Why does the skin on the testicles itch in men? Why men's testicles itch: the most common reasons. Causes of itching

Representatives of the stronger sex rarely go to doctors, even if they are concerned about any serious symptoms. Most men are simply embarrassed to tell the doctor about their sensitive problems. Meanwhile, few people without medical education know what to do when the testicles itch in men; the reasons for this condition can be different. Only an experienced specialist can determine why such a symptom arose and prescribe the correct treatment.

Should I worry?

A man who constantly scratches his testicles should know what caused the itchy skin. Such a symptom can be caused by completely harmless factors:

  1. Wrong underwear like this. If men's underpants are made of synthetic fabrics, a member of the stronger sex may experience an allergic reaction in the form of itching, irritation, and rash in the groin area. In addition, eggs can itch due to too narrow and tight swimming trunks that rub sensitive skin.
  2. Violation of personal hygiene rules is the most common reason why the testicles itch in men. If a man washes once a week and does not change his underwear often, he may begin to experience itching in the groin area. Ideally, it is recommended to shower twice a day and wear clean underpants every day.
  3. The consequences of shaving. Representatives of the stronger sex who shave their groin hair may experience ingrown hairs and unpleasant skin irritation caused by the aggressive impact of the razor. To get rid of this condition, you need to use soothing aftershave lotions or lubricate your delicate skin with caring creams.
  4. Stressful situations. Many people notice that after severe stress their whole body itches. Men who are under stress or experiencing nervous tension may experience unbearable itching of the skin in the area of ​​the testicles. Sedatives, which should be prescribed by your doctor, will help overcome this symptom.
  5. Allergies to foods and medications. In some cases, itching becomes a manifestation of allergies to food or medications. To cope with this condition, it is necessary to identify and eliminate allergens, as well as take an antihistamine.
  6. Body growth and hormonal changes. If a child entering adolescence begins to scratch his testicles, this does not mean that he has any skin disease. Most likely, itching provokes intense hair growth, which intensifies during this period.

All of the above reasons do not pose a serious danger to a man’s health. They can be eliminated quickly and easily.

Serious problems

If men have itchy testicles, the causes of this condition can be various diseases that require immediate medical attention and proper treatment. A representative of the stronger sex who has severe itching in the groin area may suspect the following ailments:

What to do

If a man constantly feels unbearable itching under the testicles, he needs to put aside all embarrassment and worries and urgently make an appointment with a dermatologist or urologist. Also, you should not delay going to the doctor if, in addition to itching, a representative of the stronger sex:

  • the testicles began to crack (even one small crack should alert a person);
  • one egg has sharply increased in size or both testicles have become swollen;
  • redness, rashes and swelling appeared;
  • pain occurred when palpating the scrotum;
  • bloody spots are observed in the seminal fluid, etc.

The doctor will see the patient, conduct an examination, take tests and make a diagnosis. After this, the man will be prescribed treatment that cannot be ignored.

The topic is very sensitive, and not every man will dare to talk about it. You can generally remain silent about girls and women, although most likely many have noticed that same scratching in an intimate place in their significant other. This should not be taken as the norm, but one should understand the possible reasons and answer the question that concerns many: Why the guys balls itch.
Itching in the genital area is a fairly common phenomenon, and most likely the cause will be a harmless circumstance. The truth can only be established by a dermatologist and certain tests prescribed by him.

Why do men's balls itch?: consider a number of reasons

In adolescents, itching often occurs during puberty, when hair growth in the intimate area increases. Usually, the discomfort goes away on its own over time.

The next most common cause is this, after which the top layer of skin is damaged, and small hairs may remain that contribute to itching.

Often, eggs can itch due to wearing uncomfortable underwear, namely tight swimming trunks (this also applies to tight trousers and jeans). The scrotum is in close contact with the perineum, which causes increased sweating, resulting in unpleasant itching.

You should pay attention to the material of both panties and trousers. Allergic reactions to synthetics are possible.

The quality of tap water leaves much to be desired; due to its hardness, it dries out not only the delicate skin in intimate places, but also the whole body, which causes itching.

A stressful situation and neurological disorders can serve as the basis for scabies in both individual areas of the body, for example, the testicles, and the entire body.

Failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene leads to troubles in the form of itching. Washing at least once a day and changing underwear daily is a rule that parents should teach their children from early childhood.

Urological diseases and skin diseases are also factors leading to testicular scabies. One of the most unpleasant diseases is called pediculosis pubis.

Pubic lice are the most serious problem, why do eggs itch?

Pediculosis pubis or, in another way, it is called lice. Lice live in the genital area, anus and pubic hair. You can catch this “disease” not only from an already infected partner during sexual intercourse, but also from dirty bedding and underwear. They can also be easily picked up in public places such as a bathhouse, sauna, and sometimes even a swimming pool.

Pediculosis can be treated, you just need to quickly contact a specialist so as not to catch another sexually transmitted disease (it can easily penetrate through lice-damaged areas in the genital area).

It is necessary to analyze the situation very carefully and, if frequent changes of underwear, switching to looser clothes and a calm, measured life do not relieve the itching, should you still go to the doctor?

Any discomfort causes significant inconvenience, especially if it manifests itself in the intimate area. The reasons why men's eggs begin to itch are varied.

Before determining how to treat the manifestation, you need to understand why the eggs itch. Discomfort can be provoked both by external factors and by pathology developing in the body. The latter requires mandatory examination by a specialist.

External causes and their elimination

The most common external factors that provoke itching and discomfort in the intimate area are:

  • lack of hygiene, a phenomenon especially encountered by men in the summer or those prone to excessive sweating. Regular water procedures and enhanced hygiene of the intimate area will help to cope with the problem. It is recommended to purchase specialty wipes for intimate hygiene;
  • Wearing synthetic underwear often causes the scrotum to itch. The skin is not too susceptible to synthetic materials and rejects them. Wearing underwear that does not fit leads to regular friction of the skin and tissue, which is why. You can get rid of discomfort by buying underwear made from natural materials, as well as those that are suitable in size;
  • discomfort manifests itself. This indicates that the procedure requires the use of additional cosmetics, for example, mousses, helium or foam to eliminate irritation and maintain a normal level of skin moisture in the intimate area;
  • If you are wondering why men’s eggs itch, you should pay attention to the water that is used for hygiene procedures. Perhaps water with an increased level of hardness began to flow from the tap. It has a detrimental effect on the skin of the intimate area; purchasing a filter jug, using soft water for hygiene procedures, or installing a filter with a reverse osmosis system will help get rid of the problem;
  • allergies - men often experience discomfort in the intimate area after using low-quality lubricants, condoms, and intimate hygiene products. It is possible that the onset of an allergic reaction was preceded by taking medications or contact with synthetic clothing. The special medications listed below will help eliminate allergic manifestations and rashes that often appear in this situation;
  • overweight - if a man is overweight, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, which leads to increased sweating. The intimate area in this case is no exception. If a large number of extra pounds have accumulated on the hips, this will lead to pressure on the scrotum and cause itching, diaper rash and disrupt normal air circulation. The eggs especially itch at night or when staying in one place for a long time without moving.

If the eggs itch in teenagers, especially from 14 to 16 years old, then this is due to puberty. This is not a pathology. If a child's testicles itch, adults or doctors should explain how to properly monitor the hygiene of the intimate area.


Sometimes guys experience itching and discomfort in the scrotum due to certain diseases. How to treat the pathology should be determined by a specialist.

The following list of diseases leads to itching in the groin:

Having determined what disease caused the itching in the scrotum, you can use one of the following medications or a combination of them.

  • against allergic manifestations use Loratadine, Suprastin;
  • a viral disease requires the use of Acyclovir, Amiksin, Famciclovir;
  • fungal diseases are eliminated with the help of Clotrimazole, Natamycin and the like;
  • You can get rid of lice with the help of Lindane, Permethrin, Crotamiton.

Do not forget about taking medications that can maintain the normal state of intestinal microflora or restore it. For these purposes, use Mezim, Linex or any product enriched with bifidobacteria.

Why men's balls itch is a rather intimate topic, but, unfortunately, topical, so we will look at the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon in this article. Of course, it is better to trust a dermatologist to find out the causes of itching of the testicles in men than to the Internet, but there are also everyday or relatively harmless causes that you can eliminate yourself.

Why men's balls itch: the most common reasons

The most common causes of itching are quite simple, which include:

It is often observed that boys' balls itch during puberty. This is not a pathology and there is nothing wrong with it. You can just have an additional conversation with the boy about hygiene during this period.

Dermatological diseases

It is often found that eggs are very itchy due to lice. Pediculosis is caused by pubic lice, which can crawl onto a person’s body during sexual intercourse, through someone else’s bed or from someone else’s towel. The incubation period of the disease can last up to a month, and then itching begins. It is necessary to get rid of lice immediately after they are discovered. For these purposes, pharmacies offer a huge number of shampoos, ointments and creams.

Scabies mite

This is another cause of itching in the scrotum area. The itching from the mite only gets worse after taking a bath. One of the distinctive symptoms of the disease is noticeable scabies. Infection occurs through close contact with an already infected person or while sleeping on someone else's bed.

Pathogenic fungus

It is very unpleasant when a fungus settles in the intimate area. Usually, the fungus appears as a result of reduced immunity, after long-term treatment with an antibiotic, chemotherapy, and also if humid conditions are created for its appearance (for example, if a man wears wet synthetic swimming trunks for a long time). An additional symptom of the fungus is peeling skin on the testicles, which falls off like dandruff and can be seen on dark underwear.

If you have a fungus, you should immediately consult a doctor, because it is very difficult to remove. In addition, there are quite a lot of pathogenic fungi that cause similar symptoms, and if you start self-treatment with the first drug that comes to hand, you may not achieve a therapeutic effect or, even worse, develop resistance to the active substance due to incorrect dosage.

A dermatologist will prescribe tests to determine the fungus, prescribe ointments, and possibly even tablets. In case of fungus, underwear should be washed separately at 90 degrees and ironed.


Genital herpes is transmitted sexually, which also causes itching, watery rashes in the perineum and is accompanied by painful sensations. Vesicles may develop on the scrotum. Once the virus has entered the body, it is impossible to get rid of it. It will manifest itself with weakened immunity, long-term chronic diseases, hypothermia and stress.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis can begin as a result of prolonged stress or depression. The doctor will prescribe long-term treatment with steroids. You will also have to eliminate the source of stress from your life or seek the help of a psychotherapist.

Diseases that cause itching

Diseases and pathologies of internal organs should be included in a separate group of causes of itching in the perineum.

To answer the question of why men's testicles itch, you should first of all consult a dermatologist. A dermatologist, after conducting a series of examinations, can send the patient for consultation or for further treatment to an allergist, venereologist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, or urologist.

A man's balls itch, what to treat?

If it is not possible to see a doctor or the cause of the itching is known, you can use the following treatment methods.

If you have ureaplasmosis, you will need potent antibacterial drugs that neutralize the causative agent of the infection. These are Doxycycline and Spiramycin. At the same time, you should be treated with immunomodulators.

Chlamydia is asymptomatic, so when its first signs appear, it means that the infection has already taken root in the body. Therefore, strong antibiotics and immunomodulators are prescribed for its treatment. At the same time, it is imperative to use means to normalize the intestinal flora: Mezim, Festal, etc.

To treat itching with genital herpes, strong antiviral drugs are prescribed: acyclovir, amixin, famciclovir, etc.

Candidiasis is treated with ointments and oral medications - Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, etc.

Crotamiton or Permethrin will help against scabies mites.

Be careful when choosing a medicine, be sure to consult your doctor!

An itchy sensation may indicate the presence of a dermatological disease. It can also be an unpleasant symptom, indicating the presence of diseases of the internal organs. Regardless of the reasons that caused the itching, a man should consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and receive qualified recommendations for treating his condition.


At the appointment, the man must tell him what exactly is bothering him, whether there are any accompanying unpleasant symptoms besides itching, and how long this condition lasts. It is also very important to remember the moment when the itching first appeared. Perhaps then it will be possible to find out what the provoking factor was.

After the interview and collection of anamnesis, the patient is examined and, if necessary, samples are taken. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to quickly and accurately determine the causative agent of the disease and make an accurate diagnosis.

The table shows the main types of diseases and methods of their diagnosis

Since many factors could provoke itching, after research and analysis, the doctor can prescribe the correct, effective treatment that will relieve discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

The main causes of itching

There are many reasons for the appearance of unpleasant itching: from banal non-compliance with hygiene rules to the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system. We list the main and most common diseases that are accompanied by itching.

An allergic reaction occurs when a man's underwear is of poor quality and contains high chromium content. In rare cases, you may be allergic to the latex from which condoms are made, as well as to personal hygiene products, such as soap and shower gel. These factors cause the skin to itch unpleasantly. Sometimes taking suprastin or other antihistamines is recommended to reduce discomfort.

If dermatitis is infectious, then the cause is microorganisms whose activity provokes irritation on the skin. Itching is complemented by rashes and redness.

The eggs especially begin to itch at night, when the activity of lice increases and they plunge their proboscis into the skin to feed on human blood. Body lice have similar habits, but they live in the folds of clothing.

Affects the urethra. A characteristic symptom is itching in the testicles and burning in the urethra when urinating. A man may also experience general weakness. Loss of strength is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature.

The disease is classified as infectious. It is characterized by redness of the skin of the perineum and scrotum. The bacteria that cause the disease cause mild itching in the testicular area.

The causative agent of the herpes virus is transmitted sexually. After its activation, small bubbles appear in the body on the scrotum, penis, and also near the anus. When the rashes form, they itch a lot and even hurt a little.

When the bubbles burst, crusts form in their place, which fall off over time. The course of the disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions.

The causative agent is, which is transmitted through close contact with the pathogen. It is often chronic and worsens during periods of decreased immunity.

Symptoms of this disease are red spots, which sometimes merge with each other. They are covered with scales. During movement, a man feels itching and even pain.

Cracks form on the skin of the testicles, accompanied by severe itching. This phenomenon occurs if the dermis reacts too sensitively to external and internal stimuli.

Internal processes include pathological processes occurring in the organs of the digestive system, endocrine and autonomic systems.

What else causes testicles to itch?

Sometimes itching of the testicles is explained by factors not related to diseases in the man’s body. In this case, the main causes of discomfort include:

  • Regular use of a razor to remove hair. Men who regularly shave their groin area note that hairs sometimes tend to grow into the skin. The epidermis also peels off, causing the desire to constantly scratch. To get rid of this problem, it is enough to use moisturizing lotions and creams;
  • inappropriate underwear. Itching often occurs when wearing synthetic or ill-fitting underwear that rubs the skin. It is also not recommended to wear pants or jeans that are too tight, as they tighten the testicles, causing discomfort;
  • lack of personal hygiene. It is especially important to take care of your own hygiene in the summer. Showers must be taken morning and evening. Change underwear daily. If you neglect such simple recommendations, then bacteria that live and multiply in a warm environment will become active and will cause concern to a man.

Testicular itching in men can even be triggered by stress or constant nervous tension. If no serious illnesses were discovered during the examination of the patient, you should think about taking care of your own health and emotional state.

It would be good to take a short vacation during treatment, drink juices and strengthen the body.

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