Kuyvashev five-year development plan regional newspaper. The concept of Evgeny Kuyvashev's program "Five Years of Development" is based on the proposals of the Sverdlovsk residents. Kuyvashev signed a decree on the program "Five Years of Development"

The Kremlin has planned a new wave of resignations of governors for the spring

The Kremlin has scheduled the next wave of gubernatorial resignations for the spring of 2019. The current rotation is planned to be completed by the end of November, sources told RBC

Boris Dubrovsky (Photo: Valery Melnikov / RIA Novosti)

The presidential administration is discussing the possibility of new resignations of governors next spring, two sources close to the Kremlin told RBC. Now the resignations are taking place according to the criterion of efficiency / inefficiency of the heads of the subjects, in the spring the rotation will be carried out according to the electoral principle - the ability of the heads of regions to be re-elected for a new term, explains one of RBC's sources close to the Kremlin.

The current series of resignations and appointments is planned to “close before the end of November,” another source close to the presidential administration told RBC, and a federal official confirmed it. In particular, the Kremlin will have to decide on the interim head of Sakhalin.

The post of governor of the Sakhalin region was vacated on September 26, after the head of the region, Oleg Kozhemyako, was appointed acting governor of Primorye. As his replacement, Kozhemyako would see the candidacy of the mayor of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sergei Nadsadin, the politician himself said in the program “Vesti on Saturday with Sergei Brilev” at the end of September: “I think that an acting governor will be appointed within a week. If my opinion was taken into account, I would suggest a person who has experience in managing a large municipality, who is known to the people of Sakhalin, who has a good pedigree, because his father is known, respected among older people - Mayor Nadsadin Sergey Alexandrovich.

The protracted situation with the appointment of a new acting head of the Sakhalin region is connected with the tension of the Kremlin against the backdrop of losses of candidates from the government in the second rounds, a federal official related to the region tells RBC. “There is no doubt that the candidates being considered [for the post of head of the Sakhalin Region] will pull the job of managing the region, they are afraid [in the Kremlin] that they will not go through the election procedure,” he explained.

There is a question about the resignation of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky, but there is no decision yet, says a source close to the Kremlin. Dubrovsky is trying, but he has problems with his rating, especially the low level of support he has in the capital of the region, Chelyabinsk, the source adds. Dubrovsky's re-election may be hindered by intra-elite conflicts, another source close to the Kremlin explains. Before the Kremlin made a decision about his resignation, the governor of the Chelyabinsk region hired Moscow political technologists to improve his own image, he specifies.

May resign the governor of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun, previously RBC sources. “There is a selection [for the post of acting governor], as soon as they decide [with the replacement of Kovtun], there will be a rotation,” said RBC’s interlocutor close to the leadership of the region.

Marina Kovtun (Photo: Donat Sorokin / TASS)

The governor of the Orenburg region, Yuri Berg, will resign, RBC sources said at the end of September. The issue of his departure was “hung up” because there is no certainty on the candidacy of the replacement, according to a federal official and a source close to the Kremlin. Earlier, RBC's interlocutors named State Duma deputy Vladimir Gutenev as Berg's replacement.

The candidate for resignation is the head of the Altai Republic, Alexander Berdnikov, three sources close to the Kremlin say. At the same time, the presidential administration believes that it is equally possible to dismiss him both in the fall and in the spring: Altai is not considered difficult in terms of intra-elite balances, it is territorially small, so there is no strict need to “bring in” a new person a year before the elections, explains one of the sources of RBC. For now, Berdnikov will “work until special instructions are received,” RBC’s interlocutor close to the republic’s authorities said. Earlier, Dozhd reported about the Kremlin's intention to dismiss Berdnikov.

Since the end of September, nine governors have resigned: Alexander Zhilkin (Astrakhan Region), Yuri Kokov (Kabardino-Balkaria), Oleg Kozhemyako (Sakhalin Region, Acting Head of Primorsky Territory appointed), Alexei Kokorin (Kurgan Region), Oleg Korolev (Lipetsk Region) , Alexander Mikhailov (Kursk Region), Natalya Zhdanova (Trans-Baikal Territory), Georgy Poltavchenko (St. Petersburg), Rustem Khamitov (Bashkiria). All, except Zhdanova and Kokov, expired next year.

In addition, the powers of Marina Kovtun, Boris Dubrovsky, Alexander Berdnikov, Yuri Berg, Andrey Bocharov (Volgograd Region), Vladimir Vladimirov (Stavropol Territory), Alexei Orlov (Kalmykia), Sergey Aksenov (Crimea) and Oleg Kuvshinnikov ( Vologodskaya Oblast). Kuvshinnikov may go to a new term, this was previously agreed in the Kremlin, two sources close to the presidential administration told RBC.

The experts of the Center for Electoral Practices and the Political Expert Group, in their recent report to the "losers" on the eligibility criteria, six governors whose powers expire in 2019 and who have not yet resigned, nor have they announced their intention to run for a new term - heads of Altai, Orenburg, Murmansk, Chelyabinsk regions, Kalmykia and Stavropol.

The autumn resignations are connected with the solution of managerial problems: the regions need to be given a new impetus and approaches to development, to add dynamics, says political strategist Grigory Kazankov. And in the spring, a change of governors is undesirable, because there are more risks. “Dangerous for several months (before the start of the election campaign. — RBC) introduce a new person that no one knows,” he adds. This just means that the spring resignations will take place according to the electoral criterion - only if the person is not elected, the expert clarifies. At the same time, the non-election of the governor does not necessarily mean that he is ineffective: “For example, Savchenko (governor of the Belgorod region since 1993. — RBC) cannot be called ineffective. But after some time, he may become unelected if people become tired.” The same, according to Kazankov, could be said about the ex-head of the Khabarovsk Territory, Vyacheslav Shport, who "was a good governor, but could not be re-elected for a new term." “Svetlana Orlova was not unambiguously a bad governor, she was active, brought a lot of money to the Vladimir region, but as it turned out, there were no electoral options [to be re-elected], ”the expert states.

The decision on when exactly to dismiss this or that governor - a year or six months before the elections, largely depends on the region, its specifics, the situation in the elites, says Dmitry Badovsky, chairman of the board of directors of the Institute for Socio-Economic and Political Research (ISEPI). “Somewhere it is more important that a person “comes in” early, takes control [of the situation], manages to build a political structure for himself, in the end, forms the budget of the region for himself for the next year. And somewhere it is possible and even necessary to start a new interim in the spring, because it is more important that the newcomer continue his “honeymoon” [with voters] until the elections,” the expert believes.

Sometimes the nuances of recruitment play a role, because often the question is not who to remove, but who exactly to appoint, Badovsky adds: “Somewhere the selection may be delayed, or the planned candidate will be released from current projects only by spring.”

There is also a certain limit of manageability, the expert says: “It is not easy to administer more than a dozen new appointments at the same time: it is not only about appointing a person, you need to accompany him to take office, reform the team, build new relationships with federal ministries, media strategy, the work of political technology teams and so on.”

With the participation of: Evgeny Kuznetsova.

13:50 — REGNUM

Power has changed in Chelyabinsk. On November 20, deputies of the City Duma approved the request Evgeniya Tefteleva about resignation. His deputy became the interim head of the city Vladimir Elistratov. A new competition is ahead.

Evgeny Teftelev is considered the man of the governor Boris Dubrovsky. The main part of his working biography is connected with Magnitogorsk. On December 26, 2014, three months after the gubernatorial elections, he was appointed city manager of Chelyabinsk. And on August 25, 2015, the City Duma elected him the head of the regional center.

Then, in August 2015, the deputies voted for him unanimously. He could remain in this post until the next elections of deputies, which will be held in September 2019. Did not work out. Today, November 20, 2018, the same Duma just as unanimously dismissed him.

Citizens' claims

Yevgeny Teftelev did not stay at his post for four years. His resignation came as no surprise. A lot of complaints have accumulated against the mayor from the townspeople. As local residents admit, the rubbish collapse that erupted in September was the last straw. Heaps of garbage scattered throughout the city, the townspeople called "meatballs".

In addition, throughout the reign, public transport was an extremely acute topic. As one of the townspeople notes, the mayor promised that fares would not rise. But it happened differently. In addition, the city authorities announced their intention to bring the ratio of municipal and private public transport from 30 to 70 to 50 to 50. This also did not happen.

Plans to equalize private and municipal transportation were not destined to come true due to leapfrog with carriers. In 2016, two years after the arrival of Teftelev, the municipal unitary enterprise Chelyabinsk Bus Transport (CHAT) went bankrupt. It was created in 2010 and replaced the MUE Chelgortrans, which had been operating for about 10 years. The cause of bankruptcy, as is usually the case, was debt.

Instead of "CHAT" in 2017, LLC "Public City Transport" was created. In form, it is a private structure, but its founders are two other MUPs - the Traffic Organization Service and the Improvement Service. The employees of CHAT, transport and infrastructure were transferred to the new enterprise.

But the problems didn't go away. Citizens complain about the abundance of old buses on the lines. And in early November, drivers and conductors went on strike to protest against delays in wages. Upon closer examination, it turned out that there was money. The only question is the documents that the management of OGT LLC had to draw up, and the prosecutor’s office found out that one of the top managers of OGT LLC has its own transport company, which also carries out passenger transportation, and to the detriment of Public City Transport, lobbied its interests in every possible way .

Public transport and garbage is something that any city dweller sees with the naked eye. There are other claims to Teftelev. Examples include the optimization of children's and youth sports schools, which turned into a scandal, infill development, etc. Let's add to this the abundance of companies from Magnitogorsk on the Chelyabinsk market. One of them is the Public Service Center, which, at the height of the garbage collapse, began to clear the rubble in Chelyabinsk. Finally, as one of the townspeople explained, the owner's hand is not visible in the city.

« I have a feeling that no one cares about the city", - said one of the townspeople to the correspondent IA REGNUM.

human rights activist Valeria Prikhodkina notes that there is “nothing municipal” in the city”. “All networks are in private hands,” the activist said.

« We, the inhabitants, are hostages. How we can be "sentenced", the scavengers showed", she told a reporter. IA REGNUM. The city dweller assessed the state of Chelyabinsk as catastrophic.

“More and more housing stock is falling into disrepair. There are fewer and fewer doctors in clinics. More and more education falls on the shoulders of parents. No light is visible" - said Valeria Prikhodkina.


With all this baggage, the rumors about the imminent resignation of Yevgeny Teftelev surprised and upset few people. The change of power in Chelyabinsk has also become relevant on the eve of the gubernatorial elections. They are less than ten months away. At the same time, as noted by local political analysts, in Chelyabinsk, where a third of all voters in the Chelyabinsk region live, the electoral prospects of Governor Boris Dubrovsky are very weak.

Note that some political analysts doubted the need to replace the mayor of Chelyabinsk. Nevertheless, on November 15, Boris Dubrovsky made his famous statement. Yevgeny Teftelev leaves the mayor's office.

“So, the resignation of Yevgeny Teftelev nevertheless took place. There were many doubts about how rational the change of the head of the regional center for the election campaign of the governor, but there is no doubt that this decision meets the mood of the townspeople. Chelyabinsk residents justifiably believe that their city deserves more, and high demands are placed on the work of the mayor's office" , — the political strategist wrote on his Facebook page Alexander Melnikov.

However, as far as Dubrovsky's gubernatorial prospects are concerned, experts are very cautious. A political scientist Alexander Podoprigora I am even sure that there will simply be no participation of Boris Aleksandrovich in the next elections.

Nevertheless, on November 20, the deputies of the City Duma granted Teftelev's request for resignation. His deputy became the interim head of the city Vladimir Elistratov. The fact that the city will be headed by him, it became known in advance. Yesterday, November 19, Governor Dubrovsky set tasks for him, mainly for improvement. As the head of the region noted, there is no time for buildup. Note that there are ten months left before the elections. But the decision on the main candidate for the post of governor will be made in the near future. That is, for everything about everything, Teftelev's temporary successor has a month or two. Maybe a little more. Will it be possible to turn the tide in Chelyabinsk in such a short time?

Let's add, interviewed by the correspondent IA REGNUM local residents are not sure that the situation in the city will improve from the change of positions of officials. Some citizens insist that the mayor should be elected in direct elections. In addition, for many, it turned out to be strange and incomprehensible that Yevgeny Teftelev does not go into political oblivion. Yes, yes, now the former mayor will remain in the team of Boris Dubrovsky. A new position has already been found for him, and this position is vice-governor.

“I am concerned about the low level of public confidence in regional and local authorities. That is why the transfer from the municipal level to the regional mayor of the regional center did not add positive to the people. Power for the people remained incomprehensible ... ”, - stated a resident of Chelyabinsk, the former Minister of Public Security of the region Evgeny Savchenko answering a reporter's question IA REGNUM.

According to some observers, before the upcoming elections, Boris Dubrovsky would look more advantageous if he publicly criticized Teftelev. And even more so, the citizens say, it was not worth leaving him in the team. The reality is yet different.

Some experts note that many citizens now directly associate the former mayor with Dubrovsky, because Yevgeny Teftelev is from his team, and this association is with a minus sign. And the rating of Dubrovsky himself is not much ahead of that of the unpopular ex-mayor of Chelyabinsk. The current governor would very much like to participate in the next elections. This can be seen from the PR campaign launched by him. But can he? So far not a fact.

"Five Years of Development - Five Years of Good Deeds". Under this name, a forum of medical workers of the Northern Administrative District was held in Krasnoturinsk, initiated by the Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region Andrey Tsvetkov. The forum was attended by representatives of trade union organizations, the Medical Chamber of the region, the Association of paramedical workers of the region, public councils and councils of veterans of healthcare institutions, as well as the best representatives of the medical community from all over the Northern Administrative District, including from Serov. There are many goals and objectives of this forum, but first of all, the organizers strive to bring to the attention of healthcare workers information about the priority regional projects that are collected in the program of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region "Five Years of Development". The first forum, we note, was held in Pervouralsk. In general, such meetings will be held in all administrative districts of the region.

“This is a unique format. It is aimed at ensuring that every healthcare worker, from the head doctor to the junior medical staff who are closer to the patient, understands how healthcare is developing today, what successes there are, Sverdlovsk healthcare has breakthrough achievements, so that everyone feels not just a cog in a huge health care machine, but a contributor to change.”

A key place in the work to improve healthcare is occupied by the personnel issue and the support of specialists, especially those who work in rural areas. According to Irina Levina, today the work is being built on the formation of employment, as they say, in practical healthcare from the second year of study. In addition, this year the Zemsky Doctor. According to this program, specialists who, in addition to getting a job, also receive the so-called rural million. In general, a lot of work is being done in the employment of graduates.

Irina Levina, Director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College:

“This is also an individual selection for work in FAPs, in general medical practice. Selection of students from among residents of rural and nearby areas. Moreover, today both the governor - Evgeny Vladimirovich Kuyvashev and the minister - Andrey Igorevich Tsvetkov are ready to support such students in providing housing. It is very important".

In addition, special attention is paid to the dynasties of doctors. Parents-doctors attract their children to the profession, who successfully work in healthcare institutions.

Irina Levina named the main expected result of this forum - a dialogue, an opportunity to ask questions and get answers to them firsthand, to make some important proposals.

Before the official start of the forum, all those present listened to a video message from Andrey Tsvetkov, Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Andrey Tsvetkov, Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region:

“We kindly named this forum “Five Years of Development – ​​Five Years of Good Deeds”. We have achieved a lot, but we know that we have many tasks that we have not implemented. I hope that during these five years our health care will move forward with confidence. When forming the Five-Year Plan for Development, the wishes were taken into account. Suggestions and thoughts expressed by medical workers in our region. I thank the entire medical community for their active participation in the formation of the Five Year Plan of Development program. I am sure that in the near future the Sverdlovsk Region will become a leader in healthcare in the Russian Federation, a territory of health and well-being. I thank everyone for their participation, I wish you success in your work, good mood, and family happiness.”

The forum participants were also greeted by the head of the Northern Administrative District, Yevgeny Prein.

Evgeny Prein, manager of the Northern administrative district:

“I hope that this platform will become a serious platform for discussing sensitive topics. And at the same time, on this site there would always be solutions that would be a worthy response to the aspirations of the population.”

The forum honored healthcare workers - the best of the best in their profession. Serov's specialists were among them - a pediatric dentist, employees of an ambulance station, an anti-tuberculosis dispensary, and a city hospital. They received awards for conscientious long-term work at various levels - from municipal to regional. Among those who were honored on this day were representatives of the dynasties of doctors - among them Serov's - Tatarovs and Sharapovs.

For all forum participants, the main point of the whole program was the opportunity to ask questions. Elena Chadova, Deputy Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, answered them. First of all, she voiced a question that had been repeatedly asked before, and gave an answer to it.

Elena Chadova, Deputy Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region:

“A question was asked about the release of the doctor's time to work with the patient. I will answer this question this way - among the many forms that are currently being used, there is an emergency room, where the patient can apply without making an appointment through the registry. In addition, each polyclinic has a prescription office, which, of course, relieves the work of the district police officer. In addition, I hope you actively use information systems where a preliminary template for examining a patient works, where the doctor must enter the data, it can be printed and entered into the card.

Specialists from various institutions of the Northern Administrative District asked a few more questions regarding the settlement of disputes between the doctor and the patient, and the work of some medical organizations. Each received a qualified answer.

In addition, the forum participants were presented with the results of the work of volunteer associations at medical universities and public organizations.

As for the overall outcome of the forum, the participants, having discussed the problems of the medical community, noted that the further development of healthcare is one of the priorities of state policy in the Sverdlovsk region. They decided to accept as the main tool for fulfilling the tasks for the development of healthcare in the Sverdlovsk region for the period from 2018 to 2021, the basic directions set out in the program of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region "Five Years of Development". Namely, improving the quality and accessibility of medical care through the use of promising information and telecommunication technologies, modernizing the economic mechanisms for the functioning of healthcare and developing the material and technical base of the industry, providing healthcare with qualified specialists.

We add that at the regional level, additional incentives are also provided for obtaining specialized education and training for targeted programs. There are prospects for creating a mentoring system for future graduates and young medical professionals. Also in the plans is the development of interactive educational modules to improve the skills of medical workers as part of continuous additional professional education.


Kuyvashev signed a decree on the program "Five Years of Development"

Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny KuyvashevYaromir Romanov

The governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, during today's government meeting, signed a decree on the adoption of the Five-Year Development Program in the region, which lays down the main directions for the work of the authorities until 2021. As the head of the Middle Urals explained, the program is “a set of extremely specific and understandable projects”, which will allow the region to increase the gross regional product by 40% in 5 years to 2.6 trillion rubles.

As First Deputy Governor Alexei Orlov explained during a short presentation, the program is divided into five areas with their own targets. For example, in terms of “Human Potential Development”, the region expects to increase the average life expectancy in the region to 74 years, create more than 80 thousand additional places in schools so that all students study in only one shift. As part of the leisure of residents, new workout grounds will be created annually, together with the UMMC it is planned to build 10 new ice arenas. In addition, special attention is paid to career guidance - according to Orlov, in five years the number of university and college graduates employed in their specialty in the first year after graduation will be increased by 30%.

In terms of technological re-equipment of industry in the Sverdlovsk region, it is planned to increase the share of manufacturing industries at the expense of mechanical engineering, chemical industries and high-tech services. The policy of creating new industries in single-industry towns will also continue through the creation of advanced development territories there, re-equipment and robotization of the agro-industrial complex. In general, the volume of investments in the fixed capital of the region is expected to increase by 60% by 2021, up to 560 billion rubles a year.

As part of the "Comfortable Living Environment", the region plans to commission 1.8 million square meters of housing by 2021 and properly equip 40% of the region's yard areas. In the development of small and medium-sized businesses, it is planned to create a "friendly investment climate", as well as a regional resource for the purchase of goods and services from local manufacturers.

The last part of the program - the development of civil society, talks about additional support for non-profit organizations. As part of it, the region plans to introduce the practice of proactive budgeting at the local level, when residents of municipalities themselves will be able to distribute part of the budget expenditures for city projects. Based on the results of the entire program, the Sverdlovsk region expects that the proportion of the population “participating in significant events” will increase by 2.5 times. The implementation of the program will be monitored as part of the control of existing projects of the regional development strategy until 2030.

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