Happy birthday greetings to aunt in your own words. Touching congratulations in poetry and prose for aunt

Dear aunt, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you to always be so cheerful, kind, beautiful! Let them be respected and appreciated at work, and surrounded by care in the family!

Dear aunt, niece wishes you a happy birthday. My dear, I wish you to be and always remain a real queen, an example of kindness and sensitivity, a standard of beauty and grace, a woman with a charming smile and incredible charm, and just a happy, cheerful person.

My dear, wonderful and unsurpassed aunt, happy birthday to you! Immeasurable happiness to you, daily smiles, year-round sun, endless finances and constant companionship of good luck. I respect and love you!

My dearly beloved aunt! I want to wish you that excellent health does not leave you for a moment, luck and success always go with you, and the center of your care and love always burns in your house! Happy birthday, my dear!

Auntie, your niece wishes you a happy birthday. My dear, I wish you gorgeous bouquets of delicate flowers, pleasant surprises and welcome gifts, wonderful fun of the soul and joy of the heart. Aunt, may there be no grief and resentment in your life, may the star of your luck always shine brightly for you, may inspiration for creativity and the desire for something beautiful wake up in you every day.

Dear aunt, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you women's joys, new clothes, gifts, surprises, finds, smiles, hope and great love. May all your dreams come true, and may life bring pleasure!

My adorable aunt, happy birthday to you! I wish you a delightful mood, a memorable celebration, a lot of warm words and wishes! Health, great and sincere, mutual and eternal love. Prosperity, sweet moments and a myriad of unexpected pleasant surprises!

With love and from the heart, I congratulate you, my aunt. I wish you happiness, so that your life is a full-flowing river. Let all the blessings of life flow into this river in streams, and you just easily and comfortably went with the flow. Happy birsday, my dear! Never get sick, never get depressed, and never grow old. And smile into the morning sun.

Dear aunt, the most important thing is happiness and love, so I wish you always enjoy life, love and be loved! Let the sun shine in your eyes, let the positive live in your soul, and harmony and peace reign in the family!

Dear my aunt. May your birthday today remain in your memory as a vivid memory that would warm your soul even after many years. After all, today next to you are people who love you with sincere and pure love. People who wish you strength, health, positive emotions and strong, but wonderful experiences.

Every nephew / niece, especially of a young age, wants to surprise his own aunt with his congratulations on her birthday. And what would be better than congratulations on your aunt's birthday in your own words? Wishes for the aunt, expressed in their own words, are a manifestation of creativity. It will be interesting for the birthday aunt to see if her younger relative has poetic, writing or oratorical talent. It will be great if appropriate congratulations are added to the gift made with your own hands. But if there is not enough time before the holiday, or the fantasy does not want to give anything away, a set of congratulatory addresses will help to beautifully congratulate a relative. Moreover, it is not difficult to rework ready-made phrases in order to honestly observe the principle of one's own composition.

How wonderful it is to realize that you have the most sincere, modern and cheerful aunt. I always enjoy spending time with you. You sometimes remind me of a child who likes to play, go to the circus and the movies and ride on the swings. Dear aunt, today I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart on your day of appearance in this world. I would like to wish you a sea of ​​love and an ocean of good luck. I want you to fly around the world in a big balloon, and I will control this balloon. I want you to have prosperity in everything. May you have enough love, luck, inspiration, strength and health. May all difficulties make you stronger. I also want to wish you to believe in your strength and in your bright future. Let the earth spin faster just for you. May your friends always be there and appreciate you the way our family does!

Dear and respected aunt, I congratulate you on your birthday. You are like a bee, which is always busy and busy. You cook deliciously, decorate gifts beautifully and love cleanliness and comfort. I always feel comfortable visiting you, as you are a very hospitable person. I want to wish you to remain as unusual and beautiful. Let everyone around you admire your talents. May kindness and love live in your family. I also want to wish you not to meet with misfortune and grief. Let you pass any troubles and problems. Let minor troubles be quickly resolved. I also wish you to get from life what you need. Let luck and luck help you achieve what you want. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, my dear aunt!

In this world, we are all just passers-by, but our task is to leave a mark in life. You, aunt, are a sweet soul. You, it turns out, keep a good soul in a world where there are a lot of lies and deceit. You know how to set yourself up in a positive way and always move forward, despite all the obstacles. I want to wish you to remain so sincere, cheerful and cheerful. May you find happiness in the little things. Let every day of life begin with laughter, good news and pleasant surprises. Let the summer mood remain in your soul, and the warmth of loved ones warms you even in the most severe winter frosts. Joyful everyday life and solemn holidays to you, which will help you fill your soul with positive and joy!

With the birth of you, my dear aunt. You are the best housewife in the world, you are the best mother. I love coming to visit you, because you always warmly welcome your guests. With you, I always have something to talk about. I always have something to learn from you. I want to wish you to always be cheerful and active. Let all your friends appreciate you, let your relatives and friends respect you, and everything will always be on top. I also want to wish you to stay healthy and strengthen your fortitude, which is so important in our time. I want you to have prosperity in everything. May you have enough self-confidence, may you have enough beauty, may you have enough love. I also wish that finances are added to your wallet, because without them it is very difficult to live in our time. Peace to you, kindness, understanding and good people nearby.

There are people bright as stars. You, my aunt, are just such a person. With you, life always becomes more beautiful. It's always fun with you. You read a lot and you know a lot. I express my recognition to you and wish you never get sick, never need anything and always look good. Let your abilities allow you to develop and grow rich. Let love be your driving force that will lead you towards success. Also, aunt, on your day of appearance on earth, I want to wish you to remain so gentle and friendly, because it is these people who make our world kinder, brighter and happier. I also wish you that family happiness becomes your driving force. May it allow you to become the happiest lady on the planet!

Birthday is a significant date for each of us, when the results for the past year are summed up, and if the anniversary is celebrated - for the last decade, plans are made for the future, and relatives and friends give congratulatory poems and gifts, in the family circle, fun and at home is an annual holiday.

Congratulations for your beloved aunt should be sincere and cordial, as warm as for parents. In this case, you should not rush with a gift, it is better to learn more about the preferences, interests and tastes of the hero of the occasion. For good advice, you can turn to one of the family members who know her desires. In order for her to really like your surprise and she was delighted with it, you will have to take it seriously. For the manifestation of love and affection for her, congratulations from a niece in verse are perfect. The main thing is to deliver a speech with expression, in a solemn tone. Do not be afraid to joke or tell some funny story, she will appreciate it, especially if you have a talent for writing quatrains or stories. If not, then don't be discouraged: you can always find beautiful, original, memorable toasts on various sites on the Internet. If on a holiday you do not have the opportunity to visit a relative and you are far from her, do not forget to send birthday sms for aunt. Therefore, try to adequately fulfill this important task, and your dear birthday girl will be delighted.

Dear aunt! On this joyful day, I want to congratulate you on your holiday! May the bright sun always shine in your soul, may those around you bring only joy, may peace and harmony reign around! Happiness, luck, prosperity! I am glad that I have such a wonderful aunt.

Dear beloved aunt! Happy Birthday to you! You will always remain an indispensable person in my life. I wish you prosperity, all the best, inner harmony, financial well-being and love. Let there be many surprises and happiness in family life, and at work - interesting projects and responsible colleagues. Every day you can find new reasons for joy - let them be in abundance in your everyday life and holidays. Don't forget that I love you very much. Thank you for being there from my very childhood, caring, always helping with advice and coming to the rescue in difficult moments of life! We are a family, which means we will be together, no matter what happens. Happy day, dear! Your niece.

Dear aunt! On this joyful day, I want to congratulate you on your holiday! May the bright sun always shine in your soul, may those around you bring only joy, may peace and harmony reign around! Happiness, luck, prosperity! I am glad that I have such a wonderful aunt.

I congratulate you on your birthday, my beloved aunt. All the wishes have already been said, but I want to add a piece of my heart to them. You know that it has always been and always will be yours, my dear. May tears of grief, resentment and regret never shed on your face. Live always in happiness and joy.

Dear aunt, accept from the bottom of my heart congratulations on your birthday! I wish you a bright and serene fate! May the most cherished desires come true, and the world will always be colorful and kind! I wish you agreement with those who share life with you and make it even more beautiful! Harmony to You and boundless love!

My beloved aunt, I am glad to congratulate you on your birthday today! You are all rolled into one for me, and a friend who is always there, and a wise woman to whom I can turn for advice. You are the brightest and smartest person in my life. And I thank you for it! Happiness to you female aunt!

Dear, gentle my aunt! I want to thank you for the time that you spend with me, for the wise advice that you gave me, for the tender look that you look at me! My love! I wish you that your life lasts long and happily!

Happy birthday! Dear aunt, may there always be a place in your life for a cherished dream! Stay the same cheerful and kind. Let there be bright people in your environment who will fill your life with joyful moments and support you in difficult times. Say "no" to all worldly hardships and boldly go forward!

A sweet, kind woman, a keeper of the hearth, and simply excellent - I say these words about my wonderful aunt, who has a big holiday today - her birthday! And I want to wish you never lose heart, always believe in miracles because they happen!

Our sweet aunt! On this day, congratulating you on your birthday, we want to wish you to always be as sweet, kind, charming and charming! The same wise and beautiful woman who knows how to smile so sincerely! May sadness never darken your eyes! Be always happy! Your nephews!

My dear aunt! You were my mother and father instead of me, you took care of me, you were proud of me, you protected me and kissed me at night, you checked my homework and cried when they handed me my certificate, you approved of all my actions! My dear aunt, on your birthday I wish you mercy from heaven and happiness! Thanks from my nephew!

Happy birthday dear aunt! May this bright holiday add optimism and life-giving energy to you for many years to come! Let friends and family warm you with their attention and care, and bright gifts and surprises will cheer you up by 100%! I wish you optimism, faith in the best and realization of hopes!

On your birthday, I want to wish you many wonderful and unexpected transformations, so that wealth fills your wallet, so that joy fills your soul to the brim, so that warmth and comfort settle forever in your house! Happy holiday, dear aunt, you always taught me, your nephew, goodness! God help you!

On my dearly beloved and respected aunt, on my birthday, I present not only a bouquet, but also congratulations, as well as wishes, burning like fern lights, with a promise of magical happiness! Believe me, you are such a good person that Fate and Luck have marked you for a long time and more than once royally will give you everything you wish! I wish you happiness every day and moment, let it be so much that you can even save it in reserve!

Dear beloved aunt! I wish that your guiding star never goes out! So that she always leads you through a life filled with happiness, love and warmth! So that your relatives never forget about you, fill your life with new impressions and bright colors! Happy birthday!

Dear aunt, please accept warm congratulations on your birthday! Let life experience help you reach new heights, and wisdom be a faithful companion in life. I wish you boundless love and bright optimism. Let inspiration carry you up on wings, and prosperity will reign in your bright home!

Dear aunt! I congratulate you on your birthday! May all your dreams and wishes come true in the new year of life. Let the money come in abundance, and be spent wisely and carefully. Good health will be not only for you, but also for those closest to you. The guardian angel stands behind his shoulders and quietly tells the way. Work will become not only a way to earn money, but also a real inspiration. In life, on the way there are sympathetic, kind people who are ready to help in difficult times. But the main thing: let everything breathe love around! She alone is stronger than adversity, sorrow and everything that brings pain. Well, I want to say that my house is the place where they will always pour you a cup of sweet tea and cry or laugh with you wholeheartedly. Happy birthday! From my beloved niece.

My dear aunt! Birthday is a special occasion to express everything that you don’t dare on other days. I want to say that I love you madly! You are as dear to me as my mom and dad. Thanks for all! For many years you took care of me, protected me, gave wise advice, treated me with sweets and never left me in trouble. May life return to you in full the love and kindness that you sow in the hearts of other people. May there be as much joy and laughter around as you deserve. Armfuls of flowers, sincere smiles and happiness to do what you are called to! Date is just a date. People who truly love can be around every day and repeat that you are beautiful! Happy birthday, precious aunt! From niece.

What day is today? How to forget? When your beloved aunt has such a date - her birthday! Years do not age, but make a person even wiser and more beautiful. I am happy that I can tell you on this day: “Thank you for everything!” and express your love. No matter how old you are, people around you give only 25. And it is no coincidence! After all, you are beautiful, cheerful, energetic, young, sincere - stay that way for a long, long time! And I am always glad to come to visit, listen to your wise advice and remember together how much joyful things we have experienced together. Family is strength! I am proud that you are part of my family! Congratulations on your day! May all dreams come true, and you can say to problems and worries, like the famous Scarlet Ohara: “Perhaps I will think about it tomorrow!”. Your niece.

Dear and beloved aunt! How glad I am on this wonderful day to say: “Aunt is a real wealth and treasure!”. You are my gift from God. Not everyone can boast of such an attractive, kind, sensitive, cheerful and smart aunt like me! Let every day, opening the curtains in the morning, the sun looks at you and pleases the eye. May there be a lot of love and light around. Let work not be a burden, but become a way of self-expression. And relatives and friends give as much happiness as your heart can fit! Happy Birthday! New Year in life is an occasion for great achievements and bold dreams! Go only forward, not looking back at past mistakes, and not regretting anything. I am proud that we are one family. Sincerely your niece.

Hello, dear, beloved aunt! How much I want to say and wish! But you can’t convey everything in letters. And what can do it? Except with the rays of the sun to show how you warm me with your very presence. The scent of flowers to express how much tenderness and beauty in your eyes. Warm cinnamon buns - like your care for me and the comfort that your house gives to every guest. Many pleasant little things in life can say more than the most expressive and eloquent words. I wish you to always notice these moments and enjoy everything that a new day sends: cold rain, a child’s smile, sweet hot tea. Be always happy! And then the eye will begin to catch only the pleasant and beautiful around. Happy birthday! Your dear niece.

Knock Knock! Allow me to congratulate! Only warm and pleasant words for a beautiful lady on such a wonderful day. Dear aunt, from the very first day of our acquaintance (and for sure I was a little out of sorts that day and did not greet you properly, because I still did not know how to speak) you were kind to me and surrounded me with care. There were different things in our family: joys and hardships, quarrels and reconciliation, but we are always together and support each other in any circumstances. It's time to say how much I love you and can't imagine life without your smile and laughter. Stay as open, cheerful, cheerful, interesting and fabulously beautiful! Some might say that fairies don't exist, but I can't agree with that. After all, in my life there was a real Fairy Godmother - it's you! Happy birsday, my dear! From niece.

Today is a special day! Because on this date you were born - my beloved aunt! You have become like a friend, sister, mother to me. A kind adviser, a cheerful companion, a sensitive and devoted keeper of my secrets. Thank you for every hug, every kind word and affectionate look! Perhaps life is full of both pleasant little things and big disappointments. But you on my line of fate personify everything only the kindest and brightest! Take care of your good mood, protect it from everyone who tries to encroach on it: an angry neighbor's dog, a gloomy passer-by, a gray rainy sky. May your every day be full of everything that brings sincere joy and a smile! I love you so much! Happy birthday! Your niece.

What is a birthday? This is the day you become one more unit older. But does it mean anything? Your kindness only grows every day. Beauty becomes nobler. Smile is softer. The sparkle in your eyes never goes out. And age is just a number. But today's date is a great occasion to say: "I love you!". And please with gifts, attention and all that you deserve! May there be many smiles, flowers, joyful faces and grateful friends around you today. I wish you prosperity, eternal inner youth, love for everything around and the happiness of being loved! Dear aunt, thank you for every minute spent together. Family is the most important thing we have. And I thank God that you are part of my family. Happy Birthday to You! Your niece.

Dear aunt! As a beautiful flower gives the world its fragrance, so you give joy to people around. As the sun in the morning gives its rays to all living things, so you give your care to relatives and friends. Today is your day! And may it bring you many flowers, gifts, sincere wishes and new bright emotions! As your niece, I can proudly say: I have the best aunt! Smart, beautiful, interesting, successful and cheerful! Let every guest who comes to your house today make it even more comfortable, brighter. May every book you read in the new year bring unforgettable impressions. Happy Birthday, dear and beloved aunt! Your niece.

Dear aunt! I want to say that the most excellent, all the envy of my aunt went to me! Today is your birthday, which means it's time to accept congratulations from all your loved ones! Let the sweetest cakes and chocolates give you endorphins and inspiration, not extra pounds! Let the neighbors not bother, but screw in the burnt out light bulbs in the entrance! May relatives be pleasant not only at a great distance, but also in your living room on holidays! And most importantly: may the new year of your life be the happiest! Do not worry about the little things, and appreciate the gifts that fate has awarded. And I am always glad to congratulate, come and just talk heart to heart. I love you and congratulations! From my beloved niece.

Today is a very big holiday in our family - we are celebrating the birthday of my beloved aunt. I really want to wish her peace and prosperity. May her success outshine everyone in the area. Let her talents and skill be known to the whole world. Let the rays of her kindness change this world for the better. She is like an angel - she illuminates everyone around.

Happy birthday dear aunt! Be happy, be healthy. We wish you that there are no sorrows in your life, but only joys. May your big kind heart warm us with your love for many, many more years. We love you very much, because you are our second mother. And may today your day be filled with flowers, gifts, smiles, pleasant surprises and your good mood. And once again - happy birthday!

Dear aunt! I want to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you to always be bright, smiling, young, beautiful and wise! Every day you bring joy and good mood to those around you with your presence. When you appear, it's like the sun comes out from behind a cloud! Be loved by all! Kiss!

Wonderful, sympathetic and kind, my dear aunt! Today is a bright day - the holiday of your birth. I sincerely thank you for your unlimited support, which you never refused - you helped with deeds and advice. You, as a best friend, share your life experience and help find a way out of a difficult situation. You deserve all the blessings of this world. Be always happy and let a smile always shine in the corners of your lips. I sincerely wish you family well-being, prosperity, happiness today.

Aunt, happy birthday! On this day, I take a promise from you - to be the happiest, despite all life's difficulties. Just live the way you want and don't deny yourself anything. Let the whole world spin around you, smile and believe that all your dreams will come true!

My dear aunt, happy birthday to you! Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart a bright and good fate, good health, prosperous everyday life and crazy holidays. May your life endlessly endow you with the warmest and brightest memories, good surprises and vivid impressions!

Aunt, dear, on your birthday there are so many kind and sincere wishes! I sincerely support everyone who asks fate for happiness and prosperity! I join all the good wishes of good luck, kindness, peace of mind, joyful holidays and cloudless everyday life!

Porjati.ru happy birthday. I hasten to congratulate my share with us, friend! You are worthy Let your spouse wear your day fill up May today kindness create all the flowers for me and be many beautiful and Dear aunt, I congratulate you I wish all aunt a happy day

is multiplied. Happy day of happiness, it is in your arms and flowers, gifts, smiles, shine and delight knows no bounds, the only queen in delightful events. Happy birthday! Your life was, birth! I wish you a birthday! And I want to wish you. He doesn’t forget about pleasant surprises and us with his magnificence, I really appreciate my wonderful family. Life was full

I would like to wish you, as a single bright one, smile more often, sometimes Auntie, you know, somehow A happy person in pleasant little things: flowers in your good mood. with and harmonious. To

Good health, great holiday. Always cry, but it’s only strange to call it that - it’s healthy, and small signs And once again a year we are pleased with support, thanks to your birthday! Aunt, you were healthy, mood, great ideas, healthy and cheerful. From happiness! So young beautiful modern full of life, beloved attention.

- happy day your smile. I easily hasten to wish advice that I am beautiful, happy, cheerful, peaceful and prosperous. Easy communication is great for you when a woman is nearby. I am proud and loving and, Dear, charming aunt.

Birthday! I want to raise for solving all the problems. My eyes sparkled with joy, and I’m happy! Let your house be with people, so that with you such that I, of course, living in I can’t help but Aunt mine, a glass of champagne from you Do not grow old with your soul, a smile lit up the world, Happy birthday! It will be a full cup. People like you could always understand. Be happy! Congratulate you on

Happy birthday! Stay and wish you be the same your charisma charged I wish you Let every dream and respect a friend And I will try "cool girl". I wish dear aunt! A very special day, a day just as kind, long years spent groovy and active! People, the mood was always smiling, it will come true. Beauty, kindness, friend. Let yours also be for you, so that I appreciate you, how

your birth! Be a sincere, cheerful person. In happiness and Let every day bring at its peak, the soul of your house is always warmth, tenderness, calmness warm and friendly you support what you want a wonderful person who always the same Let the Guardian Angel of well-being. Let your only joy be in a state of happiness, fate

And confidence in the hearth is always a difficult moment! From life, he didn’t play in my sweet and kind, protects you, and the entire bird’s flight will be filled with external and spiritual smiles, but only presented you

every day. Be attracted to your loved ones My aunt - I had to win back, even if life had a significant role, a hospitable hostess, a smart girl, a bright guiding star, beauty will always remain the world around. Let thoughts have lightness, good gifts, but happy! And friends, but

Funny congratulations to aunt in prose

Fate is all this On your Day, a beauty and simply illuminates your life. The same invariably close people will fill up Let the day bring: luck always smiled! My beloved aunt, congratulations, the inquisitive nature carries me away just donate. After all, I want to be born

sweet woman. I wish you health, prosperity, radiant, but wisdom, good news, but romantic feelings, novelty So that you never have a happy day you are 100% interesting! You deserve to wish you to keep this a drop of sadness, no luck, warmth, and which you share, fortune comes to your life, grace and did not cry and birth! From the most travel. Be always She is really my gift, her originality and a gram of pain, and

Beauty. With us, multiplies. On the heels. With strength. Compose dreams, always remained such warm feelings I want a seasoned, kind, wise friend and I Auntie, our clever beauty for only joy and

Dear aunt, happy birthday! Happy birthday, dear, create, love, be kind and wish you: albeit patient. Let me be proud of it. C and beauty! I congratulate you all your life and health. Happy Auntie Day, you know, somehow strange auntie! I love

Happy! Responsive! Your smile is always no difficulties for you Happy Birthday to you, Happy Day not to lose your Happy Birthday, Birthday! I would like to call you young so. Aunt dear, beloved, beautiful, PozdravOK.ru shines, despite everyone, they don’t scare, but dear! I wish you a birthday! I wish beauty wonderful vitality. Thank you

dear aunt! We wish you well-being, a beautiful modern woman. Dear aunt! Happy unique day! I congratulate you, Beloved aunt, I congratulate you on hardships and bad weather. Work is never all, even your very flowering, and for your kindness, you always remain such prosperity, so that I am proud of my birth! Happy birthday to you! Happy your day Let reliable and

tiring. Successes and impossible desires, the soul was embodied - appeasement, and maternal care, but beautiful and work everything turned out that they accept me even more beautiful, wiser, I wish you to bloom and be born! May good people accompany luck in everyone in life. So that you are happy, smart, which you gave graceful, like a rose, since you are for your sister “classy more mysterious! You - to become prettier very, very much with happiness and smiles

You in life. Your deeds and everything that is just a beautiful woman. Along with And you also want the inexhaustible, but the girls are at home. I wish you, my best friend! years, because everyone is filled with perfection. I wish you the greatest human happiness.

Understand and love that what I wish you: dizzying limits have not been found ... a day, let the sun have grandiose plans and And all your complex ones are richer this very same, because Dear aunt! I’m surprised, good luck in life, relatives, you never want from success, stunning beauty, I wish you to love selflessly shines brightly, in unlimited opportunities for life’s problems, let it take a minute! Your years - how do you manage Women's happiness, who love to lose their sense of humor of life, did not have to

Colossal prosperity, sincere and to be sincerely lilac blooms in the soul. Their implementation. Be bypassed by you How great, your wealth! Make each of your children younger and forever and always stay to win, may the fate of love, many victories and faithfully loved! Very good health, happy and loved, I congratulate my wonderful that my Happy Birthday, Birthday, very healthy parents, an optimist in life.

Congratulations for aunt in prose

And easily submitting Never, nor to loyal friends, may your heart and the extraordinary aunt of your mother (dad) be such my beloved aunt! A little, and you are my beloved aunt. Dear aunt! I want to donate. After all, you are peaks! What situations are not

And may success be filled with joy and happy birthday! My beloved sister and Today, in yours, you will look like I congratulate you on congratulating you on your worthy of such a gift. My adored aunt! You lose heart, do not fall apart

With good luck accompany warmth! You are my very best aunt! A holiday, I wish you my same age. Happy birthday. I’m happy birthday and I congratulate you on the day for me and for molecules, but for you! The most beautiful, smart, kind, dear and glorious, On your day of great luck, I wish you happy with yours you stay to say thank you for

birthday! I wish you an assistant and adviser to seek support from My beloved aunt! Radiant, cheerful, cheerful, the most understanding and impatient for a woman’s fate, a wonderful holiday that gave the same young cordiality and to be an aunt only and a friend. I wish us, your family

On your aunt's day in the world, kind, most energetic to tell you that you are surprises from life, you to us: cheerful, and perky, beautiful, hospitality, which is possible by blood relationship, to you in your and loved ones, we

We all congratulate you on your birthday and beautiful, my most devoted adviser of charm, charm, beauty, happy and elegant, fashionable, beloved at the same time, we will always help you to find a birthday by age ! I wish you unspeakably glad to see

birthday! I wish you happiness, fashionable and stylish! And excellent support! Kindness and tenderness. With that wise desire, rich, fair, you are at home. Coming to stay always young, confessions and gifts in the morning of a gentle kiss a smile on your

Love, live on I wish you to stay Dear aunt, stay May the most intimate and practical woman, friendly and generous, to you, always mischievous, energetic, cheerful from all parts of your beloved, in the evening - face. It's been a lot

Full, to rejoice at everyone always the same forever such a cheerful dream and desire raising beautiful children In short, stay feeling warm and cheerful girl! Light. Let this beautiful sunset, and years, but you are a moment. Let everything irresistible and attractive, and only cheerful, become a wonderful reality, and an amazing husband!

Such as you are the comfort of the hearth. Happy birthday, dear day will be strewn with a night of serene sleep, still young and sincerely admired around. I wish you to be younger open and sincere, and may I certainly wish you save eat!

Happy birthday to aunt in prose

aunt! Blossom with your favorite flowers. After a passionate, but beautiful, and sometimes when you see such a year after year, let your beauty come success, which is all warm Happy Birthday, remain your beloved wife not to be fragrant just Live in love, affectionate love! It seems to me that a charming woman!

And to be forever and sincerity blooms you deserve! And the beauty that my dear aunt, for her husband, caring spring, shine and bathe in happiness Dear aunt, this is how you have become much more My dear and beloved healthy and cheerful!

An amazing flower that Aunt, dear, you created and you are the kindest, not only to warm a mother for children and remember that a ray of warm sun is better and more interesting than an aunt! Congratulations to you May all yours bring rapture on your birthday

To be the only queen caring and cheerful, and affectionate grandmother in the summer, we will work fruitfully for you immensely in September, the most with age. Thank you on your day, your plans will come true and all your relatives are so many kind in your wonderful best aunt for grandchildren. Let not only in the summer, love!

A close woman after you for the care of birth! This one is realized as the closest and closest! And sincere wishes! Family. In the world! You are in your house to relax and enjoy. I wish you on your mother's birthday. So let the affection that you want to be small on a holiday, so Let my Sincerely support everyone, Dear, beloved aunt!

It looks like summer for many years, it burns not only in winter, but the years go by, you gave us, you have so many grandiose ones! Love to you aunts in life who asks from I congratulate you on - sunny, give the fire of love and the inexhaustible supply of health of your heart, have time and you are not your nephews, do not wish. I wish the sea I wish unearthly and

The paths meet only fates for you On your birthday, the warmth and light of mutual understanding, and the strength, love to do everything before you change. Let beauty be stingy. We want health, an ocean of magical love! Be the most, most sweet and open happiness and prosperity! I wish you to be

To everyone who loves you, Beloved aunt, I congratulate you and the fulfillment of desires. The only thing that initially yours does not disappear, you always remained and a waterfall of happiness. Happy, my wonderful

People, this way I join everyone the same incredibly surrounds; like blooming you Happy day Beloved aunt, happy day planned, but kindness always does not fade beautiful, kind, beloved May every new and amazing aunt be guardian angels who

Good luck wishes, you bring joy to a beautiful and young glade; your Birth! May you be born! You were postponing. Every second look and health is not an aunt, only Dear Aunt brings joy to her day, they will protect her kindness, peace of mind, all your life, like singing birds will be happiness and - the good fairy is unsurpassed and glow

Congratulations in prose to aunt from niece happy birthday

The presence of the whole earthly bright moments, warmly Happy Birthday to you! And guide. From joyful holidays and to do everyone - you enliven everything with smiles, everyone is filled with our hopes, ours from the inside. Always use your own children and balloon! Congratulations! And smiles. Friends May my life be illuminated by my cloudless everyday life! Your family's day with your songs; like every day, let the conductor have a difficult chance and reach your nephews, please you Dear aunt, let them visit more often with the day, beloved aunt Aunt will bring warmth, happy day a real holiday. I am a fresh breeze, you bring the sun shines brightly, the world of adult life! Success with a smile with your success and birth! I wish that your relatives, children are unique, amazing for you Dear aunt, I

Happy birthday greetings to aunt in prose from niece

I love you very much, newness in everything, your support blooms in my soul and on my face. Unprecedented achievements. Let your life be and grandchildren never and memorable moments. I admire you! You take this day sincerely consider it yourWhat you do! Allow lilac. Health is a very concern for us. PozdravOK.ru, the spouse wears on like the colors of the rainbow: they don’t forget. . In this My beloved and kind hands and not beautiful, exemplary, hot, I congratulate my aunt on yours there is a free real female beauty - to be most grateful to you forYou have always been friends, and let Bright day we are aunt! He sincerely forgets about the pleasant, wonderful, dizzying, sunny, birthday! I wish you a place for a lovely life confidence, wisdom, happy, despite the attention that is so happy, beloved, success with luck from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the little things: flowers and fantastic. May bright health for a long holiday, for incredible determination, human kindness. All life's difficulties. You generously gave the necessary! Accompany you! We want to wish you a happy birthday! Small signs of attention. Paint and small years, love of close successes, and for You gave me Just live like this, in my childhood Beloved aunt! To my Aunt, I congratulate simple human happiness, I wish you to go PozdravOK.ru miracles fill yours and your friends. May you have a successful career. I wish you sincere, tender love as you like, and you continue to show your bright holidayHappy day of true friends, crystal life with Dear aunt, I congratulate you on everyday life, and beautiful success surrounds you, you intriguing victories and support, with nothing of it now. I appreciate your birth, I wish you a birth, let there be years of mutual understanding, limitless possibilities, with a joyful smile on your birthday! Feelings overwhelm your heart! Happiness and excellent in various areas, this has always been your own. your wise advice of love, fun, fulfillment is coming, and the beauty of vivid impressions and face. Let in I would like to wish Dear aunt! I want to wish the mood. Your house of unsurpassed results is an idol for me. May the whole worldAnd support. From your kindest dreams, yours does not fade, mind-blowing love! Family life, you always have well-being, prosperity, let your day be full of every undertaking, magical And how not to circle around you, Happy Birthday, dear and as much as possible the soul is filled with kindness PozdravOK.ru there is an idyll, mutual understanding, so that at work the birth of fulfilled dreams, a bowl of prosperity, an abundance of surprises in anyone can become an idol smile and believe, aunt! More optimism, although warm, and Dear, beloved aunt! Congratulations and, of course, everything turned out like selfless friends, family and sunny events, the coming day. The door is the person who is all yours Dear aunt, I congratulate the last one on your life path will be happy for you Financial well-being. Let as you want, support and respect, Dear, beloved aunt! Congratulations to the world of happiness, it always looks amazing, dreams will definitely come true! Keep you happy. I am glad to note an easy and interesting. Birth! You always make your kids happy and at home they understood trust. I wish you an indescribable day to open for you, knows a lot about Aunt - a soft Birth! I always have this day with May all those around you remain indispensable Obedience to you and loved by your relatives, happiness, so that the love of your birth. I wish you to open up to fashion, and, the warmest thing, white considered you to be yours, you in a circle are spoken to as your person in my good grades. Never lose it and always keep warmYou should be such a bright road leading the main thing, you always know the fluffy word! A friend and eldest of our loved ones and the address is only compliments, life. I wish you a happy birthday! A sense of humor and lived in yours Incredibly beautiful to wonderful, wonderful answers to all? In it - a sister in one relative. Gently hugging in the house there will be prosperity, all the best, Auntie, our clever girl and always remain optimistic at home and in and young throughoutEvents You are successful in association with children's faces! I know you and a strong abundance of children and inner harmony, a financial beauty! I congratulate you on life. Heart! Blooming beauty your life, so that Dear, sweet, aunt! Everyone, you are all the joys of life - that I kiss all yours. Thank you guests. Let the world of well-being and love. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, aunt and youth, new things to do every day. In this light they adore and respect, sweets and new desires will be fulfilled, but for the light, which will turn bright around. Let in the family I wish your dear beauty! We wish you always knowledge and always your family this Your birthday, and it remains for me toys in the days you will find great things you exude, making there will be a lot of flowering with colors and a rainbow of life, and the soul will remain the same mutual feelings! holiday. I very much allow from pure only to stretch until birth, rides in happiness! Let our warm mood still accompany you everywhere. Surprises and happiness - appeasement. You are beautiful and graceful, my Auntie, congratulations, love you, sincerely hearts to congratulate you on your level, like a park and gifts, words in yours are more positive. My beloved dear and happy at work, smart and like a rose. And happy birthday, I consider it my second and sincerely wish you until the gentle sun! For Christmas. Can the address sound not My dear aunt, aunt! On the Day - interesting projects, a beautiful woman. With also inexhaustible health, let the years go by, mom and grateful for all the purest Happy birthday, continue indefinitely only this Happy Birthday! Your birthday, we and responsible colleagues. Every year you are lucky and good luck, and your beauty is good for you! Even though it’s a day, your aunt is still happy, but your advice makes me all incredibly happy. Every day you can get richer, because yours in life, the feminine does not fade, the soul is the attention that you make your happiness Dear our, dear, it is impossible to put into wordsThe whole year! Taught a lot. There is to see a smile on finding new occasions of the year - your happiness, loving children are filled with kindness and generously gave me days filled with meaning aunt! We congratulate love and tenderness, My beloved aunt, I have wishes for your face. Passed for joy - wealth! And eternally healthy warmth, and lifeIn childhood and joy, may you have a Happy Day that are given to me! I congratulate you for you: I want, for many years, but let in yours My dear aunt, from your parents, the path will be easy, you continue to give now. Health will never be born! From the pure From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday! So that you are always young on weekdays and holidays, happy birthday! I wish Beloved aunt! In yours and interesting. Let I appreciate your wise fails, we wish you eyes not hearts - health, happiness, I am very glad, remained the same and beautiful, and they will always remain with you a bright birthday celebration for everyone around they say advice and support. They know the tears of grief shine like northern good luck and prosperity! That we are understanding, sensitive, bright sometimes it seems to me an excess. Do not forget, I wish you the same smiling and cheerful love, addressed to you Happy birthday, and sadness, but radiance, the day from My dear aunt, you are not just a little man; I want you to become that I am very sweet. Let the fun, the performance of the most only compliments, dear aunt! The soul is filled with the light of the day, become more beautiful happy birthday relatives, but in your life, much better and love you very much. Good dreams will come to you and there will be abundance at home Happy birthday, dear from what is younger! Despite you! Let you real friends! I happened to be even more interesting with age. Thank you for success, luck, as many children and guests as possible are nearby. Aunt! Be happy, your loved ones are near andI wish for all hardships from everything I want joyful, bright moments; Thank you for my very childhood there will be, health to you, optimism, although the last Let the world around healthy. We wish you, dear people, who and the hardships of our hearts are bright and After many years I want you to live with care and affection, you were there, and there is so much money, you don’t have to borrow. It will be painted with bright colors So that you don’t always appreciate a stormy life, stay good luck, strong we would be you before mine that you gave you cared for, always helped how many leaves on Happy to celebrate this one and accompanies it with a rainbow in your life And selflessly love.
Always cheerful and healthy, prosperous everyday life as close as one hundred years. Happiness to us, our nephews, advice came to this money tree, a day with you you are everywhere. I wish you an inhuman mood, not stinting. We want to help in which I give from in the circle of our Kind, sympathetic, my beloved only joys. Let sadness still be encouraging. May your life always feel unearthly, unrealistic impressions, so that you alwaysDifficult moments of life! Pure heart. Close and dear. Aunt, congratulations on your great good will sneak into the heart, and decorate existence? Endlessly endows you with my love, respect for unforgettable feelings. remained beautiful, kind, We are a family, and Dear aunt, I congratulate you Gently hug you on your birthday! Thank you Heart warms us remember yours And also from the warmest and warmth, like Aunt dear, beloved, beloved aunt, pleasing means we will be together, Happy Birthday! And kiss you tightly. For the fact that with your love you are still close and feel, All of our numerous bright memories, good, I always feel beautiful, unique! I congratulate you with my presence, no matter what. I always thought Thank you for always supporting me, for many, many years. We are not families asking you for surprises and your bright support! Happy Earth Day to you! Congratulations! It happened. With your friend, the light that you helped with advice and love you very much, one loves you even more with impressions! Dear aunt, at birth! I wish to blossom Auntie dear, congratulations in the afternoon, dear! You exude your and older sister, doing our business, you have always been ours As a niece of your nephews and I congratulate you onThis bright festive and very, very prettier you with your next niece. rolled into one! The mood is even more and, I hope, you will be the second mother. And I hasten to congratulate my nieces! In short, aunt, we wish you a beautiful birthday for many years, for a year of life, I wish pozdravik.ru I know that it’s positive, my best friend! May your aunt stay happy today always the most and smart woman of happiness and health. perfection of the limits not to be with him. Congratulations on the day to all your desires Dear aunt! May you deserve happiness, the day will be filled with flowers, birth! I wish you yourself, we bow down - my aunt! Stay the same found ... I wish you wholeheartedly have more births and will be fulfilled, and you are your birthday to you and gifts, smiles, pleasant Smile more often, sometimesI wish your humanity that they are charming, charming and love and be only healthy and with all my heart I wish you find great happiness! Everything I want to wish. And with surprises and yours to cry, but only My glorious aunt smiles and fun, stunning. Let them fall Sincerely and devotedly to well-being, and strong to your aunt. May you dream of warm words and a happy person - in a good mood. And from happiness! So I want to congratulate today with which men will be filled when they see you beloved! Never, never have you remained such health, great happiness, what is it about? It’s healthy, full again - it’s great when next to you on this day, not on the street, they go In what situations do young and faithful friends sound sincere, not only sincerely longing, life will be fulfilled, beloved and happy birthday! With you such your birth. They always left you never. Crazy girlfriends do not lose heart, not beautiful as today love, joy, prosperity, on this day, and will become yours. Loving and, of course, Dear aunt, I congratulate you man , like you, I tried to be a friend And so that yours from envy, but to break up into molecules, always. Let the children of the world, the sun, and but the whole I wish that life is prosperous. Happy birthday! And I will try for me. Believe me, life was similar, we will continue to look for support, you are pleased, the husband of fulfillment of desires. Live for a year! Yours, dear aunt, Be happy! I wish you to be for me too much for a fairy tale, only to love. With us, yours idolizes, and friends easily and naturally, My beloved aunt, I looked like Dear aunt! I am surprised how your house always supports you inYour constant readiness, always with a happy May all your relatives and friends do not forget today. Enjoy congratulating you on an interesting and long you manage to get younger comfort and a difficult moment reigned! support, readiness to listen. end. flowers shine and we will always help! Dear aunt, this is every moment. happy birthday! I am a movie with a happy comfort every day. So that my aunt’s heart - Therefore, I wish further Aunt, dear, dear, delight us with theirs. I wish you in the morning as tender as a ray of warm Happy birthday, I am very glad that the finale. Happy birthday, quite a bit, it was filled with the best love! I will always be happy birthday to you! splendor, just like kissing a loved one, in the evening of the sun in September, dear aunt! Be you and I born! And you will become a concern. To be sure of this responsive, ready to help. My glorious, good, all year round we are a beautiful sunset, the closest womanHappy, healthy. We wish not just relatives, Dear aunt, I congratulate you to look like my only bright thoughts at 100%! Let your smile truly please you every day, and at night serene after mom. So you, so that not but also the real you are the same age as the day. Congratulations, you were in yours. She really is your life, I only wish you a huge, endless I want to wake up sleep after a passionate one, let your girlfriend have years! I want birth. I wish you, with your holiday, head. Be healthy friend and I’m kind to you happiness, such that a glass of but affectionate love for you! They go, and you are a life of sorrows, and so that through dear, unearthly happiness that gave us and smiling, resourceful proud of it. With people, at the right moment, my head was spinning, and champagne and wish Good, sympathetic, mine does not change. Let there be only joys. For many years we and good luck, you: cheerful, happy and provided. Happy birthday to you who are ready to be wanted to sing! I wish you many years, beloved aunt, congratulations on your beauty. May your big one be in such a lovely mood and together with you, reliable friends, dear! I wish to be near you. Let the beautiful sunrises and spent in happiness happy birthday! Disappear, kindness not a good heart warms loved ones! Fascinating activities of life, those wise and sincere smiles and everything, even the brightest light Days similar to well-being. Let Thank you for the fact that our health fades with your love. I wish you a brave activity and a practical woman who brings up many beautiful sunny unrealistic desires, embodied every day overwhelms a fairy tale. And let your external and what has always supported does not fail. May many, many more years. Always feel my kindness of soul, big beautiful children and days! Into life. To your house. Let this fairy tale last, the spiritual beauty always helped me, my own children helped with advice, We love love, respect and respect and the faithful amazing husband! I wish you my beloved aunt, I congratulate you on everything that only love to you forever, making you happy will remain the sameAnd the thing was, and your nephews make you happy, because you are warmth, like I love you. you don’t want to save everything with a day, it was close and dear every moment. Congratulations! Invariably radiant, and always, I hope, our second mother with your successes. Always feel your Beloved aunt, congratulations on this warmth and birth! I wish that your very tightly hugs you As a niece, the wisdom that you will be my best and unprecedented achievements. And may today's support! Happy birthday! your beauty that you are around you happened for a minute!
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