Symptoms of depression in women test online. Clinical tests to determine the level of depression and anxiety online

Nervous exhaustion refers to a specific mental and emotional state that occurs as a result of stress and excessive stress. Tellingly, this condition can be both a sign of depression and its harbinger. In fact, this is a weakening of the body, aggravated by intoxication, lack of rest, poor nutrition, or some kind of disease.

The main symptom of the condition is endless fatigue. An exhausted person wants to sleep all the time, and any little thing unbalances him and provokes a nervous breakdown. And if at the same time you do not arrange a proper rest for yourself, exhaustion can lead to the most serious consequences, up to a ruined life.

Nervous exhaustion - manifestations

The described phenomenon can develop as a result of strong and prolonged loads of both psychological and mental nature. A person is simply unable to withstand them, which is why symptoms such as chronic fatigue, loss of efficiency, mental disorders, somatic and vegetative disorders occur.

All symptoms are conditionally divided into two types:

  • mental;
  • external.

Let's consider them in more detail.

These include overwork, in which various functional disorders are observed in the body. First of all, it negatively affects the nervous system.

External manifestations

They are more diverse, although in most cases they do not go beyond the characteristic categories.

Table. Main categories

NameShort description
First categoryThis includes weakness, drowsiness, irritability, although all this can be successfully suppressed under the condition of great willpower. But even in such cases, the main problem does not disappear, even if the person looks balanced and calm, so emotional outbursts will manifest themselves even more strongly.
Second categoryIt includes the following symptoms: indifference, lethargy, permanent guilt, depression (we will talk about the latter separately, but a little later). Thought processes and human movements are inhibited. This kind of exhaustion often attracts attention with a pronounced indifference to everything.
Third categoryLess commonly, this condition manifests itself in the form of strong arousal. A person feels euphoria, he is unbridled and talkative, his activity is active, but often meaningless. He feels quite normal, looks the same, but he cannot objectively assess his capabilities and reality in general. That is why, when performing certain actions, a person makes mistakes that he would never have allowed himself before.

Note! In general, all signs are exclusively collective in nature, which consists in the totality of manifestations.

But, again, the main symptoms are sleep problems and general fatigue.

Video - Nervous exhaustion

Symptoms of depression

Depression is a long-term disturbance of emotional balance that significantly impairs a person's quality of life. It can develop as a reaction to bad events (such as someone's death, job loss, etc.), but quite often occurs without obvious reasons.

There are two important things to be aware of.

  1. Being aware of your problem and talking about it is the first step to recovery.
  2. Treating depression is a relatively simple procedure.

As for the typical signs of such a condition, they include:

  • thoughts of suicide;
  • sadness, longing and anxiety;
  • excessive concern for one's health;
  • sleep problems (a person may wake up very early);
  • migraines, back or heart pain;
  • loss of interest in food, work and sex;
  • weight loss/increase;
  • feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness and guilt;
  • problems with concentration;
  • permanent fatigue.

Recognizing depression in the stronger sex is quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, many people mistakenly believe that sharing their problems with someone is a sign of weakness, and secondly, men tend to hide their depression behind alcohol abuse and aggressiveness. In addition, a person can actively go in for sports, go headlong into work or get carried away by gambling. And all these are clear signs of male depression.

So, the described state can be recognized by:

depression in women

According to statistics, female depression is much more common than male. It is difficult to determine why this happens, although most psychiatrists (in particular, this is mentioned in “Depression”, written by V. L. Minutko) believe that gender is not a biological prerequisite for the described disorder.

Minutko, V.L. "Depression"

And the cause of a large percentage of female depression is considered to be social prerequisites present in any society. Women are more likely to experience stress, more often go to doctors, which, in fact, explains such statistics.

Note! Childhood depression occurs equally often, but already in adolescence, girls break out into the “leaders”.

Signs of depression and nervous exhaustion - test

Consider the two most popular tests to assess your mental state.

Scale for recognizing depression

Have there been any changes in your behavior in the last 30 days? And if there were, which ones? Try to answer all questions as honestly as possible.

Table. How to recognize depression - rating scale

After answering all the questions, calculate the number of points you have scored:

  • 0-13 - depression, apparently, you do not have;
  • 14-26 - primary symptoms of this condition are observed;
  • 27-39 - pronounced depression, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This scale will help identify depression in record time. You must complete the scale yourself by circling the required numbers in each of the items, and then sum up the points.

Beck test questionnaire for recognizing a depressive state

The test presented below was created by A. T. Beck back in 1961. This test includes several dozen statements, and you must choose among the options the one that best characterizes your current state. You can choose two options at once.

0 - I don't feel any frustration or sadness.

1 - I'm a little upset.

2 - Constantly upset, no strength to overcome this state.

3 - I am so unhappy that I am unable to bear it.

0 - I don't worry about my future.

1 – I am somewhat puzzled by my future.

2 - I guess nothing should be expected from the future.

3 - I do not expect anything from the future, no changes will occur.

0 - I can hardly be called a loser.

1 - I have experienced more failures than my friends.

2 - There have been a lot of failures in my life.

3 - I am an exceptional and complete loser.

0 - I am as satisfied with my life as before.

1 - There is less pleasure in my life than before.

2 - Nothing satisfies me anymore.

3 - Dissatisfied with life, everything is already enough.

0 - I don't think I'm guilty of anything.

1 – I often feel guilty.

2 - Very often I suffer from feelings of my own guilt.

3 - I always feel guilty.

0 - I hardly need to be punished for anything.

1 - Probably, they can punish me.

2 - In anticipation of being punished.

3 - I guess I've already been punished.

0 - I'm not disappointed in myself.

1 - Disappointed in yourself.

2 - I hate myself.

3 - I hate myself.

0 - I'm definitely not worse than the others.

1 - I often self-flagellate for weakness and mistakes made.

2 - I constantly blame myself for my own actions.

3 - In all the negativity that happens to me, only I am to blame.

0 - I have not had suicidal thoughts.

1 - Sometimes I want to commit suicide, but I won’t do it.

2 - I wanted to commit suicide.

3 - I would commit suicide if I had the opportunity.

0 - I cry as often as before.

1 - I cry more often.

2 - Constantly crying.

3 - Before that, I cried, but now I can’t even with a strong desire.

0 - I'm just as irritable as before.

1 - For some reason, I get annoyed more often.

2 - Irritability is my usual state.

3 - Everything that caused irritation is now indifferent.

0 - Sometimes I delay making a decision.

1 - Postpone acceptance more often than before.

2 - It became difficult for me to make any decisions.

3 - I can't make a single decision.

0 - Still interested in others.

1 - I'm a little less interested in them.

2 - I'm practically not interested in anyone but myself.

3 - I have no interest in others.

0 - I look the same as before.

1 - I become old and unattractive.

2 - My appearance has changed significantly, I am already unattractive.

3 - My appearance is simply disgusting.

0 - I work no worse than before.

1 - I have to put in extra effort.

2 - With great difficulty I force myself to perform this or that action.

3 - Can't do anything.

0 - My sleep is still fine.

1 - I've been sleeping a little worse lately.

2 - I started to wake up earlier, after which I hardly fall asleep.

3 - I started waking up earlier, after which I can no longer fall asleep.

0 - Just as tired as before.

1 - I noticed that fatigue comes faster.

2 - I get tired of everything that I do.

3 - Unable to do anything, and tiredness is to blame.

0 - My appetite has not worsened in the slightest.

1 - He got a little worse.

2 - He has deteriorated a lot.

3 - No appetite at all.

0 - Haven't lost or lost some weight in recent weeks.

1 - I lost a maximum of two kilograms.

2 - I threw off no more than five kilograms.

3 - Lost more than seven kilograms.

I'm trying to lose weight and eat less (check as appropriate).

Not really_____

0 - My concern about my own health hasn't changed at all.

1 - I am worried, I am worried about pain, constipation, stomach disorders, etc.

2 - I worry more, it is difficult to concentrate on something else.

3 - I am very worried about it, unable to concentrate on anything else.

0 - Sex is still interesting to me.

1 - Less interested in intersexual intimacy.

2 - This closeness interests me much less.

3 - My interest in the opposite sex has disappeared.

How to process results?

Each item must be rated from 0 to 3. The total score can be from 0 to 63, the lower it is, the better the person's condition.

The results are interpreted as follows:

  • from 0 to 9 - no depression;
  • from 10 to 15 - a weak depressive state;
  • from 16 to 19 - moderate;
  • from 20 to 29 - average depression;
  • from 30 to 63 - a severe form of depression.

If you notice symptoms of depression in yourself, you must immediately consult a doctor. As for treatment, it can be carried out both with the help of psychotherapeutic methods and with the use of medications.

Video - Consequences of depression

The online Beck Depression Test is one of the most well-known and widely used questionnaires to date, which allows you to determine how happy a person is or, conversely, how deeply he has sunk into depression. The development of this test was carried out by a highly qualified psychotherapist Aaron Beck, who is also the creator of the so-called cognitive psychotherapy.

The Beck Depression Scale is one of the first tests to assess a person's degree of depression. In the course of conducting numerous tests, it was confirmed that, in the end, testing allows you to accurately determine depressive symptoms.

In this test, you will be given several statements that fully reflect the various features of the mental and physical state of a person. Once you have become familiar with a group of statements, select the ones that best fit your current state, and then move on to another group.

Take an online depression test

    1. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I don't feel upset, sad
    • I'm sad
    • I'm frustrated all the time and can't turn it off
    • I'm so upset and unhappy that I can't stand it
  1. 2. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I don't worry about my future
    • I feel like I'm puzzled by the future
    • I feel like there's nothing in store for me in the future
    • My future is hopeless and nothing can change for the better
  2. 3. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I don't feel like a failure
    • I feel like I've failed more than other people.
    • When I look back at my life, I see many failures in it.
    • I feel like I'm a complete failure as a person.
  3. 4. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I get as much satisfaction from life as before
    • I don't get as much satisfaction from life as I used to
    • I no longer get satisfaction from anything
    • I am completely dissatisfied with life and I'm tired of everything
  4. 5. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I don't feel guilty about anything
    • Quite often I feel guilty
    • Most of the time I feel guilty
    • I constantly feel guilty
  5. 6. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I don't feel like I can be punished for anything
    • I feel that I can be punished
    • I expect to be punished
    • I feel already punished
  6. 7. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I am not disappointed in myself
    • I'm disappointed in myself
    • I hate myself
    • I hate myself
  7. 8. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I know that I am not worse than others
    • I criticize myself for mistakes and weaknesses
    • I blame myself all the time for my actions
    • I blame myself for everything bad that happens
  8. 9. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I never thought about killing myself
    • Thoughts of suicide come to me, but I will not carry them out
    • I would like to commit suicide
    • I would kill myself if the opportunity presented itself.
  9. 10. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I don't cry more than usual
    • Now I cry more than before
    • Now I cry all the time
    • I used to be able to cry, but now I can't even if I feel like it
  10. 11. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • Now I'm no more irritable than usual
    • I get irritated more easily than before
    • Now I constantly feel irritated
    • I became indifferent to things that used to annoy me
  11. 12. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I have not lost interest in other people
    • I am less interested in other people than before
    • I almost lost interest in other people
    • I completely lost interest in other people
  12. 13. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I put off making a decision sometimes, just like before
    • I delay making decisions more often than before.
    • I find it harder to make decisions than before
    • I can no longer make decisions
  13. 14. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the last week.

    • I don't feel like I look worse than usual
    • It worries me that I look old and unattractive
    • I know that there have been significant changes in my appearance that make me unattractive
    • I know that I look ugly
  14. 15. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I can work just as well as before
    • I need to make an extra effort to start doing something
    • I can hardly force myself to do anything
    • I can't do any work at all
  15. 16. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the last week.

    • I sleep just as well as before
    • Now I sleep worse than before
    • I wake up 1-2 hours early and find it hard to get back to sleep
    • I wake up a few hours earlier than usual and can't get back to sleep
  16. 17. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I'm no more tired than usual
    • Now I get tired faster than before
    • I get tired of almost everything I do
    • I can't do anything because I'm tired
  17. 18. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the last week.

    • My appetite is not worse than usual
    • My appetite is worse than before
    • My appetite is much worse now
    • I have no appetite at all
  18. 19. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I haven't lost any weight lately or the weight loss has been negligible
    • Lately I have lost over 2 kg
    • I have lost over 5 kg
    • I have lost over 7 kr
  19. 20. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the past week.

    • I worry about my health no more than usual
    • I am concerned about my physical health problems such as pain, indigestion, constipation, etc.
    • I am very concerned about my physical condition and find it hard to think of anything else.
    • I'm so concerned about my physical condition that I can't think of anything else.
  20. 21. Choose the statement that best describes how you felt in the last week.

    • I haven't noticed a change in my interest in intimacy lately.
    • I'm less interested in intimacy issues than before
    • Now I'm much less interested in inter-gender relationships than before.
    • I completely lost my libido
  • No depressive symptoms. It's okay, you don't have any symptoms of clinical depression.

    Mild depression (subdepression). It sounds like you are showing signs of mild depression.

    moderate depression. You have symptoms of moderate depression. It's time to pay close attention to this and not allow this state to flow into a more pronounced one.

    Severe depression (moderate). You have all the signs of moderate clinical depression. You shouldn't let it run its course. You need to take your mental health seriously.

    Severe depression. It's bad, the test results show that you have symptoms of severe clinical depression. Do not try to get out of depression on your own and hide it from others. You need to contact your doctor or a psychologist with your problem.

The tests presented on this page are validated and have a high sensitivity and specificity. This means that the probability of not detecting depression is test sensitivity, or reveal it where it is not - test specificity are quite low. However, it is important to understand that the result that a depression test gives is not yet a clinical diagnosis. Only a psychiatrist or psychotherapist has the right to diagnose depression from a medical point of view.

Before taking the depression test, it is important to know:

Tests for depression, like drugs, undergo clinical trials!

The task of online testing is to determine whether you are at risk and whether it is time for you to think about choosing an adequate treatment method.

Test/Scale Suitability for self-diagnosis Prevalence in Russia Peculiarities
Absolutely fit below average The first test for self-diagnosis.
Practical fit The tallest The psychological community most often chooses this test.
Doesn't fit Medium Requires a specialist to conduct the survey. Used to evaluate the effect of antidepressants.
Fits Extremely low Corresponds to modern definitions of depression. Incl. - atypical depression. Suitable for teenagers (from 13 years old)
Fits Medium The fastest. (+ optional anxiety report)

Think before you take the depression test, are you ready for the next step? For example, to seek help from a specialist if the test result shows a high level of depression? (From personal experience - getting test results confirming depression made me feel even worse, even more depressed)

Depression test. Which to choose.

All depression tests presented here are reasonably reliable (sensitivity and specificity). The difference between the two is not in the probability of detecting depression, but in how much they are recommended for self-diagnosis of depression and for which age group they are more suitable. The online test itself, in most cases, will not take much time - 5-15 minutes.

Beck depression test.

The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

Beck Depression Scale II (BDI-II)

This scale for assessing the severity of depression was developed in 1996, taking into account the comments of the American Psychiatric Association. Some items of the first edition of the test were removed, some were added or modified to more accurately and fully reflect the modern understanding of depression by the professional community and comply with the requirements of the current editions of the DSM and ICD. In particular, this version of the test addresses a greater number of symptoms specific to depression, including atypical symptoms, and proceeds from the assessment of the person's condition over the past two weeks (unlike the first version of the test, where patients were asked to rate their feelings over the past week). If you are taking the test "for yourself", then this is a good choice.

The Beck Depression Scale-2 is suitable for testing depression in adolescents (starting at age 13).

Zang scale for self-reported depression.

This scale was developed by William Zang of Duke University and can be effectively used in a variety of situations: in clinical research, to monitor the effectiveness of various treatments and drugs, and as a screening tool in general practice. The difference from other tests is that the Zang Depression Scale was originally developed to self-assess the level of depression. In particular, the wording of the questions is more understandable to the "non-specialist".

The Zang scale is also a simple tool for monitoring changes in depression severity over time. The scale contains 20 questions, the duration of the test is about 10 minutes.

Hamilton Depression Test.

The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale is the most widely used scale to measure the degree of depression. in hospital. It was developed in 1960 in the UK to measure the degree of depression in a patient before, during and after treatment. Many versions have since been adapted, including structured interview guides, self-report forms, and computerized versions. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale contains a relatively large number of somatic symptoms and relatively few cognitive or affective symptoms.

Initially, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was designed to be interviewed by an experienced clinician with experience in dealing with mental patients. Currently, it is mainly used in medical institutions of the relevant profile and pharmaceutical companies to analyze the effectiveness of antidepressants. (For reference, a 3-point change in test results is proof of the effectiveness of an antidepressant.)
Therefore, you should not recommend this test for self-testing unless you have been instructed by a specialist to choose this particular test.

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Test

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale was developed for the purpose of quickly testing patients in clinics (which is why it is called a hospital scale) by doctors who are not experts in psychology and psychiatry. It's no secret that our state of mind greatly affects our ability to endure pain, cope with the unknown, and fight various diseases. And, it is reasonable to assume that if the doctor knows about our psychological state, he will be able to more accurately diagnose the underlying disease (as if by adjusting for our anxiety, pessimism, fear of the future, etc.) But the accuracy of the test turned out to be very, very high, therefore, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale has become widespread.

In addition, anxiety and depression often occur together. According to the monoamine theory of depression (and the whole model of antidepressants is built on it), increased anxiety would be a consequence of low levels of serotonin.

What to do after a depression test.

First of all, if your test result showed depression - do not rush to get upset.

In modern conditions, depression is treated quite well. Depending on the severity of your depressive disorder, experts recommend seeing a therapist, a psychologist, or both.

With a severe degree of depression, it is difficult to do without the medical help of a psychotherapist (antidepressants), most likely you simply will not have the strength either to work on yourself on your own or to work with a psychologist. Subsequently, I recommend involving a psychologist in the treatment - a statistically better (and faster) result is achieved by specialists using cognitive-behavioral therapy methods.

For mild to moderate depression, you may want to consider the services of a psychologist as your first choice. But when making this choice, be sure that you have ruled out possible somatic causes of depression - many diseases can produce symptoms similar to depression, or simply cause it.

Know that you are not alone.

Only according to official statistics, according to the data provided by the WHO, in Russia 5.5% of the population suffer from depression. But, knowing how few people go to the doctor with their symptoms, many experts believe that this figure can be safely multiplied by two.

Think about it - about one in ten people in your environment is experiencing depression right now. I, before my depression, did not notice such people - they tend to be unnoticed. But after my recovery, I see them, I suppose I see them - indeed, there are a lot of them.

Remember, or better yet, write down the result of your depression test.

They say depression has no color. Solid lead gray, hopelessness and gloom, through which not a single ray of hope will break through. Therefore, we often do not notice if we are getting better or worse, even if we take some steps towards healing. But this grayness still has shades - if you are being treated, it makes sense to periodically (for example, once a month) take the selected depression test again.

A change in results may be the very ray of hope that has broken through the fog of depression. Even a small but monitored positive change can have a big therapeutic effect.


Galina Ilya Yurievich! Thank you very much for your sessions, in which I was lucky to take part. Thanks to them, I became more confident in many issues and situations that previously caused anxiety and concern. You taught me how to deal with this in a short amount of time. It's a pleasure to deal with a high-level professional!

Anna Ilya Yurievich, it is difficult to find words to express my gratitude to you for your help. I remembered in what state and with what thoughts I met the last year, 2017. I remember those feelings of bitterness, anxiety that did not come out of me under any circumstances. Finally, I have left this desire for self-destruction and now I can breathe differently. Thank you!

Tatiana Thank you, Ilya Yurievich, for the advice. Indeed, it allowed me to look at my life situation from a different angle. Thanks again!

Vladimir Thank you very much for your advice! Indeed, I noticed that memories pop up at a time when I was in a bad mood or irritable, but I could not understand that this was a defense mechanism. At his next appearance, I will try to talk about what exactly causes irritation, instead of plunging into memories.

Daria Many thanks for the help! I am very glad you helped me understand myself and showed me a new way to improve my life!

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