Whether to get disability. What diseases of the spine cause disability? Registration of disability for a child: important points

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 of 2006 approved the Rules for recognizing a person as disabled. They clearly state that it is carried out using classifications and criteria approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1013 of 2009).

This means that one of your own person's opinions that he is seriously ill and can qualify for disabled status - not enough.

The above-mentioned documents provide a complete list of possible disorders of body functions, with varying degrees of severity and duration, which give the right to recognize a person as disabled.

One of the important criteria is PERSISTENT pathology that limits human life. The categories of life activity that are taken into account when assessing a person’s condition are also clearly stated in the law.

This includes self-care, movement, communication, work activity, control over one’s behavior, training, and orientation. The disorder may not be in all categories, but in one or more.

Let's give an example: a person is diagnosed with tuberculosis, which only progresses over time, despite adequate treatment, both outpatient and inpatient.

Provided that the medical institution has carried out all the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures, including high-tech ones, and the impairment of body functions remains pronounced and limits the person in normal life activities (for example, he cannot perform work or study), his the pathology can be called persistent. In this case, he may qualify for disability.

Usually, the local doctor independently suggests that the patient register for disability, adequately assessing his condition and prognoses for the future. Every serious illness or injury can lead to a serious deterioration in a person’s health and lead him to the need to receive one of the disability groups.

Stroke in most cases is the cause of long-term or short-term disruption of the normal functioning of the human body. Registration of disability after a stroke for pensioners and other groups of citizens is prescribed depending on the severity of the disease, its type (ischemic or hemorrhagic), the degree of damage to vital organs, the dynamics of recovery and the general well-being of the patient.

Complete loss of ability to work or the inability to fully restore one of the body’s functions (movement, speech, memory, etc.) is the reason for ordering a medical examination and assigning the patient one of the disability groups.

Registration of disability after myocardial infarction is not always possible. Despite the diagnosis of the attending physician, the commission independently decides to assign a disability group depending on the person’s ability to lead a full life and return to their previous place of work.

If the patient before the heart attack was engaged in heavy or dangerous activities (associated with heavy physical exertion, night shifts or constant stress), then returning to the previous lifestyle will be contraindicated for him. Therefore, during the medical examination, specialists will assess not only the patient’s health status, but also his ability to continue working in his profession.

The presence of cancer is not considered a sufficient basis for recognizing a person as disabled. Much depends on which organs were affected by the tumor and how far the metastases had spread. For example, a patient with stage 1 or 2 skin cancer remains fully functional after treatment and does not need rehabilitation.

The recovery of patients whose tumor is located in any internal organ is much more difficult. The commission takes into account the number of performed or upcoming operations, the consequences and side effects of treatment, and the general condition of the patient. If blood cancer, an inoperable tumor, brain or spinal cord cancer is detected, disability is assigned for life.

Registration of disability after amputation of limbs also has its limitations. During the examination, doctors analyze the following factors:

  • cause of limb loss;
  • what part of the arm or leg was amputated;
  • condition of the stump;
  • degree of impairment of motor or other functions;
  • profession, age and social status of the patient;
  • the possibility of restoring lost functions using a prosthesis.

Often, disability is registered after the amputation of a leg or arm or leg for a certain time, which is necessary for the patient to get used to the prosthesis and adapt to new living conditions.

Serious visual impairment can make it difficult for a person to perform vital functions. Therefore, a visually impaired patient has the right to obtain disability registration. Complete blindness in both eyes or visual acuity of no more than 0.04 are serious grounds for receiving disability group 1. With visual acuity values ​​ranging from 0.05 to 0.1, the patient can be assigned to group 2. But group 3 can be obtained in the presence of moderate low vision and visual acuity indicators from 0.1 to 0.3.

The presence of a mental illness of varying severity is an indisputable basis for assigning a person a disability pension. Group 1 can be assigned to patients who are completely unable to control themselves and lead an ordinary lifestyle. In most cases, such patients are placed in specialized treatment centers.

Disability group 2 is reserved for people suffering from periodic nervous system disorders, dementia and hysterical seizures. Group 3 is prescribed to patients who have mild forms of psychosis. Such people can lead a normal life and work in special conditions.

There are cases when a person, on the contrary, refuses to register a disability. Most often this happens when a child can be recognized as disabled. Some parents do not agree with the diagnosis and consider the status of “disabled child” to be practically a death sentence.


There are many situations happening in life. And, of course, one article cannot answer all the questions. We understand this and try to help you in any case. Below is a list of problems and diseases, which may include yours - follow the link and find a solution to your problem or ask a question, which we, in turn, will try to answer as quickly as possible and useful! So, We separately discuss the legal issues of obtaining disability for the following diseases:

If you do not find your disease in this list, ask questions at the bottom of this page or to our online consultant, we will try to help you!

List of documents

To begin with, you should know that disability is determined by medical and social examination(ITU) at the office at the place of its permanent or temporary registration. A referral for examination can be issued by a doctor at a medical institution, employees of state pension authorities or social protection services. In addition, any citizen has the right to independently apply to the ITU and provide evidence of his physical incapacity.

So, what documents are needed to register a disability group:

  1. Referral to medical examination (form No. 088/u-06), which must contain the opinions of medical specialists.
  2. Citizen's application (it is issued at the bureau when submitting documents).
  3. Passport and its photocopy.
  4. Outpatient card from the clinic from the place of residence (observation).
  5. All extracts and medical examinations that are not attached to the outpatient card (inpatient examinations, independent visits to paid clinics, etc.).
  6. Open sick leave (if any).
  7. Certificate of occupational disease, work injury, injury, etc. (if there is).
  8. Characteristics from the place of work or study (if the citizen is employed).
  9. A photocopy of the work record book and a certificate of income (if the citizen is employed).

This entire package of documents for registration of disability will need to be submitted to the ITU office, and then wait for an invitation for an examination.

Several other documents for registering disability for a child. First of all, you will need to undergo examination by all relevant specialists and pass the necessary tests. Then, based on these results, obtain a staged epicrisis from a general practitioner, contact the ITU office and provide the following documents there:

  • a certificate issued in form No. 080/u-06 and certified by the chief physician of the children's clinic or PND;
  • characteristics of the child from the educational institution he attends;
  • outpatient card from a children's hospital;
  • a document that serves as the child’s identification document (passport or birth certificate);
  • information about the registration or temporary registration of the child at the place of residence;
  • identification document of the parent or guardian who is accompanying the child to the examination;
  • an application on behalf of a parent or guardian requesting that the child be assigned disabled status.

A frequent situation is the registration of disability for a bedridden patient who, due to his illness, unable to get out of bed and visit the ITU office. In this case, you can use one of three possible options:

  • admit the patient to a hospital and ask the attending physician there to examine him;
  • call specialists from ITU to the patient’s home;
  • register disability in absentia by receiving a power of attorney to perform such actions on behalf of the disabled person.

The power of attorney must be signed by the patient himself and certified by a notary. To do this, you will need to invite him to the patient’s home. This document will give the right to a trusted person (this does not have to be a relative of the patient) to sign documents on behalf of the disabled person, write applications to the ITU with a request for specialists to come to your home, etc.

Procedure and order

The procedure and rules for registering disability due to illness and conducting medical examination are described in detail in Chapters 3 and 4 Rules for recognizing a person as disabled.

The process of obtaining disability should take place in the following order. After submitting documents to the ITU, the patient must appear at the bureau on the appointed day for an examination (can also be carried out at home, if the citizen’s condition requires it).

During the examination, usually only bureau specialists (3 people) are present. In some cases, at the invitation of the head of the bureau or at the request of a citizen, specialists of the required profile may be present as consultants. They have the right to an advisory vote during the discussion of the commission's conclusions.

An examination is an examination of a citizen, a study of his medical documents, an analysis of the citizen’s social, labor, everyday, psychological and other data. Disability is assigned if at least two of the following conditions are met (Article 5 of the Rules):

  • health impairment with persistent impairment of body functions;
  • disability
  • the need for social protection or rehabilitation measures.

During the examination, a protocol is kept. Based on the information received and after its discussion, a decision is made to recognize the person as disabled or to deny disability. A third option would be to recognize the patient’s loss of ability to work in a certain percentage without assigning disability. Any conclusion of the commission is drawn up in the form of an act, which the citizen must familiarize himself with.

If a disability has been assigned, then the person must be given a certificate confirming the fact of the disability and its group, as well as an individual rehabilitation program.

With this certificate, he will need to contact the social protection authority for registration of benefits and to the pension fund to assign a pension.


The entire process of registering disability consists of several stages. It all starts with collecting documents and passing specialists to fill out the application form for the ITU. This can take on average about a week, depending on the capabilities of the citizen, the organization of medical appointments, etc.

After submitting documents to the ITU Bureau, the examination must be carried out within a month. The inspection itself takes place in one day, provided that there is no need for additional examinations, the timing of which may vary significantly depending on their complexity.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled or to deny him this is announced on the day of the MSA in the presence of all specialists and consultants. The necessary documents with the decisions of the commission are drawn up and sent to the appropriate authorities (pension fund, medical institutions) within 3 days.

Thus, the maximum period for registering disability should not take more than two months.

Childhood disability

To complete the registration of disability for a child, you will need on average about three months.

Referral to ITU prescribed by the doctor under whose supervision the child is. For example, in case of problems with the musculoskeletal system, an orthopedic surgeon gives an opinion, and for a visually impaired child, an ophthalmologist prescribes it. Disturbances in mental development are corrected by specialists from a psychoneurological dispensary, and only they can send the child for examination.

If, as a result of a genetic examination, Down syndrome is discovered in a child, then registration of disability will be possible only after receiving a conclusion from a geneticist. He will have to make an appropriate entry in the child’s outpatient record.

Without this conclusion, the local doctor will not be able to refer the child to medical examination for this disease. Therefore, parents should ask a geneticist to make this conclusion. A child with Down syndrome does not need to undergo a medical examination by all other specialists to receive disability.

Doctors often justify their refusal to issue a referral for medical examination by the fact that the sick child is not yet 3 years old and therefore it is difficult to make observations about the presence of serious violations of the vital functions of the body.

In fact, age is not a significant indicator for assigning disability to a patient with Down syndrome, since this disease is genetic, and it will not disappear in a year or two. A child needs comprehensive rehabilitation from a very early age, and the status of a disabled person will help him receive certain benefits for the provision of such services in medical centers.

Disability group for children not determined. Regardless of the degree of impairment of body functions, the child is registered as disabled. Children suffering from Down syndrome are assigned disabled status for up to 18 years without the need to undergo a second examination.

It is important to remember that registering a child’s disability is not an obligation, but a right of the parents. If they wish, they may not receive such a document for the child. But the need for rehabilitation and full treatment of a disabled person in most cases makes this step necessary.

Where to go to apply for child disability, and what documents to submit?

Conditions for registering disability

The conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are described in Part 2 of the Rules. As already noted, during the medical examination a health disorder, disability or need for social protection must be established (Article 5).

Disability group 1 is assigned if one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • complete loss of ability to work;
  • inability to care for oneself;
  • the need for the constant presence of an assistant or medical professional.

Disability group 2 is assigned when:

  • the need to provide special working conditions;
  • the presence of persistent violations of the basic functions of the body;
  • lack of ability to work fully for a long time.

Disability group 3 presupposes the following restrictions:

  • inability to work for health reasons at a previous place of work or in one’s profession;
  • the need to create special working conditions;
  • prohibition of access to previous work due to the presence of a disease that may pose a danger to others.

After determining the disability group, experts draw up a conclusion, which also indicates its cause. This could be a general illness, work injury, military injury, occupational disease, etc.

Disability in most cases is established for a certain period with the condition of re-examination at the appointed time.

With the right approach, registering a disability will not bring much trouble, but will help you fully exercise your right to medical and social security.

How does one receive a disability pension? We invite you to watch the video.

Registration of disability for a pensioner is not just an opportunity to receive an additional payment to the basic pension, but also the opportunity to receive free or reduced-price medications for treatment, necessary devices - hearing aids, canes or walkers, a wheelchair and many other things that are impossible to do without in a particular situation. other illness.

Does a pensioner need disability?

For pensioners, receiving disability provides the following benefits:
  • the possibility of receiving an increase in pension;
  • receiving preferential medications and rehabilitation products;
  • receiving a number of benefits, which include free or discounted travel, and a discount on utility bills.

It is necessary in case of loss of ability to work and the presence of serious diseases that require the use of expensive medications.

First actions

Registration of disability begins with a visit to the local therapist or specialist who is undergoing treatment. If disability occurs after a heart attack, you should contact a cardiologist; if after a stroke, you should contact a neurologist.

Pensioners who were previously employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or military personnel, and who retired no more than a year before the date of registration, have the right to go to the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to receive a referral and undergo all tests.

The attending physician examines the patient and issues a referral for examination by other specialists and tests. The main doctors you will need to visit are an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an ENT specialist, a surgeon, and an orthopedist. The complete list depends on the disease and is announced by the attending physician.

Tests are also prescribed by a specialist. The main ones include general blood and urine tests. ECG and EEG, stool analysis, biochemical blood test, X-ray, ultrasound may also be recommended. It is worth remembering that some tests are valid for 10 days, so they should be done last.

When visiting doctors, ask them to immediately indicate what rehabilitation means you need. In the future, after registration of disability, this will be provided to you as part of the IPR.

After being examined by doctors, you must return with all the papers to the doctor who gave the referral. He will fill out the medical history and issue a referral to the medical examiner, with which you need to contact the head doctor of the clinic to sign the papers. After all signatures and seals have been received, you must contact the ITU at your place of residence.

List of papers and appeal to ITU

For registration, you need to collect a package of papers, which includes:
  • pensioner's ID;
  • referral received at the clinic for medical examination;
  • a copy of the work document, which must be certified;
  • passport with a copy;
  • patient's outpatient card;
  • extract from the hospital and its copy;
  • if necessary, an act on the presence of an occupational disease or an industrial injury, drawn up in form N1.
With all the collected documents, the pensioner must contact the ITU office at his place of residence and submit an application for examination. After submitting the papers, you will be assigned a day and time for the examination.

You must appear at the commission on the appointed day. It is important not to be late, otherwise your application will be delayed. You should have replaceable shoes or shoe covers and a disposable diaper with you.

The commission must be attended by four medical specialists. They carefully study the medical history, the conclusions of clinic specialists, test results, and examine the patient. Based on the results of the examination, a decision is made on the assignment of disability by majority vote.

Further actions

Upon completion of the examination, a certificate of the assigned disability group must be issued, and an IPR must be developed. Its list contains the necessary medications and treatment, including sanitary and resort treatment, means and things without which the life of a disabled person is impossible or significantly difficult. You have the right to use all these things free of charge.

The period during which the disability is valid will also be stated, and the need for re-examination will be indicated.


The decision to assign disabled status is made if at least two of the three criteria listed below are met:
  • Serious health problems that imply the presence of persistent disorders of the body and its organs associated with injuries or diseases, both congenital and acquired defects during life.
  • The need for social protection and assistance in rehabilitation.
  • Limitation of life activity, which includes loss of ability to self-care (both full and partial). The presence of a certain degree of restriction in movement and communication, loss of self-control and inability to perform one’s work duties.

If a pensioner is a bedridden patient

What to do if a pensioner cannot move independently? In this case, he will not be able to visit all the necessary doctors and get tested. Such a patient can also be granted disability at home. To do this, you need to call a local doctor who will examine the patient, give a referral and call other specialists for examination.

When submitting an application for medical examination, it is important to indicate that the patient cannot appear for examination at the bureau. In this case, the commission goes to the patient’s home and holds a meeting there.

Typically, registration of disability in such a situation is carried out by the patient’s trusted representative - his wife or son, daughter, or any other close relative.

Contacting the Pension Fund

After receiving all the certificates, you must contact the pension fund office at your place of residence. This is necessary in order to obtain the status of a disabled person with the appropriate certificate and obtain the due pension.

To apply for a pension and benefits, you must provide the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • Passport and its copy.
  • Application for a pension. The sample can be found both on the official website of the Pension Fund and by contacting the branch itself directly.
  • A document confirming that a person has work experience. This can be a work book or a document confirming the fact of a citizen’s employment, certified by the head of the organization with a seal.
  • Help from ITU.
It is advisable to submit all documents at once, since all papers must be received by specialists within three months from the date of application. Otherwise, the application will be cancelled.

Please note that if you have no restrictions on working due to health reasons, then you have every right to work. At the same time, neither the basic pension nor the disability pension is canceled, and the amounts of payments remain the same.

Disability pension for military personnel

A slightly different procedure for obtaining a disability pension for military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Persons who have suffered significant health damage during their service and performance of their duties or within three months after the end of their service can count on it. It is also issued if the citizen received a disability as a result of being wounded or concussed or mutilated during service, but was registered after the end of military service.

To apply for a pension, you must go through the standard procedure for registering disability, then contact the pension authority of the Ministry of Defense. The main documents provided are:

  • application for a disability pension;
  • passport and its copy;
  • military ID and copy;
  • ITU certificate;
  • results of the military medical commission.

Refusal to receive disability

The commission may also refuse to grant disability. In such a situation, it is necessary to submit an application for passage of the commission within a month. You have the right:
  • Submit an application to the same bureau, indicating that you want to undergo an examination with a different team of specialists.
  • Submit an application to the higher authority of the bureau. For example, you submitted an application to the district office. This is the second time you have submitted it to the regional bureau.

If you do not agree with the commission’s decision a second time, you have the right to file a lawsuit to establish disability. But please note that if the decision is negative, it will no longer be possible to appeal.


As already indicated, in addition to the disability group, its duration is also established. Thus, for disabled people of group 1, the certificate is issued for 2 years, and for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 - only for a year.

After this period, the citizen is required to appear for re-examination to confirm his group. In some cases, the group may be changed up or down, or even removed altogether.

The procedure is the same as the first time - receiving a referral from the attending physician, taking tests, registering with the ITU and passing the commission. The list of documents is the same as for the initial statement, but for examination you must additionally provide:

  • a certificate from the ITU received earlier;
It is worth noting that citizens who:
  • received disability due to irreversible morphological diseases;
  • have serious defects;
  • have disturbances in the functioning of the body and organs.

Registration after a stroke or heart attack

It is worth noting that it is no different from the standard procedure, but it is still worth highlighting some features:
  • You can apply for disability after four months from the date of opening your sick leave;
  • The procedure for collecting documents and submitting them to ITU is standard. Based on the received papers, the commission considers a specific case and assigns disability for a year;
  • After a year, you must pass the commission again. Often, within a year, body functions are restored, and the group is either removed or assigned to group 3 disability. But still, about half of the patients remain disabled.
Registration of disability for a pensioner is an opportunity to receive all the necessary funds for treatment and rehabilitation, as well as to receive a supplement to the basic pension and benefits for the provision of a number of services.

Unfortunately, diabetes mellitus is considered an incurable pathology that sharply reduces the quality of life of patients. Therapy of the disease consists of maintaining optimal blood sugar levels through nutritional correction, physical activity and medication.

The disease has several forms, which differ from each other in the causes of occurrence and the mechanism of development. Each of the forms leads to a number of acute and chronic complications that prevent patients from working normally, living, and in some cases, even caring for themselves. In connection with such problems, every second diabetic has a question about whether diabetes mellitus provides disability. What kind of help you can get from the state and what the law says about this, we will consider further in the article.

A little about the disease itself

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body is unable to fully participate in metabolism, especially carbohydrates. The main manifestation of the pathological condition is hyperglycemia (increased glucose levels in the bloodstream).

There are several forms of the disease:

  • Insulin-dependent form (type 1)– often occurs against the background of a hereditary predisposition, affecting people of all ages, even children. The pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin, which is necessary to distribute sugar throughout the body (into cells and tissues).
  • Insulin-independent form (type 2)- typical for older people. It develops against the background of poor nutrition, obesity, and is characterized by the fact that the gland synthesizes a sufficient amount of insulin, but the cells lose their sensitivity to it (insulin resistance).
  • Gestational form– develops in women during pregnancy. The development mechanism is similar to type 2 pathology. As a rule, after the baby is born, the disease disappears on its own.

A large amount of glucose in the blood is the main sign of diabetes mellitus

Other forms of "sweet disease":

  • genetic abnormalities of insulin secretory cells;
  • disruption of insulin action at the genetic level;
  • pathologies of the exocrine part of the gland;
  • endocrinopathies;
  • disease caused by medications and toxic substances;
  • illness as a result of infection;
  • other forms.

The disease is manifested by a pathological desire to drink, eat, and the patient often urinates. Dry skin and itching occur. Periodically, a rash of various types appears on the surface of the skin, which heals for a long period, but after a while appears again.

Important! A little later, patients begin to complain of decreased visual acuity, heaviness and pain in the legs, and headaches.

The progression of the disease leads to the development of complications. Acute complications require immediate medical intervention, while chronic complications develop gradually, but are practically not eliminated, even with the help of drug treatment.

What determines disability for diabetes?

Patients should understand that if they want to get disability due to diabetes, they will need to try hard. The presence of pathology will have to be confirmed regularly. As a rule, with group 1 this must be done once every 2 years, with groups 2 and 3 – annually. If the group is given to children, re-examination occurs upon reaching adulthood.

For patients with serious complications of endocrine pathology, going to the hospital itself is considered a test, not to mention collecting the necessary documents to pass a medical and social expert commission.

The process of collecting documents is a long and tedious procedure for patients.

Receipt of disability depends on the following factors:

  • type of “sweet disease”;
  • degree of severity of the disease - several degrees are distinguished, which are characterized by the presence or absence of compensation for blood sugar levels; in parallel, the presence of complications is taken into account;
  • concomitant pathologies – the presence of serious concomitant diseases increases the chance of disability due to diabetes;
  • restriction of movement, communication, self-care, ability to work - each of the listed criteria is assessed by members of the commission.

Assessing the severity of the disease

Specialists clarify the severity of the condition of the patient who wants to receive disability according to the following criteria.

A mild degree of the disease is characterized by a compensated state in which glycemic levels can be maintained through nutritional correction. There are no acetone bodies in the blood and urine, sugar on an empty stomach does not exceed 7.6 mmol/l, and there is no glucose in the urine. As a rule, this degree rarely allows the patient to receive a disability group.

Moderate severity is accompanied by the presence of acetone bodies in the blood. Fasting sugar can reach up to 15 mmol/l, glucose appears in the urine. This degree is characterized by the development of complications in the form of damage to the visual analyzer (retinopathy), kidneys (nephropathy), pathology of the nervous system (neuropathy) without the presence of trophic ulcerations.

Patients have the following complaints:

  • impaired visual acuity;
  • decreased performance;
  • impaired ability to move.

A severe degree is manifested by the serious condition of a diabetic. High levels of ketone bodies in urine and blood, blood sugar above 15 mmol/l, significant level of glucosuria. Damage to the visual analyzer is stage 2-3, kidney damage is stage 4-5. The lower extremities are covered with trophic ulcers, and gangrene develops. Patients are often indicated for reconstructive vascular surgery and leg amputation.

Important! This degree is accompanied by the fact that patients lose the ability to work, take care of themselves, see, and move.

An extremely severe degree of the disease is manifested by complications that do not have the ability to regress. Frequent manifestations are severe brain damage, paralysis, and coma. A person completely loses the ability to move, see, serve himself, communicate with other people, or navigate in space and time.

Impaired ability to move is one of the criteria for confirming disability

Disability due to diabetes

Each disability group meets certain criteria according to which it is assigned to sick people. Next, we consider when MSEC members can give a group to a diabetic.

3rd group

Establishing this group is possible if the patient is on the borderline of mild and moderate severity of the disease. In this case, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs of a minimal degree occur, but they no longer allow a person to fully work and live.

The conditions for obtaining the status are the need to use special devices for self-care, and also that the patient cannot work in his profession, but is able to perform other work that is less labor-intensive.

2nd group

Conditions for establishing incapacity for work for diabetics:

  • damage to visual functions of 2-3 degrees of severity;
  • end-stage kidney pathology, chronic renal failure in conditions of machine dialysis, peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplantation;
  • persistent damage to the peripheral nervous system;
  • mental problems.

Hemodialysis – indications for establishing 2nd degree of disability for a patient

Important! The patient cannot work at all or his capabilities are severely limited; the diabetic moves with the help of assistive devices. Servicing of independent needs occurs with outside help or with the use of additional devices.

1st group

This disability group for diabetes mellitus is assigned in the following cases:

  • damage to one or both eyes, manifested by partial or complete loss of vision;
  • severe pathology of the peripheral nervous system;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • Charcot's foot and other severe lesions of the arteries of the extremities;
  • terminal stage nephropathy;
  • a frequent critical drop in blood sugar levels that requires emergency medical attention.

Patients are served and move only with the help of strangers. Their communication with others and orientation in space and time are disrupted.

About children

It is better to check with the attending physician or a specialist from the medical and social expert commission about which disability group is given to a child with an insulin-dependent form of the disease. As a rule, such children are diagnosed with incapacity for work without specifying their status. Re-examination is carried out at 18 years of age. Each specific clinical case is considered individually; other outcomes are possible.

You can read about the procedure for obtaining disability for type 2 diabetes.

Children are a contingent that receives long-term disability

Surveys for paperwork at MSEC

The procedure for preparing patients for disability determination is quite labor-intensive and lengthy. The endocrinologist suggests that patients obtain disability status in the following cases:

  • serious condition of the patient, lack of compensation for the disease;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of internal organs and systems;
  • frequent attacks of hypo- and hyperglycemic states, coma;
  • mild or moderate illness, which requires the patient to be transferred to a less labor-intensive job.

The patient must collect a list of documents and undergo the necessary studies:

  • clinical tests;
  • blood sugar;
  • biochemistry;
  • sugar load test;
  • analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin;
  • urine analysis according to Zimnitsky;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • echocardiogram;
  • arteriography;
  • rheovasography;
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist, neurologist, nephrologist, surgeon.

From the documents, it is necessary to prepare a copy and original of the passport, a referral from the attending physician to the MSEC, a statement from the patient himself, an extract stating that the patient was treated in a hospital or outpatient clinic.

Important! You should have reports from all specialists involved in the treatment of the disease, as well as a hospital record.

It is necessary to prepare a copy and original of the work book, a certificate of established disability if the re-examination process is taking place.

It is important to remember that at the time of re-examination the group may be removed. This may be due to the achievement of compensation, improvement in the general condition and laboratory parameters of the patient.

To obtain disability, you need to prepare a large package of documents

Rehabilitation and working conditions

Patients assigned to group 3 can perform work, but with easier conditions than before. The average severity of the disease allows minor physical activity. Such patients should avoid night shifts, long business trips, and irregular work schedules.

If diabetics have vision problems, it is better to reduce the tension in the visual analyzer; if you have diabetic feet, it is better to avoid standing work. Group 1 disability means that patients cannot work at all.

Rehabilitation of patients includes nutritional correction, adequate exercise (if possible), regular examination by an endocrinologist and other specialists. Sanatorium-resort treatment and attendance at a diabetes school are necessary. MSEC specialists draw up individual rehabilitation programs for patients with diabetes.

Registration of disability is a complex process in psychological terms, but it is even more complex in terms of paperwork. However, do not rush to give up, because we are talking about the necessary material support and receiving basic help in a difficult life situation for you. When getting down to business, have patience and even courage, study all the regulatory documents related to registration of disability, if necessary, seek help from family and friends, and be prepared in advance for an unkind reception from some officials. MirSovetov will try to help you by explaining the procedure and outlining the sequence of actions.

The procedure for registering disability

The decision to recognize a sick person as disabled is made by the medical and social examination institution on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1013n. This document clearly defines 7 criteria for limiting human health:

  1. Limitation of ability to work.
  2. Limitation of self-care ability.
  3. Limitation of the ability to move independently.
  4. Limitation of ability to communicate.
  5. Limitation of orientation ability.
  6. Limitation of the ability to control one's own behavior.
  7. Restriction on learning.

A disabled person is a person who has persistent impairments in at least two criteria from the specified list, or who has a persistent restriction on work activity.

Not every sick person is recognized as disabled. Before applying for disability, you must have evidence that the health pathology is permanent. The patient was treated for a long time and unsuccessfully, including using high medical technologies. All treatment measures must be recorded in the outpatient card. If there have been frequent calls to the ambulance, they should also be recorded. Other medical documents must also be attached - tests, certificates, extracts, photographs, etc.

At the first stage, the patient must contact the attending physician or the chairman of the medical commission at the clinic with an oral request to formalize a referral for medical examination. Less often, the attending physician, on his own initiative, suggests that the patient register for disability.

A referral for a medical and social examination is issued using form 0-88/у. This is the main document that contains information about the state of a person’s health at the time of contacting the ITU authorities. Form 0-88/у contains data from specialist examinations, tests, and is certified by the seal of the medical institution, the signature of the chairman of the medical commission and the signature of 3 doctors of the institution.

The next stage of registration of disability is the transfer of documents to ITU. Find out the telephone number of the ITU registration office at your place of residence or place of temporary registration. Sign up to submit documents. The examination is scheduled no later than one month after the documents are submitted.

You must arrive for the examination without delay, strictly at the appointed time. During the examination, doctors will not only study all the attached documents, but will also conduct an independent examination. Doctors can ask questions about social status, living conditions, marital status, education and work skills. Do not be afraid of these questions, since the answers are necessary to fill out the items in the specialized program.

Often the opinions of ITU specialists differ from the opinions of attending physicians. This is explained by the fact that attending physicians usually deal with an exacerbation of the patient’s disease. Expert doctors are more likely to examine a person who has undergone treatment and may diagnose a milder degree of the disease. Don’t be nervous and argue with ITU doctors. If you do not agree with the decision of the commission, you can verbally, in a polite manner, express your disagreement to the chairman of the commission and make a written request to schedule a re-examination at the ITU Main Bureau.

Documents for registration of disability

Documents that you need to have with you when going for a medical and social examination:

  1. Passport.
  2. Birth certificate (for the child).
  3. Referral to ITU using form 0-88/у.
  4. Outpatient card.
  5. Extracts from hospitals, certified by the seal of the institution where the treatment was carried out.
  6. X-rays (if available).
  7. Conclusions of narrow specialists from different medical institutions, necessarily with the seal of the institution and the signature of the doctor (if any).
  8. Education documents (if any) diploma or certificate from an educational institution for students.
  9. Work record book or certified copy (if available).
  10. Photocopies of all provided documents.
  11. ITU certificate and copy (for those who are undergoing the examination again).

Registration of disability for a child

A child is recognized as disabled if there is at least one criterion for limiting his or her life activity listed above. For example, learning disabilities. When preparing documents for a minor, instead of form 0-88/y, form No. 080/y-06 is used. The referral for medical examination is made by the specialist treating the child’s disease, according to his or her profile. That is, a child with poor vision is referred by an ophthalmologist, and a child with reduced hearing by an otolaryngologist.

Otherwise, the set of medical documents is the same as for an adult. Documents must reflect the medical history. In addition to medical documents, a reference from the educational institution, documents of parents or guardians may be required.

Registration of disability in case of particularly serious illnesses

If it is necessary to register a disability for a seriously ill person who, due to illness, cannot independently or with the help of other people appear for medical examination, a certificate issued by the medical commission of the medical institution must be attached to the referral for medical examination. The certificate indicates that the patient’s condition does not allow him to appear for examination. In this case, the examination is carried out at home.

Sometimes, very rarely, the examination is carried out in absentia on the basis of documents. However, such cases are an exception to the rule, because the task of the ITU is not only to review the documents, but also to confirm the diagnosis during an in-person examination of the patient.

Old or seriously ill people must come for examination accompanied by relatives or social workers.

Your rights

If the examination recognizes you as disabled, you will be awarded a pension, you will be able to enjoy certain benefits, and an individual rehabilitation program will be drawn up for you. The pension is accrued from the moment you apply to the ITU authorities (from the date of submission of documents)

Sometimes ITU specialists cannot make an unambiguous decision and ask the patient to undergo further examination in one of the medical institutions to clarify the diagnosis.

It is your right to agree or refuse this. In case of refusal, you will need to record the refusal in writing. On my own behalf, I advise you to agree and undergo all the necessary examinations. After all, this will help make the correct diagnosis.

It happens that the attending physician at the clinic or the chairman of the medical commission refuses to issue a referral for medical examination. In this case, you have the right to contact the ITU authorities directly by writing a substantiated application and attaching copies of documents confirming your decision.

If you do not agree with the decision of the ITU commission, apply for re-examination to a higher ITU or to the court.

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