At what age does a beard begin to grow: what can be done to accelerate growth? At what age do guys start showing off lush chin hair?

In growing up, a man is accompanied by the appearance and growth of facial hair. It is impossible to give an exact answer when a beard starts to grow, as there are many factors involved. Some 13-year-old guys are steadily growing stubble, while others are hesitantly starting to appear in their 20s. The formation of the body occurs on the basis of natural components, the influence of genes, medications and hormonal agents.

To determine at what age a beard grows, and under what conditions it is necessary to start worrying, you will need to study the issue in detail.

In most cases, there is no need to worry and take any action, because the body develops on its own and this does not always provide for the presence of thick hair.

Teenage stubble (14-18)

For most young people, the question of how old a beard grows is considered the most relevant. This factor directly depends on the characteristics of puberty in adolescents and their race. In most cases, the first hairs break through by the age of 13 in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future mustache, and the light soft fluff on the chin becomes noticeable only after 16 years. If this did not happen even at the age of 20, then in such a situation there is nothing to worry about.

In most cases, the following division by parameter is performed when the bristles begin to grow:

  • Slavs and representatives of the peoples of the central strip acquire vegetation at the age of 16-20;

  • southerners and a number of representatives of eastern nationalities can boast of a fairly thick beard as early as 15-16 years old, and active growth begins at 13;
  • among representatives of the northern peoples, the absence of even a small vegetation at the age of 25 is considered normal, and at 15 no one thinks about a beard.
  • At 16-17 years old, the male body is undergoing hormonal changes, so you should not try to speed up hair growth with medications. Hormonal drugs bring significant changes to the body, which then affect health for many decades. And in most cases, they do not help to achieve the desired result.

    If the beard does not grow and there are doubts about the correctness of puberty, then contact the endocrinologist and specify the nuances of interest.

    In most cases, he will confirm that everything is going on time, although sometimes it is possible to prescribe a small course of treatment after the examination.

    Youthful uneven beard (19-24)

    It will not be easy to grow a fairly dense facial hair, but at this age it is already possible. When a beard grows, do not touch it once again. Initially, it causes an acute desire to take up a machine or a typewriter in order to get rid of uneven islands of an incomprehensible color. It usually takes a period of 4-8 weeks to give the stubble a presentable appearance.

    There is a popular myth that you need to shave more often to increase the rate of hair growth. In practice, it has been proven that from frequent contact with a razor, scissors and other tools, the beard does not grow faster.

    Beard in men after 25 years

    If at a young age a beard does not grow on the face of adolescents, then this does not provide any information at all. Upon reaching the age of 25, you can decide how often you need to shave and what density is expected. Only 3 nuances have a strong influence on the result:

    • increased testosterone promotes hair growth;

  • heredity is often critical;
  • general condition of the body.
  • At this age, more than ever, it makes sense to go to a barbershop to bring your appearance to a presentable appearance. The masters of our barbershop perform of any complexity at a reasonable price.


    Each person has their own unique indicators of the age when the beard begins to grow.

    They directly depend on nationality, characteristics of the body, medications taken and a number of less significant factors. To stimulate this process, you will need to revise your diet (eat better products), play sports and maintain good health. If necessary, you can do without medicines, resorting to traditional medicine recipes.

    Most Slavic men already have uncertain stubble at the age of 17, and after 20 a thick beard grows. If, at the age of 25, the face is young and smooth, then this is a serious reason for contacting doctors and conducting an examination.

    How old does a beard grow - one of the most frequently asked questions by teenagers on the Internet. And the most annoying thing is that no one will answer exactly what time the beard begins to grow, there is no definite answer. Mustaches and beards in men grow differently depending on age. Teenage bristle appears quite early - in some as early as 13 years old. The first bristles actively grow at the age of 17-19, when the whole organism is formed. But a full-fledged one usually grows after 20.

    If a guy or a man does not grow a beard, it always worries and worries, although often completely unfounded. To understand whether there are really reasons for concern and any action, it is worthwhile to figure out at what age the beard begins to grow and how many years it grows.

    How stubble grows in adolescence (14-18 years old)

    When a beard begins to grow in adolescents and whether stubble appears at the age of 17 directly depends on how old boys begin puberty. For some, the first hairs on the face break through at the age of 13. At the same time, the so-called mustache grows at first, the beard in adolescents will grow no earlier than at the age of 16. But even then, the stubble in adolescents will rather resemble fluff or sparse blond hairs - they will become thicker, harder and darker later, after about 20.

    At what age stubble began to grow in boys depends not only on genetics, but also on race. For Slavic peoples, growing a beard at the age of 14 is almost impossible. Facial hair may not be at the age of 16, and at 17 and even at 20. This is normal and natural if there is no bristle at the age of 17. But for southerners and some eastern nations, growing a beard at the age of 15 will not be difficult. At what age does a northerner's beard start growing? Even later, many guys don't have a single facial hair until they're 25, and don't even try to grow a beard at 15.

    Therefore, if a beard does not grow at the age of 16, there is no reason to worry. Now, when all systems and organs are actively being formed, it is extremely undesirable to take any medication that stimulates the growth of hair on the face and body. Moreover, if a beard does not grow at the age of 17, hormonal preparations should not be taken. It will still not work to quickly grow a beard at the age of 16, even with the use of aids - it will take at least six months, during which the stubble at the age of 17 in adolescents will not look the best. That's how much a beard grows in teenagers - that is, it's easier to wait and not interfere, then it will come out. For reinsurance, you can make an appointment with an endocrinologist and check if there is a delay in sexual development and consult about taking Minoxidil. But most likely, he will also say that there are no reasons for concern and you just need to wait.

    In Youth (18-24)

    At what age a beard begins to grow, we have already found out and established that even if a beard does not grow at 16, there is nothing abnormal in this. Stubble at 17 is also not a mandatory moment. We often hear from users - I am 20 years old, my beard and mustache are not growing - what does this mean and what can be done?

    See also:

    At the age of 17 or a little later, puberty, as a rule, is completely completed. And this means that the beard began to grow more intensively. The stubble at the age of 17 is still soft and light, the beard of young men at this age grows unevenly, like islands. But growing a beard at 18 is easier and faster than at 15-16. This will take four to eight weeks. Many advise, when the beard begins to grow, to shave as often as possible - supposedly regular shaving of hairs stimulates their growth. But experts have proven that frequent shaving and the rate of hair growth are in no way interconnected.

    If you began to think about how to grow a beard at the age of 19, thick, uniform and beautiful, it’s better to forget about shaving for at least a month. When a guy's beard starts to grow, it doesn't look very attractive in the first weeks. But you have to be patient, there's nothing you can do. Even if shreds of hair of an indefinite color stick out on your face in different directions, do not rush to grab scissors, a razor or a typewriter. Everything will be all right soon. It is better to pay attention to physical activity and good nutrition - this is on the face. It will not be superfluous to drink a vitamin complex - priority is given to vitamins A, E and group B. Read more about vitamins in mine.

    Adult (25+)

    After 25 years, it is already possible to judge how rich a man's facial hair will be and how often he needs to shave. How long does a beard grow at this age? This will depend on three main factors:

    • hormonal background - the more testosterone hormone, the faster the bristles will grow and the more gorgeous the bristles will look in the end. The amount of testosterone can change, anything affects its production. These are stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and disruptions in the endocrine system. Therefore, if already in adulthood you are not satisfied with facial hair, it's time to visit a doctor.
    • hereditary factor - if no one in your family could boast of thick hair and lush vegetation on the cheekbones and chin, most likely you will not have it either. And vice versa - if your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather always had thick bristles, you are lucky, and your dream will come true without much effort and auxiliary preparations;
    • general physical condition - bad habits, overweight, chronic diseases can significantly slow down the growth of stubble and even lead to its loss. No wonder they say that the condition of the hair on the head of a person can be judged on how healthy he is.

    If a beard does not grow at the age of 19, this is also not a reason to panic - as mentioned above, puberty for everyone proceeds differently at different times. But if a beard doesn’t grow even at 27, it’s time to think about it, vitamins and a gym alone are clearly not enough. What then to do? Read.

    Summary: From what age a boy will have the first facial hair depends largely on his nationality and heredity. If a Slavic guy does not grow a beard at the age of 20, this is quite normal and does not require the intervention of a doctor, although usually almost all young men already have stubble at the age of 17. All that is required at this age to grow thick and beautiful stubble is to eat well, play sports and monitor your general health. Folk remedies will help to accelerate the growth of facial hair, it is better not to resort to medication at this age. If there is still no vegetation even after 25 years, there is every reason to contact the doctors and undergo an examination. Most likely, you will be prescribed hormonal drugs and topical products that stimulate hair growth.

    At what age does a beard start growing? This question is asked by most guys, especially those who have not yet had the experience of growing a beard. Every guy from an early age dreams of a chic mustache and a lush beard in the style of Hemingway. From an early age, boys spy on their father: how he puts things in order on his face, imagine how their beard will grow, how they themselves will take care of it. Why don't they start growing hair on their chins? How long do you have to wait for the moment when your style, in particular, your beard, will make all the girls of the planet turn their eyes to you?

    How many winters, how many years, but the beard does not grow

    Why doesn't a beard grow at the age of 14-15? Basically, facial hair begins to grow, on average, by the age of 17-19. First of all, mustaches begin to appear in men. But it is difficult to call them full-fledged mustaches, since they are mostly not visible in men - they are light brown or a shade of blond, and remotely resemble those that a real man would like to see. The beard in men, unfortunately, begins to grow even later, around the time of full puberty.

    Genetics is a science that is very difficult to prevent or predict, which is why it is almost impossible to determine the exact age when a beard begins to grow. For some men, fortunately or unfortunately, the beard appears and grows fully, already at the age of 16. And some guys never get a chance to show off a lush beard even in their 30s. At first glance, it seems that growing a decent beard for men with poor genetics is an impossible task. But do not despair, there are many ways to improve your results.

    Growing features

    At the time when the stubble grows, it will seem that it grows unevenly and in some areas of the face there is no hairline at all. But this pattern happens only in the early stages of growing a beard. Gradually, after a few weeks, areas of the face that seemed to lack hair will begin to noticeably become covered with bristles, hair begins to grow. Before that, slowly growing hair follicles will begin to sprout faster, thereby giving hope for the cultivation of a full-fledged, uniform hairline. If you have willpower and a lot of patience, you can easily go without shaving for about a month. For this you will be rewarded. Gradually, you will notice how your chin, beard and cheeks are overgrown with thicker hair, which will be noticeably different from the beard hair at the age of 16. With chin hair, your confidence grows.

    Time will tell

    How long exactly does it take to grow a gorgeous beard? Why isn't she growing? Professionals say that in order to grow a full-fledged hairline, you need to go four weeks without shaving. During this time, those hairs that actively participated will grow back to their original size. Well, those that sprouted for the first time will take at least some form. And this will be your first achievement. You will not look the way you would like, but remember - this is just the beginning.

    Healthy eating is the key to success

    To get the length you need, it is best to balance your diet. Why, when a person is sick, you need to eat healthy food and adhere to the correct daily routine? To get the necessary vitamins and minerals. The same situation with . To grow a good manly beard, you need to eat like a man. In addition, a healthy diet will help you normalize testosterone levels, which play a significant role in the process of hair growth on your body.

    In order for growth to continue evenly and correctly, they need special substances and vitamins, such as:

    • vitamin A (eggs, liver, meat, cheese);
    • C (citrus fruits, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes);
    • E (fish, cereals, spinach, nuts);
    • B (brewer's yeast, whole grains, eggs, green vegetables, liver, and nuts)
    • folic acid.

    Go for broke?

    To achieve a more effective result, you can try testosterone therapy. But at the same time, you need to know that testosterone injections are not very useful for the body of men. An excess of this substance can lead to disastrous consequences: a violation of the liver, a decrease in the production of natural testosterone for the body. It is advisable to do such procedures for guys from the age of 25, after full puberty.

    “Why can’t I still grow a normal beard?” - more and more often you ask yourself a question, while not thinking that stress and a nervous state also affect the growth of hairline. If your goal is to grow a beautiful beard, try to get into stressful situations less often, they harm your metabolism no less than a lack of vitamins and minerals.

    Being a teenager is not easy: sheer ambitions, you want everything at once, and now. New fashion trends dictate brutality and masculinity with an obligatory component - a beard. But how to grow it at the age of 15 or 16? What time does the stubble on the beard of teenagers begin to grow and is it possible to somehow influence this process?

    When do teenage beards start to grow?

    In different nations, the first stubble on the face of adolescents appears at different ages:

    • in Caucasians, vegetation begins to break through from the age of 14-16, sometimes even earlier;
    • the period of the appearance of the first bristles among the Slavic peoples is in the range from 16 to 35 years, the average statistical indicator is in the range of 17-18 years.
    • men of the northern regions feel the beauty of shaving from the age of 20-25, and the southerners - from 15-16 years.

    What does the first stubble look like? Thin hair in the form of a fluff is the first heralds of the future fashion accessory. In the future, the vegetation changes, becomes more rigid, and real bristles appear.

    What determines her growth

    How and how much does a beard grow in teenagers? Factors affecting growth:

    genetic predisposition

    The male family line directly affects the condition of the hairline. Fathers, grandfathers, uncles who do not shine with thick beards pass on a similar gene to their young offspring. Bad genetics can even endow you with an insurmountable problem - the absence of hair follicles on the face.

    The level of testosterone in the body

    Each person is individual and reaches puberty at different ages. As soon as the hormone testosterone reaches the right amount, the beard begins to grow. In the event of puberty and the absence of bristle growth, it is worth contacting an endocrinologist for advice and therapy.


    Nutrition, physical activity, bad habits directly affect the appearance of stubble. A teenager needs to eat fully, including meat, fish, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy products in the diet.

    To reach the goal faster, you will have to sacrifice your favorite fast food and sweet soda. Sports, preferably power, will help to produce testosterone faster and eliminate excess weight. Quitting smoking, drugs, alcohol will help not interfere with metabolic processes in the body.

    Chronic, dermatological, endocrine diseases.

    Methods for rapid bristle formation under favorable conditions are described below.

    Products to improve beard growth

    Use . Teenage vegetation needs stimulation. To make hair thicker, you can resort to traditional medicine or medications.

    Are you thinking? Go in for sports, pay attention not only to general physical fitness, focus on strength exercises. This will strengthen the muscles and speed up the production of the sex hormone.

    With poor stubble growth, take care of competent facial care. Do not skimp on care products: scrubs, tonics, creams. Regular facial cleansing will free the pores from sebum, creams will help solve teenage problems.

    Master the technique of massage of the chin and face. This harmless procedure can be given only up to 10 minutes a day. To do this, apply a couple of drops of oil (or castor oil) to your fingertips and perform manipulations in a circular motion.

    Folk methods

    Oil with red pepper works effectively - it is a face mask. If the skin is not very sensitive, you can try mixing burdock or castor oil with a pinch of red pepper and apply to the desired area. Red pepper, as a powerful, burning stimulant, will cause a rush of blood to the hair follicles, and the oil will saturate the skin with the necessary vitamins.

    You can also use:

    • unconcentrated eucalyptus oil;
    • juice of garlic, onion;
    • aloe juice;
    • mustard powder;
    • egg yolk.

    medical supplies

    The first in the hit parade of means to accelerate hair growth are preparations based on minoxidil. - a powerful active ingredient that has a direct effect on the hair follicles. But is it necessary to use such a chemical agent in adolescence, when everything is still ahead? Think about it.

    If your diet cannot be called complete, take advantage of complex vitamins. The main male vitamin is biotin, it is a hair builder.

    If hormonal problems are identified after tests and consultations with a specialist, then, if appropriate, hormonal preparations are used to increase testosterone.

    For the treatment of dermatological diseases, you need a consultation with a dermatologist!

    How to start growing a beard

    It is best to start purposefully growing a beard from the age of 18. This age acts as an average indicator of puberty. If you start earlier, then perhaps the result will be, but this will require much more effort and patience.

    1. Before direct growth, you need to shave your facial hair smoothly. Perhaps it will be thin, sometimes fluffy or even hard, but sparse hair. If there is no experience, you can turn to an older experienced bearded comrade or a good barbershop. At the same time, you can see how professionals operate, what tool they use.
    2. Decide on the shape that suits your face type. Again, ask a professional for advice, or check out an online resource for getting the right beard shape.
    3. After a smooth shave, it is important to carefully carry out facial hygiene for four weeks: bypass vegetation, do not shave, you can only trim it to the chosen shape. During this period, itching can torment, but be patient, efforts will be rewarded.
    4. Proper bristle hygiene involves the use of special shampoos or. If the hairs are naughty, stick out in different directions - use gels, waxes for styling. So you can gradually accustom your hair to grow in the right direction. Combing procedures are also useful, preferably from a natural material.

    After a month, you need to evaluate the result:

    • if the bristles grow thick - keep striving for your goal,
    • with uneven hair growth, use oils, sprays, massage to stimulate growth in rare places;
    • If all else fails, contact a specialist for advice.


    How to grow a beard for a teenager? This question is very important for young people, the answer comes down to a simple decision - to wait, to be patient. If it is completely unbearable - apply the above described means and tips. Then the beard will definitely be thick and beautiful!

    Rumor has it that you can speed up beard growth. Various ways to stimulate beard growth are very popular among men. Everyone knows how a beard grows and that if you shave often, then the hair begins to grow faster. There is an opinion that frequent shaving of the face contributes to the structural change of the hair. According to hairdressers, due to frequent shaving, hair becomes tetrahedral in structure, although initially their structure is trihedral.

    How fast does a beard grow?

    Quite often, it is necessary to let go of a luxurious thick beard in a short time. It is also quite often the case and vice versa - to slow down hair growth.

    The thickness of the beard depends on hormones and genes. A significant change in the hormonal cycle can be an effective way to grow or slow down the growth of a beard. But are you ready for such a price for a beautiful and thick beard? Medical treatment is accompanied by hormonal disruptions. Androgens, dihydrotestosterone and testosterone, are the most important regulators of human hair growth. Androgens are indispensable during the growth of hair on the chin, in the armpits and on the pubis.

    The growth of hair on the head does not depend on androgens. Androgens do not take part in the growth of hair in this area, but they influence the development of female and male pattern baldness.

    How long does a beard grow in teenagers

    The younger generation is much easier. Hair growth is enhanced, as a rule, by the growing up of a young man. But hormones still play a leading role - the nature and timing of hair changes and growth depend on them.

    At what age does a beard grow

    "Fluff" in young men appears within 15-20 years. If you start shaving as soon as it appears, you can ruin the hair follicles, which can lead to a complete absence of hair in the frequently shaved area. For shaving, it is worth choosing individually all products and a razor. Proper care of the skin and hair on the chin is also necessary if you want to have a beautiful and thick beard. It happens that the beard begins to grow earlier than 15 years. It's not scary, it all depends on the hormonal background of the young man. Also have an impact on the growth of the beard and the physiological individual characteristics of adolescents.

    Refutation of the theory of rapid growth

    The opinion that the beard begins to grow faster after shaving has become entrenched in society. But, this theory, back in 1963, was rejected. The theory was the following phrase: the acceleration of growth and darkening of the hair of the beard stimulates its shaving. Dr. Berman refuted this theory in his October 1963 Science Digest article titled "What Happens When You Shave." Shaving does not affect the rate of hair growth on the face - so the doctor said.

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