How long does a normal cat pregnancy last? All about pregnancy in cats: how long does it last, what are the first signs. False and frozen pregnancy

Cat owners sometimes face the pregnancy of their pet. It may be unexpected or planned. In any case, read the basic rules for caring for a cat during this period, learn about the first signs of pregnancy and the upcoming birth.

The first signs of pregnancy in a cat

Pictured is a pregnant cat

Determining whether an animal is in a position is not so difficult. Here are the early signs of pregnancy that cat owners should watch out for:

  • a couple of weeks after mating, the animal begins to eat more;
  • body weight begins to increase;
  • in young cats, the nipples turn pink and increase in size;
  • vomiting may occur (for a couple of days).
  • some cats become aggressive towards relatives (only in the first weeks of pregnancy).

Duration of pregnancy and main periods

Every owner should know how long the pregnancy of a British cat or any other breed lasts. Animals bear offspring for an average of 63 days, the norm is from 59 to 70 days. Pregnancy is divided into six periods (from conception to childbirth).

The first period is the beginning of gestation. It lasts from the moment of conception to 18-20 days of pregnancy. At this time, the behavior of the cat usually does not change in any way, the appetite may increase slightly.

Pregnancy of a cat lasts 65 days

The second period begins on the 20th day of pregnancy. It lasts about 10 days. At this time, the cat's nipples swell and turn pink, the stomach will become more elastic. At this time, the veterinarian can already feel the fruits.

The third period is the 5th week of gestation. At this time, the expectant mother becomes noticeable belly. Kittens descend into the abdominal cavity. It is strongly not recommended to feel the cat at this time, you can damage the kids.

The end of the 5th and the beginning of the 6th week is the fourth period. Now the sides of the animal are noticeably distributed, the kittens do not have enough space in the abdominal cavity.

The fifth period is the penultimate period, it lasts from 42 to 50 days. At this time, the babies are actively growing and reach a size of 5-8 cm, at the same time they have fur. The cat may refuse to eat, become restless.

The sixth period is the final one. Now the kittens are starting to move actively. Movement can be seen even without palpation, especially in multiple pregnancies.

Cat Pregnancy Calendar

In order to determine the date of birth without calculations, you can use a special cat pregnancy calendar.

Pregnancy calendar in cats with a duration of 65 days

Caring for a pregnant animal

During pregnancy, limit the cat from high jumps. Due to the shifted center of gravity, it may fall. Do not forget about the full and proper nutrition during this period. Be sure to include vegetables, meat, dairy products in the diet of a pregnant cat. If the animal eats dry food, it must be of very good quality.

A pregnant cat needs to be fed 4-5 times a day

Here are the main rules for feeding a pregnant cat:

  • starting from the second period, increase the daily rate by 1.5-2 times;
  • feed the cat 4-5 times a day;
  • make sure that the diet has enough protein, vitamins and calcium;
  • with natural feeding, give the cat enough meat (half of the daily allowance);
  • do not forget to give the animal vitamins (if it eats natural food);
  • dry food must be at least super-premium.

A pregnant animal should have free access to clean water, especially if the cat eats industrial feed. Do not let your pet go outside, she can choose a place for childbirth outside the house.

Factors Affecting the Length of Pregnancy in Cats

First of all, the number of fetuses affects the duration of pregnancy. If there are few kittens, childbirth may come later. With multiple pregnancies, a cat usually gives birth before the due date.

Furry animals carry kittens longer than bald or short-haired ones. Due date can shift the stress in the last weeks of pregnancy, so try not to stress your pet.

The norm is a delay after the estimated date of birth for 5-7 days, with a longer wait, you should show the cat to the veterinarian. Early childbirth is dangerous (a week ahead of schedule), there is a risk that the kittens will not survive.

What can not be done during this period?

Take care of your pregnant cat

In order not to harm the cat and its future offspring, in no case do the following:

  • Do not give your pet medication without consulting your veterinarian.
  • do not give the cat drugs for fleas and worms;
  • do not use any human antiseptics, they can harm the animal;
  • take the pregnant animal carefully, do not put pressure on the stomach.

How to understand that the birth of a cat is close?

The approach of childbirth is easy to recognize. The cat begins to worry and look for a nest, she brings rags, toys, and sometimes things of the owners to the chosen place. Provide the animal with a dark, cozy corner where it will be completely safe.

Before childbirth, the temperature drops to 37 degrees. The cat can become very affectionate, but some individuals become overly irritable. The animal's appetite decreases. The day before the birth, the cat constantly licks itself, at the same time, a cork usually comes out (a thick mass of white-yellow color).

How does childbirth happen?

Births in cats last no more than a day

Usually, childbirth lasts no more than a day, if after this time the cat has not given birth, call the veterinarian urgently. Throughout the process, stay close to your pet, make sure that the birth proceeds without complications, in addition, with your presence you will calm the cat.

First, the animal starts contractions and after a while the first kitten is born. The cat bursts the bladder, gnaws the umbilical cord and carefully licks the baby. Following him, the rest of the cubs appear. If the cat cannot burst the bubble, do it yourself, otherwise the kitten will suffocate.

Bearing offspring is a difficult time. Help your kitty to endure this period easily and without complications. Make sure that the animal eats well and fully, eliminate any stress, devote more time to your pet. Don't forget to consult your veterinarian.

The cat in the house may or may not be purebred, but often the owners are faced with the fact that she is expecting offspring. The probability of pregnancy increases if the cat is in free range, her mating with cats in such situations cannot be controlled. Therefore, the “civilized” method of mating is increasingly being used, when a pair is selected for the animal, and the mating process is under control. In such situations, of course, it is much easier to control pregnancy and the expected time of delivery, but in the case of an unplanned viscous, it is not difficult to determine when lambing will occur.

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    Primary signs of pregnancy in cats

    The first signs of the onset of pregnancy can be observed already 14–16 days after mating.

    The owner should pay attention to the following:

    1. 1. Mood swings.
    2. 2. Change in taste preferences.
    3. 3. Increase (sometimes decrease) in appetite.
    4. 4. Nausea, vomiting.
    5. 5. Swelling of the nipples, color intensity (pink).

    Important! Owners of animals walking freely on the street should not assume that an animal under the age of one year will not bear offspring! Puberty in cats occurs at about 6 months, and the animal can become pregnant. It is extremely wrong to let the cat go outside before the second estrus, because early pregnancy is associated with health risks for the pet.

    But if the owner has tracked the listed signs, then you need to prepare for childbirth. The final verdict - whether the cat is pregnant or not, must be made by the veterinarian. You can do an ultrasound examination, which is carried out no earlier than 4 weeks of pregnancy.

    false pregnancy

    In cats, this phenomenon is rarely observed. A false pregnancy is very similar in appearance to an ordinary one, with the difference that there are no fetuses in the uterus. The nipples swell, acquire a bright pink color, the cat becomes restless, loses its appetite, makes a den. There may be milk. This condition sometimes lasts for about a month and is not good for the cat. It is necessary to switch her attention to games, give the pet more time, remove all items that cause her maternal instinct (toys, soft bedding) away. A dairy-free, low-calorie diet works well.

    If a false pregnancy occurs after each estrus, the animal must be spayed.

    bearing kittens

    Nature has laid down the approximate term for childbirth in cats. It occurs 63–65 days after mating. If the mating took place under the control of the breeders, then 2-3 days must be added to this date and counted from it.

    A delay of 5-7 days from the expected date of delivery is the norm. If lambing does not occur before day 70, this may be the cause of an unfavorable course of pregnancy or pathology of fetal development. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian. Also, help will be needed if the birth is on the second day.

    The duration of gestation varies depending on several factors.

    Reasons for different stages of pregnancy

    There may be several factors due to which the period of gestation of kittens will be longer or shorter. The most common causes of various pregnancy stages are:

    1. 1. A large number of kittens in the uterus.
    2. 2. Features of the breed: long-haired cats carry kittens longer than short-haired ones.
    3. 3. Weather conditions: with a sharp change in temperature, humidity or pressure, lambing may begin ahead of time.
    4. 4. Stress. A change of scenery, the appearance of a new animal in the house and other factors can lead to a failure in the timing of gestation.

    The main periods of pregnancy

    Bearing kittens is divided into several periods.

    weeks of pregnancy Fetal development Cat Behavior and Physiological Changes
    1 Fertilization of the eggWithout changes
    2 The eggs travel to the uterus and attach to its walls. The process of fetal development beginsWithout changes
    3 The development of the internal organs and systems of the fetus beginsPrimary signs of pregnancy: nausea, loss of appetite, mood swings, swelling of the nipples
    4–5 The growth of the fetus, the completion of the design of species characteristics, the formation of the skeleton, muscle tissue and genital organsAppetite grows, belly increases in size
    6–7 The formation of the fetus continues, teeth, hair, claws are formed. The size of the future kitten reaches 6-8 cmThe cat continues to gain weight, is capricious, refuses to eat. The volume of the abdomen increases
    7–9 The growth and formation of the fetus is completed, the kittens begin to moveThe cat shows anxiety, looks for a “nest”, refuses to eat or changes taste preferences, colostrum appears in the nipples at 9 weeks

    Thus, after a little over two months of pregnancy, the cat is ready to give birth to its offspring.

    For a smooth pregnancy

    In order to avoid childbirth at a time not set by nature, a pregnant cat needs to be well looked after:

    1. 1. Eliminate stressful situations: you should not bring another animal into the house during this period, moving is undesirable, changing the situation in the apartment.
    2. 2. Avoid noisy parties - cats are very sensitive to loud noises.
    3. 3. From the second month of pregnancy, you can not lift the animal in your arms - this will harm the kittens.
    4. 4. Do not conduct independent research, trying to find the number of kittens. For this, there is a veterinarian and ultrasound diagnostics.
    5. 5. Get a pregnancy calendar and mark all the important points in it: health indicators, behavior. If the animal needs to be shown to a doctor, this will help to make the correct diagnosis.
    6. 6. Do not let the cat go outside - in addition to an elementary list of dangerous situations, she can give birth in a place that she finds convenient, it will be problematic to find her.
    7. 7. Do not give anthelmintics or flea remedies during this period. Vaccination is not allowed. For all treatment questions, please contact your veterinarian.
    8. 8. It is necessary to establish a balanced diet. Feeding the leftovers of lunch is not good, you need to choose a specialized feed of good quality or make a homemade diet, taking into account all the needs of the animal.

    Features of the timing of gestation by cats of certain breeds

    As noted above, some breed characteristics may be important for the timing of pregnancy. It mainly depends on the type of coat of the animal and, as a result, its heat transfer.

    Other factors include the age of the animal, health status and vitality.


    This cat breed is fragile and sensitive. They are affectionate, gentle and do not tolerate aggression in relationships. Even a banal increase in voice scares them. The thin skin of sphinxes is completely hairless, they often freeze. Food is more high-calorie than in cats of other breeds. All these factors cannot be discounted when preparing to receive offspring from your pet.

    Pregnancy in sphinxes lasts 60-63 days. Sometimes sphinxes go pregnant longer, depending on the number of kittens. Sphynxes are in heat often, so after the first mating, a second one should not be allowed after a few weeks. Fertilized eggs will develop simultaneously with the already forming kittens from the first mating, and part of the offspring will die in childbirth.

    The duration of pregnancy ranges, as with most cat breeds, from 63 to 67 days, depending on the number of fetuses and other factors described above. A distinctive feature is thick long hair, therefore, closer to childbirth, it is advisable to cut it in the nipple area for the convenience of feeding kittens.

    Scottish and British cats

    These cute creatures belong to cats with the absence of any anatomical features, with the exception of the "folded" ear in the Scottish subspecies. But this feature does not affect the course of pregnancy, terms and childbirth. These cats are hardy and have good health.

    Pregnancy of Scottish and British cats fits into the standard terms - about 65 days. Caring for a cat, the stages of pregnancy and preparation for childbirth are common. The intrauterine development of kittens goes according to the main periods of pregnancy shown in the table.

    Leopard Bengal cats

    This incredibly beautiful breed was bred as a result of crossing domestic animals with wild leopard cats. These are very active and temperamental animals. They are endowed with good health and need a lot of exercise. Nutrition must be high in protein, this must be taken into account when preparing a diet for the period of pregnancy.

    From the moment of the last day of mating to the birth of the first kitten, these cats take 60-70 days. A feature of the Bengal breed is its activity, so you should be prepared for the fact that the cat will be mobile and playful throughout the gestation period. It is worth watching her to prevent injury during the game.

    Pregnancy in cats lasts two calendar months plus or minus a few days. During this time, the owner will be able to prepare and help his pet.

Any owner is pleased with the pregnancy of a cat purchased for the reproduction of purebred kittens. If the murka is of domestic origin and behavior, only a few will experience delight from the absence of her next estrus, but everyone will have to prepare for cat birth.

Diagnosis, signs of cat pregnancy

Early symptoms that are not seen in all cats include:

  • increased drowsiness - sleep becomes longer by 2-4 hours (at a rate of 14 hours a day);
  • poor appetite - the cat willingly drinks, including broth and milk, but ignores solid food;
  • discoloration of the mammary glands - they become red / coral, swollen and hot. The symptom is usually characteristic of the first pregnancy and is often noticeable only on the lower nipples;
  • nausea (rarely vomiting) - urges occur in the morning, normally - three times a day;
  • indifference to other pets, but irritability towards cats.

At a two-week period, pregnancy is established by a veterinarian or ultrasound, and by the third week, the owner is also able to feel the kittens with a delicate feeling of the cat's belly: at this time they are already starting to move.

Duration of cat pregnancy, periods

It is believed that the correct feline pregnancy takes 59-70 days, on average - 63. The time from conception to childbirth is usually divided into 6 periods.

The first- the beginning of gestation (from fertilization to 18-20 days of pregnancy). The cat's behavior almost does not change, but the appetite may increase slightly.

Second- 20 to 30 days of pregnancy. Swollen mammary glands become brighter, and the stomach becomes tense.

Third- 5 weeks of gestation. The cat's tummy is rounded, and the babies are settled in the abdominal cavity. At this time, it is forbidden to feel it, so as not to injure the kids.

Fourth End of 5th and beginning of 6th week. The cubs are cramped in the abdominal cavity, and the cat's belly swells noticeably on the sides.

Fifth (penultimate)- from 42 to 50 days. The expectant mother is often nervous and refuses to eat, and kittens (grown up to 5-8 cm) have a coat.

Sixth (final)- there is active stirring of babies. With multiple pregnancies, the movements of kittens are visible to the naked eye.

Maintenance and care of a pregnant cat

Make sure that your pet jumps less: during pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts and it can fall unsuccessfully and get injured. With a dangerous jump, offspring can also suffer.

What to feed a pregnant cat

When focusing on industrial feed, choose packs labeled "holistic" or "super premium".

The list of healthy natural foods includes:

  • boiled beef or veal;
  • broth, boiled pork or sea fish;
  • boiled eggs (twice a week);
  • dairy products with less than 15% fat content, including cottage cheese, curdled milk, milk, cream, sour cream, yogurt (no additives);
  • cereals from rice, oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • boiled or raw vegetables / fruits (at the choice of the cat);
  • aspic and boiled cartilage.

For constipation, give oil, beets and fatty foods, removing them as soon as the stool improves.

Important! To avoid complications during childbirth, give the cat a decoction of raspberry leaves (1 tablespoon per 0.25 liters of water). The decoction is filtered and given a teaspoon per day.

Feeding rules:

  • feed your pet 4-5 times a day;
  • increase the daily diet by 1.5-2 times from the 2nd period of pregnancy;
  • for meat (with natural feeding), take half the daily allowance;
  • Supplement natural food with vitamin and mineral supplements.

In the 2nd semester of pregnancy, add chopped nettle leaves to food (previously scalded with boiling water): this will increase lactation.

Activity and rest of a pregnant cat

Cats in an interesting position tend to be more lounging and moving less. There is a certain reason for this - this is how they minimize accidental injuries, but there is also a danger - to get fat from physical inactivity, complicating the upcoming birth with excess weight. Get your cat to play and move more in early pregnancy by preventing her from jumping too high.

In the later stages, completely block access to the hills and let the expectant mother rest to her heart's content. Take care of the quality of her sleep by limiting the reception of your guests, not turning on loud music, excluding screams and noise. Create greenhouse conditions for her: equip a house or an insulated couch, placing them in the quietest corner of the apartment.

Important! If your pet is used to walking in the yard, do not let her go there shortly before giving birth, otherwise the brood will be born in unsanitary conditions.

Vaccination of a cat during pregnancy

Before conception, it is important to eliminate ticks, fleas and withers, which not only annoy the animal, but also carry dangerous diseases that provoke miscarriage. Most of the preventive drugs contain pesticides that penetrate the stomach and blood. Unfortunately, the placenta is not a barrier to poison that can stop the development of the fetus or cause deformity, miscarriage and congenital pathologies.

False and frozen pregnancy

False pregnancy, diagnosed extremely rarely, is attributed to natural physiological processes. Her symptoms (drowsiness, caution in movements, increased appetite, slight enlargement of the nipples) are usually erased and do not threaten the cat's health.

The reason for consultation with a veterinarian should be such hypertrophied signs as:

  • noticeably enlarged abdomen;
  • severely swollen nipples;
  • secretion of milk;
  • the cat equips the “nest”, as well as “gives birth” and nurses “kids”; ​
  • the animal "gets pregnant" after one or two or after the next estrus.

Only a specialist is able to distinguish an imaginary pregnancy from a real one (using ultrasound, palpation and x-rays). He also prescribes therapy that normalizes the level of sex hormones, or sterilization. An ultrasound examination also helps to identify a missed pregnancy, in which one or more embryos die due to infections, hormonal failure, and fetal abnormalities.

It is interesting! If not all embryos are dead, the pregnancy is retained: they come out during childbirth along with live kittens. If all embryos die, a miscarriage is expected or labor is stimulated with medication to avoid their decomposition.

After the cat is relieved from the burden, it is examined, checking the purity of the uterus. Often, after a frozen pregnancy, the animal is sterilized.

Home birth is indicated for a normal pregnancy: the cat is not stressed by a change of scenery, and the risk of catching an infection is reduced to zero. The veterinarian is called only in special cases.

Induction of labor

They resort to it with prolonged gestation periods. No self-activity and folk methods, which often lead to long childbirth and trauma to the cervix, for example, with the self-administration of oxytocin. Only the doctor will decide whether it is necessary to urge childbirth and what means are needed. If stimulation is indispensable, the cat will be injected with a hormone - a catalyst for contractions.

First birth

They are considered the most difficult in terms of physiology and psychology: a woman in labor can panic, demand the help of the owner, or, conversely, rush at him and hiss.

The owner is also somewhat confused and needs the support of a veterinarian who can calm the cat by injecting her with a sedative to reduce stress.

Duration of labor

The owner of the cat should not worry about the duration of the labor that has begun, but about possible deviations. Call "aybolit" if:

  • contractions go on, but the kitten does not come out for more than an hour; ​
  • it is clear that the fetus is stuck;
  • the cat's temperature is above 39.5°C or below 37°C; ​
  • copious, bloody, foul-smelling and purulent discharge appeared; ​
  • the animal becomes weak, barely breathes and lies down, not trying to expel the fetus; ​
  • the heart rate drops.

Call your doctor if you don't know what to do next.

Start of labor

Do not turn childbirth into a show: do not comment on what is happening and do not call guests. If the cat allows, lightly stroke the sides and back in the direction of the tail. For a long-haired woman in labor (so that the babies do not get confused), it is better to wrap the tail with a bandage. During contractions, waves will pass through her body, and her stomach will begin to bulge and tighten. The stormy preparatory phase promises a rapid birth. Sometimes it takes longer for the appearance of the firstborn than for subsequent kittens.

Help with childbirth

An experienced or self-confident person can help a giving birth cat. And help is required for weak contractions, improper diligence of the fetus, the large size of the newborn, and the absence of contractions.

Important! With a ruptured bubble, you can (in surgical gloves) get a kitten, waiting for the next contraction, pulling it in an arc to the stomach. You can not grab him by the head or paws!

It is allowed to stimulate contractions only when the cervix is ​​fully dilated. The owner can:

  • lightly, without pressure, massage the tummy (in a circle) in the direction from the chest to the vulva; ​
  • gently massage the nipples; ​
  • attach one kitten to the chest so that he eats; ​
  • with the index finger inserted (up to the 2nd phalanx) into the vagina, gently stroke the wall opposite the anus. ​

If something doesn't work, it's best to call your veterinarian.

Help for newborns

If the birth took place without an emergency, the cat licks the cubs herself and gnaws off the umbilical cord, sometimes eating a couple of afterbirths. The owner must ensure that all children's places come out: if this does not happen, call a doctor for help.

If the newborn is not breathing, you must:

  • remove mucus from the nose / mouth with a syringe;
  • wrap the kitten with a waffle napkin and massage the back from the tail to the neck; ​
  • after cleansing the nose of mucus, quickly hold cotton wool with ammonia around it;
  • you can drop a drop of cognac on the tongue;
  • in the absence of signs of life, wrap it with a waffle napkin and, holding the head, gently shake;
  • perform mouth-to-nose artificial respiration (given the tiny size of the lungs).

If the woman in labor has not gnawed the umbilical cord, help her:

  1. Squeeze the umbilical cord with your fingers 2 cm from the tummy. ​
  2. Hold firmly for 15 seconds to pinch the vessels. ​
  3. Cut the umbilical cord at the pressure point, being careful not to bleed.
  4. If blood oozes, tie the umbilical cord with a decontaminated thread 1.5 cm from the abdomen.
  5. Lubricate the tip with brilliant green or potassium permanganate.

Give the reanimated baby to his mother. If the cat has successfully delivered, you will not need a special box for kittens.

Pregnancy in domestic cats is a period of pleasant excitement and anticipation.

A cat, like any other woman in labor, needs special care and attitude.

In this article, you will learn as much information as possible about how to properly help a future mother.

How long does pregnancy last for cats?

It is worth determining for a start what period in cats is correct to call pregnancy. Many believe that this period begins with mating and ends with childbirth, but this is not so. The period of bearing offspring in animals begins from fertilization. It is worth noting, however, that with perfect accuracy it is still impossible to determine exactly by day when fertilization occurred and how many days pregnancy lasts in cats.

Further in our article, we will give some signs by which the owner of the animal will be able to more accurately determine that he needs to prepare a special place and pay more attention to his pet.

It is known from many sources that pregnancy usually lasts 9 weeks. Pregnancy can take a week more or less, but this is not a pathology. The gestation period in cats largely depends on the physical condition of the animal, age and breed.

It is reliably known that in short-haired breeds, for example, Abyssinian, Devon Rex, Russian Blue, the gestation period lasts 58-68 days. At the same time, pregnancy in cats of long-haired breeds lasts longer, for example, in the Neva Masquerade, Norwegian and Siberian cats, the duration of pregnancy is 62-72 days.

If your pet has not given birth after 72 days, be sure to contact your veterinarian.


Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to immediately calculate the exact date of the onset of pregnancy, obvious Signs of a cat's pregnancy can be determined as early as the twentieth day.

The animal's nipples will enlarge and become a bright pink color. The skin around the nipples will begin to peel off, this will become noticeable if you put it on your back.

An experienced veterinarian in the third week can determine the pregnancy of a cat with the help of palpation. You should not try to palpate yourself, by doing this you can harm the kittens and the health of the pet.

Early dates

You will notice that in the second week, the pet becomes more thoughtful and melancholy. She plays less, sleeps longer, and her appetite will also worsen. Already in the third week, the animal may feel sick. Do not worry, this process also happens in women, in the first trimester they are tormented by toxicosis.

After five days, the vomiting goes away, and you can almost certainly determine the pregnancy. Also, cats can have false pregnancy, which will pass on its own and will not require special treatment. It should be noted that if a false process occurs frequently, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

Late dates

Your pet will begin to put on weight at 4-5 weeks, the weight will increase by one to two kilograms, depending on the number of kittens. An x-ray can show the skeletal structure of the kittens at day 44, but do not take an x-ray unless absolutely necessary.

The taste preferences of the animal may also change, mood swings will appear. After a month and a half, the stomach will increase even more, the cat will walk slowly, waddling.
After 8 weeks, the animal will begin to look for a place to give birth ("nest"), show anxiety and nervousness, during the same period you can feel the active movements of the kittens, simply by placing your hand on the pet's stomach. Milk in the mammary glands will appear on the 9th week, and the animal will move less and lie more, if there are many kittens, pregnancy usually passes faster.

Important! Cats can have from one to ten kittens at a time, the reproductive organs of these animals are arranged differently: the cat's uterus is shaped like the letter Y, it is much shorter than the human uterus and looks like a pear. Embryos are evenly fixed on the processes of the uterus after fertilization, so multiple pregnancy does not harm the animal.

How is the pregnancy

The further course of this most important process proceeds as follows:

  1. The first changes in the body of the animal will begin in the first couple of days after conception. The hormonal background will quickly change, estrus will stop, and pregnancy will occur.
  2. Before the first three weeks, you will recognize the process by a good appetite, a tight stomach, decreased activity, and swelling of the nipples.
  3. The cat's belly will be visible visually as early as the fifth week. It will not just be dense, but will drop a lot and grow in volume. This is especially noticeable if there are several fruits.
  4. After five weeks, the belly will expand in breadth. Lateral roundness will be indicated and will bulge.
  5. By the sixth week, the kittens are almost fully formed and begin to grow hair. You can only see an increase in the abdomen.
  6. Kittens will become active on the seventh week, they will begin to move. If you gently, without pressing, put your hand on your stomach, you can feel how they move. During this period, the animal will seek a secluded place and show anxiety.
  7. The mammary glands will fill up in the last week before birth, transparent discharge from the genitals will appear, activity will decrease significantly.

The most important period begins a few days before the birth, the pet will need your presence. The nervousness and anxiety of the animal are clear signs of the imminent birth of kittens, the expectant mother will require the attention of the owner.

Important! If a pregnant animal demands your attention, it's not just a whim. This behavior is explained by the fact that the cat perceives you as its owner and parent. The animal feels how the pregnancy is going - problematic or normal. Therefore, be patient and show maximum care.

Features of caring for a pet during a crucial period

Caring for cats during pregnancy is not very difficult. Let's find out what you need to pay attention to when leaving.

What do we have to do

A small amount of physical activity is useful for the animal to maintain muscle tone.

Particular attention during pregnancy is paid to the nutrition of the animal. During pregnancy in cats, they must eat properly and fully. The diet must include dairy products, meat, and if she eats dry food, it is recommended to switch to super-premium food.
In the first month of bearing offspring, the diet can not be changed. During this period, it is recommended to give food with a higher content protein, calcium, trace elements and vitamins.

It is not recommended to increase the daily intake for a healthy cat. The daily food intake for pregnant animals is increased only if the animal is weak.

Did you know? On August 7, 1970, a Siamese cat named Antigone, who lived in the United States, gave birth to 19 kittens at a time. The cat got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Starting from the fourth week, the cat should be given food with an increased protein content. In the middle of pregnancy, the number of feedings should be 4 or even 5 times a day. But at the same time, the portions are reduced. By the end of pregnancy, the number of feedings can triple.

Please note that the cat must not be fed, as this can lead to difficult births.

Cats may experience decreased appetite approximately 1-2 weeks before delivery. During this period, the abdominal cavity of the cat is full of kittens, and the animal needs nutritious and high-calorie food. Such food should be placed in a small volume.

If the pet consumes natural products, then the daily diet should be as follows:

  • Meat must be boiled. Since raw meat can contain helminths. It is recommended to give beef, veal, pork is given less often. Of the daily diet, meat should be 50%.
  • Lean boiled fish.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs (2 times a week).
  • Groats (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat).
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese).

If your pet suffers from constipation, it is recommended to temporarily include the following foods in the diet:
  • vegetable oil;
  • vegetable puree (beetroot is best).
If the cat eats natural products, veterinarians recommend adding special supplements with vitamins and minerals.

If she eats exclusively dry food, there is nothing to worry about. Since high-quality feeds contain a balanced diet that is well suited for pregnant cats. This food already contains vitamins and minerals that are needed for the animal.

Did you know? Isaac Newton (famous physicist who discovered the law of gravity) invented the door for domestic cats.

Contraindicated actions

Let's look at what actions are contraindicated for pregnant cats.

  1. A cat in position is not recommended to be on the street. It's best for her to be at home. The animal can become pregnant a second time, and this has a bad effect on the kittens and on the mother herself.
  2. You also need to take into account the gestational age of the animal, since childbirth should not take place on the street.
  3. There are many dangers for a pregnant cat on the street - she can climb a tree, try to crawl into narrow places. And this is extremely dangerous for her, regardless of the gestational age.
  4. During this period, it is forbidden to give medicines (even against fleas, ticks and worms) on their own. Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian after examining the animal. Self-prescribed medications can harm both kittens and the cat itself.
  5. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to prohibit the animal from climbing high objects. Due to the large belly, coordination is disturbed, and during the jump she can hit her stomach or fall from a height and harm herself.
  6. Pets in position are contraindicated in fights or squabbles with other animals. If you have several animals in the house, try to protect the pet from them and give her peace.
  7. It is contraindicated to feed the animal, as obese cats may have complications during childbirth.

Possible complications, or when you need a doctor

Cats can have different problems during pregnancy. In case of any kind of complications, you should immediately contact your veterinarian!
Dangerous complications in cats:

  • unpleasant odor from the pet's genitals;
  • any discharge from the vulva of the animal (with the exception of transparent and / or white discharge in the later stages; or bloody discharge a couple of days before the birth itself);
  • asymmetry of the abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fever;
  • persistent profuse vomiting;
  • the animal refuses food for more than a day;
  • weakness;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • anxiety.
If you notice at least one of the above signs, contact your doctor immediately, as only the help of a veterinarian and timely treatment can save your pet's life.
There are also complications during pregnancy in cats that are less dangerous:
  • kidney failure;
  • cystitis;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • allergy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • dystrophy or obesity.
The reasons for the occurrence of such complications are malnutrition, if the pet is on the street, overheating or hypothermia. Such complications also require timely treatment and observation by a doctor. Usually, after pregnancy, such complications disappear and do not greatly affect the health of the pet. But they can lead to complications during childbirth and health problems in offspring.

With proper care and nutrition, complications do not arise. And miscarriages and other serious complications are extremely rare.

Parallel pregnancy (superfecundation)

Superfecundation- this is the fertilization of two or more eggs in one ovulation period by spermatozoa of different males. Such a case often occurs in urban animals, since a large number of males live in a relatively small area.
As a result, one cat and several different cats may be present at the time of conception. As a result, fertilization occurs from different sets of spermatozoa, and the animal bears a brood of kittens that are not similar to each other.

There happens to be an even stranger phenomenon called superfetation. This occurs if the animal becomes sexually active in the middle of pregnancy, usually by the third week. In the case of a new copulation, the cats are fertilized again and bear two broods at different periods of maturation.

In this case, the two broods continue to develop one after the other with a difference of several weeks. As a result, two situations may arise:

  • during the birth of an early brood, a miscarriage may occur, since the later brood may not yet be fully formed;
  • in another case, inside the uterus, both broods will be able to fully form, the earlier one will be born successfully, and the later one will remain inside the uterus for several more weeks. After the birth of the second brood, another problem may arise - the cat may not have enough nipples for all the kittens or not enough milk, in which case the owner will have to feed some kittens.
By adhering to all the above recommendations, you have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy in a cat and reduce the risk of complications during labor. The favorite will thank you for this with her warmth and affection.

It is not enough just to name the number of days during which a mother cat bears kittens. The animal organism is no less unique than the human one, various nuances and deviations are also characteristic of it. This suggests that the gestation period in cats can fluctuate, depending on various factors.

General information about the duration of gestation

On average, the question “how much does a cat wear during pregnancy?” the most frequently heard answer is 2 months. However, this is a rather loose concept - some individuals barely carry offspring up to 60 days, and for some, the process can drag on up to 70.

According to generalized calculations, the minimum gestation period for cats is 56 to 60 days, the most normal is considered - 71 days(some sources give 72 days). These are periods when the birth of viable offspring is allowed. Most often - 64-67 days(Roughly rounded up, 9 weeks).

The entire "pregnant" period is conditionally divided into 3 phases of development, each of which includes an average of 3 weeks.

1 phase

This period takes from the moment of the alleged conception to 21 days. During this period, eggs are fertilized and embryos develop. By the 15th day, the embryo already becomes up to 1 cm in size, by the 18th day paws appear, and by the end of the period, internal organs are already formed. It is in this phase that active pinking of the nipples is observed.

2 phase

During this period (from 22 to 42 days), the brain, skeletal backbone, muscles and endocrine system are actively formed and developed. From this point on, the kittens are called fetuses, acquiring a classic feline appearance with a clearly defined muzzle and genitals. Only after a month of pregnancy, the cat's belly begins to grow a little.

3 phase

At 43-63 days from the moment of conception, kittens, growing up to 8-10 cm, acquire a tail and acquire a coat with a bookmark of a certain color. By the middle of the period, their size reaches 13 cm, by day 57 they are already fully formed and developed babies who are ready to be born at any moment. The maximum size of newborns depends on the constitution of his parents.

There are exceptions to all rules. Duration may vary depending on many factors:

  • offspring of purebred individuals born into the world before 60 days, most often are not viable;
  • cats with a slender constitution (slender) usually never go pregnant longer than 65 days(on average it is 60-65 days), and fat and beefy ones usually overwear and the terms can reach 70-72 days;
  • primiparous cats, especially those who become pregnant in the first estrus at the age of up to 1 year, in most cases give birth earlier than the prescribed average period (up to 60 days). Kittens are not always born viable, often weak and small. That is why experienced breeders do not recommend mating a cat for offspring in the first estrus and under the age of one year;
  • primiparous older cats bear offspring a little longer than their peers who gave birth;
  • yard mongrel cats bear fruit less than domestic and especially pedigree. Sometimes healthy babies are born even on the 55th day - this indicates better endurance and higher adaptability of street individuals over domestic ones;
  • in a lop-eared cat(British, Scottish) kittens are born on average 63-67 days, but almost never less than 60 days;
  • cases of nursing have been reported up to 75 days. The course of the entire period was without complications, and the newborns are all alive and well. The reasons for such a long but safe gestation is still a mystery to veterinarians;
  • breed pregnancy Maine Coon usually longer than other breeds - up to 68 days or 9 full weeks + preparation for the birth of the cat itself;
  • long haired cats pregnant women walk longer (up to 70 days) than smooth-haired or completely bald (around 65 days);
  • the fewer fetuses in the litter, the longer the cat can go on demolitions and, conversely, the more, the faster and more often the birth will occur earlier than the due date;
  • weather affect the onset of labor - sudden changes in temperature with ambient humidity can suddenly provoke premature birth;
  • pregnancy of a Scottish cat is usually less than that of a British cat, in which terms can sometimes move upwards up to 70-72 days. Therefore, there is no unambiguous answer to the questions of how long a pregnancy lasts in a Scottish cat or how long a pregnancy lasts in a British cat - variations in duration are also present here.

preterm birth

Any birth before 55-60 days, regardless of the outcome of the course, is considered premature, i.e. ahead of time. You can try to save newborns if it came no earlier than 50-55 days of pregnancy.

Which leads to an early termination of the process:

  • the presence in the womb of weak and non-viable embryos, their intrauterine death;
  • serious viral infections (calicevirosis, panleukopenia, mycoplasmas, etc.);
  • injuries and bruises of the abdomen;
  • pregnancy pathologies leading to placental abruption;
  • severe fear or sudden stressful situation.

Ultrasound will help determine the due date and expected date of birth

If a pregnant cat has anxiety, vaginal discharge or fever before the expected date of birth, then a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed. Help can be in two directions - the removal of uterine tone, so that the animal continues to carry babies to the end, or a decision is made to stimulate premature birth or a caesarean section.

Postterm pregnancy

A pregnancy is considered post-term when all due dates pass and no babies appear. If the offspring has not been born before the 70th day, then the pregnancy is already accepted as postponed, despite the exceptions when this number of days is considered normal. Even on the 73-75th days, it happens that absolutely healthy animals are born, but still, walking for the norm cannot be taken.

Any delay in delivery in time is always a reason to visit a veterinarian, because. There can be many reasons for the delay:

  • late death of kittens from hypoxia;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • "a spoon";
  • ascites

What is the pathology and why childbirth does not occur, ultrasound will show.

The main pathologies of the course of pregnancy, affecting the timing

In animals, by nature, everything is laid down in such a way that the basic physiological processes proceed perfectly without human intervention. Domestication has led to the fact that deviations in the bearing and birth of offspring in pets have become more common. From this, the time of the cat's pregnancy also changes. What are these pathologies?


This is a fairly rare pathology characterized by the appearance of estrus (sexual activity) during the current pregnancy. This is a kind of hormonal imbalance. If in this state the cat is not protected from the covering of the male, then simultaneously with the main brood, another “batch” of embryos will begin to develop in the womb. It turns out that the fruits from both fertilizations develop simultaneously in the body, but with a difference of weeks in development.

The situation usually develops in two ways:

  • the first "batch" of kittens is born on time, the second "batch" remains in the womb, and the pregnancy continues on a par with breastfeeding newborns. Such cases have only one drawback - the lack of nipples for everyone after two births, so the owner will have to deal with feeding. This is the ideal development of events and it happens very rarely;
  • during the birth of the first kittens, a miscarriage occurs and the death of the second ones due to their underdevelopment - this happens in most cases.

False pregnancy ("spoon")

This pathology is distinguished by the fact that there are no kittens in the womb, and outwardly and by behavior it seems that the cat is pregnant: an increase in the abdomen is visible, the mammary glands swell and redden, colostrum appears. The catch is that the duration of the "spoon" coincides in duration with the usual time intervals. There is only one difference - at the set moment, the babies do not appear. The deviation is hormonal in nature. Most often, the condition occurs in sphinxes and orientals. Be sure to contact the veterinarian, because. this pathology leads to inflammatory processes against the background of congestion of blood in the genital organs and severe mastitis.

Owners should pay attention to:

  • lack of labor activity on the due date;
  • somewhat earlier, the absence of fetal movements.

Cat has ascites but looks pregnant

An accurate diagnosis is always made after ultrasound. The treatment is complex, including the normalization of the hormonal background, and the treatment of concomitant diseases.


The exact cause of this pathology against the background of a false pregnancy is not known. Experts are more inclined to believe that due to hormonal failure, protein metabolism is disturbed and fluid begins to accumulate in the abdominal cavity.

The belly is growing, the owners think that Murka will soon have kittens, but the absence of pushing babies in the later stages and behavioral signs in the cat is alarming. Those. there is nothing more than a big belly.

This is already a reason to contact the veterinarian for an examination of the pet. Ultrasound will be especially informative in this case. Unfortunately, the condition is incurable.

Frozen pregnancy

A serious pathology that occurs against the background of a stop in the development and death of fetuses in the womb of a cat. There are many reasons for this state of affairs:

  • infection,
  • hormonal deficiency,
  • various inflammations in the abdominal cavity and pelvis,
  • injury
  • stress.

Any attentive owner can determine this:

  • the stomach does not grow;
  • no fetal movements;
  • appetite drops, the cat becomes lethargic, inactive;
  • at the beginning of decomposition, signs of general intoxication and self-poisoning appear with fever, vomiting.

Be sure to visit the clinic. An ultrasound is done. If it is confirmed that all the babies are dead, then the cat is aborted in the clinic. If it turns out that there are live fetuses, supportive therapy is prescribed at the discretion of the veterinarian in order to gain time, to allow the living ones to develop further, so that Murka herself will give birth on the set dates. Usually, after such a pathology, sterilization is offered. The risks of relapse are high due to the inability to know exactly why it happened and the lack of the ability to prevent a recurrence.

Ectopic pregnancy

A condition in which the egg is not attached in the right place, and the fetus begins to develop outside the uterus. Outwardly, such a state until a certain time does not manifest itself in any way. Often this leads to a rupture of the main "pregnant" organ, and this, in turn, leads to serious bleeding and intra-abdominal inflammation. The cat needs urgent surgical care. In difficult situations, in order to save Murka from sepsis and necrosis, they do a caesarean section with sterilization (the animal will no longer give offspring).


This is a spontaneous interruption of the course of pregnancy in the early stages, when the fetuses are not yet viable and it is impossible to save them.

There are three types when

  1. embryos stop developing very, very early and are resorbed.
  2. kittens die and leave the cat's womb through premature birth.
  3. the fetuses die, but remain in the womb until the end of the "pregnant" period.

Any of these conditions is pathological, which is not always possible to predict. Often this happens suddenly and the owners are late to seek help. In all cases, the fetuses die, the only difference is at what period of time the cat is pregnant.

You can suspect a miscarriage by the following signs:

  • foul-smelling discharge from the genitals;
  • persistent asymmetry of the abdominal walls;
  • fever, fluctuations in body temperature;
  • refusal to eat, vomiting, sudden weight loss;
  • inexplicable anxiety.

What to do and what not to do for owners to keep the gestation period

In order for the cat to come out of the prescribed term, the owners need to know a few rules of what should be done and what should be avoided during this period so that the duration does not change towards the critical one. Rules are not a panacea, because there is also a genetic predisposition with which “you can’t argue.

What do we have to do:

  1. Contact a specialist as soon as possible after the intended conception to identify possible risks to the life and health of the fetus and to the mother cat. With the help of ultrasound, it is reasonable to know if the cat is pregnant at all.
  2. Contact the veterinarian for any strange behavior of Murka or deviations in health (vomiting, fever, lack of appetite).
  3. Protect the pet from children so that they do not squeeze, kick or make any sudden movements in relation to the animal.
  4. Provide a balanced and sufficient diet.
  5. If necessary, give vitamins for pregnant women (veterinary).

What not to do:

  1. Annoy Murka. This includes acquiring new pets during this period, arranging noisy indoor events where the cat cannot hide, and allowing children.
  2. Strongly press the stomach, allegedly trying to determine how many babies should be born. It is almost impossible to do this with your hands - especially for a non-specialist, and injuring the abdomen is easy!
  3. Give any medication without consulting a veterinarian.
  4. Allow Murka to jump from a height or climb there.
  5. Washing or treating your home with strong, strong-smelling household chemicals is a recipe for poisoning.
  6. Allow contact with sick and orphan animals.
  7. Do not follow the rules of hygiene (stroke with dirty hands after the street or allow to sleep in the shoes in which they came from the street).

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