Chicken egg (boiled soft-boiled). Boiled egg: benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of boiled chicken and quail eggs

Recently, however, there has been a heated debate about eggs - doctors and nutritionists have very different points of view on the appropriateness and safety of including this product in the diet. The low cost of eggs causes their wide demand among the population, which remains high today: eggs are not only part of various dishes, but also the basis of fashionable diets.


Why eggs are bad

Excessive consumption of eggs or including them in the diet in the presence of certain health problems can even be dangerous.

The harm to the product is as follows:

  • Egg yolk is rich in cholesterol. In small quantities, it is necessary for the body, but its excess can lead to obesity, the appearance of cholesterol plaques, and heart problems.
  • Eggs contain ovomucoid, a protein that is a powerful allergen. It is he who provokes the development of various reactions, more often rashes and diathesis, in children and adults.
  • When eating raw eggs, the risk of contracting salmonellosis, a dangerous infectious disease, is extremely high. Therefore, it is desirable to use this product after heat treatment.

In poultry farms, chickens are often given antibiotics to avoid epidemics, traces of which are later found in eggs.


Useful properties of eggs

Eggs are a source of many vitamins, minerals and valuable substances necessary for the body. They contain:

  • Vitamin A - required for vision, healthy muscles and skeleton, beauty of skin and hair, slows down the aging process.
  • Vitamin B1 is vital for growth and development, heart and nervous system health, and normal digestion.
  • Vitamin B2 - supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, regulates the formation of red blood cells, ensures healthy skin and hair.
  • Vitamin B6 - responsible for protein and fat metabolism, essential for liver health.
  • Vitamin B12 - is required by the body for hematopoiesis and the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin D - vital for the body's absorption of calcium and phosphorus, normal hormonal metabolism
  • Vitamin E - ensures the normal functioning of the reproductive system, supports the immune system.
  • Choline - improves memory, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, the health of the nervous system.
  • Folacin - normalizes blood composition, actively participates in metabolic processes and the formation of amino acids.
  • Biotin - contributes to normal protein metabolism and the breakdown of sugars, is the most important participant in the synthesis of collagen - a protein vital for muscles, skin and hair
  • Calcium is an essential trace element for healthy bones and teeth.
  • Phosphorus - is required for the health of teeth and bones, the regulation of the formation of enzymes.
  • Zinc - is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive and reproductive systems in men, is involved in the processing of vitamin E and the synthesis of the most important hormones. The content of zinc relative to other products of animal origin in eggs is the highest.
  • Lysozyme is an agent with a powerful antibacterial effect.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic) - regulate cardiac activity, maintain the health of the nervous system.

The benefits of eggs

Due to such a high content of trace elements valuable for humans, eggs have the following beneficial properties:

  • They have a high nutritional value, allow you to quickly get enough and not feel hungry for a long time.
  • Easily digestible and do not have a negative effect on digestion.
  • Speed ​​up metabolic processes and maintain muscle health due to the low carbohydrate content.
  • Able to inhibit the development of tumors, contribute to the fight against cancer cells.
  • Maintain vitality and energy.
  • They help improve vision and prevent eye diseases, maintain healthy bones and teeth.

1 egg contains 75 kilocalories. And almost all the fat is contained in the yolk. Protein accounts for less than 0.05% fat. Therefore, egg white (separate from the yolk) is a fairly low-calorie product. It is especially used by those who wish to reduce weight. Egg white has a high biological value, because. it contains all the essential amino acids.

Eggs are widely used among those involved in sports - bodybuilders, because. it is a source of protein. One egg contains about 6 grams of high quality protein.

eggs in cosmetology

Eggs are also used in cosmetology as nourishing masks for skin and hair.

Some people use egg yolks instead of shampoo - to wash their hair. Thanks to the valuable substances contained in this product, the hair becomes thicker, gaining splendor and shine.

Egg whites have astringent properties, so the effect of applying it to the skin of the face is the narrowing of enlarged pores, a healthy tone and smoothness of the skin.

Eggs are a nutritious and very healthy product, the presence of which in the diet is very important. In terms of the content of various nutrients, this product occupies one of the leading positions, but how much they are required by the body, everyone must decide individually. The most important thing when using this product is to observe the measure and use them only fresh.

Digestion of an egg in the stomach takes no more than 3 hours, and soft-boiled eggs are digested much faster than hard-boiled eggs.

In the absence of contraindications, it is allowed to eat 1 egg daily, however, with an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, the use of the product should be reduced to 3 per week maximum. But, nevertheless, it is desirable to determine the possibility and amount of eating eggs should be based on the state of health, one's own well-being and a balanced diet.

Raw egg - benefits and harms

Some believe that raw eggs are healthier than boiled ones, since most of the vitamins and valuable compounds are destroyed after heat treatment. However, the use of a raw product is fraught with salmonellosis, so heat treatment is still preferable.

Moderate consumption of eggs, their proper storage and processing will help protect against unpleasant diseases.

With allergies, you can try switching to quail eggs, where the ovomucoid content is extremely low.

Types of eggs

When it comes to eggs, they usually mean chicken. However, other types of product are also eaten:

  • Quail - light gray or slightly olive with brown speckles. They usually weigh no more than 12 grams, however, in terms of the content of B vitamins, amino acids and phosphorus, they are 5 times superior to chicken ones. They are part of therapeutic nutrition for problems with the thyroid gland, stomach and intestines, heart failure.
  • Turkey - somewhat larger than chicken, have a light beige color, sometimes with light brown speckles. They are quite high in calories, but they contain iodine and cobalt, thanks to which they significantly improve immunity, stimulate brain function, and improve the condition of hair and nails.
  • Goose - large white or with a slightly yellowish tinge. Rich in potassium and phosphorus, contain sulfur compounds necessary for skin health. They stimulate brain activity, help cleanse the body of toxins and maintain normal hormonal levels, are recommended for pregnant women for the normal formation of the nervous and circulatory systems of the fetus. They have a specific smell and taste, so for eating it is better to take the eggs of young birds that ate grass.
  • Duck - large, white, with a specific taste and smell and a denser structure than chicken. They contain more fat, so they should be used with caution.
  • Guinea fowl eggs are somewhat smaller than chicken eggs, pear-shaped, the color of the shell varies from light yellow to dark brown, the protein and yolk are dense. Very rich in vitamin A, besides, thanks to the thick shell, they can be safely eaten raw.
  • Ostrich - very large (can reach a weight of 1 kg) with a creamy shell. They are extremely low in calories and high in amino acids. Can be stored for 3 months.
  • Another rather rare product is pheasant eggs. They are slightly smaller than chicken eggs, have a gray or greenish color. They are distinguished by an extremely high calorie content (700 Kcal versus 155 Kcal in chicken eggs) and are recommended for improving immunity and therapeutic nutrition during the recovery period.

Selection and storage rules

When choosing eggs, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Eggs must be uniform in weight and size, with a firm, clean and even shell without cracks or deformations.
  • When buying in a store, be sure to pay attention to the labeling. Usually it consists of 2 characters, the first of which indicates the shelf life (“D” - dietary, stored for no more than 7 days, “C” - table, shelf life is 25 days), and the second - the category by weight (“1” - 55-65 gr., "2" - 45-55 gr., "3" - 35-45 gr., "O" (selective) - 65-75 gr., "B" (highest category) - from 75 gr. .
  • Selenium enriched eggs are also produced today.
  • Eggs should not have any foreign odors, so you should pay attention to the products next to which they lay.
  • The shell should be matte - this is an indicator of the freshness of the egg.
  • A high-quality egg does not gurgle when shaken and is quite weighty: the old product is lighter, as the contents begin to dry out.
  • A stale egg dipped in salt water will float, while a fresh one will sink to the bottom.
  • The contents of the product should not spread, the protein should be clean and transparent, the yolk should be even without reddish blotches.
  • The last opportunity to verify the freshness of the product is to clean the eggs after boiling: if they are fresh, the shell will hardly come off.

The product should be stored at a temperature of 7-13°. At lower temperatures, eggs are stored longer, but may lose some nutritional value.

They should be laid with a sharp end down: the membrane from the opposite edge allows air to pass through and will allow the contents to stay fresh longer.


Egg consumption

  • Wash the product only before cooking (the natural protective layer of the shell will help keep the freshness of the egg longer).
  • Putting them in boiling water is undesirable - they can crack.
  • Boil eggs should be on low heat (no more than 80 °).
  • You can speed up cooking and improve the appearance of the product if you add 2 tbsp to the water before cooking. spoons of salt.
  • Cooking time for hard-boiled eggs - 10-15 minutes, scrambled eggs - at least 8 minutes, soft-boiled eggs - at least 4 minutes.
  • Rinsing the product in cold water after cooking will ensure that the egg looks nice and will make it easier to remove the shell.

Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, zinc, iodine, B vitamins, as well as E, C, D, A, K and PP. Eggs contain a high percentage of lecithin, which is necessary for brain function.

You can list the healing composition of chicken eggs for a very long time, but we all know that in recent times they have been classified as very dangerous cholesterol products. They do have a high percentage of cholesterol, but in most cases, eggs become harmful after improper processing, namely frying.

After frying, they become supersaturated with cholesterol and carcinogens. Using such a product every day, you can harm your liver, blood vessels and heart. Let's try to figure out which way of processing eggs is considered the most correct. What is healthier than hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs?

Soft-boiled egg

Soft-boiled eggs are boiled for about 3 minutes. At the same time, the egg remains a little liquid, and not every person can appreciate such a dish. In order for the protein to become solid, increase the cooking time by a minute. Soft-boiled eggs are useful for both adults and children. This method of processing allows you to save almost all the useful properties and is suitable for dietary nutrition. The calorie content of one hundred grams of the product is not more than 150 kcal.

Soft-boiled eggs are rich in vitamin C, essential amino acids, vitamins B, PP, D, A and E. They contain iron, phosphorus and sodium. Eggs are good for hair and nails. The protein included in their composition is rich in amino acids and perfectly energizes our body, and that is why it is useful to eat eggs in the morning.

Hard boiled eggs

Cooking hard-boiled eggs is very simple, but in order for them to be tasty, it is best to boil them for no more than eight minutes. They put the eggs in cold water and wait for the boil, after which they cook for the allotted time. Do not boil eggs for a very long time, as they can become rubbery in taste, and harmful substances can form in them.

Very often we are faced with the problem of cracked eggs. To avoid this, add salt to the water. Also, do not put eggs in boiling water - the water should boil with them. Do not boil eggs over high heat. After the eggs are cooked, dip them in cold water for a short time.

The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is about 160 kcal per hundred grams. It retains all the useful properties, but it is much worse digested. It takes about 3 hours for the egg to be processed. Eggs are a dietary product that perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, but it is worth limiting its use in atherosclerosis and kidney disease.

If we compare hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs, then both products have almost the same calorie content and useful properties. The main thing is not to boil the eggs for more than ten minutes, and they will not lose their beneficial properties. Hard-boiled eggs are ideal for salads and can serve as an independent dish.

Hard-boiled eggs are a natural healthy product, they contain vitamins, trace elements necessary for the smooth functioning of the body. What are the benefits of hard boiled eggs? First, they contain protein that is easily digestible. The protein contains amino acids that improve the functions of internal organs. Amino acids protect the body from the effects of viruses. However, hard-boiled eggs are not without harmful components, including cholesterol, hormones, antibiotics. If the product is abused, the liver and kidneys will experience a greater load.

Read more about the benefits of hard boiled eggs

  • biotin;
  • selenium;
  • folic acid.

Boiled eggs do not have as much calcium as, for example, meat. If the body does not have enough protein, it is worth including them in the diet.

A heat-treated product contains fewer nutrients than a raw one, but eating raw eggs is not safe! It is recommended to eat them after cooking and not to store for a long time. The product is combined with fruits, vegetables, nuts. When frying, it loses a large amount of nutrients. Hard-boiled eggs retain essential trace elements. Useful substances are absorbed within three hours. It is not recommended to combine hard-boiled eggs with meat, otherwise the digestion process is disturbed.

Positive effect on organs and systems

  • Hard boiled eggs strengthen the heart muscle.
  • Vitamins and microelements provide prevention of oncological diseases, including cancer.
  • Thanks to phosphorus and vitamin D, the strength of teeth and bones improves.
  • A hard boiled egg satisfies hunger. During digestion, the body synthesizes enzymes that promote the rapid breakdown of fats.
  • Unlike hard-boiled eggs, raw eggs are more difficult to digest, they are quickly digested only if a person is very hungry.

Possible harm

Despite the benefits, hard boiled eggs can be harmful. If consumed in large quantities, cholesterol levels will increase. Eggs should not be abused by those who lead an inactive lifestyle, otherwise the risk of atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaques form on the walls of blood vessels, will increase. It is recommended to eat 1 pc. in a day.

The harm of the product is due to the content of antibiotics. In order for the chicken to lay high-quality eggs, she is given antibiotics and growth hormones. The former also help in the fight against infectious diseases. Sometimes a bird cannot survive without antibiotics. These components are contained in the egg and remain after heat treatment.

If a person constantly consumes this product, he receives a certain dose of antibiotics. High levels of antibiotics are harmful. In this case, healthy microflora is destroyed, the body shows less resistance to microbes. Microorganisms adapt to antibiotics. So that these components do not accumulate in the organs, you need to moderately consume eggs, as well as milk and meat.

The antibiotics given to the bird are contained in the eggs and are not destroyed by heat treatment.

The harm of hard-boiled eggs is due to the content of nitrates, salts of heavy metals. Studies have confirmed that boiled eggs are not devoid of toxic substances. If you abuse the product, the body will accumulate poisons. If you eat more than two eggs a day, you need to cleanse the body

Let's talk about the dangers of hormones. The drug with these components stimulate the process of egg formation. When using the product, progesterone enters the human body. If the hormone is in excess, the functions of organs and systems are disrupted. In addition to synthetic, hard-boiled eggs contain natural hormones: choline and melatonin. The latter improves sleep, provides prevention of mental illness. Natural hormones must be produced naturally. If they come with food, immunity is violated.

These components are found in hard-boiled eggs, an excess of hormones is harmful to the human body.

Hard boiled eggs should be consumed in moderation. The product is of great benefit to athletes. For vegetarians, it can be a complete substitute for meat.

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Soft-boiled eggs are good to eat every day

Many people like to eat soft-boiled eggs, especially for breakfast. This is a simple dish, as simple as possible to prepare, tasty and tender, capable of energizing for a long time. Doctors and nutritionists are constantly arguing about whether the harm or benefit is achieved from eggs cooked in this way. Opinions about the advisability or danger of eating soft-boiled eggs are divided.

A storehouse of vitamins

Soft-boiled eggs render beneficial effect on the human body. They contain a large number of essential substances needed by both adults and children, as well as unsaturated fatty acids important for health. The benefits of soft-boiled eggs are well proven by an extensive list of vitamins:

  • vitamin A (retinol) - an antioxidant, slows down the aging process, plays an important role in the function of vision, is necessary for the growth and preservation of bones and teeth, increases the body's resistance to colds and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, has a positive effect on brain function;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - fights fatigue and nervous strain, inattention, general weakness of the body;
  • vitamin B4 (choline) - supports liver health, promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - normalizes blood pressure, positively affects the functioning of the brain and peripheral nervous system;
  • vitamin B7 (biotin) - important for healthy hair and skin, promotes growth, improves metabolism in the body;
  • vitamin B12 - regulates mood and sleep, has a beneficial effect on memory;
  • vitamin D (ergocalciferol) - promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, stimulates metabolic processes, is important for the prevention of cancer, has no other analogues in the human diet;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol) - necessary for a successful pregnancy, normalizes the menstrual cycle, helps maintain youth, has a tonic effect.

Micronutrients and fatty acids

The benefits of soft-boiled eggs are due to the large number of trace elements

In addition to a huge amount of vitamins, soft-boiled eggs contain many trace elements and other useful substances, including polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids belonging to the omega-6 and omega-9 groups:

  • calcium - the main building element of bones, teeth and hair;
  • potassium - prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • zinc - has an anti-inflammatory effect, participates in the process of assimilation of other elements and vitamins, in particular vitamin A;
  • phosphorus - along with calcium is necessary for normal growth of bone tissue, normalizes carbohydrate and protein metabolism;
  • selenium - important for immunity, relieves inflammation, prevents cell mutations;
  • iron - participates in the process of hematopoiesis, carries oxygen to organs and tissues;
  • linoleic acid (omega-6) - reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • oleic acid (omega-9) - an antioxidant that controls blood cholesterol levels.

Without these substances, the full functioning of the human body is unthinkable.

Egg yolk and protein have different sets of trace elements, and a significant part of the substances listed above is found in the yolk. It is easy to guess that more benefits can be obtained from a raw yolk or a minimally heat-treated yolk - so the vitamins do not break down under the influence of high temperature.

Raw yolk is well absorbed by the stomach, unlike raw protein - it will take much more time to digest it. When a soft-boiled egg is cooked, the whites coagulate and harden, while the yolk remains almost liquid or semi-liquid. Therefore, a soft-boiled egg will benefit more than an egg cooked in a different way.

Harm of soft-boiled eggs

The harm from soft-boiled eggs can be reduced by choosing the right producer

When considering the question of whether soft-boiled eggs are harmful, they usually talk about the possible risk of salmonella infection. Salmonella - a bacterium that lives in the intestines of chickens and, subsequently, on eggshells; Once in the human body, it often causes intoxication and severe intestinal disorders. In order to prevent infection, it is recommended to conduct heat treatment of food, in particular eggs. But if you buy eggs only from a trusted manufacturer, it is enough to thoroughly wash the eggshells, and then when boiling soft-boiled eggs, the harm from them will be minimized.

The health benefits and harms of soft-boiled eggs can be equated with the health benefits and harms of eating eggs in general. There is an opinion that eggs are dangerous due to excess cholesterol, but doctors and scientists dispel this myth. On the contrary, the lecithin and oleic acid found in egg yolk help maintain the balance of cholesterol in the blood. People suffering from diabetes, gallbladder diseases and a number of other diseases are indeed not recommended to eat more than three eggs a week, otherwise moderate consumption of soft-boiled eggs brings undeniable benefits.

The Empress ate two soft-boiled eggs a day

Soft-boiled eggs are a suitable product for those who wish to lose weight. They are moderately nutritious, have a rich supply of protein, but at the same time contain almost no fat. The calorie content of one chicken egg is no more than 110 kcal. Given the easy digestibility of soft-boiled eggs, nutritionists recommend including them in your daily diet.

The wife of Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, carefully watched her figure, was a vegetarian, did not eat meat and fish, but allowed herself milk, butter and eggs. One of the officers who accompanied the royal family on a yacht trip along the Volga later wrote in his memoirs that the Empress ate one day "only two soft-boiled eggs."

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Eggs are a product that is in the recipes of cuisines all over our planet. They are good both as ingredients for dishes, and by themselves - even boiled, even fried.

Boiling is the most common cooking method, which preserves the taste. And although the methods of this heat treatment do not differ in particular diversity, still try to cook something unusual and even exquisite.

Soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs on toast are a favorite of many family breakfasts. almost always there on large and small holiday tables. In England, a very popular appetizer is a soft-boiled egg laid out on a “cushion” of spinach. And the British consider poached with pancakes and slices of ham to be a gourmet dish, good for feasts. Do not forget about the sauce of butter and herbs - a classic of modern cooking. Even children know how to cook soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs.

To test the freshness of an egg, dip it into a glass bowl of cold water. A fresh egg will go to the bottom and lie on the barrel. A week-old egg will rise in the water column with a rounded end up. And a two-three-week-old egg will stand in the water. Never eat eggs floating on the surface of a liquid.

Before cooking, keep the product at room temperature so that the shell does not crack. Drop into simmering water in a slotted spoon. Record the cooking time from the moment the water boils. The boil time is usually given for large eggs.

Soft-boiled eggs should be boiled for three to four minutes from the moment the water boils. Thanks to a short time, the protein will become semi-solid, and the yolk will remain liquid.

To cook, you should wait seven to eight minutes from the moment the water boils - the yolk will only slightly harden around the edges.

When cooking with a ten-minute timing, hard-boiled eggs will turn out - the yolks will remain light and dense throughout the cut.

If you want to cook poached eggs, then only fresh eggs are needed. The protein of an old egg during cooking can spread in the water in the form of countless veins.

Crack an egg into a saucer or cup. Add a few drops of vinegar to a pot of water - the acid will help the protein curdle. let the product slide freely into the pan. As soon as the egg sinks, gently swirl the water with a spoon. This will help gather the white around the yolk and create the desired shape. Reduce the heat so that the water comes to a simmer. Leave to simmer in simmering water for two to three minutes. Carefully fish out with a slotted spoon and let the water drain.

If you are making poached eggs ahead of time, transfer the poached eggs to a bowl of ice water to cool immediately. Keep them on a baking sheet lined with paper towels until serving. Warm in simmering water for one minute before serving.

Of all the types of preparation of this product, soft-boiled eggs are the most dangerous, especially for young children, because microorganisms that cause one disease or another can be contained in the liquid and insufficiently processed yolk. Doctors strongly recommend to exclude them from the children's diet. Therefore, before soft-boiled for your kids, you should think several times whether this dish will bring something else to your home besides joy.

By decorating and decorating eggs in various ways, you can create real culinary masterpieces, such as interesting funny little animals, involving children in the process of creating and turning the cooking process into a fun game. Various casseroles, omelettes and snacks are very popular in the world and loved by every family.

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