What did the brother dream about. Brother native


How it all started, I enter the room behind the syol, my brother is sitting, naked, completely naked, the member is not visible, when I saw him I was amazed, I say what are you doing here, he says I’m sitting, I thought the devil must be (evil in the flesh), I called my mother, I say there the bro is sitting, her reaction was normal, I don’t remember what she said. She left. I tell my brother you died, he says I know and cried, I came to see how you live here and flew up like a genie. 17 years old, male, my brother died 1 month ago.


Notice how the dream resonates with an event described at least 2,000 years ago. This confirms the idea that everything that has been achieved by mankind has come from the unconscious and is its reification. The usual meaning of the ascension of Christ after the crucifixion is that a person's ideas about someone (the totality of mental, physical and social relations) after the death of the object pass to another plane - from the material to the metapsychic. Close people do not die, but watch us from above (the realm of morality/censorship/divine). They are naked, because it makes no sense for them to come up with socially acceptable ways of expressing themselves (wearing clothes). Even after death, a brother matters to you and you act, often “consulting” with him [I came to see how you live here]. Read other people's dreams about dead relatives.


Ja uze described her dream, but sent it incorrectly, now I will write to you. Thank you in advance for your answer.
I never had nightmares, at least I don’t remember. Today is the same dream, I think I’ll remember it for a long time, also because it concerns people close to me. The beginning of sleep is vague, I only remember that I saw my brother and dad. but I don’t hear about anything, and they don’t see me, even though I’m standing next to them. Then a failure, after which a nightmare begins. The three of us in a room unknown to me. on the wall.
I turn my head and see that a metal rod is sticking out of the line, and I clearly remember it: a black star, about 20 cm long, very sharp and some kind of carving on it.
my brother is wearing a white shirt, he is n = jan, and the wave resists against the wall with both hands. everything happens like in slow motion. I start shouting something, grab
the rod is bent with my hands and I want to bend it, but it doesn’t work. then I put my palm on the point, but I don’t get anything. , it is not clear where the strong wind comes from,
he ruffles his hair. I look into my brother’s eyes and feed on this rod. And at some point, dad “puts” his brother on this rod, he enters directly into the solar plexus.
wild, soul-rending cry,
which is drowning in the surrounding darkness.ja did not understand where this cry came from, mine or not,ja fell somewhere in the darkness.
I woke up, the dream disappeared, and there was only one thought in my head, what could this dream mean? explain please, with respect for the face (from transliteration)


I had a dream about my recently deceased brother. As if he came to visit me from far away, he is very cold. He looks cold and very sad or sick. I go with him to the market and buy him a warm jacket and boots, while experiencing the joy that he will no longer be cold.
Elena, 31 years old. Feeling of bereavement (from transliteration)


I sympathize with your loss. Memories of my brother naturally undergo an intrapsychic transformation [he looks frozen and very sad or sick] and are clothed in fairly “dense” and strong protective representations [I go with him to the market and buy him a warm jacket and boots]. That is, a kind of mental container is created, a memorial (from the Latin memoris - memory), a posthumous image of a brother and a posthumous attitude towards him.


Summer. My family and I went to rest in the south. But when we arrived and came to the hotel, it turned out that my brother (younger) and I did not have enough room in the hotel! We were offered to rent a room separately in this area. Then we went to visit my mother's friends, and there my brother suddenly got crazy, got nervous ... He said that he went for a smoke to calm down in the corridor. The house was 9-story. By intuition, I went out into the corridor to him and I see that he is standing on a ladder from which you can fall down to the street. He told me that we should forgive him for everything, that he does not want to live, that he loves us (in general, this cannot be described in words )!He shouted at me not to come near him. I begged him not to do this, to take pity on his mother, etc. We both sobbed sobbing and when I "rushed" to him, he threw himself down and ...


My 12-year-old cousin came to visit us, and my father decided to arrange a cultural event for him and take us to a certain Victory Park, aka. culture and recreation. May is worth it. We drive along a sunlit highway in a car. Father is driving. Suddenly he makes a sharp turn and goes into the oncoming lane. The car skids, and we almost get into a terrible accident. Somehow the father aligns the steering wheel. But then he stops and says that he can no longer drive the car, now I will drive. I've never been behind the wheel, but here I agree. We are driving through the forest, along some dirt roads, approaching the abyss, but I have time to slow down just above the cliff. In general, we reached the park with grief in half. Here we take a special children's guide for my brother and walk with him along the alleys of the park. Tropical plants all around. magnolias and others. Suddenly we come to a closed brown door, behind it opens the entrance to a huge flower garden. It's not even a flower garden. it's a flower park. The entire field to the horizon is dotted with beige and light pink lotuses. A path leads through the field, but not along the ground, but straight through the flowers. There are just so many of them that the ground under your feet is not felt, and you have to walk, as if on a carpet of flowers. Although there is a path here, we are very sorry to crush lotuses. We take a dozen steps and come back. We feel lotuses under our feet, as if we are walking barefoot. They are very soft and cool. We are met by a tour guide. The next step in the program. It's watching cartoons. The guide says that for this we first need to eat some kind of filth. We are served 4 plates with fruits like figs. Taste. indeed, utter rubbish. At first I didn’t want to eat, but somehow I ate one piece of fruit for company. Another door opened. Everyone began to watch cartoons, and I ended up on an unknown cobblestone square. The bottom line is that someone's cool ambassador is about to arrive, he will be awarded the order, and I need to organize the process of photographing this moment. The ambassador arrives, wearing a blue ribbon with orders. But they don’t let me see him, and then I ask one of his escorts to give me a second copy of the tape with his orders, including the new order. It's all given to me. But then suddenly I realize that in this way I ended up with a real order, which he should now be awarded. I was excited, but not much, I gave the order away, and unexpectedly found a copy of it in my purse. Now I ask some photographer to take a picture of this entire ribbon with orders. He takes me to the middle of the square and asks me to hold the tape in my hands. It's hot outside, and I'm standing in the sun. The photographer does not moo or calve. walks around me in circles and cannot find a suitable angle. I'm angry, nervous, languishing from the heat. In the end, I ask you to take a picture of me? with a soap box? some tourist. In general, shooting fails. I decide to take a break and go to a cafe. All the photographers who were supposed to shoot the ambassador gathered there. They announced a boycott to me, they were persuaded by that photographer who could not photograph me. I try to explain something to them, I say that he kept me in the sun for 40 minutes. People seem to start listening to me, but no one wants to take pictures of orders.


not long after my mother’s cousin died, I had a dream. The dream was scary, you can even say zhasnii. that it pulls cold from him and he himself is all cold. he told me that we’ll go with me, what are they doing here. I don’t remember, but I woke up in shock from such a dream. And I want to say that my brother, thank the gods, is alive and well, but I don’t understand why I saw him dead.


Lately, I've been dreaming all the time that something happened to my brothers (I have two of them), or something is about to happen. Then they come to me and tell me that he was shot. Then they call me and say that the second one fell somewhere. Once I dreamed that I was walking with my brother, we were going into the sea, and suddenly I saw a woman throwing a stone at his back, I realized that she was a terrorist and I screamed belatedly. There is an explosion. I get terribly scared. I ask someone, well, tell me what's wrong with him. Is he still alive? and terrified to hear. they tell me that everything is in order, I take him in my arms (he is actually 25 years old), I begin to calm him down, I want to call a doctor. in another dream, I and my second brother (he is 16 years old) are climbing mountains, we have to save everyone from some kind of devil, he falls. I get scared again, he lies and screams. I go down terrified. He's covered in blood and crying. I also grab him in my arms and start looking for a doctor, and all the time I call him loudly by name, so as not to lose consciousness. when I woke up, it turned out that I was not screaming his name, but the name of our dog (?) And yesterday I dreamed that my first brother was telling my mother a dream, and I was present at the same time. I understand that I had the same dream. I repeat all the time, mom, remember I told you, I had the same dream. He tells his dream point by point. 1. I had a horse and I had to ride it. 2. I had to jump over some log in the forest 3. I couldn't jump over, I fell off my horse. on this 3rd point, I understand that it is very bad that he fell in a dream, this means something very unpleasant. Then I clearly remember that I also dreamed of a horse, I rode on it, and also fell. I woke up and remembered for a long time if I had such a dream. Didn't dream. Once I dreamed that we were walking through the forest with a horse. Explain why I can dream of such passions? every time I wake up in horror, and I am afraid for my brothers. (I'm 27, getting married soon) P.S. and where did my two dreams from my collection disappear?


I don’t have any brothers or sisters, but I dreamed that I have two brothers and I love them very much, but one not as a brother, but as a man and I don’t know which of them is my real brother because my mother allegedly sent them to an orphanage after learning I worry about this and start looking for them, and I find them!


In August 2000, a cousin (also a childhood friend, classmate, neighbor) crashed. Until now, clearly never dreamed, although I really miss him. And so he dreamed along with his late sister, who died after him a couple of months later, and his younger living sister. The three of them sit in the same room and have a meal. I go into this room looking for my shoes. Yes, before that I was looking for shoes in another room, where there was a huge, noisy and unfamiliar crowd. They sent me to another room, where they found their dead brother and sister, along with their living sister. In the middle of the table stood a large saucer with a mountain of freshly cooked meat (steam was coming). The late sister was very inviting to the table, but for some reason I did not go. Although this is not logical, because. I was very happy to see my friend (brother). I don't remember further.







jennifer cat

The other day I had a very strange dream. Allegedly, I am the daughter of very powerful parents who have their own corporation (as in films like Dynasty). There is a certain young man - or he is my older brother, or just close to the family - I do not know. As the author of the dream, I know that he hates me as a character, because wants to take my place: in the company, in the family, in general in life. I interfere with him, without knowing it and not wanting it. But the appearance of friendship is present - I am friends, this comrade (not really existing) and some other tall dark-haired young man, also not real. The three of us did something like this - for this we should be scolded / punished. And for some reason, it was completely natural to think that we could get rid of punishment very simply - if I committed suicide. I take a black pistol and put it behind my head - where the skull ends and the cervical vertebrae begin. I laugh, in general, everything somehow looks normal. But I understand that I won’t be able to shoot: my hand will tremble and the bullet may not hit the head. Then the same young man, supposedly in friendship, offers to help me and takes the gun himself. For the first time, nothing happens, the three of us laugh, I am the most. I was sure that the second time he wouldn’t succeed either, but ... It was as if they hit the back of the neck with a hard palm - he did it (?!) I seem to fly away a certain distance - from the guys, from my own body. And such strange calm thoughts pass by - that, apparently, this is my fate and I did not suspect that I was destined to die so young. I dreamed of a husband / children / grandchildren, and I myself am dying because of the stupidity and malicious intent of a pseudo-friend ... But then I come to my senses until I die. The young man offers to shoot me again - but I refuse, realizing that then I won't be able to wake up. I am convinced that I will die. And suddenly blood starts gushing out of my mouth - and I also feel that the hair at the back is also covered in blood. I do not lose my sense of humor - I try to joke and leave the room. I listen to my feelings, and I consider my “last thought” terribly funny - “he probably won’t shoot again” ... And some kind of philosophical calmness - it means that this is how I was destined, it was meant to be, fate ... In general, I’m leaving, or rather , I fall out of the room - barely. Around - a big party, a lot of guests. Mom is also there: I rather go to her, I apologize and lie that some unknown people killed me, I don’t give out the young man. Goodbye... Some don't really understand what's going on, but as soon as I raise my hair and show off my neck, everyone instantly freezes in shock and amazement. I think - since I didn’t die right away, maybe I can still be saved? Although they will save / not save - as it is destined, it will be so. The last thing I remember was that I felt a hole in my neck with my fingers and a bullet in it. It was as if I saw it with my own eyes - although it would hardly have happened .. Such a dream. I think he is very revealing. But alas, I don’t have knowledge in the field of deciphering dreams - so I can’t understand what it all means. Maybe all this should help me find a way out or suggest what to do in the life situation that has developed in reality? I look forward to an answer. Thanks in advance!


i dreamed of a dead cousin with whom I had a very good and close relationship. I met him and two other cousins, but I was very happy when I saw the deceased, I ran up, hugged and kissed him. I kissed and hugged the other brothers, but I remained standing in an embrace with the deceased. I was very glad and happy in my dream, because I found him again. We are not relatives, but we all grew up together, so we have very close relations with all cousins. He was only a year older than me, he always protected me from everyone. Died of an overdose 2 years ago. I took his death very hard.


I dreamed that my brother was released from prison, although he still had a year to go. For some reason, we are at my aunt's house in another city. I am very scared, I am afraid of him, because he brought a lot of grief and problems to me and my mother. There are no teeth on the left side. He seemed to have become taller and somehow larger. I keep trying to tell him to go to his house, I call his neighbors to warn him to give the keys. I say that he must have money on the book. I feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, I'm afraid of upcoming problems


At the very beginning of the dream, my dad and I come to my grandmother, we talk, then my brother arrives in an unfamiliar car with an unfamiliar girl. Then my brother and I drive together in a huge car, we stop at a store where I go bankrupt because of something, then we drive further, we cross a bridge, I rejoice. My brother brings me to the apartment of a friend who for some reason does not talk to me. In a dream, I see a pregnant girl, and I also quarrel with my ex-girlfriend. Even in a dream, I wash myself.


I'm home. My little brother is visiting me. He needs to go outside, but he is too lazy to go out through the door. He asks me to throw him off the balcony. We go, I take him by the legs and throw him off the balcony (3rd floor). He falls not on the ground, but on the bricks ... I see that he is lying dead. I feel terrible, I think about the fact that I killed him /


I dreamed that my brother died, I saw him lying in a coffin, was at his funeral, threw the earth, then talked to his soul, and he asked me to finish all his unfinished or unstarted business ... I am 16 years old, girl, and I I don't even know what this dream means.


Is your brother actually supposed to be alive? That is, he did not die physically, but could die as a partner in some joint business or interest. He could make mistakes that are contrary to life. If in reality there were no special joint interests or mistakes, then a cruder version remains: children are jealous of each other for their parents and secretly dream of getting rid of rivals. In a dream, it can emerge as if through a magnifying glass.


we stand around the table. the table is long, rectangular. there is no food on the new one. there are many of us, I don’t remember all of them, but I know that those present are my husband’s family. my husband himself is not there. I am standing next to his brother. I think about my mother (she died 4 months ago) it seems to me that everyone thinks about the same thing. my husband's brother turns to me. he wants to hug me. I stand on his left and feel that I should go around him and stand on his right. I'm doing this. he hugs me and suddenly begins to look gray in the neck, in shock. This is shaking me. It's not supposed to be life. It's life, he loves me, I think. everyone sees it. I feel embarrassed and I break out of his hands. someone is standing on the other side of me. this is an angel. I can't tell if it's a zhenshin or a man. he asks me to leave the table with him to the side and talk, we go into the corridor. Now I see that the angel is my mother. I am very glad to see her. She asks how they understand what happened between me and my husband's brother? I answer that I don’t understand myself, that I didn’t expect this from him, that I don’t know how to explain it. I don't remember what happened next. I am 24 years old. I have been married for a year. My mother died 4 months ago. I often dream about my mother, but in the form of an angel - for the first time. I don't know what this dream is connected with. I have a good relationship with my husband's brother.


I dream about my brother and we are sitting near the Caspian Sea in a gazebo on a bench, and there are two large poles nearby and there is nothing on them, just poles. like they were made for them




It is clear that a person who has crashed in a car is someone who does not know how to manage his own life. Now think, how do these brothers relate to you? There are many options here. From a sudden revelation: “I act like them” to a calm decision: “I shouldn’t get emotionally involved in other people’s mistakes.”


Only when you draw conclusions - note that the first recommendation excludes the second. Because if “I behave like them”, then you see how your “brother” dies. Moreover, he dies not from the inability to manage his own life, but from the impact on him of the bearer of deadly semantics "on the part of a person who in a dream appears either in the form of a chef, or a person sitting near the driver, or people from another car involved in an accident." Will you stand and watch?


in a dream, I woke up early in the morning with my parents, next to my bed was a brother who died not so long ago. I got up, went to the window, thought for a long time what to ask him. (at the same time, I wanted to call mom and dad who were in the kitchen so that they would also see Vova, but I was afraid that if I called, I would scare him away) the question was spinning in my head who killed you, how it happened. but then I thought that many people asked exactly this and I decided not to torment him with such a question, but simply asked: How are you there, are you all right? he looked at me intently, and went to the parents' room, lay down on the bed and said that everything was fine. then he covered his face with something like a curtain and fell asleep, I thought. I stood and looked at him, making very long speeches in my head, then quietly left the room.


Not too long ago my cousin died. And then one day, somehow in a dream, I come to visit him and see him as a completely alive and cheerful person who was very happy to see me. Of course, in a dream, I understood that he had died, but for some reason I fulfilled all his requests to dance so that he would kiss me on the cheek in a word, as if he had not died, and I came after many years of separation to visit because he is my brother.


My mother had a dream that scared her very much. She was in some kind of room and suddenly out of nowhere, literally from the wall, her cousin appeared, who died about 10 years ago in a car accident, and called her with him. He looked very good and fresh, was beautifully dressed. Oa asked, "Where?" He replied, you will see. They went into some room in which people were sitting at a table with burning candles, and everything looked as if they were summoning spirits or there was a medium with them. They had scary faces. Her brother, seeing her fright, said to her: "Do not be afraid, they have all been dead for a long time." At that moment, she woke up in horror.


The name of the dream “followed the dead” must be taken literally. The dream says: “Be careful, you are doing this: you are following the dead, you are doing the same actions that once led to the death of one or many people who have already died.” There is no need to be scared, you just need to choose the right direction. We all know very deep within ourselves what affirms life and what destroys it.


It is a dream that my brother and I were accused of theft, and the evidence of innocence is hidden somewhere in the apartment. Some kind of transvestite lives with us, from whom I take perfume, which turn out to be drugs for testing. I feel like I'm "buggy". But the glitch is a special one - Viktor Tsoi. I report this to my brother. He laughs at me. Victor opens the door to the room and points to the place where the brother finds evidence of our innocence. Choi disappears. But I hear someone calling me by a name that only native people use. I go to the call. I understand that this is again the “Keeper” - this is some very dear person, but I don’t know who. The voice is very pleasant. I ask, but he does not answer - he is transparent, only the hand that he holds out to me is alive, warm. He shows me a book in an incomprehensible language, saying that he knows that I will still look for him, and am I not afraid to go with him and marry him? I see the old man's face, but it does not bother me. The face disappears and he is invisible again. He says that he is the Judge of the world. He asks to call the traitor, speaks to him in that language from the book through my mouth. The traitor repents, and I feel sorry for him. The “Judge of the World” leads me through a portal door, made of something red and thick like jelly. He says that everything is allowed to him, and he himself will put a seal on marriage. I agree. Now I myself am the Judge of the world. I need to go through the same portal to the human world and judge them. I hear swearing voices outside the door and wake up.


It’s like a wartime dream, a railway and my brother who is now in the army, but this young man seems to be like him and at the same time not my brother. Then he dreams of something like a dark house, it's like a prison, but not a prison, and he is being interrogated there. They ask why he translated the arrows on the railway, and he answers Moscow Stalingrad, everyone needs to get from Moscow to Stalingrad, then after the war, like time, the railway, in the back there is a bright big city, and my brother is sitting on the sleepers, and behind him is another young man, and all this is removed. This dream ended


I dream that we are relaxing with a small company not far from our house in the forest, well, it seems like a cultural event, maybe even with barbecue, although this is not important. And then it occurred to me to quarrel with my brother. I freaked out, and went back home, since the path was not far. And it turned out that I did not have any money, no keys, nothing. And so I walk, and in principle, the house is close, I go to the traffic light, and somehow it happened, as if I blinked and found myself again at a short distance from the same traffic light, as if I were approaching it again, although for a moment back, standing next to him. And I feel in my gut that something is not right here. I go up to the house, my entrance, I go up to my floor, but ... the door is somehow different, I remember the apartment number clearly 148, although in real life I have 187. There are no keys, I ring the doorbell, strangers open, well, of course I apologize, I say, that she had the wrong door, address. I go downstairs, I don’t understand anything, my house, my entrance, I go up again to my floor, and then my brother comes out from somewhere (for some reason, in shorts, naked to the waist). The conversation is something like this: - I also did not understand anything, how it happened that everything changed. - Yes, some kind of nonsense. I realized this when I approached the traffic light. “Looks like some kind of spatio-temporal change. “Yeah, I don’t care what it looks like. I’m more worried about what to do now ... And then I really get scared in a dream, because we were left without money, documents, and where now to look for our parents and, in general, at least one familiar face, it’s not known, and it’s not a fact that even if If we find a familiar face, then that face will recognize us. It’s not even clear who to turn to, because according to everything described above, we would have been immediately put in a psychiatric hospital. Here is such a dream. And here's another addition. I don't think it has anything to do with sleep though. In the morning, my brother came to us in a car (on my father’s), and said that when he got out to the car, he found that someone had broken the rear window - such a neat hole, and a cobweb all over the glass, they didn’t steal anything, but the fact itself is unpleasant . I had to go to the workshop to change. Artyom was so upset, I even felt sorry for him. I encouraged him, said that it was all garbage compared to the world revolution. Especially since everything has been fixed.


My girlfriend and I walked to my house, she went into the 1st entrance, and as I passed the 2nd entrance, I saw a car and stopped. A guy looked out of the car and said, “You see, I didn’t deceive you, and brought your brother, meet me.” my brother came out, barely walking, I ask him what's wrong with you. He says that he was severely beaten at night. And I quickly began to dial the phone numbers of my mother and his wife that he had arrived.


I dream of my husband’s dead brother (his name was Alexei), at first he talks to some people, I don’t hear their conversation, then I go up to them, and Lesha starts yelling at me, but I don’t hear words, I understand that he is swearing at me, I stand looking at him, I want to answer him something, but I can’t insert a word, he doesn’t hear me, he waves his arms, swears, and only he waved his hand, or he wanted to hit, or something I don’t know and I woke up. I woke up without anxiety, just with thoughts for which he scolded me so much. My name is Sveta, I am 28 years old.


I'm at my brother's funeral. He is about 30 years old. I am surprised, because in fact (as in life) I didn’t have a brother. He's tall and handsome, but I can't clearly see his features. I want to ask my parents questions, but for some reason I won’t. I remember my childhood, there is definitely no brother in it, only two sisters. From an unknown source, I receive information that he is actually my brother, but did not grow up in a family, his name is Sasha Nikitin. Again I am surprised: the surname is not ours. Then the brother gradually comes to life, gets up, I try to communicate with him, but he is very tired, he does not feel well. He says he needs to go home. I somehow know that he has a wife and a child. I tell him that maybe he will go later, first he will rest. He says that now you need to go, why rest. Here I see his car (jeep) on the road next to the house. All this takes place in the parental home. And throughout the whole dream, I am tormented by questions, why didn’t our parents tell us anything, why did he live somewhere with strangers?


I had this dream a long time ago, but I still wonder what it means, because I have never experienced such strong emotions in a dream. So sleep. We lived with our parents in a house that looked like our dacha. In a dream I had a brother, although in life I am an only child. Mother told my brother and me to see what was happening, we both climbed out the window and saw that a black car had stalled on the road near our house and a man, tall, with dark hair, got out of it. I immediately recognized him as my favorite hockey player. Somehow it happened, he said that he could not leave, because it was impossible to pull out the car, and he stayed with us. The car was in the mud. And he stayed in our house. The next picture is we are playing football with a piece of bright green grass, I think “why are we playing football, is he a hockey player?” I remember next to nothing. but he soon decided to leave. Then we are at the station, it looks like the library metro station. Lenin in Moscow We are standing. I sob, hugging him. it hurts so bad, i'm choking with tears. I whisper- But we will meet???? He says - of course, do not forget. He gets on one train, I on another and we part ways. The last shot is of me sitting huddled in the carriage, wrapped in his jacket or cloak, gray. I'm crying, I can't stop. Outside the window floats some kind of landscape. I am 17 years old. when the dream was 15. during this time, this hockey player really left for America from Russia, disappeared. I now often go through the library to them. Lenin.


My brother and I are driving an all-terrain vehicle (bicycle-powered for some reason) across a snowy field. Trees are not very common. Brother can not cope with the management, constantly wags. I change behind the wheel. Wolves appear, trying to get into the all-terrain vehicle with a clear goal. I crush a few pieces, but they don't escape. I see hunters nearby, I drive up to them. A wolf jumps in front of the all-terrain vehicle, the hunters shout: Don't push, you'll ruin the skin. I still run the wolf in half.


I dreamed of my husband's older brother. We hugged in a dream (but I was afraid of this, I didn’t want this to happen), and then he kissed me sharply and very passionately on the lips. So passionately that everything swam before my eyes, I swayed, my tongue became numb, I could not utter a single word, I was in ecstasy. When he kissed me, I felt all his passion for me. It was a sweet colored dream, as if in reality. I am a girl, I am 20 years old. I associate this dream with the fact that I think this person really likes me and that he wants to be with me. I myself did not think about him, why I dreamed about him, for me this is a mystery.


I want to apologize right away for the complicated construction of the story .... there are just a lot of thoughts on this matter. My father had a dream (on the night of December 18 to December 19, he is 47 years old) as if the late mother’s brother was standing and he looks pretty good ... I mean the face ( it’s just that in the last years before his death, he drank heavily and his face became “drunk”), and in his arms he has a baby in a diaper (wrapped neatly, his face is visible). stands). Then he disappeared. Of course, I asked my father about the details of the dream .... all this happened on a white background, and there were no emotions on their faces (that is, neither a smile nor anger) ... the dream is very “calm”. I just don’t know how to react ... I’m now I am in the first month of pregnancy, but no one except me and my husband knows about this (we don’t want to tell yet ... the term is still small ... you never know ... but we really wanted this baby). I also want to add such a feature ... my uncle (who was in a dream) died the next day after my 17th birthday, and my mother's second brother died after my brother's birthday .... and we think that my brother and I have guardian angels (maybe, of course, this is stupidity). I beg you to decipher my dream .... I just worry very much, although it may be completely in vain ... My personal data: Marina, student, 21 years old, married. Many thanks in advance for your help


From the point of view of the father (according to his feelings) there should be a connection between the deceased relative and the unborn child. In principle (according to Bert Hellinger's systemic therapy), this is possible: a newly appeared junior member of the system identifies itself with the deceased EXCLUDED member of the system. (An excluded person is considered to be someone whom the system would not want to see in its ranks: an alcoholic, a criminal, etc.). For example: the child is hinted that in no case should he resemble the deceased uncle. Then the child is forced to keep in mind the image of this uncle (it's like a joke: "don't think about the blue monkey"). And as a result, we are all formed according to the image that we constantly have in front of our inner gaze. You can free the baby from such a “spell” if you say: “Even if you look like your uncle, we will agree with this (we will accept it, etc.)”. Then the child can choose for himself whether to resemble his uncle or not. In addition, when we say that the excluded are also people, just like us, then they cease to be excluded.


I dreamed that my beloved cousin came to me. I love him. Although we live in different countries, and meet once every five years, our lives run in parallel. As children, we played the same games, and as adults, each time we meet, we find that our paths pass through the same obstacle courses. If in childhood we played gangsters, then when we met at the age of 25, we discovered that we were cheating on our spouses in the same way, we were equally looking at the issue of betrayal. At 30, we, without saying a word, abandoned infidelity for the same reasons, at the same time we left a vertical career in the name of creativity. We even spoke the same phrases, although we had not communicated for many years. I dreamed that he came to me with his wife (whom I have never seen, only in the photo). I was very happy with him, we hugged, then lay on the couch, talking. His wife was also there. I clung to him, feeling closeness and joy from the fact that he had arrived. She put her hand on his inner thigh and accidentally touched his cock. He got angry, looked at me sternly (actually, he was not famous for his puritanical manners, although none of us gave hints of sex - we are still relatives). I was very sorry that I put him in an awkward position. There was a moment (not in a dream) in our communication when he associated me with his ex-girlfriend, in childhood he looked at me with admiring eyes and his mother (a very jealous bitch) was terribly jealous of me, she simply did not let us communicate. She was haunted by the fact that he was burningly interested in me. But that's all that happened between us ... And after such an embarrassment (in a dream), he is going to go for a walk with his wife. I wanted to go with them, but they won't take me with them. But I haven’t seen him for 6 years, he came to me from afar and it’s still unclear when we’ll see you next time! I was very offended. And they were going to go meet with one person, a colorful punk, a drug addict who always walks around with pockets full of marijuana, in his head a confusion of Castaneda. I didn't really want herbs, but I would go with them, because I wanted to communicate with my brother. But the two of them, they leave. I pretend that I need to go to the same store they are going to. We walk around the supermarket (like "everything for the house"), and I feel like I'm trailing behind them. This is exactly what happens to my mother when HIS mother (my mother's sister) arrives. His mother goes shopping, the parks of our city, and my mother runs after her like a dog, although she seems not to be called with her. My mother is a fan of her relatives, and it seems to me that they breathe quite evenly towards her. This unfortunate analogy makes me very bitter in my sleep.


1. It would be more correct to call the dream: "Unsuccessful sex with a cousin." According to the article from the Dictionary of Images of Ontopsychology "Sexual Intercourse", point 2: "If you dream of scenes of the expected, alleged sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this indicates uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence of a person." Here the heroine "walks with her tail" behind her object of love and feels indecisive and unfulfilled.

2. A cousin in a dream can personify a certain dream of an optimal partner who would share your interests as much as possible. It is always worth considering that our dreams can be compensatory in nature.

3. Nature doesn't care who we sleep with: mom, dad, brother or sister. A relative can "teach" even more than anyone else. Our stereotypical consciousness will never agree with this, but that's why it is stereotypical.


After I dreamed of having sex with my dad, and then even worse with my mom, I’m not scared at all with my brother))

That's interesting, I have already heard that a relative can "teach", this word sounded in the context of the topic of incest. What does this mean: does the dream effectively teach about this, or in the case of a real connection with a relative (in some abstract situation, as if we had discarded the taboo), would it be possible to learn something? And to learn in the field of what: sex, relationships, life?


By having sex, we also learn about life and relationships. But sometime in the future, when humanity gets rid of repressions and the Oedipus complex, then parents will be able to teach a child real sex better than his friends and girlfriends from the street. “It’s just a pity that you don’t have to live in this beautiful world ...” A dream is even more real than ordinary reality, so you can learn everything in dreams. Someday, with the change of eras, the meaning of dream symbols will undergo grandiose changes. But for now (at the beginning of the 21st century, if your parents are not Guests From the Future), then - “sexual intercourse with a father in a dream is an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with mother is always negative.” Here we take into account the fact that dad and mom received different vaccinations against sex in childhood and add a lot of system coefficients. Sexual games between brother and sister are, in my experience, commonplace.


01/10/10 The dream is scattered, I don’t remember everything. First, I go somewhere to meet my brother (he actually went to study in another city that day). I walk along a flat road, as if even specially leveled, I eat green grapes and spit the seeds. Grapes are delicious, in my life I never eat grapes with seeds. Then I'll go through the veranda of some longhouse. You can’t hear people, but I wonder if anyone lives there at all, because I want to go to the toilet, which is right there, but for some reason not fenced. I decide that there is no one and do what I have planned. Then I come to my brother, then I remember vaguely, I remember that I ate cottage cheese with honey, in my life I never eat it again, but in a dream it was delicious. Then a completely different room, some young man, maybe even a priest, hands me a cross on a chain so that I put it on. And I say, I already have it, still wear it? He answers in the affirmative, I try to put it on, but the chain is fastened and does not crawl through my head, then he tears it and gives it to me. I put on, fasten the chain, it fastens without problems, as if it had not been torn. Here is such a dream, please decipher, I am now in an important period in my life.


1. I am walking with my brother (he died 2 years ago) in an open area. We approach the reservoir in the form of a bowl, the water is 2-3 meters below the level of the shore, the shore is steep, almost vertical, washed out by water. The brother dives into the water from the shore, 2 more men are swimming there. I would also swim, but I don’t want muddy water and the coast is steep, I can’t get out later. I see a towering blurry shore and on it a fragment of a wall or just an image of some kind of icon, a male figure of the image on it in full growth. Having swum, the brother cannot get out - the shores are steep. I'm worried about him, I want to help, I take and tie two coarse-knit white socks, tie one end to a railing that looks like the back of an iron bed, and throw the other end down. I pull out the “rope” to insure the knots, my brother reaches for the rope and gets out to the surface. I wake up from fear, falling asleep in a nap, I hear: I don’t give a damn ... eat bread with pus .. now you can’t drink from a cup?! ... That’s where the desire to get married comes from?! ... the sun, from below it is illuminated and from this the colors are bright. The upper part of the picture is on a blue-blue background, and the lower part with transitions is yellow-orange-red. The voice of the “sun” is heard: “Fly with me, just now!” To this, one of the guys says: “Great offer! We will definitely find someone who will fly with you! At this moment, the glow of the sun intensifies, the edges of the fabric sway, cotton, take off, and I see a circle of paper planning from above from the ceiling, there is something else with it .. a feeling that I missed something ... I didn’t dare


In my dream I had 3 men and there were also 3 men in the family: father and 2 older brothers. The brother that I dream about was 11 years older than me and he was left to look after me. When I was 8-9 years old, we often played, "messed around" together. I remember he didn’t let me win, but if I won, he didn’t recognize the results, the take turned into a demonstration of his strength, causing pain, I saw on his face the pleasure of such a win, of course it was a shame .. The “original” set of words was not me heard earlier, this is probably from the depths of the unconscious, it could belong to a brother.


Here the first thing that attracts attention is the voices that the heroine hears. Even if she does everything right (for example, saves her drowning brother), these voices still continue to frighten her, criticize and confuse her. Even the super-positive image of the sun issues ultimatums and lowers papers from above...

What do we have to do? It is advisable to go around people you know and ask them for advice about work. Through acquaintances, we find work much faster than by any other means. I was fired “to nowhere” twice, and each time I smoothly began to go crazy on the third day. But every day anxiety is more and more - this is a normal reaction to external danger. After all, in nature, I would die of hunger like that. When the job is found, the nightmares will stop. Their very presence is a consequence of low self-esteem, which in turn is due to falling out of the “social metabolism”.


If I understand that this is exactly what I need, I act decisively, calmly with pleasure. It is possible that the inhibition is precisely because my last two specialties (accountant and sales manager) do not seem interesting to me ... and the dream is not yet filled with real content (finance, knowledge, skills), although something is already in the luggage.


The dream was like this: my brother and I were small and we were rolling down a clay hill. We rode and grandma stood on the mountain and I went to her. But the only thing I don’t remember was whether she called me .. But to think that she called me to herself, I’m scared ... why would it ??? I do not understand..


I’m at my brother’s and his wife’s house, standing in the corridor and paying attention to the fact that my brother somehow looks good in a special way: handsome, toned skin, rejuvenated. I look at him in surprise, his wife is standing right there, and I understand that she wants her brother to hug her, but she does not dare .. and I slightly push her into my arms: they hug and I hug them together. At some point, my brother's wife cried, either before the hug or after, when I said that my brother looked good. Then my brother and I leave the house on the street and next to the entrance I sit down on a bench, look again and say that he looks really good today. At the same time, the brother reaches out to the door to the entrance (the door at the same time looks like an interior door) and closes it. I understand this in order, apparently, so that his wife does not interfere. A week ago, my brother had this dream. My friend T. (from the dream with celery) and I are sitting in a small room, comparable in size to a pantry, with a window open, furniture with a secretary in front of us. A friend to my left shows me a find: in a box the size of a shoe are some gizmos, I remember a bottle of perfume (probably blue). A friend tells me about the find and offers to leave it, hide it. I say: Yes, why?!! (someone else's) But a friend persuades me to leave, while the open box stands between us. At this moment, a brother appears in the doorway to the left with some woman and says that we took his things and asks to give, return. I feel embarrassed that I was involved in the theft and at first I even hide something (possibly scissors) on the windowsill under some thing. The brother insists on returning his things. I woke up, through a slumber I hear: reincarnation. Then I dreamed of a 5-storey building from the end, where on the 4th floor on the left there was a red-pink window. Then a fragment: a white salad bowl is half filled with reddish water. I associate dreams with receiving Internet messages from a stranger who is not particularly attractive to me and does not seem interesting.


A week ago, I alone recalled my brother, the best thing for which I loved him, than I was proud of, and indeed I considered him cute. I still remember the dream that I had during the period when my brother was in the hospital: I walk down the street in the direction of the hospital (to visit my brother) and I see him standing waiting for me, dressed in an elegant white suit, over the suit a white wrinkled silk scarf. It flashed through my head - stylish as an Italian. Somewhere further away, at 15, I see a man in dark clothes standing. I approached my brother, he holds out his open hand to me, I put my hand and he kisses it. I look into his eyes, they are sky blue bright shining, gradually his look changes a little, becoming stricter, and he asks: Why didn’t you come at seven today ?!


There are almost no events in these dreams, except that the deceased brother appears in them, and there are short episodes of communication with him. I remember when I was learning constellations, we did the following. When someone raised an unfinished relationship with a deceased relative as a problem, he and a substitute relative were placed side by side on the floor. The living lay next to the dead. They had a free conversation and "opened all the boxes." Sometimes they lay side by side for quite a long time. Nobody rushed them. But it ended the same for everyone. The dead person always got tired of such communication faster, and he “driven away” the living one with the words: “Your place is there, not here.”


Gender matching is desirable if there is a choice. And if there is no choice, then they act according to the situation. Instead of people, you can use any objects, animating them with the help of imagination, as girls animate their dolls in childhood. Yes, and the whole arrangement can be carried out in your head, like a chess game, where you yourself play for everyone. And if we compare the arrangement with a spiritualistic session, then the preparation does not mean that a person thoroughly studies any magical treatises, but that he internally tunes in to participate in this process and eliminate his own opinions as much as possible (thinking not with his head, but with his body ). In this sense, in order for everyone to think with the body, i.e. for discipline, an experienced facilitator is a powerful catalyst. Certified constellators are now available in every major city.


I am in Belgorod. My younger brother is with me, we are going to go somewhere in my grandmother's apartment. We go out and linger on the landing due to the fact that for some reason I see our mobile phones with him lying on the floor. And I notice that some man comes to our door, rings, realizes that there is no one and begins to open it with a crowbar. I get scared and run out into the street with my brother, there are a lot of people there, I go somewhere, I ride a trolley bus. Following something incomprehensible, for some reason I fly again and somehow strangely, usually I control the flight, and now it’s like I’m being blown away by the wind and I’m trying to grab onto the trees, as a result I grab hold of the wires and hardly return to the ground. Returning home, I meet some girls who seem to be my acquaintances, I tell them about the opened apartment, I call the police, a girl answers me with an anemic (unemotional) voice “Hello” “police? I saw how they opened my apartment! Come, the robbers are still inside, you can catch them red-handed!!” "and what? Okay, so be it, someone will arrive soon. The girls and I run upstairs, I touch the door and understand that it is open, I say, “I definitely closed this lock and you can definitely hear that there is someone in the apartment!” Suddenly, the door opens and three bandits choose to enter the site and, turning to their friends, they say, “now you are our accomplices,” to me, “well done for calling the police, we will not forget you! I'll come back for you!" and run away. We enter the apartment, everything is a mess, everything is lying on the floor, I get tangled in some kind of yarn and fall, getting up, I understand that the old VHS tape recorder is working, but I can’t get the cassette. Valuable things for which I was worried, for a laptop, in place, on top of it lies a worn red netbook. It was definitely left by thieves. And I keep telling the rest that no one should touch this laptop, because it will definitely point to this gang. I check another room, but everything is in place, I try not to touch anything because of the prints. I'm scared because of the thief's last words. I am getting up. I can only add that I do not live in Belgorod and generally do not like this city at all and have not been there for a long time. I am a 20 year old girl.


1. First I see something similar to a symbol in the form of a flower ... Then I am in a large square bed, sleeping. Older brother V. comes (he is not alive), fits next to me, behaves somehow strangely (according to sensations): sighs, it seems to me he looked at me, lay down closer, touched me or touched me .. Then he lay down perpendicularly to me, while this head next to mine, and began to actively masturbate. I have never seen such masturbation in real life! I was lying on my right side and I could clearly see, because he was undressed: how he collected the foreskin from more than half of the penis, squeezed it all in his hand, so that the testicles pulled up and began to actively move the brush .. I was surprised to watch the action . When he finished, he reached over me and shook his hand twice, then spat. I pretended to be asleep and, having said something, shifted perpendicular to the previous position. At the same time, the sheet is familiar to me (now I sleep on it) and the thought flickers that I lay down where my legs are (usually). Lights are on in the room, night. I get out of bed, I see two small wet flip flops next to the bed: one milky, the other dark. I go to the kitchen, the apartment is not mine. The faucet is brass or copper of the old model, water drips from it. I turn off the faucet, the water stops dripping. And I see that along the entire wall, which has a sink, there is water on the floor. I touch it with my hand - there is quite a lot of it here! So she's probably already dripping to the neighbors! On the left is a cabinet, kitchen utensils are hung on the doors. The frying pan hangs first, the handle of which is barely holding on, I take it off, take the pan itself, scoop up water and pour it into the sink 1-2 times. Then, I think that the water probably flows back, because the bottom of the sink is tilted, but I make sure that the water has gone through the drain - it has not spilled out. The kitchen is all kind of old, the shape of the washbasin (rectangular trough), how it is painted, the painted floor, utensils, lighting - everything sends back to the old days of childhood. 2. First I see a symbol. Then his sports backpack (black with orange trim), it is open, a white slap falls into it (I think milk), then ice cream ... then large rubble is poured. I don't remember further. Another glimpse of a cut down tree and a friend in some story. 3. ... I'm in the office - this is a large bright room, to the left of it is a window. There are three of us here: me, my friend Lyudmila Z. and someone else (a colleague from a former job). The girl tells one another that this work needs to be done (something about partners, calls), which adds up to the success of the company (business). I think Luda says I don't need it, I won't do it. One of them asks me: Lena, tell me, am I right? I think for a second, I say: Well, yes, right. (but I don't want to call again). One of them writes or draws something on the wall. , falls silent and departs in my opinion. And it feels like lunch time. I associate the dream with the affairs of yesterday: the thought of shortening the tree under the window has not let go of me for a long time, since the light obscures me and 2 more apartments, but the tree is alive - it's a pity! But yesterday I had the determination to cut him down and I called my brother's son. and the husband of a friend N., but did not find them. The nephew's wife said that she would tell that I called and the first dream is a reflection of my thoughts that the nephew will think that I want to call his grandmother to the bathroom to convey. He helps me in this unpleasant, extremely rare case, and I understand that he is probably reluctant, but his mother believes that he is obliged to his grandmother and he does not refuse my request. It’s uncomfortable for me, I understand that he doesn’t owe anything to either her or me. I do my best to manage bedridden care products, but .. The third plot is a reflection of today's event: a former designer colleague called, invited her to an Amway marketing class (rented a room from our boss), to which I said that it was nice to hear her (indeed so), but I do not promise to come. I'm not interested in Amway.


This dream can be used for authentication, that is, to restore equality with one's own nature: who am I really? Between you and your current psychology, like all people, there is a so-called reflective matrix. This is a mental structure that occurs at the moment when a child betrays himself for the first time in order to gain more favor from adults: “I am small, and you are big, so I obey your rules.” And then, in the course of life, the matrix continues to strengthen. The reason for installing a reflective matrix, as a rule, is an ordinary, typical fact. For example, such as in this dream, where you watch your brother masturbate.

The first "partner", next to which we get the initial sexual sensations and impressions, is often either mom or dad, or brother or sister. From the point of view of nature, this is normal and true, but from the point of view of the system, it is not. From the point of view of the system, any sex is possible only according to the rules, "in shoes" (in flip flops), or only under artificial lighting ("I get up, put on flip flops and turn on the light"). Shoes and electric light already symbolize the fact of submission to someone else's rules, submission to the reflective matrix ”- then this is no longer the real me, but the “cultivated” one. Existing in this form is as futile as running water from a faucet is in vain.

If you understand this, then you know what you really are outside of cultivation. This is later, when I do something useful for my real self, then in a dream I “eat pancakes”. If I agree to something that is not me, then “rubble is pouring into my backpack” or I see a “cut down tree”. Now the most important thing is to understand this principle, where I am real, and where I am not. Distortion always begins where we stop saying yes to our identity and no to everything else. It is clear that we say “no” only inside, and on the outside we get out according to the accumulated wisdom.


I had a bad dream last night. That my little brother is dead. I'm scared. And in a dream I still dream that I left and did not even see him in recent days. It’s a pity, I think in a dream, it’s good, at least we talked kindly before leaving. I wake up - and two thoughts - one, how good that this is a dream, and the second - I completely forgot my brother.
In reality, the situation is such that I really am in another city (I left to live) and a few days ago we had a good chat on the phone with him, when I called home, he ordered me all sorts of things (musical cassettes). I promised him to do it, but pushed it into the far box. Affairs. And now I will look for these cassettes, and even buy a thousand others to please my little brother.


Hello, my brother recently died. And he dreams of me. But if the first dreams were, in general, with positive results (I cursed with some men, and he persuaded me not to pay attention to this and consoled me, although in life he usually did not do this, because we had very good relationship, but without lisping). That dream left me with very unpleasant sensations and I remember it in detail to this day.
I am standing on the edge of a wasteland with bright, green grass, far from me stands a red brick house with charred upper floors, uninhabited and without glass. He's like from a horror movie. I had this feeling in my dream. The younger, dead brother comes up to me and says that I need to go with him to my older brother (he was the last one who saw Ilya alive and does not say something about it) to the house. I ask why, but the answers are somehow unclear. Like an older, stepbrother needs to learn something from me and there in the house, upstairs, something like the editorial office of some stupid magazine from the UFO series. And they want to ask me something. In general, the feeling that this is somehow connected with mysticism and something bad.
I go up the stairs, already alone, and I really don’t want to go up, because. the higher, the scorched the walls. And the older brother is in the attic. And in the end, I don’t go up there, because I don’t want to and I’m afraid of something. I woke up with a very unpleasant feeling and joy that I did not get up.


In this dream, your thoughts about some mystery in the death of your brother were reflected. In principle, there is a normal, albeit painful, process of destruction of a whole complex of ideas, thoughts and emotional ties with a dead brother [a red brick house with charred upper floors, uninhabited and without glass], and every day the process is more and more distinct [I climb the stairs and the higher, the scorched the walls], which causes your humanly understandable resistance [I really don’t want to go up].

Please note that the higher, the stronger the mysticism / troubles, the cause of which I see in your suspicions about the older brother [the editorial office of the UFO magazine is at the top, this is somehow connected with mysticism and something bad, there the older brother needs something something to learn from me]. You are unhappy with his inconsistencies or even consider him guilty of death [the elder brother is in the attic], since the dream placed him at the highest point of horror, which can be the thought of death.

The refusal to rise can be understood as the dream Eg's unwillingness to take note of the true emotions associated with your understanding of the relationship between the brothers. The reluctance is probably due to the considerable strength of these emotions. In fact, there is a confirmation of the idea that the conflicts of the external world are originally in our head: although the younger brother has died, the still living ideas about him beat in your head with ideas about the older brother, and the dream ego is in the middle. Perhaps the solution may lie in your simultaneous acceptance of two realities, which are warring ideas. After all, they are fighting in the head. When you accept this, the UFO edition will leave the collapsing house and when you get into it, you will feel sadness and sadness, not horror at all.


First, I dreamed of a piece of land (something like a dacha), I went out the gate of this site and got ready to go home, my brother was driving by in a car, I shouted to him to give me a lift, but he did not react. In the distance, he still stops and starts waiting for me, but I get offended and go back. Then I again go out to the gate. There are two roads here. I go to the right, drawing a trace behind me with a nail (you will get a thin strip). Mom appears and says that I need to go the other way. I turn around and go left.
Then I meet a company of my girlfriends and unfamiliar girls (they were much younger than us), we walk together. One of the girls had a small toy tank. During the joint check, I pressed the button, and small projectiles (approximately 1 cm in length) began to fly out of the toy, sharp as needles. They dug into me and left red dots on my body (especially on my hands), which hurt and burned.
We all walk together, then we reach a swampy area (in the center of the city), and they leave me alone. I walk along the path, but suddenly I find myself at a dead end: further - a quagmire. I turn around, but there is already a swamp behind me. I start to panic, as it is far from the shore, and I understand that death is close. I'm tossing and trying to find a way out. In a second, the solid ground under my feet disappears, and I begin to fall through. I'm really scared. But I have nothing to lose, and I decide to quickly run through the swamp. I notice people who, like me, tried to get to the shore: someone successfully overcame their path, someone drowned. Fighting my fear, I rush through the bog towards the shore, sometimes I was sucked in, and I already imagined how this mud fills my lungs ... But very quickly I find myself on solid ground. Hooray.
My friends appear again, we continue to walk. We go into a huge building. This is someone's house. There are many rooms here, and we are separated again. Once alone, I meet two girls from the servants, they hear the approaching steps of their masters, their faces turn pale and, experiencing inhuman fear, the girls begin to rush about, then run into the closets, slamming the small doors behind them. I go through one of the doors. I am in amazement: behind this small door there are huge two-story rooms in which this “maid” lives (I planned to see 2 * 2 meters). The girl and I begin to walk around her "domains", as a result we go out into a room resembling a theater, where there is a performance in front of a large number of children. Lots of security. I understand that they will take me out of here, but I begin to brazenly walk forward, past the perplexed guards. I pass one by one halls filled with children sitting on armchairs, no one stopped me. Where I'm going, I don't know. I see a wide door, people enter it, I go up to it and push it. It opens not to the side, but upwards, knocks me down, and I fall into the passage, then the same door begins to close and shifts me, like garbage, to the other half. I'm in shock, my head is spinning and I can't get up. Suddenly I hear laughter behind me, whispering: there were many people here who laughed at me and my fall. I already feel good, but I continue to lie, thinking about how to get out. A 6-year-old girl comes up to me and starts talking to me at ease and calmly, telling funny stories. I get up, the girl and I hug tightly, I calm down, and we go with her for a walk around this strange building. No one has been laughing at me for a long time. The girl and I are chatting, chatting, interrupting each other from joyful excitement. It is very easy for us together, we hug each other again and again, sometimes we kiss each other (on the cheek). I'm very happy. Then the girl takes me to her young mother, who sits in the hall for very rich people. Mom smiles at me, but then says that I can’t continue to communicate with the girl, since we are no match for each other, and in general - I pronounced the word incorrectly, which means I’m stupid and will have a bad influence on her daughter. I convince her of the opposite, demonstrating a brilliant knowledge of the Russian language; “Mommy” understands that she was wrong and lowers her eyes guiltily.
I am getting up.

I dreamed that my elder brother and cousin were driving in a car, smiling, talking, there was a forest around, in a dream I understand what kind of forest it is, and that there is a quarry in the depths of the forest. at some point, he offers to drift, at first everything is fine, but then we leave for the quarry, it turns out that we are on a slope and there is a cliff ahead, and there is water below, and my brother does not manage to control, while reassuring me, he slows down, but the car drives down the slope and we fall into the water, and during the fall we jump out of the car. I managed to emerge, but the water was icy, I was looking for my brother, I saw that he was drowning, people appeared around from somewhere, I try to scream and call for “help”, but I lost my voice, I swallowed water and started trying to get the car for some reason. I turned around, my brother was already there, but I still ask people for help to help me get a car.

Olga Lying on a dark turquoise bedspread.
I saw only the torso and legs. The brother moaned.
I stood and looked at him. I did not speak to him.

what is the dream of brother

If you dream of a healthy, energetic and cheerful brother, you will have an excellent reason to be glad for his or your life. If in dreams a brother is hungry, thin, sick, poor, or asks for help, this is a sign of trouble in your life. Be vigilant and watch your health.

brother in a dream what is it for

I dreamed of a sick brother - in reality he will definitely need your help, attention and support. Do not leave a close relative alone with his problems.

dream interpretation brother

If a dead brother had a dream, and you are arguing with him about something, this dream is a warning about a loss through your own fault. Be careful.

brother in a dream what is it for

If a brother dreamed of a man, this means danger from possible sexual competitors. Be vigilant, it is possible that someone wants to take your girlfriend away from you. For a young woman, such a dream means that she wants to replace her boyfriend with another or meet someone else.

dream interpretation brother

If you dream of a brother, but in reality you don’t have one, then this indicates strife in the family, hypocrisy and betrayal. Receive a letter from your brother - you will be disappointed by the meanness of others. If a brother died in a dream, there will be profit and joy in reality, and this dream also indicates his and your longevity. Fighting with him - in reality, you will experience gratitude, love and respect for your brother. If in a dream you talk about something with him for a long time, in real life you will need to make a lot of efforts to achieve your goal. But then you need to rest to recuperate. Therefore, distribute your forces rationally and do not waste on trifles.

dream book brother

To lose a brother in a dream - in the future, turbulent events and rapid changes in life await you. You quarreled with your brother - in reality, you will be upset. I saw my brother who lives far away - to the well-being of the family. Parting with him in a dream means that a favorable moment will soon come in your life. Scolding a brother in a dream is chagrin for some reason.

dream interpretation brother

Dreams involving a brother or brothers are very common, if there are real brothers in your life, then they will appear in your dreams about the family environment. However, it is necessary to interpret such dreams only in those cases when brothers suddenly appear in your dreams, who never existed, or when one of your siblings is not near you.
If the plot of a dream revolves around the absence of one of your brothers, who is in reality, its interpretation will be related to your inner feeling of the family. In the event that you yourself or your sibling are at odds with the rest of the household, dreams depicting your family in a truncated composition will symbolize breaks in family ties.
People who feel unusually close to their work environment may have dreams in which their colleagues appear as brothers or other immediate family members. If the dream plot seemed acceptable to you, in real life you should expect some kind of fruitful cooperation and partnership. Sometimes during such dreams you may feel confused and puzzled, you may be alerted by the attempts of a new brother to penetrate too deeply into your soul and build excessively close family relationships.

brother in a dream

After the dream in which you saw your brother, you should wait for the news that will come from afar. To dream of a non-existent brother who is not in your life - your relatives will soon present something very unexpected. To dream of a brother who has already left the world of the living - long years of life, a wonderful career and excellent health await you. If during sleep you talked about something with your deceased brother, get ready for the fact that soon you will have to complete some important assignment that will take you a lot of strength and take a long time to restore them.

dreamed brother

Losing a brother in a dream is an eventful future, parting with a brother is a happy accident, arguing with a brother - expect grief, seeing your brother is happiness in the family circle.

dream interpretation brother

Death, poverty and grief of a sibling in a dream - in reality, trouble and grief await you. If you had a fight with your brother, this indicates your great affection for him in real life. Sometimes this dream portends news that will not always be true. If a cousin is dreaming, it is possible to meet a good kind person in reality and this acquaintance will develop into a strong friendship. If in reality you don’t have a brother, and he had a dream, this dream is considered a warning that relatives are preparing some kind of pleasant surprise for you, and you will be very pleased with this. A dream with a dead brother indicates your good health, and you can live a long happy life and achieve success in all matters.

what is the dream of brother

A brother in a dream portends that in reality you will soon encounter betrayal and hypocrisy. In general, according to this dream book, brothers dream of jealousy and family strife. The death of a brother in a dream is considered a good sign that portends profit and joy.

what does it mean if a brother is in a dream

Seeing a sibling in a dream is a sign of imminent betrayal and hypocrisy in your real life. Dreams in which your brothers and sisters appear portend family disagreements, jealousy and conflicts. If in your dream you receive a letter written by your brother, beware of the vile lies from those people who surround you in life. Dreams in which your brothers or sisters die promise profit and joyful feelings.

Very often, relatives appear to us in dreams - mom, dad, grandparents ... And why does a brother dream? What does it mean if a brother dreamed? Let's see the interpretation of various dream books.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

The brother dreamed of being healthy and energetic - you will have a reason to be glad for your own or his fate. In a dream, a brother is poor, hungry, sick, asks for help, or some kind of misfortune happened to him - this dream indicates the approach of unpleasant events in life. Watch your health and be vigilant.

Brother - Vanga's dream book

If you saw in a dream a brother (a loved one) sick, this indicates that in reality he needs real support and attention.

Freud's dream book - what is the dream of a brother for?

For a man, such a dream means danger from possible sexual competitors. If a young woman dreamed of a brother, this means her desire to replace a sexual partner with another, or to have another one.

Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

And what is the dream of a brother in Hasse's dream book?

  • The loss of a brother - to stormy events in the future, quarrel with his brother - to chagrin in real life.
  • To see your brother - to family well-being.
  • Parting with a brother is a happy moment in life.
  • Losing a brother means changes, events that will develop rapidly.
  • Scolding a brother - upset for some reason.

Sleep brother according to Loff's dream book

I dreamed of a non-existent brother - you can meet betrayal and hypocrisy, jealousy and family troubles in your life. To receive a letter from a brother means to be disappointed in the lies and meanness of those around you. The death of a brother speaks of joy and profit.

Seeing a brother in a dream can mean news from afar, or news from the brother himself or one of his close relatives.

If your dead brother dreamed, then you will achieve success in all your endeavors, and thanks to good health, you will live a long life filled with harmony and happiness.

If you dreamed that you were talking about something with your brother, then in reality it will take a lot of effort to achieve your goal, as well as rest to restore them.

A dream about a brother in custody means that you are abusing the trust of relatives and friends. I dreamed of a second cousin - there will be a meeting with a relative. In a dream, starting a fight with a brother promises to experience in reality a feeling of kindred love, gratitude and recognition in relation to a brother. If you see a brother in the water - to joy.

If the real brother dreamed of the dead, then this dream means longevity.

Interpretation of a dream according to the dream book of O. Smurov

If in a dream you started a fight with your brother, this is a sign of affection and kinship. A dream in which you grieve for an absent brother is a sign of gratitude for the support and appreciation given to you by your brother.

To see a blind brother in a dream is a messenger of the fact that in real life your brother needs to be very careful, as this dream speaks of danger and imminent death. If you dream that your brother is drowning in water, then this means that you will have to get out of the unpleasant story that your brother dragged you into.

For a young unmarried girl, a dream about her brother may mean an offer that her lover will soon make to her. For a young guy, a dream about a brother portends disagreements and squabbles in the family circle.

What is the dream of a brother or cousin?

Seeing your half-brother in a dream is a deception on his part.

A dead brother dreams of wealth, profit, victory, and can also portend a win in court. The brother who dreamed in a dream can mean a relationship with brothers in reality, and if you are the only child (for a man), then this is a symbol of unification, male friendship and mutual assistance.

To meet a brother is to feel dissatisfaction with one's life, there is not enough strength to achieve the goal. Seeing a cousin - a dream means family problems. Argue with your brother - beware of loss through your own fault.

Brother of husband and boyfriend - dream book

If the brother of the husband (guy) dreamed, this means a sexual dependence on some person (lover)

What is the dream of an older or younger brother

Meeting with an older brother in a dream means well-being and stability in reality, the implementation of plans, good health.

Meeting a younger brother comes with additional responsibilities.

Dream interpretation - brother's wedding

A brother's wedding is dreaming of auspicious events, the fulfillment of a cherished dream or an approach to its realization. Also, a brother’s wedding may mean that in reality you will receive a long-awaited gift.

There is nothing strange in seeing a brother in a dream, if in reality he is always there. It's just a reflection of life, transformed by fantasy. What if you never had one? Or did you dream of unpleasant incidents, strange circumstances? More often, dream books interpret these events "on the contrary", in a positive way: they predict strong family ties and longevity, sometimes they warn of danger.

Native or Consolidated

If a sister and brother live nearby, it is not necessary to look for the hidden meaning of the dream. In other cases, the interpretation of sleep is prophetic and depends on the degree of relationship.

I dreamed of a brother - cheerful, healthy, friendly - as Miller's dream book says, you can envy your own fate.

Seeing him sick in a dream is a harbinger of strengthening his own health, drunk - danger of injury, naked - he can get into an awkward situation. Talking peacefully with your brother - to longevity, swearing - to trouble.

Seeing a brother's wife in a dream portends discord with loved ones and a cooling of relations with relatives, his wedding is a pleasant gift.

The younger brother is a symbol of the need to take care of someone. Elder is a sign of need for patronage.

Freud's dream book explained why men dream of the dearest of their peers - this reflects rivalry, the struggle for the attention of a loved one, as well as a premonition of a difficult period: with fierce competition, one will have to face hypocrisy and deceit. Ladies, a well-known psychoanalyst predicts a new sexual relationship or jealousy, which also does not promise an easy life.

A cousin or second cousin who really exists is a sign that it's time to visit relatives. And if this is a purely virtual character, then in your immediate environment there is (or is about to meet) a kindred spirit, a true friend. Dream books associate communication with a cousin with disappointment in a loved one.

someone's relative

I dreamed of a friend's brother - a meeting with him, cooperation is ahead. Cheerful, friendly husband's brother - good luck lies ahead.

Dream books interpret the brother of a loved one as dissatisfaction with relationships. You will experience a new sexual attraction if the guy's brother had a dream, and he can also be an object of interest. Why is the brother of the ex-boyfriend dreaming: the girl has a fan, whom she does not yet suspect.

Quarrels and hugs

For men, the meaning of a dream about a fight with a brother is rivalry and close friendship. Why dream of beating him - to family disagreements, to hug and kiss - to a truce. According to the 21st century dream book, fighting is a good deal, a quarrel is financial loss due to your own stupidity.

A girl should not panic if she had sex with her brother - this is a reflection of strong family ties, receiving support from loved ones. Dream books speak of emotional attachment if you had a chance to marry your brother in a dream.

Birth and death

It's a good omen to see a little brother born. His birth symbolizes a profitable project, for a man - increased competition.

Why dream that the little one is crying? To disappointment. Reassured the weeping - the implementation of the project will require serious efforts, died - failure will befall. To see the baby dead is to overcome your infantilism.

Seeing an adult dead will live a long time. Death of a brother: in reality they will ask you for help or borrow money - do not refuse. Be careful, the image of the deceased warns of possible danger.

According to the dream book From A to Z, attending a funeral, seeing off the deceased in a dream means the health of family members. Seeing a brother in a coffin means he will live for many years. Farewell at the grave of the deceased reflects real feelings for a loved one.

I dreamed of an accident or the murder of a brother - you will be overwhelmed by strong emotions. To see how the deceased was killed is a violation of plans, sadness that can be dealt with.

Dream Interpretations predict longevity and prosperity to the one before whom the dead brother appeared alive. If the deceased brother appeared in a dream as if alive, remember the deceased, put a candle in the church.

comments 9

  • Good evening. I had a dream that I was a mother and my dead brother were going to the village. My brother is smoking in the kitchen. It was like the doorbell rang, and my mother went to open it. Three aged women stood on the threshold and began to say that they were looking for a person and that they were giving all the data of the deceased brother. The brother gets up and goes to them, leaving a cigarette not extinguished. I'm carcassing her. And I start calling my sister. What could such a dream mean? Thanks in advance.

Why did my brother dream about (interpretation of the dream book of AstroMeridian)

He is the personification of patronage, strength and experience. The community of brothers, or twins, is a symbol of the duality of the world, action and thinking, the unity of good and evil, creation and chaos, light and darkness, nomadic and settled way of life. The symbolism of family relationships is complex. So the rivalry of brothers is common in myths and legends. One of them personifies the victim and often dies, and the second brings this victim, maims or kills. Sometimes the rivalry of the brothers is limited to constant enmity, as in the case of Set and Osiris. What a brother is dreaming of is important to understand. Such dreams can be fateful: their meaning can only be unraveled in the context of the details of the dream and the sensations of dreams.

What did the Brothers dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

  • The subconscious of a man displays the image of a brother when he is expected to meet with a rival who claims to be the heart of his beloved.
  • Why does a woman dream of a brother - when she wants to change her lover, find another partner. Seeing - to jealousy.
  • Seeing your brother cheerful and healthy - your fate is favorable to you.
  • A sick, upset brother, according to the dream book, portends trouble and quarrels.
  • If in reality a sleeping person does not have immediate relatives, then what he will dream of can be found out from whether he is older or younger than you in a dream. The brother is older than you - you need patronage, if younger - you dream of taking care of someone.

Why is my brother dreaming (Romantic dream book)

  • What is the dream of a sibling with his wife - a dream means that cooling with your loved ones cannot be avoided.
  • Why did you dream of meeting with your husband's brother? This is a dream for good luck, improving life.
  • A relative of the girl who was in a dream indicates that she has a secret admirer.
  • If the dreamers dreamed of the company of a cousin, then they will have to be disappointed in their beloved.
  • Separation from your brother, the dream book interprets - some kind of happy accident will happen to you.
  • To lose a brother - a raging, anxious future awaits you.
  • A quarrel with a brother is sadness.

Why is my brother dreaming in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a sibling in a dream is a need for friendly support.
  • A quarrel with a cousin is dreaming - a break in family relations.
  • The death of a brother in a dream - not very pleasant events await you.
  • I dreamed of my husband's brother - you tend to identify yourself with work colleagues.

What does a dream with a Brother mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream in a dream of a brother with whom you are talking in a friendly way - to longevity. Seeing the patient is to health; to see a dead man - to tears; to see a drunk - to a cut or shedding of your blood.
  • If in the summer in a dream I dreamed of kissing a brother in a dream for a girl - to a meeting with a man who was adventurous. Nothing but flirting - this acquaintance will not bring.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of a fight with your brother - you are ready to break off relations, decide on a divorce.
  • In winter, what is the meaning of a dream of a brother with whom a date is to be - promises a long period of quiet family happiness, prosperity.
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