Safflower - what is it? Description, cultivation of the plant. Potassium permanganate for plant health - reliable and irreplaceable

Name: Safflower
Family: Asteraceae
Origin: Egypt, Spain, China, USA, South America, Africa
Humidity: Drought tolerant, not tolerant of high humidity
Location: sunny areas
Soil: Any soil
Pests and diseases: Rust, Fusarium, Septoria
Required work: Fertilization
Growth Height: About 1m
Landing in the ground: After freezing in the open ground
Flowering: June-September
Suitable for cutting Yes

Safflower, in addition to decorativeness, has other advantages. It is used for dyeing fabrics and as a medicinal plant. It appeared in Europe in the 16th century.

Safflower (Carthamus) is a genus of the Asteraceae family. Herbaceous annual or biennial plants. With branched stems, dense leaves and rather powerful roots. The leaves are entire, sessile, lanceolate, spiny-toothed. There are about 19 species in the genus. Safflower flowers are tubular. Their color is varied: purple, blue, white, orange. It usually blooms from June to September.

Safflower: planting and care

Caring for the plant will not be difficult. Safflower is better in the sun, he likes heat and direct sunlight. But he doesn't like the shade. Leaves and flowers may wither in the shade and even in partial shade. As for the soil, here it is unpretentious. But he still needs to provide a minimum of nutrients.

It is better to avoid excessively moist soil. So good drainage is needed. It is desirable that the substrate be loose, but loamy or sandy loam soil is suitable. Frost resistance is rather low, however, seedlings can withstand temperatures down to -7°C. But basically it is an annual plant and does not hibernate in our climate.

The plant is fairly drought tolerant. It retains moisture in the leaves and roots for a long time. Therefore, with watering it is worth being careful. Once a week is quite appropriate. Moreover, it is best to water in the evening, when the heat subsides. Too much moisture can lead to root rot. As for the transplant, it is practically not needed. The exception is when the soil is not suitable for the plant.

Propagation of safflower seeds

Sowing safflower is usually done in open ground in the spring. The seedling method is rarely practiced. Because shoots during transplantation often do not take root. They may have growth disorders. The optimal distance between seedlings is 15 cm.


Fertilize Safflower about once a month with mineral compounds. It is also good to feed when sowing seeds. It is advisable to fertilize only plants grown for decorative purposes.

Pests and diseases

Of the diseases, it suffers most from fusarium, rust, and septoria. Fungicidal preparations will help from fungal ailments. When the root rots, it is necessary to establish the correct irrigation regime.

Among pests, safflower fly, weevil, and aphids annoy him. The fly is the most dangerous, as it lays eggs in the bud, as a result of which it is damaged. Here it is best to resort to insecticides.

Safflower video

Varieties and types of Safflower

There is little information about this flower these days, all because Safflower has a small number of varieties and species.

In culture, only one species.

Dye safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Annual bushy plant. Height up to 1 m. The flowers of this species of safflower are orange or yellow.

Various varieties have been bred

'Orange Grenade' variety with changing color of flowers from orange to red. This safflower grows up to 80 cm.

"White Grenade" The variety has yellow flowers with lemon-colored stripes.

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Safflower dye(lat. Carthamus tinctorius, family Asteraceae), also known as dye thistle, wild or american saffron- the only cultivated species of the existing sixteen representatives of the genus Carthamus, whose homeland is presumably Asia Minor (the territory of modern Turkey). Dye safflower is one of the oldest oil and dye crops, whose valuable food, fodder, technical, medicinal, cosmetic and dietary qualities have been used by mankind for more than 4000 years.

Already in the 3500s BC. e. safflower was well known in Egypt, where it was used to dye fabrics. The oil obtained from its seeds was part of the medicinal ointments, and was also used as a combustible substance in lamps and lamps. Safflower has long been cultivated in North Africa, Persia, China and Japan. During the Roman Empire, it spread widely along the Mediterranean coast and in Central Europe, where already in the 13th century it began to be used as a food and fabric dye, as well as a healing agent.

With the advent of synthetic aniline dyes (1900), interest in the cultivation of safflower has declined significantly. But at the end of the 20th century, when safflower varieties with a high oil content (up to 40%) were bred, this culture revived. In 1996 - 2001, the area occupied by safflower for the purpose of its industrial cultivation amounted to about 1 million hectares in world agriculture. Among the main producing countries were India, Mexico, USA, Argentina and Australia. Safflower is cultivated mainly as an oilseed, and also as a raw material for the production of safe food and technical dyes. The popularity of safflower is also growing in the countries of Central Asia. Good results have been achieved with its cultivation in the steppe zones of the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia. The leader in the production of safflower among the countries of the post-Soviet space is Kazakhstan.

What attracts farmers to this culture? First of all, its drought resistance and undemanding to soil indicators - safflower can grow even on alkaline soils and saline soils in steppe and semi-desert conditions. Taking into account the continuing trend towards sharp changes in the modern climate with frequent extreme weather anomalies, against the background of an increase in average annual temperatures that negatively affect the yield of most other agricultural crops, such qualities of safflower favorably distinguish it from oilseeds traditional for our farmers.

Safflower is a very versatile crop. Due to their high nutritional value, non-thorny safflower varieties are used as green fodder, hay or silage in livestock production. In terms of protein, sugar, oil and fiber content, safflower feed is not inferior to alfalfa. Also an excellent feed for livestock and poultry is cake obtained after pressing safflower oil from seeds: it is rich in protein (up to 19%), oil (about 6 - 8%) and starch (more than 24%). The melliferous qualities of safflower are also well known: early and long flowering of the culture, the ability to take bribes even in the driest period. Honey collected from safflower fields contains many useful elements (zinc, iron, calcium, chromium, silver, etc.) and has healing properties.

Safflower dyes, obtained from the petals of the plant, are widely used in the food and confectionery industry, they are used for dyeing fabrics and carpet threads, in soap making (for dyeing soap) and painting. In pharmaceuticals, safflower flowers are known as a raw material for obtaining vitamins A and E. Traditional medicine uses flower teas to treat angina pectoris, improve blood circulation, and gynecological diseases. The seeds of the culture are known as the best food for birds. The oil obtained from safflower seeds contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic (88%), oleic (7.6%), palmintic (5.5%), stearic (0.65%), linolenic (0.2%). It is used in the food industry (manufacturing of some varieties of margarine), in cosmetology (regenerating creams, rejuvenating masks) and perfumery (soap making). In the paint and varnish industry, safflower oil is used for the manufacture of drying oil, white enamels and paints, the distinguishing feature of which is the absence of yellowing over time. It is also used in the manufacture of linoleum.

Although safflower does not belong to the most valuable oilseeds, which include sunflower, flax, camelina, mustard, rapeseed, etc., today it is still quite a popular agricultural plant. The fatty acid composition of its seeds is close to sunflower, but safflower farming is less labor-intensive, as it is less susceptible to the negative effects of long dry periods. In addition, safflower, in comparison with sunflower, does not deplete the soil so intensively, does not require the use of agrochemicals and special agricultural technologies. It can be harvested with an ordinary combine harvester. The average yield of safflower reaches 10 - 12 centners / ha, and under favorable conditions it can be up to 20 centners / ha.

Safflower is an annual, strongly branching herbaceous plant up to 0.6 - 1.3 m high, with a well-developed tap root system that is able to collect moisture and nutrients at a depth of up to 2 m. The best predecessors for it are spike (both winter and and spring forms) and tilled crops, it is also permissible to sow safflower in areas previously occupied by corn, flax, and rapeseed. The unpretentiousness of the culture to soil characteristics still has its limitations: safflower reacts extremely negatively to acidic, heavily waterlogged soils and lands with a high level of groundwater. Gives the best yields on chernozems and chestnut soils with good aeration properties.

Sowing is carried out either in rows or in wide rows, with a row spacing of 40–75 cm. The second option is more preferable, as it allows loosening and facilitates the removal of weeds. The depth of seed placement depends on the mechanical structure of the soil and the presence of moisture in the upper arable layer. The average depth is 5 - 6 cm, but if the soil dries out, the seeds are placed deeper, up to 6 - 8 cm, and on light soils, seeds are planted to a depth of 3 - 4 cm. Although safflower is adapted to a dry continental climate, in the initial period of growth it needs sufficient soil moisture.

Safflower is a cross-pollinated plant. In crops, it partially self-pollinates, but with the participation of pollinating insects, its yield increases significantly (by 10–15% or more). Safflower is a fast growing short day crop with a growing season of 90 to 130 days (depending on variety). Its early spring type of development requires early sowing of seeds. For their germination, it is enough that the soil temperature is +2 - 3 ° C, seedlings can withstand frosts down to -6 ° C, and the optimal indicators for crop development are +6 - 8 ° C. Usually shoots appear 8 - 10 days after sowing.

After the slow formation of a basal rosette of 10–12 elongated leaves, 10–15 cm long and 2.5–5 cm wide, bordered by notches with sharp spikes, the plant proceeds to rapid linear growth (average daily growth reaches 3 cm): an upright stem appears with lateral shoots located on it (3 - 15 pcs.), Which form a bush with a diameter of 0.2 - 0.45 m. Baskets of buds are formed on the branches of lateral shoots. Flowering of safflower begins 65-70 days after germination, proceeds non-simultaneously, in the time period from June to September. Safflower inflorescences have a diameter of up to 3 - 5 cm, on one plant their number can be from 10 to 25 pieces. The petals of tubular flowers contain a significant amount of coloring pigments, among which safflower gel (yellow) and carthamine (all shades of red) predominate. For the production of dyes, inflorescences must be collected at the moment of their full disclosure, when the amount of pigments in the petals is maximum.

If safflower is grown for the purpose of obtaining valuable vegetable oil, which is used for food and technical purposes, the plants must be fully mature. At the same time, the aerial part of them, together with the baskets, turns yellow, and the seeds reach the phase of full ripeness. After the plant has matured, from 20 to 50 or more seeds can be collected from each inflorescence. Overstaying on the vine for safflower does not threaten the loss of the crop, since its seeds do not spill out of the baskets for a long time. In addition, dry plants are better processed.

Breeding work to develop zoned safflower varieties with a higher oil content and better adaptive performance is ongoing and has achieved considerable success. Among the best varieties that allow you to harvest up to 15 - 18 centners / ha in the conditions of the southern regions of Ukraine, you can name "Sonyachny", "Stepovy", as well as non-thorny forms "Lahydniy" and "Zhivchik". The best varieties of Russian selection: "Spartak", "Ershovsky 4", "Alexandrite", "Zavolzhsky 1", "Kamyshinsky 73" and others, the average yield is 12 - 15 centners / ha.

Do you know such a plant - safflower? If not, you will probably recognize it by one of the following names: dye (or American) thistle, wild saffron. It is known all over the world, as it has many useful properties that allow it to be used for various purposes.

This plant has a rich history dating back to the third millennium BC. Archaeologists have found that ancient Egyptian mummies were wrapped in linen, dyed with its petals. And to the ancient Greeks, it was known as a medicinal plant used as a laxative.

In Europe, saffron was mainly used to extract oil from it, and also as a dye. This explains its modern name - dyeing safflower.

Since the discovery of other dyes, the plant has almost ceased to be interested, but at present it can be said to be rediscovered:

  • In many countries - for example, in the USA, Australia, India and Mexico - it is grown as an oilseed.
  • Safflower is a medicinal plant, and the oil obtained from its seeds is the main ingredient in many medicinal preparations, and the cake is used to feed animals. The honey obtained from it is also useful.
  • In addition, in some countries it is used as an aphrodisiac.

Gallery: safflower (25 photos)

The useful substances contained in this plant make it possible to use it for various diseases, as well as for the general improvement of the body. However, like any drug, it should only be used with the advice of a doctor.

Safflower has been used in traditional medicine since ancient times. It found its widest application in ancient China, where it established itself as an antipyretic, hemostatic, laxative. It was used to relieve pain during menstruation, to reduce blood loss and prevent osteoporosis. It is able to treat infertility, as it has hormonal properties. Due to the nature of the impact on the body, it is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Another well-known property of safflower is its positive effect on people with cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended for elderly people who have problems with blood circulation, is able to reduce pressure, helps fight coronary heart disease and diabetes. In addition, this plant is considered an effective remedy for lowering cholesterol levels.

Among other things, safflower improves metabolism, helps with arthrosis and arthritis. It is best to take it in the form of a decoction: 10 grams of safflower petals should be poured with half a liter of water and, after a short infusion, taken three times a day.

There are legends about safflower as an oilseed crop. Safflower oil is an excellent skin care product. It softens and moisturizes the skin, nourishes and strengthens it.

Currently, the medicinal properties of safflower are being investigated by scientists, who confirm its positive effect on laboratory mice.

Like any herbal preparation, for best results, safflower should be taken in courses - at least a month in a row, as its active substances must accumulate in the body. This applies to any product from it, including oil and honey.

Special attention should be paid to safflower tea as a pleasant and healthy drink that preserves all the properties of this medicinal plant. In its manufacture, safflower petals are used - for one cup of tea, it is enough to pour boiling water over a quarter of a teaspoon of the petals and insist for half an hour. You can either drink it before bedtime, or use it during the day, one or more times.

Such a drink improves skin condition, has a beneficial effect on the intestines, cleanses the kidneys and liver. However, due to this effect, it can act as a diuretic, which is why it should not be taken constantly - as with any medicine, it is worth taking breaks in its use.

It is best to store safflower tea in a dark and dry place. For him, the storage conditions of any other tea are ideal. For optimal effect of the drink, do not mix it with other types of tea leaves.

plant application

Various parts of the plant are used in medicine, industry, food production and other industries. However, it is primarily an oilseed crop.

Safflower seeds are used to produce safflower oil, which can be eaten. It has all the basic qualities of a plant, so it helps with diabetes, overweight, problems with the skin and blood vessels. But do not forget that in ancient times it was used as an abortifacient, so it is strictly not recommended to take it during pregnancy.

Safflower oil is also used in industry - it is added to white paints to avoid their yellowing, in the manufacture of linoleum, soap, drying oil. A dye obtained from safflower is used to tint carpets.

Safflower seeds are rich in useful substances and trace elements that remain in them even after the oil is pressed. Therefore, safflower cake is sent for animal feed.

Beekeepers get safflower honey from this plant, which also has a lot of useful properties. In addition to being used as food, it can be used to make masks for the face, scalp and hair, and make compresses to combat arthritis. Safflower honey is good for treating colds, and a couple of spoons of this honey with tea before bedtime improves the general condition of the body.

Growing technology

If you have your own garden or live in a rural area, you can easily grow saffron yourself. And if you have an apiary, then it is possible to get saffron honey on your own. The care of this plant is most similar to the rules for growing another oilseed - sunflower.

  • Sowing safflower seeds should be started almost immediately after the snow melts - at the latest, in early April. The plant is not afraid of the cold and is able to sprout even at a minimum positive temperature. You will see the first shoots in a week.
  • Choose for this flower soil of a light structure, saturated with useful substances.
  • Observe the distance between landings - about half a meter in all directions. Do not plant safflower seeds too deep - you can use a hoe, the optimal depth is about five centimeters.
  • You should expect flowering two to three months after planting, and the first seeds will appear another month later. In this case, the plant will reach about a meter in height.
  • Do not forget to take care of safflower - loosen the ground, remove weeds. It is not necessary to water it - when grown outdoors, rainwater will be quite enough for it.

This plant has long attracted attention for a reason: its scope is really wide, and even in our time it can serve people a lot in the fight against various diseases and the manufacture of various goods. Therefore, dyeing safflower rightfully takes its place among plants known for their beneficial properties.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many useful plants that are successfully grown in certain regions and are beneficial in many industries remain unknown and unclaimed by the majority of the population.

In this article we will talk about safflower, we will discuss, what kind of plant is it, what are its benefits and features.

Safflower: description and biological features

Safflower is a plant of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family, most often an annual, safflower or wild saffron, as it is also called, is grown in culture. Safflower grows up to one and a half meters, the plant has a straight, branched, glossy stem. The leaves are oblong in shape, arranged alternately, along the edge of the leaf plate - spikes. The flowers of the plant are saturated orange or red, tubular, after flowering they form white seed fruits.

Safflower is an oilseed crop, seed oil is in no way inferior to sunflower oil. The first grade oil is used in the food industry, the second grades are used for the manufacture of industrial oils, drying oils, varnishes. In the food industry, the plant is also used as a natural dye that is safe for the human body, as well as in the production of margarine and confectionery; the dye is also used in the textile industry, when dyeing fabrics, and making carpets.

Safflower finds application in medicine and cosmetology. Almost all parts of the plant are beneficial in some way. Safflower is also a honey plant. The honey of this plant is a mini first aid kit. It contains vitamins of groups B, E, C, A, PP; enzymes and organic acids; proteins and dextrins. The composition of safflower honey includes almost all the macro- and microelements necessary for the life of the human body.

With such a mass of useful properties and qualities, safflower is absolutely non-capricious in cultivation. The germination of seeds of the plant is possible at two degrees of heat, young shoots can withstand frost up to six degrees, that is, the plant is sown in early spring and autumn.

Safflower varieties

In culture, there are few varieties suitable for growing in the middle lane. Consider the most suitable of them.

The most popular variety is "Sunny" - the plant tolerates the dry period well. Its vegetation period is 127 days. It grows up to 85 cm. Flowers with a diameter of up to three centimeters contain a large number of seeds, the total yield per hectare is one and a half tons. The oil content in the seed is 34%. The variety is grown in many countries, including Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.

Safflower variety "Ahram" is distinguished by a shortened growing season - from 90 to 120 days. The plant is low compared to the "Sunny" safflower - 60 cm, branched, leafy, with many flowers (up to sixteen baskets on one inflorescence). The plant is late-ripening, the yield of the variety is 15 centners per hectare. The oil content in the seed is 35%, the variety is considered the best for processing into oil, up to 300 kg of oil is obtained from one hectare.

Variety "Krasa Stupinskaya" - a plant with an upright branched stem without an edge; a strong tap root growing up to 20 cm deep, then the stem becomes thinner and under favorable conditions (in the southern regions) can reach a depth of two meters. The leaves of this variety are oval-elliptical in shape, with a serrated edge and weak spines. The growing season of the plant is from 105 to 130 days. One bush can carry up to twenty baskets of inflorescences up to 3.5 cm in diameter. The petals are tubular, yellow or orange. Fruits: white seeds with a dense shell, seed weight up to 51 grams. It is characteristic that the seeds do not crumble when ripe.

Place in crop rotation

Precursors suitable for cultivation technology for safflower are tilled crops, winter and spring cereals, rapeseed, corn, flax. If such a crop rotation is observed, the soil forms large reserves of moisture, and its phytosanitary background improves.

Important! You can not plant safflower after sunflower, sugar and fodder beets, sorghum. These plants draw almost all the moisture out of the soil.

You should not grow a crop in one place for several years in a row; a return to the previous planting site is possible after at least four years. Safflower is an ideal precursor for cereals, spring and winter barley and wheat (under good autumn weather conditions).

The best rotation order would be to place safflower as the penultimate crop, for example, fallow - winter wheat - safflower - barley; or fallow - winter wheat - chickpeas - spring wheat - safflower - barley.


Greatly facilitates the cultivation of safflower undemanding to the composition of the soil. The best for him are chernozems and chestnut lands, loose sandy loams or loams are good, while he is not afraid of saline and poor lands.

For safflower, deep tillage is important, the best yield indicators are formed when sowing on a deeply plowed field. Treat the arable and subarable layers of soil. Despite the fact that safflower is not afraid of weeds, a deep cleaning of weeds is carried out before sowing. When sowing after cereals, it is good for safflower if, after harvesting the predecessor, straw and chaff scattered in a thin layer are left on the field.

Seeding Methods and Seeding Rates

Sowing of safflower can be carried out simultaneously with cereal spring plants, since the seeds can germinate at low temperatures. With late sowing, the moisture level in the topsoil may not be sufficient for good germination.

In order to protect against diseases and increase yields, the seeds are treated in preparations. "Premis" or "Kardon" adding stimulants for the development of the root system.

Sowing is carried out to a depth of six to eight centimeters, leaving up to 60 cm between rows. The sowing rate of safflower seeds is 30-40 kg / ha. The norm is determined according to the conditions of soil moisture, under favorable conditions, sowing is carried out according to the maximum value, under worse conditions, the norm is reduced.

Did you know? As early as 1061, the Chinese treated heart and blood diseases with safflower. In ancient times, safflower was also used to terminate unwanted pregnancies, so it is better for women who are expecting a child to refuse the product.

Care of safflower crops

Safflower care consists mainly in soil care: loosening the top layer, thinning and weeding from weeds.

Attention! Clogging of safflower plantings with thistle will lead to a decrease in yield by seventy percent.

Safflower can go without water for a long time due to the universal root system that grows far inland. Watering is carried out as needed, mainly with a long absence of precipitation and complete drying of the upper layers of the soil.

When sowing a crop on fertile soils, you can not worry about top dressing, but if the soils are poor, it is better to fertilize them with organic or mineral fertilizers, nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. You can apply before the flowering period, experienced growers are advised to fertilize the land during processing before sowing.

Growing safflower from seed is easy and easy to care for. The main thing is to carry out sowing rolling, harrowing until the first shoots appear and when two or three strong leaves appear on the sprouts, the destruction of the crust on the soil surface. Plant care is completed during the formation of buds.

Protection against diseases and pests of safflower

Safflower can be affected by the following diseases: fusarium, rust, septoria and broomrape. The most dangerous disease for safflower that can destroy crops is rust. The disease is fungal in nature, affects the shoots and foliage with rounded formations - brown pustules. In case of disease damage, crops are treated with chemicals: "Altazol", "Alto Super", "Akanto Plus", "Alpari", "Atlant".

Pests that attack plant crops are safflower fly, weevil, aphid and moth. Both the insects themselves and their larvae are dangerous. Adults gnaw on stems and foliage, lay eggs, from which larvae hatch, sucking juice from the plant and more. The safflower fly lays offspring in safflower buds, the larvae that appear later eat the seeds. Insecticides are used to kill pests: "Confidor-Maxi", "Cruiser", "Puma Super-100". As a preventive measure for safflower, before planting, the seeds are treated with various dressings.

Many beautiful plants that grow in different parts of our country can not only please the eye, but also bring great health benefits. Some of these crops can be grown on your garden plot or on the windowsill and used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for your own pleasure. Just such amazing plants include safflower dye, the medicinal properties of which and its cultivation will now be considered on www ..

Safflower is an amazing plant that is also known as American saffron. This annual is a member of the Compositae family. Now it is cultivated in many parts of our planet.

Medicinal properties of safflower dye

To date, experts in official medicine allow the use of safflower dye only as a component of dietary supplements.

However, in folk medicine it is used more actively. It is believed that such a plant has an analgesic and laxative effect, it can be used as an antipyretic and a good antidote for poisoning. There is evidence that safflower helps to eliminate pain during menstruation, stop postpartum bleeding and prevent osteoporosis, including in menopause. In addition, this culture is used by many healers for the treatment of endometritis and amenorrhea. Such a plant is capable of provoking a contraction of smooth muscles, which is located both in the uterus and in the intestines. This explains its laxative and hemostatic qualities. Just for this reason, it should not be used during the period of bearing a child.

To date, the antioxidant and analgesic qualities of safflower, as well as its anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties, have been confirmed.

Also, traditional medicine experts argue that such a medicinal plant can reduce blood clotting, eliminate "bad" cholesterol from the body.

A tea made from safflower petals is characterized by soothing properties. It is also advised to drink it for ailments of the gastrointestinal tract: with gastritis, peptic ulcer and enterocolitis. In addition, this drink stimulates perspiration.

Safflower dye can also be used externally. On its basis, lotions, decoctions and poultices are prepared that can help in the treatment of rheumatism and joint pain. Traditional medicine experts claim that the external use of such a plant helps to cope with burns, ulcers, boils, scabies and ringworm.

Safflower dye can be used to activate the immune system. It is advised to use for the treatment of allergic diseases. Also, some traditional medicine experts recommend the use of such a plant for the treatment of diseases of the throat and eyes.

About what safflower loves (growing and care)

Safflower is grown commercially for oilseeds. Oil is made from them, which is suitable for human consumption, in addition, it can be used for technical purposes.

Safflower is cultivated in the Caucasus, in a number of Central Asian republics, as well as in Kazakhstan and some regions of Ukraine. Such a plant is not demanding on the soil, but it is able to increase the yield by an order of magnitude on highly fertile soils and well-moistened soils. Safflower dye does not tolerate prolonged low temperatures and long rainy periods without the sun. Thus, it is better to grow it in a well-lit and warm place. Such a crop is considered quite drought tolerant, so it does not need to be systematically watered.

Quite often practiced is the cultivation of safflower as a tilled plant; a good predecessor for breads. Such a crop needs deep autumn plowing and early sowing. Dyeing safflower is usually sown in rows, the interval between which is thirty centimeters. Six to ten kilograms of seeds are used per hectare of soil. They begin to germinate at a soil temperature of two to three degrees.

Such a plant does not require any special care. Safflower is thinned out shortly after seedlings are found, and this crop also needs to loosen the row spacing. This plant responds quite well to the use of nitrogen fertilizer, it is slightly less responsive to phosphorus and potash fertilizers. It is possible to achieve an increase in productivity by fertilizing the soil with manure, as well as by irrigating during dryness.

Dye safflower is pollinated by insects, with bees playing the main role, which is explained by the characteristic tubular shape of the flowers. On it, bees freely penetrate to each flower. Safflower is able to pollinate on its own, but in this case, the yield of this crop is reduced by an order of magnitude.

Harvesting safflower is carried out after it is fully ripe. Successful maturation is noticeable by the yellowing of all plants and their heads, as well as by the ripening of seeds. If the crops turned out to be clogged with weeds, harvesting is carried out using a conveyor method. After harvesting, the seeds are cleaned and dried.

Safflower is a unique plant that will help improve landscape design and cope with many health problems. And from the colorful inflorescences of such a culture, you can make amazingly beautiful bouquets.

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