plastic surgery. Before and after. How is it with Asians? Asian beauty: what kind of plastic surgery do oriental girls Chinese girls who have had plastic surgery

Three Chinese women were not immediately able to get to their homeland from South Korea, from where they returned after plastic surgery: they were not recognized at passport control at the South Korean airport, detained until their identities were clarified, reports Shanghaiist. A photo of three Chinese women with swollen faces and passports in their hands went viral on the Web.

They went to South Korea for plastic surgery during the autumn Golden Week - the main public holiday - the 68th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Plastic surgery in South Korea is relatively cheap, which is why it attracts medical tourists. Two thirds of foreigners come from China.

Swelling and plastic surgery bandages put them in a difficult situation at immigration control, which Chinese netizens learned about on Sunday after Chinese TV presenter Jianhua Hua posted a photo on her Weibo microblogging account, China's equivalent of Twitter.

Their appearance was so at odds with the photographs in the passport, the TV presenter explained, which caused questions from the authorities. "Even their mothers wouldn't be able to recognize them," she was quoted as saying by Apple Daily. As clarifies the Chinese edition, women were forced to wait for confirmation of identity.

Plastic surgery has become a Korean national brand. Many foreigners, especially from China, fly to South Korea specifically to get plastic surgery. Incidents at airports, when border guards do not let Chinese citizens through because of a changed appearance, happen very often. This case gained particular notoriety because of the photograph, which many netizens found comical.

As noted on the TecRussia website dedicated to plastic surgery, swelling after facial plastic surgery, in particular nose plastic surgery (rhinoplasty), is a mandatory and inevitable element of the postoperative period, the same as bandages, hematomas and the need to breathe through the mouth.

They do not pass in the first weeks and even months. Swelling of the face occurs after a facelift, on the 2-3rd day after the operation, special swelling is observed near the eyes. The hematoma disappears one or two weeks after the intervention of the surgeon.

In South Korea, women in their quest to look more European have resorted to lifting the corners of their lips, so that a woman can constantly smile without making any effort. Plastic surgery is quite painful and risky, as in case of failure, ugly scars remain on the lips.

Statistics confirm: Asian women undergo plastic surgery much more often than European women. What exactly they correct and how they look after plastic surgery - see our selection.

Europeanization of the century

Ever wondered why Japanese cartoon characters have such big and expressive eyes? The answer is on the surface: it is precisely such wide-open eyes that Asians dream of. And all because a distinctive feature of the structure of their eyes is a fold of skin on the upper eyelid, scientifically - the epicanthus. Removal of this very crease is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in Asia.

As a student, Liu was terribly complex because of her natural eye shape, flat nose and narrow forehead. But an experienced plastic surgeon restored the girl's self-confidence: with the help of an implant, the doctor changed the shape of Liu's chin, performed two eyelid correction surgeries and rhinoplasty.



The second most popular plastic surgery in Asia is rhinoplasty. The main reasons why girls come to a plastic surgeon: a short tip, too wide wings and a “saddle” nose (with a strongly falling back). Experienced surgeons solve all these problems once or twice: the sunken part of the nose is filled with an implant, and the shape is narrowed with small incisions.

The aspiring singer Zhang Sher was sure that only a new appearance would help her achieve recognition and love from the public. With the help of a plastic surgeon, the girl got rid of the hump on her nose, changed the shape of her eyes and enlarged her cheekbones. But whether the career went uphill after that - history is silent.

Cheekbone reduction

Another specific feature of the Asian appearance is large “heavy” cheekbones. That is why the operation to reduce the cheekbones is very popular among Asian girls. The procedure is quite complicated, as it requires grinding of bone tissue and affects the jaw, and recovery after it lasts about six months. But Eastern girls are not afraid of this, along with a decrease in cheekbones, they often even ask the surgeon to align the upper and lower jaws at the same time.

This young girl got a job as a real estate manager, but her career didn't work out. Then she decided to change her appearance: the plastic surgeon reduced her cheekbones, performed rhinoplasty and corrected the shape of her chin. What happened next - history is silent.


Another common aesthetic problem that Asian girls turn to plastic surgeons with is the curvature of the legs, which is characterized by an O-shaped or X-shaped structure of the legs. Cruroplasty solves this problem: the surgeon makes an incision in the popliteal fold, after which a silicone implant is placed under the connective sheath of muscles.


Do you know which plastic surgery is the most popular among women all over the world? Of course, breast augmentation! Asian girls are in solidarity, so every year more and more oriental beauties become owners of magnificent seductive forms.

Chinese Lu Ying is a frequent guest of a plastic surgeon. First, the girl made a face correction, and then enlarged her breasts to a seductive third size.

These Chinese women were stuck at the airport in South Korea due to the fact that it was simply impossible to identify them from their passport photographs. The girls were not at all like themselves, because they were still in bandages, and the postoperative edema had not had time to disappear from their faces. Photos of stranded tourists first appeared in all Chinese media, and then spread literally around the world.

South Korea's plastic surgeons are renowned as some of the best in their field, so it's no surprise that women from most Asian countries, including China and Japan, regularly fly here to go under the knife of real professionals in their field and fix their faces. Many of the patients do not stop with rhinoplasty, facelift or Botox injections alone. They completely redo their faces, and sometimes even create problems during passport control at customs and airports.

There are different types of tourism, and for some time now there have also been trips entirely dedicated to plastic surgery. Due to the active development of this business area, some plastic surgery clinics have begun issuing special certificates to their foreign clients confirming their identity for border control personnel. The new type of documents include the serial number of the patient's passport, the duration of his stay in the clinic, the name and address of the institution and its official seal.

Travelers who pass through customs with these certificates usually do not encounter problems, regardless of what plastic procedures they have gone through. As a rule, the identification procedure in this case takes a little longer, but plastic surgeons eventually still fly home without much difficulty. Unfortunately, three Chinese women who tried to return home almost immediately after surgery were not helped much by certificates from plastic surgeons.

Photo: Nownews

The main problem in the case of plastic surgery on the face is that the body needs some time to recover from such a specific invasive procedure. The three ladies in the title photo, who decided to spend the Golden Week (traditional Chinese holiday) at a plastic clinic in South Korea, had no idea that the recovery process might prevent them from returning home. The girls showed up at the airport still bandaged and swollen, barely recovering from anesthesia, and it was not possible for border guards to identify them from their passport photographs. As a result, the tourists had to stock up on considerable patience before they managed to return to their homeland.

An example of the result of an extreme plastic surgery performed in South Korea:

Many Internet users took this story as a joke, but in fact it was all true. For example, one commenter wrote the following: "With such a puffy face, even your own mother will not be able to recognize you."

So if you are thinking of flying to another country to see a plastic surgeon there for a nose or facial contouring, spend at least a few days in a hotel before rushing to the airport and going through passport control.

Statistics show that Chinese women are the most frequent visitors to plastic surgeons. Wanting to save money, they go to South Korea, where the procedures are much cheaper. In most cases, the result is really worth all the effort, so we offer a look at Chinese women before and after plastic surgery.


Chinese Liu has done a tremendous job on herself. The girl had a complex for a long time about a flat nose, a cut of her eyes and a wide face, and only by the age of 26 she decided to go under the knife. The plastic surgeon performed a number of operations to reconstruct the shape of the nose, change the shape of the face and plastic eyelids. In addition, there was a beautician - the doctor gave Liu injections of collagen to rejuvenate facial skin.

Zhang Sher

Aspiring singer Zhang Sher is 27 years old. Rightly believing that her beautiful appearance would allow her to reach great career heights, she decided to have plastic surgery. The girl changed the shape of the eyes, removed the hump on the nose and added fillers to the cheekbones, making them more voluminous. Zhang considered her freckles, which were eliminated with a laser, to be another of her shortcomings.

Twins from China

The twins are said to be able to read each other's minds. And so it happened in a pair of these Chinese twins, who decided on the following plastic surgeries: changing the shape of the eyes and the shape of the face. In addition, the girls were injected with Botox to rid them of wrinkles. Interestingly, even after the intervention, they remained a copy of each other.

Yang Xu

Yang Xu had to go through several plastic surgeries and numerous visits to the beautician. The girl changed the shape of her chin by inserting an implant there, and also corrected her nose. Botox injections and a course of special treatments allowed a 27-year-old Chinese woman to get rid of acne and get smooth skin.


Wuhan is one of the few Chinese women who didn't want to get rid of her slanted eyes. But the girl was not satisfied with the shape of her face, nose, too high forehead and skin condition. Having undergone rhinoplasty, facial liposuction, chin implant surgery, as well as a shift in the hairline, and supplementing all this with a course of injections, Wuhan has become completely different from before.

Juan Silan

Juan is an aspiring singer who had to go under the plastic surgeon's knife twice to achieve the perfect eye shape. In addition, she corrected the shape of her nose, reduced freckles with a laser and regularly increases her eyelashes.

Wangchena Cheng

Plastic surgery helped Wangchen to achieve the love of the public. After going to South Korea, she returned with a completely new face. Now the girl regularly flickers on the national Chinese TV channel, and after all, it took only six operations for popularity.

Real estate sales manager

The name of this 25-year-old girl is unknown, but she, like the TV presenter, believed that a change in appearance would bring her success in her career. It remains to be hoped that the efforts were not in vain, and a pretty face helps the girl sell more real estate.

Jan Zhavi

Face reshaping, rhinoplasty, and a traditional Chinese eye reshaping operation are just some of the interventions 21-year-old Yang has undergone. Botox injections and fillers have become just an addition to plastic surgery.

Lu Ying

Rhinoplasty 30-year-old Lou was not enough, she decided to combine two operations. As a result, now she boasts not only a graceful nose, but also large breasts.


Changsha, 29, followed suit. Wanting to regain her pre-pregnancy shape, she opted for liposuction and breast augmentation. Later, the girl returned to the clinic more than once, doing more and more new operations. Now she is the owner of a completely different face.

Gao Shanshan

Blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, chin implant, injections, and now Gao can already be called a real oriental beauty.


The girl is only 21 years old, and she has already completely changed herself, having undergone rhinoplasty, eye reshaping, cheek liposuction, and also having undergone a course of injection procedures.

Ling Wen

Astonishing changes have occurred to 21-year-old Lin thanks to plastic surgery - the shape of the eyes has changed, the nose has become more European, and the cheeks have shrunk.


The European cut of the eyes, a more prominent nose, the lack of cheeks - all this, according to Hangzhou, suits her much more.

We can safely say that most Chinese women benefit from plastic surgery. The main thing is to be able to stop in time and not reshape yourself beyond recognition.

20 Chinese women before and after plastic surgery
Author Ekaterina Chirkina

Here are some examples showing how plastic surgery can change a person's appearance. This procedure is very popular throughout Asia, but especially in China. Most women easily fall under the plastic surgeon's knife. And here's what comes out of it.

The most popular are eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty using a silicone implant to increase the bridge of the nose. Many women also get chin contouring, which gives the face a narrower shape. If you have big eyes, a high bridge of the nose and a pointed chin, you can consider yourself a beauty. After all, your appearance is the dream of most Chinese women. And in the hope of achieving the desired goal, they are ready for anything. For example, go to the doctor in South Korea.

1 Dancer
Dance teacher.

Here is a snapshot of 26-year-old Liu Yisong, a dance teacher from Chengdu. On the left, we see how Liu looked before plastic surgery, and on the right, a photo after the transformation. The young lady was unhappy with the cut of her eyes, flat nose, round face and flat forehead. She underwent eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, and also changed the shape of her face.

2 Singer

The 27-year-old aspiring singer Zhang Sher wanted to fix her eyelids, a “hump” on her nose, “hollow” cheeks and get rid of freckles.

3 Students

These 22-year-old student twins are from Nanjing. The girls were not happy with their "snub" noses, round faces, eyes and acne.

4 Broker

22-year-old broker from Xiamen Yan Xu. The girl underwent plastic surgery of the eyelids, nose, chin, Botox injections, as well as skin lightening procedures.

5 Jazzmensha

But 26-year-old Yumei Xi from Wuhan is a jazz vocal teacher. As you can see, she underwent rhinoplasty, chin plastic surgery, facial liposuction and a change in the hairline.

6 Another singer

Huang Xilan is a 20-year-old singer from Wenzhou. In addition to the traditional plastic eyelids, nose and laser removal of freckles, she also increased her eyelashes.

7 TV presenter

Wangchen Chen, 24, a TV presenter from Hefei, before and after surgery. Nose, eyes, Botox.

8 Realtor

Liu Yi is a 25-year-old real estate manager in Guiyang. Liu changed the shape of the eyelids and increased eyelashes.

9 Office worker

Yang Chiayi is a 21-year-old clerk from Beijing. Yang opted for a full range of services: rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, chin surgery, several Botox injections and, of course, treatment and skin lightening.

10 Journal editor

But Lu Ying, a 30-year-old magazine editor from Guangzhou, did not limit herself to facial plastic surgery. She also enlarged her breasts.

11 Housewife

In this photo, 29-year-old Julie. After the birth of the child, she gained excess weight and was unhappy with the shape of her breasts. But plastic surgeons corrected the chest, performed liposuction in the waist and abdomen. Facial plastic surgery was also not done.

12 Cosmetologist-consultant

Gao Shanshan is a 28-year-old cosmetics sales consultant from Kunming. She underwent a nose job, eyelid surgery, Botox injections and a facelift.

13 Another student

This Zhou is a 21-year-old student from Fuzhou before and after surgery.

14 And also a student

Ling Wen is a 21-year-old student from Ningbo. She was dissatisfied with her "snub-nosed" nose, small eyes, and the shape of her face.

15 Guide

Wang Piping, a 24-year-old tour guide from Hangzhou, underwent facial reshaping surgery. She also had her nose and eyes done. Well, Botox, where without it.

16 Nurse

Pictured here is Xu Yang, a 21-year-old kindergarten teacher from Quanzhou. She has experienced so-called feminizing facial surgery, reconstructive nose surgery and Botox injections.

17 Model

The 19-year-old model from Quanzhou Lin was very unhappy with her "puffy" upper eyelids, prominent cheekbones, nose and skin. She underwent eyelid surgery, chin reconstruction and facial correction.

18 Unknown woman

And this is a photograph of an unknown woman, as we can see, here the surgeons also did a good job.

19 Woman of unknown profession

And finally, a 56-year-old woman from Sichuan province requested to tighten sagging skin on her face and neck, get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and age spots. She also had a rhinoplasty.

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