Symptoms of chronic renal failure. Kidney failure in women External signs of kidney failure

PN is a severe disease of the urinary system associated with a decrease or complete absence of its functional activity. Symptoms of kidney failure in women depend on the type of pathology or the stage at which the disease is located. The consequence of the disease is a violation of the water-electrolyte balance, poisoning the body with metabolic products. In the absence of adequate treatment, the result is death.

Features of renal failure in women

Pathology, according to statistics, is more common in women than in men. This pattern is fully explained by the anatomical features of the genitourinary system.

The female urethra is larger in diameter and shorter in length, it is she who is the entrance gate for pathogenic microflora. Further spread of the infection occurs along the ascending path, that is, from the urethra through the bladder and ureters. It is active infectious inflammation, further growth of connective tissue that leads to disruption of the kidneys.

Types and stages of renal failure in women

There are two main forms of the disease: acute and chronic. Each type goes through several stages, differing in clinical presentation and diagnostic data.

When (OPN) there are four periods:

  • elementary;
  • oligoanuric;
  • polyuric;
  • recovery period.

Chronic renal failure or CRF also consists of four stages:

  • initial or latent;
  • compensated;
  • intermittent;
  • terminal.

Causes of PN in women

In the etiology of this disease, it is worth highlighting two main points: the reasons due to which the insufficiency was directly formed and the risk factors that determine the predisposition of a particular woman to the development of pathology, but do not cause it.

Causes include the following:

  • damage to the pelvicalyceal system by bacteria or viruses (Staphylococcus aureus, Koch's bacillus or tuberculosis mycobacterium, influenza virus, and others);
  • active autoimmune process - inadequate work of the immune system, in which antibodies are produced to their own healthy cells;
  • active growth of a benign or malignant tumor that compresses surrounding tissues;
  • violation of the blood supply to the kidney with thromboembolism of the arteries, their spasm, atherosclerotic process or gradual sclerosis;
  • removal of the kidney, after which an adequate process of blood filtration in the paired organ was not restored;
  • undergone surgery, difficult postoperative period;
  • pregnancy;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Risk factors include:

  • malnutrition, excessive consumption of protein foods, foods supplied with dyes and preservatives;
  • sedentary lifestyle, passivity;
  • the presence of bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • old age: from fifty years and older;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus, leading to all kinds of metabolic disorders;
  • long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the body;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole.

Symptoms of acute renal failure

Signs of renal failure in women directly depend on the course of the pathology and the phase of development. The initial period of acute renal failure has an acute onset, characterized by:

  • severe pain in the lumbar region;
  • decrease in diuresis;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • less often - the patient's lethargy and impaired consciousness.

Some changes also occur in the organs of the cardiovascular system:

  • the heart rate increases;
  • gradually increases blood pressure;
  • systolic murmur appears on auscultation of the heart;
  • the muffledness of the first and second tones is determined;
  • cardiac arrhythmia develops.

In the oligoanuric phase, it is noted:

  • decrease in diuresis up to anuria;
  • increase in signs of intoxication;
  • change in the color of urine to a pink or red hue.

With adequate treatment, at the end of this phase, there is some improvement in the patient's well-being.

In the polyuric period, diuresis is gradually restored, laboratory parameters return to normal. Clinical manifestations mostly include:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • arterial hypertension with a heart rate of 60-80 beats per minute.

The recovery period speaks for itself, the body is fully restored, the work of the urinary system is preserved.

During pregnancy

During gestation, some women develop renal failure syndrome due to squeezing of the ureters or vessels supplying the organ. In this case, the main symptoms are:

  • a sharp decrease in the volume of urine excreted up to its complete absence;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • proteinuria - the appearance of a large amount of protein in the urine;
  • swelling of tissues, mainly on the lower extremities and face;
  • weakness, nausea, vomiting, unusual for the second and third trimester;
  • pallor of the skin.

With the development of such a clinical picture, it is urgent to consult a doctor who will decide on the issue of hospitalization in the urological department.

Signs of chronic renal failure

Compared with acute renal failure, this type of disease develops slowly, due to various pathologies, for example, sluggish inflammation of the parenchyma.

In the latent stage of chronic renal failure, symptoms in women are practically absent, in rare cases, fatigue may gradually increase during normal physical or mental stress, and dry mouth appears. Changes in blood and urine tests are minor.

In the compensated stage, the body activates compensatory mechanisms that increase the functioning of the renal apparatus. Due to this, the volume of excreted urine increases to 2.5-3 liters. Together with it, there is a loss of protein, microelements, which negatively affects the water-electrolyte balance and metabolism in cells.

During the intermittent phase, the following changes occur:

  • oliguria or anuria appears;
  • indicators of blood and urine sharply differ from normal values;
  • increasing intoxication of the body.

Complaints mostly include:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • impaired consciousness up to stupor and stupor;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure.

At the terminal stage:

  • intoxication encephalopathy and other structural disorders of the nervous system are formed;
  • mental disorders are noted in the form of apathy, mutism (silence);
  • there is a complete lack of appetite;
  • from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, regurgitation of food, vomiting, flatulence;
  • urine is not excreted.

The endocrine, cardiovascular system functions inadequately. The pathological process ends in death.

Diagnosis of kidney failure

Without fail, it begins with a questioning of the patient, collecting an anamnesis of the disease and life, a general examination, after which the doctor decides which study to write out. To confirm the presence of kidney failure in a woman, you need to take tests and undergo an instrumental examination.

Among the laboratory methods, the most important is the general, biochemical blood test, general urinalysis. The markers of this disease include:

  • proteinuria - the presence of protein in the urine, in particular, albumin;
  • change in urine sediment - fragments of erythrocytes, leukocytes are determined;
  • violation of water and electrolyte balance, a decrease in the amount of certain microelements in the blood.

In biochemical analysis, there is an increase in the concentration of creatinine, urea and a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate of GFR.

In order to visualize the affected organ, the doctor sends the patient to ultrasound of the kidneys and X-ray with contrast. During the survey, you can determine:

  • the presence of a tumor, stones;
  • change in the contour of the organ due to the growth of connective tissue, wrinkling of the kidney during the infectious process;
  • structural violation of the pyelocaliceal system;
  • blockage of the ureter;
  • decrease in blood supply to tissues for one reason or another.


Complications of renal failure should be divided depending on the form of the disease. In acute renal failure, in the absence of adequate medical care, the following consequences are observed:

  • suppression of the immune response with the further development of sepsis and infectious-toxic shock;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • pericarditis;
  • malignant hypertension;
  • uremic gastroenterocolitis;
  • peripheral or central polyneuropathy.

With chronic renal failure, complications are expressed at the third and fourth stages of development. Often formed:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • uremic pneumonitis;
  • myocarditis or pericarditis;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • encephalopathy with subsequent neurological and mental disorders;
  • osteomalacia;
  • sepsis and infectious-toxic shock.


Therapy is based on two main points: diet and the use of specialized medications. It is worth remembering that the treatment is selected individually by the doctor, taking into account the age of the woman and the severity of the disease. The use of folk methods is prohibited, if you treat kidney failure with herbs alone, you can only achieve the development of complications that were described just above.


The diet includes a balanced diet, eating foods low in protein and salt. The amount of fluid that has entered the patient's body per day is taken under control. The goal pursued by the doctor in this case is to reduce blood pressure and reduce the load on the renal glomeruli.

The set of recommended products may vary depending on which microelement needs to be replenished in the body. For example, with a decrease in the level of potassium, the diet should contain more dried fruits, nuts, and with a deficiency of magnesium, it is worth focusing on fresh vegetables, fruits, and cereals.


As for drugs, infusion therapy often comes to the fore - intravenous administration of solutions of trace elements, glucose to restore water and electrolyte balance. Additionally, in rare cases, the doctor recommends oral tablets with a complex of vitamins and minerals.

For the relief of arterial hypertension, two main groups of drugs are prescribed: sartans (angiotensin receptor blockers) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors). Treatment of arrhythmias is selected by a cardiologist depending on the type of disorder.

With widespread edema, anuria, to restore daily diuresis, drink diuretics - diuretics. In clinical practice, loop and potassium-sparing drugs are most often prescribed.

The rehabilitation period after acute renal failure usually takes six months or a year. During this time, the woman must be registered with the dispensary. The chronic form of the disease implies constant monitoring of the patient's well-being, but complete recovery cannot be achieved through outpatient or inpatient treatment.

kidney failure is a pathological condition in which the ability of the kidneys to form and / or excrete urine is partially or completely lost, and, as a result, serious violations of the water-salt, acid-base and osmotic homeostasis of the body develop, which lead to secondary damage to all body systems. According to the clinical course, acute and chronic renal failure are distinguished. Acute renal failure is a sudden onset, potentially reversible impairment of the homeostatic function of the kidneys. Currently, the incidence of acute renal failure reaches 200 per 1 million population, while 50% of patients require hemodialysis. Since the 1990s, there has been a steady trend, according to which acute renal failure is increasingly becoming not a single organ pathology, but a component of the multiple organ failure syndrome. This trend continues into the 21st century.

Causes of kidney failure

Acute renal failure is divided into prerenal, renal and postrenal. Prerenal acute renal failure is caused by impaired hemodynamics and a decrease in the total volume of circulating blood, which is accompanied by renal vasoconstriction and a decrease in renal circulation. As a result, hypoperfusion of the kidneys occurs, the blood is not sufficiently cleared of nitrogenous metabolites, and azotemia occurs. Prerenal anuria accounts for 40 to 60% of all cases of acute renal failure.

Renal acute renal failure is more often caused by ischemic and toxic damage to the renal parenchyma, less often by acute inflammation of the kidneys and vascular pathology. In 75% of patients with renal acute renal failure, the disease occurs against the background of acute tubular necrosis. Postrenal acute renal failure is more often than other types accompanied by anuria and occurs as a result of obstruction at any level of the extrarenal urinary tract. The main causes of prerenal acute renal failure are cardiogenic shock, cardiac tamponade, arrhythmia, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, i.e., conditions accompanied by a decrease in cardiac output.

Another reason may be severe vasodilation caused by anaphylactic or bacteriotoxic shock. Prerenal acute renal failure is often caused by a decrease in the volume of extracellular fluid, which can be caused by conditions such as burns, blood loss, dehydration, diarrhea, cirrhosis of the liver ( and resulting ascites . Renal acute renal failure is caused by exposure to the kidney of toxic substances: salts of mercury, uranium, cadmium, copper. Poisonous mushrooms and some medicinal substances, primarily aminoglycosides, have a pronounced nephrotoxic effect, the use of which in 5-20% of cases is complicated by moderate acute renal failure and in 1-2% by severe. In 6-8% of all cases of acute renal failure develops against the background of the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Radiocontrast agents have nephrotoxic properties, which requires their careful use in patients with impaired renal function. Hemoglobin and myoglobin, circulating in the blood in large quantities, can also cause the development of renal acute renal failure. The reason for this is massive hemolysis caused by transfusion of incompatible blood, and hemoglobinuria. The causes of rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria can be traumatic, such as crush syndrome, and non-traumatic, associated with muscle damage during prolonged alcohol or drug coma. Somewhat less often, the development of renal acute renal failure is caused by inflammation of the renal parenchyma: acute glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, Goodpasture's syndrome.

Postrenal acute renal failure accounts for approximately 5% of all cases of impaired renal function. Its cause is a mechanical violation of the outflow of urine from the kidneys, most often due to obstruction of the upper urinary tract by calculi on both sides. Other causes of impaired urine outflow are ureteritis and periureteritis, tumors of the ureters, bladder, prostate, genitals, narrowing and tuberculous lesions of the urinary tract, metastases of breast or uterine cancer in the retroperitoneal tissue, bilateral sclerotic periureteritis of unknown origin, dystrophic processes of retroperitoneal tissue. In acute renal failure caused by prerenal factors, the cause that triggers the pathological mechanism is ischemia of the renal parenchyma.

Even a short-term decrease in blood pressure below 80 mm Hg. Art. leads to a sharp decrease in blood flow in the kidney parenchyma due to the activation of shunts in the juxtamedullary zone. A similar condition can occur with shock of any etiology, as well as as a result of bleeding, including during surgery. In response to ischemia, necrosis and rejection of the epithelium of the proximal tubules begins, and the process often reaches acute tubular necrosis. Sodium reabsorption is sharply disturbed, which leads to its increased entry into the macula densa area and stimulates the production of renin, which supports spasm of the afferent arterioles and ischemia of the parenchyma. With toxic damage, the epithelium of the proximal tubules also most often suffers, while in the case of toxic effects of myoglobin and hemoglobin pigments, the situation is aggravated by obstruction of the tubules by these proteins.

In acute glomerulonephritis, acute renal failure can be caused by both swelling of the interstitial tissue, an increase in hydrostatic pressure in the proximal tubules, which leads to a sharp decrease in glomerular filtration, and rapidly developing proliferation processes in the glomeruli with compression of the tubular loops and the release of vasoactive substances that cause ischemia. In postrenal acute renal failure, a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidneys causes overdistension of the ureters, pelvis, collecting ducts, and distal and proximal nephron. This results in massive interstitial edema. If the outflow of urine is restored quickly enough, changes in the kidneys are reversible, however, with a long-term obstruction, severe circulatory disorders of the kidneys occur, which can result in tubular necrosis.

Diagnosis by symptoms

Select the symptoms that concern you and get a list of possible diseases

Symptoms of kidney failure

The course of acute renal failure can be divided into the initial, oligoanuric, diuretic and complete recovery phase. The initial phase can last from several hours to several days. During this period, the severity of the patient's condition is determined by the cause of the acute renal failure that caused the development of the pathological mechanism. It is at this time that all the previously described pathological changes develop, and the entire subsequent course of the disease is their consequence. The common clinical symptom of this phase is circulatory collapse, which is often so short-lived that it goes unnoticed. The oligoanuric phase develops in the first 3 days after an episode of blood loss or exposure to a toxic agent.

It is believed that the later acute renal failure developed, the worse its prognosis. The duration of oligoanuria ranges from 5 to 10 days. If this phase lasts more than 4 weeks. it can be concluded that there is bilateral cortical necrosis, although cases of restoration of renal function after 11 months are known. oliguria. During this period, the daily diuresis is not more than 500 ml. Urine is dark in color and contains a lot of protein. Its osmolarity does not exceed the plasma osmolarity, and the sodium content is reduced to 50 mmol/l. The content of urea nitrogen and serum creatinine sharply increases. Electrolyte imbalances begin to appear: hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, phosphatemia. Metabolic acidosis occurs.

The patient during this period notes anorexia, nausea and vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea, which after a while is replaced by constipation. Patients are drowsy, lethargic, often fall into a coma. Hyperhydration causes pulmonary edema, which is manifested by shortness of breath, moist rales, and Kussmaul breathing often occurs. Hyperkalemia causes severe cardiac arrhythmias. Often, pericarditis occurs against the background of uremia. Another manifestation of an increase in serum urea is uremic gastroenterocolitis, which results in gastrointestinal bleeding that occurs in 10% of patients with acute renal failure. During this period, there is a pronounced inhibition of phagocytic activity, as a result of which patients become susceptible to infection.

Pneumonia, mumps, stomatitis, pancreatitis occur, the urinary tract and postoperative wounds become infected. Sepsis may develop. The diuretic phase lasts 9-11 days. Gradually, the amount of urine excreted begins to increase and after 4-5 days reaches 2-4 liters per day or more. In many patients, there is a loss of a large amount of potassium in the urine - hyperkalemia is replaced by hypokalemia, which can lead to hypotension and even paresis of skeletal muscles, cardiac arrhythmias. Urine has a low density, it has a reduced content of creatinine and urea, but after 1 week. diuretic phase, with a favorable course of the disease, hyperazotemia disappears and electrolyte balance is restored. In the phase of full recovery, there is a further restoration of kidney function. The duration of this period reaches 6-12 months, after which the kidney function is fully restored.

Diagnosis of kidney failure

Diagnosis of acute renal failure, as a rule, is not difficult. Its main marker is a continuous increase in the level of nitrogenous metabolites and potassium in the blood, along with a decrease in the amount of urine excreted. In a patient with clinical manifestations of acute renal failure, it is imperative to determine its cause. Conducting a differential diagnosis of prerenal acute renal failure from renal is extremely important, since the first form can quickly turn into the second, which will aggravate the course of the disease and worsen the prognosis. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis of postrenal acute renal failure from its other types, for which ultrasound of the kidneys is performed, which allows you to determine or exclude the fact of bilateral obstruction of the upper urinary tract by the presence or absence of dilatation of the pelvicalyceal system.

If necessary, bilateral catheterization of the renal pelvis can be performed. With free passage of ureteral catheters to the pelvis and in the absence of urine output through them, postrenal anuria can be safely rejected. Laboratory diagnostics is based on measuring the volume of urine, the level of creatinine, urea and blood serum electrolytes. Sometimes, to characterize renal blood flow, it is necessary to resort to renal angiography. A kidney biopsy should be performed according to strict indications: if acute glomerulonephritis, tubular necrosis, or systemic disease is suspected.

Treatment of kidney failure

In the initial phase of acute renal failure, treatment should first of all be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the development of the pathological mechanism. In shock, which is the cause of 90% of acute renal failure, the main therapy is aimed at normalizing blood pressure and replenishing the volume of circulating blood. The introduction of protein solutions and large molecular weight dextrans is effective, which should be administered under the control of the central venous pressure indicator so as not to cause overhydration. In case of poisoning with nephrotoxic poisons, it is necessary to remove them by washing the stomach and intestines. Unitiol is a universal antidote for poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Especially effective can be hemosorption undertaken even before the development of acute renal failure.

In the case of postrenal acute renal failure, therapy should be aimed at early restoration of urine outflow. In the oliguric phase in acute renal failure of any etiology, it is necessary to administer osmotic diuretics in combination with furosemide, doses of which can reach 200 mg. The introduction of dopamine in "renal" doses is shown, which will reduce renal vasoconstriction. The volume of the injected fluid should make up for its losses with stool, vomiting, urine and an additional 400 ml consumed during breathing, sweating. The diet of patients should be protein-free and provide up to 2000 kcal / day.

To reduce hyperkalemia, it is necessary to limit its intake with food, as well as to carry out surgical treatment of wounds with the removal of necrotic areas, drainage of cavities. In this case, antibiotic therapy should be carried out taking into account the severity of kidney damage. The indication for hemodialysis is an increase in the content of potassium more than 7 mmol / l, urea up to 24 mmol / l, the appearance of symptoms of uremia: nausea, vomiting, lethargy, as well as hyperhydration and acidosis. Currently, early or even preventive hemodialysis is increasingly being used, which prevents the development of severe metabolic complications. This procedure is carried out every day or every other day, gradually increasing the protein quota to 40 g / day.

Complications of kidney failure

Mortality in acute renal failure depends on the severity of the course, the age of the patient, and most importantly, the severity of the underlying disease that caused the development of acute renal failure. In patients who survived acute renal failure, complete recovery of renal function is noted in 35-40% of cases, partial recovery in 10-15%, and 1 to 3% of patients require permanent hemodialysis. At the same time, the latter indicator depends on the genesis of acute renal failure: in renal forms, the need for permanent dialysis reaches 41%, while in traumatic acute renal failure, this figure does not exceed 3%. The most common complication of acute renal failure is urinary tract infection with further development of chronic pyelonephritis and outcome in chronic renal failure.

Questions and answers on the topic "Renal failure"

Question: The girl has weakness, no temperature, her lower abdomen hurts, she drinks often, but pees once a day. These are the symptoms of what disease? Doctors cannot diagnose.

Answer: In such a case, you should establish how much the child drinks (let's drink from a measuring cup) and how much liquid he releases (weigh the diaper) during the day. If the amount of urine excreted is significantly less than the amount of fluid consumed (a difference of more than 300-500 ml), kidney failure can be assumed.

Chronic renal failure symptoms and signs | Diagnosis of kidney failure

Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a symptom complex that develops as a result of the gradual death of nephrons with any signs of progressive kidney disease. The term "uremia", used for a detailed picture of the symptoms of chronic renal failure, should be understood not only in the sense of a pronounced decrease in the excretion of nitrogenous derivatives, but also a violation of all kidney symptoms, including metabolic and endocrine ones. In this article, we look at the symptoms of chronic kidney disease and the main signs of chronic kidney disease in humans. Diagnosis of renal disease is not sufficiently complex, due to the fact that the symptoms coincide with other signs of kidney damage.

Chronic renal failure - symptoms

Polyuria and nocturia are typical signs of a conservative stage in chronic renal failure before the development of the terminal stage of the disease. In the terminal stage of chronic renal failure, symptoms of oliguria followed by anuria are noted.

Changes in the lungs and cardiovascular system with symptoms of chronic renal failure

Signs of pulmonary congestion and pulmonary edema in uremia can be observed with fluid retention. X-ray reveals signs of congestion in the roots of the lungs, having the shape of "butterfly wings". These changes disappear on the background of hemodialysis. Symptoms of pleurisy in chronic renal failure may be dry and exudative (polyserositis with uremia). The exudate is usually hemorrhagic in nature and contains a small amount of mononuclear phagocytes in chronic renal failure. The concentration of creatinine in the pleural fluid is increased, but lower than in the blood serum in chronic renal failure.

Signs of arterial hypertension often accompanies chronic renal failure. Perhaps the development of symptoms of malignant arterial hypertension with encephalopathy, seizures, retinopathy. Preservation of symptoms of arterial hypertension against the background of dialysis is observed with hyperrenin mechanisms. The absence of signs of arterial hypertension in conditions of terminal chronic renal failure is due to the loss of salts (in chronic pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease) or excessive fluid excretion (abuse of diuretics, vomiting, diarrhea).

Signs of pericarditis with adequate management of patients with chronic renal failure are rarely noted. Clinical symptoms of pericarditis are nonspecific. Signs of both fibrinous and effusion pericarditis are noted. Anticoagulants should be avoided to prevent the development of symptoms of hemorrhagic pericarditis. Myocardial damage occurs against the background of signs of hyperkalemia, vitamin deficiency, hyperparathyroidism. With an objective study, it is possible to detect symptoms of chronic renal failure: muffled tones, "gallop rhythm", systolic murmur, expansion of the boundaries of the heart, various rhythm disturbances.

Signs of atherosclerosis of the coronary and cerebral arteries with symptoms of chronic renal failure may have a progressive course. Symptoms of myocardial infarction, acute left ventricular failure, arrhythmias are especially often observed in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the stage of renal failure.

Signs of hematological disorders in chronic renal failure

Signs of anemia in chronic renal failure is normochromic normocytic in nature. Causes of symptoms of anemia in chronic renal failure:

  • decreased production of erythropoietin in the kidneys;
  • the effect of uremic toxins on the bone marrow, i.e., the aplastic nature of the symptoms of anemia is possible;
  • a decrease in the lifespan of erythrocytes in conditions of uremia.

Patients with symptoms of chronic renal failure who are on hemodialysis have an increased risk of developing bleeding symptoms during the planned administration of heparin. In addition, planned hemodialysis contributes to the "washout" of folic, ascorbic acids and B vitamins. Also, in chronic renal failure, increased bleeding is noted. With uremia, there is a violation of the aggregation function of platelets. In addition, with an increase in the concentration of guanidinosuccinic acid in the blood serum, there is a decrease in the activity of platelet factor 3.

Symptoms of chronic renal failure from the nervous system

CNS dysfunction is manifested by signs of drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia. They note the loss of the ability to concentrate. In the terminal stage, symptoms are possible: "fluttering" tremor, convulsions, chorea, stupor and coma. Typically noisy acidotic breathing (Kussmaul type). Some of the symptoms of chronic renal failure can be corrected with hemodialysis, but changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG) are often persistent. Peripheral neuropathy is characterized by signs of predominance of sensory lesions over motor ones; the lower extremities are affected more frequently than the upper ones, and the distal extremities are more frequently affected than the proximal ones. Without hemodialysis, peripheral neuropathy progresses steadily with the development of flaccid tetraplegia in chronic renal failure.

Some neurological disorders may be symptoms of a complication of hemodialysis in chronic renal failure. Thus, aluminum intoxication presumably explains dementia and convulsive syndromes in patients undergoing planned hemodialysis. After the first dialysis sessions, due to a sharp decrease in the urea content and osmolarity of fluid media, brain edema may develop.

Gastrointestinal symptoms in chronic renal failure

Lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting (as well as itching) are common symptoms of uremic intoxication in chronic renal failure. Bad taste in the mouth and ammoniacal breath are caused by the breakdown of urea by saliva to ammonia. Every fourth patient with signs of chronic renal failure has signs of gastric ulcer. Possible causes include Helicobacter pylori colonization, gastrin hypersecretion, and hyperparathyroidism. Symptoms of parotitis and stomatitis associated with secondary infection are often observed. Patients on hemodialysis are at increased risk for viral hepatitis B and C.

Symptoms of an endocrine disorder in chronic renal failure

When describing the pathogenesis, it was already indicated the causes of the development of symptoms of uremic pseudodiabetes and signs of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Signs of amenorrhea are often noted; ovarian function can be restored on the background of hemodialysis. In men, impotence and oligospermia, a decrease in the concentration of testosterone in the blood, are observed. Adolescents often have a violation of the processes of growth and puberty.

Signs of skin changes in chronic renal failure

The skin is typically dry; pale, with a yellow tint due to delayed urochromes. Hemorrhagic changes (petechiae, ecchymosis), scratching with itching are found on the skin. With the progression of symptoms of chronic renal failure in the terminal stage, the concentration of urea in sweat can reach such high values ​​that the so-called "uremic frost" remains on the surface of the skin.

Signs of the skeletal system in chronic renal failure

They are caused by secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic renal failure. These signs are more pronounced in children. Three types of damage are possible: renal rickets (changes similar to those in ordinary rickets), cystic fibrous osteitis (characterized by symptoms of osteoclastic bone resorption and subperiosteal erosions in the phalanges, long bones and distal clavicles), osteosclerosis (increased bone density, mainly vertebrae ). Against the background of renal osteodystrophy in chronic renal failure, bone fractures are observed, the most common localization is the ribs, the femoral neck.

Chronic renal failure - signs

A decrease in the mass of functioning nephrons leads to signs of a change in the hormonal autoregulation of glomerular blood flow (the angiotensin II-prostaglandin system) with the development of hyperfiltration and hypertension in the remaining nephrons. It has been shown that angiotensin II is able to enhance the synthesis of transforming growth factor beta, and the latter, in turn, stimulates the production of extracellular matrix in chronic renal failure. Thus, increased intraglomerular pressure and increased blood flow associated with hyperfiltration lead to glomerular sclerosis. A vicious circle closes; to eliminate it, it is necessary to eliminate hyperfiltration.

Since it became known that the symptoms of the toxic effect of uremia are reproduced by the introduction of the serum of a patient with chronic renal failure in the experiment, the search for these toxins continues. The most likely candidates for the role of toxins are metabolic products of proteins and amino acids, for example, urea and guanidine compounds (guanidines, methyl and dimethyl guanidine, creatinine, creatine and guanidinosuccinic acid, urates, aliphatic amines, some peptides and derivatives of aromatic acids - tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine ). Thus, with symptoms of chronic renal failure, metabolism is significantly impaired. Its implications are varied.

Symptoms of basal metabolism in chronic renal failure

With signs of chronic renal failure, signs of hypothermia are often noted. Reduced activity of energy processes in tissues may be due to the inhibition of the K. Na-pump by uremic toxins. On the background of hemodialysis, body temperature returns to normal.

Symptoms of violation of water-electrolyte metabolism in chronic renal failure

Changes in the operation of the K +, Na + -pump lead to intracellular accumulation of sodium ions and a deficiency of potassium ions. An excess of intracellular sodium is accompanied by an osmotically induced accumulation of water in the cell. The concentration of sodium ions in the blood remains constant regardless of the degree of decrease in the glomerular filtration rate: the lower it is, the more intensively each of the remaining functioning nephrons excretes sodium ions. There are practically no signs of hypernatremia in chronic renal failure. In the regulation of the excretion of sodium ions, the multidirectional effects of aldosterone (retention of sodium ions) and atrial natriuretic factor (excretion of sodium ions) play a role.

As signs of chronic renal failure develop, there is also an increase in water excretion by each of the remaining functioning nephrons. Therefore, even at a glomerular filtration rate of 5 ml/min, the kidneys are usually able to maintain diuresis, but at the cost of reduced concentrating symptoms. Isosthenuria is almost always noted at glomerular filtration rates below 25 ml/min. This leads to an important practical conclusion: fluid intake should be adequate to ensure the excretion of the total daily salt load in chronic renal failure. Both excessive restriction and excessive introduction of fluid into the body are dangerous.

The content of extracellular potassium ions in chronic renal failure depends on the ratio of potassium-sparing and potassium-reducing mechanisms. The former include conditions accompanied by insulin resistance (insulin normally increases the absorption of potassium by muscle cells), as well as metabolic acidosis (inducing the release of potassium ions from cells). An excessively strict hypokalemic diet, the use of diuretics (except for potassium-sparing ones), and secondary hyperaldosteronism contribute to a decrease in potassium levels. The sum of these counteracting factors is expressed in a normal or slightly elevated blood potassium level in patients with symptoms of chronic renal failure (with the exception of symptoms of the terminal phase, which is typical of hyperkalemia). Signs of hyperkalemia are one of the most dangerous manifestations of chronic renal failure. With high hyperkalemia (more than 7 mmol / l), muscle and nerve cells lose their ability to excitability, which leads to paralysis, CNS damage, AV blockade, up to cardiac arrest.

Symptoms of changes in carbohydrate metabolism in chronic renal failure

The content of insulin circulating in the blood with signs of chronic renal failure is increased. Nevertheless, in conditions of renal failure, glucose tolerance is often impaired, although significant hyperglycemia and, especially, ketoacidosis are not noted. There are several reasons for this in chronic renal failure: signs of peripheral receptor resistance to the action of insulin, symptoms of intracellular potassium deficiency, metabolic acidosis, increased levels of contrainsular hormones (glucagon, growth hormone, glucocorticoids, catecholamines). Impaired glucose tolerance in chronic renal failure is called azotamic pseudodiabetes; this phenomenon does not require self-treatment.

Symptoms of changes in fat metabolism in chronic renal failure

Hypertriglyceridemia, elevated levels of Lp A, and decreased HDL levels are characteristic of chronic renal failure. At the same time, the content of cholesterol in the blood with symptoms of chronic renal failure remains within the normal range. An undoubted contribution to the enhancement of triglyceride synthesis is made by hyperinsulinism.

Changes in symptoms of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in chronic renal failure

The concentration of phosphorus in the blood serum begins to increase with a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate below 25% of the normal level. Phosphorus contributes to the signs of calcium deposition in the bones, which contributes to the development of hypocalcemia in chronic renal failure. In addition, an important prerequisite for hypocalcemia is a decrease in the synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol in the kidneys. It is an active metabolite of vitamin D, responsible for the absorption of calcium ions in the intestine. Hypocalcemia stimulates the production of parathyroid hormone, i.e., secondary hyperparathyroidism develops, as well as renal osteodystrophy (more often in children than in adults).

Diagnosis of kidney failure by symptoms

The most informative in the diagnosis of symptoms of chronic renal failure is the determination of the maximum (in the Zimnitsky sample) relative density of urine, the value of the glomerular filtration rate and the level of creatinine in the blood serum. Diagnosis of the nosological form that led to signs of renal failure is the more difficult, the later the stage of chronic renal failure. At the stage of terminal renal failure, the symptoms disappear. It is often difficult to distinguish between signs of chronic and symptoms of acute renal failure, especially in the absence of history and medical records from previous years. The presence of persistent normochromic anemia in combination with polyuria, arterial hypertension, symptoms of gastroenteritis testifies in favor of chronic renal failure.

Determination of the relative density of urine in the diagnosis of chronic renal failure

For chronic renal failure, a characteristic symptom is isosthenuria. A relative density above 1.018 is indicative of renal failure. A decrease in the relative density of urine, in addition to chronic renal failure, can be observed with excessive fluid intake, the use of diuretics, and aging.

With symptoms of chronic renal failure, hyperkalemia usually develops in the terminal stage. The content of sodium ions changes insignificantly, and hypernatremia is noted much less frequently than hyponatremia. The content of calcium ions is usually reduced, phosphorus - increased.

Diagnosis of kidney size in chronic renal failure

X-ray and ultrasound methods are used to diagnose the symptoms of chronic renal failure. The hallmark of kidney failure is a decrease in the size of the kidneys. If size reduction is not observed, in some cases a kidney biopsy is indicated.

Symptoms of metabolic changes in chronic renal failure

The most important mechanisms:

  • Retention of sodium and water ions with an increase in BCC, accumulation of sodium ions in the vessel wall, followed by edema and increased sensitivity to pressor agents.
  • Activation of pressor systems: reninangiotensinaldosterone, vasopressin, catecholamine systems.
  • Insufficiency of renal depressor systems (PG, kinins) with symptoms of chronic renal failure.
  • Accumulation of nitric oxide synthetase inhibitors and digoxin-like metabolites, insulin resistance.
  • Increased risk of developing atherosclerosis

Risk factors for signs of atherosclerosis in chronic renal failure: hyperlipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance, prolonged arterial hypertension, hyperhomocysteinemia.

Weakening of signs of anti-infective immunity in chronic renal failure

The reasons for it are the following:

  • Decreased effector functions of phagocytes in chronic renal failure.
  • Arteriovenous shunts: during hemodialysis, if the rules for caring for them are violated, they become the "entrance gate" of infection.
  • Pathogenetic immunosuppressive therapy of underlying kidney diseases increases the risk of intercurrent infections.

Pathomorphology of signs of chronic renal failure

Symptoms of morphological changes in the kidneys in chronic renal failure are of the same type, despite the variety of causes of chronic renal failure. Fibroplastic processes predominate in the parenchyma: some of the nephrons die and are replaced by connective tissue. The remaining nephrons experience functional overload. A morphofunctional correlation is observed between the number of "working" nephrons and impaired renal function.

Classifications of chronic renal failure

There is no generally accepted classification of chronic renal failure. The most significant signs in all classifications are the content of creatinine in the blood and the glomerular filtration rate.

From a clinical standpoint, to assess the prognosis and choose treatment tactics, it is advisable to distinguish three stages of chronic renal failure:

Initial or latent. symptoms - a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate to 60-40 ml / min and an increase in blood creatinine to 180 μmol / l.

conservative. signs - glomerular filtration rate 40-20 ml / min, blood creatinine up to 280 μmol / l.

Terminal. symptoms - glomerular filtration rate less than 20 ml / min, blood creatinine above 280 μmol / l.

If in the first two stages of CRF it is possible to use drug treatments that support residual kidney function, then in the terminal stage only replacement therapy is effective - chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Causes of symptoms of chronic renal failure

Glomerulonephritis (primary and secondary) is the most common cause of chronic renal failure. Deficiency can also be caused by symptoms of damage to the tubules and renal interstitium (pyelonephritis, tubulointerstitial nephritis), signs of metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus), amyloidosis, congenital pathology (polycystic kidney disease, kidney hypoplasia, Fanconi syndrome, Allport's disease, etc.), obstructive nephropathies (urolithiasis, hydronephrosis, tumors) and vascular lesions (hypertension, renal artery stenosis).

kidney failure

What it is?

Elimination of metabolic products from the body and maintaining acid-base and water-electrolyte balance - these two important functions are performed by the kidneys. Renal blood flow provides these processes. The tubules of the kidneys are responsible for the concentration ability, secretion and reabsorption, and the glomeruli carry out filtration.

Renal insufficiency is a severe impairment of the functioning of the kidneys. As a result of this, the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance of the body is disrupted, and homeostasis is disturbed.

There are two stages of kidney failure: chronic and acute. Following the transferred acute kidney disease, an acute form of insufficiency develops. In most episodes, this is a reversible process. The loss of a functioning parenchyma leads to the fact that the chronic form of renal failure gradually develops and progresses.

Causes of kidney failure

This disease can appear as a result of many reasons. Exogenous intoxications, such as snake or poisonous insect bites, poisoning with drugs or poison, lead to the development of acute renal failure. Infectious diseases can also serve as a cause; processes of inflammation in the kidneys (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis); obstruction of the urinary tract; trauma or impaired hemodynamics of the kidneys (collapse, shock).

Chronic inflammatory diseases usually lead to the development of a chronic form of insufficiency. It can be pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis also of a chronic form. Urological pathologies, polycystic kidney disease, diabetic glomerulonephritis, renal amyloidosis - all these diseases lead to the development of a chronic form of kidney failure.

Symptoms of kidney failure

Painful, bacterial or anaphylactic shock manifests itself as symptoms at an early stage of the disease. Homeostasis is then disrupted. Symptoms of acute uremia gradually increase. The patient loses his appetite, he becomes lethargic, drowsy and weak. There is vomiting, nausea, muscle cramps and spasms, anemia, tachycardia. shortness of breath (due to pulmonary edema). The patient is unconscious.

Signs grow and develop along with the disease itself. Efficiency decreases sharply, the patient quickly gets tired. He suffers from headaches. Appetite decreases, and an unpleasant aftertaste is felt in the mouth, vomiting and nausea occur. The skin is dry, pale and flabby, muscle tone decreases, trembling of the limbs (tremor), aches and pain in the bones and joints appear. There is leukocytosis, bleeding, anemia is pronounced. A decrease in glomerular filtration leads to a change in excitability and apathy in the patient, that is, he becomes emotionally labile. The patient behaves inappropriately, his mental reactions are inhibited, and night sleep is disturbed. The condition of the skin worsens, its shade becomes yellow-gray, puffiness of the face, itching and scratching appear. Nails and hair are prone to brittleness, they become dull. Due to the lack of appetite, dystrophy progresses. The voice is hoarse. Aphthous stomatitis and ammonia smell from it appear in the mouth. Digestive disorders such as vomiting, nausea, bloating, belching and diarrhea are frequent companions of kidney failure. Muscle cramps increase and cause excruciating pain. Diseases such as pleurisy, ascites, pericarditis may appear. Perhaps the development of uremic coma.

Treatment of kidney failure

In the treatment of deep dysfunction of the kidneys, the causes leading to its development should be identified and eliminated. If it is impossible to carry out this stage in the treatment, it is required to do hemodialysis, that is, when using an artificial kidney, clean the blood. In cases where renal artery occlusion has occurred, shunting, prosthetics and balloon angioplasty should be performed. In addition, it is necessary to restore disturbed blood circulation, acid-base and water-electrolyte balance. The blood is cleansed, therapy with antibacterial drugs is carried out. A qualified specialist in this field should control the entire process of treating this disease, as this is a complex complex therapeutic measure.

Nutrition correction is one of the main preventive measures. The prescribed diet should be high in fluids and limited in protein foods. It is required to completely remove meat and fish, dairy products, dried fruits, potatoes and bananas, as well as other foods rich in potassium from the menu. Cottage cheese, cereals and legumes, bran, containing a large amount of magnesium and phosphorus, should be limited when eaten. When treating a disease, it is very important to observe the work regime, you should not overwork and overstrain, devote more time to rest.

If adequate treatment of an acute form of insufficiency is started in time, it will help the patient get rid of the disease and live a full life. Transplantation of a diseased kidney or hemodialysis - only these two methods will help a person live with a chronic form of the disease.


Treatment of kidney failure with alternative medicine recipes

  • Burdock. Brewed burdock root will help improve the condition of a patient with kidney failure. The root is ground into flour in any way possible, one large spoonful of powder is brewed in a glass of very hot water. Leave to infuse for the whole night, so that the infusion is ready by morning. During the day, you need to drink the prepared infusion in small portions. Since it is forbidden to drink more liquid than it will be excreted in the urine, the dosage is selected in accordance with the patient's drinking regimen. If this condition is not met, swelling may develop. It is necessary to prepare water for infusion in advance. It must be boiled, allowed to stand and filtered in case of precipitation. The settling jar should contain a magnet or a silver spoon for disinfection.
  • Echinacea tincture. This drug will bring considerable benefits in the treatment of the disease. Making this tool at home is not difficult. Roots, leaves and buds have equal healing properties, so the whole plant is suitable for making a tincture. Approximately 150 grams of fresh raw materials or 50 grams of dry grass must be poured with one liter of vodka. Remove the container in a dark and cool place to infuse for 14 days. Periodically, the tincture needs to be shaken. After the required time has passed, the tincture should be filtered through gauze. The dosage is 10 drops of the drug, which must be diluted in clean water and taken three times a day for six months. Together with the tincture, you can also use such a folk remedy: an infusion of insufficiently ripe walnuts and honey. It is prepared as follows: grind the nut with a meat grinder and mix with fresh honey in equal proportions. Mix the mixture thoroughly, close the lid tightly and place in a dark place for 30 days. It is required to eat three small spoons of the mixture per day, dividing them into three doses. Such a remedy will support the immune system and cleanse the blood.
  • Collection of herbs. To prepare a healing herbal infusion that will help in the treatment, you should mix the crushed herbs in the following proportions: 6 shares of horsetail and strawberry leaves, 4 shares of rose hips, 3 shares of nettle leaves and stems, 2 shares of plantain and drop caps, 1 share of leaves lingonberries, petals of the Crimean rose, budra grass, juniper fruits, lavender, birch and currant leaves, bearberry. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Two large spoons of the collection are filled with 500 milliliters of hot water. Insist in a thermos for about one hour, then use, mixed with honey three times a day. Take a warm infusion should be 20 minutes before meals every day for six months. Being treated with herbs, it is necessary to prevent hypothermia and being in drafts.
  • Flax and horsetail. Flax seeds are an excellent alternative medicine for treatment. One small spoonful of seeds should be brewed in a glass of boiling water. Then cook on low heat for about 2 minutes. Leave the decoction to infuse for 2 hours. After that, the cooled agent must be filtered and taken 100 milliliters up to 4 times a day.

horsetail- This is a classic remedy for the treatment of kidney failure. It restores water and electrolyte balance, and also has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, diuretic and astringent effects on the body. Horsetail herb is dried and ground before use. To prepare the broth, you will need 3 large spoons of raw materials, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes. The decoction is then cooled, filtered, and taken three or four times a day.

  • Seaweed and dill. Dill is a great help in healing. Grind grass seeds in a mortar and pour one part of them with 20 parts of water. The remedy should be taken 4 times a day, drinking half a glass at a time. Dill has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic effects.

Seaweed, or kelp, rich in iodine, provitamins and vitamins, also helps in the treatment. It can be added to various salads and thus eaten. The required dosage is approximately 100 grams per day. Laminaria will assist in the work of the kidneys when removing metabolic products from the body.

Chronic renal failure

The irreversible death of nephrons leads to kidney damage, that is, to a chronic form of renal failure. It appears as a result of chronic kidney disease and leads to the fact that the kidneys gradually begin to do their job worse and worse. All human life suffers from this. This disease poses a considerable danger, often ending in the death of the patient.

Chronic renal failure occurs in four stages.

Latent stage - it practically does not show any signs of the disease, they can be detected only with a deep examination of the body.

Compensated stage - characterized by a decrease in glomerular filtration. In this case, dryness in the oral cavity and rapid fatigue and weakness of the body occur. Intermittent stage - characterized by the development of acidosis. At the same time, the patient experiences abrupt changes in the state from improvement to deterioration, which manifest themselves depending on the course of the disease, which caused the insufficiency of the chronic form.

Terminal - the last fourth stage of the disease, it leads to uremic intoxication.

Causes of chronic renal failure

The causes of insufficiency in a chronic form are:

  • hereditary lesions of the ureters, such as hypoplasia, polycystic and dysplasia, as well as hereditary diseases of the kidneys;
  • vascular diseases that lead to damage to the kidney parenchyma. These can be such vascular diseases as hypertension and stenosis of the renal arteries;
  • urological diseases, Albright's tubular acidosis, renal diabetes, that is, abnormal processes in the tubular apparatus;
  • glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, gout, nephrosclerosis, malaria and other diseases caused by damage to the glomeruli.

Symptoms of chronic renal failure

The course of the underlying disease determines the presence of certain symptoms of chronic insufficiency. The most common and common manifestations are dryness of the skin and their yellow tint, as well as their itching, reduced sweating. The general condition of the nail plates and hair worsens, they lose their luster and strength. The body begins to retain fluid, which leads to the development of heart failure. Tachycardia and arterial hypertension appear. Nervous disorders are manifested in the fact that patients become apathetic, lethargic and drowsy, they have a decrease in appetite, which leads to the development of dystrophy. The symptoms of the disease can also include pain in the joints and the skeletal system, the presence of tremors in the limbs and muscle cramps. The mucous membrane also suffers, this is manifested in the development of aphthous stomatitis, gastroenterocolitis with ulcers and erosions.

Treatment of chronic renal failure

The choice of methods and drugs for the treatment of chronic kidney failure depends on what stage it is at and how the underlying disease proceeds. Correction of nutrition, normalization of cardiac work, as well as restoration of acid-base balance will help the patient recover. The diet should be designed in such a way that it restricts the use of protein foods and salt. Physical activity should be adjusted so as not to pose any danger to the patient.

As a replacement treatment, blood purification can be used, while using an artificial kidney. You can use a kidney transplant.

At a late stage of the disease, dangerous complications can develop: arrhythmia, myocardial infarction. viral hepatitis, pericarditis.

If treatment is started on time, the patient will be able to live a full life for many more years.

The most interesting news

The inability of the kidney tissues to form and excrete urine entails serious consequences - renal failure. The causes of this disease are changes in the acid-base and water-electrolyte balance in the body.

Varieties of the disease

There are two types of kidney failure:

  • Acute;
  • Chronic.

The acute form of the disease is manifested by an unexpected deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys. As a result, the excretion of waste products from the body either stops completely or slows down significantly. This leads to a deterioration in the blood composition due to violations of the water, electrolyte, acid-base balance in the patient's body.

The chronic form is a gradually developing disease, which is characterized by a gradual decrease in the viable structural units of the kidney - nephrons.

In the early stages of the disease, the disturbances are almost imperceptible. But as the nephrons die, there is an increasing decrease in the ability of the kidney to function normally. Intoxication is growing, caused by the inability of the kidneys to normally excrete metabolic products.

Causes of the disease

Acute kidney failure can develop as a result of certain diseases that can lead to impaired glomerular filtration, the main indicator that gives an indication of how the kidney functions, and to a decrease in the rate of urine output. Such provoking diseases include:

  • state of shock;
  • infections;
  • Profuse bleeding;
  • Violation of the heart rhythm;
  • Poisoning with toxic substances;
  • Change in the work of blood vessels in the kidneys;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs.

Protracted kidney diseases and some other diseases that lead to changes in the functioning of the body can lead to a chronic form of insufficiency:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertension;
  • scleroderma disease;
  • Lupus erythematosus;
  • Medicines used for a long time;
  • Various intoxications in a chronic form;
  • The presence of stones in the kidneys or in the urinary system.

Symptoms of the disease in women

Depending on the type of disease, its symptoms appear at different times. In the acute form, they develop almost simultaneously. With timely measures taken, the symptoms disappear, while the kidney function is restored completely. In chronic insufficiency, the symptoms are indistinguishable at the onset of the disease and may appear years or decades later. Treatment of this form of the disease can lead to an improvement in the general condition of the patient, but it will not be possible to completely restore the kidney tissue.

Acute deficiency

Signs of renal failure in women in its acute form are different and depend on the underlying cause that caused this exacerbation. If the cause is an infection, headaches, muscle pain, chills, and fever may occur. Intestinal poisoning causes symptoms of acute renal failure, which are manifested by vomiting, loose stools and headache. In case of poisoning with poisons, the symptoms manifest themselves in various types of convulsions, numbness, icteric signs.

If the cause is shock, then signs of insufficiency are pallor, perspiration, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, weak pulse. Such a reason as acute glomerulonephritis gives signs of damage to the kidneys in the form of blood in the urine and pain in the lumbar region. All these signs are characteristic of the primary stage of acute insufficiency.

Second stage

The second stage of the disease in women manifests itself in the form of vomiting, nausea, itching of the skin, unwillingness to eat. Urination is reduced or stops completely. Consciousness is disturbed, coma may develop. There is swelling of the face and legs, lungs and even the brain, body weight increases due to the accumulation of fluid.

With proper and quick medical care, urination is restored, excess fluid and waste products are excreted from the body. If the treatment does not give positive results, the exacerbation passes into the third stage.

Third stage

It is characterized by an increased cough with sputum secretion, colored pink due to the presence of fluid in the lungs and peritoneum. There may be internal bleeding and bruising. The patient is in a state of increased drowsiness, may lose consciousness or fall into a coma. There are spasms and heart rhythm disturbances. This stage of the disease is deadly for the patient.

chronic insufficiency

Symptoms of chronic renal failure in women appear after some, sometimes a long time, and are associated with changes in the structure of kidney tissues. The first signs of the disease are manifested in the presence of weakness, deterioration of the general condition. The volume of urine excreted may decrease or increase, the nighttime separation may exceed the daytime one.

In the future, the disease progresses and leads to an imbalance in the acid-base and water background of the body. At a late stage, the disease manifests itself in significant swelling of the subcutaneous tissues and the accumulation of water in various body cavities. Hypertension is constantly observed, vision deteriorates, shortness of breath and cough are observed. The smell of ammonia from the mouth appears, appetite decreases, body weight decreases. The skin becomes yellowish, itchy. There are signs of anemia, the menstrual cycle is disturbed or stops, the vessels become brittle. Further, loss of consciousness, coma is not ruled out. If the patient does not perform forced hemodialysis, the death of the patient inevitably occurs.

Treatment Methods

Treatment for kidney failure also depends on the type of kidney failure. The acute form implies the primary elimination of the problem that caused it. The following methods are used to solve the problem:

  • Treatment with medications;
  • Therapy designed to eliminate intoxication;
  • Measures to replenish the volume of fluid and acid-base harmony;
  • Hormones and other necessary procedures.

In the chronic form, efforts are directed towards treating chronic diseases that impair kidney function, reducing intoxication, and maintaining kidney function.

In the first stage, efforts are directed towards treating or slowing down the underlying chronic disease. Further, with constant therapy of an existing disease and its stabilization, measures are possible that help reduce or remove swelling, normalize pressure, eliminate anemia, and others. The right diet plays an important role.

In the later stages of chronic renal failure, forced blood filtration is used, which is carried out 2-3 times in 7 days, or a kidney transplant is performed.

Folk remedies

Various folk remedies in the form of herbal decoctions and infusions are of auxiliary importance in the main therapy and perform well in the initial stages of the disease. Most often, plants such as chamomile, succession, horsetail, lingonberry and blackcurrant leaves, birch buds are used. These plants have diuretic properties. It is good to drink special kidney tea. Mint, corn stigmas, St. John's wort are also used for decoctions or infusions.

Disorders of homeostasis are a direct consequence of a disease such as renal failure. This syndrome is associated with severe impairment of renal function. The occurrence of symptoms of kidney failure in women is very closely related to the violation of water-electrolyte or acid-base balance in the human body.


Interestingly, the disease depends on the symptoms and form of the disease, it can be acute renal failure or chronic. The first option is associated with a sudden deterioration in kidney function. Disorders of the water, electrolyte, osmotic or acid-base balance are closely associated with such a negative process as a sharp slowdown or cessation of the excretion of nitrogen metabolism products from the human body of a woman. As a result of kidney failure, the symptoms of which are obvious, it is likely that such an unpleasant phenomenon as a violation of the normal composition of the blood.

If a woman has chronic renal failure, then this is due to a decrease in the number of functioning nephrons. Moreover, this form of the disease is characterized by a gradual progressive state with a slow increase in symptoms of kidney failure.

Due to the symptoms of the gradual death of kidney tissues, the deficiency of kidney functions becomes the cause of intoxication in the body of a woman, because her own waste products cannot be fully excreted from the body.

According to the international classification of chronic renal failure in women, the code for ICD 10 is number N18.

Chronic renal failure symptoms in women, creatinine stage counts 4. They are based on the level of its content in the blood. At the first stage, its level rises to 442.0 µmol per liter. On the second - up to 884.0 µmol per liter. On the third - up to 1326.0 µmol per liter, and on the fourth, everything that is above this indicator.

The reasons

The occurrence of symptoms of renal failure in women is closely related to diseases that lead to a sharp deterioration in renal blood flow. Such conditions can occur due to shock of various origins, severe infectious diseases, massive bleeding, acute heart failure, intoxication with nephrotoxic poisons, vascular lesions of the kidneys, acute kidney diseases, urinary tract obstruction.

The chronic form may be associated with other chronic diseases and their symptoms. We are talking about diabetes, hypertension, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, chronic intoxication, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis in women. Such conditions may occur if certain drugs have been used as adequate treatments.

Kidney failure in women of this kind is a real opportunity to recover quickly and never again remember this problem and symptoms. It is much worse if the fact of the presence of a chronic form is confirmed. The disease can proceed for several years, which catastrophically affects the state of the human body. In addition, a steady increase in signs is unlikely to be avoided. Chronic renal failure is also complicated by the fact that the possibility of complete restoration of the functions of damaged organs is practically absent.

The acute form and symptoms are observed in the first stage in women, so it is much easier to cure it. Moreover, the symptoms of kidney failure are quite obvious. Acute renal impairment may present with fever, chills, headache, and muscle pain. Often there is confusion or loss of consciousness. Paleness, sweating, thready pulse and low blood pressure are also unpleasant signs of this disease. The disease can also be recognized by the presence of blood in the urine, pain in the lower back.

Due to untimely access to a doctor, the second stage of the disease often occurs. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as a sharp decrease or complete cessation of urine output, azothermia, impaired consciousness, weight gain, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, swelling of vital organs, fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. Not an exception is the onset of a general serious condition.

A favorable outcome in the treatment of renal failure is associated with a period of recovery of diuresis. At first, urine output gradually increases, reaching the norm, and then it becomes even more. This indicates the beginning of the process of removing fluid from the body, which has accumulated during the development of the disease.

In the case of improper control of renal failure, there is a possibility of the onset of the terminal stage. It is characterized by shortness of breath, cough, pink frothy sputum, subcutaneous hemorrhages, hematomas, internal bleeding. At the level of the nervous system, we are talking about confusion, drowsiness, coma, spasms or muscle cramps. It is likely that the cardiovascular system will be disturbed. People with health problems of this kind should definitely be checked regularly by a doctor in order to prevent the onset of the disease.

Symptoms of kidney failure

The main difference between acute and chronic disease in women is the time of onset of symptoms of kidney failure. In the first case, we are talking about rapid development, but the plus of this moment is that a complete recovery of kidney function in women is possible if adequate methods of treating kidney failure are used. Renal failure in women of this kind is a real opportunity to recover quickly and never again remember this problem. It is much worse if the fact of having a permanent form is confirmed.

The disease can proceed for several years, which has a catastrophic effect on the state of the woman's body. In addition, a steady increase in signs is unlikely to be avoided. Chronic renal failure is also complicated by the fact that the possibility of complete restoration of the functions of damaged organs is practically absent.

In the early stages of the development of the disease, its presence can be determined by signs and symptoms. Further, we are talking about more significant changes in the structure of kidney tissues. An immediate sign of the onset of this process in women is an increase in the amount of urine that is excreted at night. Moreover, swelling may appear on the face, especially in the morning. This is accompanied by weakness and malaise.

The disease in the last stage is closely associated with symptoms in women that are characteristic of uremia. Moreover, it is likely a violation of water-electrolyte metabolism. A fatal outcome can only be avoided if hemodialysis is applied in time.

If a woman has symptoms of kidney failure, then you need to immediately seek help from a doctor, because at the initial stage it is much easier to cope with the disease.

Kidney failure symptoms and signs in women

The kidneys are the most important organ of the excretory system. His spontaneous refusal leads to dire consequences. If you react in time and take action, you can manage to prevent the inevitable. It is very important to know the main symptoms of kidney failure in women in order to urgently follow the clinic.

Kidney failure symptoms and signs in men

Symptoms of the disease in men are completely identical to women. As a result of the condition worsening, people experience shortness of breath due to the fact that fluid accumulates in the lungs, bruising can form on the body. The general condition can be described as drowsy. Spasms and cramps affect the muscles. Loss of consciousness is critical.

Treatment of kidney failure

The first step in treating an acute form is to eliminate the cause. Moreover, it is necessary to restore homeostasis and impaired kidney function as soon as possible. More specific drugs used to treat kidney failure depend on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the condition of the patient. We can talk about antibacterial agents, detoxification therapy, fluid replacement, hormonal drugs. Detoxification of the body and the removal of nitrogenous slags is carried out using hemodialysis, plasmapheresis, hemosorption. To restore diuresis, the best option is the correct selection of diuretics. The introduction of sodium, potassium salts, calcium is also practiced, which helps to restore the water-electrolytic balance.

In the treatment of an advanced stage, the main principle is the impact on the cause of the disease. Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to detoxification therapy and maintaining the normal functioning of the kidneys. An important aspect is a special diet.

The initial stage of treatment of renal failure is associated with the need to achieve a slowdown or stable remission of the underlying disease. In the future, it is possible to prescribe symptomatic therapy in conjunction with permanent measures. For example, swelling can be reduced with diuretics. If there is a threat of anemia, then you can not do without vitamins and iron supplements.

The last stages are associated with the need for hemodialysis, which is also called artificial blood filtration. This procedure is prescribed with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. A good but not always affordable alternative to this procedure is organ transplantation.

More about dialysis on video:

Nutrition and diet

Proper nutrition is one of the factors that can affect a speedy recovery. The main task is to reduce the load on the kidneys and slow down the process of increasing the volume of affected kidney tissues.

Diet must be very nutritious. The main principles include limiting the intake of food that contains protein. Moreover, it is necessary to provide a high calorie content and the use of more vegetables and fruits. The neglected form is inextricably linked with fruit and vegetable fasting days, which are recommended to be used several times a week.

High-calorie food can be provided by vegetable fats and carbohydrates. In order to determine the amount of fluid that needs to be consumed per day, a special formula is used. First you need to measure the amount of urine that is excreted per day, and then add 500-800 ml to this number. With severe edema and hypertension, it is necessary to include 3-4 g of table salt in the diet. In the event that a sodium preparation is used in the treatment of renal failure, then the dosage of salt must be significantly reduced. However, limiting the amount of salt consumed for too long can lead to negative consequences. If a positive result is achieved in the process of treatment in women, then it is necessary to return the previous norm. As for protein, its intake should not exceed 20-30 g. An important point is the introduction of essential amino acids. In order to consume enough of them, you need to drink two chicken eggs daily.

Treatment of renal failure folk remedies

In the early stages, the treatment of renal failure with folk remedies is very effective. Experts recommend using infusions and decoctions from plants that have a diuretic effect. We are talking about birch buds, lingonberry leaves, horsetail, string, black currant leaves, chamomile, kidney tea. It is acceptable to use mint, corn stigmas, St. John's wort and other plants or collections from them. However, in this case, do not forget about the need for prior consultation with a doctor. Please note, however, that the use of some traditional medicine can be extremely dangerous for the human body. Especially when it comes to such a serious illness. Traditional medicine, together with its methods, is more of an auxiliary treatment than a main one.The responsibility for how to treat the disease lies only with you, because it is you who need working kidneys for life.


This pathological condition can be characterized as a serious disease of the genitourinary system, which leads to disturbances in acid-base, osmotic and water-salt homeostasis. The disease affects all the processes that occur in the body, which ultimately leads to the appearance of secondary damage.

What is kidney failure

There are two main ways of the course of the disease, the result of which will be either a complete loss of kidney function, or ESRD. Renal failure is a syndrome that causes disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys. The disease is the main cause of the disorder of most types of metabolism in the human body, including nitrogen, water or electrolyte. The disease has two forms of development - it is chronic and acute, as well as three stages of severity:

  • risk;
  • damage;
  • failure.

Causes of kidney failure

Based on the opinions of doctors, the main causes of kidney failure in humans affect only two areas - high blood pressure and diabetes. In some cases, the disease may occur due to heredity or be suddenly triggered by unknown factors. Such patients seek help from the clinic in very advanced cases, when it is extremely difficult to establish the source and cure the disease.

Stages of kidney failure

Chronic kidney disease occurs in five hundred out of a million patients undergoing treatment, however, this figure is steadily increasing every year. As a result of the disease, there is a gradual death of the tissue and the loss of all its functions by the organ. Medicine knows four stages of chronic renal failure that accompany the course of the disease:

  1. The first stage proceeds almost imperceptibly, the patient may not even be aware of the development of the disease. The latent period is characterized by increased physical fatigue. It is possible to identify the disease only with a biochemical study.
  2. At the compensated stage, there is an increase in the number of urination against the background of general weakness. The pathological process can be detected by the results of blood tests.
  3. For the intermittent stage, a sharp deterioration in the work of the kidneys is typical, which is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of creatinine and other products of nitrogen metabolism in the blood.
  4. According to the etiology, end-stage renal failure causes irreversible changes in the functioning of all body systems. The patient feels constant emotional instability, lethargy or drowsiness, appearance worsens, appetite disappears. The consequence of the last stage of CRF is uremia, aphthous stomatitis or dystrophy of the heart muscle.

Acute renal failure

The reversible process of kidney tissue damage is known as acute renal failure. It is possible to determine acute renal failure by referring to the symptoms of kidney failure in a person, which are expressed by a complete or partial cessation of urination. The constant deterioration of the patient's condition at the terminal stage is accompanied by poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and other painful manifestations. The causes of the syndrome are the following factors:

  • infectious diseases;
  • renal condition;
  • decompensated violation of renal hemodynamics;
  • obstruction of the urinary tract;
  • exogenous intoxications;
  • acute kidney disease.

Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure gradually leads to a complete loss of the ability to function for this organ, causes shrinkage of the kidney, death of nephrons and complete replacement of its tissues. Being at the terminal stage of the disease, the patient's body begins to refuse to excrete urine, which affects the electrolyte composition of the blood. Damage to the renal glomeruli can occur due to a number of reasons, the most common of which are:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • tumors;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • amyloid chronic pyelonephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • polycystic;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • underdevelopment of the kidneys;
  • scleroderma;

Kidney failure - symptoms

In order to figure out how to treat kidney failure, it's worth learning the main symptoms of CRF first. At first, it is problematic to identify the disease on your own, although timely medical intervention can reverse the development of dangerous pathological processes, eliminating the need for surgery. Most patients complain of such symptoms of kidney failure as severe swelling, high blood pressure or pain.

The first signs of kidney failure

The syndrome of disorders in the functioning of the kidneys has a phased stage of development, therefore, each stage is characterized by more pronounced manifestations of the disease. The first signs of kidney failure are considered to be weakness or fatigue for no good reason, food refusal, sleep problems. In addition, you can check for the presence of an ailment based on the frequency of urination at night.

Kidney failure - symptoms in women

Disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys can cause a variety of manifestations, depending on what stage of the pathological process the patient is at. Symptoms of kidney failure in women manifest themselves in a special, specific way. The first alarm signal is emotional instability caused by a deficiency in the body of the substance progesterone. Against this background, a number of complications associated with the work of the genitourinary system are actively developing.

Kidney failure - symptoms in men

The syndrome affects the body even in the early stages of onset, so how to determine kidney failure and what to do can be found by comparing some key facts. Symptoms of renal failure in men practically do not differ from the reactions of other groups of patients. At the initial stages, it is characteristic: decreased urination, diarrhea, loss of appetite, skin itching, clearly traced signs of a disorder of the nervous system.

Kidney failure in children - symptoms

Kidney problems rarely affect young children, but if action is not taken in time, then inaction can cause death. Symptoms of renal failure in children are no different from the course of the disease in adult patients. In addition to general malaise, the child feels nausea, his temperature rises, and in some cases swelling is detected. Such children often go to the toilet, but the amount of urine excreted is not normal. Analyzes allow you to diagnose the following picture:

  • stones in the kidneys;
  • cough;
  • increased amount of protein in the urine;
  • decrease in muscle tone;
  • tremor;
  • skin becomes yellow.

Renal failure - diagnosis

The main sign of the presence of a severe pathology in a patient is not only a decrease in the frequency of urination, but also the presence of an increased amount of potassium or nitrogenous compounds in the blood. Diagnosis of renal failure is carried out in several stages, the condition of the kidneys is assessed according to the diagnosis based on the results of the Zimnitsky test. The main indicators of the effectiveness of treatment are:

  • biochemical blood monitoring;
  • Biopsy;
  • Vascular ultrasound.

Kidney failure - treatment

During therapy, the main cause of pathogenesis is eliminated with the help of modern medications. The recovery process includes replenishment of the missing blood volume and normalization of blood pressure during a shock reaction in a patient. Treatment of kidney failure during the period of nephrotoxin poisoning consists of washing the intestines and stomach from toxins, for these purposes they often use:

  • plasmapheresis;
  • nephroprotective treatment;
  • hemodialysis;
  • hemoperfusion;
  • peritoneal dialysis;
  • hemosorption.

Treatment of kidney failure - drugs

The treatment of such a serious illness must be supported by appropriate medical intervention, such as insulin preparations. Most of the existing diuretics, if taken uncontrolled, can harm human health, so the use of therapeutic substances is possible only under the strict supervision of a specialist. The most effective drugs for the treatment of kidney failure can be distinguished into a separate category of drugs:

  • Trimetazidine;
  • Lisinopril;
  • Desferal;
  • Sulodexide;
  • Eufillin;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Digoxide;
  • Ramipril;
  • Curantyl;
  • Glurenorm;
  • Enalapril;
  • metoprolol;
  • Deferoxamine;
  • propranolol;
  • Dopamine.

Renal failure - treatment with folk remedies

Some people adhere to natural therapies, so the treatment of kidney failure with folk remedies allows the use of only the gifts of nature. With the help of medicinal plants, fruits or vegetables, special decoctions are prepared to save a person from this ailment. The most effective folk methods of therapy are the use of burdock, pomegranate juice and corn stigmas. There are other useful ingredients to treat:

  • seaweed;
  • echinacea tincture;
  • Dill seeds;
  • horsetail.

Kidney failure during pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, the body of a pregnant mother is subjected to an additional degree of stress, which is why all its systems are forced to work in an enhanced mode. Sometimes the main cause of kidney failure during pregnancy is malfunction of some organs. These diseases endanger the health of a woman and her unborn child, so childbirth in such circumstances is impossible. The only exceptions are those cases when the disease was promptly eliminated in the early stages of diagnosis.

Prevention of kidney failure

Timely treatment of diseases such as chronic pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis will help prevent further complications, and regular adherence to the doctor's recommendations will ensure that the organs of the genitourinary system remain functional. Prevention of renal failure is applied to any category of patients, at whatever stage of the disease they are. Simple rules, including dieting, adjusting the water-salt balance and the use of medications will help prevent the development of the disease.

Video: kidney failure symptoms and treatment

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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