How to treat an open wound so that it heals faster. Proven ways to heal a wound on the face - we solve the problem at home without a trace

With proper wound management, wound healing can be achieved as quickly as possible. But for this you need to know the rules for caring for such an injury and be able to distinguish a wet wound from a dry one in order to select the most effective forms of wound healing agents.

Rules for caring for a wound in the first hours

In order for wound healing to occur as soon as possible, it is necessary to carefully treat the wound area as soon as possible after its occurrence. In this case, it is necessary to carefully, without touching the wound itself, remove from it all non-viable areas, foreign bodies.

If the injury (cut) is large, deep, and even more so if it is located on the face, you should consult a doctor. Usually first aid is provided in emergency rooms. There, the surgeon will perform the so-called primary surgical treatment, refreshing the edges of the wound, if possible, so that healing begins as quickly as possible.

If stitches have been applied, in the future it will be enough to lubricate the wound area with an alcohol solution of iodine, green paint or just alcohol for speedy healing. It is strictly forbidden to tear off the crusts. Usually, on the 5-6th day after suturing, the doctor removes them.

If it is not possible to carry out primary surgical treatment immediately, or there is no need for it, immediately after the injury, it is necessary to lubricate the skin around the wound with any alcohol-containing antiseptic (boric alcohol, salicylic acid, 5% alcohol solution of iodine, brilliant green), apply clean (preferably sterile) bandage and for a maximum of two hours to make a full dressing. If the injury looks like an abrasion, blood will ooze from it. Usually such bleeding stops under a regular bandage after a few minutes. If the bleeding is heavy, apply a pressure bandage.

How to achieve rapid wound healing?

After providing such first aid, we can say that at this stage we did everything to ensure that the wound healing began as soon as possible. But any injury must be treated. We often do this at home. To do this, you need to prepare a sterile dressing material, alcohol-treated instruments (usually tweezers and scissors are enough), aqueous and alcohol solutions of antiseptics, and a wound healing agent.

The wound should be bandaged and treated 1-2 times a day. This is usually done in the morning and evening. Before dressing, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water, dried with a clean towel and treated with any special disinfectant solution. After removing the bandage, it is necessary to treat the skin around the wound with an alcohol solution of an antiseptic and inspect the damage.

If the surface of the injury is moist, pink, easily damaged, such a wound is wet. If it is dry, with crusts, cracks, it is a dry wound. It is important to distinguish between a wet wound and a dry wound, as different wound healing agents are used in such cases.

So, after the examination, the damage should be treated with an aqueous solution of an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, a solution of furacillin, miramistin, etc.), washing the wound well and thus removing all non-viable tissues from it and disinfecting it. If there are no signs of inflammation, you should use a wound healing agent. Such a tool should be non-toxic, effective stimulator of cell growth and collagen production, as well as the delivery of oxygen and glucose to cells. On a wet wound, such a wound healing agent can only be applied in the form of a jelly. The ointment cannot be used at this stage of the wound process: the fatty film stops the rapid healing of the wound due to malnutrition of the tissues and impaired release of fluid from the surface of the injury.

Each dressing should be accompanied by an inspection. After all, when the wound begins to dry out, it will be necessary to replace the healing agent in the form of jelly with another dosage form - and ointment. For the fastest healing of wounds, it is best when the active ingredient of the wound healing agent remains the same, but only the form of the drug release changes. The ointment will create a protective film on the wound and protect it from external factors. At this stage, it is possible to cancel the bandage, or you can apply a bandage 2-3 hours after the treatment of the damage. Gradually, the duration of wound management without a bandage can be increased. This will speed up wound healing as much as possible.

In addition to local treatment, we should not forget that wound healing is affected by our diet. To heal quickly, you need to eat fortified and protein foods - vegetables, fruits, low-fat fish and meat, low-fat sour-milk products.

What to choose a remedy for rapid wound healing?

Cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to accelerate the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of the antibacterial component of silver sulfathiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only on wounds located in open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The tool has not only a wound healing, but also an antimicrobial effect, and in addition, it promotes wound healing without a rough scar 1

It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

1 E.I. Tretyakova. Complex treatment of long-term non-healing wounds of various etiologies. Clinical dermatology and venereology. - 2013.- №3

Wounds - damage to the skin and tissues with the appearance of pain and bleeding. Wounds are chopped, bruised, stab, cut, torn, bitten, gunshot.

At home, only shallow wounds without heavy bleeding can be healed. In other cases, the victim must be sent to the hospital.

When healing shallow wounds, they must be washed with a disinfectant solution or boiled water, the skin around the wound should be washed with soap, the edges of the wound should be lubricated with an alcohol solution of iodine, alcohol or any alcohol tincture.

For the treatment of wounds and their healing, take 75 g of fresh burdock roots, pour 200 ml of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), leave for a day, boil for 15-20 minutes on low heat, strain. Keep refrigerated. Lubricate the wounds with the resulting ointment 2 times a day. At the same time, drink a decoction of the root (1:20), 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

  • Mash fresh celandine leaves and apply to the wound. If there are no fresh ones, you can use dry leaves by steaming them and bandaging them to the sore spot.
  • Grind 30 g of burdock roots and 20 g of celandine roots, pour a mixture of 100 ml of sunflower oil, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, strain. Lubricate non-healing wounds 2-3 times a day for at least a week.
  • Pour 50 g of crushed eucalyptus leaves with 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 3-5 minutes. Cool, strain, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Apply in the form of lotions and baths.
  • For poorly healing ulcers, liquid honey or Konkov's ointment is used, the basis of which is honey, taken in equal amounts with spermaceti. Another combination is also possible: honey, spermaceti and 10-20% calendula ointment, taken in equal amounts. Honey ointments are in some cases used in preparation for extensive plastic surgery.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry grass cudweed with a swamp glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey To stir thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • Mix the crushed root of the legume legume herb with vegetable oil, lamb or lard in equal proportions. Used as an ointment for wound healing.
  • Apply a bandage of garlic mixed with honey to wounds from a dog bite. There is a quick cure.
  • Take 40-50 g of crushed rhizomes bought from a pharmacy, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain, use for lotions, compresses, bruises, bleeding abrasions. Promotes resorption of hemorrhages (bruises). The plant is poisonous. Do not use inside!

Wounds of the perineum and anus have a certain specificity - due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of this area, they are constantly bacterially contaminated. Ensuring the aseptic condition of these wounds due to the connection with the anal canal is impossible. It is also impossible to create rest due to the constant function of the muscles. In addition, frequent recurrences of the fistula of the rectum, cicatricial tissue changes, repeated operations further slow down the healing process and maintain a state of chronic infection. In some cases, propolis is the only drug for treatment.

  • A 20% propolis extract is prepared and then diluted with 10% castor oil. Dressings are carried out once a day from the 1st-2nd day after the operation and after infection of the wounds.
  • When treating wounds that are difficult to heal after surgical treatment of dermoid cysts, fecal fistulas, it is recommended to use dressings with an ointment containing 30% propolis. Pre-do antiseptic cleaning of the wound with draining the secret. The dressings are then changed daily. As a result of such treatment, pain disappears faster and wounds epithelialize.

What else will help to quickly heal the wound?

Swamp cranberries will help heal wounds due to its bactericidal properties. Gruel from crushed berries, or juice should be used as healing compresses on wounds. Cranberry has long been considered a natural antibiotic that promotes a quick recovery without the intervention of traditional medicine.

Anti-inflammatory aloe juice can be used as a lotion on wounds of various etiologies. Aloe will quickly kill germs and help in the regeneration of new cells needed for wound healing.

To heal wounds quickly, you can collect lilac leaves. Lilac also has healing properties, which has been known for a long time. The leaves are crushed in a mixer to a state of homogeneous gruel. Then the juice is squeezed out from the gruel of lilac leaves and applied to the affected area several times a day. An important point - lilac leaves must be fresh.

Few people know that grape leaves also have antibacterial properties and the ability to stop bleeding. Crush or grind grape leaves with a blender until smooth. Apply this medicinal gruel to the sore spot and keep it for several hours two to three times a day. The course of treatment with grape leaves continues until complete recovery.

Blueberry leaves have been used to treat skin damage since ancient times. A slurry of crushed leaves of this magical berry helps a person recover in record time. Apply a bandage from this slurry for a while, and after a few days there will be no trace of the wound.

Often, when injured, bacteria enter the bloodstream, which lead to the formation of pus. Lotions from sauerkraut will help remove pus and frozen blood. A folk recipe will help heal the wound very quickly, thanks to the bactericidal properties of cabbage. You can also wash the wound and get rid of dirt with the help of brine, which also has healing properties.

Known fact: onions have bactericidal properties. Try using an onion for a cut or wound that has pus on an old wound. You can make a lotion from onion juice by grinding it to a state of gruel. The onion will destroy the pathogenic bacteria and the cut will heal very quickly. With the help of onions, purulent abscesses can be treated.

Plum leaves can perfectly cure festering wounds. Grind them to a pulp, apply a compress to an open wound, and your condition will improve in a matter of hours. Before use, raw materials for lotions must be steamed.

Crushed buckwheat leaves have healing properties. They contribute to the rapid healing of purulent wounds and cuts. Compresses from buckwheat leaves must be applied until complete recovery.

In folk medicine, there is a wonderful recipe that uses ordinary carrots, available to anyone. Lotions from grated carrots or crushed leaves will help heal festering wounds.

The roots of sweet clover contribute to the softening of a purulent wound. Crush the leaves of this plant and make a compress for several hours, after which the treatment can be continued with antibacterial lotions.

Wormwood juice can be used for compresses in the treatment of purulent wounds. Wormwood has cleansing and bactericidal properties that will help in wound healing.

Self-dressing of wounds at home

“Good doctor Aibolit, he is sitting under a tree, come to him for treatment” ... well, etc., the words are very familiar to us, the most important thing and the situation is known. In case of illness or injury, “Aibolit” can be found urgently in the hospital by arriving to him in an ambulance. In surgery, your wound will be sewn up, and then “going through the torment” begins, or, more simply, in polyclinics. You can still see the therapist, but the surgeon is just longing. And many patients go home, running their wounds to the state of purulent inflammation.

I must say that wound treatment can be done at home - it's not difficult. The procedure will require your determination and dressing material. Since you are reading the article, then you have the determination, then we will list the material.


  1. Bandage sterile
  2. Medical alcohol
  3. Clean cotton towel
  4. Cosmetic cotton sticks
  5. Hydrogen peroxide
  6. Scissors

Bandaging is done with clean, soapy hands.

Dressing technology:

  1. First, you need to spread a towel on the table and iron it with an iron for 3-5 minutes.
  2. The pack of the bandage is opened and it is shaken out on a towel.
  3. The bandage is removed, if soaked in blood, then soaked with hydrogen peroxide
  4. Hands and scissors are treated with alcohol
  5. The wound is inspected, it must be clean, dry, a small amount of blood is acceptable
  6. Wipe with a cotton swab soaked in iodine
  7. 2 strips are cut off from a sterile bandage for 4-5 wound lengths and folded 4-5 times in the form of a pillow
  8. One pad is soaked in alcohol, not squeezed hard and applied to the wound.
  9. A dry pad is applied on top
  10. The bandage is fixed with a bandage or adhesive plaster to the skin.

Well, everything seems to have been told, but for snacks, remember the following. If you suspect inflammation of the wound, contact the clinic or call an ambulance, go to surgery. To prevent complications, drink simple antibiotics with antifungal drugs. If you have diabetes, pour 2-3 ampoules of insulin onto the bandage before bandaging. Love yourself and remember that in the hospital, the doctors pulled by the authorities will help you.

One of the most frustrating injuries people face are facial wounds. They are visible to the naked eye, spoil the appearance and lower the self-esteem of a person. With improper treatment and care of such injuries, scars remain, which sometimes cannot be hidden even with the help of cosmetics.

Small wounds on the face can be quickly cured at home, large injuries require an appointment with a surgeon and the use of special preparations.

Features of facial skin lesions

Wounds can form in any area of ​​the face for various reasons:

  • mechanical and thermal damage;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • surgical intervention;
  • acne;
  • dermatological or infectious diseases.

Compared with wounds in other parts of the body, the treatment of injuries on the face has some features due to anatomical features:

  • active facial expressions;
  • constant muscle movement
  • proximity of blood vessels;
  • very thin layer of fat cells.

With significant damage to the skin and muscles of the face, sutures can be applied within 36 hours. In other parts of the body, tissues need to be sewn up within a day to avoid the penetration of microbes into the deeper layers of the skin.

Possible difficulties in treatment

Anatomical features can cause some difficulties in the process of healing injuries on the face:

  • Edge divergence. If large wounds occur in the lower two-thirds of the face, healing may be delayed due to facial movements.
  • Intense bleeding that is difficult to stop.
  • Infection. The penetration of microbes occurs when the rules for treating wounds are violated, therefore, with significant damage to the skin of the face, antibiotics of local and general action are often prescribed.
  • The occurrence of edema accompanies almost all injuries on the face. This not only affects the appearance of the victim, but can also slow down the healing process of tissues.

In addition, almost all wounds on the face make it difficult for a person to eat and communicate. Due to the constant movement of the facial muscles, the victim experiences discomfort and pain.

At the same time, the healing of wounds on the face is faster than when tissues are damaged in other areas. This is due to the large number of capillaries and intensive blood circulation. Active supply of tissues with oxygen accelerates regeneration. Healing of injuries near the mouth occurs faster than in other parts of the face due to the special structure of the tissues.

Treatment rules

Minor injuries can be successfully treated at home. To do this, you must first clean them from dirt and treat with an antiseptic. If the injury is large, the appeal to the surgeon can not be postponed.

Professional help may be needed after a few days of treating a small wound at home. The reason for contacting a medical institution may be a sharp deterioration in the condition of the wound (the appearance of pus, swelling, divergence of the edges), the opening of bleeding.

The specialist will assess the severity of the damage according to several parameters:

  • the size;
  • depth;
  • the presence of an infection.

A possible infection is indicated by redness, severe swelling of the tissues, high temperature at the site of injury.

After the examination, the surgeon performs several actions:

  • treats the edges of the wound with a professional antiseptic;
  • puts stitches on damage (if necessary);
  • gives an injection against tetanus (if necessary);
  • informs about the rules of care.

A wound on the face must be treated several times a day. If the damage is deep or occupies a large area, this should be done in the clinic.

Whatever the wound, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • Treatment should not be delayed, the sooner therapy is started, the faster tissue healing will occur and the lower the risk of complications.
  • Do not treat the wound with iodine or medical alcohol. Concentrated liquids will burn the edges, which can delay tissue healing. In addition, such an action can leave marks on the skin, which will be very difficult to get rid of.
  • For primary treatment, it is recommended to dilute alcohol or iodine with boiled water, or use hydrogen peroxide, furacilin solution or boric alcohol.
  • It is forbidden to stop bleeding with a band-aid. It will reduce the supply of damaged tissues with oxygen and slow down scarring. If the wound is bleeding, after treatment, you need to stop the bleeding with sterile wipes. The patch is applied a few days after the injury and changed several times a day.
  • To increase overall immunity, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes during treatment. During this period, it is recommended to cancel all diets and eat more protein and plant foods. Strengthening health will speed up the regeneration process.
  • Choosing the right form of drugs. At the initial stage, it is forbidden to use oily ointments and greasy creams, they are much more effective after tightening the edges of the wound.
  • If the damage does not heal for several days or there are signs of infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

First aid immediately after injury on the face is carried out in several stages:

  • removal of contaminants;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • applying a bandage (sterile bandage or napkin).

You can not keep the wound closed all the time, several times a day the bandage must be removed to ensure oxygen access.

To speed up the healing process, you must strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor and protect the wound from exposure to high and low temperatures, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation. Until the end of regeneration, it is not recommended to visit the beach, swimming pool, solarium and sauna.

Medications, creams, ointments for quick treatment of wounds on the face

The rate of healing of a wound on the face depends on the medications used and adherence to the care recommendations received in the hospital.

Means for the treatment of wounds can be divided into several groups:

  • bactericidal;
  • drying;
  • accelerating cell regeneration;
  • antibiotics (if necessary).

Bactericidal agents treat wounds immediately after injury and before each application of other medicines to wet areas. These include the already mentioned hydrogen peroxide, a solution of manganese and iodine and medical alcohol diluted with water. After the wound dries, these drugs are not used.

Drying agents include preparations in the form of aqueous solutions or jelly. They do not block the access of oxygen to the tissues, protect against the penetration of microbes into the wound and accelerate the formation of a crust. These include:

  • Solcoseryl (gel).

The drug from Switzerland is obtained from purified calf blood, which activates the production of collagen in the skin. The gel is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer several times a day. The drug is used for all types of burns, ulcers, deep and superficial injuries.

  • Actovegin is the Russian analogue of Solcoseryl.
  • Eplan (water solution or wipes). The drug has an antibacterial, analgesic and regenerating effect. The agent is applied to the skin several times a day, the wound heals approximately three days after the start of application.

After the wound heals and stops getting wet, it can be applied in the form of ointments and creams. They will create a protective film on the surface, accelerate recovery and soften dried skin.

Tissue regeneration occurs due to components that accelerate collagen synthesis and metabolic processes in cells. These drugs include:

  • Levomekol is an ointment of combined action: regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It can even be applied to infected wounds. Levomekol is used to heal burns, incised wounds, purulent boils.
  • Rescuer - an ointment that is used for any skin damage. The tool has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes blood circulation and relieves swelling.
  • Bepanthen. The ointment stimulates tissue regeneration, moisturizes and protects against the penetration of microbes.
  • Kontatubex is an ointment that heals wounds and prevents the formation of scars.
  • Panthenol. A regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent is available in the form of a spray, ointment and cream.
  • Solcoseryl and Actovegin in the form of an ointment.

With inflammation of wounds on the face, antibacterial agents are applied to them after treatment with an antiseptic. This group includes several drugs: Baneocin (powder), Tetracycline ointment, Levomekol.

You can not use the listed funds without consulting a doctor.

Traditional medicine to speed up healing

You can also take care of damaged facial skin with the help of self-prepared products:

  • Lotions from fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice are applied to wounds for 10-15 minutes several times a day.
  • Homemade ointment from vaseline (butter) and plantain. 1 part of the crushed leaves of the plant is mixed with 5 parts of petroleum jelly. The agent is applied to lesions 3-5 times a day. Similarly, an ointment with calendula is prepared.
  • To speed up healing, a thin layer of badger fat is applied to the skin several times a day.

You can use the above funds only after the wound stops getting wet in combination with medications.

How long does it take for wounds to heal

Regeneration of tissues on the face takes place in 2 stages. Their duration depends on the size of the damage and the state of health of the person. How long it takes to heal a wound is difficult to determine. The healing stage lasts from several days to a month, during this period the wound is scarred. At the next stage, the appearance of the damaged area is finalized.

The final result (whether a scar remains and what size it will be) depends to a large extent on how the care and treatment of the damage was carried out.

Possible consequences

With improper care of a wound on the face, tissue infection is possible. This will not only slow down the healing process, but also threaten with unpleasant complications:

  • general blood poisoning;
  • necrosis of surrounding tissues;
  • damage to the facial nerves.

One of the consequences of damage to the face is the formation of scars. To reduce them, you can use special creams that activate collagen production, exfoliate dead cells and even out the color of tissues.

The funds are applied several times a day only to the scar, without affecting healthy skin. You can start using such funds only after the scar becomes coarse (after 2-3 months).

In addition to scar creams, oils can be used that are rubbed into colloidal tissues.

The remedy for scars is effective if the trace of the injury is small. In cases where the area of ​​the scar is significant, they resort to cosmetic procedures, for example, laser resurfacing of the face or acid peeling.

With proper treatment, the wound can be cured in the shortest possible time. For this you need:

  1. Be able to distinguish a wet wound from a dry one.
  2. Know the rules for caring for such a wound.
  3. To be able to select the most effective means for healing the wound surface.

First aid for injury

In order for the wound to heal as soon as possible, it is necessary to carefully treat the wound surface immediately after its occurrence. In this case, it is necessary to very carefully remove all foreign bodies and non-viable areas from the wound, trying not to touch the wound itself.

In the event that the wound is very large, and also if it is located on the face, consultation and assistance of a specialist is required. At the nearest emergency room, the surgeon will perform the initial treatment, and refresh, if possible, the edges of the wound for faster healing.

If the wound is sutured, then after this operation, the wound area will need to be lubricated with an alcohol solution of iodine, alcohol or brilliant green for speedy healing. To clean the crusts on the wound is categorically protected. As a rule, the stitches are removed from the wound on the 5th or 6th day.

In a situation where it is not possible to immediately treat the wound, then immediately after the injury, the skin is lubricated with an alcohol-containing antiseptic (salicylic acid, boric alcohol, brilliant green, 5% iodine solution, etc.), after which a clean (sterile) is applied to the affected area bandage. It should be noted that without fail within two hours it is necessary to make a dressing.

When the wound is presented as an abrasion and blood oozes from it, such bleeding stops under the bandage after a few minutes. With severe bleeding, a pressure bandage is applied.

So, the stage of first aid is over. However, in order for the wound to heal quickly, it must be treated. Very often, this treatment is done at home. For adequate treatment, it is necessary to have sterile dressings and clean, alcohol-treated instruments (usually scissors and tweezers are enough), antiseptic solutions, and wound healing agents.

How to quickly heal a wound

Dressing and treatment of the wound is performed at least 2 times a day (morning and evening). Immediately before bandaging, the hands must be thoroughly washed with soap and water, dried and treated with any available disinfectant. After the bandage is removed, the skin around the wound is treated with an alcohol antiseptic, after which the damage is examined.

If the surface of the wound is pink, moist and easily damaged, such a wound is called wet. A dry wound has crusts and cracks. In the process of wound healing, it is very important to be able to distinguish a wet wound from a dry one. This is due to the fact that different medications are used to heal them.

After a thorough examination, the wound is treated with an aqueous antiseptic solution (furacillin solution, hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, etc.). The wound must be well washed and disinfected, removing all necrotic pieces of tissue from it. If signs of inflammation are not observed, wound healing agents are used. Of course, such products must be non-toxic, and they must also effectively stimulate cell growth, the delivery of oxygen and glucose to cells, and the production of collagen.

For the treatment of wet wounds, medical preparations in the form of jelly are used. The ointment is not used at the very first stage of wound healing, since the fatty film significantly inhibits the rapid healing of the wound due to malnutrition of the tissues and the release of fluid from the wound surface.

As a rule, for speedy healing, experts recommend using the same drug, changing only its form of release. The bandage at this stage of treatment can already be canceled, or it can be applied some time after the treatment of the wound site. Staying the wound in the air will contribute to the maximum acceleration of wound healing.

It should be noted that the nature of nutrition also affects the healing of wounds. For their accelerated healing, it is recommended to eat protein and fortified foods (vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, dairy products).

Means for rapid healing of wounds

For the treatment of wounds at all stages of the wound process, Solcoseryl (in the form of a jelly or ointment) has proven itself very well. Its beneficial effect on the wound allows for rapid healing in the shortest possible time. The deproteinized hemoderivate contained in it, extracted from the blood of dairy calves, well activates the regenerative processes in the wound, increases collagen synthesis and stimulates cell function.

It should be noted that this drug is allowed for use by patients of any age, and many years of experience in use confirms its effectiveness and safety.

Purulent wounds can appear at any age in every person.. With incorrect or untimely treatment, this leads to complex complications.

Therefore, it is extremely important to know what drugs and other means to use, how to properly carry out the procedures.

If infection is observed when the integrity of the skin is damaged, then the question of treating purulent wounds at home becomes acute. After all, suppuration leads to the most unpleasant consequences, up to gangrene.

Ulcers are a lumen with purulent fluid around which an inflammatory process occurs. The disease occurs against the background of infection of any wound (cut, scratch, puncture, etc.).

Simply put, pus is formed due to the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism into the wound.

A purulent formation can occur in any part of the body, but most often occurs on the leg, arm, buttocks, abdomen, and finger. Pus can have a thick or liquid consistency, as well as a different color.

It is the shade that allows you to determine the type of pathogen:

  • the whitish and yellowish color of the dense structure indicates infection with the staphylococcus bacterium;
  • with a liquid consistency of a brown-yellow hue, we are talking about Escherichia coli;
  • for a watery structure of yellow and green color, infection with streptococcus is characteristic;
  • brown fetid liquid - anaerobic microbes;
  • if the shade of pus inside is yellow, but changes color upon contact with air, then this is Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Symptoms of purulent wounds

  1. Bursting, throbbing or pressing pain.
  2. Redness of the skin around the lesion.
  3. On palpation, the skin feels hot.
  4. Change in skin color at the location of the pathology.
  5. Swelling and headache.
  6. Increased body temperature, chills, weakness.
  7. Loss of appetite and increased sweating.

Causes of infection

As you know, purulent wounds occur due to infection. But why then does one person immediately notice the inflammatory process, while the other does not? It turns out that there are certain factors that affect the transformation of a simple wound into a purulent form.

First of all, it is a weakened immune system and the presence of certain pathologies (diabetes mellitus, HIV, etc.). Climatic conditions (high humidity), extensive pollution of the area also play a huge role.

It is possible to bring a pathogen into the wound through dirty hands or the use of non-sterile treatment materials.

The first question that arises is how to treat a purulent wound. Because the effectiveness and duration of subsequent therapy depends on it.

Not every person is ready to go to the clinic with such a minor problem. Yes, and it is not always possible to consult a doctor immediately.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules of primary processing:

  1. Wound disinfection and washing. What to wash? Every home has hydrogen peroxide, so use this liquid. You can use "Furacilin", potassium permanganate diluted in water or a solution of "Chlorhexidine".
  2. Next, you need to process the area around the wound. To do this, you can take brilliant greens or iodine. After that, you need to make a dressing (apply a sterile bandage).
  3. Further care includes application of ointments, daily washing and other types of processing.
  4. In especially advanced cases, the doctor prescribes surgical intervention.. For example, if the wound is lacerated, open, with the presence of foreign bodies, etc. The surgeon performs a deep cleaning, removing blood clots, splinters, dead tissues and cells. This will speed up the healing process. If necessary, the doctor cuts out uneven edges, and then sutures.

Quite often, the doctor suggests introducing a special serum against tetanus, and in case of bites from unvaccinated animals, a rabies vaccine. Do not refuse the procedure, as this will prevent complications.

The basis of the algorithm for the treatment of purulent lesions is to remove dead epithelium, cleanse purulent fluid, accelerate regeneration processes and prevent the development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

For processing, you will need a sterile bandage and gauze wipes, scissors washed in alcohol, sterile gloves, adhesive plaster, solutions and ointments.

Initially, the area around the wound is washed and treated with hydrogen peroxide, manganese or other solutions. Next, cut a sterile napkin to the size of the wound with scissors, apply ointment on it and attach it to the focus. After that, bandage. All manipulations must be done with gloves.

If you remove a bandage with accumulated pus, then do it with rubber gloves.. After removing the purulent wipes, be sure to change the gloves. Otherwise, you risk spreading the infection throughout the body.

Treatment methods for purulent wounds

Before treating purulent wounds, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic methods. Medical principles of treatment include the following:

  • cleansing of purulent fluid and dead tissues, cells;
  • neutralization of puffiness and other symptoms;
  • destruction of bacteria.

If the pus cannot be removed naturally, drainage is performed. It can be passive and active.

In the first case, drainage is used from tubes, strips, turundas and wipes soaked in antiseptics. Active drainage involves the use of suction devices.

Since purulent wounds belong to the infectious group, the need is the use of antibiotics. Depending on the severity of suppuration, various forms of preparations are used.

For example, with a slight suppuration, local exposure is sufficient, and in more complex cases, complex treatment is prescribed. That is, the wounds are treated with antibacterial ointments and solutions, and the patient takes pills inside. Quite often, injections are also prescribed.

The most popular antibiotics for purulent wounds:

  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins;
  • penicillins.

Modern pharmacology produces a huge number of universal ointments that have a comprehensive effect. But what kind of ointment to use for purulent wounds in a particular case, the attending physician and directly, you yourself will decide.

List of the best ointments:

The most common and popular drugs:

Home treatment: traditional medicine recipes

Modern medicine does not deny the positive effect of medicinal herbs and other components used in traditional medicine.

After all, many drugs are made from extracts and extracts of plants. Therefore, folk remedies are popular.

Juna is a folk healer, thanks to which many people got rid of various pathologies. One of her recipes is Juna's unique ointment.

Although, she personally claimed that this remedy came from the people, and she only recommended it. The ointment is able to draw out any purulent liquid in a short time.

So, you will need 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate.

If necessary, apply the resulting mixture directly to the hearth, covering the top with a piece of toilet paper or paper napkin. Be sure to wear a protective bandage.

Ointment can be changed every 3 hours throughout the day. If you want to leave it overnight, feel free to leave it. After removal, you will find accumulations of pus that need to be removed. If there is no purulent fluid yet, then put another layer of the mixture on top.

Almighty Aloe Flower

Aloe refers to a bactericidal plant that destroys the pathogen, draws out pus and heals.

But how to use aloe correctly to achieve the maximum effect? There are several ways:

  1. Wash the leaf of the plant and cut it lengthwise. Attach to the affected area, fixing. To enhance the antibacterial effect, you can drop a little iodine.
  2. Remove skin from aloe and finely chop. Apply the paste on the wound.
  3. Squeeze out the juice from the peeled plant, soak a gauze napkin in it and apply it to the site of damage.

Aloe needs to be changed every 2-3 hours. Try to use a 3 year old plant. Be sure to treat the wound with any solution before the procedure.

Horseradish Recipes

Horseradish is a powerful antibacterial plant, so it is used to treat purulent formations. Horseradish infusion is used as lotions, compresses and solutions for washing.

Grind the root part, take 1 tbsp. l. and fill it with boiling water. It is desirable to insist in a thermos for 1 hour.

You can make a tincture from fresh leaves. Weigh 200 grams of the plant and twist the leaves through a meat grinder. You should get a gruel, which you need to pour 1 liter of boiled water (temperature slightly above room temperature).

Now place the mixture in a glass jar and close the lid tightly. You need to insist 12 hours. Do not forget to stir the ingredients periodically during this time.

Other recipes

Try not to self-medicate, this can lead to complications. It is better to consult a doctor, as separate groups of drugs can be prescribed for each type of bacteria. And then you can easily get rid of a purulent wound!

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