Origin of the Skvortsov surname. Medical career of Veronica Skvortsova

Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova is a Russian statesman who has served as Minister of Health of the Russian Federation since 2012. The politician is a highly qualified specialist in the field of neurology and neurophysiology. Received the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Veronika Skvortsova was born into the family of a professor at the Second Moscow Medical Institute and the Russian State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Arnoldovich Skvortsov. Since Veronica later also became a medical worker, the woman became a doctor in the fifth generation. The fact is that her great-grandfathers were involved in medicine, and her great-grandmother became one of the first graduates of the medical faculty of the Higher Women's Courses.

At school, Veronika Skvortsova was an excellent student, so she received a gold medal along with her matriculation certificate in 1977. At the same time, the girl became a student at the pediatric faculty of the Second Moscow Medical Institute. Already in her third year, the student’s first scientific publications appeared, so it was clear that Skvortsova would continue the family’s successes in the scientific field.

The aspiring doctor completed her clinical residency at the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. Veronika Skvortsova graduated from graduate school there in 1988 and defended her Ph.D. thesis.

After working for just a year as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Nervous Diseases, Skvortsova gained enough experience to head one of Russia’s first neuroreanimation services at the First City Hospital of Moscow.

In the early 90s, the woman defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Clinical and neurophysiological monitoring, metabolic therapy in the acute period of ischemic stroke,” became a doctor of science and headed the department of nervous diseases that had become her home. A few years later, Veronica Igorevna was awarded the title of professor. At that time, Skvortsova was not yet 40 years old. During this period, the political biography of the physician began.


The successes of Veronica Skvortsova did not pass by high-ranking people. At that time, she worked as the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, on whose initiative Skvortsova was appointed deputy minister in 2008. Veronika Igorevna oversaw the development of laws “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation” and “On biomedical technologies”, and also participated in the implementation of the national project “Health”.

In 2012, he again became President of Russia. The President removes Minister Tatyana Golikova from her post and divides the existing department into two separate parts. The Ministry of Health, which became independent, was headed by Veronika Skvortsova on May 21, 2012. The press greeted the appointment of Veronika Skvortsova with enthusiasm: a politician with specialized education in such a serious position immediately received an advance of confidence.

From the first day, the new minister began to implement reforms in healthcare. The anti-tobacco law was approved, the principles and terms of medical examinations of workers were changed, and commercials began to be created to motivate people to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. Veronika Igorevna supported the initiative to recertify the teaching staff of medical universities and change the curriculum for students.

The First Lady of Health has written four hundred articles and scientific papers on medical topics, patented seven therapeutic drugs, acts as a scientific consultant for the oldest Russian medical publication, the S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, and holds the position of editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the journal Stroke.

At the same time, Veronika Skvortsova is far from only a theorist. More than once the doctor had to apply the acquired knowledge directly during a meeting of government bodies. Veronika Skvortsova at various times helped save the lives of employees of the Federal Security Service and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. When one had a pre-stroke condition and the second lost consciousness, the minister provided first aid to the victims.

Also on September 20, 2016, on board the Moscow - New York flight, a doctor who lost consciousness. Noticing signs of a stroke, Skvortsova managed to stabilize the woman’s condition and bring her out of unconsciousness.

It is worth adding that the Minister of Health is opposed to abortion, which the politician has repeatedly stated in publications and television interviews. Veronika Igorevna supports the initiative to provide financial support for young mothers, but at the same time emphasizes the importance of creating a “moral aura” in this matter.

Veronika Skvortsova is sure that already in adolescence, every girl should realize that abortion is murder. However, Skvortsova does not consider it advisable to prohibit abortions by law, as was the case at one time under the Soviet Union, since this would entail clandestine abortion, which is dangerous for the health and even lives of women.

Veronika Skvortsova is one of the “100 most influential women in Russia” in the list of Ogonyok magazine, and is also called the most influential person among the subjects of the Russian pharmaceutical market.

In December 2016, the country's chief physician made an incredible statement. According to Veronika Igorevna, Russian doctors have reached the final stage of developing and testing a cure for cancer. At that time, trials of the first Russian anti-cancer drug had already reached the second stage. The new drug showed a stable effect in removing metastatic melanomas.

The minister also reminded her fellow citizens that Russia is among the leading countries in the creation of targeted drugs that fight specific manifestations of cancer. No less good news reported by the politician was the statistics for 2016, which showed that mortality rates, especially among children, from this disease had decreased significantly.

In addition, the minister is working to establish feedback with the residents of the country. The official website of the Ministry, where you can write a complaint or appeal, has been operating since 2007, but in parallel with this, under the leadership of Veronika Igorevna, the Ministry’s pages on microblogs and social networks began to operate. The Minister calls accounts on these platforms important channels of information, and communication with citizens and processing of complaints received is one of the most important tasks of the Ministry.

Personal life

Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova is happily married to Givi Guramovich Nadareishvili, an associate professor at the Department of Transport Gas Turbine Engines at MAMI University. Skvortsova’s husband is also engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of management consulting and is the head of the Scientific and Technical Center for SMEs, which has become a leader in the Russian market for the creation of exhaust gas exhaust and neutralization systems.

The married couple cannot boast of a large family and an abundance of children. Veronica Skvortsova and her husband have an only son, Georgiy Nadareishvili, who was born in 1986. Georgy, like his mother before, graduated from school with a gold medal, entered a medical university and today holds the position of assistant at the department of fundamental and clinical neurology and neurosurgery of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. Georgy Givievich became a doctor in the sixth generation.

Veronika Skvortsova now

In October 2017, Dr. Tedros, WHO Director-General, founded the WHO High-Level Independent Commission on Noncommunicable Diseases, and in February 2018, news appeared in the press that Veronica Skvortsova had become co-chair of this commission.

This post to the minister was ensured by the country's leadership position in the field of prevention and control of relevant diseases. The main task of this meeting will be to prepare a report for the thematic meeting to be held by the UN General Assembly.

Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova

However, despite the international recognition of Veronika Skvortsova’s works, rumors circulated in the Russian press about the planned resignation of the first lady of healthcare. Experts attribute these rumors to the fact that a number of complaints have accumulated regarding the politician’s work, and especially the recent reform that began to optimize medical institutions. Both opinion leaders and average citizens complain that every year there are more and more doctors in short supply, which is why the quality of both diagnosis and treatment inevitably declines.

In addition, faith in the minister’s decisions was undermined by the sanctions scandal, which resulted in a ban on the import of a number of drugs into Russia. In April 2018, Veronika Igorevna promised that there would be no complete ban on the import of foreign medical products, at least until Russia established its own production of similar drugs. But tension over this issue remained in society.

On March 18, 2018, they took place, in which Vladimir Putin won. Immediately after taking office, Putin again offered the position of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, he was announced to journalists. Skvortsova, contrary to forecasts, retained her position as Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.


  • 2008 - Dame of the Order of Honor
  • 2016 - Dame of the Order of St. Euphrosyne Grand Duchess of Moscow, second degree
  • 2017 - laureate of the all-Russian public award “Shield and Rose”

Professor, neurologist, neurophysiologist and Minister of Health of Russia. She was born in Moscow in 1960, November 1.

Childhood and youth of the future minister

Veronica Skvortsova, whose biography will be presented in this article, was born into a family of doctors. From early childhood, she wanted to follow in her parents' footsteps and become a fifth-generation doctor. And her dream came true. Indeed, in 1977, immediately after successfully graduating from secondary school, she entered the Moscow Medical Institute at the Faculty of Pediatrics.

Education of Veronica Skvortsova

In 1983, Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova received the Second Moscow Medical Institute. After that, for two years she studied in clinical residency at the Department of Nervous Diseases. And by 1988, she graduated from graduate school there, and then successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis.


After a successful defense, the still young Veronika Skvortsova began working at the department as a senior laboratory assistant, and then as an assistant and associate professor. She developed such a career in the period from 1988 to 1997. At the same time, in 1989, she headed the very first neuroresuscitation service in our country at a city hospital in Moscow.

In 1993, Veronika Skvortsova, whose biography is full of significant moments in her life, successfully defended her dissertation on the topic “Neurophysiological and clinical monitoring, metabolic treatment for acute ischemic stroke.” As a result of this, she became a Doctor of Medical Sciences. After another 5 years, she was awarded the title of professor.

In 1997, Veronica Skvortsova headed the newly opened Department of Clinical and Fundamental Neurosurgery and Neurology. And after another 2 years, she contributed to the creation of the National Association, which was aimed at combating stroke.

Since 2004, Professor and Doctor of Medical Sciences Veronika Skvortsova became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. A year later, she was appointed head of the Stroke Research Institute at the Russian State Medical University.

A new stage in the life of Veronica Skvortsova

By the way, the family of Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova fully expected that President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin would soon offer this particular post to the fifth-generation doctor. After all, being a deputy, she proved herself not only as a good leader, but also as an experienced and highly qualified medical employee. In the summer of 2008, an experienced neurologist and neurophysiologist was asked to become Deputy Minister of Social Development and Health of the Russian Federation. Consent completely changed her future life. After all, already in the spring of 2012 (May 21), the professor and doctor of medical sciences was offered the post of Minister of Health of our country. It should be noted that during this period it was quite difficult for her. However, experience and professionalism allowed her to quickly get used to the new workplace and begin to make important decisions.

Scientific and professional activities

After Russian President V.V. Putin appointed Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova as Minister of Health in May 2012, her biography and personal life became interesting for many residents of our country.

It should be noted that the current post of an experienced doctor of medical sciences and professor is not without reason. After all, Veronica Skvortsova became the author of more than forty hundred scientific papers. In addition, she was appointed as a Member of the scientific commissions of the neurological societies of the European Federation, deputy head of the Society of Neurologists (All-Russian), vice-president of the National Association that aims to combat ischemic stroke (or abbreviated NABI), as well as a representative of the same community in the World Organization stroke. In addition, the current Minister of Health is a Member of the Executive Committee of the European Stroke Organization.

Facts from the life of Veronica Skvortsova

Two years have already passed since the experienced doctor of medical sciences and professor was appointed to the post of Minister of the Russian Federation. Has Veronika Skvortsova changed? Healthcare and her regular life were always intertwined. Quite often, journalists ask whether she has ever had to use her professional skills in her current workplace. As you know, the current minister has more than once been in situations where her practical skills were required. Thus, Skvortsova twice had to provide first aid at various meetings. In the summer of 2013 (July 30), the current Minister of Health helped an employee of the presidential administration. He suffered a mini-stroke right during a meeting of the Council of the Russian Federation. If it weren’t for Veronica Skvortsova’s medical experience, the meeting of authorities could have ended very sadly.

The second time the Minister of Health showed his strength happened in the fall of 2013 (November 21) at a meeting of the government presidium. There, one of the security officers simply fainted. It should be noted that at the request of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, the minister immediately provided first aid to the victim. It is noteworthy that the security officer lost consciousness precisely at the moment when Ms. Skvortsova was reporting from the podium on the current state of competition in the pharmaceutical market.

Skvortsova Veronica: family and life

The current Minister of Health is married. She has a son, Gregory. He graduated from school a long time ago (just like his mother, with a gold medal), and then entered the Russian National Research Medical University.

When asked whether Skvortsova has time to manage her daily life, she always answers that with her appointment to a new position, she has much less time. And, of course, it is quite difficult for her to manage her life on her own, and she succeeds extremely rarely. But the current Minister of Health of the Russian Federation enjoys spending all his free time (holidays and weekends) with his loved ones.

Interview with Veronica Skvortsova

As you know, Veronika Igorevna Skovrtsova gave her very first interview in her new position to a columnist for Rossiyskaya Gazeta. When asked whether her pedigree helped her son enter the Moscow Medical Institute, where there is always a huge competition, the current Minister of Health replied that, like her, her son also graduated from a secondary school with a gold medal. In this regard, her child did not have any problems with admission.

Also, the Rossiyskaya Gazeta observer could not help but ask the question of whether Veronika Skvortsova accepted the new appointment immediately or whether she still had to hesitate for some time. To this, the current minister replied that the process of thinking about it was quite long and serious. At that moment, she understood quite well that this was a huge responsibility. After all, in the future she will have to solve very difficult problems. According to Veronika Igorevna, her family supported her especially strongly at this difficult moment. And after she made the right decision, her husband and son became even more proud of her.

The clinic is named after Vasily Emelyanovich Skvortsov, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, deputy of the City Council of two convocations, a talented healthcare organizer, who laid the foundation for children's outpatient clinic service in the new Left Bank part of the city of Omsk. He headed the clinic from 1979 to April 2006.

The clinic was the initiator of the development of many new directions. It was here that for the first time the following were organized: a rehabilitation treatment department, a children's outpatient gynecological appointment, a nephrological and gastroenterological office.

In 2003, the first medical and social department was opened in the city of Omsk. The clinic has 41 pediatric sections. The Department of Outpatient Pediatrics of the Regional Medical Academy operates.
Since August 2010, the Health Center for Children has been open to the public to promote a healthy lifestyle, including reducing the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

Since July 2006 The chief physician of the clinic is Oleg Yurievich Gorbunov.

Registry operating hours:
The registration desk is open daily from 7:30 to 20:00.
Saturday, Sunday from 8:00 to 14:00.

Clinic opening hours:
The clinic operates on a five-day work week from 8:00 to 20:00.
Saturday, Sunday from 8:00 to 14:00.

Receiving calls on a multi-line phone 71-33-62, 71-35-42 from 7:30 to 13:00.

Receiving duty calls: from 13:00 to 18:00.Call service from 8:00 to 19:00.

Saturday, Sunday, on-call service from 8:00 to 14:00. Call service on Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 to 16:00.

There is an information window at the clinic.
Opening hours are from 8:00 to 18:00. Tel.: 75-38-51

By phone, you can reserve coupons in advance for all specialists according to the schedule and find out information for each department. Multi-channel communication is planned.

Opening hours for support services:

Cabinet no. Cabinet Operating mode
№ 205 Treatment room

Monday-Friday: from 8:00 to 18:00

Saturday and Sunday: from 8:00 to 14:00


Vaccination room

from 8:00 to 18:00

Saturday from 8:00 to 14:00

№ 414,

№ 418

Taking clinical and bacteriological tests from 8:00 to 10:00
№ 325 Ultrasound diagnostics
№ 422 X-ray room is working from 8:00 to 20:00
№ 224 Physioroom

from 8:00 to 18:00

Saturday from 8:00 to 14:00

№ 317 Preschool department
№ 317 School department
№ 405 Dental service
№ 313 Emergency station daily from 8:00 to 20:00

If you are bitten by a tick, go to a trauma centercab. No. 313 at st. Putilova 5

Working hours of local doctors
Local doctors conduct appointments without coupons according to the schedule.
Schedule of pediatric areas attached to the clinic at Putilova 5

The clinic receives specialists from the following specialties:

  • pediatrician
  • dentist - therapist
  • dentist - surgeon
  • orthopedist
  • neurologist
  • otorhinolaryngologist
  • ophthalmologist
  • gastroenterologist
  • nephrologist
  • gynecologist
  • pediatric surgeon
  • psychiatrist - narcologist
  • pediatric urologist-andrologist

Specialists work on a rotating schedule. Admission with coupons. Coupons are issued at the reception desk, subject to a referral from the local pediatrician. There is a pre-registration. At 5 Putilova Street, coupons for seeing specialist doctors can be obtained in advance through an information kiosk if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

A district trauma center operates at the clinic, which provides medical care for acute injuries to children in the Kirov Administrative District. Opening hours: Monday - Sunday from 8:00 to 20:00
At the clinic you can get advice from specialists - scientists, employees of the Department of Outpatient Pediatrics of the Omsk State Medical Academy.

Get a certificate to see a doctor:

Visit the official website of the clinic Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova – Head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, neurologist of the highest qualification category, Doctor of Science.

As executive director of the World Federation of Neurological Societies, she led a group of experts on a set of measures to combat stroke, protecting the brain from damage with timely exposure. In the early 2000s, she developed a concept to combat pathologies of the vascular system, which became part of the national program for improving the quality of medical care “Health”.

Veronica Skvortsova's childhood and family

The future medical official was born in Moscow on November 1, 1960 in a family of hereditary doctors. Her great-great-grandfather taught at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy, her great-grandmother was a graduate of women's medical courses, which were later transformed into a university, which became the basis for the creation of the Second Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical Institute (MOLGMI). My father was a teacher at this educational institution with the rank of professor in the department of nervous diseases.

After a special school with a mathematical focus, graduating with a gold medal in 1977, Veronica became a student at this particular university. Although, it should be admitted that, in addition to medicine, she always also liked classical music, especially Rachmaninov, so the girl professionally studied piano.

However, among her priorities, medicine was still in first place. According to the current member of the government, there were 4 generations of doctors in their family, and she was about to become the fifth. Since her youth, she was very fascinated by questions of the structure of the brain. She was already interested in the discoveries of scientists regarding the interaction between its individual areas, and became acquainted with the monographs of the neurosurgeon Wilder G. Penfield that appeared in those years on the structural and functional organization of the cerebral cortex. She decided to devote her life to these issues.

Medical career of Veronica Skvortsova

Skvortsova graduated from her second medical school in 1983 with honors, as well as from school. While still a student, she was engaged in scientific work at her father’s department and published the results of her research. She remained to work there after completing residency and graduate school, and in 1988 she became a candidate of science.

While working as an assistant, in 1993 she defended her doctoral dissertation and became, according to media reports, the youngest woman in the world with a higher academic degree.

In parallel with her main work at the institute, she was engaged in the management of the neuroresuscitation service in the capital’s clinic. At the age of 35, Veronica was already teaching with the rank of associate professor, at the age of 37 she became the head of the department, and at 39 - a professor.

Such a meteoric rise in career was often criticized by less successful colleagues, who rightly doubted the feasibility of its implementation without outside support.

Political career of Veronika Skvortsova

In 1999, Veronika Skvortsova became one of the authors of the idea of ​​​​organizing a stroke association, which was declared a global epidemic by WHO. In 2004, she was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, and in 2005 she headed a specialized research institute, where a program was developed, implemented in a number of areas, to combat vascular diseases, which account for more than half of the deaths on the planet.

During anti-stroke measures, brain studies using tomography were recommended and carried out on a large scale. However, ill-wishers noted that these actions were accompanied by an unprecedented theft of funds allocated by the state for the purchase of expensive equipment.

Interview with Veronica Skvortsova

In 2008, Ms. Skvortsova received the position of Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development, although she noted in an interview that she did not even dream that her immediate boss might one day become not the chief physician, but the president of the country. While in office, she oversaw the development of legislative acts in the field of health care, showed dedication in providing assistance to victims of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, receiving the Order of Honor as a reward for this.

Personal life of Veronica Skvortsova

Veronika Skvortsova is married to Givi Nadareishvili, an associate professor at the University of Mechanical Engineering. He is also the general director of the Scientific and Technical Center for the Modernization of Serial Production and the founder of a number of companies in various fields of activity (production of auto parts, scientific and technical research, construction and architecture, consulting, real estate rental).

The couple has a son, Georgy, who continued the dynasty - he graduated from school with honors and the Second Medical University, transformed into the Russian State Medical University in 1991, and works as a neurologist.

The first lady of the national healthcare system is usually so impeccably polite that some are beginning to suspect her of insincerity. She gained experience working with people back in her student years, when she was secretary of the faculty’s Komsomol organization, and knows how to insist on her decision without provoking confrontations and conflicts.

To Posner’s question about when she lies, Ms. Skvortsova replied that she never. She values ​​kindness most of all in people, loves listening to music, communicating with her grandson and walking the dog.

Veronika Skvortsova today

In 2011, the deputy minister noted that the introduction of new forms of combating cardiovascular diseases in the Russian Federation had reduced the mortality rate from stroke from 80 percent (when four out of five patients died) to 20.

Veronika Skvortsova: mortality from strokes has decreased by 2 times

After the reorganization of the Ministry of Health and Social Development (division into the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor) in 2012, she headed the Ministry of Health, finally changing her job as a doctor to the position of an official. The minister and a recognized authority in the medical community believes that the accumulated problems in the field of health care in Russia can be solved through consistent actions.

Since her appointment, the government has been carrying out health care reforms, an anti-tobacco law was approved, amendments to legislation are planned regarding medical examinations, motivation for sports, and a healthy lifestyle. She also supported the initiative to update the curricula of medical school students and recertify their teaching staff.

The head of the Ministry of Health is the author of more than four hundred scientific research, the holder of seven patents, holds the post of editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the journal Stroke (Stroke), and a scientific consultant for the oldest domestic medical publication, the S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry.

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One cold November day I took a walk with teufelus through the territory of a psychiatric hospital, popularly known as the “Birdhouse”, and our guide on this fascinating walk was my friend and classmate ovnserega who works here.

Mental hospital No. 3 named after Skvortsov-Stepanov is the largest in the North-West of St. Petersburg. Now it treats about 2,100 people, the territory is 25 hectares, the staff is 1,250 employees. This is an almost psychiatric village located near the Udelnaya station.
The hospital was founded in 1870 during the reign of Emperor Alexander III, at the entrance to the territory a bust erected in his honor reminds of this

For reference:
The hospital was intended for the upper strata of society; nobles, clergy and simply wealthy people were mentally ill and recovered here. The buildings of the buildings in the Art Nouveau style have survived to this day, in which sometimes there was only one patient, but together with servants, a library and doctors.

Next to the manor house there was a psychiatric hospital for the poor. According to the design of I.V. Stro built wooden pavilions and the Church of St. Panteleimon. Despite numerous reconstructions and fires, several wooden buildings have survived to this day.
In 1931, the hospital received the name of I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov. By the way, he is not a psychiatrist, but on the contrary. Ivan Ivanovich was the editor of Leningradskaya Pravda. No one can logically explain why his name was given to a psychiatric hospital.
At the hospital. Throughout its existence, Skvortsova-Stepanova has been visited by a lot of celebrities....

Of particular interest are the buildings and outbuildings of the early twentieth century, although they are in disrepair, and some of them are abandoned...

Abandoned boiler room

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