Folk recipes for the treatment of visual hallucinations. hallucinations. What to do. Treatment of schizophrenia folk remedies

Hallucinations occur due to errors or malfunctions in the work of certain sense organs. They are characterized by the perception of non-existent objects, imaginary perception, as well as its errors. This means that a person can see, feel or hear something that is not really there.

It is known that there is not much knowledge about the functioning of the brain in mankind. Hallucinations belong to the field of unknown phenomena, among which there are still many unusual and mysterious. The brain shows us something that does not really exist, makes us hear voices that do not exist. Because of this, hallucinations have been known since ancient times. Of course, all this was perceived somewhat differently: among many peoples, priests and shamans deliberately used various mushrooms and plants in order to fall into a trance and, for example, communicate with deceased relatives of their fellow tribesmen or revered deities. The attitude towards such hallucinogenic drugs was appropriate: ornaments and statues of mushrooms are often found in many temples, which indicates a widespread opinion among the ancients about their divine origin. The Maya Indians used such drugs for both religious and medical purposes as an anesthetic.

History also knows the use of hallucinations in art, culture and science. A large number of world-famous talented people caused them in one way or another (alcohol, periodic psychoses and opium use). Oddly enough, it was very effective: the masterpieces of Edgar Poe, Gogol, Yesenin, Vincent van Gogh, Vrubel, Chopin, as well as the development of Nobel Prize winner John Forbes Nash speak for themselves. Truly incredible can be the result of the creativity of geniuses who have been exposed to a psychopathic process, as a result of which the world of perceptions, real and spiritual, are intertwined. The only sad thing is that this is accompanied by gradual degradation and, as a result, complete devastation.

There are several types of hallucinations associated with different sense organs: visual, muscular, gustatory, visceral and olfactory.

Causes of hallucinations, symptoms.

hallucinations associated with the organs of vision, are characterized by the patient's vision of various images or scenes that do not exist in reality, in which he can take part.

May appear as a result of alcohol poisoning (one of the symptoms of delirium tremens), with the use of drugs or psychostimulants (for example, LSD, hashish, opium, cocaine and a number of others), M-anticholinergic drugs (scopalamine, phenothiazines, orphenadrine, toxins of some plants and fungi), as well as certain organic structures of tin. Visual, along with auditory hallucinations, are inherent in some diseases. These include, for example, peduncular hallucinosis.

"Voice from above", orders and praise from invisible friends, hail - all this refers to auditory hallucinations, often coming along with alcoholic hallucinosis, poisoning and simple partial seizures.

The sensation of non-existent odors is characteristic of olfactory hallucinations, which occur in schizophrenia, which often makes patients feel unpleasant odors - rot, rancidity, and so on. They can also be caused by damage to the brain, namely its temporal lobe. Herpetic, as well as partial seizures, can add taste hallucinations to olfactory ones, during which patients feel a pleasant or disgusting taste in their mouths. Naturally, the taste stimulus is unrealistic.

Hallucinations of a tactile nature manifested in the sensation of objects that do not really exist. The cause is alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It is also accompanied by auditory and visual visions.

During bodily hallucinations, the patient feels various unpleasant sensations, for example, the passage of an electric current through the body. It can also be touching the body, grasping the limbs, feeling bubbles bursting in the intestines. Observed in diseases such as schizophrenia and.

In addition to differentiation according to the source of occurrence, hallucinations are divided into true and false. With true hallucinations, a person is an observer from the outside, the images that he sees exist in an accurate projection of the existing reality. A feature of false hallucinations is that they do not go beyond the head of the patient and are projected exclusively in it. This means that the sense organs are not involved in such hallucinations.

Hallucinations can be either simple or complex. With simple hallucinations, the work of only one of the sense organs is disturbed, while with complex hallucinations at least two are captured. This means that if a little devil comes to visit you one day, you will not only see his visual image, but you will also feel the chill that binds your muscles and you will be able to chat with him heart to heart. Complex hallucinations can occur only at a certain level of autosuggestibility, mental state and human complexes. Personality traits also matter.

Diseases that cause hallucinations

The cause of hallucinations can be many diseases, such as the already mentioned schizophrenia. Also, alcoholic psychosis, or brain tumors, drug poisoning, hypothermia, and so on.

With hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome, a person perceives as reality things that seem to him during hallucinations. The nature of the visions is usually delusional and bleak - murders, cruelty, threats and violence. Causes of development: brain, schizophrenia, alcoholic psychosis.

Persistent and well-defined hallucinations occur with hallucinosis, which most often accompanies syphilis and alcoholism.

Hallucinations - red elephants.

True hallucinations of a visual nature, delirium and motor anxiety appear with one of the alcoholic psychoses - alcoholic delirium. It is the result of a hangover or refusal to drink alcohol. It all starts with relatively harmless illusions and gradually develops into visiting the patient with devils, various insects and animals, as well as imaginary people. As a rule, the matter does not end here with visual hallucinations, and auditory, tactile and olfactory ones are added to them. As a result, the movements of the patient and the uttered delirium are completely subordinated to the visions.

Characteristic features of alcoholic hallucinosis are auditory hallucinations, insomnia, sudden anxiety and uncontrollable fear. The patient feels a threat from a delusional perception of the real world. Usually the voices swear and argue with each other, as a result of which the feeling of fear gradually increases and makes the patient flee. Most often, hallucinosis leads to prolonged drinking. In various forms, it can last from two days to six months.

In chronic tactile hallucinosis, the patient constantly feels goosebumps crawling over the surface of the body, as well as worms in case of organic brain damage or in psychoses associated with aging of the body.

Sometimes, tetraethyl lead poisoning from leaded gasoline can cause a psychotic state. It is usually accompanied by hallucinatory experiences and disorders of consciousness.

Syphilis of the brain accompanied by hallucinations, manifested in the form of sounds, shouts, unpleasant visual images.

Hallucinations caused by long-term use of drugs are a mixture of frightening unrealistic visions, auditory deceptions, paranoia and jealousy.

Decompensation of cardiovascular diseases changes the mood of the patient, causes a feeling of fear, unreasonable anxiety, as well as insomnia and hallucinations. With the return to normal physical condition and the process of blood circulation, all the above symptoms disappear.

In diseases of a rheumatic nature, the patient suffers from intolerance, irritability, sleep disturbances, and sometimes influxes of hallucinations.

Malignant tumors can also cause auditory and visual hallucinations. Their development is influenced by the degree of toxicity of the disease, the level of exhaustion of the patient and the state of his brain, as well as the use of narcotic substances in the treatment.

Many infectious diseases have various types of hallucinations in their list of symptoms. For example, typhoid and typhus, malaria and others. Before the temperature drops, delirium and illusory perception of the environment can be observed.

Finally, it is worth mentioning amentia - the hardest form. Its characteristic features are impaired synthesis of perceptions, thinking, speech, inability to navigate in space, severe hallucinations. It is often the result of endogenous psychoses caused in turn by trauma, infection, or poisoning. For the patient, it can be fatal, while those who have undergone amentia almost always suffer from memory loss.

The list of mushrooms that can cause hallucinations includes more than twenty different species that grow in various parts of nature. Due to the neurotoxic poison they contain, the consumption of these mushrooms is accompanied by a wide variety of effects, from hallucinations to death. Almost always drug use causes addiction.

Drugs that cause hallucinations

Some drugs can cause hallucinations when used. These include narcotic analgesics, sulfonamides, some anti-tuberculosis and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as psychostimulants and tranquilizers.

Examination of a patient with hallucinations

When examining patients suffering from hallucinations, it should be borne in mind that some of them are aware of the unreality of their visions, and some firmly believe in them. Scenes that correspond to reality are more believable. For example, communication with relatives. At the same time, some patients feel something like a signal that reports the appearance of a vision in the near future. Contacts with the patient can determine his condition by strange behavior - movements, gestures, conversations with invisible interlocutors or with himself. If a person is inadequate and cannot independently assess his own condition, he should be taken to the nearest medical institution for a proper examination.

The main thing in the pre-medical stage is to ensure the safety of both the patient and the people around him, in order to prevent possible injuries.

Which doctor should I contact if hallucinations occur

If hallucinations occur, it is worth making an appointment, first of all, with a psychiatrist. Then visit a narcologist and an oncologist.

Treatment of hallucinations

Based on the disease, one of the symptoms of which are hallucinations, the patient is treated individually. Hospitalization is required only during exacerbations. Severe hallucinations are treated with antipsychotics, tranquilizers, or sedatives. Detoxification therapy is also carried out.

Consultation with a doctor about hallucinations

Question: if a person is completely healthy, can hallucinations visit him?

Answer: Healthy people are characterized by illusions in which the perception of objects that actually exist is distorted. For example, the sound of pouring water can be taken by us for a conversation, any silhouette in the dark - for a person, and so on. Illusions can be provoked by poisoning, an infection that has entered the body, or its exhaustion.

hallucinations(from Latin Hallucination - delirium, visions) - imaginary images of objects and situations perceived as real, but absent in reality, arising spontaneously, without sensory stimulation. Caused by internal mental factors (as opposed to illusion, which is a distorted perception of external stimuli).

Back in the 7th c. The Indian philosopher Kumarilla Bhatta expressed consonant modern guesses about the deceptions of human perception. The illusory nature of the image, he argued, is determined by the perversion of the relationship between the external object and the organ.

The causes may be defects in the sense organs, as well as such disorders when images of memory are projected into the outside world and become hallucinations. Some hallucinations can have a bright sensual coloring, persuasiveness and be projected outside and be indistinguishable from real perceptions. Such hallucinations are called true.

Others are perceived by internal hearing or vision, localized in the internal field of consciousness and felt as the result of the influence of some external force that causes visions, voices, etc. This phenomenon was described at the end of the 19th century. Russian psychiatrist V.Kh. Kandinsky, is called pseudohallucinations.

A hallucinating patient, along with false images, can adequately perceive reality. At the same time, his attention is distributed unevenly, often shifting towards deceptions of perception. For the most part, there is no understanding of the pain of hallucinations, the patient behaves in exactly the same way as if what seemed to him were actually happening.

Often, hallucinations, no matter how irrational their content, are more relevant for the patient than reality, and patients treat them the same way as the corresponding real phenomena. Patients stare at something, turn away, close their eyes, look around, wave away, defend themselves, try to touch or grab something with their hands, listen, plug their ears, sniff, throw something off their body, etc.

Under the influence of hallucinations, various actions are performed that reflect the content of perceptual deceptions: patients hide, look for something, catch, attack others, sometimes try to kill themselves, destroy objects, defend themselves, flee, complain, etc. With auditory hallucinations, they talk aloud with "voices".

As a rule, patients believe that others perceive the same things that they perceive in their hallucinations - they hear the same voices, experience the same visions, and smell. Emotional reactions are clearly expressed, the nature of which reflects the content of perceptual deceptions: fear, rage, disgust, enthusiasm.

The patient finds himself in great difficulty if imaginary and real images enter into a relationship of antagonism and have an equal power of influence on behavior. With such a "split" personality, the patient seems to exist in two "dimensions" at once, in a situation of conflict between the conscious and the unconscious.

Types and symptoms of hallucinations

The mentally ill, especially those suffering from schizophrenia or manic depression, may believe that they are a messenger from heaven and constantly hear the voice of God speaking to them. He can feel the gentle touch of an angelic hand. These sensory impressions, which come from within the psyche, are perceived as genuine, really existing stimuli coming from outside.

The recurring hallucinations of a mentally ill person can create an entire fantasy world designed to accommodate internal emotional conflict to reality. Less severe cases include hallucinations, usually auditory or visual, that occur in healthy people during periods of deep emotional distress.

Hallucinations can be a delusion of any of the five basic senses, i.e. they are visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and hallucinations of a general feeling (experiencing unusual processes occurring inside the body, sensations from the presence of foreign objects in the body, etc.).

If the patient hears voices, these are auditory hallucinations; if he sees the dead - visual. A patient with paranoia, constantly feeling that the room smells of poisonous gases penetrating through the wall, suffers from olfactory hallucinations. A person who complains of being electrocuted by his pursuers experiences tactile hallucinations.

A patient who feels that poison has been mixed into his food has taste hallucinations. Hallucinations that occur outside of a particular sensory field are also possible. Thus, it may seem to the patient that water is pouring out of some point on his head.

Tactile (tactile) hallucinations are associated with the sensation of touch, usually unpleasant. For example, cocaine users often complain of the sensation of insects running under their skin.

In a state of delirium, usually due to alcohol poisoning, patients often see various small creatures. In this case, the patient describes a normal object reduced to microscopic proportions. When a patient complains that some parts of the body are not where they should be, but in some other place, they speak of psychomotor hallucinations.

Hypnagogic hallucinations occur in mentally healthy people between wakefulness and sleep. Thus, a late-night driver who falls asleep at the wheel may suddenly apply the brakes sharply, because it seems to him with complete distinctness that he sees a person running out into the road in front of the car.

Causes of hallucinations

Very often, the occurrence of this disorder is due to severe injuries, or diseases of the brain. Hallucinations occur in the presence of tumors, can be the result of a severe injury.

Among the diseases that cause hallucinations, experts call the following:

  • aneurysm
  • meningioma of the olfactory gland,
  • syphilis,
  • temporal arteritis,
  • migraine,
  • certain cardiovascular problems
  • chorea of ​​Huntington.

Scientists assign a special role in the development of hallucinations to eye diseases. It has been established that visual hallucinations occur in glaucoma, cataracts, and some other diseases. Moreover, hallucinations have been found to occur in otosclerosis.

Some people believe that illusions and hallucinations are the same false perception. But their difference is that false perception is observed when the object itself is absent.

Healthy people see hallucinations much more often than you might think. For example, when making a long journey through the desert, languishing from excruciating thirst, it may seem that a settlement, an oasis, is visible ahead.

In reality, such objects are nothing more than an optical illusion. But still, it is worth noting that in most cases people with mental illness are prone to hallucinations. Along with visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations are also observed.

For example, the patient claims to hear the sound of the wind, an approaching car, the knock of a door, and so on - although in reality, nothing like this happens in their environment. It happens that hallucinations are verbal in nature, when it seems to people that someone is calling them, and fragments of a non-existent conversation are also heard.

If auditory hallucinations are commanding in nature, then a mentally ill person often obeys unquestioningly, thereby sometimes causing significant harm to himself or others. It is known that hallucinations are not only visual, and habitual auditory, but also gustatory, and even olfactory. Often all these phenomena are combined.

Regardless of the cause, hallucinations are of a different nature and affect the patient in different ways. They can be neutral in color, or completely devoid of emotionality. Patients treat them calmly, sometimes even indifferently. But there are exceptions when hallucinations are emotionally expressed very clearly. Thus, a case from clinical practice is described, when a mother who lost her son did not get out of a depressive state. In her hallucinations, she often saw the deceased, and these "meetings" brought her great joy.

Discussing the causes of hallucinations of various types, scientists always emphasize that today this process is poorly understood, and the selective disorders that occur during illusions and hallucinations are not clear enough. Scientists single out hallucinations inherent in healthy people as a separate topic.

For example, hallucinations of a mass nature. When they occur, the phenomenon of mass suggestion is observed, when people “turn on” each other, while the crowd becomes a single organism. It has long been established that a person is easily suggestible. When alone, he is able to behave like a critical thinker.

Treatment of hallucinations

Urgent care

Emergency care is based on the general principles of stopping arousal and treating hallucinatory-delusional states. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the disease in which hallucinations develop. Thus, visual hallucinations during a feverish state or during delirium tremens require different therapeutic tactics aimed at treating the disease as a whole.

First aid should ensure the safety of the patient and others, prevent dangerous actions caused by fear, anxiety, excitement. Therefore, measures for the supervision of patients are of paramount importance, especially in an acute hallucinatory state. They do not differ significantly from alcoholic measures in delirium.

Medical assistance

Treatment of hallucinations is aimed at reducing arousal and affective disorders: chlorpromazine is administered 2-4 ml of a 2.5% solution or tizercin - 2-4 ml of a 2.5% solution intramuscularly or the same drugs inside at 100-200 mg / day. With continued use of chlorpromazine or tisercin, the doses of which can be increased to 300-400 mg / day, they are combined with drugs that selectively act on hallucinations: triftazine up to 20-40 mg / day or haloperidol up to 15-25 mg / day or trisedil up to 10-15 mg / day intramuscularly or orally in the same or slightly higher doses or etaperazine up to 60-70 mg / day.

Hospitalization in psychiatric institutions is necessary in cases where the hallucinatory (hallucinatory-delusional) syndrome is not caused by a serious physical illness. In the latter case, treatment in compliance with all precautionary measures should be carried out with the participation of a psychiatrist on the spot or with transfer to a psychosomatic department. Transportation of patients is carried out in accordance with the basic principles of transportation of patients with mental disorders.

Questions and answers on the topic "Hallucinations"

Question:Hello. My great-grandmother is 87 years old. Her blood pressure is over 200. Her refrigerator sings songs, then the river flows, then someone steals money. Generally glitches. He does not sleep at night, but sleeps during the day. Please tell me what to do. And what medicine to give. Thank you. I hope for your help.

Answer: Very often, hallucinatory disorders arise from a lack of real communication. If they are caused by diseases characteristic of the elderly, then it is impossible to cope with hallucinations at home. It is necessary immediately, at the first negative manifestations, to contact a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist.

Question:Hello, my grandmother is 79 years old and I began to notice that she smears food on herself, eats porridge and smears it on her face at the same time, she can spread jam, sugar, salt, and anything. In some places it eats its own skin, tears it off and eats it. At the beginning there were hallucinations, but there were no new ones for the last six months. In general, the behavior is calm, balanced, easily and quickly irritated, sometimes memory fails (but this is more likely to age). There was no history of chronic diseases and pathology, except for iron deficiency anemia. It is somehow unusual to see this and at the same time I worry about her. I didn’t find a similar description of the situation on the Internet, it scares ignorance what it is? And with what it is connected. Thanks for the answer.

Answer: In this description, I do not see anything else than developing senile dementia (senile dementia) with psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, auto-aggression are obviously associated with some pronounced delusional motives). Consultation of a psychiatrist-gerontologist is required, in his absence - just a psychiatrist. Proper treatment can reduce the severity of inappropriate behavior, slow down the decay of the personality, but is unlikely to stop it completely. Most likely, in the future it will be necessary to resolve the issue of permanent care, observation or placement in a special institution.

Question:Hello, my father had 3 heart attacks, after which a stroke, a little over a month ago, paralyzed the left side of the body, there was a speech disorder, now he is recovering a little, he is starting to walk more or less. He had heart attacks due to alcohol, he had been abusing it regularly for the last 10 years, before that partially. The pressure is dropping. After the second heart attack, she underwent bypass surgery and aortic valve replacement. The problem is that lately he has been sleeping very badly at night, and some sounds constantly seem to him - steps around the apartment, someone opens the lock on the door, they say there are conversations in the next room (which is why he searches the whole apartment in the middle of the night) . Could these be hallucinations? Or maybe it's some kind of fantasy that he wants in reality? What could have caused this? How to deal with it?

Answer: The symptoms you describe are indeed hallucinations, which, in your father's case, may be the result of damage to the brain tissue. You should show your father to a psychiatrist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. consultation with a psychiatrist is strictly necessary, so do not delay a visit to the doctor.

Question:Woman aged 86 years. Tactile, auditory and visual hallucinations (insects in bed; bound, tangled, glued legs; foreign objects in the legs; once "muzhiks came." She does not sleep well at night, sometimes she screams all night that she is being eaten and bitten, someone walks, crawling.Grandma lies with a fracture of the femoral neck.There were pressure surges, at the end of February the doctor said that there were vascular changes in the brain, such as microstrokes (she spoke very poorly, almost did not move, did not see, refused to eat, was constantly sleepy, eyes almost did not open.) What to do?

Answer: For psychiatric diagnosis, a personal consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary. Depending on the general state of health and the severity of hallucinations, the attending psychiatrist will prescribe treatment and select an individual dosage of the drugs used. As part of the online consultation, we do not have the opportunity to prescribe psychotropic drugs (these drugs are dispensed in pharmacies only by special prescription).

Question:My husband is 28 years old, he is a drinker, but he didn’t go into drinking binges before, and didn’t get a hangover! But a year ago I was hungover and didn’t drink, and fainted, there was foam and convulsions, everything lasted no more than 5 minutes, then I woke up and didn’t remember anything. I didn’t drink for 2 months, then the same thing happened again. After that, it all started! If he drinks for 3-4 days and nurses, he does not sleep at night: it seems to him that someone is walking at home, they breathe in the back of his head, someone whispers, he jumps up and starts looking. Everyone has to leave the house, because someone in the apartment will do something to us now, but during the day everything is fine, but he does not sleep again, so day 3. Then everything is fine. Recently I have been giving him fenozepam and all the visions stop and he sleeps peacefully. I understand that drinking is strictly forbidden. I would like to know the diagnosis and how to treat! Thank you.

Answer: To clarify the diagnosis and prescribe timely and adequate treatment, it is recommended to consult a neuropathologist and conduct a comprehensive examination: EEG and Echo-EG of the brain, if necessary, MRI of the brain, only after receiving all the results of the examination, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Epilepsy and delirium must be ruled out.

Question:My mother is 80 years old. A perfectly adequate elderly person, but recently I began to notice that she sleeps a lot during the day. Constant desire to sleep. I thought it was spring beriberi, I drank it with vitamins, but daytime sleepiness is still present. And the other day, my mother told me that when she wakes up in the middle of the night she sees strangers in her room, and she understands that this cannot be, she immediately turns on the pile - the vision disappears. He treats it with humor, but it's not funny at all to me. I really look forward to your advice.

Answer: Hello! You need to see a psychiatrist. This happens in old age. Perhaps, against the background of the normalization of sleep and medication, this will pass.

Question:My mother is 72 years old. A normal, socially active person who writes poetry, works with people, but is visually impaired. The following problems appeared. At the moment of waking up, incomprehensible phenomena occur: when you look at the walls and ceiling, color pictures appear, which may contain flowers, geometric shapes, animal heads, etc. Sometimes it is as if children, girls, of an absolutely normal natural appearance are sitting on the bed, sometimes the pictures are very unpleasant. When looking at a bright light, the pictures disappear. Last 5-10 minutes. Doctors do not say anything definite, but they do not find any connection with vision. The result was a fear of nightfall. During the day, during sleep, this does not happen. Please advise what to do.

Answer: Hello! If ophthalmologists have ruled out eye pathology, then you need to contact a neurologist and a psychiatrist for examination and selection of therapy.

Question:The woman is 82 years old. Nchyu does not sleep, sees non-existent people, talks to them, feels fear, falls asleep in the morning. Is it curable, and if so, how can it be helped?

Answer: It is curable to a certain extent. Address to the doctor-psychiatrist, it is better to the gerontologist.

Question:Good afternoon! I will try to explain the picture of what is happening - my son is 10 years old very rarely, but such phenomena occur at night - he wakes up and jumps up and cries, does not know where to stick his head, because his sound is amplified - as he explains that the sound comes with great force , th kind of like speakers growing from him put to his ears! At the same time, he runs around the apartment in great tension - his arms and legs are "ice". 5-10 minutes and that's it - I can put him to sleep. It was during a high temperature, and now, after an absolutely calm day, he received a lot of positive emotions from long-awaited gifts - and again at night! He doesn't remember anything in the morning!

Answer: Hello! You need to do an electroencephalogram. Perhaps this is a manifestation of convulsive activity. Consultation of the neurologist is necessary.

Question:Please advise how you can help my mother, who is 88 years old. She began to "hear" various extraneous sounds: either the neighbors' child is crying, then their washing machine makes noise at night, then conversations behind the wall. And all this despite the fact that she has poor hearing, even uses a hearing aid. She asks not to let her adult granddaughter go to her alone, because. gangsters gather in a neighboring apartment, one of whom wants to marry this granddaughter. Otherwise, she is quite adequate: she lives alone, serves herself on her own, goes to the store, cooks, even enjoys crossword puzzles. Mom refuses to go to the doctor, even to the local therapist. Maybe try giving her some light medicine under the guise of vitamins?

Answer: Yes, of course, a light modern antipsychotic. But it should be prescribed by a psychiatrist after an internal examination.

Alcoholic hallucinations are considered one of the signs of alcoholic psychosis. The mirage that arises from alcohol progresses most often already with a long course of the disease, that is, with dependence on alcoholic beverages. The greatest likelihood of alcoholic hallucinosis occurs with many years of alcohol abuse.

Every tenth person who consumes alcohol in excessive quantities is prone to the development of a hallucinatory syndrome. Visions last from one day to several years. It directly depends on the state of the human body, timely access to a doctor and other factors.

Anxiety, fear, depression are added to an alcoholic overdose, after which hallucinations appear. It is already extremely difficult to cure such forms. A person who has been addicted to alcohol for more than ten years is at an extreme risk point, his body is weakened. These patients are the most difficult to treat.


Hallucinatory syndromes are of several types. They are divided depending on the symptoms and characteristics of the disease.

Signs of hallucinosis

Treatment depends on the symptoms. Usually hallucinations in alcoholism occur unexpectedly. Most often, a few days before the appearance of the first visions, a person feels anxiety, internal tension and a feeling of oppression. Due to constant drinking, he cannot control his mind. Noises are heard around him, voices that scold him, threaten him, say bad messages. Patients say that during hallucinations it seems to them that walls, objects, people, otherworldly forces are talking to them.

Often noises are combined with optical illusion. As a result, patients see a certain picture of "what is happening." It seems to a person that they want to beat him, kill him, harm his family and friends. At this point, the level of anxiety is the same as in real danger. Patients try to do everything to protect themselves. At the same time, they can run away from home, hide in garages, in the forest, in the country, they want to leave the place of danger as soon as possible and “save” themselves. The symptoms are similar to those when a person consumes a hallucinogenic drug. Often such messages can lead him to suicide attempts.

The duration directly depends on the severity, i.e. with a reduced form, hallucinosis can last up to two days, with an average degree - up to three, and with a severe one - up to five.

Disease progression

During hallucinations after binge, the most difficult times come for a person. The victim simply cannot control the situation, many fragments of life are erased from his memory, the person confuses all the information that he has ever known. Hallucinations after binge may not begin to “haunt” the patient immediately, but only on the third or fourth day after intoxication. But it may also be that they appear on the seventh or tenth day. This process is individual for each patient.

The drunken period can end with a neurological disorder. After constant stress, against the background of passion for such drinks, alcoholic psychoses occur, which appear from uncontrolled drinking. The patient suffers stress, his sleep is disturbed, the nervous system is loosened, as a result, hallucinations occur. A person suffers from toxic damage to the brain.

Methods of treatment of alcoholic hallucinosis

Getting rid of hallucinations is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

The main rule: in no case should you be treated at home. In any case, the help of specialists is needed.

Only a narcologist can help overcome this terrible disease. The patient will need to go to a narcological hospital in order to be under the constant supervision of experienced people.

There are three main approaches to getting rid of such an ailment: detoxification treatment, antipsychotic therapy, psychotherapeutic treatment. All of them in a complex form can help the patient overcome the severity.

  1. Detoxification treatment is the cleansing of the body from toxic products. Solutions are used for this procedure. For example, Reopoliglyukin, Reosorbilact, Hemodez. Nootropics are used to maintain brain function: Piracetam, Mexidol.
  2. Antipsychotic therapy is carried out in each individual case in different ways. Antipsychotics, electroshock, insulin therapy are used.
  3. At the end of the basic procedures, a person is assisted to return to a normal life.

Only a doctor will prescribe a specific method for you. We remind you that it is impossible to cure such a disease with folk methods at home. Only a serious approach to the disease will lead to a positive result.

Recovery forecasts

It is impossible to determine exactly how long it will take for a full recovery. This period will be different for each patient. It is important to remember that this is a progressive disease, and therefore, the sooner you begin to eliminate the disease, the sooner you can recover. Also an important factor for a favorable prognosis is the complete rejection of alcohol.

The body must be completely cleansed of all "destroyers", as well as restore the clarity of consciousness. Only with successful medical care does a person have a chance to live on, be healthy and happy.


Contact your doctor. Visual hallucinations - it is one of the most common forms of hallucinations and is one of the symptoms of a mental disorder of various origins, organic brain damage or poisoning. In this regard, it is simply necessary to consult a psychiatrist or psychoneurologist. Psychologists and psychotherapists will not help in this case, since the former are engaged in a healthy personality, and the latter in the correction of the lungs,. In addition, hallucinations can be signs of chemical or drug poisoning, which means that medical attention is needed as soon as possible.

Pay close attention to the course of the hallucinations, the conditions under which they occur, and the accompanying symptoms. Some types of hallucinations arising from mental disorders cannot be critically comprehended by a person, since he cannot distinguish them from reality. Hallucinations can be accompanied by intense emotions of fear, anger, anxiety. And this means that a person himself cannot ask for help. This should be done for him by his family.

Eliminate stressful factors from life, adjust the daily routine. It happens that visual hallucinations and hallucinations of other types can be caused by mental overstrain, intense intellectual stress, chronic lack of sleep, and a serious psychotraumatic situation. Then, according to the neuropsychiatrist Yuri Barannikov, a longer sleep and the elimination of the overload-causing factor can remove the symptom. But this is only if the hallucinations, visions are caused by a nervous breakdown.

Use prescribed medications. The doctor may prescribe neuroleptics, tranquilizers and antidepressants. In the case of a conniving attitude towards treatment, hallucinations can progress, a person can become dangerous both for himself and for others. Running, chronic hallucinosis is already difficult to treat.


  • Medical encyclopedia. hallucinations
  • how to get rid of hallucinations

Tip 2: 7 Great Ways to Get Rid of Negativity in Your Life

A new day is a chance to change your life and get rid of the negative vision of the world. However, it is quite difficult to stay positive in the face of setbacks and the harsh realities of life. The human mind tends to remember negative things better than positive ones. We think about our problems too much, but this does not help solve them, but makes us more unhappy. Remember that the power of thought is extremely powerful, so try to avoid negative thoughts that steal your happiness.


Avoid people who spread negativity

There is a type of people who think negatively and their vision of the world is the result of their lifestyle. Moreover, such individuals project negativity onto others. Sigmund Freud said a wonderful thing: "Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not surrounded." These are the words of a great psychologist. It seems to these people that they have no power to control their thoughts and actions, and "pour out" the negative of their rich and unhappy fantasy on successful people in order to make them unhappy too. The first step to get rid of negativity is to shield yourself from the negative people in your life, but try to do it in a friendly way.

Don't try to follow everything

Many people these days want to be perfect at something, and that requires them to worry about things they can't control. It even happens that we are temporarily unable to achieve our goals in life and feel overwhelmed and filled with fear. Do not focus on this fear, and it will certainly go away. Enjoy the moments of life and other wonderful and magical things. Your fear and anxiety do not affect the outcome of the action, but will make you suffer from those emotions. Try to be confident in yourself and not be afraid of what you cannot do.


It's no secret that sports and an active lifestyle are an integral part of our mental and physical well-being. When you are engaged in some exercise, your body releases endorphins that make you feel calm and happy. These hormones can even relieve pain and improve blood circulation in your body. It's wonderful to feel alive and be in harmony with your body. Physical activity has been proven to reduce the number of negative thoughts in the mind. Therefore, to become better and healthier, exercise regularly and lead an active lifestyle.

Pray or Meditate

Meditation or prayer is a way to activate your inner healing system. By calming down internally, you become emotionally stable and physically strong. Moreover, it will help you perceive yourself better and become wiser. This is an incredibly effective step to heal yourself and clear your conscience of negative thoughts and energy.

Learn to forgive

Resentment is a powerful tool that fills us with negative energy. We know that pride keeps us from forgiving others and even ourselves. Our conscience becomes full of anger, sadness and bitterness. These behaviors form a habit, and therefore it is very difficult to feel happy and free when you have a burden of negativity. Learn to forgive and don't dwell on your mistakes. This is the highest wisdom that will help make you mentally rich.

Be positively bright

Did you know that our mood shapes a person's day? By all means try to be special by your positive vision of the world and by becoming like a ray of light that shines brightly. If we try to make one more person happier, the whole world will be full of happy people. Be positive, use your skills to help others in need, shine your light and your life will change for the better in a short period of time.

Stop comparing yourself to others

The last step to let go of negativity is to reject the false opinions of the people around you. As you know, tastes do not argue, so someone may find you not smart enough, while others consider you not enough or pretty good. We are unique and we need to know that we are deeply loved. Don't compare yourself to others and always be confident.

Remember that you are the architect of your own happiness, so stop living in a dark and negative world created by your own thoughts. And don't forget that you have a lot of power to control your emotions.

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Tip 3: How to get rid of negative thoughts and prevent paranoia

Everyone has negative thoughts. Some easily cope with them, others focus on them all their attention. Looping on unpleasant thoughts often develops into paranoia, which is not easy to get rid of. How to get rid of the negative stream of thoughts?

Urgent care. Its nature is determined depending on the content of hallucinations, the severity of their development, the depth of impairment of consciousness and other aspects of mental activity, and, finally, on the course of the disease in which hallucinations are observed. It often must be urgent in order to avoid serious consequences for both the patient himself and those around him. Of the various visual hallucinations, the so-called frightening hallucinations require immediate action.

In view of the fact that hallucinations, especially visual hallucinations, often occur in patients with somatic, including surgical and infectious diseases, and therefore are observed in hospitals or clinics, as well as at home (especially with psychogenic and alcoholic hallucinations), first aid should be provided on site by a nurse, paramedic and doctor (not necessarily a psychiatrist).

First aid is reduced to preventing the growing excitement and socially dangerous actions of the patient in relation to himself and those around him. It is necessary to close windows, balconies, lock the door, remove heavy and sharp objects. With increasing motor restlessness or excitement, you should seek help from neighbors, people around you to hold or fix the patient with a towel to a chair, bed before the arrival of an ambulance psychiatric or emergency general medical care.

You should try to force the patient to take inside a sleeping pill (any of the barbiturate group) in tablets: barbital sodium - 0.3 - 0.6 g (1 - 2 tablets), phenobarbital - 0.1 - 0.2 g (1 - 2 tablets), barbamil - 0.1 - 0.2 g, etaminal sodium - 0.1 - 0.2 g. In the absence of these funds, you can give 1 - 2 tablets of Noxiron 0.25 g each and 20 - 30 drops of valerian tincture .

"Handbook for the provision of emergency and emergency care", E.I. Chazov

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