How to teach a puppy the fu command is impossible. How to teach a dog the fu command: useful tips. The role of the forbidding team in raising a dog

A well-mannered and obedient four-legged friend is the dream of every owner. Impeccable execution of commands not only facilitates the maintenance of a pet, makes it comfortable, but is also necessary to ensure safety. Commands such as “Come to me”, “Next”, “No” (“Fu”) dogs should know by heart, because health and life often depend on their implementation.

Training with the right approach will allow the owner to teach the pet both basic and useful, and unusual, but interesting actions.

Read in this article

How to quickly teach basic commands at home

Dog training requires from the owner not only patience and a desire to train his dog, but also knowledge of the intricacies of the process. It is best to start training sessions at a young age. As a rule, dog training begins at 10 to 12 weeks. The duration of classes with puppies should not exceed 10 minutes, as the kids get tired quickly. The most correct training tactics at this age is the game method.

An owner who trains a dog on his own should adhere to the principle of consistency. Each command is worked out, as a rule, in several steps. It is necessary to achieve the perfect execution of each segment, and only then move on to the next stage.

Training sessions should be performed from simple to complex. Experienced cynologists recommend dog breeders to teach the dog only one command. The transition to another exercise should be done gradually, after strengthening the skill of the previous lesson.

During training, you should not scream and scold the pet if he does not immediately understand what the owner requires of him. The effectiveness of the lesson will increase significantly if the owner uses rewards in the form of affection, tasty treats. The undesirable behavior of the dog during training cannot be stopped by force and rudeness. It is best to distract the animal from the wrong action and direct the dog's energy in the right direction.

Equally important in successful training is the regularity of the classes. You should work with your pet daily, consolidating the learned skills until they are unquestioningly fulfilled. Exercises should be alternated with periods of rest, avoiding overworking the dog. Four-legged friends learn most effectively 3 to 4 hours after feeding.

Classes with a pet should be carried out in a calm and familiar environment. As the skill is consolidated, the training of the command can be transferred to an unfamiliar place for the dog, invite strangers, connect distractions.


The command to give voice is most effectively worked out if you stock up on your furry friend's favorite delicacy. The best time for a lesson is before feeding the dog. The session should be done in a quiet environment. The dog should not be distracted or disturbed by anything. Holding the treasured piece in your hands, you need to show it to your pet and give the appropriate command.

The owner is required to be patient. Only after the dog gives a voice (does not whine, but barks loudly), can he be encouraged with a treat.

Exercise should be practiced for at least 10 - 15 minutes every day, achieving the correct execution of the command.


One of the most common commands in dog literacy is the ability to sit at the request of the owner. You can teach the dog as follows: with your left hand, lightly press on the croup of the pet, with your right hand, pull the leash up. At the same time, you can hold a piece of treat in your right hand. As a rule, such manipulation forces the dog to assume the required posture.

At the same time, the “Sit” command is given clearly and calmly. When the exercise is performed correctly, the dog is encouraged with a treat, stroking, encouraged by the voice.


This command should be trained only after the impeccable fulfillment of the “Sit” requirement. When the dog executes the command, you should take a treat in your right hand and give the command “Lie down”. Simultaneously with the voice signal, the hand with the delicacy falls slowly down. At the same time, it is necessary to hold the pet's croup with the left hand, preventing getting up.

As a rule, the dog reaches for the treat and assumes a recumbent position. If the requirement is correctly fulfilled, the animal is rewarded with a treat.


The “Nearby” command is one of the most difficult ones, it requires maximum concentration and attention from the owner and the pet. At the first stage, you can work it out on a leash during a walk. If the pet walks quietly nearby, you need to give the appropriate command and praise, treat it with a tasty piece. This will help the dog understand what exactly is required of him.

The best time to learn a skill is after a walk, when the dog has worked up and splashed out his energy. Taking a treat in your right hand, you should call your pet to you, command “Next” and go. The pet, following the offered treat, as a rule, chooses the same pace as the owner. Correct completion of the lesson is encouraged.

To me!

One of the main commands that characterize a well-mannered and loyal dog is the impeccable fulfillment of the requirement “Come to me”. If the pet belongs to the category of animals that love to eat, then a treat will be the best motivating factor. It should be placed in the hand so that the dog sees the tidbit. In a friendly voice, call the walking dog "Come to me." If the pet fulfills the requirement immediately, it is encouraged.

The nutritional factor in training does not work for all pets. Some individuals are more happy with affection, attention from the owner than with the offered treat. In this case, you can motivate the dog by offering her favorite game. Holding a toy or a ball in his hands, the owner gives the command “Come to me”. After the dog runs up, they praise him and play with him for a while.

In order for the pet to associate the fulfillment of the “Come to me” requirement only with positive moments, in no case should you take the dog on a leash and stop walking after the command has been executed.


A dog should be taught to the “Place” command from puppyhood. It is best to wait until, after feeding and an intensive walk, the young pet begins to rest. Noticing that the dog wants to lie down, you need to bring it to the territory chosen in advance, lay it down and give the command “Place”. It is possible to encourage the correct implementation of the lesson only when the dog settles down and does not leave the sunbed or bedspread.

give paw

The ability to give a paw at the request of the owner is more of an entertainment than a mandatory training. Nevertheless, learning this skill promotes concentration, develops memory, and emotionally brings the four-legged friend closer to its owner. The lesson is conducted according to the following methodology:

  1. the pet is given the “Sit” command, a treat is clamped in the hand;
  2. the owner gives a voice signal “Give a paw” and at the same time takes the forelimb of the dog in his hand;
  3. the dog receives the coveted treat.


The impeccable fulfillment of the requirement "Fu" or "It is impossible" is a prerequisite not only for. Food waste picked up on the street, undesirable behavior towards humans or other animals is a threat to the safety of the health of the pet and others. A dog should be taught a team from 2 months. The puppy needs to make a “No” or “Fu” demand in a strict voice at the time of the unwanted action.

The effectiveness of the lesson will increase if, immediately after the command, the attention of the animal is diverted from the unseemly act and taken up with something interesting, for example, a game. You can give the puppy his favorite toy, start an interesting activity with him. In the event that the dog does not respond to the command, undesirable actions should be stopped with a light slap, a sharp sound.


It is best to teach a dog to bring things thrown on purpose using a step-by-step method. To begin with, the dog must know and execute the command "Give" and "Come to me." Whenever the animal plays with its toy, for example, a ball, takes it in its teeth, the dog should be called, command "Give" and reach out with a treat.

As a rule, the dog chooses a treat and releases a toy. During the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the object is thrown by the dog next to the owner.

After the pet acquires the skill to give the item to the owner, you can start working on the next stage. After throwing a ball or other object, you should wait until the pet picks it up and command “Come to me”. After the dog fulfills it, the order "Give" is given. Having completed the exercise flawlessly, you can move on to practicing the skill under the “Aport” command.

How to train a puppy at home, see this video:

Unusual commands

Many owners, having successfully taught their four-legged friends the basics of dog literacy, do not stop there, and teach dogs a variety of commands and tricks. Such exercises strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between the owner and the furry pet.


Working out a “slobbering” team with a pet is not difficult. To do this, sit the dog in front of you. To prevent the animal from jerking sharply and causing injury, you should step on the leash with your foot. After the “Kiss” command, you need to squeeze a dog treat between your teeth and lean towards the dog. Performing the maneuver implies that the dog can place its paws on the owner's chest.

If you attach a treat to the cheek, you can teach the dog to perform the "Kiss on the cheek" command.


You can teach a four-legged pet to serve as follows. After sitting the dog, take the leash in your hand. In the other hand, hold the treat and bring it to the dog's nose. At the same time, use the leash to encourage the animal to rise. After waiting for the dog to tear its front paws off the ground, give the command “Serve” and treat it with a treat.

spin around

The spectacular trick "Whirl" is reminiscent of a circus act. Command training should be done after the dog has learned to serve. Having given the command “Serve”, you should raise your hand with a treat at a height. Performing circular movements with your hand, you need to ensure that the dog repeats them. The command "Circle" is given. After the dog learns to turn around its axis on command, it can be trained to do this only by the movement of the hand, without voice accompaniment.

bow down

Spectacular for outside spectators is the dog bowing to the owner. Learning this command is similar to learning the “Lie down” skill. The difference lies in the fact that the owner makes sure that the pet does not lower the back of the body during the exercise, but only stretches the front paws. If the dog, out of habit, executes the “Lie down” command, then you need to put your hand under the stomach.


Exercise, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for the pet. For training, the owner should position the dog to his left. Taking a favorite treat in hand, they “guide” the animal with it. Having taken one step, the dog is invited to pass between the owner's legs with a delicacy. The steps must be taken slowly so that the dog has time to understand what is required of him. An unlucky dog ​​can be gently directed with a hand in the right direction, but it is still better to use a treat for this.


Teaching a dog to back up on command is quite difficult due to the fact that this behavior is unusual for animals. However, with a goal and patience, you can teach your dog the "Back" command. To do this, you need a collar and a leash. The owner keeps the dog on a short leash near the collar, gives the appropriate command and begins to back away, pulling on the leash.

When performing the exercise, it is necessary to stop the pet's turns and movements to the sides. If the requirement is met correctly, a treat is given.

Some cynologists use a narrow and long corridor to practice this command, in which it is extremely difficult to turn around, and the pet and the owner are forced to back away.

Ring jump

To train an animal to jump through a hoop or ring, you need to stock up on equipment. The hoop should be of such a size that the dog can easily pass through it. At the first stage, to execute the command, the object is placed on the ground. The demand “Come to me” is given by voice.

With a treat in hand, the owner guides the dog through the hoop. If the dog calmly passes it, you can treat it. Then the hoop rises above ground level - and the lesson is repeated. You should learn in stages, gradually raising the device above the ground.

To learn how to teach your dog different commands, see this video:

How to teach an adult dog commands

There are situations when it is necessary to train and educate an adult dog. Of course, the process of learning commands is easier and faster from a young age. But adult pets, with the right approach and patience, acquire the required skills. First of all, the new owner must be given time to adapt the animal to new conditions for him, and only then proceed to training.

As a device for training an adult dog, many cynologists recommend using a clicker. The device emits a sound signal, which should be associated with the dog with the correct actions on its part. As a rule, the clicker sound, when the command is correctly executed, is reinforced by a treat. This produces certain conditioned signals in the animal that contribute to successful training.

Teaching your dog commands is fun and rewarding. A well-bred dog will not cause inconvenience to others, will not harm his health. Animal training should be carried out consistently and regularly. Patience, positive motivation, the correct approach of the owner to the elements of training is the key to successful mastering the required skills and impeccable execution of commands by a four-legged friend.

Useful video

To learn how to teach an adult dog commands, see this video:

This skill is necessary so that the owner, with the help of a command, can timely stop the unwanted actions of the puppy or attempts to commit them. The conditioned stimulus is the command "fu" or "no", unconditional - first a blow with a twig, then a jerk with a leash. For an adult dog, a jerk of a strict collar is sometimes used. The command achieves the goal if it is given at the moment when the puppy starts the unwanted action.

At the age of 1-3 months. to stop unwanted actions on the command "fu" the puppy is taught carefully so as not to slow down his activity, the natural desire to run and play. It should be remembered that up to 2.5-3 months of age, the puppy easily develops positive skills associated with any activity, for example, to the commands "come" and "walk", but it is still difficult to develop inhibitory reactions. Therefore, at the age of 1-3 months. it is impossible to resort to strong mechanical influence.

To wean a puppy from bad deeds, you can use the method of distraction and switching his attention to another activity, such as a game. To distract the puppy from unwanted actions, you can say his nickname, give the command "to me" and show a treat. As soon as the puppy runs up to the owner, you need to play with him and only after a while reward him with a treat so that he does not consider that he is being rewarded for undesirable actions.

Punish puppies at the age of 1-3 months. it is forbidden. An exception may be cases where repeated attempts to distract him from undesirable actions have not been successful. Then the puppy can be lightly hit with a twig on the back and at the same time say the command "fu". This should be done as soon as the puppy attempts an unwanted action, and only with puppies 2.5-3 months of age.

Puppies 3-6 months of age are taught to stop unwanted actions on the command "fu" during this age period. The requirements for them are gradually increasing.

When developing a skill, every time, as soon as the puppy tries to perform an undesirable action, the “fu” command is pronounced with a threatening intonation, which is immediately reinforced by mechanical action. The command "fu" and mechanical impact should not frighten the puppy. Exercise during the day is repeated 3-4 times.

When the puppy develops an initial skill for the “fu” command, and he begins to fulfill it, you need to limit yourself to one command, and use an unconditioned reinforcing stimulus so that the developed skill does not fade away.

At the age of 6-8 months. the conditions for working out the “fu” command are becoming more complicated, the requirements for the puppy are increasing. The main task during this period is to achieve a clearer response to the team to stop unwanted actions. The puppy is taught not to pick up bones and other food waste from the ground, not to take food offered by strangers.

The “fu” command and jerking the leash are used to wean the puppy from pouncing on people, vehicles and barking at them during walks.

A special bond must be established between the owner and the dog. It is achieved through commands. If your dog performs basic commands for dogs at your request, be sure that a common language has been found between you. And one of the most important is the “fu” command. Why? There are several reasons for this:

  • if your pet decides to eat a dead frog or someone's fallen sandwich, you can stop him;
  • if the animal wants to sleep on your couch, is going to lick your friend or stands on the table with its paws, the “fu” or “no” commands will also work.

By the way, cynologists advise accustoming an animal to the words “no”. The fact is that if the dog will protect you from a criminal or a petty bully, he may step back if he hears “fu” from an outsider. The “no” command is less common. How to train a dog on your own? Let's talk about it.

How to teach a puppy the Fu command?

Before you is a small bundle of energy that needs to try everything on the tooth. How to teach a puppy the “fu” command and when can I start training? Education begins to be engaged from 3 months of age. As soon as the dog starts doing something forbidden, divert his attention to something else. But before that, say the cherished cry. So that he does not gnaw slippers. you can beckon him with a piece of treat (but do not give it away) or ... lightly hit him with a newspaper. In this case, the “fu” command for the puppy will quickly become clear.

But what if the four-legged naughty refuses to understand you? How to teach a puppy the “no” command in this case? There is nothing left but to approach him and prevent unwanted action. Saying the command, you can lightly slap the animal in the croup area. In no case do not apply force - you should just let the dog know who is in charge here, but not hurt her. And keep in mind: you need to pronounce the command clearly looking the pet in the eyes.

Try to conduct training in a calm environment: in the silence of your home or on a deserted alley. Otherwise, the dog will not understand you: your voice interferes with the scream of the TV or the noise of passing cars.

Team Not allowed: the process and subtleties of learning

When is it appropriate to teach the “fu” command? If your pet came to you as an adult, is it possible to raise him in your own way? The answer is categorical: yes! Moreover: training is practically no different from training a puppy. So: how to teach the “fu” command to an adult dog:

  • once the dog does something forbidden, give a command in a low and strict tone;
  • look the dog in the eyes;
  • to make the “no” command clearer for the dog, put a collar and leash on it. Pull the animal while calling.

Remember that the ban must be permanent. If you decide that the pet should not sleep on the couch, then do not make him any concessions. If he is not allowed to take food from strangers, then this should be an unquestioning rule. Otherwise, the dog will not learn to understand you. If one day you turn a blind eye to the wrong behavior, the dog simply will not understand why he should obey you the next time. Be patient and persistent: go to the end. Only then will your efforts be justified.

How to train a dog to the Fu command?

How to understand that the command is mastered? The dog is not trying to sneak up on what you just told her not to do. How to train a dog to command “fu” for sure? Immediately after the “no” call, give a command that the animal already knows. It can be “to me”, “sit”, “next to”. So you divert his attention from unwanted actions. Over time, the auxiliary team can and even should be abandoned.

You see that the pet understands what you want from him, saying “no”. Do you think you have achieved good results? Then fasten them. Now you can reward the animal with a treat when it completes the task. It is important not to “miss” the moment: a treat is given immediately after the command is executed. After that, the training is suspended. so the dog realizes what it was rewarded for.

Team Fu! It is rightly considered a universal tool for controlling the behavior of a dog. The tactic allows you to prevent possible consequences that often occur in the process of pet disobedience. Team training is carried out from an early age, so it makes sense to consider the methodology of working with a puppy. It is also not uncommon to have to give a command to an adult. Let's talk about everything in order.

Why train a dog to command "Fu!"

There are many unforeseen circumstances that put the dog and its owner in danger.

  1. In most cases, untrained dogs have an unpleasant habit of barking in the apartment at the slightest rustle. If the puppy is still small, the neighbors will not knock on the door with exclamations of discontent. However, in the case of a healthy individual, you may have difficulty with people living nearby. To calm the restless pet, just say "Fu!".
  2. It is known that in big cities, public utilities poison yard dogs, thereby clearing the streets of rabies-sick pets. If your four-legged friend doesn't know the "Fu!" command, he can pick up a delicacy stuffed with rat poison from the ground. The events that will develop further are obvious.
  3. Dogs are loyal and loving animals. When a pet sits alone at home all day, upon the return of the owner from work, he involuntarily begins to ask for his hands. If we talk about dogs of large breeds, such an act will not please any owner. By saying the command "Fu!", you will save yourself from behavior of this kind. The same applies to animals that, during a walk, ask for hands, leaning on the owner with dirty paws.
  4. Dogs feel people and show aggression at the sight of a drunk or smoking person, as well as noisy children. You may not notice bared teeth and other manifestations of character, and the pet will already attack a passing pedestrian in full. To protect yourself from law enforcement agencies, and the dog from euthanasia, you need to say "Fu!" menacing voice.

Teaching a puppy the command "Fu!"

  1. Work with puppies begins when the pets reach the age of three months. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure ahead of time, just like punishing a pet for dirty tricks.
  2. At this stage, your main task is to keep the puppy's psyche at the proper level, you can not expose your pet to stress. Therefore, proceed to start learning the command "Give!".
  3. Let's take an example. You went for a walk with the animal, the puppy picked up the forbidden muck from the floor. Squat down, stretch your open palm forward, say "Give it back!" or "Give!".
  4. If the puppy does not attempt to place an object picked up from the ground on his hand, carefully open his mouth, take the contents from him. Instead, give your puppy a treat.
  5. Gradually replace "Give!" to "Fu!" Say the command in a strict voice, always in the same key. Thus, from early childhood, you teach your pet to obedience.
  6. It is important to remember forever that when teaching the “Fu!” treats are not allowed. As a rule, forbidden actions are not encouraged, the puppy must understand this.
  7. When the pet is 4 months old, start using irritants. While walking on a leash attached to the collar, lightly pull the puppy if he shows disobedience. Say "Fu!" at the same time.

  1. Pet training begins on the street, using a regular leash. Choose a place where there will be scraps of food or pigeons. Try to train your dog on a quiet route away from large crowds of children.
  2. Cynologists use special tactics to train their wards. Specialists lay out sausages or frankfurters on the chosen route in advance, then go for a walk with the dog and begin manipulations. If you wish, you can follow their advice by asking your partner to lay out the food unnoticed by the pet.
  3. In the process of training an adult, it is recommended to change routes with frequent intervals so that the dog does not enter the “comfort zone”. At the initial stage, the Fu! is worked out without the participation of relatives (that is, other dogs) and people.
  4. After choosing a route, start training. Go for a walk with your pet at a slow pace. Take your time, the speed should be minimal. Thus, both you and the pet will respond in time to the changed situation.
  5. When the pet feels the sausage and heads towards it, exclaim “Fu!” in a menacing voice while pulling on the leash. Watch the force of the jerk so as not to damage the animal's neck. Do not stop in the process of issuing a command. It is important that the dog only slows down for a second, and then follows you.
  6. After a minute of walking, begin to slowly stop. Tell the dog to sit or give a paw, treat your pet with a treat. Such a move will relax the animal, since the dog's body has previously experienced stress (pulling the leash). It is important to remember: for the execution of the command "Fu!" food is not provided.
  7. For one walk, you can give a maximum of 5 “Fu!” commands. A larger amount will tire the animal too much and suppress its fighting spirit. Observe the interval between orders, it should not be less than a quarter of an hour. Give commands in a strict tone, do not squeal, do not hit the pet.
  8. At first, you can’t “bark” at the ward. To get your way, use a leash. You can scream only after the absolute assimilation of the command and only in those cases when the dog does something “out of the ordinary” out of the ordinary.
  9. In the process of teaching the animal the team "Fu!" stick to the rule that you do not slow down the pet, but flatly forbid him to perform any action.
  10. For example, you forbade your pet to sniff a bench while walking. He looked at you with the eyes of a "cat from Shrek", you took pity, took the order back. Such manipulations are unacceptable! Continue walking, if you really want to, allow the dog to sniff the next bench, but not the one that was banned.
  11. Learn to give the order "Fu!" in a situation that requires the use of this particular command. If the pet pulls on the leash, say "Near!", But in no case "Fu!". When the animal plays with children's toys, say "Give!".
  12. Some dog owners are faced with the problem when their four-legged friend does not react in any way to jerks on the leash. In the case of large breeds, use a special metal collar with spikes or a microcurrent harness.
  13. Dogs of all other breeds can say "Fu!" and lightly hit the croup with a newspaper. As practice shows, tactics always work perfectly.
  14. The main thing is to follow the sequence: “Fu!” - a jerk of the leash - a slap with a newspaper. If the pet obediently responds to your voice, there is no need to pull his leash, just like punishing him with a newspaper.
  15. When the pet successfully learns the command for a walk in a quiet place, complicate the training. Choose a route with the presence of other dogs, people, birds, etc. Skill honing occurs in a similar way. When the pet will unquestioningly respond to the voice, he has learned the command.
  16. Now lengthen the leash to train the animal to follow orders at a certain distance. Bring the action to automatism, only then start training without a leash. The last manipulations begin again in a calm environment, after which the task gradually becomes more difficult.
  17. It is important to understand that training is easier at a short distance. The dog understands that in case of an oversight, he will receive a newspaper on the rump or neck. If you have a goal - to teach your pet the command "Fu!" from a distance of more than 10 meters, you have to try very hard.

Do not forget to take breaks in the process of training, do not pull the leash unnecessarily. Speak the command at the moment the prohibited actions are performed, and not after they have been performed. Consolidate the result with more difficult tasks, do not beat the dog.

Video: how to teach a puppy a team is impossible

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