If the child has vegetative-vascular dystonia. Disability in vegetovascular dystonia Health group in children with VSD

Hypertension - 4th health group.

Congenital heart disease - 3rd or 4th health group.

Dental caries, malocclusion - 2nd or 3rd health group.

Chronic gastritis, colitis - 3rd or 4th health group.

Dysmenorrhea - 3rd group of health.

Allergic reactions (repeated skin-allergic reactions to food, drugs, etc.) - 2nd health group.

Eczema, dermatitis - 3rd or 4th health group.

Logoneurosis, enuresis, tics - 3rd or 4th health group.

Myopia of a weak degree, astigmatism - the 2nd group of health.

Myopia of medium and high degree - 3rd or 4th health group.

Violation of posture - 2nd group, scoliosis - 3rd or 4th group.



Study questions:

The concept of immunity and its types.

Indications and contraindications for immunization.

The concept of immunity and its types

Immunity (from Latin Immunities - liberation from something) - the liberation (protection) of the body from genetically alien organisms and substances (physical, biological, chemical). In infectious pathology, immunity is the immunity of the body to pathogenic microbes and their poisons. The founders of the doctrine of immunity are Louis Pasteur, Ilya Mechnikov and Erlich. L. Pasteur developed the principles of creating vaccines, I. Mechnikov created the cellular (phagocytic) theory of immunity. Ehrlich discovered antibodies and developed the humoral theory of immunity.

The main structural and functional unit of the immune system is the lymphocyte. The organs of the immune system are divided into:

central: bone marrow and thymus (thymus gland);

Peripheral: accumulations of lymphoid tissue in the intestines, respiratory tract and lungs, genitourinary system (for example, tonsils, Peyer's patches), lymph nodes, spleen. Peripheral organs of the immune system, like watchtowers, are located on the path of possible advancement of genetically alien substances.

Protection factors are divided into non-specific and specific.

Nonspecific mechanisms of immunity are general factors and protective adaptations of the body. These include:

- impermeability of healthy skin and mucous membranes;

- impermeability of histo-hematological barriers;

- the presence of bactericidal substances in biological fluids (saliva, tears, blood, cerebrospinal fluid);

- excretion of viruses by the kidneys;

- phagocytic system;

- barrier function of lymphoid tissue;

- hydrolytic enzymes;

- interferons;

- lymphokines;

- complement system, etc.

Intact skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and genital organs are impervious to most microbes. The secrets of the sebaceous and sweat glands have a bactericidal effect against many infections (except for pyogenic cocci). Peeling of the skin - the constant renewal of the upper layer - is an important mechanism for its self-purification from microbes and other contaminants. Saliva contains lysozyme, which has an antimicrobial effect. The blinking reflex of the eyes, the movement of the cilia of the epithelium of the respiratory tract in combination with the cough reflex, intestinal peristalsis - all this helps to remove microbes and toxins. Thus, intact skin and mucous membranes are the first protective barrier for microorganisms.

If an infection breakthrough occurs (trauma, burns, frostbite), then the next line of defense appears - the second barrier - an inflammatory reaction at the site of the introduction of microorganisms. The leading role in this process belongs to phagocytosis (factors of cellular immunity). Phagocytosis, first studied by I.I. Mechnikov, is the absorption and enzymatic digestion of microbes or other particles by macro- and microphages, as a result of which the body is released from harmful foreign substances. Reticular and endothelial cells of lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, Kupffer cells of the liver, histiocytes, monocytes, polyblasts, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils have phagocytic activity.

Hypertensive VSD is an extremely rare cause of disability. Despite the functional nature of the pathology, it adversely affects the work of the whole organism. But the state will not pay money to actually healthy people.

Vegetative dystonia often accompanies diseases that cause disability, such as diabetes. This gives the false impression that the VVD itself is the cause of disability, but this is not so. Dystonia is not a disease, but an imbalance in the parts of the nervous system.

Here is an example. The following are organic damages that impair the health of the patient and limit his functionality:

  • Hypertensive crisis - a sharp increase in blood pressure (BP) to 180-220 / 100-150 mm Hg. Art., which is accompanied by severe headaches.
  • A stroke or myocardial infarction is a pathological condition that develops against the background of a hypertensive crisis. Often lead to disability.
  • Chronic renal failure is a kidney disease that is a factor that causes permanent loss of working capacity.

The conditions listed above do not develop due to autonomic dysfunction, but the VVD joins later, and it seems that it was originally, but it is not.


Persistent disability in patients with VVD as a concomitant, but not the main diagnosis, is possible if irreversible damage to other organs is diagnosed. This is the reason for the establishment of disability:

  • The second group of disability. It is characterized by a partial limitation of functionality. The patient is mostly self-serving. Can engage in some simple types of professional activities.
  • The third group of disability. It is characterized by a slight limitation on working capacity. The patient can occupy positions that do not require strong physical or mental stress. Fully serves himself in everyday life.

Patients with VVD as the main diagnosis are not assigned a disability group, since dystonia does not cause irreversible changes.

But with VVD, you can completely get sick leave, especially with panic attacks. Criteria for temporary disability with VVD:

  • Pronounced clinical picture, frequent panic attacks.
  • Moderate and severe vegetative crisis, taking into account the progression of the underlying disease within 3-5 days, rarely longer. Repeated panic attacks of moderate severity within 1-2 days.

Dystonia by hypertensive type

Hypertension, which develops against the background of autonomic dysfunction, is reversible and the disability is temporary. The main causes of disability in patients with hypertensive form of VVD:

  • decreased endurance to stress and stress (physical, psychological);
  • imbalance with environmental factors (meteorological dependence, fear of too loud sounds or bright lighting);
  • hypersensitivity to household chemicals, toxins, allergens;
  • decrease in the adaptive abilities of the body - manifested by the inability to cope with situations involving control over the operation of devices, one's own behavior; therefore, activities related to the management of vehicles, the work of a dispatcher, and so on are excluded.

These factors, which occur against the background of VVD, lead to a decrease in the quality of life. Therapy of the disease and control of blood pressure will partially or completely restore the patient's ability to work.

Features of disability in VVD

Patients with VVD, developing according to the hypertensive type, apply only for the third or second group of disability. And only if they have a serious cause - another disease, such as a malignant tumor or severe heart failure.

  • the effectiveness of the therapy and improvement of the patient's well-being;
  • reduction in the number of panic attacks of moderate and severe severity;
  • normalization of blood pressure, reduction in the number of episodes of dizziness and other associated symptoms.

Despite the possibility of reinstatement, some professions are contraindicated for patients with a specific diagnosis. This is due to a pronounced decrease in the adaptive abilities of the body.

  • Such people are not recommended to work in adverse meteorological conditions (frequent fluctuations in air temperature, changes in humidity, lack of necessary ventilation, atmospheric pressure drops).
  • It is impossible to involve people with a diagnosis of VVD in industries where there is contact with toxins, synthetic allergens.

Additional restrictions are established depending on the characteristics of each clinical case.

Do not flatter yourself with those who think that vegetative dystonia is a reason for registering a disability without any additional serious diseases. After all, VVD provokes temporary symptoms that reduce the quality of life, but at the same time all body functions are performed properly:

  • digestion works;
  • the heart is contracting;
  • a person moves and serves himself.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


One of the main school subjects responsible for the health of the child is, as you know, physical education. Without it, the full physical development of our children is impossible - especially in a school environment, where children spend most of their time motionless, at their desks.

As a rule, the whole class is “expelled” to physical education, offering exercises that, according to the development program, are “prescribed” for all healthy children. And few people today remember that there are 3 medical groups for physical education, and not all children fall into the main - healthy one.

How many physical culture health groups do schoolchildren have - the principles of division into health groups

First of all, it should be understood that health groups and health groups for physical education are not the same.

  1. Under health groups understand 5 groups in which children are enrolled, in accordance with the assessment of their health.
  2. Concerning medical health groups for physical education- there are 3 of them.

They matter when the child participates in school physical education lessons:

  • Main. Healthy children who do not have serious health problems and meet developmental standards.
  • Preparatory. Children with minor health problems.
  • Special (A, B). Children with serious disorders in the work of the main body systems and with chronic diseases.

Many parents (and even teachers) do not know, but for each physical health group there are contraindications, indications, a set of classes, and even the time allotted for these classes.

Not everyone understands that special medical groups are different from regular exercise therapy. And the difference is simple: exercise therapy is conducted by doctors, while physical education classes for medical groups are conducted by teachers, but taking into account the optimal training methods.

What else do you need to know about physical health groups?

  1. The choice of a group for physical education is carried out before entering the school - and must be indicated in the medical record.
  2. An assessment of the condition of the child is given exclusively by the pediatrician (or therapist, adolescent specialist). It is he who determines the child after the examination in one of the 3 groups. When enrolling in a special group, the doctor is obliged not only to indicate the diagnosis, but to establish the degree of disturbances in the functioning of the body. In certain cases, the conclusion of a medical commission may be required.
  3. The health group should be confirmed annually.
  4. The health group can be changed if the annual examination shows that the child's condition has improved or worsened.

Children from the first 2 medical physical education groups usually work out together, but for children from the preparatory group, both the volume of the load and its intensity are reduced.

As for the composition of the special group, it is formed by the order of the school director and at the conclusion of the field team of specialists. Classes for this group are held at school twice a week or three times, but for half an hour.

Physical culture health groups of schoolchildren in Russia - statistics

The main 1st health group of schoolchildren in Russia

The main physical health group includes healthy children with the 1st and 2nd health groups:

  • No health problems.
  • Having mild disorders that do not entail a lag in development from their peers. For example, overweight, VVD, dyskinesia, or mild allergies.

Children from this group are allowed up to…

  1. Passing the TRP standards.
  2. Training sessions in full.
  3. Submission of standards.
  4. Trainings in sports sections.
  5. Participation in competitions, tournaments, olympiads.
  6. Participation in tourist trips.
  7. Classes in DYUSSH and DYUKFP.

Of course, it is also important to remember, allowing children to play sports, and relative contraindications.

In particular:

  • With a round back, boxing, rowing and cycling will be contraindicated.
  • With astigmatism and myopia - diving, boxing, motorcycling and weightlifting, skiing.
  • With perforation of the eardrum - any kind of water sports.

Preparatory health group for schoolchildren in physical education

The preparatory physical education group includes children with the 2nd health group (according to statistics - more than 10% of all students in Russian schools):

  • Weakly prepared physically.
  • With morphofunctional health disorders.
  • Included in risk groups for certain diseases.
  • Having chronic diseases in remission, which lasts about 3-5 years.

Children from this group are allowed to:

  1. Classes according to the usual program, but with the exception of certain types of training and exercises.
  2. Passing the TRP, test and routine control tests, participation in sporting events - only with the special permission of a specialist.

Children from this physical culture group are not allowed to participate in sports competitions.

They are also prohibited from:

  • Large volumes of high-intensity physical activity.
  • Long run.
  • A large number of repetitions of exercises.

The teacher is obliged to choose a special set of exercises for children, in accordance with the medical record, which contains all the contraindications.

The medical certificate must also indicate the period for transferring the child to the main group.

  1. Alternating complex exercises with special breathing exercises.
  2. Replacing running with walking.
  3. Conducting calm games without sudden movements.
  4. Increased rest breaks.

The conclusion of the commission to determine the child in this group is not required - just a certificate from the district pediatrician is enough, which must be attended by:

  • Stamp and signature.
  • Recommendations based on the recommendations of a narrowly focused specialist, as well as specific restrictions.
  • Diagnosis.
  • As well as the period for which the child is assigned to the preparatory group.

A special group of children's health in physical education at school - do physical education lessons take place with children of special groups "A" and "B"?

This physical culture group is divided into two more - A and B.

Children with the 3rd health group are enrolled in a special physical education group A:

  • Having chronic diseases, malformations, etc.
  • With developmental disorders that require mandatory restriction of physical activity.
  • Those who have serious disorders in the functioning of the body that do not interfere with their studies, but are contraindications to physical education.

Children from special group A are allowed up to:

  1. Classes according to a specially designed program.
  2. Classes in certain types of the school curriculum with a mandatory reduction in standards.

The following exercises are mandatory:

  • Acrobatic.
  • Power.
  • High-speed.
  • Moderately intense outdoor games.


  1. Participation in competitions.
  2. Participation in mass physical culture events.
  3. Visiting sports sections.
  4. Delivery of standards.

Children from special group A do not study with the rest of the children - they should have separate lessons, which should be taught by specially trained instructors for special programs.

Children with the 4th health group are enrolled in a special physical education group B:

  • Having chronic diseases without pronounced signs of a violation of general well-being.

That is, children from this group are allowed to participate in general theoretical classes, but are generally exempted from physical education at school.

Children from special group B are allowed up to:

  1. Exercise therapy.
  2. Classes according to a complex special program developed by a specialist - at home, on your own.

A child can be assigned to this group only by the decision of a medical commission, and a certificate is issued only for a certain period, after which it is required to be issued again with a commission and examination of the child.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia ... Many people consider this diagnosis not serious: it does not pose a danger to life, there are practically no complications. However, the problem of vegetative-vascular dystonia is that this disease can seriously impair well-being, and besides, it is not so easy to treat it.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) is a disease caused by dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. What is this part of the nervous system responsible for? It coordinates the work of all internal organs, including endocrine, as well as the functioning of blood and lymphatic vessels. Thus, disturbances in the autonomic nervous system can lead to disruption of the work of any internal organ and the cardiovascular system.

Why does vegetative-vascular dystonia develop?

The origin of the disease is akin to any neurosis - a discrepancy between the desired and the actual, a reaction to the lack of psychological comfort. Despite the fact that vegetative-vascular dystonia is treated mainly by general practitioners, according to the modern international classification of diseases, this condition belongs to the psychiatric category of diseases and is called somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In other words, this is a kind of neurotic disorders, which has found its way out in somatic manifestations affecting the heart, blood vessels, digestive system and other internal organs.

The disease is formed gradually under the influence of personality traits and external factors - the family, the surrounding society, religious traditions, education, cultural nuances, lifestyle. Any person is faced with a lot of stress, and if he does not know how to properly respond to problems and negative emotions, cannot find a way out of the accumulated negativity and internal aggression, this leads to an imbalance in the work of various parts of the nervous system.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a reversible and functional disease, that is, not associated with a violation of body structures, but caused only by a violation of regulatory mechanisms. However, a long course of the disease can also lead to organic irreversible damage, so in no case should treatment be abandoned.

How does the disease manifest itself?

  • An increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Violation of rhythm and heart rate.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Pain in the heart.
  • Digestive disorders - constipation or diarrhea, abdominal pain.
  • Tendency to faint.
  • excessive sweating.
  • Decreased overall body temperature.
  • Headache.
  • Sensation of a lump in the throat.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Deterioration of some intellectual functions (memory, ability to concentrate, etc.).

The disease can occur with a different combination of these symptoms, but more often one group of disorders predominates. If the disease is manifested by disorders related to the functioning of the cardiovascular system, then we are dealing with the most common variety - neurocirculatory dystonia. With neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac type, symptoms from the heart come to the fore, when the patient is worried about pain in the heart, a feeling of fading or interruptions. Such manifestations are very frightening to the patient, and this exacerbates mental imbalance and worsens the course of the disease. If, as a result of the disease, blood pressure rises, then they talk about vegetative-vascular dystonia according to the hypertensive type; with a decrease in pressure - VSD of the hypotonic type. Almost always, the disease is accompanied by mental disorders with increased tearfulness, bouts of irritation, and anxiety.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can be manifested by persistent or paroxysmal symptoms. But in any case, as a rule, there are periodic deterioration in well-being - crises. Sympathoadrenal crises are characterized by an increase in the influence of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system: pressure rises, heart rate increases, body temperature rises, tremors appear, pain in the heart, the patient becomes covered with cold sweat, feels fear. The opposite of a sympathoadrenal crisis is a vagoinsular crisis: pressure drops, dizziness, breathing is difficult, the pulse is slow, the heart "freezes". This condition may be accompanied by loose stools and profuse and frequent urination.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a chronic disease. As a rule, patients have been treated for years by different doctors with varying success - they either get better, then an exacerbation occurs again. The matter is complicated by difficulties in making a diagnosis - before making a final conclusion about the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia in a patient, a thorough examination is required with a mandatory consultation of a neuropathologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, oculist, gastroenterologist and, if necessary, some other specialists. The patient may be prescribed an ECG, dopplerography, ultrasound, computed tomography, X-ray, etc. The purpose of the examination is to exclude organic damage to organs and systems.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Treating vegetative-vascular dystonia is difficult, but necessary. To achieve a good result, treatment should be comprehensive and include not only drugs and physiotherapy, but also mandatory lifestyle modification otherwise, all efforts will turn into a simple elimination of unpleasant symptoms. With a one-sided approach to the matter, the patient's condition improves only with the constant use of medications - as soon as they are canceled, the disease makes itself felt with renewed vigor.

Healthy lifestyle - this is the main condition for the effectiveness of the treatment. It is necessary to establish the correct alternation of work and rest, engage in physical education, avoid overstrain, eat right, learn to relieve psychological stress. When choosing physical activity, give preference to activity with moderate intensity - walk, do light jogging, swim, ride a bike, do a set of health-improving exercises, take up ballroom dancing.

To eliminate the psychological background of the disease, it is recommended to take a course psychotherapy. Its goal is to identify actual psychological problems, teach the correct behavioral response to stress and increase stress resistance.

It is very useful to pass Spa treatment which is carried out in neurological institutions. Patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia are well helped by balneotherapy, massage, therapeutic exercises, aromatherapy, reflexology.

Psychotropic drugs are an optional but common component of treatment. Your doctor may prescribe tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and antidepressants. Do not be afraid of these drugs: taking them under the supervision of a qualified specialist will not lead to addiction or other undesirable consequences. A prerequisite for such treatment is strict adherence to the doctor's instructions.

Symptomatic remedies prescribed to eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. The patient begins to feel better, calms down, gets the opportunity to fully participate in psychotherapeutic sessions and actively work on himself. Depending on the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, antihypertensive drugs, adrenoblockers, tonic drugs, nootropics, and vasoconstrictors are prescribed.

Restorative therapy allows you to speed up the healing process and improve the patient's condition. Assign complex vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, ginseng and other means that improve metabolism and increase the overall tone of the body.

Phytotherapy It has a good effect with an integrated approach to treatment and has practically no side effects. Melissa, hops, valerian, motherwort are used to calm the nervous system. Hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Chamomile and mint relieve intestinal spasms and reduce inflammation.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complicated matter. It requires attention, high skill and patience. Do not self-medicate or let everything take its course - entrust your health to a good specialist.

The article was prepared by doctor Kartashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Causes and types of VVD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia or VVD is not a specific disease, but a complex of symptoms of various manifestations affecting many human organs and systems. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is considered by doctors as a consequence of the presence of disorders in our body, when the interaction of the autonomic and vascular systems is disrupted, and an important role belongs to the nervous structures on which the regulation of emotions depends.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, if not treated, together with other factors, can lead to the development of various diseases in children that have both psychological and somatic (i.e. manifested bodily) components, including:

  • asthma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • cardiac ischemia.

Somatic diseases lead to an increase in autonomic disorders, which have an adverse effect on the onset and further course of many diseases in children.

There are many reasons, according to doctors, that influence the formation of vegetative disorders in a child. It is believed that the main factors are violations of our autonomic nervous system, transmitted mainly through the maternal line. Other factors most often act as triggers that manifest existing violations. Nowadays, treatment is carried out with the help of medications, herbal infusions, and the help of a psychotherapist is used. It is highly recommended for general health promotion feasible physical exercises and physiotherapy exercises, rational nutrition.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children occurs as a result of damage to the central nervous system obtained during childbirth. Lesions lead to impaired liquorodynamics, can cause damage to the hypothalamus, the development of hydrocephalus and cerebral vascular disorders. If the central sections of the autonomic nervous system are damaged, this often leads to disruption of the nervous system and psyche, emotional instability. It also leads to inadequately manifested reactions to stressful situations. Traumatic effects on our psyche play an important role:

  • the child is isolated from peers or overprotective of parents;
  • he has frequent conflicts at school and family;
  • he is brought up in an incomplete family;
  • his parent or parents are alcoholic.

All these effects often lead the child to mental maladaptation, which contributes to the manifestation or deepening of vegetative disorders. The presence in the life of a child of chronic stress, constant mental strain, and frequent emotional overload has the same effect.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children can also appear and / or intensify under the influence of neurological, somatic and endocrine diseases. At risk are children prone to allergic conditions, with anomalies of the constitution. A certain risk is the climate and adverse meteorological conditions in the region where the child lives. To one degree or another, excessive physical activity, non-compliance with the diet of children, hormonal changes in the body in adolescence, and poor ecology can also have an impact. In children and adolescents, the symptoms of VSD have a wide variety, which depends on the age of the child. However, most often, their health problems relate to the cardiovascular system.

Treatment depends on what type of VVD the doctor determines in the patient. According to the level of blood pressure, hypertonic, hypotonic and mixed types are distinguished, which manifest themselves through crises. For the first type, they manifest themselves in the form of sudden excitement, anxiety, in children the heartbeat may increase, and blood pressure may rise. Some develop symptoms of a panic attack, children feel chills and coldness in the limbs. Vegetative vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type manifests itself in the form of nausea, shortness of breath, general weakness, heart rhythm irregularities, low blood pressure and sweating. A child with a mixed type has more or less severe symptoms of both types described above.

What are the symptoms of VSD in a child?

Nowadays, vegetative-vascular dystonia is increasingly found in children in different age periods, from infants to teenagers. When a child grows up, vegetovascular dystonia also develops in him. Most often, its symptoms appear in adolescents and children of seven to eight years. Girls are more prone to this disease than boys. If we talk about the percentage, then from 25 to 80% of children show signs of VVD, and these are mainly urban residents.

If your child is prone to conflict behavior, often naughty, often sick - all this may indicate VVD. However, if he is diagnosed with vegetative vascular dystonia, this is not a reason for parents to make a patient out of him - to pamper him excessively, to exempt him from physical education, to constantly measure his temperature, and so on. Vegetative vascular dystonia is not a disease at all. Vegetovascular dystonia will not prevent your child from considering himself healthy and living a normal life. However, the child needs to be treated. Parents also need to remember that for children who have been diagnosed with vegetative vascular dystonia, stress, insufficient rest, excessive stress and serious sports are contraindicated.

What symptoms should parents pay attention to if they suspect an IRR in a child? Vegetative-vascular dystonia usually manifests itself through symptoms such as fainting, headaches, weakness, tinnitus, drowsiness, dizziness. The child may experience fluctuations in body temperature or an increased heart rate. All these symptoms, depending on the degree of the disease, may occur more often or less frequently. They can be minor, or they can provoke fainting and panic attacks, which indicates a serious development of the syndrome and the need for treatment.

The course of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children

If a child suffers from VSD, its manifestations can be observed constantly or periodically, appearing under the influence of adverse factors. Autonomic crises may develop, otherwise they are called panic attacks. A crisis can occur in the following situations:

  • the child is overstrained mentally and physically;
  • he has an acute infection;
  • he experiences emotional overload;
  • Weather conditions change dramatically outside.

The crisis can last from minutes or several hours and last up to several days, proceed in a sympathetic-adrenal, vagoinsular or mixed form. With a sympathoadrenal crisis, a child may feel anxiety, fear of death, headache, chills. He may experience an increase in blood pressure, dry mouth, tachycardia, fever up to 39-40 degrees, frequent urination. With a vagoinsular crisis, the child suddenly turns pale, sweats, his body temperature and blood pressure drop. Such a crisis can be manifested by a feeling of pain in the abdomen and rapidly advancing bloating, nausea and vomiting. There may be a short-term loss of consciousness, migraine, asthma-like suffocation or pain in the left side of the chest in the region of the heart. If your child has crises, he needs treatment.

In children at different ages, vegetative-vascular dystonia proceeds and manifests itself in different ways. Preschool children are characterized by not too strong vegetative disorders, most often manifested in the form of the following symptoms: a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, hypoglycemia, hyperhidrosis. In adolescence, the manifestations of VVD are more severe, with a variety of complaints, autonomic crises often develop.

VVD diagnostics

Proper diagnosis can facilitate and speed up treatment. The first doctor begins to draw up an anamnesis, in which he will try to identify the presence in the child's family of patients with psychosomatic pathologies and autonomic disorders. It is worth paying attention to the presence of diseases such as bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and hypertension in the child's relatives. Also, in children with VVD, there is often an indication of recurrent acute focal infections and infections in a chronic form.

In order to properly treat VVD, the doctor must determine the state of the autonomic nervous system according to the autonomic support of activity, autonomic reactivity and autonomic tone.

To determine the initial autonomic tone, an analysis of objective parameters and subjective complaints of the patient, cardiointervalography and ECG data is used. The results of various tests - pharmacological, clinoorthostatic and others - serve to determine the indicators of vegetative support of activity and vegetative reactivity. Sometimes vegetative vascular dystonia requires consultation with an ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, ENT doctor, or psychiatrist. All this helps to prescribe the right treatment.

To correctly diagnose, the doctor must exclude diseases whose symptoms are similar to those of VVD. These are rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart defects, non-rheumatic carditis, arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma, infective endocarditis, acute infectious diseases, sepsis, cancer or mental disorders. Treatment of VVD should be started only after excluding the possibility of other diseases.

How to treat VSD in a child?

Good results in the treatment of children who are diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, gives if it is individually, compiled taking into account the characteristics of autonomic disorders of the young patient. Also, treatment should be complex, it should be carried out for a long time. Non-drug methods are considered optimal for the treatment of VVD:

  • normalization of the daily routine;
  • elimination of hypodynamia;
  • individual psychological and family correction;
  • limitation of emotional influences;
  • regular, timely and proper nutrition.
  • If these methods of treatment do not give a sufficient effect, the doctor will prescribe an individually selected drug therapy. At the same time, children begin to be treated with small doses of drugs, gradually increasing them to effective ones. Treatment with the use of sedatives, such as preparations of hawthorn, valerian, St. John's wort and motherwort, is considered effective. Antidepressants, tranquilizers and nootropics are also used. Treatment of children with a good effect can give glutamic acid, microelement and vitamin preparations, pantogam, glycine. If a child has vegetative vascular dystonia, the doctor may recommend I-blockers or herbal psychostimulants - preparations of lemongrass, zamaniha, eleutherococcus.

    A child who has been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia should regularly, at least once every six months, undergo dispensary observation. The frequency of examinations for children depends on the severity, form and type of the course of the disease. Examinations must be repeated in the transitional seasons - in spring and autumn, and treatment should be prescribed based on their results.

    Folk remedies can help treat VVD, but they are only auxiliary in nature. They do not give recovery, but they can have a beneficial effect on our body.

    Physiotherapy exercises can strengthen the child's body, and therefore it is most useful in the diagnosis of "vegetative vascular dystonia". Exercises should be thoughtfully designed, take into account the age and health of the child, and completely exclude jumping.

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