Is it possible to have sex during acute and chronic thrush. Features of sex during menstruation

The question is delicate, but nevertheless important: is sex allowed during menstruation? Someone will answer negatively, someone positively. In some cultures, until today, a woman is considered inviolable at this time and even unclean. Be that as it may, a similar question arises in front of any couple every month and it is not so easy to unequivocally answer it.

In our country, views are broader and everything depends on the desires of partners and their preferences. But be that as it may, a similar question arises in front of any couple every month and it is not so easy to unambiguously answer it.
And in order to draw any balanced conclusions, you need to deal with this in more detail. So, it is worth considering sex from the point of view of biology and the processes that occur at this time.

Features of sex during menstruation

As you know, at this time, a woman has a slight opening of the cervix and shed endometrial cells are released from it. She may feel slight aching pains in the lower abdomen, general malaise and headache. However, these symptoms are not observed in everyone and depend on individual characteristics.

In the process of sexual intercourse during menstruation, microtraumas can occur in the uterine cavity, which can lead to the formation of inflammation of the female genital organs if the partner has infections. Also, as a result of increased blood flow to the genitals, a woman has an increase in libido, which causes an incredible desire. Although some will be able to dispute this fact, since 7% of women with PMS suffer from severe pain and in general are in bed most of the time. Naturally, such thoughts do not visit them.
If the couple decided to have sex no matter what, then you need to take care of some things beforehand:

  • It is advisable to choose one place. If this is a bed, then it needs to be covered with something, but a bathtub would be the best option, for obvious reasons.
  • A prerequisite for such sex is the observance of intimate hygiene by both partners. As mentioned above, at this time, the risk of inflammatory diseases increases. Therefore, you need to take a shower before and after sexual intercourse.
  • In the first two or three days, when the discharge is the most abundant, sex should be abandoned.
  • Everything should be gentle and without sudden movements, otherwise increased bleeding is ensured.
  • It will not be superfluous to use a condom that will protect against the same infections.
  • And, of course, it is better that events take place in the dark, otherwise pleasure can be replaced by aesthetic disgust.

These are the details you need to know about sexual relations on "women's days." In addition, you can still highlight their pros and cons, which are also desirable to take note.


Let's start with the pleasant, so as not to immediately scare away the doubting
  1. Firstly, a woman has an increased libido, which promises not just sex, but very good sex, since it is possible to achieve an orgasm much faster these days.
  2. Secondly, she has a narrowing of the vagina and an increase in its sensitivity (due to increased blood flow to the genitals), which gives thrills to both partners.
  3. Thirdly, gentle sex can bring relief and partial reduction of pain. And sometimes even shorten the time of menstruation itself, which is explained by stronger contractions of the uterus during the entire act and orgasm, which allow you to quickly push fluid out of it, reduce swelling and even reduce pain.
  4. Fourthly, this sex is more considered forbidden, and therefore more desirable. As you know, we all want what we can't.


Here you can say a little more about them, although this does not prove the fact that sex during menstruation is undesirable.

  • The first thing I would like to warn all women, and the male half of UroMedic readers too: menstruation does not guarantee 100% protection against pregnancy. Yes, this possibility, of course, is reduced, but not denied. The fact of fertilization is affected by the process of ovulation, and it can also fall on these days. In addition, spermatozoa live and actively manifest themselves for 5-7 days after entering the uterus. Therefore, the statement that it is impossible to get pregnant during PMS is not true.
  • Once again a reminder of infection. If a woman suffers from thrush or any other disease, “night life” becomes forbidden for a couple of days. Also, the occurrence of endometriosis is not excluded, since the secreted endometrial cells can get into the microtraumas formed during sex. As a result of the disease, sometimes there are violations of the cycle, severe pain, rarely - infertility. Thus, any infection that any of the partners has can progress dramatically and lead to the formation of a particular disease.
  • If the sexual partner is the same, say, the husband, then there is nothing to be afraid of. But with casual relationships, this must be abandoned, since there is no guarantee about the health of an unfamiliar man or woman.
  • The whole process can be painful, so the man should listen to the woman's wishes and not insist on anything.
  • Some positions will have to be avoided so as not to increase bleeding. It is better to use the standard option (pose "man on top").

Opinion of gynecologists

It is always interesting what the doctor thinks about, so to speak, from a professional point of view. Modern doctors do not say that sex during menstruation is not allowed or will have negative consequences. There are no contraindications. The main thing is how a woman feels and how she can cope with it. Unless there are cases of dysmenorrhea, when such actions will bring pain, and therefore sex is not recommended for such a disease.

According to gynecologists, menstrual blood itself is pure and carries almost no bacteria. The only drawback is its characteristic smell, which can repel a man.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that knowing all the above facts, one can already soberly judge whether it is possible or not. And everyone makes his own decision. Perhaps someone will perceive this topic negatively, but there are those who do not like to deprive themselves of pleasure. Therefore, it is better to be informed and act consciously.

How to deal with intimacy during thrush

Many women who are faced with a disease such as vaginal candidiasis are wondering if it is possible to have sex with thrush? We all know that this disease is infectious and among the ways of its transmission there is also a sexual one. You can visit a pharmacy to purchase condoms that will prevent infection. But is the danger only in the infection of the sexual partner?

If you ask any doctor about whether sex is possible during thrush, the answer will be unequivocally no. This is due to the fact that sexual intercourse is fraught with the development of serious complications from women's health.

Candida fungus multiplies when the body is weakened

Vaginal candidiasis is a serious imbalance of microflora that occurs with the active growth of such an opportunistic microorganism as a fungus of the genus Candida. Under the influence of factors such as hormonal disorders. Antibacterial therapy or weakening of the protective functions of the body, the pathogen multiplies rapidly, which is fraught with the development of symptoms characteristic of thrush: white curdled discharge, itching and burning, redness of the mucous membranes.

For this, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. The specialist appoints a number of laboratory and instrumental studies to determine the stage of the disease and the type of pathogen. This approach allows you to prescribe the most effective drug therapy, which is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at the complete eradication of the causes that provoke its development.

In order to eliminate the likelihood of relapses and reduce the duration of drug treatment, it is recommended to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • Eat properly. Exclude from the diet all sweet, fatty and spicy. Enrich your daily diet with dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
  • Strengthen immunity. Adhere to an active lifestyle and completely eliminate bad habits.
  • Refuse sexual intimacy. Sex during the treatment of thrush is unacceptable, even with the use of a condom.

What is the danger of sexual intercourse with candidiasis

With thrush, it is better to refrain from sex

Thrush and sex are incompatible concepts. Half of the women who are faced with this insidious disease do not know about this. The appearance of secretions, according to the majority, is not a reason to deny yourself and your sexual partner pleasure. But such an opinion is erroneous.

Experts say that with thrush, having sex is unacceptable. This is primarily due to the risk, despite the fact that, from a scientific point of view, the vaginal form of candidiasis does not apply to diseases that are sexually transmitted. In fact, the way it is, if we are talking about an absolutely healthy person, whose immune system is normal.

The risks of infection of the sexual partner increase in the following cases:

  1. decrease in the protective barrier of the body;
  2. taking antibacterial drugs, corticosteroids, cytostatic agents or other drugs that pay attention to the microflora of the body;
  3. the presence of diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, disorders of the endocrine system and hematopoietic organs.

It is impossible to remain completely sure that during sex the thrush will not be transmitted to the sexual partner. Risks of infection are present even with oral and anal sex.

Why it is better to refuse intimacy with thrush

Why is sex dangerous for women with thrush? First of all, the appearance of severe discomfort and even pain. With a vagina, a woman does not experience pleasure from sex, but only risks the development of the following complications:

Sex during thrush can be uncomfortable for a woman

  • the appearance of microtraumas on the mucosa and the inflammatory process in the vaginal area;
  • an increase in the risk of developing more serious sexual infections due to a weakening of the protective functions of the body;
  • decrease in the effectiveness of ongoing drug treatment.

The danger of sex during the treatment of thrush is also that an unwanted pregnancy may occur if the only method of protection is a condom. Increased acidity in the vaginal area, which is characteristic of candidiasis, can cause a condom to break.

Sex with thrush is dangerous by the processes that occur after the end of intercourse. Most often, pleasure for partners turns into sad consequences. That is why you need to know what measures to take to protect yourself and your partner.

Sex and chronic candidiasis

If we are talking about, then sexual intercourse contributes to the exacerbation of the disease. In the process of sexual contact, the mucous membrane is injured, which leads to a new wave of burning and itching. What about the chronic form of the disease? Does thrush in a chronic form require a complete renunciation of sexual life?

Refusal of sexual intercourse is not necessary for chronic thrush. To eliminate the likelihood of relapse, it is enough to use a condom and means designed to prevent the development of the disease.

Sexual intercourse with acute thrush

Use a condom to avoid infection

Condom use - 85% that the sexual partner will not get infected. What else should be feared? Having sex with an acute form of thrush, a woman risks that the inflammatory process can go to the bladder. This is fraught with the development of banal cystitis.

The risks of infection increase due to the anatomical structure of the female reproductive system. In the fair sex, the urethra is very short. Through it, pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria can very quickly make their way into the bladder area, which occurs mainly during or after sexual intercourse.

Reminder for sexual partners

How long can you not have sex after treatment for thrush? After the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis have passed, and drug therapy is completed, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for 7-10 days. This approach eliminates the possibility of relapse.

Specialists from the field of gynecology recommend using a condom or antibacterial agents, such as Miramistin, during sexual intercourse. It is mandatory to observe personal hygiene, taking water procedures before and after sexual contact. This approach will reduce the likelihood of contracting an infectious disease and eliminate the likelihood of complications.

So is it possible to have sex with candidiasis? It all depends on the degree and form of the disease. In the absence of discomfort during intercourse, you should not deny yourself pleasure. At the same time, care must be taken to exclude the possibility of infection of the sexual partner.

The beginning of menstruation is a natural physiological part of female nature. People call it "critical days". During menstruation, it is advisable to refrain from excessive physical activity. Making love is no exception. However, the arrival of monthly malaise is not an obstacle for some couples.

There are no strict taboos on sexual intercourse during menstruation from the point of view of physiology, religion and culture. A healthy girl can have sex on any day, and no doctor can forbid it, because it's natural.

The only thing that plays an important role is the assessment of what is happening.

Often a girl is shy, afraid and feels terrible discomfort due to the fact that she cannot control the discharge. This causes tightness, shyness, confusion and insecurity in bed. Sexual intimacy on critical days has a positive effect on the female body and emotional state in general:

  • American sexologists conducted research and found that in almost half of women during menstruation, sensitivity increases and the level of libido goes off scale. This is accompanied by an increase in vaginal moisture, as a result of which the partner gets more pleasure from sex, as well as new unusual sensations;
  • During sexual intercourse, there is a decrease in pain, unpleasant emotional swings, characteristic of monthly malaise. Doctors explain this by the fact that the uterus begins to contract intensively and the endorphin hormone responsible for happiness and pleasure is released, it suppresses pains of various origins and improves mood.

  • During menstruation, the uterus is released from the endometrial layer, it is in the open state. There is a risk of infection of the female organ. In addition, menstrual blood is an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. Doctors recommend using condoms on such days;
  • Sexual relations at the beginning of the cycle, that is, in the first three days of discharge, can increase blood flow in women with profuse bleeding. It is recommended to avoid prolonged intercourse and deep penetration of the penis;
  • If a girl has a sexually transmitted disease, but she does not know about it, then the blood will become a source of infection for her partner. This applies not only to STDs, but also to diseases that spread through the blood.

Due to the abundant throwing of blood into the fallopian tubes and a number of other organs located near the uterus, endometriosis sometimes develops. The disease is characterized by uncontrolled growth of the endometrium in places where it should not be at all. This means the urethra, intestines, pelvic organs, and so on. Sexual life during menstruation is a personal matter for each person. A healthy reproductive system and absolute observance of the rules of personal hygiene in a woman are a decisive factor.

In this regard, all girls and men are divided into two types:

  • People who practice sexual life with monthly discharge;
  • People who consider such an occupation immoral.

Regardless of the preferences of one sexual partner, it is necessary to get the opinion of the second person. Perhaps he does not mind, or maybe, on the contrary, he is squeamish about menstruation.

How intimacy affects the cycle

Girls who have sex during menstruation note that the discharge ends literally on the day of sexual contact, even if the blood had to go for several more days. Some of these situations are confusing and scary at the same time. Where did the discharge go, because the uterus was not completely cleansed? There really is nothing to be afraid of.

During sexual intercourse, the uterus increases the number of contractions.

The main function of menstruation is to cleanse the uterus from the resulting endometrium. During orgasm, there is a strong contraction of the organ, and the fluid from the body leaves the body faster. This is the reason for the early end of the discharge. Also, the intensity of uterine contractions is strongly influenced by the seminal fluid of a man. It contains prostaglandin, which accelerates the removal of blood from the uterus.

Is it possible to get pregnant on critical days

There is a popular point of view that gives a 100% negative answer. However, scientists have proven that the risk of conception, even with bleeding, remains. Although this rarely happens, it is still possible.

Usually, pregnancy occurs when unprotected intercourse completely coincides with the days of ovulation. This is the most important condition for successful conception.

If a woman has a well-established menstrual cycle that runs smoothly, then ovulation will begin by the middle of the cycle. Couples who are not ready to become parents during ovulation should be especially actively protected, otherwise an unwanted pregnancy will occur. The release of a mature egg from the ovary does not pass without a trace. The main symptom is a change in basal temperature. The measurement should be taken early in the morning before the start of any physical activity, without getting out of bed. Lying on your right side, insert the thermometer into the rectum.

It is a scientifically known fact that a representative of the weaker sex can become pregnant only during ovulation, but there are exceptions. When it comes to changing hormonal levels, then ovulation is not the best guideline. Sometimes the process of egg maturation can occur a little earlier or later than the due date. This can happen for various reasons. For example, against the backdrop of severe stress, a common cold, flu, climate change, and so on. Acclimatization is often the cause of cycle disruption.

Cases of conception during menstruation

The body is a purely individual thing, but the physiology is similar for everyone. Scientists have identified several reasons why a girl can conceive a child during menstruation:

  • irregular cycle. The normal cycle length is 21-35 days, but an irregular cycle increases the chance of getting pregnant during your period. Therefore, girls with a "jumping" cycle are not recommended to use the calendar method of protection;
  • Blood secretions. Sometimes girls mistakenly take a slight spotting for menstruation. These secretions may appear due to internal injuries, diseases, at the time of fixing the egg in the uterus, and so on. The chances of pregnancy increase several times especially if the discharge occurs at the time of ovulation;
  • Unexpected ovulation. This situation is quite rare, but it should not be ruled out. Occurs due to hormonal imbalance. May occur after a strong and prolonged orgasm;
  • Long menstruation and short cycle. Normally, periods go up to 8 days, but some factors affect the duration of the discharge. Together with a short cycle (less than 22 days), the chances of successful fertilization increase;
  • Pair ovulation. A rare condition in which there is no ovulation or the simultaneous maturation of two eggs;
  • Irregular sexual relations. Inconstancy in a girl's personal life leads to a malfunction in the reproductive system, which is the cause of conception.

Every second representative of the fair sex may face this. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the girl will not become pregnant!

Menstrual blood after sexual contact can only be if the discharge was planned for the near future, just sex has become a kind of impetus. If the period is still far away, and the blood is on the bed or penis, then this is evidence of trauma brought by rough sex, improper use of sex toys and other things.

Features of sex during menstruation

Before intimacy, rinse the genitals, or rather take a shower. Prepare towels or an extra sheet and wet wipes in advance. Sex during menstruation does not involve deep penetration of the penis. Therefore, you will have to postpone all your favorite poses until better times. Use only the classic format - a man on top. Be careful, the uterus is very sensitive, if there are discomfort, immediately stop your partner.

Be sure to use a condom so as not to bring pathogens into the uterus.

If a woman has painful menstruation, then sex will be a real salvation. Orgasm is the best pain reliever. The presence of menstruation does not limit the sexual life, but it is worth taking care of personal hygiene. And then sex will satisfy the needs of sexual partners.

Few things in a woman's life cause more suffering than a yeast infection (aka candidiasis, aka "thrush"). This vaginal thrush is extremely common. According to statistics, up to three-quarters of women on Earth suffer from thrush at some point in their lives.

Itching, cheesy discharge and burning in the genital area can be very severe and cause a lot of inconvenience. In addition to questions about how to reduce discomfort, many women ask gynecologists the question of whether it is possible to have sex during thrush?

Why you should refrain from intimacy

Fungal infections can cause inflammation, irritation, and itching of the vaginal tissue. Since this tissue becomes very sensitive, sex can further irritate it and aggravate the symptoms of thrush. In addition, a yeast infection interferes with the natural lubrication of the vagina, and movements of a penis can be very painful for a woman. Some compare these sensations to sandpaper. An untreated yeast infection can increase the risk of other infections, including sexually transmitted diseases.

During sex, microscopic tears can be created in the skin, which will become "open doors" for bacteria and viruses. A yeast infection can be transmitted to a partner not only through vaginal sex, but also during unprotected oral sex. Yeasts of the genus Candida can cause a yeast infection in the mouth called oral thrush. Symptoms of oral thrush include: white patches in the mouth and on the tongue, white sores that hurt and bleed when brushing teeth, and trouble swallowing if the thrush has spread to the esophagus.

The anal area is just as vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections as the rest of the body. This applies not only to women, but also to homosexual couples who engage in unprotected intercourse. Fungal infections can exist not only in the vagina and penis, but also in the anus. Showering after intercourse can reduce your risk of contracting a yeast infection.

It is recommended to avoid all types of sex if one of the partners is itchy or uncomfortable due to thrush, or to use condoms even during oral sex to prevent the spread of Candida.

Why does thrush get worse after sex?

Since the vaginal tissue is already inflamed, sex can slow down its healing, causing further damage. Because of this, in women with thrush after intercourse, the discomfort caused by the disease increases. Thrush can occur in girls after the first sex in their life.

This is not the partner’s fault, but a surge of hormones and a change in the microflora of the vagina. This creates a favorable environment for Candida fungi that live on the mucous membrane of the female genital organs.

In the chronic form

On the one hand, the disease causes a lot of inconvenience to women and limiting their sexual life means creating additional inconvenience. On the other hand, after sex, the symptoms of thrush may increase, it can spread to the bladder, and subsequently to other organs.

In most cases, doctors recommend, but do not insist, complete sexual abstinence. The fact is that sex with candidiasis will cause discomfort primarily to the woman, and not to her partner, and will increase the risk of complications of the disease. However, even with chronic thrush, you can have sex.

The main thing is to take precautions. First of all, use a condom. If this is not possible, it is advisable to use antibacterial agents such as Miramistin. Take a shower before and after sex. For doctors, there is no question of whether it is possible to have sex during thrush while undergoing medical treatment. The categorical answer is no. Otherwise, the likelihood of recurrence of candidiasis is high.

Alternative options for intercourse

There are no safe alternatives for thrush, as this infection can be transmitted through both oral and anal sex.

The good news is that thrush cannot spread to the uterus and does not cross the placental barrier. That is, if a woman is pregnant, thrush will not harm her baby. However, during childbirth, a woman can pass thrush to a newborn baby that passes through the mother's birth canal.

What can be dangerous sexual intercourse with thrush and the best ways to protect against its transmission

While not considered an STD in the traditional sense, thrush can be passed on during sex. 15% of men complain of an itchy rash on the penis after intercourse with a woman with candidiasis. Men suffer from recurrent yeast infections because their significant other is not treated for thrush.

In men, symptoms of thrush may include:

  • redness, itching, and irritation at the site of infection (often on the glans penis);
  • cheesy plaque under the foreskin;
  • swelling under the foreskin;
  • redness or red spots under the foreskin or at the tip of the penis;
  • pain when urinating.

Sexual intercourse with thrush in men can also be accompanied by discomfort.

What to do if you are not going to abstain

The following measures will help protect against thrush those people who are not going to give up sex. First of all, you need to use condoms (male or female) every time before vaginal, oral or anal sex. Sharing sex toys should be avoided. Or, before use, they should be washed and put on a new condom. Do not use spermicidal lubricant, it shortens the life of condoms and can lead to microcracks that increase the risk of thrush transmission.

How to minimize reinfection from a partner

It is not difficult to avoid vaginal yeast infections by practicing habits that promote healthy vaginal flora.

These habits include:

  • Avoiding scented hygiene products such as scented sprays, pads, and tampons. They disturb the natural acid-base balance of the vagina and can lead to irritation, and, as a result, thrush.
  • Frequent change of tampons and pads during the menstrual period, as blood is a breeding ground for microorganisms.
  • Wiping from front to back after going to the toilet to prevent the spread of fecal bacteria into the vagina.
  • Refusal of underwear made of synthetic fibers, which provide poor ventilation and contribute to increased humidity in the genital area. Cotton underwear and tights with cotton in the crotch area allow the genitals to "breathe".
  • Using condoms (applies to all types of sex) to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria to the vagina or penis.
  • Avoid flavored condoms and lubricants containing glycerin. It is a sweetener that, when injected into the vagina, can cause fungal infections, especially in immunocompromised people.


Sexual intercourse with thrush is often accompanied by vaginal dryness and pain in the tip of the penis and in the foreskin in infected people. Women most often complain of itching and burning sensation in the labia area. This itching may get worse during or immediately after sex. If there is soreness without itching, it is most likely not candidiasis, but another disease. In severe, chronic thrush, there is redness (erythema) - usually around the vagina and vulva, but it can spread to the labia majora and perineum.

A burning sensation in the mouth and throat (at the beginning of the infection) is characteristic of oral thrush. In case of Candida infection of the anal area, the most common sensation is anal itching. It is often accompanied by redness as well as flaky skin around the anus.


In women with thrush, against the background of reduced immunity, various bacterial and viral infections can develop. Also, chronic thrush can become one of the causes of the development of adhesions in the pelvis and, as a result, infertility. The disease can go to the bladder and rectum.

Because of this, many women with thrush suffer from cystitis. In addition, a rare but possible consequence of untreated thrush is candidal sepsis. This is the name of the condition in which the causative agent of thrush enters the bloodstream. Some heterosexual men get a mild form of balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis) after intercourse. This is probably caused by an allergy to yeast in the partner's vagina.

Comprehensive partner treatment

There are a number of remedies for the treatment of candidiasis. Most often, the treatment plan includes suppositories (suppositories) that are inserted into the vagina using an applicator. They are inserted at night and the most terrible side effect of such a remedy is a slight burning sensation in the vagina.

Cream to combat candidiasis is applied to the skin around the entrance to the vagina. Also, patients are prescribed tablets for thrush, such as Diflucan, Flucostat, Fluconazole, etc. For the treatment of thrush in men, the antifungal cream Fluconazole is usually used. It is also used as an alternative antifungal if symptoms do not improve within 14 days when a topical imidazole is given.

The female body is unpredictable in matters relating to sex. Intimate relationships during menstruation are undesirable, every girl knows about this from childhood. But, we know and we do - two big differences.

For married couples who live happily ever after, the issue of sex during menstruation is very acute. On the one hand, the spouses are trying to maintain a relationship, on the other hand, the desire for sex of one spouse or both is beyond control and prohibition. Opinions are divided on this issue. Of course, the "unwritten" law on family life says: - "Do not refuse your husband a bed."

This question concerns married couples, where a man cannot do without intimacy for a long time. But here the question arises about the health of women! Half of the women during menstruation suffer from acute pain in the abdomen and general malaise. But, the second half of women, on the contrary, receives a unique orgasm during menstruation.

The ban on sexual contact during menstruation still takes place, because even primitive people paid increased attention to women with menstruation. This was expressed by the fact that the smell of blood could lure a wild beast to the tribe, therefore, during menstruation, the woman was isolated from the tribe. By the way, despite the fact that her life at that time was in danger.

We are civilized people and therefore we perfectly understand: what can be done, what cannot be done, and what one wants to do. It is possible, and sometimes even necessary, to have sexual contact during menstruation. There is a positive side to this issue and a negative one.

The negative side of intimacy during menstruation

It's no secret that during menstruation there is a great risk of infection for both partners. Mothers once explained to their daughters that the blood that comes out of the vagina once a month is “dirty” or “extra”. In some ways, they are right, because bacteria multiply rapidly in the menstrual blood, from which the uterus gets rid of peculiar shocks during contraction. During sexual intercourse, these bacteria can enter the uterus back through the open cervix. In this case, not only the woman, but also her partner can get the infection. Fluid from the vagina enters the urethra and inflammation begins. If there is no permanent "friend", then one should refrain from sexual contact for this time.

Particularly acute is the question of intimacy in "these" days is not for everyone. Many men are squeamish about menstrual blood. For unknown reasons, they perceive it as something dirty and even vulgar. The reason for this opinion of a man is not at all in a woman, it is rather prejudice. It is also difficult for a woman to relax during menstruation, she feels certain inconvenience and shame. It is best to resolve the issue of sex on critical days with a partner.

The positive side of intimacy during menstruation

If a woman likes to have sex on "these" days, then she is experiencing a strong orgasm. The reason for this is that the moistened vagina swells a little and becomes more sensitive. During orgasm, the uterus contracts, pushing fluid out of itself faster. Therefore, pain (from menstruation) becomes less, therefore, the duration of menstruation is reduced.

False statements

It is believed that during menstruation a woman will not become pregnant and therefore you can not use protection. This is an erroneous statement, because the nature of the female body is sometimes inexplicable. There is a chance of getting pregnant at any time, even during "these" days, although the probability is low. It all depends on ovulation and the menstrual cycle. If the cycle is 21 days, then ovulation occurs on the 7-8th day, which means during menstruation. Ovulation can occur after the end of menstruation, but do not forget that sperm cells tend to live up to eight days. Even if a woman has a normal (systematic) cycle, an unexpected pregnancy is quite likely. They only find out about it only in the absence of the next menstruation.

Another erroneous statement is that a woman feels a particularly increased desire for sex during ovulation, and during menstruation she does not feel any attraction. No, most women experience a great desire for sexual relations on critical days, a much greater desire than during ovulation. Every woman's libido is expressed individually.

It is also misunderstood by many that during menstruation it is safe to satisfy your passion with anal sex. Allegedly, the likelihood of getting an infection with this method of copulation is unlikely. On the contrary, in this way, the infection will enter both the uterus and the rectum. After all, the anus and vagina are close and if hygiene is not observed, their bacteria have the opportunity to exchange places, especially during anal intercourse.

Many people find sex during their menstrual cycle unpleasant and unacceptable. Well, supporters of such sex should know some of the nuances given above. How to have sex is a personal choice of partners and public opinion does not play any role here.

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