Dentistry "Dental SPA Group. Dentistry Dental Spa Groups on the Belarusian Dental Spa Groups Butyrsky Val

Our main motto is the saying of Hippocrates noli nocere(Do no harm)

When diagnosing and treating patients, we adhere to a team style of work. Our professional team includes specialists of various profiles: an implant surgeon, an orthopedic dentist, a dentist-therapist, a periodontist and an orthodontist.

New technologies in dentistry

We use all the latest technologies in our work, however, with caution. We treat our patients very carefully, trying to achieve the desired result with minimal intervention, following the basic concept of the Hippocratic Oath "Do No Harm".

In particular, in the last year we have mastered the All-on-4 prosthetics technology, when the dentition of one of the jaws (ceramic or zirconium crowns) is fixed on 4 implants. This design is called conditionally removable, since it is fixed to the implants with screws.

To diagnose and predict the outcome of implantation and subsequent prosthetics, our clinic has an orthopantomograph, and it is planned to purchase a CT scanner.

We pay special attention to such a topical topic today in dentistry as occlusion. Individual occlusion, functional occlusion, aesthetic occlusion is the position of the lower jaw relative to the upper, providing aesthetics and comfort for the patient. Unfortunately, not all clinics pay due attention to this, which is the cause of complications, especially with total prosthetics.

Our clinic actively uses modern technologies for teeth whitening - as with the help of a lamp that is popular today ZOOM-3, and with the help of a fairly efficient system Klox, in which we achieve high results.

All our doctors regularly improve their skills, undergo training at courses and seminars, including in leading European medical centers. Approximately once every 2-3 years, our specialists undergo an internship in Basel (Switzerland), where the plant for the production of implants of one of the market leaders - the company Straumann.

All employees are interested in the development of our clinic, and not only in the material aspect, but also in the scientific and clinical aspects. Our clinic employs graduates, many of them have a scientific degree of a candidate of medical sciences. All doctors lead some kind of scientific topic, are active travelers - they regularly attend traveling scientific and practical seminars and dental congresses, mainly abroad, with the participation of leading world lecturers.

Equipment and materials

Our clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment, but now I want to say not about the prestige of some brands, but about the possibilities of diagnostics and treatment at the level of the latest world achievements. Speaking about materials, in particular, about implants, we use the products of world leaders, companies that not only manufacture products, but are leading developers of both materials and methods of working with them. Of course, if the patient is limited in funds, we also have the opportunity to offer him to use products from a more economical segment. At the same time, cooperation with leading dental manufacturers allows us to be at the peak of technology, successfully master them and apply them in our practice.

Working with magnification - better results

All our doctors work with magnifying optics. In the arsenal of our clinic there are two dental operating microscopes, which allows us to carry out the most delicate and high-quality work in the field of endodontics (treatment and filling of the root canals of the tooth), preparation for prosthetics, microsurgery. In other offices, doctors use binoculars, which also allow you to see the smallest details.

Restored a chipped front tooth in one go. I thought I would have to put a full-fledged prosthesis, but I managed with a light filling. By the way, the prosthesis, of course, would be more expensive, and I seemed to be ready for this, but here I must say thank you to Ilya Igorevich Kilimnichenko for good advice. By the way, then they checked the rest of the teeth, made an appointment for more caries to treat easy chewing. I am very pleased with the attitude of the staff, the treatment is also 5+.

The other day they completed the front tooth, put metal-free ceramics, not an implant, but simply on a pin. Excellent, relatively cheap, looks beautiful and you do not need to wait for months. By the way, in Dental Spa, about a year ago, I filled the distant teeth, 1 on each side. Also at the same doctor, at Kilimnichenko Ilya Igorevich. They stand like family! Indeed, there is a difference in comparison with district clinics, where, with the same loads on the teeth, fillings regularly flew off every 3-6 months.

I try to treat my teeth in the same clinic and with the same doctor. I've been going to Dental Spa for a couple of years now. I try to make an appointment with Ilya Kilimnichenko to see a doctor. It is understandable that he is not on all issues, but I try to get an inspection and direction through him. Was always pleased.

I try to treat my teeth in the same clinic and with the same doctor. I've been going to Dental Spa for a couple of years now. I try to make an appointment with Ilya Kliminichenko to see a doctor. It is understandable that he is not on all issues, but I try to get an inspection and direction through him. Was always pleased.

I put metal-ceramics on the front tooth in Dental Spa. They recommended an implant, but they are expensive, and for too long, I had to stop at cermet. But it turned out great. For the result, I think a special thank you should be given to Kilimnichenko Ilya Igorevich. The color and the very shape of the tooth just perfectly reproduced, I myself would not know, I would not distinguish it from the real ones. What else can I say ... I don’t have much to compare with, but the clinic left a pleasant impression. By appointment, you immediately come to the doctor's office, you do not need to wait. Clean and bright everywhere. The equipment in the dental office looks new and everything is clearly modern, all sorts of monitors and so on. Dental treatment was comfortable and painless.

The teeth are basically healthy, but the age is already, so I decided to start restoring the smile zone. At a consultation at Dental Spa, their specialist Kilimnichenko Ilya Igorevich recommended installing veneers, as an ideal option in my case. Optimal in terms of price, installation time and result. It turned out really well, with a fairly small amount of time, the doctor was able to actually restore the smile in the form in which it was 20 years ago.

I have not been to the dentist for several years, but like it or not, but sooner or later you will have to - caries appeared on chewing teeth. A friend gave the phone to the Dental spa clinic, she just recently was there for whitening, she praised everything, and I went there. Of course, since my last visit to the dentist, everything has changed dramatically. I think the clinic itself is still trying, of course. The atmosphere is so cozy, no one yells ... Ilya Igorevich Kilimnichenko received me. He did everything very quickly and accurately, I'm not overjoyed at the result. And the doctor himself is very pleasant, somehow disposes to himself. He also said that it would be necessary to do a cleaning and remove all the muck from the enamel. I will definitely come back later. Very good clinic, it's a pleasure to be here.

I really liked it here. I went here as to the nearest clinic with normal prices. Well, I read the reviews, of course, so I went specifically to Ilya Igorevich Kilimnichenko. I had a completely crumbled tooth, and I thought about removing it. But they kept the root for me, and screwed the pin right into it. And already on it a ceramic-metal crown. I am very grateful to the doctor for such accurate and responsible work, and also for his benevolent attitude and moral participation. And for the money, everything is honest - as I expected, for what amount, I gave so much in the end.

For a month, once a week, I ran to the Dental Spa to Ilya Klimnichenko to treat his teeth. Nothing particularly terrible was found, one tooth was replaced, metal-ceramic was installed. And a few teeth are just caries and fillings, ceramic inlays. The doctor is adequate, remembers everything, knows everything, did an excellent job with his teeth. The clinic is friendly to patients both in terms of prices and in terms of the general environment. The equipment is good, the chair was comfortable, everything you need a la X-ray and other things is there.

Not so long ago, I finally divorced my husband, and now I decided to take care of myself in full. In family life, there is simply no time for this. First I lost weight, and then I decided to take care of my teeth. And then she completely launched herself due to lack of time - and caries on half of the teeth, and the stone, and the color are not very beautiful. In short, there was a lot of work to be done. I took a full package of services from the Dental Spa Group - and treated, and bleached and cleaned. Everything is perfect, the mosquito will not undermine the nose. Thank you! Now I look great and have become much more confident in myself.

Mineral masks for teeth

Tooth enamel is the substance with the highest mineralization. The chemical composition of tooth enamel is ~96% minerals and about 4% organic substances. The high mineralization of enamel gives it strength, hardness, brittleness, caries resistance. Tooth enamel can lose minerals if the pH of oral saliva drops below acceptable levels. When several factors combine, the most important of which are oral bacteria and carbohydrates, lactic acid is formed. In acidic conditions, gradually, the tooth enamel dissolves, the structure of the enamel is lost, this process is called enamel demineralization. Then, cavities appear in the enamel structure, due to which the bacterial invasion of the tooth is accelerated, the carious process, penetrating the enamel, enters the dentin.

The presence of fluoride in drinking water or toothpaste significantly reduces the risk of tooth decay. Fluoride accelerates the movement of calcium and phosphate on the tooth surface. This process is called remineralization of hard tissues of the tooth. The remineralized surface of tooth enamel contains fluorinated hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite, which are more acid resistant than natural tooth enamel.

Ca 10 (PO 4) 6 (OH) 2 (s) + 2F - (rr) Ca 10 (PO 4) 6 (F) 2(s) + 2OH-(p-p)
hydroxyapatite fluoride fluorapatite

For enamel remineralization, Saint-Dent Clinic has a program of mineral masks for teeth. According to the impressions of the dentition, transparent mouthguards are made, into which you independently introduce a remineralizing gel and put a mouthguard on the dentition for several hours. This procedure is ideal for the treatment of hypersensitivity, soreness of the teeth to sweet, sour, cold, which is called hyperesthesia.

For use in the Clinic, the hygienist uses fluorine varnish, which is applied to the surface of the teeth after a course of professional oral hygiene.

How to control the level of oral hygiene on your own?

Blue dye in liquid and tablet form stains harmful bacteria and plaque on tooth surfaces. It is a non-toxic dye and can be flavored in a variety of flavors, most commonly cherry flavored. Concentrated liquid - for professional use, tablet form of dye - for independent use. After chewing and dissolving the tablet in saliva, it is necessary to rinse the mouth well with water, the bright red-blue dye will not be washed off and will remain in those areas of the teeth where there are accumulations of soft plaque. At the same time, fresh soft plaque stains red, and blue - plaque that has been in the oral cavity for a long time (7 days or more). Areas with blue staining should be cleaned with a toothbrush and dental floss especially carefully. After brushing your teeth, there should be no areas marked with dye - this is how the effectiveness of brushing your teeth will be determined. These dyes are best used on weekends - you will have more time to brush your teeth and tongue. If you are not satisfied with the results of self-cleansing your teeth from stain, seek the help of a Saint-Dent Clinic hygienist for professional oral hygiene and instruction in the rules of brushing your teeth.

After the habit of properly caring for your teeth is formed, the basic rules for brushing your teeth are mastered and oral hygiene reaches the level necessary to maintain healthy teeth, it is possible to stop using soft plaque dyes. Remember that the condition of your teeth affects your overall health. You need to teach your children simple dental care and visit your dentist and hygienist regularly with them to ensure optimal dental health from an early age, before dental problems arise.


The problem begins when we clench and clench our teeth, causing a squeak for a long period of time and much more than when chewing food. Friction and grinding of teeth at night is called bruxism. A person who clenched their teeth while awake is called a clencher. Since neither clenching nor grinding of teeth is normal, they are called parafunction. About 6 out of 10 patients are at risk of losing all or almost all of their teeth prematurely. The result of these applications of excessive forces to the teeth are their increased abrasion, fracture, cracks of the teeth.

Parafunction usually occurs during sleep. The enamel of oppositely located teeth wears out rapidly during a few tens of minutes during an 8-hour sleep. The strength of night bruxism is up to 70% of the maximum strength of the masticatory muscles. In more severe cases, the person continues to clench the tooth during waking hours or while engaging in certain activities, such as lifting weights. On average, teeth are subject to at least 16 times more wear and tear in a person with parafunction. Parafunctions can also lead to periodontal disease. Increased abrasion of teeth gradually progresses, the enamel is completely abraded (about 3 mm), dentin is included in the process. (underlying tooth structure) Up to this point, parafunction may go unnoticed, but with involvement of the dentin, hypersensitivity may occur, which is of concern to the bruxist.

Causes of parafunction in adults:

All factors have not yet been identified, but the important ones are:

  1. Malocclusion is one of the main causes of tooth compression and increased abrasion, the difference between the most comfortable position of the mandibular joint and the most convenient position of the mandible for closing all teeth. Lack of physiological guard and feedback mechanism that are present in the central incisors and canines. To provide protection to the posterior teeth, only a certain height of the anterior teeth is needed, which prevents the posterior and anterior teeth from closing at the same time. When this is not the case, the posterior teeth can interlock with each other in a process of parafunction and annihilate each other.
  2. Psychological component, nervous tension: stress causes muscle fibers to become sensitive to stimulation from the brain. It can be seen that people suffering from parafunctions compress the masticatory muscles with much greater frequency and force.
  3. A side effect of the use of pharmacological drugs: caffeine and amphetamines, when used together, increase the contractions of the masticatory muscles, which can lead to increased abrasion of hard dental tissues. Some antidepressants may cause parafunction.
  4. Habituation: It is important to understand that after years or even months of grinding and clenching of teeth, these acts become a habit. Therefore, even if one or all of the above factors are eliminated, one should not expect the parafunction to disappear soon.

Parafunction diagnostics:

  1. There are no control tests to detect parafunction. The dentist must make the final decision after considering all factors and carefully examining the bite, teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity. The following are some of the symptoms that indicate the presence of parafunctional activity.
  2. Crack or fracture of a tooth at night, in a dream. As a rule, we are talking about teeth with large restorations, often depulped.
  3. When you wake up in the middle of the night, you often find that your teeth are clenched.
  4. Perhaps there are morning headaches in the temporal regions.
  5. You may experience pain in the neck and shoulder area.
  6. You may find that absolutely all of your teeth hurt, especially after waking up.
  7. Compression of the teeth continues for a sufficiently long period of time and becomes chronic.
  8. Increased sensitivity of the necks of the teeth. As a rule, the patient feels the sensation of an electric current while scratching the outer surface of the tooth, in the neck area, with a nail.
  9. Excessive tooth wear, which primarily appears as flat and shiny areas on the cusps of the posterior teeth and is incompatible with physiological tooth wear.
  10. The formation of additional bone around the teeth, most often on the inner and outer surfaces of the lower and upper premolars - exostoses, torsos. Previously, these bone formations were thought to have a genetic origin.
  11. The imprint of the teeth, in the form of indentations on the lateral surfaces of the tongue - this is called "notched tongue". White line on the inside of the cheeks.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the dentist will prescribe treatment. Perhaps the simplest, cheapest and most effective way to stop tooth wear is splint therapy or otherwise - splint therapy. If there is a malocclusion, treatment can range from selective grinding of some of the teeth to orthodontic treatment, depending on the degree of malocclusion. In most cases, when the “sensory” teeth (incisors and canines) do not have contact with the antagonist teeth as a result of abrasion, it is sufficient to restore them with restorative materials. This method is very effective, performed relatively easily and without any side effects. Correction of malocclusion takes a lot of time, special skills, knowledge and equipment, but does not guarantee a 100% result.

In a very acute stage and within a few days, no more, the dentist may prescribe muscle relaxants. A psychologist's consultation can help when the stress is very strong and the person is out of control. Wet warm compresses of chewing muscles lead to its relaxation.

Exclusion of chewing gum. Chewing gum shortens the life of your teeth. While chewing gum, teeth wear out many times faster than when chewing food. In addition, chewing gum trains the chewing muscles and in the event of parafunction, strong chewing muscles will wear teeth very, very quickly.

Parafunction tires the jaw muscles, spasms them. Chewing muscles work in conjunction with the muscles of the back of the neck. Relaxing and calming one of these muscle groups helps to relax the other.

  • st. Butyrsky Val, 5 Moscow, CAO (center)

    M Belarusian (228m) M Mendeleevskaya (927m) M Novoslobodskaya (1.0 km)

    Official name: OOO "Dental SPA group"

    Dentistry "Dental SPA Group" is based in the Tverskoy district of Moscow. It is a specialized clinic for the treatment of teeth and gums. The company has been licensed. Legal documents were issued to her on January 27, 2015.

    Doctors of dentistry "Dental SPA Group" offer: caring and attentive attitude, moderate cost of services, individual approach to each patient, a high level of control of the sanitary and epidemiological regime. Visitor service is available 7 days a week. The organization is headed by Kantserova L.R.


    Dental SPA Group provides expert consultations of specialists and offers a number of diagnostic services: orthopantomography, radiovisiography and computed tomography. A wide range of therapeutic procedures is performed here: the formation of a carious cavity, the installation of a protective pad, the application of Filtek and Gradia fillings, whitening of enamel using ZOOM-3 and Klox technology. To restore the dentition, the All-on-4 prosthetics technology is used here.


    The most convenient way to get to Dental SPA Group is by metro. It is necessary to travel to the Belorusskaya station. Having risen to the surface, you need to turn onto Butyrsky Val Street and go to building no. The walking distance is 150 meters.

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