Jupiter in Aquarius 9th house Jupiter (Guru) in Vedic astrology. Jupiter in Taurus

> > Jupiter in the 9th house

Individuals who were born Jupiter in 9th house, devoted, ambitious, patient, deeply interested in philosophical thoughts and religion.

Higher education is received in any case, showing a special interest in languages, publishing and literature, having a craving for oratory and teaching.

Communication with a person with Jupiter in the 9th house

Negative character traits are arrogance, pride and bragging. There is always an interest in metaphysics, cultural history and philosophy. All life is built according to the chosen moral code. Legal and human sciences are studied meaningfully and constructively, which makes it possible to engage in private teaching or work in universities. Such people strive to accumulate knowledge to the maximum, and only the defeat of the planet deprives them of this opportunity, endowing them with laziness and lack of discipline.

Often such people come out as welfare ministers or important church officials. These are sincere and emotionally warm personalities, but taking extreme positions when choosing a worldview direction, they become limited and frankly stupid. Often they have a subtle intuition, the gift of foresight, in charitable deeds they always achieve success.

Human character with Jupiter in the 9th house

They often have prophetic dreams, develop an interest in international relations in politics. The character is inherently optimistic and balanced. These people often talk about higher knowledge, pretending to be the sources of the same knowledge. Good luck will accompany such people if they are artists, scientists, clergymen, judges or public specialists. Their marriages are always profitable and favorable.

Once upon a time, this influence of the planet was considered "the patronage of kings and gods." If the energy is not used for its intended purpose, then there may be a tendency to live on an excessive scale, which clearly exceeds income, will lead to overdue loans, devastation in business and unsuccessful contacts. These frank and condescending people are distinguished by a philosophical mind and the ability to intuitively understand the future. They have a penchant for healing, for the occult sciences and the dissemination of spiritual ideas. They almost never lose, which is helped by their intuitive sense of the future.

> > Jupiter in the 9th house

Individuals who were born Jupiter in 9th house, devoted, ambitious, patient, deeply interested in philosophical thoughts and religion.

Higher education is received in any case, showing a special interest in languages, publishing and literature, having a craving for oratory and teaching.

Communication with a person with Jupiter in the 9th house

Negative character traits are arrogance, pride and bragging. There is always an interest in metaphysics, cultural history and philosophy. All life is built according to the chosen moral code. Legal and human sciences are studied meaningfully and constructively, which makes it possible to engage in private teaching or work in universities. Such people strive to accumulate knowledge to the maximum, and only the defeat of the planet deprives them of this opportunity, endowing them with laziness and lack of discipline.

Often such people come out as welfare ministers or important church officials. These are sincere and emotionally warm personalities, but taking extreme positions when choosing a worldview direction, they become limited and frankly stupid. Often they have a subtle intuition, the gift of foresight, in charitable deeds they always achieve success.

Human character with Jupiter in the 9th house

They often have prophetic dreams, develop an interest in international relations in politics. The character is inherently optimistic and balanced. These people often talk about higher knowledge, pretending to be the sources of the same knowledge. Good luck will accompany such people if they are artists, scientists, clergymen, judges or public specialists. Their marriages are always profitable and favorable.

Once upon a time, this influence of the planet was considered "the patronage of kings and gods." If the energy is not used for its intended purpose, then there may be a tendency to live on an excessive scale, which clearly exceeds income, will lead to overdue loans, devastation in business and unsuccessful contacts. These frank and condescending people are distinguished by a philosophical mind and the ability to intuitively understand the future. They have a penchant for healing, for the occult sciences and the dissemination of spiritual ideas. They almost never lose, which is helped by their intuitive sense of the future.

Good day everyone!
I am often asked what astrology software do I use?
I use Goravani Das's program. This person has Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 9th house. I often get comments about this, they say, I use an outdated program from the 90s. I do not respond to these comments, and will continue to use this software now and then, if technical circumstances allow.
My students sometimes send me their exams in programs that I don't even know, but I will continue to use mine, because this program is not just mathematics and machine calculation of ephemeris. This is a person, a person.
The 9th house is responsible for the intellect, like Jupiter. And, being in this position, the indicators of both the planet and the houses are greatly enhanced.
A long time ago, when I first got acquainted with this program, I also saw books in English there, the interpretation of the meanings in which simply struck me with its depth, and this is exactly what I love, because superficial things don’t really excite me.

Naturally, if Sagittarius falls into the 9th house, then Scorpio ends up in the 8th house, from where he brings good, so Goravani Das is a special person for me.

Another very special person for me is Swami Prabhupada, a spiritual master who also had Jupiter in the 9th house.
Imagine a young boy of 13-14 years old who just entered puberty, in the early 90s, when you could hear bad translations of Hollywood films from every window, when everything is allowed. And this guy is suddenly given books.
After reading them, I went crazy, in the best sense of the word. My mind turned over. I met the only person who could influence me. And instead of being interested in not the most blessed things, like many of my classmates, I began to practice spirituality.

There was everything in my life, there were both good and very bad people, but at that moment when it was simply unbearable, I met two women. In one of them, Jupiter was in Sagittarius, in the other - in the 5th house. And they helped me a lot. For this I am very grateful to them.

When I became a teacher, my student with Jupiter in Sagittarius advised me to invest money properly and get rich. And I am very grateful to him.

Another person with Jupiter in Sagittarius donated some money to me, which helped me a lot. After that, he became my best friend.

I can give such examples endlessly. People with Jupiter in the 9th house, people with Jupiter in Sagittarius, have a positive spiritual influence on me. This is because I myself have an active sign of Sagittarius and an active 9th house, which is associated with the house of personality.
Of course, such people can have such an influence on everyone, but this influence especially increases for those who themselves have an active 9th house or the sign of Sagittarius.

Jupiter brings not only material well-being, but also helps to understand one's own strategy, without which a person cannot choose the right path in life.
No matter how strong a person is, he always needs advisers, helpers.

People with a strong Jupiter, even if not in Sagittarius and not in the 9th house, but, say, in Cancer - the sign of maximum strength, are of great benefit.

If the sign of Cancer is active in your chart (for example, it falls in 1 house), then a person with Jupiter in Cancer will help you, if your rising sign is Leo, then a person with Jupiter in Leo (or an active sign of Leo), or with an active 5 house will bring you good, since Leo is a sign identical to the 5th house.

I think that this construction is clear, and you will be able to understand it, to understand why this or that person influences you favorably.
There are also people who influence us negatively, but this is the topic of the next video.

In the comments, you can tell your story about how people with this or that active sign or house influence you.

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After much thought about which house to dedicate the next astrological post to, I came to the conclusion that it would be nice to write an article about the symbolic house of Jupiter - the Ninth. Astrologers of antiquity called the Ninth House a noble male house, since Jupiter is a benefic planet, they endowed the house with the best qualities, respectively.

In traditional astrology, this house corresponds to such concepts as higher education, philosophy, foreign countries, foreigners and foreign languages, jurisprudence, religion, astrology. Many of you may ask: "Why is astrology associated with this house, and not with the Eleventh, because this is the house of Uranus, and, as everyone knows, this planet is the patron of all astrologers?" The fact is that astrology appeared long before the discovery of this planet, and in ancient times, it was the "Jupiterians" and "nine houses" who played the role of people versed in stellar science. Astrology in the context of this house is more of a philosophy of life, a mindset than a prediction of life events and future fate. The last two are precisely the specifics of the Eleventh House.

People in whose charts this house is active, that is, one or more personal planets are located in it, as a rule, have a philosophical attitude to life. Moreover, the "nine houses" develop their own philosophical concept, which they then actively promote. Therefore, gurus and other mentors belong to this house. Philosophy is closely related to religion. In fact, one follows from the other. People of the Ninth House, almost all of them believe in the existence of the Higher Forces, God. I have a guy friend with Mars in this house. By religion, he is a Muslim. And he is very zealous and aggressive towards people of a different confession, and especially towards those who speak negatively about Islam. Therefore, repeatedly for this reason in his life there were fights and skirmishes. Very often, Mars, located in this house, gives an interruption of studies at a university, problems with teachers, teachers, foreigners. In general, this is an indicator of danger away from home. But, a favorably aspected Mars will give a true defender of his ideals, as, for example, in the case of my friend. However, Mars can only defend with force and fists. Well, as they say, everyone has their own methods.

Venus in the Ninth House, almost always, gives in life several hobbies for representatives of a different culture, faith, nation. Such Venus loves everything unusual, everything that in one way or another expands her horizons. Alternatively, such Venus can give love abroad, in another country.

Personal planets in this house, such as the Sun, Moon and Mercury, very often give a person who learns himself all his adult life, and also teaches others. That is, as a rule, such people graduate from more than one higher educational institution. Personally, it seems to me that it is independent study that still goes through the Third House, and the Ninth House allows us to transfer the knowledge that we received in the Third House.

The ninth house, the pronounced sign of Sagittarius, I very often meet in the charts of lawyers. I already wrote in one of my articles that the generation born in 87-88 has Saturn in Sagittarius. And Saturn, as it should be clear, is the natural significator of work and career. That is why most of my peers have chosen jurisprudence as a profession. Saturn in the Ninth House can also persuade the native to choose a profession in the field of law, but Saturn is a pest. And as far as I know, people in whose charts Saturn is located in this house experience quite a lot of difficulties in getting an education. It happens, both unfinished and finished, but at the cost of great effort. Saturn just doesn't like to give anything, unfortunately. Whatever house he was in.

As for Uranus and Pluto, everything is more or less clear. They always give a move. Uranus gives an unexpected move, which falls on the native like snow on his head. But, it is worth noting that in order to change the place of residence, appropriate directorates and transits are needed, therefore, there is an opportunity to avoid such a "surprise". Pluto gives the move rather forced, as far as I can tell. However, a person with such a Pluto in the chart, as if, subconsciously knows that he was destined to make a global move.

The natal chart is a personal horoscope of a person's birth. It is built at the moment of birth of a person and place of birth. This horoscope characterizes the fate of a person: the possibilities, inclinations and circumstances of life inherent in him. With the help of a birth chart, the position of the planets in the signs of the zodiac relative to the Earth, as well as relative to each other, is determined. According to these data, a description of a person is compiled. We present you a service that allows you to perform online calculation of a natal chart by date of birth with decryption for free.

In order for the description to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to indicate the date of birth, the time of birth (preferably the exact time) and the place of birth. If your city is not in the list, choose the closest city, a difference of 50-100 km is acceptable, it is important that the city is in your time zone in this case. To determine the position of houses, the Placidus system is used.

Select date, time and place of birth:

Date/time of birth:
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 month January February March April May June July August September October November December 2025 2025 2021 2020 2019 2018 2016 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2010 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2002 2002 2001 2000 1998 1998 1996 1996 1994 1994 1993 1993 1991 1990 1989 1985 1985 1985 1984 1982 1981 1981 1980 1979 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1965 1964 1964 1963 1962 1960 1960 1959 1958 1956 1955 1954 1954 1953 1951 1951 1950 1949 1947 1944 1944 1943 1942 1940 1939 1937 1934 1933 1929 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1914 1914 1913 1911 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1903 1902 190 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Place of Birth:

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Determine natal birth chart

Loyal, patient, ambitious, persistently interested in religion and philosophy, loves to live abroad, has excellent relations with foreigners and is always eager to travel. He tries his best to get a higher education. Shows great abilities for languages, literature and publishing, gravitates towards teaching and oratory. The negative aspects of nature are arrogance, swagger, narcissism. Shows a deep interest in metaphysics, cultural history and philosophical concepts. He builds his whole life in strict accordance with the chosen moral code. He studies with interest any mental constructions from the field of law and the humanities, successfully works in universities and private schools. Strives to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, and only with the defeat of the planet does not have any opportunities for this because of laziness and indiscipline. Often such people become ministers of social security, or hold important positions in the church hierarchy. They are very sincere and emotionally warm, but the tendency to extremes in choosing worldview positions makes them narrow-minded and limited. Excellent intuition, the gift of foresight, success and honors in charitable and missionary affairs. Frequent prophetic dreams, interest in international life. Calm and optimistic character. Such people love to speculate about higher knowledge and often imagine themselves to be its possessors. They are sincerely loyal to the idea and can be successful as artists, scientists, judges, priests and public relations specialists. Their marriage is usually profitable and favorable. In ancient times, this aspect was associated with the "favor of the gods and kings." With the wrong use of energies, they tend to live beyond their means, exceeding all possibilities, claims, non-repayment of loans, impudence in business and failures in contacts. These people are always frank and condescending, they are distinguished by a philosophical mindset and a remarkable ability to navigate the future. They are prone to a strongly pronounced spiritual expansion, healing and occupation of the occult. They rarely lose, as they intensely anticipate the future.

♃ Jupiter in the houses of the horoscope ♃ Jupiter in the 1st house

This is a carefree optimistic person with a broad outlook on life and loves travel and nature. His kind and clear character attracts others who are always ready to offer him their help. He is logical, quick-witted, witty, loves..

♃ Jupiter in 2nd house

Such a person succeeds in solving financial issues, as he is able to make a lot out of almost nothing. The aspect favors any professional occupation, especially if they are related to banking, travel, trade, ..

♃ Jupiter in 3rd house

Such a person excels in literary, communication and educational activities. He is quick-witted and carefree, practical and reasonable, distinguished by loftiness of ideals and developed intuition. He is on excellent terms with..

♃ Jupiter in 4th house

Parents often help such a person until he reaches adulthood. In turn, he is devoted to home and family and responsibly continues tribal traditions. Success finds him in his homeland, he meets old age in comfort, coziness and in full financial ..

♃ Jupiter in 5th house

Such a person loves everything grandiose and everything creative. His interests are extremely versatile and varied. He loves sports and children, acquires many love affairs, is successful in financial transactions, and is successful in gambling. May have a large...

♃ Jupiter in 6th house

Such a person works with ease and clarity and is able to excel in any career. He never stays out of work and usually makes good money. Generous, knows how to work in cooperation with others. Possesses good organizational skills...

♃ Jupiter in 7th house

The life of such a person is marked by a happy marriage and excellent professional cooperative relationships. Unless the planet is severely afflicted, divorce is unlikely. There may be great luck in meeting with justice and a tendency to marry ..

♃ Jupiter in 8th house

Such a person skillfully handles money and always has a lot of favorable opportunities. He skillfully manages the funds of other people, dealing with banking, accounting or management. His life is long, and his death is calm...

♃ Jupiter in 9th house

Loyal, patient, ambitious, persistently interested in religion and philosophy, loves to live abroad, has excellent relations with foreigners and is always eager to travel. He tries his best to get a higher education. Manifests..

♃ Jupiter in 10th house

Success in work and politics comes to such a person thanks to his pronounced organizational skills, enviable self-confidence and strong reliability. He has many opportunities for development, is extremely socially active and has a keen sense of..

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