Ointment with snake venom: names, indications, instructions for use

SNAKE POISON- a specific poisonous secret of special parotid glands of some species of snakes. The venom-secreting glands are connected by ducts to the canals of the two poisonous teeth of the upper jaw, from where the poison, when bitten by a snake, enters the body of the victim and causes poisoning (see Snakes).

Composition and properties

3. I. - a viscous, colorless or yellowish liquid, odorless, with a bitter taste. Its reaction is slightly acidic, bd. weight 1.030-1.090. In liquid form, it is low-resistant, easily rots and loses toxicity and many enzymatic properties in 10-20 days. Well-dried poison (desiccator, freeze-drying or vacuum drying) loses more than 3/4 of its original weight and turns into a whitish-yellow crystal-like powder that retains the main properties of the poison for many years. Dry 3. i. dissolves in water, chloroform, saline solutions.

The main component 3. I. - proteins and peptides which share apprx. 80% of its dry weight. They are carriers of the main toxic and enzymatic properties of the poison. In addition, in 3. i. contains free amino acids, nucleotides, guanine derivatives, mucin, sugars, lipids, pigments, inorganic salts, as well as impurities from the snake's oral cavity (epithelial cells, bacteria).

Many poisons and their fractions have been studied in terms of elemental and amino acid composition. It is established that toxicity and some fermental properties 3. I. give disulfide groups. Glutathione and other reducers of these groups reduce the toxicity of cobra, Russell's viper, rattlesnake venoms by 80-90%, while almost completely eliminating their blood-clotting effect and the phospholipase activity of the last two poisons.

Biologically active principles of poisons are divided into three groups: 1) highly toxic thermostable polypeptides, or low molecular weight proteins, devoid of enzymatic properties; 2) large molecular protein-enzymes with high toxicity; 3) proteins with different enzymatic properties, but devoid of pronounced toxicity. Some of the enzymes of the last group can directly or indirectly potentiate the action of the main toxins 3. I.

Toxins of the first group, mainly related to neurotoxins, are found in the venoms of asps, sea snakes, some tropical rattlesnakes of South America, and in the venom of only one representative of vipers - the Palestinian viper. In most asps and sea snakes, these neurotoxins are represented by basic polypeptides with a mol. weighing approx. 6000-7000, consisting of 61 - 62 amino acid residues in one chain with four cross disulfide bonds, in snakes p. Bungarus - larger polypeptides (71 - 74 amino acid residues with five disulfide bonds), in the Palestinian viper - from 108 amino acid residues with three disulfide bonds. Crotoxin, the most powerful neurotoxin found in the venom of the rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, is a complex compound of phospholipase A2 and a low molecular weight polypeptide, in combination with which phospholipase A2 acquires high neurotoxicity, losing to a large extent its enzymatic properties.

In the venoms of some asps (cobras, etc.), polypeptides with cardiotoxic and cytolytic effects were also found. They are close to the low-molecular toxin of tropical rattlesnakes - crotamine. The lethal effect of cobra venom cardiotoxin is 20 times weaker than that of neurotoxin.

In the venoms of most vipers and rattlesnakes, including all vipers and muzzles of the fauna of the USSR, low-molecular neuro- and cardiotoxins are not detected. The active principles of the venoms of these snakes are thermolabile and do not dialyze proteins through semi-permeable membranes with high protease activity, hemorrhagic, necrotizing and blood-clotting effects.

The composition of the poisons of a number of Australian asps and some tropical rattlesnakes is more complex; they contain both non-enzymatic neurotoxins and powerful proteases of hemorrhagic and hemocoagulative action.

On structure of the main toxins and on the leading manifestations of intoxication 3. I. can be divided into the following main groups: 1) with a predominance of neuro- and cardiotoxins (poisons of asps, sea snakes and some tropical rattlesnakes); 2) with a predominance of toxic proteases of hemorrhagic, necrotizing and blood-clotting action (toxins of vipers and most rattlesnakes); 3) poisons of mixed composition, containing both neurotoxins and powerful enzymes of hemorrhagic and blood-clotting action (toxins of a number of Australian asps and tropical rattlesnakes).

3. i. rich in enzymes, many of which are unique in their mechanism and strength of action. It contains proteases (exo- and endopeptidases, etc.), phospholipases, acetylcholinesterases, hyaluronidase, phosphatases (phosphomono- and diesterases, etc.), nucleotidase, oxidase, dehydrogenase, catalase and other enzymes. Related enzymes of different poisons differ in their mechanism of action. So, coagulases in some poisons convert fibrinogen into fibrin (thrombin-like effect), in others they activate factor X (thromboplastin-like effect), in the third, they turn prothrombin into thrombin, etc.

Snake venoms also contain inhibitors of enzyme systems, including inhibitors of tissue respiration (cytochrome oxidase system, succinate dehydrogenase, anaerobic glycolysis enzymes), anticoagulants, etc.

Poisoning statistics

According to incomplete data published by WHO, the annual number of people who have been bitten by poisonous snakes on the globe is approx. 500 thousand, of which 30-40 thousand (6-8%) die. More than 4/5 of all cases are registered in Asia, Africa and South America. Only in India the number of victims reaches 100 thousand people. in year.

As you move away from the tropics, the frequency and severity of venomous snake bites decrease. In the United States, the annual number of victims of snake bites varies, according to various authors, from 1.2 to 3.7 per 100,000 inhabitants. However, south and southwest. states on these indicators are approaching tropical countries: 10.8-

18.8 per 100,000. In Western Europe and in the middle zone of the USSR, the frequency of snake bites is lower than in the United States as a whole (no more than 0.7 per 100,000), in South Central Asia and in Transcaucasia it increases by 2-3 times. After the introduction of modern methods of treatment, mortality dropped sharply: in Brazil - from 27 to 8%, in the south of Japan - from 15 to 3%, in the USA - from 3.05 to 0.21%, etc. The bites of the most dangerous subtropical snakes fauna of the USSR (gyurza, sand efa) in the past gave approx. 8% of deaths, this figure is reduced to almost zero.

The degree of snake danger (ophidism) in each given area is determined both by the number and species composition of poisonous snakes, and by socio-demographic factors (population density, degree of urbanization, lifestyle, clothing, etc.).

The degree of danger of bites from various poisonous snakes of the fauna of the USSR is characterized by the following data: in Tajikistan, when biting a gyurza, an extremely severe form of poisoning was observed in 8.1% of cases, severe - in 40.4%, moderate - in 27.4%, mild - in 24 ,one%; in the Altai Territory, when bitten by a common viper, an extremely severe form of poisoning was not observed, severe - was observed in 6.4% of cases, moderate - in 36.2%, mild - in 57.4%.

Pathogenesis and clinic of poisoning

Pathogenesis and features a wedge, manifestations at poisoning 3. I. are determined primarily by the composition of the poison - the predominant content in it of neurotoxins, neuro-cardiotoxins or hemorrhagic coagulants. At the same time, with the bites of even the most dangerous snakes, the severity of intoxication varies. The dose and concentration of the released poison are of decisive importance. As well as secrets of other glands, 3. I. it is released either in a more or less concentrated form, and the amount of poison that enters the body of the victim can range from 0.4 to 65% of its total supply.

The severity of intoxication also depends on the age and state of health of the victim, on the location of the bite and on which tissue the poison has entered. Children, especially those under the age of 3 years, are much more difficult to tolerate poisoning than adults; bites to the head and torso are more dangerous than to the limbs, and if the poison enters directly into the blood vessel, it can cause the death of the victim in 5-10 minutes. after a bite. Intramuscular ingestion of viper and rattlesnake venom is almost twice as dangerous as subcutaneous, and intramuscular ingestion of asp venom has the same effect as subcutaneous.

Damage by poisons of predominantly neurotoxic action

Neurotoxic effect is caused by the poisons of asps and sea snakes (in the USSR - only the poison of the Central Asian cobra), Neurotoxic - by the poisons of some tropical rattlesnakes.

Poisons of asps and sea snakes block neuromuscular and interneuronal synapses, increase and then suppress the excitability of sensory and chemoreceptors, inhibit the cortex, subcortical and stem centers of c. n. With. Symptoms of defeat develop quickly since neuro-toxins 3. I. easily pass from the tissues into the bloodstream. However, these toxins are quickly eliminated from the body, appearing in large quantities in the urine after 13-20 minutes. after the introduction of poison, and in the next 16 hours. they are almost completely excreted.

Clinically, intoxication is manifested by a variety of sensory disorders, early development of impaired coordination of movements and peripheral paralysis, disorders of consciousness (stupor, coma), and in severe cases - increasing respiratory depression until it stops. Respiratory arrest is caused not only by paralysis of the respiratory muscles (curare-like effect), but also by depression of the respiratory center.

Circulatory disorders have a phase character. In the first 15-20 min. shock develops due to the intensive intake of histamine from the tissues into the bloodstream, and then the inhibitory effect of the poison on the vasomotor center. After 1-2 hours, blood pressure normalizes or even increases above the original. After 6-12 hours. the cardiotoxic effect of the poison may manifest itself: arrhythmia, atrioventricular blockade occurs, systolic and minute volumes of the heart progressively decrease, cardiogenic shock develops, sometimes pulmonary edema. In severe poisoning, the neurotoxic effect outpaces the cardiotoxic effect, and death occurs from respiratory paralysis.

The clinic of poisoning with the poison of the Central Asian cobra has been little studied due to the extreme rarity of bites by this snake. The available single observations show that it does not qualitatively differ from the picture of poisoning with the venom of the Indian cobra. Immediately after a snake bite, the victims experience acute pain in the affected area, spreading to the entire affected limb and to other parts of the body. A few minutes later, progressive general weakness, adynamia develop, then a feeling of numbness in the limbs, trunk and face, general stiffness. The coordination of movements is disturbed, and after 20-30 minutes. the patient loses the ability to move independently and stand on his feet. In the same period there are initial signs of a collapse (see). Then paresis progresses rapidly, and in severe cases - complete paralysis of the muscles of the limbs, trunk (see. Paralysis, paresis), as well as the face, tongue, larynx and organ of vision, which leads to aphasia (see), aphonia (see), diplopia (see), violation of swallowing. Disturbances of sensitivity are various: spilled painful sensations with skin hyperesthesia and paresthesias (see) are combined with feeling of constraint, numbness, sharp easing of sensitivity and proprioception. Body temperature rises to 38-39 °, heart sounds are muffled, extrasystole is possible. The most formidable sign of poisoning is progressive depression and slowing of breathing. The threat of death from respiratory arrest is especially great in the first 2-10 hours. poisoning. Then, changes in the heart progress: deafness of tones, a decrease in the voltage of ECG teeth, extrasystole, atrioventricular blockade of I-II degree. Late cardiogenic shock and pulmonary edema are possible.

Local changes in the bite zone in case of damage by asps and sea snakes are negligible: two points of skin puncture by the snake's teeth and slight swelling around them are visible. Hyperemia, hemorrhages, hemorrhagic edema, blisters, lymphadenitis and vein thrombosis, inherent in poisoning with viper and rattlesnake venoms, never happen, which has a differential diagnostic value.

With a favorable course of intoxication, all nevrol, disorders regress after 2-5 days, but muscle weakness, numbness and aching pain in the limbs, deafness of heart sounds can persist for several weeks.

When poisoned with neurotoxic poisons of tropical rattlesnakes, respiratory paralysis does not develop, muscle paresis is combined with convulsive twitches, even convulsions; in a pathogeny and a wedge, a picture of intoxication the phenomena of heavy shock prevail.

Damage by poisons with a predominantly hemorrhagic and blood-clotting effect

These lesions are caused by the poisons of most vipers and rattlesnakes, including the toxins of all vipers and muzzles of the fauna of the USSR.

The pathogenesis of intoxication is dominated by local tissue destruction and edematous-hemorrhagic reaction to the poison, a systemic increase in vascular permeability, general hemorrhagic phenomena, disseminated intravascular coagulation with the subsequent development of hypo- or afibrinogenemia (thrombohemorrhagic syndrome), hypovolemia, shock, acute post-hemorrhagic anemia and dystrophic changes. in parenchymal organs.

Local changes in the zone of poison injection are pronounced, progress rapidly and largely determine the degree of general intoxication. Already in the first minutes after a snake bite, causing slight pain and a burning sensation, hyperemia, multiple hemorrhages and rapidly spreading hemorrhagic edema occur around the injection site of the poison. In severe forms of poisoning, edema and multiple spotted hemorrhages capture the entire affected limb and often spread far to the trunk. The limb acquires a purple-cyanotic color, blisters with serous-hemorrhagic contents may appear on the skin, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and thrombosis of the outlet veins often occur. This reaction reaches its maximum development after 8-36 hours. after inoculation of the poison, when the volume of the affected limb increases sharply and abundant hemorrhagic impregnation of all soft tissues is determined. The exudate differs little from whole blood in terms of hematocrit, erythrocyte, hemoglobin and protein content. Thus, in the affected part of the body there is a huge decrease in the vascular bed of blood, which largely determines the development of hypovolemia, shock, hypoproteinemia and anemia. Wounds at the site of the bite sometimes bleed for a long time; later, ulcerations and necrosis may form here, the appearance of which is facilitated by improper provision of first aid to patients (application of a tourniquet, cauterization of the bite site, etc.).

The general picture of intoxication is dominated by shock phenomena: weakness, dizziness, pallor of the skin, nausea, vomiting, sometimes repeated fainting, a small and frequent pulse, and a decrease in blood pressure. In the early stages of intoxication (during the first hour), shock is associated mainly with the entry of histamine and other shockogenic substances into the bloodstream, as well as with disseminated intravascular coagulation (hemocoagulation shock), and later with abundant internal blood and plasma loss and hypovolemia (posthemorrhagic shock). ). Blood clotting in the first 30-90 minutes. rises sharply; deposition of fibrin in the capillaries and multiple microthromboses are noted. Then comes a long phase of hypocoagulation with severe hypofibrinogenemia and bleeding (nasal, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, hemorrhages in organs, meninges, serous membranes, etc.). Thrombohemorrhagic syndrome lasts 1 - 3 days and is accompanied by signs of acute posthemorrhagic anemia (see).

In milder forms, general toxic symptoms are mild, local edematous-hemorrhagic reaction to the poison prevails. Damage to the body by hemorrhagic poisons is often complicated by the formation of necrotic ulcers in the bite area and gangrene of the affected limb, which delays the recovery time and can lead to disability in some of the victims. In uncomplicated cases, recovery occurs 4-8 days after the snakebite.

Treatment and prevention of poisoning

When providing first aid to victims, constriction of the affected limb with a tourniquet, cauterization of the bite site with gunpowder, to-tami, alkalis, boiling oil, etc., local injections of strong oxidizing agents (potassium permanganate, etc.) are categorically contraindicated. All these methods not only do not weaken or delay the action of the poison, but, on the contrary, significantly increase both general and local manifestations of intoxication, contribute to the occurrence of a number of serious complications (necrotic ulcers, gangrene, etc.).

First aid should begin with immediate vigorous suction of the contents of the wounds, which makes it possible to remove, as proven experimentally and clinically, from 28 to 46% of the total poison introduced into the body. If the wounds have dried up, they are first “opened” by pressing on the skin fold. Suction can be done by mouth (it does not cause intoxication if it gets on intact mucous membranes) or with the help of a rubber pear, breast pump, etc. It should be continued for 15-20 minutes. (in the first 6 minutes, about 3/4 of the entire extracted poison is removed), after which the wounds are treated with brilliant green, iodine or alcohol. When providing first aid, the affected limb is immobilized and the victim is provided with complete rest in a horizontal position, which reduces the outflow of lymph containing poison from the affected part of the body.

Plentiful drink (tea, coffee, broth) is useful. Alcohol in any form is contraindicated. Of the medicines, antihistamines, sedative drugs and those that affect vascular tone are prescribed.

Fast delivery of patients in the nearest to lay down is important. an institution where the earliest therapy is possible with immune mono- and polyvalent anti-venom sera (PS) - antigyurza, antiefa, anticobra, etc. Treatment is carried out according to the general rules of serotherapy (see). In severe forms of poisoning, the dose of PS is from 80 to 130 ml or more, with moderate poisoning - 50-80 ml (M. N. Sultanov, 1963, etc.).

PS is administered intramuscularly, and only in case of extremely severe poisoning and late delivery of patients for health reasons is it possible to administer one dose of it intravenously. Homologous PSs are used, however, due to the similarity of the antigenic structure of snake venoms belonging to the same genus, cross-use of PSs is also acceptable. So, antigyrza serum can also be used for bites of other vipers of our fauna (except for poisoning of the sandy efa, belonging to another genus of the viper family). Treatment of PS can be complicated by allergic reactions - urticaria, Quincke's edema, serum encephalitis, severe anaphylactic shock (according to Campbell, 3% of cases), etc. Therefore, serotherapy, as a rule, should not be used for bites of common and steppe vipers, muzzles and other low-dangerous snakes , in which a quick cure can be achieved by pathogenetic and symptomatic means. Even with gyurza bites, the introduction of PS is not resorted to in all cases. PS concentrated and purified from ballast proteins are more effective and somewhat less dangerous than native ones. To prevent and mitigate the complications of serotherapy, it is recommended to administer intravenously glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, prednisolone, etc.), antihistamines and blood transfusions simultaneously with PS.

Pathogenetic therapy depends on the type of poison that has entered the body. In case of damage by poisons of hemorrhagic-coagulative action, massive jet and then drip transfusions of blood and plasma, as well as blood substitutes, are most effective and quickly improve the condition of patients. In case of severe poisoning, 800-1500 ml of blood preparations are administered on the first day, and 200-600 ml each in the following days. With milder poisoning and in the treatment of children, the doses are reduced by 2-4 times. The rest of the treatment is carried out according to the general rules for the treatment of posthemorrhagic shock (see). Symptomatic therapy includes the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, tetracycline antibiotics, antihistamines, antianemic drugs.

Pathogenetic therapy of poisoning with neurotoxic poisons of asps (cobras) and other snakes consists in the use of anti-shock drugs along with PS and, in the event of respiratory paralysis, artificial respiration apparatus. The latter method is very important, because pharmacol, respiratory stimulants do not prevent or stop respiratory paralysis caused by cobra venom.

For snake bites of all types, prophylactic administration of tetanus toxoid is necessary.

Individual prevention of bites of poisonous snakes is provided by the protection of the limbs with high leather shoes and tight clothing, a thorough examination of the places of parking or lodging for the night. Usually snakes are not aggressive and bite only in self-defense, therefore, bites are mainly experienced by persons trying to catch or kill a snake, more often children and adolescents. In this regard, clarification of the dangers of chasing snakes is necessary; non-specialists, especially teenagers, should not be involved in catching poisonous snakes. Children's institutions (pioneer camps, etc.) should not be located in the centers of accumulation of snakes. Herpetologists can carry out the relocation of snakes from such places to reserves or nurseries.

The use of snake venom in medicine

3. i. used in medicine:

1) for the preparation of toxoids and immunization of animals in order to obtain anti-venom sera;

2) as independent to lay down. drugs;

3) as reagents for laboratory diagnostics of certain diseases;

4) for experimental modeling of a number of patol, syndromes (neurotoxic, hemorrhagic, disseminated blood coagulation and afibrinogenemia, etc.).

Apply 3. i. how to treat remedy started in the 16th century; as a therapeutic agent it was promoted by Paracelsus. Wide practical application 3. I. started in the 20th century.

Rattlesnake venom has been used to treat epilepsy (with a problematic effect). Cobra venom and its neurotoxic fraction have a pronounced analgesic, antispastic and anticonvulsant effect; the cytolysins contained in it have a resolving effect on granulations and on the cells of some tumors. A weakened cobra venom neurotoxin has been shown to reduce the effects of the polio virus and probably other neuroviruses.

A number of preparations from viper venoms with thromboplastic action are used as a local hemostatic agent. For the prevention and treatment of thrombosis, the defibrinating component of the Malay muzzle venom is used - Arvin or Ancrod (Arvin, Ancrod). This is a glycoprotein that cleaves peptides A (but not B) from fibrinogen and causes incomplete polymerization of fibrin monomers without simultaneous activation of the fibrin-stabilizing factor. These loose fibrin monomer complexes rapidly undergo fibrinolysis with the formation of a large number of protein fragments with a pronounced anticoagulant effect. After a single intravenous injection of ancrod, a sharp hypo-coagulation occurs, which persists for approx. 24 hours, blood viscosity decreases.

Remains unexplored opportunity to lay down. the use of anticoagulants contained in the venoms of asps and some other snakes.

Venoms of snakes are widely used in laboratory diagnostic practice, Ch. arr. to recognize various bleeding disorders. Thus, samples with the venom of Russell's viper (stipven) or gyurza (lebetox) are used for the differential diagnosis of deficiency of factors VII and X (venoms contain an analog of factor VII), as well as for the quantitative determination of factor X and factor 3 of platelets. Prothrombin is determined using the venom of the Australian taipan snake or sand efa. Reptilase (a preparation from the venom of Brazilian rattlesnakes) is used to control blood clotting and the content of fibrinogen in it against the background of heparinization (its action, unlike thrombin, is not blocked by heparin), and together with the thrombin test, to differentiate various antithrombins, etc. d.

3. i. serves as a source of obtaining a number of enzymes used to study the structure and function of biol, systems, to obtain biologically active substances (bradykinin, etc.) and other purposes.

snake venom preparations

Vipraksin (Vipraxinum) - an aqueous solution of dry venom of the common viper. It is prescribed as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for neuralgia, myalgia, polyarthritis, myositis. Also used for the treatment of gynecol, inflammatory diseases, along with antibiotics.

The mechanism of action of vipraksin, as well as other drugs 3. Ya, has not been studied. Assume that along with specific action of the main components of poison to lay down. the effect is associated with reflex reactions (irritation of receptors), with the absorption of biogenic amines formed in tissues during the local action of the poison, with the effect on the body's immune responses, as well as with stimulation of the pituitary-adrenal system.

The drug is administered intradermally, subcutaneously or intramuscularly in the area of ​​greatest pain. Begin treatment with an injection of 0.2 ml. Usually, swelling appears at the injection site, significant pain is felt; chills, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting are also possible. After 3-4 days, when the general and local reactions disappear, the same dose is re-introduced (if the local reaction was pronounced) or increased to 0.3 ml. In the absence of side effects, 10 injections are prescribed for a course of treatment with an interval of 3-4 days at the same dose, and if the drug is well tolerated, the dose can be increased to 0.4 ml and the interval between injections is reduced to 1 day. The maximum single dose is 1 ml. In one place, no more than 0.4 ml should be injected, with a larger single dose, the drug is injected into 2-3 places. To prevent the drug from losing activity, use a chilled syringe free of alcohol.

Usually vipraksin is well transferred, however, as well as on other preparations 3. I., individually increased reaction is possible.

Vipraksin is contraindicated in active tuberculosis, insufficiency of coronary and cerebral circulation, lesions of parenchymal organs and in febrile conditions.

Release form - 1 ml ampoules. Store in sealed ampoules in a cool dark place; list A.

Viperalgin (Viperalgin) - Lyophilized sterile sand viper venom containing neurotoxin, hyaluronidase. By action, indications and contraindications, it is close to vipraksin. Enter intradermally, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, starting with a dose of 0.1 ml, with a gradual increase in it (by 0.1 ml each time) until a noticeable local reaction appears. Produce several injections with an interval of at least 1 day. By the end of treatment, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced.

Release form - ampoules containing 0.1 mg of dry poison, ampoules with a solvent (1 ml of isotonic solution of sodium chloride), the drug is dissolved immediately before use. Stored as a drug of list A. Produced in Czechoslovakia.

Viprosal (Viprosalum) - an ointment containing viper poison (16 mouse units per 100 g of ointment), with the addition of camphor, salicylic acid, fir oil, petroleum jelly, glycerin, paraffin, emulsifier and water. Creamy mass of white or slightly yellow color, with the smell of camphor and fir oil.

Applied externally for neuralgia, lumbago, myositis, arthralgia as an anesthetic. Apply to painful places 5-10 g 1-2 times a day and rub dry. When applied, local allergic reactions are possible, disappearing after discontinuation of the drug.

Release form - tubes of 20, 30, 40 and 50 g. Store in a cool dry place.

Viprosal may contain, instead of viper venom poison, the amount of common viper venom corresponding in activity.

Vipratox (Vipratox) - liniment containing the venoms of various snakes (0.0001 g), methyl salicylate (6 g), camphor (3 g) and the basis for liniment (up to 100 g). Apply externally.

Indications and method of application are the same as for viprosal. Release form - tubes of 45 g. Produced in the GDR.

Bibliography: Barkagan 3. S. and Perfiliev P. P. Poisonous snakes and their poisons, Barnaul, 1967, bibliogr.; B er d y e-in and A. T. To the pathogenesis of intoxication with poisons of Central Asian snakes of gyurza and cobra, Ashgabat, 1972, bibliogr.; she, Snake venoms, their toxic effect and measures to provide assistance with snake bites, Ashgabat, 1974, bibliogr.; Valtseva I. A. Pathophysiological features of the action of snake venoms living in the USSR, and some questions of experimental therapy, M., 1969; Mashkovsky M. D. Medicines, part 2, p. 108, Moscow, 1977; With a x and b about in D. N., Sorokin V. M. and Yukelson L. I. Chemistry and biochemistry of snake venoms, Tashkent, 1972, bibliogr.; Poisonous animals of Central Asia and their poisons, ed. G. S. Sultanova, Tashkent, 1970; Venomous animals and their venoms, ed. by W. Biicherl a. E. F. Buckley, N. Y.-L., 1971.

3. S. Barkagan; V. A. Babichev (farm.).

Snake venom - this phrase causes not the most pleasant associations in a person. It is clear why, because such a waste product of snakes most often leads to a deterioration in health. But this is only in natural conditions, if a snake has bitten a person. Fashionistas and people who care about their health know that snake venom is used in many areas of life. Cosmetology and medicine have long adopted this natural component in the creation of drugs that help people.

What are the properties of this substance? When does poison help us? And in what cases it is necessary to beware of it? Consider some options for the use of snake venom.

The composition of snake venom and its types

Snake venom is the product of specific venom glands (altered salivary glands) that are located behind the snake's eyes. Such a toxic substance enters the body of the victim through poisonous teeth. Few people think why this potent poisonous substance, even in trace amounts, has such a pronounced effect on the body. Snake venom primarily acts on vital organs and has no artificial analogues.

On the territory of Russia and Belarus there are more than 58 species of snakes, of which 11 are poisonous. The composition of snake venom depends on the type of these reptiles. Its main active ingredients are complex proteins and polypeptides (molecules containing more than 10 different amino acids), enzymes and trace elements.

According to their effect on the human body, the following types of snake venom are distinguished.

The composition of poisons depends on the presence and production of certain proteins and amino acids in the snake's body.

Such a specific effect of the secret of snake glands on the body formed the basis for the creation of many medicinal substances and cosmetic products. In small quantities and in skillful hands, toxic substances can serve to benefit a person.

How snake venom is used in medicine

In its pure form, the secret of snake glands is not used in medical practice. Most often, a dilute solution is used with the addition of glycerin, preservatives, stabilizers and other necessary components. The benefits of snake venom are due to its properties. First of all, it is an effect on the nervous system and the ability to cause a local skin reaction. The substance is used in the form of a solution for injection, creams, ointments. How can such funds help?

The healing properties of snake venom have the following characteristics.

Any remedy containing snake venom should only be prescribed by a specialist due to possible side effects. Do not use such a cream or ointment without consulting your doctor and without prior examination.

What is snake venom treatment called? Poison therapy or "snake therapy" has been used for a long time. Our ancestors believed that snakes could resurrect the dead, help with infertility. Their secret improves the immune system of our body, saves us from tuberculosis, promotes hair growth in case of complete baldness and relieves attacks of bronchial asthma. And, although many myths have long been in the past, scientists are still exploring the mechanisms of the influence of such substances on human organ systems.

The use of snake venom in cosmetology

Those who want to remain forever young are constantly experimenting with unusual means of saving youth. The secret of the special glands of reptiles has found its place of application in this area.
Snake venom is used in cosmetology to smooth wrinkles - it replaces Botox. That is, such a tool is not analog, but they are similar in the final effect. The poison at the site of application helps to smooth mimic wrinkles. These age-related changes in some cases are reduced by 40-50% with prolonged use of creams with a "poisonous" component.

Creams and cosmetic preparations are also used:

  • in massage parlors for the skin;
  • in the East, tinctures with snake venom are used as a medicine to increase potency;
  • it is added to shampoos to improve hair growth.

How does snake venom affect the human body?

What happens in the human body after a snake bite? The clinical picture depends on the type of reptile, the site of the bite and other factors.

Is snake venom useful or harmful? Everything depends on the situation. Any, even an expensive and ideal cream or drug, if used incorrectly or inadequately prescribed, will work worse than a toxic substance. Therefore, before using any remedy, learn more about it from a specialist and do not use it without a doctor's prescription.

poison snake man medicine

Snake venom can be successfully used to treat many diseases. However, the mechanism of action of snake venoms and their preparations is still not well understood. The therapeutic effect not only depends on the specific action of the constituent parts of the poison, but is also associated with reflex reactions that occur when receptors are stimulated, with an effect on the body's immunological reactions, with the absorption of biogenic substances formed during the local action of the drug on tissues, with stimulation of the pituitary-adrenal system. and etc.

Even in the century before last, attention was drawn to the well-pronounced analgesic effect of cobra venom. Similar properties were later discovered in viper venom. This was the basis for the use of cobrotoxin, gyurzotoxin as an analgesic for oncological diseases. It was noted that in clinical practice, weakening the concentration of cobra venom can replace morphine preparations, but at the same time, poison solutions have a longer effect and do not cause patients to become addicted to the drug.

There are studies that have found that a mixture of cobra and viper venom slows down tumor growth in patients with sarcoma; and with the use of cobra venom, it is possible to achieve a reduction or complete disappearance of metastases in the lymph nodes in patients with carcinoma.

Snake venoms and their preparations can be successfully used as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system: neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, etc.

The use of poisons of gyurza, efa and cobra is advisable to control bleeding during operations in cases where bleeding is parenchymal in nature or comes from vessels embedded in bone tissue and areas not accessible for dressing, for example, in otolaryngology.

From the venom of the gyurza, a hemostatic drug, lebetox, was obtained. Snake venom as a hemostatic agent was used in patients with hemophilia.

The coagulating properties of snake venoms can be used in medicine not only to obtain therapeutic agents, but also to recognize disorders in the blood coagulation system: diagnosing thrombohemorrhagic syndrome, determining the level of prothrombin in the blood, etc.

Positive results have been obtained in the treatment of epilepsy with snake venoms: they have a beneficial effect not only on the initial stage of the disease, but also improve the condition of patients with a more advanced form of the disease, significantly reducing the total number of seizures. The inclusion of drugs with snake venoms in complex therapy improves the general condition, memory, attention, thought processes, and increases the efficiency of patients with epilepsy.

There is evidence of their anti-asthma and radioprotective effects. Currently, a significant number of drugs with snake venoms are being produced.

Injectable preparations of snake venoms are available in ampoules in dry form or in solution. They are administered intradermally, subcutaneously and intramuscularly.

They are indicated as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic nonspecific mono- and polyarthritis, periarthritis, myositis, etc. Their use is also studied and recommended for clouding of consciousness, vegetative dystonia, epilepsy in complex treatment with other drugs and as a hemostatic agent.

Contraindicated in active pulmonary tuberculosis, febrile conditions, cachexia, severe insufficiency of cerebral and coronary circulation, severe violations of the liver and kidneys.

Another important area for the consumption of snake venoms is the production of anti-snake sera.

The most important preparations of snake venoms

Injectable drugs:

They are used subcutaneously, intramuscularly, as painkillers, anticonvulsants, etc.


An aqueous solution (0.06%) of the dry venom of the common viper is a clear, colorless liquid with a slight odor. Available in ampoules of 1 ml. The drug is standardized by the biological method: by toxicity to white mice. Prepared under aseptic conditions. It is administered subcutaneously, intradermally, intramuscularly. It is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for neuralgia, myositis, infectious non-specific polyarthritis, etc. It activates immunobiological reactions.


Cobra venom preparation. It relieves pain associated with compression of the nerve trunks or muscle spasm, and therefore is successfully used for spasms of the heart vessels, some diseases of the central nervous system.

Cobrotoxin has a pronounced anticonvulsant effect and may be recommended for some forms of epilepsy. It has a positive effect in large convulsive seizures, and also has a beneficial effect on the altered mental activity of patients with epilepsy.


Sterile, stabilized solution of viper venom. It is an analgesic for a wide variety of pains and, unlike morphine and other drugs, is not addictive, therefore it has very wide indications. It is recommended for atherosclerosis, early stage of hypertension, thrombophlebitis, migraine, neurosis, bronchial asthma, epilepsy.

Epilarctic (epileptozid)

Sterile, standardized preparation of rattlesnake venom. Produced in 1.0 ml ampoules containing 0.04 mg of poison dissolved in a sterile isotonic solution. It is indicated for minor chorea, confusion, migraine, vegetative dystonia, epilepsy with small seizures, with a predominance of inhibition processes in patients over the processes of excitation of nervous activity.

Ointments with snake venoms:

They are used externally for rheumatic pains, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, myositis, etc. Apply 5-10 g to sore spots and rub dry 1-2 times a day.




Contains the venom of various snakes, methyl ester, salicylic acid, camphor. Viprazide

Ointment from the poison of the sand viper.


Ointment from gyurza poison.

For successful treatment with drugs with snake venoms, in each case, the individual sensitivity of the patient's body to them must be determined. To do this, when using an injectable preparation, its minimum dose is injected subcutaneously, and further use of the drug is possible only in the absence of a local and general reaction of the body.

Serums, methods of their production

The main method of making sera - multistage immunization of animals with snake venom in the presence of a nonspecific stimulus - has not changed dramatically since its invention. It consists of a preparatory stage with a gradual increase in the dose of injection, bloodletting, rest, blood sampling and preparation of serum with ready-made antibodies.

However, sometimes such antidotes are expensive and save only one type of snake.

But time does not stand still, and a completely new approach to this problem has recently been applied, the principle of which is as follows.

Cobra venom affects the central nervous system, paralyzing the bitten victim. In this case, the so-called acetylcholine receptors are used - a substance that is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. However, it was found that the venom molecule binds only to a small portion of these receptors. It includes only 21 amino acids, while the entire receptor consists of three thousand amino acid elements.

The second part of the work was to model a chemical that is able to bind to the site of the receptors that is sensitive to the poison. Various proteins have been tested using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In the end, a three-dimensional model of such a molecule was built.

If it is possible to synthesize such a substance, then humanity will receive a fundamentally new way to protect against the bite of poisonous snakes. It will become a kind of "antidote" - an artificial antidote that can neutralize the poison that has entered the human body. Now, despite all the efforts of doctors, people in the world continue to die from snake bites, and most of them are residents of developing countries.

It is important that the artificial antidote may be cheaper than the current sera. Snake venom, which is necessary for the production of modern antidotes, is quite expensive. To get it, you have to risk your life to catch dangerous cobras and decant their poison. However, a caught snake in one milking cannot produce more than 1 gram of this expensive substance. And the synthesis of an artificial molecule is a fairly cheap process.

Without stopping there, scientists have developed the following technique to simplify the production of sera.

A viper venom gland cell culture was obtained, thanks to which it was determined which substances affect the formation of snake venom. This will make it possible not to strain the poison out of snakes, but to obtain it from cell culture. The results obtained are unique, there are no analogues in the world.

Doctor of Biological Sciences V.S. Golubkov and Doctor of Technical Sciences E.I. Lezhnev proposed to grow the cells of the poisonous gland of the common viper in a nutrient medium and developed a method for their cultivation. Scientists managed to obtain a culture of cells that grow and, under certain conditions, synthesize poison. For a day, 0.05 mg of poison can be isolated from 1 ml of such a liquid, while no more than 50 ml of poison can be obtained from one snake in six months (!), And that is how much they live on average with this approach. The lifespan of the culture itself is 4 months, but the researchers are going to make it self-regenerating, and then develop a laboratory model for the biotechnological production of snake venom Application of snake venoms in medical practice http://pets.academ.org/.

Snake venom is used in official and folk medicine to relieve inflammation, pain, stop bleeding. Medicines are prepared by using the poison itself or extracts from it.

Snake venom is a complex composition of organic and inorganic substances, which is produced by special glands in a number of snakes. In snakes belonging to different species, venom does not have the same properties. For treatment, you can use the poison of snakes only of certain types of these reptiles. To obtain a valuable substance, snakes are bred in serpentaria-serpent nurseries. They are also taken from the wild and milked, after which they are either released back or left in captivity in traditional serpentaria, where the snakes do not breed. Snake venom is also obtained from dead snakes.

What snakes get venom from

The main amount of snake venom used in the manufacture of medicines is obtained from snakes contained in serpentaria. These are the following types of snakes:

With the exception of the viper, snakes of other species used to obtain poison are few in nature and therefore are kept in nursery serpentaria, where they breed, giving a sufficient livestock. Young growth in the conditions of these farms grows to the age at which snake venom can be obtained from it, which makes it possible to produce a medicinal product in sufficient volume without harm to the fauna.

In Russia, the common viper is mainly used. Her young are released into the wild and caught after reaching adulthood. This method for growing this type of snake is the most financially beneficial.

From large adult snakes, more than 1 m long, up to 900 mg (dry weight) of venom is obtained per milking. Small individuals up to 100 cm long give up to 40 mg of the product. The main snake farms today are located in Asia, and they breed snake species whose venom is used in the production of pharmacological preparations.

Components of snake venom

Snake venoms have a certain set of substances common to all types of reptiles.

  • Peptides and proteins are the main building blocks in the organisms of living beings involved in tissue renewal and the transfer of nutrients to organs.
  • Free amino acids - activate the production of antibodies by the immune system and enzymes.
  • Lipids - participate in the work of the immune system and support the energy functions of the systems;
  • Guanine derivatives - relieve inflammation, and also inhibit the growth of malignant and benign neoplasms.

Snake venoms, depending on the species, also contain individual components:

  • Neurotoxins (in cobra and gyurza) are powerful analgesic and antispasmodic substances that are superior in strength to morphine-based drugs and are not addictive. Compositions in which this extract from poisons is used are used to alleviate the condition of cancer patients.
  • Neurotropic toxins (in the viper and viper) - produce a local analgesic effect. They are part of medicines for the treatment of muscle and joint inflammatory processes, neuralgia and a number of skin diseases.
  • Fractions of hemostatic substances (in gyurza and Indian viper) - their extracts are used in medicines to stop bleeding in hemophilia and operations in places where suturing and clamping is impossible.

The venoms of many snake species are being actively studied in order to identify their specific properties that can be applied in medicine.

How snakes are milked

Collect snake venoms by hand. A special poison receptacle, covered with polyethylene on top, is fixed, and a snake is brought to it, which is held in the hands in a special way. She bites through the film, and the poison released at the same time enters the dishes. After milking, the snake's mouth is disinfected with an antiseptic. The procedure is carried out 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

The effect of poison on the human body

In high doses, snake venom can lead to death, and in low doses it can be a cure. For a person, the following actions of this product are essential:

  • neurotoxic - at a large dose, the poison leads to paralysis of the respiratory system and heart due to the suppression of the central nervous system, at a low dosage it is an anesthetic;
  • hemotoxic - snake venom can lead to death due to pathological changes in blood coagulation processes. With the medical use of poison in especially small doses, it eliminates vascular spasms and increases or decreases blood viscosity (determined by the type of snake);
  • myotoxic - at a high dosage, the poison causes complete muscle paralysis, with medical use, the product helps to eliminate edema in case of injuries to tissues, joints and bones;
  • cytotoxic - when bitten by a snake, the poison causes severe local edema, in medicines it helps to increase blood flow to a certain area and relieve inflammation.

The poison of snakes in medicines is in a volume that is safe for humans and, subject to the dosage, cannot cause poisoning.

Indications and contraindications for use

Snake venoms are part of medicines for external and internal use. The indications for their use are as follows:

  • bleeding;
  • pain syndrome of varying intensity;
  • wounds;
  • tumor diseases;
  • inflammation of the joints and muscles;
  • spasms of the vessels of the heart muscle;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • epilepsy (drugs are used in a number of countries);
  • metabolic disturbances.

Poison for medicinal purposes is always used in a processed state due to its poisonous properties.

Snake venom is prohibited with such contraindications:

All contraindications are associated with the presence of strong toxins in medicines containing snake venom.

Essential medicines

Snake venom is used in the pharmacology of all countries in the manufacture of many drugs. Medicinal compositions with poison can be divided into 2 large groups.

Means for injections

Medicines are injected subcutaneously or into the muscle to relieve pain, cramps, inflammation and spasms.

Snake venom easily breaks down if the medicine is stored improperly and loses its medicinal properties. Prescription medications are dispensed.


Drugs are prescribed to relieve joint and muscle pain, accompanied by inflammation.

Ointments are dispensed without a prescription, but you should not prescribe them yourself.

Folk remedies with snake venom

You can prepare medicines with an aqueous solution of poison (vipraksin) for home therapy.

With significant pain in the joints and muscles, it is recommended to mix 2 drops of the poison solution with 3 lemons twisted with a grinder, 1 chopped head of garlic and 1 glass of boiled cold water. Then the medicine is infused in the dark during the night. Take ½ teaspoon on an empty stomach.

A composition with apple cider vinegar and vipraksin helps to relieve migraine headaches. To do this, 3 drops of an aqueous solution of poison are combined with 3 teaspoons of vinegar. The composition is applied to a terry cloth and applied to the forehead.


Snake venom is toxic, so medicinal formulations containing it cannot be administered to patients without permission. They are prescribed by a doctor when indicated. During the course of therapy, a person should undergo regular examinations to monitor their condition.

More than 5 million people around the world are bitten by reptiles every year, but only in half of the cases does snake venom have a toxic effect on the victims, and 90 thousand people die. It turns out that not all people are equally sensitive to a unique substance that is released from the parotid glands of the animal. For a long time, treatment with snake venom was not recognized and was considered experimental. After a long study of the composition with useful characteristics, snake venom found its use in medicine only from the beginning of the 19th century.

To obtain the required amount of a toxic substance, special farms were created for growing and keeping reptiles, where poison is collected from a snake in small quantities (mg) no more than once a month: viper - 30, gyurza - 300, cobra - 194, efa - 50 and muzzle - 137. And only in the composition of medicines or ready-made solutions does snake venom show its amazing healing properties:

  • rattlesnake venom and its hemotoxic effect is indispensable for increased blood clotting, blood clots and vascular occlusion. Due to this feature of the released toxic substance, heart diseases, circulatory disorders, and thromboembolism are treated with poison;
  • neurotoxic effect that cobra venom has. Affecting the central nervous system, reduces pain. Has a soothing relaxing effect;
  • the cytotoxic property of viper venom relieves severe inflammatory processes;
  • the myotoxic effect of African and Brazilian snake venom promotes resorption of hematomas. Effective remedy for injuries, bruises, fractures.

These characteristics are possessed only by preparations based on snake venom. In their pure natural form, all these properties are hazardous to health. Releasing poison, the snake can cause convulsions and paralysis, clouding of consciousness, loss of vision and hearing, blocking of nerve impulses, respiratory and cardiac arrest in humans.

Benefits of snake venom

The complex chemical composition found in the venoms of most dangerous snakes has been little studied. However, the available data are sufficient to use this poison in medicine in the form of drugs. The snake venom consists of substances necessary for every living organism.

Proteins and amino acids. Organically substances that are important for the normal course of metabolic and digestive processes, the cell cycle, strengthening the immune system and energy.

Fatty acid. At a low concentration in the human body, they help improve cerebral circulation and blood flow, prevent the development of visual and hearing defects, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Hydrolases. Enzymes that dissolve blood clots in thrombophlebitis, reduce hematomas, promote healing of injuries, cleanse the vessels of the heart. They are prescribed for people at risk of myocardial infarction. In inflammation or abscesses of the lung, hydrolases are able to remove excess fluid from the lesion.

Proteases. They break down and remove antigens, bacteria, yeast, allergens and foreign substances from the body not only from the gastrointestinal tract, but also from the circulatory system.

Nucleases. They participate in the correction of the human genetic code, have an antibacterial and antiviral effect, activate the body's immune response.

Catalases and oxidases. important antioxidants. They are responsible for the protective function of cells, participate in tissue respiration and the biological process of hydrogen peroxide oxidation with oxygen conservation.

Microelements. They maintain the balance of acid and alkali, normalize the functioning of the reproductive system, promote the growth and development of a person, play an indispensable role in hematopoiesis and the synthesis of enzymes, hormones and vitamins.

Preparations based on snake venom

"Tobarpin". The basis of the drug is the substance batroxobin, a synthetic viper venom. It is prescribed for acute myocardial infarction in the first 72 hours after an attack, pulmonary embolism. The action of the drug is based on the dissolution of intravascular, venous and arterial thrombi. Intravenous administration of 10 units.

"Epilarktin". An effective anticonvulsant, vasodilator and analgesic drug. Rattlesnake venom, which is part of the drug, is used for epilepsy, vegetative dystonia, migraine. Intramuscular administration 1 time per day, 1 ml.

In modern homeopathy, the use of substances secreted by reptiles has been used for a long time. Among them, the poison of the surukuku snake is especially popular, the medicinal properties of which are aimed at treating cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the biliary system. It is prescribed for cirrhosis of the liver, hemorrhoids, menopausal manifestations in women and impotence in men, to get rid of drug and alcohol addiction. The poison of a dangerous snake is produced in the form of granules or capsules, the selection of the dosage of the drug is carried out individually.

"Nyaksin". The combined solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injections has a strong analgesic effect and is not addictive. It is used for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, radiculitis of the lumbosacral region, neuritis. The venom of the Central Asian cobra eliminates pain after 3 injections. The beginning of treatment involves the introduction of 0.2 ml of the drug, followed by an increase in dosage to 2 ml.

Vipraksin. Aqueous solution and dry snake venom of the common viper. Activates the immune system, reduces inflammation and pain in arthritis, neuralgia, myositis. At the beginning of treatment, the recommended dose is 0.1 ml to 0.4 ml intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Ointments based on snake venom

"Salvisar". An ointment containing viper venom is used for the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the peripheral nervous system, and reduction of pain syndromes. External use 1-2 teaspoons of the active substance per day.

"Viprosal V". The neurotropic component based on the secretion of the poisonous gyurza has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing effect. External use for radiculitis, neuralgia and myalgia. In acute manifestations, the ointment is applied 1 time, with severe pain, the medicine is rubbed 2 times a day.

"Cobrotoxin". The therapeutic analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved through the external use of the components of the ointment: cobra venom and essential oils. Among the medical indications, you can most often find an appointment for fractures, bruises, gout, rheumatism, sciatica. The maximum local application is 2 grams of ointment per day.

Vipratox. The neurotoxic effect inherent in gyurza poisons irritates nerve receptors and reduces pain in rheumatism, lumbago, arthritis, myalgia, sciatica, sciatica. The amount of the applied substance per day should not exceed a dosage of 5-10 mg.

Contraindications for snake venom

Despite the fact that the specific secret that is secreted by the parotid glands of reptiles is used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system, vascular and heart diseases, it has snake venom and its contraindications:

  1. kidney failure;
  2. cardiac pathologies;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. disturbances in the work of the biliary system.

Severe toxic poisoning with snake venom in the presence of one of the above diseases in humans can provoke hemorrhage, cardiac arrest, pulmonary spasm, anaphylactic shock and death. In women during the period of bearing a child, spontaneous abortion may occur.

ratings, average:

Lachesis is capable of desperate acts. Lachesis - the child prefers the company of adults ("little old man" or from a sense of insecurity).

Painful phenomena in children arising from the appearance of younger brothers and sisters. Corresponds to nervous irritable people suffering from various

disorders, especially in menopause. Mental excitement, exaltation are characteristic. An important symptom is talkativeness with

quickly changing the topic of conversation with illogical jumping from one thought to another. Constant talkativeness, when the patient does not give a word.

Children often do not have talkativeness, but they do have cunning. Kleptomania. Persons showing interest in the paranormal, mysticism, religion, extrasensory perception.

Religious insanity. Jealous people. Unexpressed jealousy is often manifested by stuttering. Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces).

Suspicion. The person listens intently to the conversation of others. It constantly seems to him that everyone around is discussing his flaws. Imagines that

those around him are going to harm him. He suspects that they are going to hide him in a psychiatric hospital. Mania of poisoning, the patient refuses to eat, drink.

He believes that he is under the control of superhuman forces, receives orders that must be carried out. Clairvoyance on the topic of death, prophetic dreams.

There is a snake theme in life (afraid of snakes, bitten by a snake, etc.). Bad underground, in the subway. Amorousness. Sadness in the morning, does not want to communicate.

Anxiety and awkwardness, no desire to do business; constantly seeking to leave or leave.
Mental work is better performed at night. Violation of the sense of time.

Abscesses. Alcoholism. Alcoholic dementia. Angina. Aneurysm of the heart, aorta, large vessels (aneurysm of the left carotid artery). Asthma. Sinusitis. Gangrene.

Hemiparesis. hemorrhagic vasculitis. Hemorrhagic purpura. Hypertension. Diphtheria. female infertility. Goiter. Stroke. Colic intestinal. Climax. Bleeding.

Menstrual epilepsy. Necrosis. Oncology of any localization (especially of the ovary, cancer of the throat, breast, thyroid, rectum).

Pathological menopause. Pneumonia on the left. postpartum depression. septic conditions. Tuberculosis of the lungs. thyrotoxicosis. Thrombophlebitis.

Phlegmon. Endometriosis. Epilepsy, menstrual epilepsy.

Bleeding. Tides. Often the pathology manifests itself after childbirth. destructive phenomena. Tendency to necrosis. Bacillicarrying. Pulling sensation in

different parts of the body.

Hot sweat, cyanosis (cyanosis), purple coloration. Furuncles, ulcers are surrounded by cyanotic, purple skin. Dark blisters. Bedsores with black edges.

Bluish-black swelling. Pus, exfoliating wounds. Erysipelas in old people. Atheroma. Cellulite. Trophic ulcers. Urticaria from the sun

from alcohol. Worse in the morning on waking, every spring, during menopause. Emotional erythema. Hemorrhagic purpura.

Sleep aversion is a very important symptom. Prophetic dreams. Dreaming of snakes. Sudden awakening after falling asleep is an important symptom!
Starts suddenly on falling asleep. Drowsy and unable to sleep. Sleep "in one eye" in the evenings. The patient becomes worse during sleep.

Chilliness in the back, sensation of icy cold, flashes of heat and hot sweat. Intermittent fever every spring. Attacks resume from sour.

Perspiration in the neck.

Pain through the head on waking. Pain at root of nose. Pressure and burning in vertex. Pain comes in waves, aggravated by movement.

Headache with flashing in the eyes, with blurred vision, with pallor of the face. Headache, worse from sun exposure, heat, during and after sleep.

Headache, better from epistaxis. Heaviness and pressure in the parietal region. Headache with a runny nose, sinusitis, when the discharge stops

from the nose. Headache before menstruation, after cessation of menstruation with increased blood pressure. Climacteric headache with severe

tide. Relief when discharges begin (menstrual, catarrhal rhinitis, etc.). Dizziness.

The face is suspicious. The face is pale. Pain in facial bones. Trigeminal neuralgia, accompanied by a sensation of heat in the left side of the head,

extends up and into the head. Tearing pain in the bones of the upper jaw. Face purple, mottled, puffy, edematous, icteric, as in chlorosis.

Decreased vision after diphtheria: the muscular apparatus is so weakened that it cannot fix the gaze. Sensation as if eyeballs are drawn to one another

thread tied at the root of the nose.

Pain in left ear. Children's otitis with pain. Chronic inflammation of the middle ear. Tearing pains from cheekbones into ears; combined with sore throat.

Sulfur is dry, hard. Ringing and singing in the ears.

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Pain is provoked by chewing, swallowing. They are usually localized in the region of the tonsils, posterior pharyngeal wall and ear. Blue lips. Gums

swollen, loose, bleeding. Tongue swollen, red, dry, with cracked tip, teeth marks and burning sensation. Aphthae with burning and rawness.
smack. Nauseous.

Continuous, aching, mild toothache extending to the ears.

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Pain is provoked by chewing, swallowing. They are usually localized in the region of the tonsils, posterior pharyngeal wall and ear. Neuralgia

The trigeminal nerve, accompanied by a sensation of heat in the left side of the head, extends up and into the head. Tearing pain in the bones of the upper jaw.

Alcoholism. Alcoholic dementia. Delirium tremens with great trembling and confusion. Strokes, especially serial. Complexion may vary: may be

not changed, may be purple, cyanosis, blue limbs. Lachesis-strokes occur in the early morning hours, in the summer, from working in a hot shop,

in the sauna, bath. Intolerance to shyness. Possible reaction to blood pressure measurement. Left side paralysis. Paralysis in diphtheria. Epilepsy.

The upper respiratory tract is very sensitive to touch. In the supine position, there is a feeling of suffocating compression of the throat, especially if on the neck

tight collar; the patient jumps out of bed and runs to the open window, "swallowing" air. Spasm of the glottis, as if something were moving from the neck to the

larynx. Feeling like you need to take a deep breath. Asthma attacks. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Left-sided pneumonia, especially damage to the upper lobe of the left lung.

Croup: worse during and after sleep. As soon as he wakes up, he stops breathing. Suffocation. Easier breathing after expectoration. Breathing while falling asleep

almost disappears.

Epistaxis, with soreness of the nostrils. The blood is dark, clotting rapidly. Sinusitis. Chronic left-sided sinusitis. Long,

constant runny nose. The discharge is usually profuse and watery. Thick, offensive, purulent discharge, usually from the left nostril. Runny nose preceded by

headache. The headache is better from the beginning of the discharge, but it can be the other way around: worsening of the headache with an increase in the common cold. Worse after sleep: swollen face,

lots of discharge, pain. Allergic rhinitis. Sneezing attacks in atopic bronchial asthma.

Attacks of dry, suffocating cough, with tickling in the throat. Mucosal secretion is reduced, sensitivity is increased; worse, pressure on larynx, after

sleep, outdoors. With the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, fear of suffocation, incl. hysterical character.

Angina: left-sided angina, spreading from left to right. Fever. Dark red color of mucous membranes. On the back wall of the tonsils, on the mucous membrane of the soft palate

there may be minor hemorrhages. Sore throat, worse from warm drinks. Swallowing liquid is much more painful than swallowing solid food.

Often appears in the morning. Severe sore throat with normal ENT - picture. The pain radiates to the ears. Sensation of a lump in the throat. Sensation of smoke in throat. Increased

sensitive to touch, especially neck, throat. Inability to look at the mouth with a spatula, refusal to examine it with a spatula. Angina from "angos" - "suffocation",

those. angina causes suffocation, spasm in the throat, especially in the morning, on waking. If purulent inflammation - dark fetid pus (i.e. decomposed pus).

Ichorous, i.e. mixed with blood, secretions. Peritonsillar left-sided abscess. Tonsilogenic sepsis. Angina begins with the onset of spring.
A disease which tends to be centered in the throat, i.e. after an illness or at the end of an illness - tonsillitis. Empty swallow. Ulceration of the throat. Throat cancer.

Diphtheria (with diphtheria, the myelin sheaths of the brain are affected, as in early sclerosis). Sensation as if a plug were moving down the throat.,

accompanied by a hacking cough.

Cramping discomfort in the region of the heart. Palpitation, with fainting, especially during menopause. Feeling of constriction

heart palpitations and feelings of anxiety. Cyanosis. Arrhythmia. Aneurysmal drug: aneurysm of the heart, aorta, large vessels (aneurysm of the left carotid

arteries). Like all snake venoms, Lachesis causes the destruction of the formed elements of the blood, making it more liquid, and therefore a distinct

tendency to bleed. Bleeding (profuse bleeding from small cuts, like Phosphorus). The blood is dark and does not clot. Long bleeding

cuts. Easy bruising. hemorrhagic vasculitis. Hemorrhagic purpura. Veins in menopause. Phlebeurysm. Acute thrombophlebitis

left. Bleeding from varicose veins. Hypertension, more often in menopause. Hypertensive patients in the sun may have paradoxical symptoms. Consequence is hard

ongoing infections with sepsis, insolation. Worse at night and in the morning, in summer, in hot weather, from alcohol. During an attack, palpitations, tightness in the area

hearts, heart overflowing, about to burst. Pulsation, pressure in the neck, perhaps even choking (“something is in the way in the throat”). Seizures during

falling asleep and in the morning. Easier when cool, from hot water foot baths. Color] of the face may be different: may not be changed, may be purplish, cyanotic,

cyanosis of limbs, nose.

Goiter. thyrotoxicosis. Goiter begins with intolerance to collars. Palpation of the thyroid gland is very unpleasant. Causes of goiter: jealousy, insolation (especially in winter

in Cyprus or Egypt; Generally, more often than necessary. You need to sunbathe in the summer. In winter, sunbathing is bad, especially for children. You need to rest in the green, in your climate).

Severe goiter infiltration (sepsis) in menopause. Thyroid cancer.

Soreness, palpable trembling in the pancreas. Empty swallowing movements, more painful than when swallowing solid food.

Gnawing, pressure, relieved after eating, but reappears after a few hours.


Any food causes discomfort. Hunger does not allow to wait until everyone gathers at the table.
addictions. Alcoholic drinks and oysters.

Abdomen swollen with flatus, sensitive and painful. Sensitiveness in the region of the liver, cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Attacks of intestinal colic in

night time, in the morning, after waking up. Pain in the abdomen as a result of jealousy. Especially indicated for alcoholics.

Sensation of narrowing of the anus and obstruction of the rectum. Penetrating pain every time you sneeze or cough. Rectal bleeding.

Discharge from the rectum of dark particles like charred tar. Rectal cancer. Protruding hemorrhoids are infringed and become cyanotic.

Sharp stitching pain in hemorrhoids when sneezing or coughing. Constant ineffectual urge to defecate. Constipation, offensive stools. Bleeding from

intestines with black particles resembling charred straw.

Gynecological diseases, pain radiates to the spine. A very important remedy during menopause and in melancholy patients. Violations related

with menopause: palpitations, hot flashes, bleeding, pain in the top of the head, fainting; worse from pressure of clothing. Menstrual epilepsy.

Pathological menopause (hot flashes, uterine bleeding, headache with severe flushing, hypertension). Uterine bleeding when there is malignant

process in the uterus. Strong sexual arousal, preventing sleep. Endometriosis. Pathology of the left ovary. Oncology, especially of the left ovary.

The left ovary is very painful and edematous, compacted.

Berike: Lachesis acts at the beginning and at the end of the menstrual cleansings. Headache before menstruation, after the cessation of menstruation with increased arterial

pressure. Menstrual epilepsy. Menses very short, scanty; the pain is relieved by the appearance of menstrual flow.

The drug works especially well when taken at the beginning or at the end of menstruation.

The mammary glands are inflamed, cyanotic. Breast cancer, usually on the left. Feeling of heaviness, pressure and fullness. Expansion of veins in the mammary gland.

The skin over the site of the lesion is purple, edematous. As a rule, cancer develops in patients during menopause or immediately after it. Pain worse in the morning.

postpartum depression. Often the pathology manifests itself after childbirth.

Strong excitation of the genitals.

Intolerance to neck warming compresses. Desire to be free from constriction in the neck. Unpleasant palpation of the thyroid gland.

Unpleasant sensations in the neck during the new moon. Perspiration in the neck.

Neuralgic pain in coccyx, especially when standing up - forced to sit still. Pain in the back of the head and especially severe in the neck.

Sensation of threads running from the back to the upper limbs, legs, eyes, etc.

Left-sided lesion of the hip joint, especially tuberculous etiology.

Ischalgia relieved by lying down. Pain in the tibia (may appear after a sore throat).
Legs. Acute thrombophlebitis on the left. Varicose veins, mainly on the left with petechiae, trophic ulcers. Ulcers are putrid and bleed easily.


Worse. From sleep. After awakening (painful conditions begin during sleep). Morning. Warm. From a warm bath. Solar heat. Spring. Summer. Alcohol

(he relaxes dormant instincts). Stuffiness. Touch. Tight clothing anywhere, especially around the neck. From hot drinks. When he closes his eyes.

Bad underground, in the subway.
Better. Evening. Night. From discharges (menses, leucorrhoea, from the nose, bleeding). From warm compresses.

Indications for the use of Lachesis. Surukuku snake venom in homeopathy

Another outstanding feature Lachesis, which is often found in patients suffering from severe cardiac pathology, is a deterioration in well-being during or after sleep. In such cases it is necessary first of all to remember Lachesis.

A patient Lachesis afraid to fall asleep, because he knows that sleep increases his suffering - pain, suffocation, etc., although everyone knows that a sick heart needs normal sleep.

Cyanosis of any parts body often points to Lachesis. Kent says that any inflammation in the Lachesis patient turns purple. Putrefactive ulcers with complex fanulation tend to bleed easily; at the same time, black blood is released, which quickly coagulates and takes on the appearance of charred straw.
Affected parts body turn black and undergo necrosis. In addition, one of the striking symptoms of Lachesis is the expansion of the veins.

Lachesis affects primarily the throat and psyche. First, let's look at the throat symptoms. Intense sore throat, even in the absence of pronounced inflammatory changes. Hence Lachesis is one of the so-called "disproportionate" remedies*. Another remedy of this kind is Arsenicum, which is characterized by a pronounced prostration, which does not at all correspond to the objective state of the patient.

Feeling of suffocation. Sensation as if a hand were squeezing the throat. Sensation of a lump in the throat, constriction of the throat. The Lachesis patient cannot bear touching the throat and is constantly trying to loosen the collar. Cough caused by touching the throat. All of these symptoms are aggravated after sleep. Feeling of fullness, fullness in the neck and throat; labored breathing; suffocation when falling asleep; in addition, the throat symptoms are worse from hot drinks.

About what ailments No matter what, the Lachesis patient feels worse after sleep. Besides this, Lachesis dislikes heat: worse from hot drinks; faints while taking a hot bath.

Throat diseases often acquire a severe course with a tendency to tissue destruction. Ulceration of the throat: deep, gradually expanding ulcerative defects of red or gray color. Interestingly, with any damage to the throat of a neuro-reflex or organic nature, empty swallowing is much more painful than swallowing solid food. Bearing in mind what ofomous prey a snake can sometimes swallow, one can easily remember that for a Lachesis patient swallowing solid food presents no particular difficulty!

Further, Lachesis- an outstanding remedy for diphtheria. The disease begins on the left side of the throat and may extend to the right: Lachesis is predominantly a left-sided remedy. In this it differs from Lycopodium, which has much in common with Lachesis, including being often indicated in diphtheria, but Lycopodium is a right-sided remedy, and its characteristic pathological processes extend from right to left.

- « Lachesis in diphtheria. The use of Lachesis in patients"

1. Indications for the use of Lachesis. Surukuku snake venom in homeopathy
2. Lachesis in diphtheria. Use of Lachesis in Patients
3. Lachesis in psychiatry. Application of Lachesis in jealousy
4. Lachesis for colds. Application of Lachesis for talkativeness
5. Lachesis in headache. Signs for prescribing surukuku snake venom
6. Indications for surukuku snake venom. Ledum palustre in homeopathy
7. Ledum palustre for pain. Ledum marsh for the treatment of wounds and joints
8. Application of Ledum palustre. Indications for the appointment of wild rosemary
9. Ledum palustre in wounds. Ledum marsh with gout and rheumatism
10. Ledum palustre in affections of the kidneys. Ledum marsh with bruising

Snake venom - this phrase causes not the most pleasant associations in a person. It is clear why, because such a waste product of snakes most often leads to a deterioration in health. But this is only in natural conditions, if a snake has bitten a person. Fashionistas and people who care about their health know that snake venom is used in many areas of life. Cosmetology and medicine have long adopted this natural component in the creation of drugs that help people.

What are the properties of this substance? When does poison help us? And in what cases it is necessary to beware of it? Consider some options for the use of snake venom.

The composition of snake venom and its types

Snake venom is the product of specific venom glands (altered salivary glands) that are located behind the snake's eyes. Such a toxic substance enters the body of the victim through poisonous teeth. Few people think why this potent poisonous substance, even in trace amounts, has such a pronounced effect on the body. Snake venom primarily acts on vital organs and has no artificial analogues.

On the territory of Russia and Belarus there are more than 58 species of snakes, of which 11 are poisonous. The composition of snake venom depends on the type of these reptiles. Its main active ingredients are complex proteins and polypeptides (molecules containing more than 10 different amino acids), enzymes and trace elements.

According to their effect on the human body, the following types of snake venom are distinguished.

  1. Poison containing neuro and cardiotropic toxins. They are found in the venom of cobras, sea snakes and asps. The secret of their glands acts depressingly on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Hemorrhagic, necrotizing and hemocoagulative action. These high molecular weight proteins are present in the venom of vipers and muzzles. How does such a snake venom affect a person? Edema forms at the site of the bite, the work of the circulatory system is disrupted, and tissue necrosis (necrosis) occurs.

The composition of poisons depends on the presence and production of certain proteins and amino acids in the snake's body.

Such a specific effect of the secret of snake glands on the body formed the basis for the creation of many medicinal substances and cosmetic products. In small quantities and in skillful hands, toxic substances can serve to benefit a person.

How snake venom is used in medicine

In its pure form, the secret of snake glands is not used in medical practice. Most often, a dilute solution is used with the addition of glycerin, preservatives, stabilizers and other necessary components. The benefits of snake venom are due to its properties. First of all, it is an effect on the nervous system and the ability to cause a local skin reaction. The substance is used in the form of a solution for injection, creams, ointments. How can such funds help?

The healing properties of snake venom have the following characteristics.

  1. As part of medical ointments, snake venom has anti-inflammatory properties. Neurotropic toxins work as a local anesthetic. These substances reduce pain, reduce inflammation at the site of application, increase blood flow in the affected area. Thanks to such healing properties, the healing process goes much faster with inflammation of the muscles, joints, neuralgia, and some skin diseases.
  2. Such remedies help if there are chronic processes of the spine and nervous system. They reduce pain during an exacerbation of polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatic joint lesions. Medicines based on snake venom improve the absorption of anti-inflammatory drugs and contribute to a deeper penetration of local physiotherapy methods into tissues.
  3. Snake venom is also used in medicine in emergency situations. It was taken as the basis for the production of a serum that neutralizes the venom of vipers after a bite. In case of timely treatment of the victim, it is possible to save his life and avoid possible health complications in the future.
  4. New research into the effectiveness of snake venom treatment is constantly being conducted. Methods are being developed for the treatment of oncological diseases and the treatment of the consequences of diabetes mellitus using this substance. The poison can retard the growth and development of cancer cells.
  5. In different dosages of different types of snakes, the secret of their glands affects the blood: it dilutes or promotes its coagulation.

Any remedy containing snake venom should only be prescribed by a specialist due to possible side effects. Do not use such a cream or ointment without consulting your doctor and without prior examination.

What is snake venom treatment called? Poison therapy or "snake therapy" has been used for a long time. Our ancestors believed that snakes could resurrect the dead, help with infertility. Their secret improves the immune system of our body, saves us from tuberculosis, promotes hair growth in case of complete baldness and relieves attacks of bronchial asthma. And, although many myths have long been in the past, scientists are still exploring the mechanisms of the influence of such substances on human organ systems.

The use of snake venom in cosmetology

Those who want to remain forever young are constantly experimenting with unusual means of saving youth. The secret of the special glands of reptiles has found its place of application in this area.
Snake venom is used in cosmetology to smooth wrinkles - it replaces Botox. That is, such a tool is not analog, but they are similar in the final effect. The poison at the site of application helps to smooth mimic wrinkles. These age-related changes in some cases are reduced by 40-50% with prolonged use of creams with a "poisonous" component.

Creams and cosmetic preparations are also used:

  • in massage parlors for the skin;
  • in the East, tinctures with snake venom are used as a medicine to increase potency;
  • it is added to shampoos to improve hair growth.

How does snake venom affect the human body?

What happens in the human body after a snake bite? The clinical picture depends on the type of reptile, the site of the bite and other factors.

  1. After a bite from a viper or a snake from the genus muzzle, a local reaction rapidly develops: pain, swelling of the tissue, discoloration of the skin at the site of the bite. In severe cases, edema quickly spreads to the entire body.
  2. In the first 20–40 minutes, symptoms of shock occur: pale skin, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, weakness, and sometimes fainting occurs.
  3. How does snake venom affect the blood? The work of the entire blood coagulation system is disrupted, a little later DIC develops (the most severe condition of the circulatory system, leading to a deterioration in the functioning of all organs).
  4. Later, there are complications in the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, tissue necrosis, gangrene of the toes and hands.
  5. After a cobra bite, the local reaction is negligible. There is numbness in the area of ​​the bite, the edema is insignificant, the skin color does not change.
  6. After 15-20 minutes of poisoning with snake venom, weakness, salivation, vomiting appear, coordination of movements is disturbed, muscle paralysis, speech is disturbed, breathing becomes difficult.

How to help a victim of a snake bite?

  1. The injured person must be provided with complete rest and immediately taken to the hospital.
  2. Squeeze out or suck out drops of poison in the first 10 minutes. In a hard-to-reach place, this can be done on your own using a plastic syringe with a cut-off nose.
  3. The victim should be prescribed a plentiful warm drink, excluding alcohol.
  4. It is impossible to apply a tourniquet on the affected limb - this will accelerate the development of the process of its poisoning.

Is snake venom useful or harmful? Everything depends on the situation. Any, even an expensive and ideal cream or drug, if used incorrectly or inadequately prescribed, will work worse than a toxic substance. Therefore, before using any remedy, learn more about it from a specialist and do not use it without a doctor's prescription.

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