What should I do if my puppy has diarrhea? Diarrhea in a shepherd dog - features of the treatment of the disorder in dogs of large breeds

Any change in the condition or behavior of the dog should alert the owners. Even if you think that diarrhea in a puppy is a consequence of mild poisoning or eating fatty foods, you need to understand that indigestion most often signals systemic and functional failures in the animal's body.

In addition, diarrhea is not an independent disease, but one of the symptoms of viral and bacterial infections, parasitic diseases. Therefore, if the baby vilifies, do not leave the problem unattended. Untimely treatment of a four-legged friend leads not only to dehydration, intoxication, but also in severe cases can provoke death. What causes diarrhea in puppies? How to treat a puppy at home and what to do if the dog is constantly vilifying and the condition does not improve within two days?

A healthy puppy has a good appetite, grows quickly and puts on weight, looks active and cheerful. The baby has a normal stool - a solid, homogeneous consistency, yellowish-brown in color. Puppies' feces should not contain mucus, foam, bloody substances, particles of undigested food, or other uncharacteristic inclusions.

If you notice that the baby began to vilify, the puppy has frequent loose stools, you need to understand that indigestion for a small dog can end very badly, especially if the diarrhea does not go away within 24-48 hours.

Important! A single diarrhea in a puppy is usually not a cause for great concern, but if the diarrhea continues for more than a day and the pet's condition worsens, in addition to intoxication, dehydration, this may indicate an underlying health problem that should be immediately eliminated.

Therefore, you need to adequately assess the situation and understand what caused and provoked diarrhea in the dog.

Causes of diarrhea in puppies:

  • poisoning with low-quality feed, stale food, chemicals;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • too fatty food (smoked meats, fatty meat);
  • metabolic disorder;
  • eruption, change of teeth;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • intolerance to any components of the feed;
  • indigestion, eating poorly digestible food, products from our table;
  • usual overeating;
  • intestinal infections (,);
  • viral, bacterial, parasitic diseases;
  • neoplasms in the digestive tract.

Loose stools in a puppy are noted for, hypo-, respiratory ailments (). Diarrhea in a healthy puppy at 4 months is most often provoked by a change in milk teeth.

One of the most common causes of diarrhea in 2-3 month old puppies or older dogs is worm infestation. (helminths) not only consume nutrients that come with feed, food, but also violate the integrity of tissues, mucous membranes in the digestive tract, which leads to malfunctions in their functioning.

Other reasons

Note that diarrhea in puppies often happens after or after. As a rule, such a condition manifests itself a few hours after taking anthelmintic drugs or administering a prophylactic vaccine. Diarrhea in a puppy after vaccination is due to the body's reaction to the introduction of foreign antibodies with the vaccine. At the same time, today, thanks to the use of modern biological preparations for immunization, loose stools in puppies are extremely rare.

In addition to intestinal upset, other manifestations are possible on the first day (, nausea, decreased activity, drowsiness,).

Important! After immunization, deworming, carefully monitor the condition of the pet for two to three days.

Adverse symptoms after vaccination should pass in 24-36 hours. If the pet's condition has not returned to normal, the puppy is getting worse, consult a veterinarian. Acute debilitating diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and other symptoms indicate the onset of the disease, which proceeded latently and intensified after preventive immunization.

Long-term use of pharmacological drugs also causes indigestion in animals due to the imbalance of beneficial intestinal microflora. A similar condition is noted after a course of antibiotic-antiretroviral therapy, treatment with sulfonamides.

It is possible that the puppy ate something on a walk or as a treat, the products from our table were used. Therefore, when walking with a pet, control its behavior and be sure to wean it from picking up dangerous “sweets” from the ground that can cause a strong one.

Diarrhea in newborn puppies

Acute diarrhea in newborn puppies is a very alarming symptom. The immune, digestive systems of babies are not fully developed. In the gastrointestinal tract, there are not all the enzymes, beneficial microorganisms responsible for digestion. Therefore, the digestive tract of small puppies is very vulnerable. Any negative factors can cause various systemic and functional disorders, cause malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! In the first days after birth, a slight intestinal upset is normal. There is an adaptation to new conditions. In addition, a caring mother-dog constantly licks her babies. Therefore, it is not always possible to determine the consistency of the stool. Constantly and carefully monitor the condition of newborn puppies. Babies should be calm, put on weight daily.

If a one-month-old puppy is on artificial, if the feeding regimen is violated, overfeeding, and also if the baby receives poor-quality low-grade food (mother's milk substitutes, mixtures), diarrhea is very often noted.

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Stomach upset Have monthly puppies can be from milk. Puppies receive immune protection, useful substances, vitamins from mother's milk. Therefore, if a lactating female is sick, weakened, receives a poor-quality unbalanced diet, this will affect not only her health, but also the condition of the babies.

With a slight overfeeding, the excrement has a yellowish color, with a strong one - a green, bright yellow color, which is explained by the presence of unchanged bile in the feces. Provoked by too rapid movement of feed masses through the intestines. Gray liquid stools indicate a violation of enzyme activity, which is provoked by overfeeding.

In a week-old puppy, an upset stomach can signal an infection strepto-staphylococcal infection, Escherichia coli (dysbactriasis). E. coli is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism that lives in the digestive tract, but under the influence of negative factors, it manifests its pathogenicity and multiplies rapidly, which leads to the development of enteritis, colibacillosis. These diseases are most often diagnosed in weakened puppies or in overfed “artificial” ones.

Intestinal infections in one-two-month-old puppies proceed quite aggressively, in an acute form and can cause the death of the entire litter. Therefore, treatment must be carried out immediately. Preparations, a treatment course will be prescribed by a veterinarian, based on the results of the diagnosis, the root cause.

The clinical picture of diarrhea

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a condition characterized by frequent bowel movements. Excrement has a mushy, liquid watery consistency. Diarrhea in dogs can be acute and chronic, which occurs periodically if the negative factors that provoked diarrhea continue. But as a rule, persistent diarrhea indicates deep changes, disorders in the body.

Important! Chronic diarrhea is most often noted in German Shepherds, Great Danes, Bordeaux. Yorkies, South Russian Shepherds, Pinschers.

As already noted, indigestion is not an independent separate disease, but a symptom of any pathologies, diseases, malfunctions in the body. Therefore, in addition to diarrhea, owners should be alerted by the following symptoms:

  • pallor, yellowness, cyanosis (cyanosis) of mucous membranes;
  • lethargy, apathy, depression, drowsiness;
  • lack of response to external stimuli;
  • refusal of food, favorite treats;
  • dirty fur near the anus;
  • an increase in the tummy in volume;
  • mucous, mucopurulent discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • a sharp increase / decrease in temperature;
  • chills, fever;
  • cough, shortness of breath;
  • change in heart rate;
  • painful defecation, urination;
  • or vice versa, increased thirst.

The clinical picture, severity, intensity of symptoms, if they are caused by an infection or disease, depends on the stage, form of the disease, individual characteristics, resistance, immune potential.

Noticing that the puppy does not eat anything, has become lethargic, apathetic, other side symptoms are noticeable, do not delay the visit to the veterinarian.

The sooner qualified assistance is provided, the more likely it is to save your beloved pet. Most infectious, bacterial diseases have an aggressive course, occur in an acute, subacute form. Some diseases can be cured at the initial stage of their development. At the same time, uncontrolled intake of drugs, self-medication will not give results, and can cause serious consequences.

Why is diarrhea dangerous?

The main danger of prolonged profuse diarrhea is that nutrients are removed from the body very quickly, the water-electrolyte balance, metabolic processes, and acid-base reactions are disturbed.

If the puppy scolds, this can lead to intoxication, dehydration (), which in turn leads to various disorders.

Important! With normal functioning of the intestine, approximately 55-70% of the incoming fluid is absorbed into the body, and with diarrhea, it does not enter the bloodstream and is almost completely excreted with fecal masses.

With diarrhea, puppies do not gain weight, quickly lose weight, look emaciated, lethargic. The overall body temperature drops. The condition of the coat is deteriorating. The skin thickens. The mucous membranes become dry, which leads to a deterioration in their barrier-protective function. Prolonged dehydration is fatal and very dangerous for the health of a small pet, especially for dogs of miniature, decorative breeds.

The frequency of bowel movements, color, consistency of feces will help determine what caused the intestinal disorder.

Green, yellow diarrhea in a puppy

Important! Endotoxins, which are released in the process of life by putrefactive pathogenic flora, negatively affect the liver, kidneys, other internal organs and systems in the body, provoke inflammation in the intestines of animals.

Spicy green diarrhea in puppies, profuse diarrhea is often caused by poisoning with stale food.

Read also: Dog vomiting: types and treatment

yellow diarrhea most often develops against the background of acute, chronic liver failure, as well as blockage of the bile ducts. The uncharacteristic color of excrement is due to increased production of bilirubin, a violation of the production of bile enzymes. As the pathology progresses, the color of the feces will become more intense, and the condition of the dog will worsen.

White, black diarrhea

White acute or intermittent diarrhea is a sign of dysfunction of the pancreas. In addition, white diarrhea signals problems and pathologies of the liver. Bilirubin is responsible for the coloration of feces. Enzymes and bile acids take part in the processes of digestion. Lack of bile, blockage of the bile ducts provoke white diarrhea in animals, which, as a rule, is chronic. even if white diarrhea appears periodically, we recommend that you take the puppy or adult dog to the veterinarian.

If the puppy has diarrhea black, this indicates internal bleeding. The dark color of the excrement is given by semi-digested blood, which has succumbed to the action of enzymes, gastric juice. The cause of bloody diarrhea is injury to the walls of the digestive tract by bones or foreign sharp objects that the puppy could accidentally swallow on the street or while playing.

Black diarrhea of ​​a dark color is noted with bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Bright scarlet diarrhea - with bleeding in the large, small intestine.

Bloody, mucous diarrhea, diarrhea with water

If the puppy is vilifying, blood is noticeable in the excrement (clots, threads, blotches) - this is a very alarming symptom that is detected in bacterial-viral, parasitic diseases. So, bloody diarrhea occurs with viral hepatitis, C, coronovirus enteritis, adenovirus, canine distemper, an advanced form of colibacillosis.

Important! Enteritis, regardless of etiopathogenesis, carnivorous distemper is very dangerous for small puppies, if treatment is not started immediately, infections can provoke severe complications and cause the death of a small pet. Puppies from two to three months to a year old, unvaccinated young dogs, dogs that are kept in adverse conditions are most susceptible to diseases. If your puppy has bloody diarrhea, see your veterinarian!

If the puppy is diarrhea with mucus, a similar condition can also be caused by acute inflammation of the large intestine, which occurs due to poor-quality feeding, the presence of fatty foods in the diet.

Waterborne diarrhea in puppies develops due to the penetration of a large amount of fluid into the intestines. It often occurs at the initial stage of the disease. Watery diarrhea is provoked by osmotic substances (fructose, sucrose) that puppies can accidentally eat. Sugar substitutes have a sweet taste, so dogs are happy to eat them in large quantities.

What to do if the puppy vilifies

Before helping a puppy, make sure that the dog is not swearing because of an infection or any disease. Analyze what could provoke an intestinal upset, after which the dog became worse.

Answer the following questions:

  • Whether the pet was switched to a new diet or received familiar foods.
  • What bowel movements were yesterday, the day before yesterday.
  • How long has deworming and immunization been done?
  • Whether the puppy had contact with other animals (homeless cats, dogs, birds).
  • Could the dog pick up something on a walk.

Recall that bloody diarrhea, diarrhea with mucus in combination with vomiting, lethargy, nausea, food refusal, and other symptoms require a qualified approach to treatment. In this case, call the veterinarian at home or take the pet to the clinic.

Advice! If the puppy has loose stools, it is very important to adequately assess the situation. Carefully observe the dog, its condition, behavior. If the situation worsens, the animal gets worse, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If there is no vomiting, the puppy responds adequately to stimuli, is alert, does not refuse food, the temperature is normal, and most likely the cause of loose stools in the dog is overfeeding, poisoning with stale food, treatment can be done at home. First of all, put your pet on hungry 12-24 diet. Representatives of miniature, dwarf breeds, as well as newborn puppies should not be fed for more than 6-10 hours.

In this case, the pet must have constant access to fresh drinking boiled water. If the pet refuses to drink on its own, pour water into its mouth in small portions through a regular syringe without a needle. Water can be replaced with sweet tea, herbal preparations.

Even if the dog begs for food, treats, any food is prohibited on the first day. Especially if there is mucus in the excrement. Food can provoke vomiting and only worsen the situation.

Important! Fasting will relieve inflammation in the intestines, gastrointestinal tract, and can also stop minor internal bleeding. Fasting will stop diarrhea if it is caused by an incorrect, unbalanced diet, a sharp change in feed.

To normalize the electrolyte balance, replenish the loss of fluid in the body, give the puppy Regidron solution. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the dog. In severe advanced cases, infusion therapy is performed. Physiological solutions (isotonic glucose, Ringer-Locke solution) are administered intravenously to puppies.

Remove intoxication, the action of toxins will help sorbents:

  • Activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).
  • Smekta.
  • Polysorb.
  • Enterosgel.

The above remedies can also be used for diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology.. The main thing is to follow the dosage and carefully monitor the condition of the dog.

In this article, I will review the main types of diarrhea, their causes and symptoms, as well as existing treatment methods and typical mistakes made by puppy owners when providing therapeutic assistance. I’ll tell you what to do with loose stools in an animal is absolutely impossible.

Diarrhea in a dog can be a sign of a serious illness

Why can a dog shake? The causes of diarrhea in puppies fall into 2 broad categories. Some are inherent only to small pets, while others are inherent in any dogs, regardless of their age:

Causes of indigestion in a puppy

Loose stools in a small pet may appear for the following reasons:

  • allergic reactions to complementary foods or mother's milk;
  • infections caused by streptococci, staphylococci and Escherichia coli;

    Adult dogs can also become infected. But much less often.

  • the appearance of milk teeth and their replacement by molars.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs of all ages

Loose stools can be a signal of the onset of a serious illness or temporary ailment:

Thus, most of the causes are similar to each other and are inherent in both puppies and adult dogs. An important difference is only in the consequences. Newborns and puppies up to six months have a weak immune system that provokes acute symptoms.

Without timely treatment, a small pet is at risk of death!

Due to severe dehydration and weakening of the body, the animal will have a harder time surviving the disease, and the puppy may even die. It needs to be treated quickly, giving drugs in a course, strictly adhering to the dosage, and not just to relieve the primary symptoms.

Diarrhea symptoms and their duration

The most accurate diagnosis can be made by a veterinarian by collecting the necessary anamnesis

Scolding in newborn puppies is considered the norm and should not cause concern.

Diarrhea for more than 1-2 days and with frequent bowel movements is a cause for concern.

Some breeds of dogs have chronic diarrhea. Great Danes, Yorkies, Pinschers, Shepherd Dogs, Dogue de Bordeaux and South Russian Shepherd Dogs suffer from an unpleasant ailment, regardless of the presence of the previously mentioned factors.

Diarrhea is a symptom, not an independent disease, so it is important to find out what the real cause of the stool disorder is. The alarm should be sounded not only with prolonged and frequent diarrhea, but also in the presence of concomitant symptoms, including:

If foreign matter (foam, undigested food, mucus, blood) is found in the stool, be sure to seek veterinary help. Such symptoms indicate a serious damage to the internal organs and the presence of dangerous viral infections.

Types of diarrhea in dogs

An upset stool is always accompanied by an unpleasant odor, but excessive stench indicates serious pathological processes. In addition to smell, it is important to study the appearance of feces and their color. Also, diarrhea may be accompanied. The main types of diarrhea that require mandatory medical attention include diarrhea:

  • with vomiting;
  • with water;
  • with blood;
  • with mucus;
  • black;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • white.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Pet vomiting diarrhea

With diarrhea and vomiting, the animal loses a lot of fluid, often in order to replenish it, it is necessary to put a dropper

Diarrhea, accompanied by frequent bouts of vomiting, is caused by:

  • food poisoning;
  • helminths;
  • overeating;
  • swallowing a foreign object;
  • infectious diseases (coronavirus, rotavirus, parvovirus, adenovirus).

Waterborne diarrhea in puppies

Such diarrhea occurs in puppies who have eaten foods containing sucrose or fructose. Also, the cause is an excessive amount of fluid that has entered the intestines.

Loose stool with blood

The appearance of blood indicates the presence of internal bleeding caused by mechanical damage or ulcers. , which cannot be launched.

The presence of blood is an alarming sign that requires immediate medical attention. In some cases, you can not do without surgical intervention.

Mucus diarrhea in dogs

Mucous formations in the stool are associated with:

  • infectious diseases that disrupt the digestive process;
  • helminthiases and dysbacteriosis;
  • acute inflammation of the large intestine.

Causes of black feces in dogs

Feces become black with internal bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. At the exit, the blood loses its usual color due to the enzymes contained in the gastric juice.

Why is yellow diarrhea dangerous?

Liver failure, as well as obstruction of the bile ducts, lead to problems with the digestion of food. Excess bilirubin entering the intestinal section is responsible for the unusual color. If the color becomes more intense, then the pathology progresses.

Animal green stool

Green feces indicate putrefactive processes caused by eating low-quality food.

Causes of white poop in a pet

With a white color of feces, problems in the work of the pancreas are diagnosed. The pet should be shown to the doctor even in the case of a temporary improvement in the condition. Only a veterinarian will be able to give an accurate conclusion and prescribe the correct treatment for a pet to stop diarrhea, save you from possible mistakes that will only worsen the condition of the animal.

First aid for a puppy with diarrhea

Puppies should not be deprived of food for more than 24 hours, and representatives of small breeds - more than 12.

In the early stages of diarrhea (the first day) and the absence of alarming symptoms, first aid can be provided at home:

  1. Put your puppy on a starvation diet. If the cause of diarrhea is poisoning or an excessive amount of food eaten, then the stomach needs to be discharged.
  2. Make sure you have enough water. If the pet refuses water, pour it through a syringe. Use drinking water at room temperature.
  3. Clean up stools after every bowel movement. Otherwise, there is a risk of reproduction of pathogens.

Please note that in all other situations, including when the condition worsens, you should immediately contact the veterinarian, and ideally call the doctor at home.

What to do, what pills to give with loose stools

Diarrhea does not go away on its own, it must be treated with drugs prescribed by a veterinarian

Depending on the diagnosis, drug therapy includes taking:

  • antispasmodics that relieve pain (no-shpa, papaverine);
  • adsorbents that absorb harmful substances (activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel);
  • antimicrobial (enterofuril, furazolidone, chloramphenicol, loperamide) tablets;
  • probiotics that restore intestinal microflora (vetom, dactobifadol);
  • anthelmintics;
  • antiemetic (raglan, cerucal) drugs;
  • antibiotics.

With some diagnoses (intestinal obstruction, a foreign object), one cannot do without surgical assistance, and with severe dehydration - without intravenous water-salt droppers. With severe intoxication, the doctor will help with gastric lavage.

Regardless of the diagnosis, the pet is put on a diet that includes:

  • daily hunger strike;
  • a ban on fatty foods and milk;
  • gradual introduction of light and sparing foods (rice porridge on the water, boiled poultry meat, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled vegetables without oil);
  • fractional and limited nutrition until diarrhea is completely eliminated.

You need to stick to the diet for at least a month!

In case of poisoning, the body recovers in 2-3 days, and in the case of more serious diseases, the approximate date of recovery is individual.

The main mistakes in home treatment

If your pet is sick, do not wait for self-healing, contact a specialist

The main mistake made by the owners is an attempt to cope with everything on their own. Despite the fact that in some cases it is really possible to help a sick pet without the help of a doctor, it will certainly be possible to find out about this only after consulting with a specialist.

Common mistakes in the treatment of diarrhea

  1. Attempted treatment for bloating, pain and bouts of vomiting. These symptoms often accompany intestinal obstruction, requiring urgent medical attention.
  2. Force feed. If the dog refuses to eat, then you can not force it. A hunger strike will not only not harm the pet, but also reduce the load on the affected organs.
  3. Delay in the detection of alarming symptoms. The presence of fever, blood clots or a change in the usual color of feces will not go away on its own, but will only aggravate the condition without timely therapy.
  4. The use of means that strengthen the stool. With intestinal obstruction, any attempt to change the consistency of feces can lead to intestinal rupture.

Monitor your dog's diet

When choosing natural feeding, do not forget about vitamin supplements. Unlike commercial pet food, which is formulated with a specific balance of important ingredients, achieving the right amount of vitamins and minerals in conventional foods is not easy without additional supplements.

  1. Stick. Do not combine dry food and natural food.
  2. Never succumb to the provocations of a four-legged friend, begging for a tidbit from the master's table. Human food, flavored with fragrant spices and seasonings, is dangerous to his health.
  3. Keep deworming and vaccinations up to date to reduce the risk of infection.

Diarrhea in a dog can be triggered either by poisoning or by the appearance of a more serious illness. Dog owners who ignore this ailment in their pet are doing it wrong. In no case should any disease in a dog, including diarrhea, be left to chance.

It is important to remember that this disorder of the digestive system clearly indicates internal problems in the animal's body. It is also important to remember that untimely or inappropriate treatment of the disease can result in negative consequences for the health and life of the dog.

All symptoms of the disease directly depend on the severity and neglect of the disease. Diarrhea symptoms may include the following:

All of the above symptoms can appear as a single presence, and with the presence of several signs.

If at least a single symptom of malaise appears, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian.

Diarrhea with blood

If an animal has diarrhea with various inclusions of blood clots, then this may indicate the presence of a serious disease in the dog's body. As an ambulance, the pet must be immediately shown to the veterinarian. What diseases have this symptom?

  • Poisoning. The dog often picks up various small objects on the street or in some other place, if a foreign body or low-quality food enters the stomach of the animal and causes severe irritation of the intestinal walls, then the dog develops diarrhea with blood.
  • Parvovirus enteritis. mainly present in babies from 2 months to a year. Unfortunately, the disease often leads to the death of a puppy, especially if medical assistance is not provided to the latter in a timely manner.
  • Traumatic enterocolitis. Diarrhea with blood in a dog can occur if the animal has eaten a small foreign body, and it has injured the walls of the intestine or stomach inside the body.
  • Adverse reflex to taking painkillers.

acute form

In veterinary practice, acute diarrhea is most common in dogs. The disease is characterized by its sudden onset and short-term effect. It is noted that acute diarrhea in dogs does not last more than 3 weeks, but, nevertheless, the disease is serious and requires timely treatment.

The causes of acute diarrhea are identical to ordinary indigestion. Symptoms are manifested in the presence of watery feces, sometimes with impurities of blood.

This condition of the animal is especially dangerous because as a result of frequent defecation, the body can lose a significant amount of fluid, and this leads to dehydration and imbalance in the body.

Chronic form

This chronic disease is recognized when the dog has had diarrhea for 3 or more weeks. Feces in chronic diarrhea are often accompanied by mucus and blood.

With prolonged diarrhea, the dog loses a lot of weight, her appetite deteriorates, the quality of the coat changes, vigor and joy for life disappear.

Causes of diarrhea

A variety of reasons can lead to a violation of normal performance, for example, they include:

Before treating a disease, it is necessary to thoroughly find out the cause of its development. Only after this treatment is prescribed, and urgent measures are taken to heal the dog.

How to treat diarrhea

At the first signs of illness, a sick dog must be taken to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. After identifying the causes of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes medication to the patient.

All of the above medicines can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the animal. It is impossible to treat a dog with drugs on its own.

What to give a dog for diarrhea?

At home, you can also help the animal cope with the disease. For this, gentle, harmless, but effective means are used.

  • Rice broth. Boil rice groats in a small amount of water, then the thick is removed, and the resulting broth should be fed to the dog.
  • Herbal collections. An infusion of medicinal herbs is being prepared, which the animal is fed with. As medicinal plants, you can use: alder fruits, blueberries, sage, St. John's wort.

Dog food for diarrhea

During the illness, the dog always feels unwell. If she refuses to eat, it is forbidden to force-feed her. Animals need to drink a lot.

What are the rules of nutrition during illness?

  • On the first day of illness, it is better for the animal not to give any food at all, if she asks to eat, then you can give a small amount of boiled rice.
  • On the second day, the dog can be offered fermented milk products to normalize the digestive process.
  • On the third day, if the animal feels better, then low-fat foods are introduced into the diet: boiled egg, chicken or fish. During all 3 days, the dog can be given boiled rice.

It is important not to forget that a sick dog needs plenty of fluids. Plain water, sweet tea, herbal decoctions, rice decoction are suitable as a medicinal liquid.


As a preventive measure against diarrhea, pet owners are advised to comply with the following requirements:

We always remain responsible for those we have tamed. This truth is familiar to everyone since childhood. The slightest ailment in an animal should be immediately treated. In order for the dog to be always happy, playful and healthy, she needs only responsible and high-quality care.

Loose stools in dogs of large breeds: Shepherds, Labradors, Huskies, Sharpeis

Problems with the digestion of the animal create inconvenience, both for the pet itself and for its owner. The first questions that concern a person when a dog's health worsens are what is the cause of the disease, how serious it is, and where to turn for help. Finding loose stools in a dog is unpleasant and almost always unexpected, especially if it happens in an animal of a decorative breed. In this case, the effect of diarrhea on the body of the animal is the same, regardless of the breed and size of the dog.

To help the pet, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the reason why the diarrhea began. To do this, you should visit a veterinarian who will give you qualified advice, depending on the individual characteristics of your pet and its condition. Prescriptions can be different - from diet and diet correction to serious drug treatment.

Why do large dogs get diarrhea, severe diarrhea?

The most common source of diarrhea and vomiting is malnutrition. In particular, when changing one food to another, switching to homemade food, or as a result of eating stale treats. Diarrhea is also caused by food ingredients to which the animal is allergic, or unintentionally swallowed inedible objects (pebbles, whispers, small children's toys). Viral diseases that affect dogs, such as distemper or hepatitis, or fungal diseases, such as histoplasmosis, can provoke loose stools.

You can find out the preliminary cause of the appearance of loose stools in a four-legged friend by the color of his feces: yellow, especially with blood or mucous inclusions, indicates parvovirus enteritis, black indicates the presence of intestinal bleeding, white is the most likely sign of the development of liver diseases, green is one of frequent manifestations of canine distemper. Changes in the color of liquid stools in dogs, and especially in puppies, are a good reason to seek help from a veterinarian. It is also important to notice blood impurities in the animal's feces in time, since, along with other diseases, they signal rabies, which occurs in an atypical form.

Diarrhea with blood with simultaneous vomiting can be caused by chemical poisoning, side effects of certain medications, or injuries to internal organs. The safest case for a dog’s health to get blood into the feces is the presence of microtraumas of the anus. The appearance of mucus in the feces of a pet is evidence of abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea can cause putrefaction, which began as a result of foreign objects entering the intestines.

Mucus in liquid stools is a common symptom of infections or inflammation in the intestines of an animal. For the timely provision of first aid to the dog, it is always necessary to pay attention to changes in her well-being, behavior, as well as the nature, consistency and color of the feces, and know how to act in the presence of certain symptoms. Diarrhea that continues in a puppy or adult dog for a long time can lead to other uncomfortable symptoms: nausea and vomiting, cough, weakness, drowsiness, fever. Diarrhea along with vomiting occurs with poisoning or various infections. Nausea followed by vomiting occurs in many diseases, so focusing on them alone is not enough to make a diagnosis.

More rare cases of intermittent vomiting in a dog without diarrhea, which is a physiological feature of the four-legged friends of man, which they inherited from previous generations.

Forms of diarrhea in dogs, what types of diarrhea can a shepherd dog have

The course of diarrhea is conventionally divided into acute and chronic forms. In the acute form, loose stools do not stop for several weeks. If it is not accompanied by other painful symptoms, then the source of the animal's malaise should be sought in the form of food and food that has been ingested by the pet. In this case, the treatment can be carried out independently. If during the day the treatment measures did not bring a positive result, it is necessary to seek help from a veterinarian. This is especially true in situations where a violation of the stool is observed in unvaccinated puppies, since it may indicate the development of infectious and viral diseases that are life-threatening for the animal.

Chronic diarrhea occurs due to many reasons. The easiest of these is overeating. Often this situation arises when the owners or guests show love for the puppy through treats that are not always good for the growing body. In many cases, chronic diarrhea leads to malabsorption - a digestive disorder in which food is not completely digested and absorbed, which causes a deterioration in intestinal secretion and a violation of the processes that depend on it.

Diarrhea in a chronic form often occurs as a residual effect of long-term diseases, including gastritis, enteritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, and others, including disturbed metabolism. Chronic diarrhea is characterized by stages of exacerbation and remission, affecting the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system. Given the above, in order to select and apply the correct and effective treatment for stool disorders in a dog, one should resort to the help of a specialist.

What can I feed a dog during diarrhea (diarrhea) and after it ends?

If a pet develops diarrhea, owners should take immediate action to treat it. The most clear and correct answer about the nutrition of the animal during the period of illness can be obtained only after the diagnosis. However, there are universal rules that can be applied in any situation with diarrhea, provided there are no concomitant aggravating symptoms: vomiting, weakness and fever. During the first day, the dog should not be given any food. Since diarrhea is dangerous for any mammal due to rapid dehydration, the pet should be given lukewarm clean water to drink. You can also use infusions of blueberries, St. John's wort, sage and St. John's wort, or brew weak tea.

To maintain the water-salt balance and prevent intoxication, it is allowed to use rehydron preparations and adsorbents that are injected into the animal's mouth using a syringe with the needle removed. In the next few days, it is recommended to feed the dog with easily digestible food. Among the acceptable products are low-fat boiled chicken or beef, low-fat cottage cheese, steam rice, dietary broths. To reduce the effect of toxins on the body of the victim, the animal (both an adult dog and a puppy) can be given activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

When the discomfort symptoms completely cease to appear, you can gradually return the pet to its usual diet. To normalize bowel function and prevent dysbacteriosis, bifidobacteria are included in the dog's menu for the next few weeks after the illness. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to avoid feeding pets with products from the owner's table.

Treatment of loose stools in dogs with medication

Clinical treatment of four-legged pets is carried out on an individual basis. Normalize the state of the microflora helps "Lactobacillin. Treatment of chronic diarrhea is prescribed depending on the etiology of the disease. In case of blockage of the biliary tract, means are used that stimulate the excretion of bile (Ursofalk, Allochol, etc.). Therapy of pancreatic insufficiency is carried out with the help of Mezim, Festal, Creon, Pancreatin and their analogues.

In order to keep your dog healthy and able to get help quickly, if needed, it is important to visit one veterinarian who will be familiar with your pet's characteristics and medical history.

German Shepherd - causes of diarrhea, treatment and prevention

The best qualities of this breed are manifested in well-groomed dogs with good health, the maintenance of which lies in the attention and painstaking work of the owner. To ensure the optimal physical form of the German Shepherd, a balanced diet with a predominance of protein foods is necessary. The daily menu should include boiled eggs, dairy products, fish, cereals, boiled vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, which are poorly digested by dogs and provide almost no benefit. If natural feeding is used, vitamins should be added to food.

It is not recommended to give your pet pasta and flour products, as they impair his working qualities and can provoke obesity. The list of undesirable foods also includes sausages, beans, smoked and pickled foods. It is necessary to calculate a serving of food for one meal for an adult dog, taking into account the weight of the animal and the nutritional value of the products. In order for the puppy's skeleton to form correctly, when feeding small German shepherds, you should use a special stand that allows you to adjust the height of the bowl. The optimal height is at chest level.

This breed is characterized by hereditary visual impairment and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The best place to keep a German Shepherd, as well as representatives of other large breeds, is an indoor outdoor enclosure. For a comfortable stay of such a dog in a city apartment, it is necessary to designate the object that it needs to protect, and give it the opportunity to feel its importance.

Labrador - diarrhea treatment and prevention

Caring for a Labrador Retriever is similar to caring for other large dogs. At the same time, this breed has a number of distinctive features. First of all, these are regular hygiene procedures that hanging ears need. Also, Labradors have a dense and almost waterproof undercoat. The coat of the dog is perfectly self-cleaning, so it does not require frequent washing. You can comb it several times a week.

The Labrador Retriever quickly gains excess weight as a result of indiscriminate food and eating forbidden foods. Therefore, an important task for the owners of such a dog is to follow the rules of nutrition and a healthy diet for the pet. The bias is on meat and vegetables, the volume of cereals should be minimal, it is better to exclude pasta and flour products from the diet. It is also important to provide the dog with appropriate exercise and outdoor play for its age and physical condition.

Shar Pei - causes of diarrhea, how to treat, prevention

Representatives of the breed are known as excellent guards, smart, freedom-loving and very strong animals with a good appetite. The wrinkled skin and ears of Shar-Peis are their weak point, therefore, during bathing, the ears should be covered, and the coat should be thoroughly dried after bathing in order to avoid microbial and skin diseases. Shar-Peis are selective in food and prone to food allergies. Therefore, it is not recommended to frequently change their food, enriching it with vitamin supplements until the age of one and a half years. Food should be thick and dry, and broths and soups should not be given to dogs of this breed.

Husky, treatment and prevention of diarrhea

The main advantages of the Siberian Husky are high intelligence and amazing endurance. They are very mobile and require mandatory walks in the fresh air for at least one hour a day. Huskies are very clean, practically do not shed and do not have a characteristic smell. The weak point of the breed is eye diseases and atopic dermatitis. Feeding the dog is usually done after a walk. Huskies are not picky eaters, they eat both dry or canned food and home-cooked food equally well, however, if they have a choice, they prefer the latter.


Among the many problems that a dog handler has with a pet's health, one of the first places is diarrhea in a puppy. If the cub has diarrhea, it is necessary to observe it. Perhaps the diarrhea will stop on its own. A short hunger strike will definitely not hurt the puppy. But, if loose stools are accompanied by regurgitation, blood is found in the feces, diarrhea with vomiting recurs, then no therapeutic manipulations should be taken. An immediate house call from a veterinarian is required. Delivery of a puppy to the clinic and communication with sick animals is not safe for the baby.

The reasons

Diarrhea in puppies occurs for the following reasons:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Worm invasion.
  • Feeding errors.

Infectious diseases

The most dangerous pathogens of infectious diseases, one of the symptoms of which is diarrhea, are plague, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis viruses. Puppies receive antibodies against colostrum contagions if their mothers have been vaccinated. The stock of protective immunoglobulins is exhausted by 8 weeks of age. It is this age that is the most dangerous: the likelihood of diarrhea in unvaccinated puppies is high. For babies born weakened, the risk is not only viruses, but also bacteria that constantly live in the puppy's intestines.

Worm infestation

Feeding errors

The transition from milk feeding to solid foods is a stress factor for a growing organism. Digestive enzymes need time to adapt to new foods. Some enzymes break down milk, and others break down solid food, inconsistency in their work leads to diarrhea. Overeating also causes diarrhea in puppies.


Pathological signs are growing rapidly. Puppies born strong cease to consume food, begin to throw back their heads, fussily crawl, and fall. Hypothermia develops. A sour smell emanates from the puppy. Diarrhea is rarely the only sign of illness. More often it is detected in combination with other pathologies. Diarrhea with vomiting in puppies is observed with the following diseases:

  • Parvovirus enteritis. Diarrhea can last a week. The diarrhea may be bloody, mucus, and yellow or gray in color. If the patient has intestinal bleeding, the excrement becomes black. Observe signs of dehydration and cardiac failure. The first days register some increase in body temperature. The onset of subsequent hypothermia leads to the death of the animal.
  • Coronavirus enteritis is characterized by vomiting, which can be stopped with symptomatic treatment for a decade. Gray diarrhea may linger for a month.
  • With plague, stools become dark green in color.
  • Worm infestation is characterized by hiccups, sporadic vomiting.


An anamnesis is required to establish the cause of the disease. The doctor needs to know the age of the puppy, the number of puppies in the room, whether the baby was vaccinated, when the mother was vaccinated. Sometimes diarrhea develops when an immunizing drug is administered to an animal that is in the incubation period of the disease. If the vaccine was expired, stored in unacceptable conditions - overheated or frozen, administered to a non-dewormed puppy, then diarrhea may develop. The veterinarian needs to know: whether treatment was carried out to destroy fleas and worms, what drugs were used to stop diarrhea. Pay attention to the consistency and color of feces. If the puppy is kept in a kennel, then they find out the number of dogs of the same age, whether there are among them sick with similar symptoms. Informative information on the color and consistency of feces. So, the presence of mucus in the puppy's feces raises the suspicion of enteritis of viral or helminthic etiology. The green color of the excrement indicates the active reproduction of putrefactive microflora and the death of beneficial intestinal bacteria, it is required to exclude or confirm the plague.

If it was not possible to establish the cause of the pathology by clinical signs, instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out:

  • Fecal analysis.
  • Standard and biochemical blood test.
  • Urine research.
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity.
  • Identification of the pathogen by PCR test.
  • Additional research:
  1. Determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.
  2. cytological tests.
  3. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  4. Endocolonoscopy.
  5. Toxin test.


Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, the puppy is put on a 12-hour starvation diet. Viral diseases are the most dangerous.

Therapeutic activities are carried out in the following areas:

  • Antiviral treatment. Apply specific medicines - hyperimmune sera or globulins. Since there is little time to find out the reasons, polyvalent drugs are used. The most convenient Globkan-5. It is an immunoglobulin containing antibodies against plague, adenovirus infections and enteritis. The medicine is effective only at the beginning of the disease. Immunity stimulants are used as non-specific tools - Phosphprenil, Ribotan, Gamavit.
  • Antimicrobial agents. Viruses last for several days. Leaving, they leave the body defenseless against the secondary microflora. Sulfonamides and long-acting antibiotics help to cope with pathogenic microbes.
  • Elimination of dehydration. With viral lesions, sick puppies are not able to drink. If you pour water in force, it will cause a gag reflex and will be vomited. Therefore, the parenteral route is used. Salt preparations are used, for example, saline or. Ringer's lactate by subcutaneous injection or intravenous drip infusion.
  • Fight against regurgitation. If anti-peristaltic movements are not eliminated, the puppy will die from exhaustion and dehydration. Oral agents are ineffective - they cause a gag reflex, therefore parenteral administration of metoclopromide is prescribed.
  • Supportive treatment. Aimed at alleviating suffering and ensuring the functioning of organs and systems:
  1. Spasms are relieved by injections of Papaverine or No-Shpa.
  2. The cardiostimulating effect is provided by the parenteral administration of Sulfocamphocaine.
  3. Of the hepatoprotectors, Sirepar is preferred.
  4. If it is necessary to stop bleeding, Vikasol is prescribed.
  • Diet. After elimination of vomiting, the puppy is given small portions of food: for the first day, sweetened water and rice water, then the food that the puppy ate before the illness. If necessary, prescribe medicated food. To eliminate diarrhea, sorbents are used - Enterosgel or Smektu.
  • Restoration of normal intestinal flora. The action of microorganisms and antibiotics kills beneficial bacteria, without which normal digestion is impossible. This condition is called dysbacteriosis. Not earlier than 3 days after the cessation of antibiotic therapy, they begin to colonize the intestines with microorganisms contained in probiotic preparations. Vetom and Bifitrilak are in demand.
  • Vitamin therapy. When a puppy is sick, it uses up its stocks of biological catalysts that need to be replenished. Using the advice of a veterinarian.

In the treatment of diarrhea of ​​​​non-infectious etiology, antiviral agents are not practiced. Medications to suppress conditionally pathogenic microflora are used or not used at the discretion of the doctor. Based on the general condition of the puppy, general strengthening drugs are prescribed. Diet therapy and measures to eliminate dysbacteriosis are carried out at the discretion of the veterinarian.

Deworming is carried out after consultation with a professional in a satisfactory condition of the puppy. Drontal, Helmintal or Dironet in the form of a suspension are in demand.


Measures to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea in puppies are as follows:

  • Weaning a puppy from its mother should be carried out gradually, accustoming babies to eating solid food.
  • Use factory-made food.
  • Do not use nutritional supplements without consulting a veterinarian.
  • Refrain from feeding puppies scraps from the table, slaughterhouse waste and expired products.
  • Conduct timely immunization, deworming and release from fleas.

Diarrhea is an inevitability inherent in the early childhood of mammals and humans. It appears suddenly, goes away on its own, or becomes the cause of suffering and death. The owner of the puppy should be careful, follow the rules of keeping and feeding, be able to provide first aid and contact a professional in a timely manner.

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