The telescope is used to An optical telescope is designed for. optical telescopes. Invention of Galileo's telescope. Pros and cons of optical circuits

Usually, when buying a telescope, you get in the kit simple but necessary accessories, without which it cannot function: eyepieces, Barlow lens, inverting prism or diagonal mirror and a finder. Typically, most amateur telescopes are equipped with such accessories.

But everything can always be done only with complete accessories, or not all necessary accessories are included. As a rule, expensive models of telescopes are equipped with only one eyepiece and require the purchase of the necessary set.


The eyepiece is an element of the optical system necessary to change the magnification. You cannot see through a telescope without an eyepiece. To calculate the magnification of a telescope, divide the focal length of the telescope by the focal length of the eyepiece. For example, if the focal length of the telescope is 700mm and the focal length of the eyepiece is 10mm, in this case, the magnification will be 70x.

Eyepieces come in different classes and optical designs. Eyepieces can vary in angle of view, and can be roughly divided into simple, wide-angle, and ultra-wide-angle. Also, a zoom eyepiece with a variable focal length and magnification is very convenient.

Adjustment eyepieces and laser collimators will be useful for owners of mirror telescopes, because such telescopes require re-adjustment after almost every transportation. Only in this case, the mirror telescope will use its potential

When choosing an eyepiece, pay attention to the diameter of the landing, it must match the landing diameter of the focuser. Standard sizes: 0.96", 1.25", 2".

Barlow lenses

The Barlow lens is another popular telescope accessory. The Barlow lens is a diverging lens or several lenses that increase the focal length of the telescope by several times, and, accordingly, allows you to make the magnification of the telescope several times greater.

The Barlow lens can only be used in conjunction with the eyepiece, the Barlow lens cannot be used separately.

Light filters

A light filter is also an important, and sometimes even a necessary accessory for telescope observations. Light filters for telescopes can be divided into several types: solar filters, color planetary filters, narrow-band filters for observing and shooting nebulae.

Solar filters are used to safely observe the solar disk. In no case do we recommend observing the Sun through a telescope that is not equipped with a special filter. By applying special filters such as Seymour Solar and Baader AstroSolar, solar observations become absolutely safe, because. solar filters cut off 99.999% of the visible radiation from the sun. In order to observe the Sun safely, it is necessary to put a solar filter on the telescope lens. That is, the inner diameter of the solar filter must be equal to the outer diameter of the telescope tube. It is not safe to observe through an eyepiece solar filter, as the sun's rays cause heat and may cause the filter to crack! Observations of the Sun may cause heating and damage to the filter attached to the eyepiece.

The most budgetary version of a solar filter is the manufacture of a filter according to the diameter of the telescope using a special solar film. Such a film is also completely safe and gives a rich contrast picture. Depending on the film manufacturer, the color of the Sun's disk during observation may vary (Seymour Solar - bright orange, Bader AstroSolar - white). Also, there is a difference between visual and photographic film. Suitable for safe visual observation only visual film.

Another option is ready glass solar filters, calculated for a certain diameter of the telescope tube.

Color filters are mainly used for visual observations of the planets. Such filters make the image of the planets more contrast and bring out the details on their surface. Color filters include a neutral gray or green lunar filter that reduces the brightness of the moon, making observations more comfortable. Color filters are sold individually or in sets.

Color filters for observing planets

Color filters have a diameter of 1.25” and 2”, threads and are screwed into the barrel of the eyepiece.

The red filter is used for daytime observations of Venus, observations of the polar caps on the surface of Mars, blue clouds on Jupiter. The orange filter will be very useful for observing the Moon, for daytime observations of Mercury, detailing the details of the surface of Mars, belts, festoons on Jupiter. Yellow filter - enhances the contrast of the surface of Venus, enhances the visibility of the seas and clouds on Mars, belts on Jupiter. Green - increases the contrast of details on the Moon, improves the contrast of details on Venus, useful for observations of plethora storms and the polar caps of Mars. Blue-blue - very useful for

Special narrow-band filters are filters that cut off certain areas of wavelengths, leaving a narrow bandwidth of radiation? making the image more contrast. Such filters are used both for visual observations and for astrophotography of deep space objects emitting in a certain spectrum.

In our store you can buy ready-made sets of accessories for telescopes.

In addition to the listed accessories, you may also need accessories such as:

  • Adapter T2-ring for shooting through a telescope in direct focus
  • Special astronomical camera
  • Smartphone holder for eyeglass photography for eyeglass photography
  • Telescope case
  • Laser collimator for telescope alignment
  • Other accessories

If you decide to buy a telescope, then you first need to understand what it is, what types of them are, and which option is better to choose. This is what we will try to help you figure out.

If you decide to buy a telescope, then you first need to understand what it is, what types of them are, and which option is better to choose. This is what we will try to help you figure out.

What is a telescope and why is it needed
A telescope is an instrument that allows you to observe various celestial objects that are very far from the point of observation. Most often they are used to observe celestial bodies, but sometimes terrestrial objects are also considered with their help. Previously, they were very expensive, and only astronomers and ufologists could afford them. Today, devices of this kind are much more affordable, and even ordinary people can afford them. For example, the Stargazer store can help you buy them.

Optical telescopes
Different telescopes can operate in different ranges of electromagnetic spectra. The most common optical telescope. Almost all amateur telescopes today are optical. Such devices work with light. There are also radio telescopes, neutrino, gravitational, x-ray and gamma telescopes. However, this all applies to scientific equipment, which is not used in everyday life.

Types of telescopes
Optical telescopes, both professional and amateur, are divided into three types. The main criterion here is the telescope lens, or rather the principle by which it works. You can find various types of telescopes on the website

lens telescope
Lens refractors are called refractors, and they were the very first to be born. They were created by Galileo Galilei. The advantage of such telescopes is that they almost do not need special maintenance, they guarantee good color reproduction, a clear image. Such options are well suited for studying the Moon, planets, and double stars. It is worth noting that these devices are most suitable for professionals, since they are not so easy to use, and besides, they are quite large in size and high in cost.

mirror telescope

Mirrors are called reflectors. Their lenses consist only of their mirrors. Like a convex lens, a concave mirror collects light at a specific point. If an eyepiece is placed at this point, the image can be seen. Among the advantages of such a telescope stands out the minimum price per unit diameter of the device, since large mirrors are much more profitable to manufacture than large lenses. They are also compact and easy to transport, while giving bright pictures with little distortion. Of course, the mirror has its drawbacks. This is additional time for thermal stabilization, lack of protection from dust and air, which can spoil the image.

Mirror-lens telescopes
They are called catadioptric, and they can use both lenses and mirrors. The advantage of such a telescope is its versatility, since with their help it is possible to observe both planets with the Moon and deep space objects. They are also very compact and cost effective. The only point is the complexity of the design, which complicates the self-alignment of the device.

How to see the moon through a telescope

The most affordable way to study space for non-professional astronomers is to observe the moon through a telescope. The Moon is a bright larger celestial body, and you will enjoy looking at its details (such as depressions and mountains), which can be seen even in the eyepiece of an amateur telescope.

The Russian market can provide consumers with a variety of telescopes designed for use by both simple amateurs and professionals. To observe celestial bodies, you need to buy easy-to-use telescopes. They must be functional and well stocked.

Key Product Features
Modern telescopes have a lot of functions. Some astronomers are more interested in special functions, others are more interested in the ease of control of the instrument, and still others are more interested in ease of use. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the key parameters of the equipment in order to choose the optimal telescope.

For beginners, we recommend the Meade DS2080AT-TC model. She has great potential. Thanks to the " guide”(she is on the control panel) the telescope turns on automatic aiming, which makes it possible for the device to quickly find interesting celestial bodies. By observing them, an amateur astronomer will also receive information about them. The device is easy to operate, and the tripod makes it possible to place the telescope so that it is convenient to view celestial bodies.

For beginning astronomers, we can recommend the Celestron LCM 80, equipped with SkyAlign technology and computer controlled. Thanks to this, the telescope can be set up for operation extremely quickly. Objects are selected in the sky, and then the telescope will conduct research. Experienced specialists consider such a system to be optimal at the initial stage of work. 4,000 objects are stored in the memory of this telescope, and the user can add 40 more.

If you often go out into nature, we advise you to purchase the Vixen Greet Polaris ED 81SF mobile model. The compact product has an unusual and stylish design. The design of such an apparatus allows the product to be transported safely and too easily. The lenses of this telescope are made of glass, which has an extremely low dispersion, so image distortion will be minimal. The resulting picture will be incredibly bright, as clear as possible and incredibly contrasting.

Now let's see what telescopes are available in general terms:

» Children's telescopes
This is a great gift for curious preschoolers. They are extraordinarily easy to operate and extraordinarily colorful. Usually supplied as a kit, which also includes encyclopedias, toy models and other assortment. The design and functionality of the device is fully consistent with the target audience.

» Refracting telescopes
Most beginner astronomers purchase these cheap models. In such telescopes, lenses assembled into an objective are used for magnification. Yes, it is unlikely that astronomers can observe distant celestial bodies with their help, but they will be able to study the Moon and planets in detail.

» Reflecting telescopes
Reflecting telescopes are more expensive, in which mirrors are used instead of lenses. This allows you to dramatically increase the magnification. Therefore, you can consider comets, star clusters, asteroids. In a word, everything that cannot be observed with the previous telescope. There is also a catadioptric telescope, which uses lenses and mirrors at the same time.

» helioscopes
A helioscope is used to observe the sun. Colored and smoked glasses were used as filters. Then more sophisticated filters began to be used. However, today such devices are irrelevant, because more advanced products are already being produced.

» Coronographs
This device also observes the sun, but only for its corona. True, during eclipses, an ordinary telescope is also suitable for such purposes, but the rest of the time, special equipment is needed.

» Radio telescopes and other products
For those working in desert places, radio telescopes are intended. They consist of an antenna and a radiometer that amplifies the signals. There are also gravitational and space telescopes. This is for professionals.

Here is such a small article about telescopes. As you can see, there are fantastic varieties. And this is only a small part. Perhaps our article will help you purchase a device that will be easy to use and fully equipped.

And finally the video: The James Webb Space Telescope is an orbiting infrared observatory, a next-generation telescope, the successor to the famous Hubble. One of the most expensive scientific projects of our time. If it is launched into space, which will happen no earlier than 2018, it will become the most modern, largest and most powerful space telescope that mankind has ever sent into space.»

How to choose a good optical instrument?

As soon as a person establishes eye contact with the cosmos, he is looking for an opportunity to look at everything that he sees much closer, to consider as many details as possible. This is what the telescope is designed for, how to choose it correctly?

Now so many different designs and models have been created that the buyer has been at a loss for a long time - not knowing where to start buying. To begin with, of course, it is worth deciding what you want to see in it and in what conditions you will observe it all. It is imperative to evaluate the living conditions in order to allocate a place for him, and material opportunities, that is, those funds that you can afford to pay for him. However, for the same amount you can buy two different instruments.

Types of telescopes

In order to see the galaxy and nebulae, the largest aperture is needed. The usual dimensions of refractor rulers for some reason end at around 150 mm. Newton's telescopes are most suitable for these purposes.

Photographs of the planets are most often used using catadioptric telescopes, but they will be unsuitable for shooting a weakly extended object due to the small aperture.

Refractors are very suitable for observing a star field, a binary star. They can also be used to view the moon and planets.


The mistake many buyers make is to want to buy one telescope once and for all. It is necessary to understand that each tool is designed for different objects, fulfills its role and will reveal to you different secrets of our universe. Of course, the enjoyment of your tour of space will largely depend on you, and not on the telescope. Using not even expensive tools, you can make your research interesting and unforgettable.

Video guide detailing how to choose a telescope

The structure of the telescope

In the 20th century, astronomy took many steps in the study of our universe, but these steps would not have been possible without the use of such sophisticated instruments as telescopes, which have a history of more than one hundred years. The evolution of the telescope took place in several stages, and it is about them that I will try to tell.

Since ancient times, humanity has been drawn to find out what is there, in the sky, beyond the Earth and invisible to the human eye. The greatest scientists of antiquity, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, attempted to create a device that allows you to look into the depths of space and lift the veil of the mystery of the universe. Since then, there have been many discoveries in the field of astronomy and astrophysics. Everyone knows what a telescope is, but not everyone knows how long ago and by whom the first telescope was invented, and how it was arranged.

Telescope - an instrument designed to observe celestial bodies.

In particular, a telescope is understood as an optical telescopic system not necessarily used for astronomical purposes.

There are telescopes for all ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum:

b optical telescopes

b radio telescopes

b x-ray telescopes

gamma-ray telescopes

Optical telescopes

A telescope is a tube (solid, frame or truss) mounted on a mount equipped with axes for pointing at the object of observation and tracking it. A visual telescope has a lens and an eyepiece. The rear focal plane of the objective is aligned with the front focal plane of the eyepiece. Instead of an eyepiece, a photographic film or a matrix radiation detector can be placed in the focal plane of the objective. In this case, the telescope lens, from the point of view of optics, is a photographic lens. The telescope is focused using a focuser (focused device). telescope space astronomy

According to their optical design, most telescopes are divided into:

ü Lens (refractors or diopters) - a lens or lens system is used as a lens.

b Mirror (reflectors or catoptric) - a concave mirror is used as a lens.

b Mirror-lens telescopes (catadioptric) - a spherical mirror is used as an objective, and a lens, lens system or meniscus serves to compensate for aberrations.

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