Maxim Reshetnikov personal life. Father of many children, workaholic, millionaire: what do we know about the new head of the Kama region. Biography of Maxim Gennadievich Reshetnikov: family, children

The new head of the Perm Territory is only 37 years old. The official was born and raised in Perm, but in recent years he has worked in the capital. The day before, President Vladimir Putin appointed Maxim Reshetnikov as Acting Governor of the Perm Territory.

Father of many children

Maxim Reshetnikov was born on July 11, 1979 in Perm. Has two higher educations. Married, has two daughters and a son. He is fond of tennis, likes to watch movies and walk in parks.

Economist-mathematician and linguist-workaholic

In 2000 he graduated from Perm State University with a degree in economics and mathematics. The supervisor was Lev Portnoy. Under his leadership, Reshetnikov defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Management of the regional economy based on financial flows: principles and models." By the way, Reshetnikov studied as an external student at the Faculty of Economics. In parallel, by 2002, he received the specialty "linguist-translator".

“I have known Maxim since the ninth grade, when he came to me for a consultation as a schoolboy,” Lev Portnoy told the site. - Since that time, I know him as a deeply decent person, a pathological workaholic, whom I periodically asked to slow down. It is very important that he was able to maintain wonderful relationships with those with whom he once worked. He has always been an excellent general organizer, working in Perm and Moscow.

One of the "presidential hundred"

In March 2009, Maxim Reshetnikov joined the "presidential hundred" - a personnel reserve formed by Dmitry Medvedev when he served as president of the Russian Federation. Along with Reshetnikov, Denis Manturov, now Industry Minister, Energy Minister Alexander Novak, and Vyacheslav Gaizer, the former head of the Komi Republic, who was arrested about a year ago in connection with fraud, were on the list.

Medvedev acknowledged that there is a huge problem in the country with the selection of candidates for governors. According to him, the problem of personnel shortage concerns the leaders of the regions.

- There is no bench. Every time we puzzle over how to find personnel to fill top positions in the regions,” the president complained.

Worked with Oleg Chirkunov

For about six months, Maxim Reshetnikov worked as the head of the administration of the governor of the Perm Territory. He was appointed in April 2009. And already in October he resigned from his post to the post of head of the department of public administration, regional development and local self-government of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Governor of the Perm Territory, Oleg Chirkunov, wrote in his blog that he was sorry to let Reshetnikov go:

“I’m happy for him, but still a little sad. It was always easier for me to leave than to see off. Let's wish him to go through copper pipes and not change.

Took part in writing the charter of the Kama region

Worked with Sergei Sobyanin

In Moscow, Maxim Reshetnikov worked with the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin. He was the first deputy head of the apparatus of the mayor and the government of Moscow.

From April 23, 2012 to February 6, 2017, Reshetnikov headed the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow, was a full first-class state adviser.

Participated in the "night of long dippers"

A year ago, a "night of long buckets" took place in Moscow - then many shopping pavilions were demolished in the capital, since the city administration recognized them as unauthorized structures. Reshetnikov served as head of the department for economic policy and development of the city of Moscow. The owners of the stalls did not agree with the decision of the authorities.

- The objects were built at one time without proper permits, and then allegedly legalized. We can all guess how it was done. They stood for 10-15 years, but paid off in six months. Business and everyone must understand that the method of acquiring assets and the assets themselves must be appropriate,” Reshetnikov said in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper.

He has the Order of Merit for the Fatherland

On September 20, 2016, a decree was signed to award Maxim Reshetnikov with a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.


Maxim Reshetnikov's income for 2015 amounted to 5 million 438 thousand rubles. The official owns 2/3 shares of an apartment with an area of ​​258 sq.m and a KIA Cerato car. The wife's income amounted to 548,390 rubles.

TASS-DOSIER. On September 11, 2017, the election commission of the Perm Territory announced that the election of the governor of the region, held on September 10, was won by the acting head of the region, Maxim Reshetnikov (United Russia). After processing 100% of the protocols of precinct election commissions, he received 82.06% of the votes.

The second place was taken by the lawyer Irina Filatova from the Communist Party (7.49%). Maxim Reshetnikov has been heading the Perm Territory as the acting head of the region since February 6, 2017.

In 2000, he graduated as an external student from the Faculty of Economics of the Perm State University (Department of Economic Cybernetics) with a degree in Mathematical Methods and Operations Research in Economics. In 2002 he graduated from the philological faculty of the university with a degree in linguist, translator (specialization - English).

Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 2003, at Perm State University, he defended his dissertation on the topic "Management of the regional economy based on financial flows: principles and models (on the example of the Perm region)".

In 1998-2002 he worked as a chief specialist, project manager at CJSC "Prognoz" (development of software for business intelligence).

In 2000, Maxim Reshetnikov moved to the budget revenue and expenditure planning department of the Perm Region Administration. In 2002-2005, he was the head of the Department for Planning Budget Revenues and Expenditures, the Department of Regional Finance and Investments, the Deputy Head of the Main Department of Economics of the Administration of the Perm Region.

In 2005, he served as Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Public Administration System of the Administration of the Perm Region.

In 2005-2006 - First Deputy Chairman of the Planning Department of the Perm Region, since December 2005 - of the Perm Territory (formed as a result of the merger of the region and the Komi-Permyatsk Autonomous Okrug).

In 2006-2007, he was the first deputy head of the administration of the governor of the Perm Territory (the region was headed by Oleg Chirkunov during these years).

In 2007 he moved to Moscow. In 2007-2008 - Deputy Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Minister - Dmitry Kozak).

From June 2008 to October 2009 - Director of the Department for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

In February 2009, Maxim Reshetnikov entered the top hundred of the managerial personnel reserve under the patronage of the President of Russia.

In April 2009 he returned to Perm. From April 14 to October 12, 2009, he was the head of the administration of the governor of the Perm Territory, Oleg Chirkunov. One of the authors of the document "Fundamentals of the Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of the Perm Territory".

On October 12, 2009, by order of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, he was appointed director of the Department of Public Administration, Regional Development and Local Self-Government of the Government Office of the Russian Federation, led by Sergei Sobyanin. He held the post until December 2010.

After the appointment of Sergei Sobyanin as mayor of Moscow, Maxim Reshetnikov went to work in the city government.

From December 2010 to April 2012 - First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow.

From April 2012 to February 2017 - Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department for Economic Policy and City Development. He dealt with the issues of forecasting the socio-economic development of the capital in the medium and long term, modeling the city's budget policy. One of the creators of Moscow's investment strategy for the period 2014-2025.

On February 6, 2017, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Acting Governor of the Perm Territory. He replaced Viktor Basargin as head of the region.

The total amount of declared income for 2016 amounted to 5 million 694 thousand rubles, spouses - 479 thousand rubles.

Acting State Councilor of the City of Moscow, 1st class.

He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree (2016), a certificate of honor from the Government of the Russian Federation and a letter of gratitude from the President of Russia.

Married, has two daughters and a son. Wife - Anna, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of Perm State University.

Hobbies: loves to play tennis, ride a bike.

This should not get away with and remain in the shadows. The information needs to be made public.

It will be about, posted on December 27, 2013 on the website

The state customer is the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow. Name of the order: "Performance of research work on methodological and organizational support of the activities of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow to ensure the sustainability of the revenue part of the budget of the city of Moscow." Head of the Department, he is also the customer - Minister of the Moscow Government Reshetnikov M.G.

The name of the order is voluminous, abstruse and, you see, incomprehensible to a simple layman. It seems that someone should “support our “executive authorities” somewhere “methodologically and organizationally”, but if in a simple way - apparently to help the officials of the Department in the performance of their direct official duties - in this case, to collect taxes to the city budget ...

The tender documentation itself, by the way, is just as abstract and lengthy, even for professionals. In addition, pay attention to the date of the announced competition - almost on New Year's Eve ...

Apparently, competent representatives of other companies - possible potential bidders - did not figure it out either. As a result, only two applications were submitted for participation in the competition.

Here I will digress a little and describe a little background of this order.

According to the documents that were published on the procurement website, in particular, the protocol approved by Minister Reshetnikov personally, the initial price for the work, according to the calculations of the Department's specialists, was almost one hundred and five million rubles. Of course, it is already clear that such a price for not quite intelligible services, and even in the form of a mysterious research work, is initially fantastic, but the cost was eventually published on the site - 99,404,013 rubles.

Why, and, most importantly, why was it reduced precisely by so much?

In this particular case, it was thanks to the reduction of the initial price by 5 million rubles that the order miraculously remained in the full private competence of Minister Reshetnikov, who, according to the rules in force in the city, manages the budget of one contract worth up to one hundred million rubles. Well, if it’s over 100 million, then all this “hopeless event” would have to be coordinated at an interdepartmental working group, in the presence of a mass of outside officials – where, I’m sure, such impudence would not be allowed.

Considering the further course of development of history - this adjustment of the price causes, well, just tears of tenderness. Ah yes well done, all outwitted!

It's time for personalities ..,

In addition to Minister Reshetnikov, two more are involved in our story:

Someone Bagreeva M.A. - a former employee of the consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), for the benefit of which she worked for almost 7 years (from 2005 to 2012 as a tax manager) - and currently Reshetnikova's deputy for tax issues. She is the Wife;

A certain Kirill Nikitin has been with PwC since 1996, and has been a PwC partner (a very important position in the firm) since 2006. Nikitin “created and leads PwC’s Russian tax administration practice” ( He is the civil Husband of Bagreyeva.

However, back to the order.

The application, as you remember, was submitted only by two organizations. More precisely, actually one. The first participant, who is also the winner of the tender, is PwC. The second participant is respected by all Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

The question immediately arises: why did Moscow State University become involved in such a story? The answer lies in Bagreyeva's former colleague at PwC, Kirill Nikitin, and now her common-law husband and father of her child, and, another wonderful coincidence, director of the Tax Policy Center at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Having obviously decided that the participation of only one company in the tender may arouse suspicion, and it is apparently more difficult for Reshetnikov to agree this fact with the regulatory authorities than to manipulate the price - Moscow State University was invited to the tender, no, rather even involved in Moscow State University.

The proof of these statements lies on the surface - the second participant (or the one who acted on his behalf) did not bother to reduce the originally declared price of the competition even by a penny! The classic scheme of the organization-laying - the competition was recognized as valid.

It turns out that the family of Nikitin and Bagreyeva, on the one hand, replenishes the joint budget from the profit of the contract with PwC, on the other hand, at the expense of wages from their “close business partner” and leader, Minister Reshetnikov. Truly - all in the Family!

For obvious reasons, despite the presence of a common child and cohabitation, Bagreeva and Nikitin live in a civil marriage, and they try not to advertise their relationship. Although for former and current colleagues this is no secret for a long time.

This is how these two live: the wife, with the blessing of the minister, accepts and pays for the work, and the husband does it in the sweat of his brow. Family contract in the 21st century, it’s hard to believe that this is possible!

The arrogance with which, after all the frauds described, Reshetnikov thanked Bagreyeva is simply discouraging - immediately after the conclusion of the contract in February of this year, she received a gift in the form of an increase right up to the level of “deputy head of the department”. I forgot to say that the price of the ill-fated competition was calculated and determined by a certain Grigoriev, Bagreeva's deputy. That's for sure in the All Inclusive Department.

Mister unfortunate minister, have a conscience!

It’s even interesting - who do you consider your immediate superiors and controlling authorities to be, “mastering” the budget in such a simple way that “decent embezzlers” would be ashamed to use even in the dashing 90s? Or is everything new - well-forgotten old? I'm afraid that such "help" of the minister is simply contraindicated for both the budget and the city leadership... Are Reshetnikov's "connections" really so limitless?

In this situation, no one can change anything without the intervention of the competent authorities and, most importantly, the city leadership. It remains to believe that there are worthy people whose powers will allow you to quickly restore order.

Dear Sergey Semenovich Sobyanin, Anastasia Vladimirovna Rakova, Natalia Alekseevna Sergunina!

To say that Minister Reshetnikov is “just setting you up” means to say nothing! In addition to the “quite natural” desire of this negligent official to “bite off” the budget pie, here one can see not just human stupidity and bureaucratic “permissiveness” - it rather smacks of betrayal on a national scale. The interest of a consulting company from the UK, a country whose anti-Russian attacks (the so-called "sanctions") will be even more abrupt than the American ones, in honest work to fill the Moscow budget with money is unlikely. By the way, right now and solely on the initiative of the British, they are trying to disconnect Russia from the system of worldwide interbank telecommunications (settlements) S.W.I.F.T., which will significantly complicate the work of the Russian banking system. We also see how today the ex-YUKOS continues to foul Russia, "dismissed" in due time from paying taxes with the help of such "specialist partners" from PwC.

What results in the formation of the revenue part of the Moscow budget can we expect after the implementation by Minister Reshetnikov of "virtuoso gray schemes" of pricing state contracts and disbursing budgetary funds by attracting foreign consultants from among the closest relatives of his deputy?

It’s terribly interesting, but do similar or similar tricks also occur with the rest of the contests of the customer Reshetnikov? I think, most likely, our readers have someone to answer this question. Let's wait!

I am sure that such an "official" and the city together are simply not on the way, but for the city such a "family partnership" is extremely dangerous!

The prosecutor's office of the city of Perm expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the administration of the regional center. In particular, the supervisory authority noted that the program for resettlement from dilapidated and dilapidated housing had actually failed and that overcrowding, according to the prosecutor's office, exceeded all reasonable limits. In addition, the local Accounts Chamber revealed the complete inconsistency of the work of the administration of the Perm Territory on the development of physical culture and sports. This is indicated in the report of the regional joint venture for 2017. According to the data of the Joint Venture, the program for the development of physical culture and sports has not been fulfilled under any of the 23 points outlined in it! According to the joint venture, the total amount of violations exceeds 5 billion rubles. Naturally, this message caused discontent in the power circles of the Perm Territory. They have long disliked impartial statements about their work for the benefit of the population of the region. They even staged a frank persecution of the auditors of the MP. A few years ago, the deputies of the Perm Legislative Assembly simply obstructed the report prepared by the members of the Accounts Chamber. Here is what one of those present at that meeting, the chairman of the HOA, said about this. "I was at a meeting of the Infrastructure Development Committee in the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory. It was unpleasantly struck that the report, which was justified from the point of view of the law, all calculations, common sense and logic, was not accepted by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly.The discussion was conducted only by those deputies who are interested in developing their business.The government presented its objections to the report of the PCB, and no one was interested in the arguments, arguments of the Government, as if their statement was an axiom, as if their position is indisputable. The deputies voted for the PCB to independently resolve all disagreements with the government. And this despite the fact that the Legislative Assembly is the founder of the PCB, gives instructions to it. And the deputies should chastise the government for such "activity". This is the attitude of the Perm authorities to work to structures that are obliged to ensure that officials work otali honestly, within the framework, although not the most perfect, of Russian legislation. The power in the Perm Territory has changed, but the order does not change. As it was under the former long-term governor Viktor Basargin, so everything remained under his successor Maxim Reshetnikov. If not bloomed even more luxuriantly. Reshetnikov Permians have long been tired of Governor Viktor Basargin. They waited, did not wait for him to leave his post. Finally waited. Maxim Reshetnikov, a young and outwardly dynamic leader, was appointed to the region. He was enthusiastically chosen as the head of the region. But, as they say, the hopes of young men are nourished. The arrival of Reshetnikov in no way affected the situation in the Perm Territory. Or maybe even exacerbated the situation.

Maxim Reshetnikov

Maksim Reshetnikov was elected as the governor of what is called "one gate". . After all, the Kremlin itself recommended him! But then somehow everything went wrong. "Ignore" the plenipotentiary The first wake-up call for Reshetnikov was the visit to the Perm Territory of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Volga Federal District Mikhail Babich. When he arrived in Perm, he did not even bother to meet with the new governor. The visit was officially an inspection one. But Governor Reshetnikov did not take part in this process. Babich limited himself to holding a public meeting ... with students from Perm universities. Naturally, without the participation of the governor. The participants in the political process immediately started talking about the fact that it was revenge in terry tones. After all, having barely got out as the head of the region, Reshetnikov allowed himself the phrase that. Construction "failure" of the governor In fact, as they said, Babich came to the Perm Territory to check why the construction of a residential complex in the city of Bereznyaki was delayed to resettle people from dilapidated and dilapidated housing. At that time, only a few houses were built, and then started under Basargin. But they were never inhabited. And the inhabitants of the city continued to live on a powder keg, since their houses could go underground at any moment.

Emergency houses in Bereznyaki

After all, they were in the undermined territories of a quarry for the extraction of potassium. The failure to meet the deadlines for the completion of the housing complex is attributed to the elementary carelessness of the governor Reshetnikov. He just didn't follow through. School and Emirates Under Mr. Reshetnikov, there was a grandiose scandal of an all-Russian scale. In one of the Perm schools, students staged a real massacre, bringing knives with them. Several people were seriously injured. Even the Prosecutor General's Office took up the matter. But Reshetnikov was not present. At this time, he was vacationing in the United Arab Emirates. And not one, but. Didn't the plenipotentiary come to the governor for all this? Moscow "leprosy" Prior to his appointment to the Perm Territory, Reshetnikov worked as the head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow, that is, he worked quite successfully in the team of Sergei Sobyanin and Anastasia Rakova. It was the current Perm governor who carried out the scandalous "kiosk reform" in Moscow, and at the same time increased taxes and fees for businessmen. So that they are always in good shape and do not forget who their overseer is. At the same time, Reshetnikov did not forget about his beloved. So, his company "Prognoz" suddenly became the main recipient of government orders for various electronic services. .But in the Perm Territory, such liberties apparently do not pass. Here you are fed by the prosecutor, and the Accounts Chamber. In this regard, will Mr. Reshetnikov leave his governorship ahead of schedule?

Name: Maxim Reshetnikov Date of birth: July 11, 1979 Place of birth: Perm Position: Governor of the Perm Territory

Childhood and education

Maxim Reshetnikov was born in Perm in the summer of 1979. There is no information about his parents in open sources.

The politician once told about his childhood in an interview that he grew up “among real boys”, although he himself was rather a “nerd”. But one that is better not to mess with.

And a child prodigy, you might add. After graduating from high school, Reshetnikov entered Perm State University, where he studied at two faculties at once. The first - economic - he graduated as an external student, fitting the standard five-year plan in three years. Reshetnikov acquired the specialty “mathematical methods and research of operations in economics”. Two years later, he mastered the specialty "linguist, translator" at the same university.

Reshetnikov - Candidate of Economic Sciences. He defended his dissertation with extraordinary swiftness, already in 2003. On the example of the Perm region, Reshetnikov considered the principles and models of managing the region's economy based on financial flows.

Don't turn sour

Somehow, Maxim Vladimirovich managed not only to study at two faculties at once and write a dissertation, but also to work. Back in 1998, a 19-year-old student went to work at CJSC Prognoz. The company was engaged in the development of software for business intelligence and, as some media write, technological solutions for government agencies.

Many fellow students of Reshetnikov went to work in banks "and turned sour there," as Maxim Vladimirovich put it. He himself did not want to turn sour and preferred the civil service.

Career in regional administration

At the age of 20, in 2000, Reshetnikov was called to the planning department of budget revenues and expenditures of the administration of the Perm region. Two years later, he headed the department, then became the head of the regional finance and investment department, and became deputy head of the Main Economics Department of the regional administration.

Changed several more positions - Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Public Administration System, then First Deputy Chairman of the Planning Department of the Perm Region. He held the same position after the merger of the region with the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug.

In 2006, Reshetnikov became the first deputy head of the administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory.

Moscow as a school

And a year later, as the then governor of the region Oleg Chirkunov put it, the regional social elevator worked, and the promising official was lured to Moscow. As Chirkunov admitted, it was a pity to let him go.

But Reshetnikov received a truly invaluable managerial experience. Over the years of work in Moscow, he managed to work alongside Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.

“I know from the inside how ministries work. I probably have experience of interaction with practically all the vice-presidents of the government in the White House, often for many years. This is an understanding of how the state policy is built and implemented,” Maxim Vladimirovich later said.

Capital levels

Reshetnikov began his career in Moscow as Deputy Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Regional Development. In the period from June 2008 to April 2009, he headed the ministerial Department for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In February, he was included in the first hundred of the reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the president. It was then Dmitry Medvedev, who complained that "there is no bench" and to find personnel to replace senior officials in the regions. So a promising native of Perm could not be left without attention.

Reshetnikov then turned 30. In April, he was not afraid to return to Perm to Chirkunov, preferring his small homeland to the capital of his big homeland. But not for long. In October of the same year, Reshetnikov was taken back to Moscow.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ordered to appoint Maxim Vladimirovich director of the Department of Public Administration, Regional Development and Local Self-Government of the Government Office of the Russian Federation. It was then headed by Sergei Sobyanin.

In Sobyanin's team

According to the media, the initiator of Reshetnikov's invitation to the apparatus of the federal government was Anastasia Rakova, one of the figures closest to Sobyanin. Then she headed its secretariat.

Rakova knew Reshetnikov from her joint work at the Ministry of Regional Development. And leaving after Sobyanin to the Moscow City Hall, she again called Maxim Vladimirovich to the team.

First, he received the post of first deputy head of the apparatus of the mayor and the government of Moscow. And in April 2012, he took the chair of the Minister of the Moscow city government, head of the Department of Economic Policy and City Development.

As colleagues later noted, successful reforms took place in almost all areas supervised by Reshetnikov - the economy, finance, tariffs, migration, taxes. At the same time, during the crisis, Reshetnikov refused to cut spending on the Moscow social package for pensioners and other beneficiaries.

Sobyanin himself described the subordinate as an effective manager.

Without sentiment

In 2009, while working in the Perm Territory, Reshetnikov organized the resignation of the head of the Chaikovsky district, Yuri Vostrikov. This is what the governor wanted.

The dismissal of the heads of the district at the initiative of the regional authorities was accepted by political scientists without approval. Reshetnikov himself explained that control over municipalities should be strengthened, and the right to initiate the dismissal of mayors from the heads of regions is not interference in the activities of municipalities. And control over it must be strengthened.

Lobbyists: for and against

Reshetnikov contributed to the departure of Andrei Sharonov, a former assistant to German Gref, from the Moscow government. As they said in the mayor's office, he proposed to develop rules for regulating business together with entrepreneurs. Rakova and Reshetnikov believed that lobbyists would only interfere with the work of regulators.

Meanwhile, according to media reports, the Prognoz company, where Maxim Reshetnikov began his career, became one of the key contractors for the creation of information systems and electronic services, including the projects Our City and "Electronic diary".

Night of the Long Buckets

Among other things, Reshetnikov was responsible for the reform of street trading. If earlier the city rented out land for the installation of kiosks, now the Moscow government installs its own kiosks and leases them out through an auction.

Under him, a mass demolition of trade pavilions was carried out in Moscow, which were recognized as unauthorized structures. On February 8-9, 2016, almost a hundred objects were destroyed, which had stood for ten to fifteen years and became a familiar part of the urban landscape (this was called the "night of long dippers"). In the future, demolition was also often carried out simultaneously in several parts of the city.

As Maxim Reshetnikov explained to a Kommersant correspondent, the facilities were built without the necessary permits, and then “supposedly legalized,” and everyone can guess exactly how. And the assets and the way they are acquired must be “proper”.

“I don’t have a foot in business,” the same Reshetnikov told a Forbes correspondent a few years earlier. Well, still - he knows from his own experience how officials treat entrepreneurs.

And back to Perm

On February 6, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Maxim Reshetnikov at his residence in Novo-Ogaryovo. He suggested that the official change Moscow to Perm again. And he agreed.

The appointment of Reshetnikov as acting governor of the Perm Territory came as a real surprise to local experts. His name was not among the possible candidates that came to mind after the resignation of the former head of the Perm Territory, Viktor Basargin.

Political scientists noted that it so happened that part of the Ural regions, including the Perm Territory, came under the responsibility of Sobyanin. So one nominee of the current mayor of Moscow simply replaced another. In general, nothing interesting and no sensations, although it turned out to be a surprise. Personal life

Reshetnikov does not like to talk about his personal life, so little is known about his private life. Reshetnikov's wife's name is Anna. The couple has two school-age girls and a young son. As Maxim Vladimirovich noted in one of his interviews, it is the family that pays for all travel and relocation. Especially now, when daughters have to change schools. In his free time, Reshetnikov enjoys tennis, watching movies and walking in parks. True, as he told reporters, his daughters do not like to walk with him, because dad is photographed all the time.


In 2016, Reshetnikov earned more than 5.6 million rubles, his wife brought 478.5 thousand rubles to the family piggy bank. Most likely, these are maternity, the son of the Reshetnikovs is not even three years old. Reshetnikov owns two-thirds of the apartment with an area of ​​​​more than 250 "squares", his wife has two parking spaces. Car one, "Kia Cerato". This too shall pass The gubernatorial elections in Perm were held on 10 September. Reshetnikov won over 82 percent of the vote.

In the national ranking of governors at the end of 2017, he took quite a worthy place - 18th. However, as political scientist Oleg Podvintsev noted, the attitude towards Reshetnikov "remains unformed." The young technocrat remains a dark horse, completely incomprehensible to either the people or the political elite. But not scandalous.

Rumors that the politician would stay in the Perm Territory for a short time have been circulating since his appointment. So, at the forum in Sochi, the governor of the Perm Territory made such serious statements that political scientists again started talking about a possible imminent departure. After all, governors usually behave quietly at such meetings, and do not make prepared and serious statements on the federal agenda.

In the meantime, Reshetnikov remains one of the youngest heads of regions in Russia. But when asked about this to journalists, he answers briefly.

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