it has reached the root.

Enamel damage can be superficial and severe. The former do not destroy the structure of the tooth. The latter are fraught with tissue destruction. There is a fracture of the tooth with exposure of the upper and middle layers of dental tissues. The most difficult are cracks with exposure of all layers of the tooth.

enamel crack

Striking strips are vertical, horizontal and diagonal. They may be small and not cause discomfort. There are also impressive transverse lesions, touching which brings discomfort. Any cracks in the tooth, regardless of location and size, are dangerous for the enamel. Pathogenic bacteria easily penetrate through them, and when chewed and injured, they can lead to a split, a fracture of the tooth crown. Over time, dyes from food will fall into the tooth gap, making the defect noticeable when talking.

Tooth split in half

A vertical fracture of the tooth extends from the crown to the root, dividing its wall. Such cracks in the tooth enamel provide bacteria with free access to the pulp. If it is infected, it is rather difficult to save the tooth, and when it is broken, the treatment consists in removing the pulp and placing a crown. This method stops the process of destruction, reduces pressure on the tissue. When the longitudinal crack has gone deep into the gums, the doctor may decide to remove both halves and the root.

One part of the tooth is loose

If the crown is cracked in half, and one of the parts is loose, the dentist prescribes an x-ray. When the injury did not lead to a transverse fracture of the tooth root, did not affect the base, they will try to save it. The movable part is removed, a pin is installed and the second half is increased to normal sizes. When the pin cannot be installed, a photopolymer filling is placed and the result is covered with a crown.

Cracks in baby teeth

Cracks in children usually occur due to injuries that little fidgets get while playing. The doctor examines the tooth in order to make sure that the injury did not damage the permanent rudiments, and also to exclude fractures of its root, changes in the bone structure. If a baby tooth is cracked in a child, the mother needs:

Can a tooth be saved?

The decision whether it is possible to save the tooth, the doctor makes on the basis of examination and x-ray diagnostics. The location and nature of the crack, as well as other factors, are taken into account. If it has split strongly, there is a suspicion of a fracture of the tooth root, the diagnosis takes place in several stages:

  • examination of the oral cavity and palpation;
  • examination with a probe (it will get stuck in a crack);
  • testing by applying coloring reagents to the enamel;
  • x-ray, will help determine the depth of the injury, identify fractures of the crowns of the tooth;
  • examination under a microscope (possibly in the center of endodontics).

If the tooth is cracked in half, it is possible to save it when it has not cracked. It is important to recognize the problem in time and address it to the dentist. A qualified physician is interested in preserving the root. He will determine why the injury occurred, conduct therapy and prescribe removal in emergency cases when a fracture of the tooth root or other severe pathologies is diagnosed.

Methods of treatment

The treatment for cracked units depends on their location and extent of damage. In dentistry, the following methods of therapy are used:

  • fluoridation - microcracks are covered with preparations with fluorine, protecting them from external factors;
  • the use of composite materials - with their help, small chips are restored;
  • installation of veneers - to give the front units, on which the enamel layer is cracking, a well-groomed appearance;
  • prosthetics and strengthening of the root system with a pin - with extensive damage.

Treatment in this case is complicated, it is almost impossible to guarantee its positive outcome. After removal, restoration of the dentition will allow implantation or a partial denture. In any case, the doctor will offer several options for solving the problem after examination and diagnosis.

What can be done at home?

It is not always possible to visit a dentist on the day when a molar tooth has split. It is important to know what activities will help alleviate the condition at home:

  • initial treatment of the oral cavity and gums with antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine and others) to prevent infection;
  • in case of pain, drink painkillers, but refrain from them 6 hours before visiting a doctor;
  • try not to eat, do not touch the affected area with a brush and tongue, so as not to dislodge the chips;
  • avoid cold and hot drinks.

You can't delay therapy. Even a small damage can lead to a fracture of the tooth root, the treatment of which is difficult. Every day of delay in a visit to the doctor is fraught with the occurrence of complications. A fracture of the crown of the tooth leads to an abscess and an inflammatory process in the body, which will lead to health problems.

If signs of microcracks appear, the dentist may recommend special pastes and gels. They will help restore enamel at home. Most effective:

Strengthen enamel and folk methods. It is necessary to do rinses with chamomile grass, oak bark, sage. To treat dental tissue will help propolis, which must be chewed 2 times a day.

Prevention measures

Prevention of enamel cracks, tooth root fractures, vertical cracks and other traumatic injuries is an attentive attitude to one's health. Dentists advise following these rules:

  • avoid jaw injuries that lead to a fracture of the tooth crown;
  • regularly visit the dentist for the purpose of prevention;
  • do not ignore the doctor's recommendation to install micro-prostheses on the problem tooth;
  • do not expose your teeth to increased loads (do not gnaw bones, gozinaki, pens, do not open bottles with your mouth);
  • do not engage in complex whitening at home;
  • treat bruxism, put on special mouthguards at night;
  • correct an overbite in the office of a qualified orthodontist.

Cracks and a chipped tooth are not always visible. Enamel is a fairly hard tissue, but it is important to monitor your health and take precautions. Then it will be possible to keep healthy teeth, and the dental office will not become a second home.

Cracked tooth: what to do with a cracked crown?

Important: mother's enamel cracks are often found in children. Parents should be aware that even on baby teeth, cracks can be dangerous. They endanger the health of not only temporary, but also permanent teeth.

At first, a crack in the enamel causes minor aesthetic inconvenience, since it can be noticeable upon close examination and transillumination of the tooth, for example, with a flashlight. But dyes from food and drink will inevitably seep into the gap on the tooth surface and over time will make the defect more pronounced. Again, do not forget about the risk of chips.

If, after a split of a tooth, pain appears in it, both at rest and when biting, most likely, not only hard tissues are damaged, but also the pulp. Pain may be aggravated by eating hot or cold foods. In this case, an appeal to a doctor should be immediate, since if the integrity of the pulp chamber is violated and an infection enters the pulp, dangerous complications may develop.

When a tooth is split, its root can be damaged. This is considered the most unfavorable option.

Depending on the direction of the split, tooth cracks are divided into:

Vertical cracks often extend from the surface of the crown to the very top of the tooth root. If the tooth is split in half, most likely it is a vertical crack. With such damage, the pulp is usually involved in the pathological process, severe pain occurs.

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A horizontal crack is most often seen on incisors and canines. The degree of its danger depends on how close the crack is to the cutting edge. The closer to the edge of the incisor or canine it is, the less likely it is to damage the pulp chamber and the more likely it is to save the tooth. Even if only the enamel is cracked, a piece of the crown may break off in the future, so such defects cannot be ignored.

Inclined cracks, similarly to horizontal ones, can lead to tooth chipping, only the shape of the chipped piece will differ.

How to restore a damaged tooth?

If damage is found, try not to delay contacting your dentist. The sooner you start treatment, the higher the chances of saving the tooth.

Tip: if there is no opportunity to see a doctor in the near future, in order not to aggravate the problem, stop eating too hot and cold food and drinks. Try not to stress the tooth while chewing, and to reduce pain, take a pain reliever, such as Ibuprofen or Ketanov.

What the doctor will do depends on the extent of the damage. If the tooth is split in half, it may be necessary to remove it. With cracks in the enamel, a course of remineralization or the installation of a microprosthesis is often sufficient.

Note: an x-ray will help to understand how deep the crack is.

Treatment of enamel cracks

Before restoring a crown, it is important to make sure that the crack has not gone to the root.

With minimal damage, treatment is carried out with the help of remineralizing drugs. They include fluorine and calcium. One of the effective procedures is deep fluoridation. After preliminary cleaning, a liquid is applied to the tooth surface, sealing microcracks in the enamel.

Another way to restore a tooth with chips and cracks in the enamel is veneering. Veneers are the thinnest ceramic onlays that are fixed on the tooth with strong cement. The microprosthesis covers the entire front surface of the incisor or canine and the cutting edge. The downside of veneers is the need to grind the teeth and the high cost of the procedure. An indisputable advantage is the high aesthetics of the result.

In the case when the crack has reached the root, the tooth will have to be removed. It is better not to delay the operation, as an infection in the tooth can lead to the development of periodontitis and other dangerous complications.

If a defect is found, even if there is no pain, do not delay contacting the dentist. And in order to protect yourself from such a nuisance as a split tooth, do not simultaneously consume foods and drinks of contrasting temperatures, monitor your oral health, visit your dentist regularly, do not use hygiene products containing substances aggressive to enamel, and include foods rich in calcium in your diet.

What to do if a tooth is split in half

As you know, the upper part of each tooth naturally has a protective shell, the so-called tooth enamel. However, despite its strength, under excessive loads for a certain period, the enamel can crack. This can happen for various reasons, such as eating very hard food, injury, or using your jaw as pliers.

In any case, with such damage to the teeth, you need to contact the dentist as soon as possible, since the crack that appears under further loads can easily go deeper and damage the tooth root, and this will require serious surgical intervention.

The main causes of tooth cracks

There are a number of factors that can cause such damage to the teeth:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body necessary for the formation of strong tooth enamel, which is a consequence of malnutrition;
  • eating foods with a high level of acidity and sugar, which negatively affects the condition of the enamel, gradually corroding it;
  • the simultaneous use of very hot foods and cold drinks, which leads to a sharp temperature contrast in the oral cavity, causing the enamel to crack;
  • bad habits of chewing hard objects and products (nuts, seeds), which in case of sudden efforts will lead to enamel chipping;
  • dental injuries as a result of impact;
  • diseases and spasms of masticatory muscles, which is expressed in uncontrolled compression and movement of the jaws and has a negative mechanical effect on the enamel;
  • side effects from medications due to their excessive use;
  • medical errors made by the dentist during the treatment procedures.

If you do not take action, a crack in the tooth can touch the root

If the damage appeared shortly after the installation of a filling or crown on this tooth, you should visit the dentist immediately. So you can avoid further complications, as well as save your money on replacing a poor-quality filling or crown.

When a crack appears, it is necessary to exclude the load on the affected tooth. The fragments put pressure on the pulp, as a result of which an inflammatory process can begin, which is fraught with further complications. When an open wound appears, access for various infections to the blood and nerves is formed. This, in turn, may lead to the need to remove the pulp. That's why it is very important to visit the dentist in advance in order to avoid diseases of the oral cavity, in particular, periodontal disease.

You may not immediately notice a cracked tooth, so visit your dentist regularly

Conditional division of dental cracks into types

  • horizontal crack usually encircles the tooth perpendicularly and, if left untreated, leads to chipping. The closer to the base the crack is located, the more dangerous it is. A crack located at the neck of the tooth, closer to the gum, may entail the removal of the entire crown part and the opening of the pulp. With this scenario, it will be difficult and expensive to restore the tooth;
  • vertical crack, based on the name, goes parallel to the growth and divides it into two halves, in some cases separating the wall of the tooth from its main part. It should be understood that such a crack can go all the way to the tooth root and thereby opens up access to the pulp for bacteria. If infected, the pulp is extremely difficult to cure. In cases where the crack covers the tooth along its entire length, it is usually removed. But if the tooth is split in half, into two parts and one of the halves is loose, and the root of its other part is not affected, and the remaining body as a whole stands firmly, then the broken wall is removed, and the tooth is subjected to endodontic treatment and provided with a crown;
  • oblique crack divides the tooth diagonally relative to the axis of its growth. Left untreated in the event of such an injury, it will certainly lead to chipping of the corner and in most cases will require the installation of a crown;
  • intradental fissure considered the most problematic in terms of diagnosis and treatment. With an internal crack, damage can spread from the root upwards. It is possible to independently determine the presence of such an injury in the early stages only if the damaged parts, being uneven, touch the pulp and damage it. Unfortunately, such a crack is very difficult to notice until it reaches the root. In the most severe cases it may spread to the jaw bones with a further fracture.

Cracks can lead to chipped teeth.

What to do if a tooth is split in half

First you need to take an x-ray of the damaged area to determine the size of the crack and its location. You will most likely be sent for an x-ray by the dentist whose treatment you will be undergoing. It is important to understand that with the next load, the tooth can crack completely.. What to do if the tooth cracked vertically - be aware that if the damage is delayed, it can go deep and touch the root part, then it will no longer be saved from removal.

A crack of this kind can lead to partial or complete trauma to the root.. Usually it passes through both opposite walls of the tooth, sometimes only through one. Most often, vertical cracks spread to the entire tooth, and unless they break off the wall, are complete in terms of their length and affect the root.

The crack may not be visible at first.. In the early stages, when the crack is still small, you may experience discomfort and unpleasant itching in the gum area and not even assume that a crack has formed on or inside the tooth. For this reason, it is important to take an X-ray, as in many cases signs of damage can be overlooked.

The dentist, after reviewing the image and conducting an examination, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. As a rule, it is necessary to prevent the penetration of bacteria, stop the infection of the pulp, repair the crack and find out whether the extraction of the damaged tooth is necessary or whether it is possible to limit the installation of the crown.

Try to visit the dentist as soon as possible.

What to do immediately after a cracked tooth

You need to go to the dentist. However, if you do not have the opportunity to contact the dentist on the same day, then in this case you need to take the following steps:

  1. Treat the oral cavity with antiseptics or herbal infusions specially designed for this, preventing infection of the pulp.
  2. Take painkillers, if needed but do not do this if you plan to visit the dentist within the next six hours.
  3. Protect the tooth from contact with food, foreign objects and even the tongue to avoid displacement of debris and damage to the gum tissue.
  4. Do not expose the tooth to temperature changes, trying not to take cold and hot food and drinks.

It is important to emphasize that these are only temporary measures. Make a visit to the dentist as soon as possible, in order to avoid unpredictable and dangerous consequences for the health of your mouth. If you delay, you can lose a tooth, pulp, and even get a crack in the jawbone.

In some cases, a crack can form on the front teeth, which is usually associated with a gradual thinning of the enamel. Often, people do not pay attention to damaged enamel until the crack has absorbed enough coloring substances from the food consumed and becomes more noticeable. The tooth in this state is very vulnerable, since the weakening of its structure can lead to chips as a result of strong physical exertion on it.

A cracked tooth enamel can ruin your smile.

What to do if your front tooth is cracked

As a rule, if the crack in the enamel has not gone further, then such an injury can be cured by filling the tooth and, for example, installing veneers for cosmetic and protective purposes. If the crack goes further, then an inflammatory process may begin, the tooth will either have to be removed or depulped and carefully sealed.

In some cases, enamel can be built up on a pin or even a crown can be used as a protective mechanism. The crown can also be used in cases with already depulped dead teeth, if a crack has formed on them.

Cracks occur in wisdom teeth, since in the course of their growth and location they can be subject to serious acid destruction. In most cases, the doctor will not spend time treating such a hard-to-reach tooth and prompt you to remove it. This will be the most reasonable step in this situation, since a damaged wisdom tooth will only cause you pain and discomfort, and its existence is not necessary. Teeth in those places practically do not participate in the process of primary food processing, and only a person conducting an examination of your oral cavity will be able to notice their absence.

Cracks in hard-to-reach teeth most often lead to their removal.

Cracked teeth can be identified by a number of symptoms:

  • the source of pain is difficult to determine, as it can manifest itself in different places;
  • the sensitivity of the teeth increases and the reaction to cold or hot food becomes aggravated, and the aching pain after temperature changes does not go away immediately;
  • biting, chewing, and also closing and opening of the jaws causes pain;

Leaving a cracked tooth untreated can lead to pulp infection and inflammation., which means the appearance of new symptoms:

  • an unpleasant odor begins to spread from the mouth;
  • enamel darkens due to tissue death in the pulp chamber;
  • the gum near the damaged tooth begins to swell and cause pain when touched;
  • the root can acquire mobility, and the tooth itself can break out of the general row.

In dentistry, there are different methods for diagnosing tooth cracks. As a rule, the attending physician, on the basis of the patient's complaints, makes a presumptive diagnosis, and if he believes that the problem is related to a crack, he begins to search for the problem, having previously familiarized himself with the X-ray data.

Usually, a cracked tooth is the most painful on palpation.. Also, the dentist can use coloring compositions. When applied to the surface of the enamel, a crack can be detected in it. According to the condition of the periodontal pocket, it is also possible to determine inflammation in the gum and suggest the presence of a crack.

Small cracks may not be noticeable to you until one day a chipping of the crown part occurs. Even a small crack makes the tooth less durable and, in the event of a heavy load, it can suddenly crack. To avoid this, you should visit the dentist at least once every six months, in order to prevent and detect problems in your oral cavity.

Treatment and prevention

Tooth split in half

A beautiful smile is a dream, and its guarantee is healthy teeth. What to do if the tooth is split in half? You can’t do without a dentist, but it is possible to give yourself first aid.

From cause to effect

The solution to any problem begins with identifying the causes of its occurrence. The incisor consists of two parts, one is hidden in the gum, the other is considered a tooth in the usual sense, it is covered with enamel, more often a crack forms on it. The reasons for this are divided into direct and indirect.

Direct causes include a sharp blow, a strong mechanical impact and a sharp temperature drop, that is, a quick change of hot and cold products. All points serve as the basis for the immediate appearance of a defect. Indirect causes - factors of weakening the protective properties of the coating.

  1. Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and minerals.
  2. The use of harmful products (sugar, foods with high acidity).
  3. The habit of grinding your teeth, diseases associated with uncontrolled clenching of the jaws.
  4. Destruction of the coating under the influence of prolonged use of drugs.
  5. Side effects after dental procedures.

The split is not always visible to the naked eye. If damage to the outer layers occurred on the rear chewing molars, only a specialist will detect it.

Types of cracks

Saying that the tusk split in half usually implies a vertical line. There are other types of problems:

  1. The horizontal gap is able to pass at different distances from the base, proximity to the root increases the risk of complete loss of the chewing instrument.
  2. An oblique split divides the surface diagonally. Without timely treatment, the problem will develop into a chipped piece that needs to be built up.
  3. Inside a tooth crack is the most difficult to diagnose and treat. It is possible to notice it on your own only when the split passes to the pulp and causes discomfort. In the most difficult cases, the root cracks, then complete removal is necessary.

In any of the cases, a split in the enamel does not mean the loss of a molar; a crack detected in the early stages must be treated. If part of the canine is broken off but the root is in good condition, a crown is recommended.

Important! A crack that goes into the root creates an open wound, microbes and infections can penetrate into it.

Necessary actions

Small defects are not always visible. The appearance of itching, discomfort while eating should be the basis for a visit to the dentist. First of all, the doctor will send the patient for an x-ray, without which it is impossible to determine the extent of the problem.

Based on the results of the examination, the dentist will decide on the preservation of the tooth, assess the condition of the root, and prescribe an adequate treatment.

Important! Any damage is a reason to exclude the load on the tooth.

If there is no opportunity to visit a doctor on the day of the onset of unpleasant symptoms, give yourself first aid yourself:

  1. Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic, pharmacy solutions or herbal decoctions will do. (Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Miramistin)
  2. For pain relief, take an analgesic (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Analgin, Pentalgin).
  3. Avoid moving debris, they can damage the gums. To do this, do not touch the tooth with your hands or tongue, avoid contact with food.
  4. Avoid sudden temperature changes.

Please note that these are temporary measures, it will not be possible to avoid consulting a dentist.

Features of treatment

Possible treatment is determined by the degree of damage. If the root is destroyed, its removal is assigned. An implant is placed in the empty space. If part of the incisor is lost, a crown can be installed, it is attached to the remaining half.

Microcracks are treated by simply reinforcing the enamel or applying a thin protective layer. To do this, you should use professional procedures, specially designed remedies or traditional medicine recipes.

Professional enamel restoration

These methods are quite expensive and involve a visit to the dental office, but the result will be 100%.

  1. Covering with filling material. This procedure is indicated for cracks, chips, the presence of spots on the surface of the molars. The advantage of this technique is the price, the average cost is 5000 rubles.
  2. Veneering is the application of a thin layer of a special substance to natural enamel. Veneers are created from different materials, they look attractive, do not require correction, but the minimum amount is 12,000 rubles.
  3. A procedure that restores the appearance and health of a smile is fluoridation. However, such therapy involves a course approach, it is necessary to apply a remedy with fluoride for a month. Fluoridation is a more durable way to restore the outer layer of teeth. The price tag varies within 2500-3000 rubles.
  4. Remineralization is the saturation of the tooth surface with fluoride, calcium and other essential minerals. As a result, its protective properties are strengthened, color improves, sensitivity decreases. Price per session - 1000 rubles.
  5. The latest technology in dentistry is enamel implantation. At the molecular level, a material is created that resembles the natural outer layer of enamel in composition. Implantation is very durable, it solves the problem of wear and loss of a snow-white smile. The cost starts from 17500 rubles.

If you are not yet ready for professional procedures, then you should turn to home methods.

home recovery

Pharmacy counters offer a wide range of toothpastes and enamel restoration gels. All of them are able to cope with small defeats.

  1. "Sensodyne" fluorinated, has a regenerating property. Not recommended for use by people with a high reaction to irritants. The product will cost 170 rubles.
  2. "Colgate" with calcium has a low cost and a good reputation. With the alternate use of calcified and fluorinated pastes, a significant effect is observed. The cost of pasta is 80 rubles.
  3. The Italian company offers a product for daily care of the Biorepair line. The price starts from 500 rubles, it includes inclusions of hydroxyapatite, masking damage to the enamel.
  4. Remineralizing gel "Lacalut" saturates the surface of the tooth with essential minerals, strengthens its protective properties. The average price tag of a package is 250 rubles.
  5. Gel "Rock Medical Minerals" saturates the shell with fluorine, magnesium and calcium. The drug will cost 340 rubles.

Important! Enamel restoration requires long-term therapy, so regularity is important in the use of gels and pastes.

Each tool is good in its own way, tested and has many positive reviews. If you do not believe in the effectiveness of pharmaceutical products, use traditional medicine recipes.

"Grandma's" recipes

Herbs can have different effects on the gums, tooth enamel, and oral mucosa. They will not eliminate the split, but they will be able to strengthen the surviving layers of the protective layer.

  1. Strengthening effect have tinctures of oak bark, calendula, sage, chamomile, burdock and mint. Pour one tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Rinse your mouth with fresh decoction twice a day.
  2. Salt is a great aid in oral care. It strengthens the surface, destroys tartar, freshens breath. Sea salt works more efficiently, but table salt is also used. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. salt, after brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with a solution. Finely ground salt is used instead of toothpaste, soak your toothbrush in it, continue your usual brushing.
  3. Propolis is a well-known remedy for strengthening the immune system, this is not its only beneficial effect. To restore the enamel coating, chew 1-2 grams of pure propolis 2 times a day.

Important! All folk recipes are effective, but they act more slowly than pharmacological drugs.

A split tooth is a reason to go to the dentist, but not a reason to be upset. Probably still fixable.

As you know, the upper part of each tooth naturally has a protective shell, the so-called tooth enamel. However, despite its strength, under excessive loads for a certain period, the enamel can crack. This can happen for various reasons, such as eating very hard food, injury, or using your jaw as pliers.

In any case, with such damage to the teeth, you need to contact the dentist as soon as possible, since the crack that appears under further loads can easily go deeper and damage the tooth root, and this will require serious surgical intervention.

The main causes of tooth cracks

There are a number of factors that can cause such damage to the teeth:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body necessary for the formation of strong tooth enamel, which is a consequence of malnutrition;
  • eating foods with a high level of acidity and sugar, which negatively affects the condition of the enamel, gradually corroding it;
  • the simultaneous use of very hot foods and cold drinks, which leads to a sharp temperature contrast in the oral cavity, causing the enamel to crack;
  • bad habits of chewing hard objects and products (nuts, seeds), which in case of sudden efforts will lead to enamel chipping;
  • dental injuries as a result of impact;
  • diseases and spasms of masticatory muscles, which is expressed in uncontrolled compression and movement of the jaws and has a negative mechanical effect on the enamel;
  • side effects from medications due to their excessive use;
  • medical errors made by the dentist during the treatment procedures.

If you do not take action, a crack in the tooth can touch the root

In some cases, it is difficult to find a crack on your own, which is quite possible if, for example, the enamel on the front tooth is cracked. In other cases, it would be wiser to rely on the conclusion of your doctor after he has become acquainted with the X-ray data. After all, you may not even assume the presence of an injury if, for example, it is the result of unprofessional treatment in the previous period.

If damage occurs shortly after a filling or crown is placed on a given tooth, you should immediately visit a dentist. So you can avoid further complications, as well as save your money on replacing a poor-quality filling or crown.

When a crack appears, it is necessary to exclude the load on the affected tooth. The fragments put pressure on the pulp, as a result of which an inflammatory process can begin, which is fraught with further complications. When an open wound appears, access for various infections to the blood and nerves is formed. This, in turn, may lead to the need to remove the pulp. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit a dentist in advance in order to avoid diseases of the oral cavity, in particular, periodontal disease.

You may not immediately notice a cracked tooth, so visit your dentist regularly

Conditional division of dental cracks into types

  • a horizontal crack usually encircles the tooth perpendicularly and, if left untreated, leads to chipping. The closer to the base the crack is located, the more dangerous it is. A crack located at the neck of the tooth, closer to the gum, may entail the removal of the entire crown part and the opening of the pulp. With this scenario, it will be difficult and expensive to restore the tooth;
  • a vertical crack, as the name implies, runs parallel to the growth and divides it into two halves, in some cases separating the wall of the tooth from its main part. It should be understood that such a crack can go all the way to the tooth root and thereby opens up access to the pulp for bacteria. If infected, the pulp is extremely difficult to cure. In cases where the crack covers the tooth along its entire length, it is usually removed. But if the tooth is split in half, into two parts and one of the halves is loose, and the root of its other part is not affected, and the remaining body as a whole stands firmly, then the broken wall is removed, and the tooth is subjected to endodontic treatment and provided with a crown;
  • an inclined crack divides the tooth diagonally relative to the axis of its growth. Left untreated in the event of such an injury, it will certainly lead to chipping of the corner and in most cases will require the installation of a crown;
  • intradental fissure is considered the most problematic in terms of diagnosis and treatment. With an internal crack, damage can spread from the root upwards. It is possible to independently determine the presence of such an injury in the early stages only if the damaged parts, being uneven, touch the pulp and damage it. Unfortunately, such a crack is very difficult to notice until it reaches the root. In the most severe cases, it may spread to the jaw bones with a further fracture.

Cracks can lead to chipped teeth.

What to do if a tooth is split in half

First you need to take an x-ray of the damaged area to determine the size of the crack and its location. You will most likely be sent for an x-ray by the dentist whose treatment you will be undergoing. It is important to understand that with the next load, the tooth can crack completely. What to do if the tooth cracked vertically - be aware that if the damage is delayed, it can go deep and touch the root part, then it will no longer be saved from removal.

A crack of this kind can lead to partial or complete trauma to the root. Usually it passes through both opposite walls of the tooth, sometimes only through one. Most often, vertical cracks spread to the entire tooth, and unless they break off the wall, are complete in terms of their length and affect the root.

At first, the crack may not be noticeable. In the early stages, when the crack is still small, you may experience discomfort and unpleasant itching in the gum area and not even assume that a crack has formed on or inside the tooth. For this reason, it is important to take an X-ray, as in many cases signs of damage can be overlooked.

The dentist, after reviewing the image and conducting an examination, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. As a rule, it is necessary to prevent the penetration of bacteria, stop the infection of the pulp, repair the crack and find out whether the extraction of the damaged tooth is necessary or whether it is possible to limit the installation of the crown.

Try to visit the dentist as soon as possible.

What to do immediately after a cracked tooth

You need to go to the dentist. However, if you do not have the opportunity to contact the dentist on the same day, then in this case you need to take the following steps:

  1. Treat the oral cavity with antiseptics or herbal infusions specially designed for this, preventing infection of the pulp.
  2. Take painkillers if necessary, but don't if you plan to visit the dentist within the next six hours.
  3. Protect the tooth from contact with food, foreign objects and even the tongue to avoid displacement of debris and damage to the gum tissue.
  4. Do not expose the tooth to temperature changes, trying not to take cold and hot food and drinks.

It is important to emphasize that these are only temporary measures. Make a visit to the dentist as soon as possible, in order to avoid unpredictable and dangerous consequences for the health of your mouth. If you delay, you can lose a tooth, pulp, and even get a crack in the jawbone.

In some cases, a crack can form on the front teeth, which is usually associated with a gradual thinning of the enamel. Often, people do not pay attention to damaged enamel until the crack has absorbed enough coloring substances from the food consumed and becomes more noticeable. The tooth in this state is very vulnerable, since the weakening of its structure can lead to chips as a result of strong physical exertion on it.

A cracked tooth enamel can ruin your smile.

What to do if your front tooth is cracked

As a rule, if the crack in the enamel has not gone further, then such an injury can be cured by filling the tooth and, for example, installing veneers for cosmetic and protective purposes. If the crack goes further, then an inflammatory process may begin, the tooth will either have to be removed or depulped and carefully sealed.

In some cases, enamel can be built up on a pin or even a crown can be used as a protective mechanism. The crown can also be used in cases with already depulped dead teeth, if a crack has formed on them.

Cracks also occur on wisdom teeth, since in the process of their growth and location they can be subject to serious acid destruction. In most cases, the doctor will not waste time treating such a hard-to-reach tooth and will suggest that you remove it. This will be the most reasonable step in this situation, since a damaged wisdom tooth will only cause you pain and discomfort, and its existence is not necessary. Teeth in those places practically do not participate in the process of primary food processing, and only a person conducting an examination of your oral cavity will be able to notice their absence.

Cracks in hard-to-reach teeth most often lead to their removal.


Cracked teeth can be identified by a number of symptoms:

  • the source of pain is difficult to determine, as it can manifest itself in different places;
  • the sensitivity of the teeth increases and the reaction to cold or hot food becomes aggravated, and the aching pain after temperature changes does not go away immediately;
  • biting, chewing, and also closing and opening of the jaws causes pain;

Leaving a cracked tooth untreated can lead to infection of the pulp and inflammation, which means new symptoms will appear:

  • an unpleasant odor begins to spread from the mouth;
  • enamel darkens due to tissue death in the pulp chamber;
  • the gum near the damaged tooth begins to swell and cause pain when touched;
  • the root can acquire mobility, and the tooth itself can break out of the general row.

In dentistry, there are different methods for diagnosing tooth cracks. As a rule, the attending physician, on the basis of the patient's complaints, makes a presumptive diagnosis, and if he believes that the problem is related to a crack, he begins to search for the problem, having previously familiarized himself with the X-ray data.

Usually, a cracked tooth is the most painful on palpation. Also, the dentist can use coloring compositions. When applied to the surface of the enamel, a crack can be detected in it. According to the condition of the periodontal pocket, it is also possible to determine inflammation in the gum and suggest the presence of a crack.

Small cracks may not be noticeable to you until one day a chipping of the crown part occurs. Even a small crack makes the tooth less durable and, in the event of a heavy load, it can suddenly crack. To avoid this, you should visit the dentist at least once every six months, in order to prevent and detect problems in your oral cavity.

Can a tooth be saved if it is broken in half?

Enamel protects teeth from aggressive external influences and mechanical damage. However, when it is thinned, the risk of injury increases. They can be either small - chips, microcracks, or touch a vast cavity and even the root system. The most dangerous situation is when the teeth are broken in half. In this case, there is a risk of damage to the soft and hard tissues of the jaw.

Most likely, previously treated teeth with a large cavity or with a removed pulp can break.

Cracks and chips appear during impacts and increased loads. But even a slight impact can cause injury if the enamel is weakened. Factors that cause breakage include:

  1. Incorrect treatment: too large filling, incorrectly installed pin, inconsistency of dentures with bite.
  2. Lack of fluorine, phosphorus and calcium.
  3. Bad habits: biting off threads, nails, cracking nuts, seeds, packages.
  4. Improper diet: an abundance of sour and sweet foods. The absence of solid foods in the daily diet - carrots, apples - also affects the strength of the enamel.
  5. Increased acidity of saliva.
  6. Sudden temperature changes. Microcracks form on the enamel if you drink cold food with hot drinks and vice versa.
  7. Blows and injuries of the jaw.
  8. Self whitening. Hard abrasive particles scratch the enamel and provoke the formation of cracks.
  9. Parafunctions of masticatory muscles - bruxism.

Important! Most likely, previously treated teeth with a large cavity or with a removed pulp can break. This is due to a violation of the integrity of the enamel layer and a violation of the blood supply.

Symptoms and possible complications

It is not always possible to detect a crack in a tooth. Sometimes it is too small. The problem is detected only when the factors worsen or during a diagnostic examination. You can detect only an injury that has appeared by the primary symptoms:

  1. Indeterminate localization of toothache.
  2. Hypersensitivity to cold, hot, sour and sweet foods.
  3. Pain while eating and closing the jaws.

Tooth fracture.

Further development of the disease is complicated by secondary factors:

  1. Unpleasant odor as a result of infection, inflammation of the pulp and gum pocket.
  2. Darkening of the enamel due to tissue necrosis.
  3. Bleeding and swelling of the gums near the damaged area.
  4. The root of the tooth becomes mobile.
  5. The tooth begins to protrude from the row.
  6. Sharp pain on palpation.

See also: Restoration of teeth: an overview of effective methods

Important! It is worth contacting dentistry in the early stages of the disease. This will increase the chances of a successful recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

See also: "Sensitive teeth after filling: the norm or a complication?"

Types of cracks

According to the type and localization of fractures, several types of cracks are distinguished:

  1. Diagonal. Crosses the tooth from top to bottom at an angle. Usually the healthy part is larger than the chipped part. The latter is removed and replaced with composite materials.
  2. Horizontal. Divide the enamel in half in the plane. The lower the crack is, the higher the likelihood of complications. A chip located at the neck of the tooth affects the pulp and root system. With this type of injury, reinforcement with pins or prosthetics is mandatory.
  3. Vertical. Externally, the chip looks like a tooth has burst into two parts. Such an injury quickly expands, reaches the root, in some cases - affects the bone tissue of the jaw.
  4. Internal. The most dangerous case. It is difficult to diagnose and treat. Usually the problem is discovered when the root is broken and it is no longer possible to save it.

Important! In a separate group, cracks in the incisors and canines are distinguished due to the peculiarities of the treatment. Minor chips are eliminated by remineralization, in case of serious injuries, the tooth is prosthetized with a veneer - a thin ceramic plate.

First measures

If a tooth is cracked, you should contact the dentist as soon as possible. But when it is not possible to immediately get an appointment with a doctor, first-aid measures will help prevent complications:

  1. Eliminate stress on a broken tooth.
  2. Limit hot, cold and hard foods. Food is better to grind or chop.
  3. Take an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory medicine: Ketanov, Nimesil, Affida Fort.
  4. Rinse your mouth every 1 - 2 hours with antiseptic solutions, salt-soda baths, decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark.
  5. Avoid touching a cracked tooth with your tongue and fingers.

Important! Preliminary measures can be used as a temporary remedy in extreme cases. It is advisable to make an appointment with the clinic immediately after the discovery of a chip.

Types of cracks.


Diagnosing a broken tooth takes place in several stages:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity.
  2. Examination with a dental probe - the instrument will get stuck in the crack.
  3. Palpation: An injured tooth will respond with pain when pressed.
  4. Application of special dyes to enamel.
  5. Radiography. With its help, you can determine the depth of the injury and identify intradental cracks.

See also: What is the best dental filling?

Important! The most accurate results show a study under a microscope. However, such equipment is only available in endodontic centers.

The method of treating broken teeth differs depending on the nature and localization of damage:

  1. With microcracks, fluoridation is used - applying fluorine-containing preparations to the enamel.
  2. Small surface chips are restored with composite materials.
  3. Extensive lesions are eliminated by prosthetics or strengthening the root system with pins.
  4. With vertical and diagonal cracks, one chipped part is removed completely, the second is strengthened and built up. Such treatment is possible if at least a third of the root remains unaffected.
  5. When the root system is damaged or the trauma has affected the jaw tissues, the tooth has to be removed.
  6. Incisors and canines are prosthetized with veneers.
  7. With injuries of wisdom teeth, extraction is preferred. "Eights" practically do not participate in the experience of food, their treatment is complicated, and it is impossible to guarantee a successful outcome.

Important! The smaller the injury, the more successful and cheaper the treatment will be. Restoration of small chips will cost 1,500 - 3,000 rubles, and prosthetics - from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Cracked teeth are a dangerous dental disease. They are not always visible, injuries quickly worsen and often lead to tooth extraction.

Cracked and chipped tooth treatment

Tooth enamel is a hard tissue that can withstand mechanical stress. But traumatic impacts, blows and other factors can lead to its damage. If a tooth is cracked, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, its safety depends on it. In addition, the presence of damage is not always noticeable to the naked eye, so a visit to the dentist is a mandatory event, especially if there are painful sensations, sensitivity to temperatures.

Types of cracks

If you have a cracked tooth or a crack in the enamel, it is worth assessing the nature of the damage. There are several types of such problems:

Note! The closer to the neck (gingiva) the damage is located, the more likely it is to lose the crown part of the tooth. This means that the risk of losing a tooth increases and it will take much more time and money to restore it.

  1. horizontal: in this case, there is a girdle crack around the crown,
  2. vertical: located parallel to the direction of growth and divides the tooth into two parts. In some cases, this type of split involves the separation of the wall from the main part. As a rule, the length of the defect reaches the root, which increases the risk of pulpitis,
  3. oblique: crosses diagonally. In such situations, even part of the crown may break off,
  4. break into parts: if the vertical crack is deep enough, there is a breakdown into two (or even more parts!), which is often accompanied by the mobility of one of them,
  5. root crack: such damage opens access to the pulp (nerve) to pathogens, so treatment should be carried out as quickly as possible,
  6. a cracked tooth with a filling: fillings are one of the risk factors, so this situation is quite common. Any cracks of a previously filled tooth can be observed - vertical and horizontal, including those that include damage to the filling material itself.

Symptoms of a cracked tooth

A cracked tooth may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain - it can give to different areas,
  • hyperesthesia or high sensitivity to temperatures (hot and cold food, drinks, inhalation of cold air by mouth), chemical influences (acids - for example, when eating citrus fruits),
  • discomfort when biting and chewing, closing the jaws.

Symptoms are not limited to the above, if the presence of a defect has already led to complications of an inflammatory-infectious nature. In this case, other signs may also appear. For example, bad breath, a sharp increase in pain, swelling and redness of the gums, swelling of the soft tissues of the face - it all depends on what concomitant disease has appeared due to the fracture.

Causes of cracks

Why do teeth crack? This can happen due to one or more factors that contribute to the weakening of the enamel:

  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements - often the result of an unbalanced diet, a forced diet or a violation of food absorption,
  • "Love" for sugar - consumption of a large amount of sugary foods and drinks,
  • frequent use of nuts, seeds, the habit of chewing on hard objects, i.e. constant mechanical stress on the enamel,
  • temperature contrast - simultaneous consumption of hot and cold food, drinks,
  • violation of the tone of the masticatory muscles - bruxism, etc., which leads to an increased load on the enamel.

Other causes can also lead to damage: injuries, regular intake of certain medications, violation of the technology of dental procedures.

Diagnostic methods

Cracked tooth: what to do? First of all, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to assess the depth of damage, determine the prognosis and tactics of further actions. Diagnosis is a rather complicated event if the violations are not visible on the surface. The primary method here is the collection of anamnesis, questioning and visual examination of the enamel.

Radiography is the main method that will help determine the crack of both the front and any other tooth. Based on the picture obtained, the dentist performs probing - looking for the location of the crack. The criterion in this case is the pain sensation at the pressure of the probe, as well as when biting a special instrument.

Microscopic examination is an advanced method for diagnosing the condition of the enamel. It allows you to determine the damage or fracture with a high degree of accuracy.

Treatment of cracks and splits

The tactics of treating a cracked tooth is determined by the doctor, taking into account the depth and scale of the damage, the general condition of the enamel and tissues of the entire oral cavity. There are several effective therapies.

  1. enamel strengthening is carried out if the crack is relatively small and is located on the surface: the dentist will resort to the use of special strengthening agents. A mixture containing calcium and fluorine is applied to the enamel for a certain time, on average - within 2 weeks. This will strengthen it and prevent deepening damage,
  2. composite build-up with a slight crack and a chipped part of the enamel along with dentin. Allows you to restore color and shape,
  3. Veneering is a modern method of treatment in cases where there are multiple microdamages to the enamel. The method involves the processing of tissues and the fixation of special plates that will help hide the defect,
  4. endodontic treatment is required in more serious cases - fractures, damage to the root system, deep cracks. In the vast majority of cases, the pulp is removed even in the absence of clinical symptoms of its inflammation. This is due to the fact that open access to the neurovascular bundle provokes the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Even if there are no symptoms of pulpitis, microorganisms can already begin to multiply in soft structures, and if the disease manifests itself after the restoration of the form, this will entail unpleasant consequences and the need to undergo treatment again, already with depulpation,
  5. a stump tab or the installation of pins is required if the tooth has broken off at the root and nothing remains of the crown. In this case, either an artificial crown is placed on top, or a composite build-up is performed.

Can a cracked tooth be saved?

It is possible even if it is divided in half and one of the parts is movable. But in order to increase the chances of preservation, it is worth consulting a doctor as soon as possible.

If the molar is divided into two parts, it is possible to save one of them, strengthening it with a crown. The moving part must be removed.

If a wisdom tooth is cracked, the doctor may be inclined to remove it. This is due to the fact that the “eights” practically do not take part in the chewing process, moreover, they are very far away and it is extremely difficult to treat them.

Saving a milk tooth with a crack requires special care - when filling the root canals, the doctor must exclude damage to the rudiments of the permanent ones. However, endodontic treatment is the main tactic of therapy if the crack is sufficiently impressive. For minor damage to the enamel, the specialist will resort to applying a special composition, as is the case with adult patients.

What to do at home

Broken tooth: what to do at home? In general, such a question should not even arise - it is impossible to do anything on your own, restoration can only be done in the dentist's office. But consider first aid measures.

  • rinse the mouth with antiseptics,
  • in case of pain, take an anesthetic (it is advisable to do this only if you definitely do not get to the doctor in the next 6 hours),
  • limit chewing on the causal side, do not eat solid foods,
  • try not to touch the damage with the tongue,
  • do not drink hot or cold drinks - give preference to water at room temperature.

In order to prevent the appearance of cracks, chips and breaks in the enamel, it is necessary to exclude risk factors: provide a balanced diet, limit the consumption of sweets, regulate the temperature of food and drinks, fight bad habits and visit the dentist on time.

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The tooth is cracked and split, what should I do? Vertical and horizontal cracks

Tooth enamel is inherently a fairly durable material that can withstand increased loads. However, various mechanical impacts, injuries, impacts can cause the tooth to crack and split. But you should not delay treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately after a tooth injury, otherwise serious complications may arise up to the complete loss of a tooth and soft tissue infection.


Cracked teeth are quite common, especially in children. If you suddenly notice that you or your child has this type of damage, you should immediately contact your dentist for examination and necessary treatment. Timely treatment will help prevent the complete destruction of the crown and root system.

Attention! If a crack has appeared in the tooth, then it is not recommended to exert increased pressure on it, otherwise the crack may go deep and lead to the final split of the tooth.

Sometimes the presence of a crack cannot be determined on its own, because it can occur in places that are difficult to see. Therefore, an X-ray examination is mandatory. Sometimes the patient may not even know about the injury, because it can appear with inaccurate treatment. If there is a crack or split in the tooth with a filling, then you should immediately contact the appropriate specialist. This will help not only eliminate serious complications, but also save the finances that will be required for the treatment and restoration of the crown.

As a result of a mobile lifestyle and increased traumatism, cracked teeth are often observed in children. If you do not see a doctor in time, then chipping or destruction of the tooth will occur.

Crack initiation factors

There are a number of reasons why cracked teeth can form. It is worth highlighting the most important:


In addition to the reasons, you should also know the types of cracks. Each type has certain features and characteristics.

oblique view

With these types of cracks, the intersection of the tooth in a diagonal relationship is observed. It is recommended that you consult a doctor as soon as possible for the necessary treatment. If treatment is not provided in time, then the outcome can be very unpleasant - a chipped corner in the region of the crown part of the tooth. These types of cracks are eliminated using the veneer method.

Horizontal cracks

With horizontal damage, girdle cracks are observed around the tooth in a perpendicular relationship.

Important! If horizontal damage is not cured in time, then as a result it causes chipping of the dental tissue. At the same time, the closer the crack is to the base area, the more dangerous it is. Damage, which is located near the neck of the dental unit, closer to the gum, can lead to the complete removal of the entire crown part and the opening of the tooth.

With these complications, tooth restoration will be quite difficult.

Vertical view of a crack

According to the name, this type of crack goes in parallel with the growth and divides the dental unit into two halves. Sometimes with this type of split, the tooth wall separates from its main part. Usually this type of crack goes to the root area and opens the area for pathogenic microbes to access the pulp. In situations where bacteria affect the area where the pulp is located, the treatment is quite long and difficult.

In cases where the crack covers the tooth along its entire length, then the complete removal of the entire dental unit is indicated. If, however, a split of the unit into two parts is observed, while one of the parts staggers, and the other stands steadily in its place, then in these situations the stable part is left, and the staggering body is removed. Next, endodontic treatment is carried out and the lost part of the crown is restored.

This image shows variants of cracks that often form on tooth enamel and lead to deterioration of the condition of the teeth, destruction, as well as possible inflammatory processes ...

Cracks inside the tooth

This type of damage is considered quite problematic, because it is difficult to identify it when diagnosing. With injuries of the internal type, damage can be observed from the root region upwards. It is quite difficult to identify this type of crack on your own. It is possible to determine it in the early stages, but in the presence of uneven parts that touch the area of ​​​​the pulp and damage it. Unfortunately, this type of crack is quite difficult to notice until it reaches the root area. With complications, the chip can go to the jaw bones, which later leads to a fracture.


Of course, it is not always possible to identify a split tooth yourself; this damage is detected with maximum accuracy during examination by a doctor. But this type of damage may be accompanied by some symptoms, which should be paid special attention.

Such a crack can lead to the entry of bacteria into the tooth cavity, inflammation of the root canals, the development of pulpitis, and further loss of the tooth.

When a tooth is split, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Pain, they can be observed in different parts;
  • There is an increased degree of tooth sensitivity. They can react to temperature changes when eating cold and hot food, there are long-term aching discomfort;
  • Chewing and biting causes pain.

If the above symptoms occur, then you should immediately consult a doctor for the necessary treatment. Sometimes damage can be located inside the tooth, which cannot be determined visually. If a tooth with a crack is not treated for a long period, then various pathological processes will appear in it, which lead to the appearance of additional symptoms:

  1. Change in the color of tooth enamel. This symptom occurs due to the presence of necrotic processes in the area of ​​the pulp chamber;
  2. The occurrence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  3. A damaged tooth seems to grow out of the jaw, and when you touch it, strong and sharp pain sensations appear;
  4. The gum area surrounding the damaged tooth becomes inflamed and very reddened;
  5. With severe complications, the formation of pathological pockets of the periodontal type occurs.

How is it diagnosed

It is often difficult to diagnose cracks because they are not always visible on the surface. In these cases, the dentist should ask the patient about the symptoms, find out his complaints, sensations. After that, the doctor may assume the presence of a crack. But in order to make an accurate diagnosis, an x-ray is taken first. Then, using the resulting image, probing is done, with the help of which the specialist looks for the location of the damage. Usually, a damaged tooth responds with pain when pressure is applied to it. Therefore, for examination, the doctor uses a tool that looks like a toothbrush, but without a lint. This device is bitten by patients with different teeth, usually when biting on a diseased tooth, vivid pain sensations appear.

X-ray image - will allow you to assess how badly the tooth is injured, determine the necessary treatment to save the tooth, and also check the correctness of the procedures performed.

Additionally, special dyes are used. These substances cover the tooth enamel, if there is a crack on the surface of the unit, then this area is painted. Another modern and more face-to-face examination method is microscopic examination. During it, an examination is carried out under a microscope, in which it is possible to identify the presence of a fracture and its location with maximum accuracy.

Features of treatment

If there are small cracks on the surface of the tooth, then in these cases it is possible to dispense with the use of special strengthening agents for the enamel layer. Features of elimination of microcracks:

  • To do this, you can use various mixtures, which include a high content of calcium and fluorine, as well as additional auxiliary components;
  • In these cases, the patient must visit a dentist every day for 14 days, who will cover the cracked tooth with these products;
  • After this procedure, you should refrain from eating for at least two hours.

Attention! If the formation of multiple microcracks is observed on the surface of the tooth, but all of them are not deep enough, then in these cases it is worth using veneer. Veneering is a covering of the vestibular surface of the tooth and the cutting edge of the tooth with a special plate called a veneer.

This method of restoration is quite popular, because it allows not only to completely restore the structure of tooth enamel, but also provides a beautiful appearance and removes all defects. But before carrying out this method of recovery, the doctor must make sure that the patient has cured all pathological processes and that there is no inflammation in the area of ​​periapical tissues. For this, an X-ray examination is used.

Veneers are porcelain or composite shells that can replace the outer layer of teeth. They allow you to correct violations of the shape and color of the tooth, and also protect the teeth.

If the crack extends from the region of the tubercle of the tooth crown to the root and visually divides the tooth into two halves, then in these situations the pulp is also subject to inflammation. In these situations, endodontic therapy is used, and after that, the tooth is strengthened with a crown.

What can be done at home

If a crack occurs in the tooth, it is recommended to immediately go to the dentist. But after all, it’s not always possible to visit a doctor immediately on the same day, so you can take several methods at home that can alleviate the condition a little. In these cases, you can use the following recommendations:

  • First of all, it is necessary to treat the oral cavity, teeth, gums with antiseptic agents that prevent the occurrence of an infectious lesion;
  • It is advisable to take analgesic drugs that can temporarily reduce discomfort, but you should not take them immediately or 6 hours before visiting the dentist;
  • During this period, you should not eat food, gnaw on foreign objects, and you should also touch the damaged area with your tongue as little as possible. This will help to avoid displacement of fragments of dental tissue;
  • Do not expose the tooth to temperature extremes. It is better not to drink cold or hot drinks.

After that, it is necessary to contact the dentist as soon as possible so that he can provide appropriate treatment. You should not delay this process, otherwise various unpleasant symptoms may occur in a cracked and split tooth, up to severe inflammation and abscess. In any case, the doctor must treat the damage.

Tooth enamel is by its very nature a very durable material, but if it is subjected to excessive loads every day for a long period of time, it can crack. Then trips to the dentist will become not an annual procedure, but a weekly one.

Cracks in the teeth usually form in the frontal section of the dentition and more often in the upper jaw. And they are formed in people with bad habits: the habit of opening beer bottles with their teeth, chewing pencils and pens, chewing seeds and nuts, etc.

In addition to bad habits, the formation of cracks in the teeth can be provoked by other reasons:

  • Improper nutrition: eating foods that do not contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of body systems (this is typical for people who eat semi-finished products).
  • Washing down a hot dish with a cold drink.
  • Eating highly acidic foods and carbonated drinks.
  • Use of highly abrasive whitening toothpastes and powders.
  • Parafunction of the masticatory muscles, as a result of which a person in a dream clenches his jaw very strongly and grinds his teeth.
  • Slicing caramels.
  • Uncontrolled intake of drugs.
  • mechanical injury.
  • There are cases when a tooth crack appears as a result of incorrect manipulations by a dentist:
  • During endodontic treatment, the doctor chooses a pin that is too large and, when trying to screw it in, splits the tooth along with the root.
  • An endodontic instrument is selected incorrectly, which leads to excessive thinning of the tooth walls and the slightest pressure on it leads to a crack.

Varieties of dental cracks

  1. Inclined.
  2. Horizontal.
  3. Vertical.
  4. Cracks inside the tooth.

oblique crack crosses the tooth diagonally. If such a crack is not removed in a timely manner through dental treatment, the outcome will be disastrous: a chipped corner of the crown part of the tooth. Typically, such cracks are treated by veneer.

horizontal crack crosses the tooth like the equator crosses the globe. Horizontal cracks, if left untreated, always end in a chip. How much dental tissue will be lost directly depends on the location of the crack. If the crack is located just below the masticatory area or incisal edge, then the amount of tissue lost will be negligible and the pulp will not suffer. If the crack is located closer to the neck of the tooth, then as a result of the chipping, the entire crown part of the tooth will be lost and the pulp will be exposed. In the latter case, tooth restoration will cause a lot of trouble for both the attending physician and the patient and will significantly hit the wallet.

vertical crack located parallel to the side wall of the tooth and divides the tooth into two parts. If such a crack was seen on the tooth, most likely not only the crown, but also the root of the tooth was included in the process. If the crack runs along the entire length of the tooth: from the cutting edge to the apical foramen of the root, such a tooth cannot be treated conservatively. In this case, the only treatment option would be tooth extraction. If the tooth is not cracked to its full length, then endodontic treatment is performed and the tooth is strengthened with an artificial crown.

Crack inside the tooth is the most insidious, since it is not visually visible. Such cracks are identified very late when they turn into a fracture.

  • With cracks, there is always pain that has a wandering character, so it can be difficult to determine the source on your own.
  • The pain syndrome becomes more vivid at the moment of opening the jaws when eating.
  • Pain usually appears in response to hot and cold stimuli.
  • As soon as the stimulus ceases to act, the pain is eliminated and appears again only during the action of the stimulus.

If the patient notices the above symptoms, he should immediately seek specialized dental care. Sometimes the crack can be in such a place that it is impossible to notice it on your own.

If a tooth with a crack is not treated for a long time, inflammatory processes will begin in it, which will lead to additional symptoms:

  • The color of the enamel layer of the tooth changes due to necrotic processes in the pulp chamber.
  • There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth.
  • The causative tooth seems to grow out of the jaw a little and touching it causes a sharp pain.
  • The gum near the causative tooth becomes edematous and reddened.
  • Pathological periodontal pockets appear.

That is, the process includes the neurovascular bundle of the tooth and periodontal tissue.

How to diagnose tooth cracks?

Diagnosing a crack is sometimes very difficult, due to the fact that in most cases, they are simply not visible. In this case, the specialist, based on the patient's complaints, assumes a diagnosis - a tooth crack and begins to look for it by probing, having previously studied the x-ray.

Typically, a cracked tooth responds with pain when the patient bites on it. Therefore, for diagnosis, dentists use a special tool similar to a toothbrush on which there is no lint. The patient is offered to bite this tool and compare the sensations separately for each tooth. The tooth that responds with the brightest painful reaction will be causal.

Coloring substances are used as an additional diagnostic tool. These substances cover the enamel layer and if there is a crack on it, this area is painted. In addition, a modern diagnostic tool is a microscopic examination. Examination under a microscope does not give false results, however, unfortunately, not all dental clinics are rich in such innovations.

Dentists also pay attention to the condition of the soft tissues around the teeth. If the crack has existed for a long time, then there will be an edematous mucous membrane near the causative tooth and a deep periodontal pocket will be probed around it.

As soon as symptoms suggestive of a crack formed, you should immediately seek help from a dentist. If the crack is not treated for a long time, the tooth will be subject to an inflammatory process, which will lead to serious consequences on the part of the pulp and periapical tissues.

Of course, there are cases when a tooth crack is so small and does not manifest itself in any way, and at some point some crown part is chipped. The patient in this case is confused and cannot find the cause that could lead to a chip. And everything is very simple! A tooth, on the hard tissues of which there is, even if very small, a crack becomes not so strong and cannot withstand the chewing load that is directed to it. To avoid such ridiculous situations, it is necessary to visit a dentist at least once every twelve months. The doctor during the examination will definitely notice the crack and take the necessary measures at the initial stage.

Very often, mothers turn to cracked milk teeth of their children. Dentists classify these cracks as harmless injuries. However, the doctor must still examine the damaged tooth and make sure that the crack did not lead to injury to the rudiments of permanent teeth and jaw bones.

Moms should not panic, because injuries for little fidgets are a common occurrence. They must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Answer the phone and make an appointment with a pediatric dentist.
  2. Do not give your child food or drinks that are too hot or too cold.
  3. Ask the child not to chew on the side where the damaged tooth is located, and not to touch it with the tongue to prevent a possible chip.
  4. If a child complains of severe pain, it is necessary to take one non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ketanov, Nimesulide, etc.

If a crack was seen in an adult, the algorithm of action should be the same.

How are cracked teeth treated?

If there are microcracks on the tooth, then the treatment should be aimed at strengthening the enamel layer. For this, products that contain particles of fluorine and calcium, as well as additional auxiliary chemical elements, are well suited. To do this, the patient must visit the dentist daily for two weeks to cover the teeth with this remedy. After this procedure, you need to refrain from eating for two hours.

If a large number of cracks have formed on the tooth, but all of them are not deep, then the treatment can be carried out using the veneer method. Veneering - covering the vestibular surface and the cutting edge of the tooth with a thin plate called veneer. Today, this method of treatment is very popular. Because, firstly, it is beautiful, and secondly, the strength qualities of the tooth are improving. However, before installing a veneer, the dentist must make sure that the tooth is properly healed and that there are no pathological foci in the periapical tissues. This can be done with an x-ray.

If the crack runs from the mound of the masticatory surface to the root and visually divides the tooth into two halves, then most likely the pulp has undergone an inflammatory process. In this case, you must first perform endodontic treatment, and then strengthen the tooth with some kind of artificial crown.

In any case, if cracks are found, you need to close them in the early stages, and not wait for the moment when the tooth splits in half and has to be removed.

Is it possible to warn yourself against the appearance of cracks?

Yes, you certainly may! To do this, you need to review and adjust your habits. Do not expose your teeth to excessive stress: do not open beer with your teeth, and do not crack nuts. In no case should you drink ice cream with hot coffee.

It is necessary to revise the diet: exclude carbonated drinks and foods with high acidity from food. Eat apples and carrots daily. You need to make a diet in such a way that the food is rich in vitamins and trace elements.

Do not whiten your teeth at home. High-quality pastes grind off the top layer of enamel, weakening it. Toothpaste should be enriched with calcium and fluoride.

If the patient suffers from parafunction of the masticatory muscles, then, in order to prevent the occurrence of cracks, he must wear a special mouthguard at night. These mouthguards are made at a dental appointment based on a cast of the patient's jaws.

In addition, it is necessary to visit a dentist annually for preventive purposes.

Enamel is of course a very hard tissue, however, it is not able to withstand chronic stress. Do not test your teeth for strength so that the dental office does not become a "second home"!

A beautiful smile is a dream, and its guarantee is healthy teeth. What to do if the tooth is split in half? You can’t do without a dentist, but it is possible to give yourself first aid.

From cause to effect

The solution to any problem begins with identifying the causes of its occurrence. The incisor consists of two parts, one is hidden in the gum, the other is considered a tooth in the usual sense, it is covered with enamel, more often a crack forms on it. The reasons for this are divided into direct and indirect.

Direct causes include a sharp blow, a strong mechanical impact and a sharp temperature drop, that is, a quick change of hot and cold products. All points serve as the basis for the immediate appearance of a defect. Indirect causes - factors of weakening the protective properties of the coating.

  1. Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and minerals.
  2. The use of harmful products (sugar, foods with high acidity).
  3. The habit of grinding your teeth, diseases associated with uncontrolled clenching of the jaws.
  4. Destruction of the coating under the influence of prolonged use of drugs.
  5. Side effects after dental procedures.

The split is not always visible to the naked eye. If damage to the outer layers occurred on the rear chewing molars, only a specialist will detect it.

Types of cracks

Saying that the tusk split in half usually implies a vertical line. There are other types of problems:

  1. The horizontal gap is able to pass at different distances from the base, proximity to the root increases the risk of complete loss of the chewing instrument.
  2. An oblique split divides the surface diagonally. Without timely treatment, the problem will develop into a chipped piece that needs to be built up.
  3. Inside a tooth crack is the most difficult to diagnose and treat. It is possible to notice it on your own only when the split passes to the pulp and causes discomfort. In the most difficult cases, the root cracks, then complete removal is necessary.

In any of the cases, a split in the enamel does not mean the loss of a molar; a crack detected in the early stages must be treated. If part of the canine is broken off but the root is in good condition, a crown is recommended.

Important! A crack that goes into the root creates an open wound, microbes and infections can penetrate into it.

Necessary actions

Small defects are not always visible. The appearance of itching, discomfort while eating should be the basis for a visit to the dentist. First of all, the doctor will send the patient for an x-ray, without which it is impossible to determine the extent of the problem.

Based on the results of the examination, the dentist will decide on the preservation of the tooth, assess the condition of the root, and prescribe an adequate treatment.

Important! Any damage is a reason to exclude the load on the tooth.

If there is no opportunity to visit a doctor on the day of the onset of unpleasant symptoms, give yourself first aid yourself:

  1. Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic, pharmacy solutions or herbal decoctions will do. (Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Miramistin)
  2. For pain relief, take an analgesic (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Analgin, Pentalgin).
  3. Avoid moving debris, they can damage the gums. To do this, do not touch the tooth with your hands or tongue, avoid contact with food.
  4. Avoid sudden temperature changes.

Please note that these are temporary measures, it will not be possible to avoid consulting a dentist.

Features of treatment

Possible treatment is determined by the degree of damage. If the root is destroyed, its removal is assigned. An implant is placed in the empty space. If part of the incisor is lost, a crown can be installed, it is attached to the remaining half.

Microcracks are treated by simply reinforcing the enamel or applying a thin protective layer. To do this, you should use professional procedures, specially designed remedies or traditional medicine recipes.

Professional enamel restoration

These methods are quite expensive and involve a visit to the dental office, but the result will be 100%.

  1. Covering with filling material. This procedure is indicated for cracks, chips, the presence of spots on the surface of the molars. The advantage of this technique is the price, the average cost is 5000 rubles.
  2. Veneering is the application of a thin layer of a special substance to natural enamel. Veneers are created from different materials, they look attractive, do not require correction, but the minimum amount is 12,000 rubles.
  3. A procedure that restores the appearance and health of a smile is fluoridation. However, such therapy involves a course approach, it is necessary to apply a remedy with fluoride for a month. Fluoridation is a more durable way to restore the outer layer of teeth. The price tag varies within 2500-3000 rubles.
  4. Remineralization is the saturation of the tooth surface with fluoride, calcium and other essential minerals. As a result, its protective properties are strengthened, color improves, sensitivity decreases. Price per session - 1000 rubles.
  5. The latest technology in dentistry is enamel implantation. At the molecular level, a material is created that resembles the natural outer layer of enamel in composition. Implantation is very durable, it solves the problem of wear and loss of a snow-white smile. The cost starts from 17500 rubles.

If you are not yet ready for professional procedures, then you should turn to home methods.

home recovery

Pharmacy counters offer a wide range of toothpastes and enamel restoration gels. All of them are able to cope with small defeats.

  1. "Sensodyne" fluorinated, has a regenerating property. Not recommended for use by people with a high reaction to irritants. The product will cost 170 rubles.
  2. "Colgate" with calcium has a low cost and a good reputation. With the alternate use of calcified and fluorinated pastes, a significant effect is observed. The cost of pasta is 80 rubles.
  3. The Italian company offers a product for daily care of the Biorepair line. The price starts from 500 rubles, it includes inclusions of hydroxyapatite, masking damage to the enamel.
  4. Remineralizing gel "Lacalut" saturates the surface of the tooth with essential minerals, strengthens its protective properties. The average price tag of a package is 250 rubles.
  5. Gel "Rock Medical Minerals" saturates the shell with fluorine, magnesium and calcium. The drug will cost 340 rubles.

Important! Enamel restoration requires long-term therapy, so regularity is important in the use of gels and pastes.

Each tool is good in its own way, tested and has many positive reviews. If you do not believe in the effectiveness of pharmaceutical products, use traditional medicine recipes.

"Grandma's" recipes

Herbs can have different effects on the gums, tooth enamel, and oral mucosa. They will not eliminate the split, but they will be able to strengthen the surviving layers of the protective layer.

  1. Strengthening effect have tinctures of oak bark, calendula, sage, chamomile, burdock and mint. Pour one tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Rinse your mouth with fresh decoction twice a day.
  2. Salt is a great aid in oral care. It strengthens the surface, destroys tartar, freshens breath. Sea salt works more efficiently, but table salt is also used. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. salt, after brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with a solution. Finely ground salt is used instead of toothpaste, soak your toothbrush in it, continue your usual brushing.
  3. Propolis is a well-known remedy for strengthening immunity, this is not its only beneficial effect. To restore the enamel coating, chew 1-2 grams of pure propolis 2 times a day.

Important! All folk recipes are effective, but they act more slowly than pharmacological drugs.

A split tooth is a reason to go to the dentist, but not a reason to be upset. Probably still fixable.

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