What does an allergic rash look like? Skin rash in a child. Types of allergic rashes in children and methods for their treatment Allergy in a baby rash

In the last decade, the number of children suffering from allergies has increased significantly. Toddlers react to food, environment and other factors. Pathology most often manifests itself on the skin. As the baby grows, the symptoms also change. Gradually, the respiratory tract is exposed to the main blow, which can adversely affect overall health.

What types of allergies do children have, and why does pathology occur? What is the problem for the baby, and what consequences can it lead to? How to treat an allergic reaction at different ages? What prevention will be the most effective? Let's figure it out together.

It is impossible to raise a child and not face any type of rash.

Causes of the disease

The response of the immune system to the stimulus occurs for many reasons. It is impossible to 100% determine the factors that caused the allergy, but there is a list of the most possible causes.

Symptoms and signs may be blurry and indistinct. Without a full examination, it is not always possible to immediately diagnose the disease.

The response appears not only on the skin, the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and mucous membranes are involved. The rash may be accompanied by coughing, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the tongue, or other symptoms.

Characteristic signs on the skin:

  • burning, itching, pain;
  • redness of the skin;
  • dryness, peeling;
  • tissue swelling;
  • rash (vesicles, blisters, nodular seals, vesicles, etc.).

All parts of the body are affected by the rash, especially the face, scalp, neck, limbs, buttocks, and abdomen. Visible symptoms appear some time after contact with the irritant.

Varieties of allergic reactions in children by type of origin

An allergy is a response of the immune system to an external or internal stimulus to which the immune system is hypersensitive. Pathology has many types and forms.

Food allergies often occur to red berries.

Classification by type of origin:

  1. Food. It often affects children in the first year of life. It often goes away on its own. However, some people are allergic to certain foods forever. Allergens can be: red berries, fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, legumes, nuts, milk, seafood.
  2. Aeroallergy. It occurs due to the inhalation of an irritant that enters the lungs and settles on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  3. For pets. The opinion that wool is the main allergen is erroneous. Children react negatively to animal proteins contained in saliva and toxic substances excreted in the urine. In addition, dogs bring dirt from the street, and with it bacteria and fungi.
  4. For medicine. It appears at a younger age, less often in adolescence. Antibiotics (especially penicillin), anesthetics, and some vitamins have a negative effect.
  5. For house dust. Dust mites are microscopic, easily inhaled and often cause a negative immune response.
  6. For chemicals. This includes cleaning products, harsh chemicals, air fresheners, or man-made synthetic fibers (poor quality clothing, soft toys).
  7. on natural factors. These can be bee, wasp, mosquito or bumblebee stings. Touching some plants leads to burns. In some cases, there is an allergy to cold or sun (we recommend reading:).
  8. Pollinosis. A seasonal phenomenon, when a high concentration of pollen from flowering plants is concentrated in the air. The problem affects both adults and children.

Seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis

Types of allergies according to the nature of the rashes

Outwardly, allergies manifest themselves in different ways, which can be seen by looking at the photos of patients with a description. The same type of problem may differ in different children, for example, food allergies cause both urticaria and Quincke's edema (depending on the level of immunity sensitivity).

The most common types of disease according to the nature of the rash on the skin:

  1. contact dermatitis;
  2. atopic dermatitis;
  3. eczema;
  4. urticaria (we recommend reading:);
  5. neurodermatitis;
  6. angioedema;
  7. Lyell's syndrome.

contract dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a disease that affects the upper layers of the skin (epidermis). It appears as a result of exposure to the immune system and the body as a whole of an irritating allergen. Infants, one-year-old babies and older children are susceptible to pathologies.

Contract dermatitis most commonly affects the arms, legs, back, and neck (very rare on the face)

Contact dermatitis is common in young children because the immune system is not fully developed. It can appear for any, even insignificant reason. The environment plays an important role. Dirt in the house, irregular personal hygiene at times increases the chances of the disease.

External manifestations:

  • skin redness, swelling;
  • the appearance of keratinized areas prone to severe peeling;
  • painful vesicles filled with clear fluid or pus
  • burning, itching (sometimes the pain is almost unbearable).

An unpleasant rash usually affects places where clothing is always attached (legs, arms, back, neck). Less often it appears on the face.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an acute reaction of the skin to an irritant or toxin, which is characterized by an inflammatory process. The disease is difficult to treat, prone to relapse and transition to a chronic form.

Depending on the age group of the patient, the pathology is characterized by different localization of foci of inflammation: in children under 1 year old, this is the face, folds of the arms and legs; starting from the age of 3, rashes often appear in the folds of the skin, on the feet or palms.

Atopic dermatitis on the face of a child

The seborrheic type (not to be confused with seborrhea) covers the scalp. Atopy may appear on the genitals or mucous membranes (GI tract, nasopharynx).

Symptoms of the disease:

  • significant swelling;
  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • rash of nodular type, filled with exudate;
  • burning, itching and pain;
  • dryness and cracks in the skin;
  • the formation of crusts that leave deep scars.

Food allergies are one of the most common causes of illness. However, pets, dust or unsuitable hygiene products also often provoke dermatitis.

Pediatricians note that pathology rarely occurs on its own. In the complex, the child has gastrointestinal diseases or other systemic disorders.


Eczema is an inflammatory process of the upper layers of the skin. It is chronic with periodic remissions and relapses, often develops in parallel with atopic dermatitis.

The main source of the problem is an allergic reaction, especially if the baby has a genetic predisposition. Eczema appears under the influence of several factors - allergies and disorders in the body (immune system, gastrointestinal tract).

Characteristic signs:

  • redness;
  • severe itching and burning;
  • many small vesicles that gradually merge into one continuous focus of inflammation;
  • after their opening, an ulcerative focus appears, exudate is released;
  • when healing, the wounds are covered with crusts.


Urticaria is a dermatological disease of allergic origin. At an early age it is characterized by acute short-term attacks, over time it becomes chronic.

Urticaria all over the body in a child

The disease looks like a lot of blisters that differ in shape and size. Their color varies from transparent to bright red. Each blister is surrounded by a swollen border. The rash is very itchy, as a result of which the blisters burst or merge into continuous erosion.

Skin pathology, which is neuro-allergic in nature. The disease manifests itself after 2 years. Frequent diathesis can serve as a prerequisite. It is distinguished by a long course, when acute relapses are replaced by periods of relative rest.

Neurodermatitis looks like a cluster of small light pink nodules. When combing, they can connect. The skin becomes red without outlined borders. Scales, seals, hyperpigmentation appear.

Quincke's edema

Quincke's edema is a sudden acute reaction of the body to natural or chemical factors, most often caused by allergies. This is a serious pathology that requires urgent first aid and a full medical examination.

Quincke's edema

Angioedema is characterized by a significant increase in the soft tissues of the face (lips, cheeks, eyelids), neck, hands and feet or mucous membranes (swelling of the pharynx is very dangerous). The swelling can last from several minutes to several days. Swelling in the mouth makes speech difficult and interferes with normal eating. There is no burning or itching. Touching the swelling does not cause pain.

Lyell's syndrome

Lyell's syndrome is a very serious and severe disease that is characterized by an allergic origin. It is accompanied by a strong deterioration in the general condition of the patient, damage to the entire skin and mucous membranes. Outwardly, the disease resembles second-degree burns. The body becomes blistered, swollen and inflamed.

Usually, such a reaction occurs after taking allergen medications. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor, which will increase the chances of recovery. Forecasts for a cure are disappointing (in 30% of cases, a fatal outcome occurs). Fortunately, Lyell's syndrome only covers 0.3% of all allergic drug reactions. After anaphylactic shock, it ranks second in terms of danger to the patient's life.

Allergy diagnostics

After the examination, a qualified specialist will prescribe a series of studies that will help to accurately identify allergens. At the initial appointment, parents must provide:

  • how the baby eats (what he ate recently before the rash appeared);
  • mothers of infants - about their diet and introduced complementary foods;
  • Are there any allergies in the family?
  • whether pets live;
  • what plants prevail near the house, etc.

Required tests:

  1. blood test for immunoglobulin;
  2. allergic tests (skin, application, provocative);
  3. general detailed blood test.

To determine the etiology of an allergic rash, a complete blood count is required.

Treatment with medication

Proper treatment of allergies is essential, it will save you from complications and further health problems. It is important to protect the child from allergens - irritants and conduct drug therapy. The course of treatment is different for patients of different age categories. Antihistamines and topical skin treatment remain common. Drugs are prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

In case of food allergies, doctors must prescribe enterosorbent Enterosgel as a course to remove allergens. The preparation is a gel saturated with water. It gently envelops the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, collects allergens from them and removes them from the body. An important advantage of Enterosgel is that allergens are firmly bound to the gel and are not released in the intestinal calves located below. Enterosgel, as a porous sponge, absorbs predominantly harmful substances without interacting with beneficial microflora and microelements, so it can be taken for more than 2 weeks.

Therapy for newborns

Some doctors deny congenital allergies as an independent pathology. It arises through the fault of the mother, often unintentionally. This leads to the use of allergens in food, bad habits, past diseases. In addition, allergies can appear already in the first days or months of life.

First of all, a nursing mother should review her diet, eliminating all possible allergens. Infants on artificial feeding are selected hypoallergenic or lactose-free mixture.

In the acute course of the disease, children under 1 year of age are shown antihistamines:

  • Fenistil drops (contraindicated up to 1 month);
  • drops of Tsetrin (from six months);
  • Zyrtec drops (from six months) (we recommend reading:).

With a rash, local treatment is prescribed (smear 2 times a day):

  • Fenistil gel (relieves itching, soothes the skin);
  • Bepanten (moisturizes, improves tissue regeneration);
  • Weleda (German cream containing natural ingredients);
  • Elidel (an anti-inflammatory agent prescribed after 3 months).

Treatment for babies over 1 year old

After the age of 1 year, the list of approved drugs increases slightly. Nevertheless, up to 3 years, therapy should be predominantly prophylactic (the baby should be protected from the irritant).


  • Erius (suspension);
  • Zodak (drops)
  • Parlazin (drops);
  • Cetirizine Geksal (drops);
  • Fenistil (drops);
  • Tavegil (syrup), etc.

For skin rashes, the same ointments are used as for newborns, or as directed by a doctor. To cleanse the body of toxins, absorbents are taken: Polysorb, Phosphalugel, Enterosgel, Smecta. It is recommended to take vitamins.

With a protracted or severe course of the disease, doctors resort to taking hormone-containing drugs (Prednisolone). Immunomodulatory therapy at this age is undesirable. In extreme cases, a gentle medicine is selected (for example, Derinat drops).

Management of symptoms in children older than 3 years

Starting from the age of 3, it becomes possible to begin to eliminate the problem itself. Medications only relieve symptoms, but they cannot cure allergies.

An effective method is specific immunotherapy (SIT). It can be used from the age of 5. The allergen is gradually introduced to the patient in clear doses. As a result, an immune defense is formed in him, and sensitivity to an irritant disappears. In parallel with SIT, measures can be taken to increase immune protection, improve blood composition, etc.

To eliminate symptoms, you can add to the above medicines:

  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Cetrin;
  • Claritin;
  • clemastine.

How long does an allergic reaction take?

How long can an allergic reaction last? It depends on individual hypersensitivity, health status and duration of contact with the irritant.

On average, it can last from several minutes to several days (4-6 days). Seasonal pollinosis occupies the entire flowering period and can take up to a couple of months. It is necessary to protect the baby from exposure to the irritant and carry out symptomatic treatment.

What is the danger of an allergy in a baby?

Skin allergies in children are potentially dangerous, especially if not properly treated. Diathesis or dermatitis cannot be ignored under the pretext that all children have it.

Risk factors:

  • the transition of an acute reaction into a chronic form;
  • the appearance of prolonged atopic dermatitis or neurodermatitis;
  • risk of anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema;
  • bronchial asthma.

Allergy Prevention

It is impossible to completely protect the baby, but you can follow simple rules that will positively affect his health. Proper prevention will reduce the risks of allergies.

An allergy in a child is a reaction of a child's fragile immunity to an irritant that enters the body. As a result, there is a protective reaction to dangerous substances, which are manifested by a rash, rhinitis and severe cough.

Some theories describe allergies as a hereditary disease that is passed on to children from parents. However, an allergic reaction can occur in absolutely any child.

Types of allergic rash in children and a list of allergens

In most cases, childhood allergy symptoms appear after exposure to the allergen. A sign of an allergy can be not only a rash, but also body itching, fever, burning eyes and a runny nose.

The younger the child, the greater the risk of allergy to his health.

Most often, an allergic reaction in babies occurs on:

  • Food;
  • medicines;
  • household dust;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • household chemicals.


A food allergy is a type of food intolerance. It has a great influence on the further development of children's allergic reactions and can cause some diseases. In children, food allergy manifests itself in the form of diathesis.

The beginning of food allergy treatment is to eliminate the allergen. The baby will be assigned a diet in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body.


A drug allergy is a reaction of the child's immune system to drugs.

Symptoms are as follows: rash, itching of the mucous membranes and skin, redness of the eyes, watery eyes, swelling of the face, tongue or lips. They may be accompanied by a runny nose, cough, shortness of breath and joint pain.

Prevention of the appearance of an allergic reaction in a child to medicines comes down to a careful selection of medicines, especially for children with allergic diseases.

If the child has already had a reaction to a particular drug, it is necessary to prevent re-administration of the medication. To do this, information about allergies is entered into the child's medical card.


Aeroallergy in a child is caused by environmental factors that are allergenic. These can be natural components: plant pollen, dust, insect venom, animal epidermis, mold fungi and other elements.

In order to determine which factor a child is allergic to, special allergy tests are carried out.

Allergy triggers

Any substance can potentially cause an allergic reaction and trigger the development of an allergy, as well as some physical factors such as sun and frost.

Drug allergens

The development of drug allergies in young children is provoked by vaccines, serums, foreign immunoglobulins and dextrans. Even antiallergic drugs can cause a reaction to medications.

Symptoms occur after taking the drug and manifest as urticaria, asthma, angioedema or rhinitis. There are also more dangerous symptoms in the form of anaphylactic shock and lung damage.

A carefully collected history helps to accurately diagnose allergies and carry out the necessary treatment.

food allergens

Doctors associate the development of food allergies with a genetic predisposition, a short duration of breastfeeding, and a decrease in the child's immunity.

The most common food allergens are:

  • cow's milk;
  • fish proteins;
  • eggs;
  • wheat and rye;
  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • berries.

The main reason for the appearance and development of food allergies is the introduction of new products into the child's diet.

When the first symptoms appear, you need to show the baby to a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations.

You can not start diathesis and let it progress, as it will lead to bad consequences.

Physical factors

Some natural phenomena can cause an allergic reaction in a child, whose body reacts sharply to them.

An allergic reaction in a baby can occur to the following physical factors:

  • freezing;
  • cold;
  • Sun rays;
  • high air temperature.

This allergy is manifested by a rash, redness of the skin, anxiety of the child caused by itching and discomfort.

After examining and diagnosing allergies, the doctor will prescribe an antihistamine, adjust the baby's menu, prescribe a soothing cream or ointment that will protect the skin from negative environmental influences.

Chemical Factors

The problem of contact allergy in children with a predisposition to it remains one of the most important in the practice of allergists. Children who constantly wear clothes treated with allergenic detergents are especially susceptible to allergies.

The first months of a baby's life, you need to protect him as much as possible from household chemicals, using only children's hygiene products for washing and washing.

Forms of manifestation

Symptoms of an allergy on the skin of a child are manifested in the form of severe itching, dry skin, burning, hypersensitivity and various types of rashes. Most often it is a rash and blisters, but there may be other changes on the skin.


With urticaria, blisters appear on the child's body without a clear form of light pink or red. The spots are very itchy and when scratched, the affected area increases.

The rash moves throughout the body, not lingering in one place for more than a couple of days.

It is very important to immediately identify the allergen that causes hives in order to eliminate further contact of the baby with it.


Allergic dermatitis in children is common, since immediately after birth, the child is faced with an aggressive environment, to which immunity must develop. Until the necessary changes in the body occur, it is prone to allergic diseases.

The mother of the child will immediately notice signs of dermatitis on his skin: red dots, peeling, sores and cracks. Also, the baby will complain of itching.

The pediatrician at the appointment will rule out skin diseases with similar symptoms and infections. After that, it will be possible to begin treatment of dermatitis.


Eczema in a child is chronic and is characterized by the presence of a rash of various forms. Basically, the rash looks like blisters of bright red color.

This disease is of three types: microbial eczema, seborrheic and true.

Signs of eczema appear on the face and then spread to the hands and feet. An allergic reaction in the form of eczema can be caused by any allergen, including food and household chemicals.


The inflammatory process on the skin, which has an immunoallergic nature, is called neurodermatitis. This disease has a second name - atopic dermatitis.

This is a chronic problem that has various causes and requires long-term treatment. Symptoms of neurodermatitis are similar to psoriasis: spots on the skin with a thinned cover, thickening of the skin in the affected areas, severe itching.

For the successful treatment of the disease, complex measures are used, which include observing the hygiene of the child, the use of special ointments, taking medications, and ultraviolet irradiation.


Children's allergies take many forms, but in many cases the body's response to allergens is similar.

At the first suspicion of an allergic reaction, you need to be examined by a pediatrician, who, if necessary, will give a referral for tests.


Redness in certain areas of the skin is usually temporary and is caused by an increase in capillaries.

physical erythema is the reaction of the child's skin to adapt to the environment. Usually it passes within a day after the appearance, if appropriate measures are taken: ventilate the child's skin and use a special baby cream.

Toxic erythema is an allergic reaction and requires treatment.

Slight swelling at the site of the rash

If a child has a rash with swelling, this may indicate a food allergy.

Also, swelling at the site of the rash may indicate Quincke's edema and another dangerous disease.

Small papules - vesicles

The presence of papules (nodules) on the skin can be both a sign of allergies and a symptom of measles, exanthema, infectious mononucleosis, psoriasis, urticaria and chickenpox.

Itching, sometimes very severe

An itchy rash in a child is in most cases an allergic reaction, but it can also be caused by a skin disease. Itching without a rash is provoked by diseases such as eczema and fungus.

Places of localization

Visually, you can determine the disease of the child by the nature and location of the rashes on his body. Final the diagnosis must be made by a doctor after inspection.


Signs of a rash caused by an allergy are symptoms such as flushing, rashes, swelling of the cheeks and their dryness. These symptoms may be accompanied by sneezing, irritation of the eyes and nose.

Provoke a rash on the face most often allergens in the form of chemicals, insects, medicines and food.


The appearance of skin changes in this place indicate dermatitis, poor hygiene or other problems, such as candidiasis or seborrhea.


On the back of a child, the rash often resembles a nettle burn and is very itchy. This is how an allergic reaction to clothing or food manifests itself.


A rash on the baby's neck is most likely. In the hot season, special attention should be paid to the hygiene of the child in order to avoid irritation in the neck.


If the localization of the spots is the child's chest, then this may indicate the presence of an infection. Be sure to show the baby to the doctor to exclude measles, rubella, scarlet fever and chickenpox.

An allergic rash in this place most often appears due to contact dermatitis.


A rash on the abdomen of a child can appear from animal hair, food and household chemicals.

Rashes on the abdomen should not be combed, as this can lead to scarring.


Redness and rash on the buttocks in most cases is a reaction to a diaper or cream.

You should temporarily change the brand of diapers and leave the child without them more often.


An allergic reaction on the limbs manifests itself in the form of red spots, which can be of different sizes and even merge into one.

If you stretch the skin fold under the rash, it will turn pale.


If a rash on the thighs is accompanied by a high fever, it may indicate meningitis. The rash in this case will be in the form of stars. Meningitis requires immediate hospitalization.

"Diaper Zone"

This area is one of the most sensitive in children, so the rash appears there quite often.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the hygiene of the baby, apply soothing creams and ointments, powder and try to use diapers less until irritation subsides.


To make an accurate diagnosis and identify the allergen, you need to contact a specialist allergist-immunologist, who will take a detailed history and send you for tests.

Two diagnostic methods confirm the presence of allergies: immunological blood tests and skin allergy tests. Sometimes the result of both types of testing is false negative.

An allergy may not appear immediately after contact with the allergen, but after a while. At an early age, the study may not be accurate.

Basic Treatments

The confrontation of allergies in children primarily consists of an accurate definition of its type (food, contact, etc.), ascertaining the type of allergens to which the child's body reacts. This is followed by the use of modern drugs according to the doctor's prescription, sometimes in combination with folk remedies.

Basically, allergy treatment includes a specially selected diet, the use of antihistamines and ointments.

It is also very important to completely exclude the contact of the child with the allergen. Drugs are prescribed according to the age of the child.

Modern allergy medicines have a pleasant taste, do not cause addiction and sedation in children.

Skin manifestations of an allergic reaction are removed with ointments and creams that contain anti-inflammatory substances.

In the case of rhinitis, children are prescribed corticosteroids, which reduce swelling and make breathing easier.

With conjunctivitis, eye drops are prescribed as an addition to antihistamines.

Folk remedies and recipes

The positive aspects of using folk remedies for allergies in children are safety and financial savings. However, natural ingredients should be used with caution so as not to provoke a reaction to a new allergen.

The most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

  • nettle;
  • mummy;
  • succession;
  • celandine;
  • calendula;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • hawthorn;
  • Birch.

With the above ingredients, decoctions are prepared, which are taken orally or used to treat the affected area of ​​the skin. As a rule, folk remedies involve long-term use with periodic repetition of the course of treatment.

It is necessary to use folk remedies only after an accurately established diagnosis and exclusion of contact with the substance or product that caused the reaction.

It is optimal to combine modern methods of treatment and natural remedies.


If the baby has a predisposition to allergies, you need to follow a few rules:

  • increase the duration of breastfeeding;
  • minimize the risk of possible allergens getting into the children's diet;
  • do wet cleaning indoors as often as possible, periodically carry out antifungal treatment;
  • do not smoke in front of the child and in the apartment where he lives;
  • use an air purifier;
  • keep closets with clothes and books closed;
  • buy bed linen and clothes for the child from non-allergenic materials;
  • avoid contact of the child with animals;
  • when washing, use harmless household chemicals.

At the first suspicion that the child has an allergy cannot self-medicate. This will not only not help to remove the problem, but will exacerbate it.

Timely contact with an allergist specialist will help to detect the disease earlier and begin to take action.

When choosing a clinic, it is better to give preference to specialized institutions that treat children.

An allergic rash in children is a skin manifestation of a pathological immune response of the body to an external stimulus. The rash is often accompanied by itching, sneezing, coughing, or a runny nose. Young children are most susceptible to the disease, since their protective system is still being formed.

Causes of allergic rashes on the body in children

One of the main causes of hypersensitivity to antigen proteins is hereditary predisposition. If parents show signs of atopic dermatitis, the likelihood of an allergic rash in a child increases to 80%.

Allergy risk factors are laid during fetal development. The development of the pathological process is facilitated by:

  • unfavorable course of pregnancy, complicated by toxicosis, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
  • exposure through the placenta of toxic substances: nicotine, alcohol, narcotic analgesics;
  • bacterial or viral intrauterine infections;
  • malnutrition of a pregnant woman (high-calorie and allergenic foods);
  • negative impact of the environment, especially products of harmful production.

After birth, provoking factors can become:

The cause of a rash in children under one year old is most often a food allergy (reaction to cow's milk, eggs, cereals).

Clinical manifestations of dermatoses differ in the duration of the course, the nature (permanent or recurrent), the intensity of the manifestation of the elements of the rash.


Rashes in the form of bright pink blisters appear suddenly on different parts of the body, including the palms, soles, scalp. Bubbles can merge into a whole spot. The skin around is hyperemic and edematous.

The child is worried about severe itching; possible fever, vomiting, diarrhea, headache. Sometimes the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, larynx and nasopharynx are affected. Such localization is dangerous for the development of a severe complication - Quincke's edema.

The reaction can last from a few minutes to 4-5 days. Symptoms disappear as quickly as they arise.

Rash in atopic dermatitis

Reddening of the skin and papular rash are localized on the face and neck, in the area of ​​the knee and elbow joints. Small vesicles and serous papules appear on the cheeks.

Dry skin flakes, rashes are observed in the form of red spots, seals, acne and pustules. Children scratch the unbearably itchy skin, and the wounds serve as the entrance gate for a secondary infection.

Allergic dermatitis

Spotted rashes in a child under 2 years of age are localized on the face, behind the ear, in the groin, on the bends of the elbow and knee joints.

In older children, the neck area and the inner part of the elbow joints are more often affected. The skin looks edematous, cracks, crusts, erosion appear on the surface.

In adolescents, rashes appear on the back of the hands, on the forearms, face and neck. In severe cases, the rash covers the entire body.

baby eczema

Chronic skin disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions. In the acute stage, a small rash and blisters appear on the skin. Opening, the latter secrete exudate, weeping erosions are formed.

After drying, crusts and scales form. At the same time, various elements can be observed: vesicles, erosions and crusts, which alternate with areas of healthy skin. Parts of the body are often affected symmetrically, inflammation and swelling are clearly delimited.


Allergy manifestations are more often associated with taking medications (antibiotics or any syrups with flavors and dyes).

At the initial stage, erythematous spots, nodules appear.

With a moderate degree, small vesicles and single large blisters are added to the rashes by the type of urticaria.

A severe degree is characterized by a sharp violation of the patient's condition with complications in the form of anaphylactic shock or allergic vasculitis.

cold allergy

An atypical reaction of the immune system can develop immediately or some time after cold exposure. The intensity of skin manifestations depends on the individual characteristics of the child's body.

The rash is combined with signs of weathering of the face (peeling, swelling), as well as pain.


Pathology is observed in children from 2 years of age. The diffuse form is characterized by the appearance of pale pink nodular rashes, which can merge and form continuous zones of infiltration. The face, neck, folds of the arms and legs, the scalp, and the inguinal region are most often affected. Inflamed areas do not have clear boundaries.

Gradually, the skin thickens, flakes, skin pattern appears. There is a zone of hyperpigmentation along the perimeter.

Severe itching leads to scratching and the appearance of weeping erosions and crusts. Secondary infection can lead to chronic furunculosis.

A feature of neurodermatitis is a symptom of white dermographism (with weak pressure, a white mark remains on the skin).

Less common in children is limited neurodermatitis. Rashes in this form are observed in the groin, in the area of ​​​​the ankles and the lateral surfaces of the neck. The focus consists of a central scaly zone, a middle zone consisting of small red-brown shiny nodules, and an outer zone with increased pigmentation.

How to diagnose an allergy?

Sometimes, to make a diagnosis, it is enough for a pediatrician to examine the child and collect a detailed history. However, the symptoms of different types of allergic dermatitis are similar, atypical forms of the disease are often found.

In such cases, it is necessary to consult an allergist, who prescribes additional studies:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • a blood test for specific immunoglobulins E, which determines the likely common group of allergens;
  • skin allergy tests, which reveal the type of irritant.

How to distinguish an allergy from an infection?

To prescribe the correct treatment, it is important to differentiate between an allergic rash and manifestations of a viral (infectious) exanthema in scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox and other infections.

There are a number of characteristic features that distinguish diseases.

signs Allergy Infection
General appearance of the rash Spotted rash or blisters may coalesce, crusts form, weeping erosions Rash elements (papules, vesicles, pustules) are clear, isolated
Localization More often the forehead, cheeks, chin, behind-the-ear areas, folds of the limbs; less often - stomach and back Torso; rarely - the surface of the hands and feet, extremely rarely - the forehead
Body temperature Rarely rises to + 37...+38°C Rise up to +37.5...+40°C
Itching Intense, annoying None or moderate
Puffiness of the skin Explicit, with the threat of complications In rare cases
Additional symptoms Rhinitis with constant secretion of liquid secretion, lowering blood pressure Intoxication (weakness, headache, body aches); with a runny nose, the nature of the discharge changes
Current duration More often, the rash disappears after taking the drug and eliminating the irritant; sometimes becomes chronic Changing, the rash is present throughout the disease

In addition, with an infectious disease, contact with a patient or a carrier of the pathogen is detected.

What medicines are used to treat allergic rashes in children?

Therapy of allergic conditions depends on the age of the child, the form and severity of the disease. The duration of treatment and dosage is determined by the attending physician.

External Therapy

Hormonal ointments (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone) are effective in the treatment of dermatitis, but have a number of contraindications. They should be used with caution under the supervision of a physician.

Corticosteroid drugs (Lokoid, Advantan, Elokom) reduce burning, redness, weeping. Children are assigned short courses.


Medicines help reduce itching, redness, and swelling. Children are prescribed drugs based on loratadine, ceterizine or desloratadine. Erius, Zirtek, Claritin are effective. Reception of tablets is appointed 1 time per day.

Membrane stabilizing agents

Medicines relieve swelling and spasm of smooth muscles of blood vessels and bronchioles. Montelukast, Monax, Singular, Singlon are used to treat bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Eliminate pet allergens

If a child has an allergy to wool, biological secretions, or animal food, doctors advise relocating the pet.

In cases where this is not possible, contact with the protein irritant should be minimized:

  • ventilate the room more often and carry out wet cleaning;
  • for pet hygiene, use special anti-allergic products;
  • install special air filters;
  • explain that you should not kiss and bring the pet to your face, and wash your hands more often;
  • do not let the animal into bed;
  • do not involve the child in cleaning the cage or toilet.

What should I do if my child has a food allergy?

After determining the protein allergen, it is completely excluded from the diet. If necessary, the doctor recommends a replacement.

A hypoallergenic diet is selected individually based on the tests carried out and is introduced for 7-10 days. As the status improves, the menu expands. Ready meals are introduced with care, checking each ingredient.

The scheme of drug therapy includes the intake of antihistamines, sorbents and agents to normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

How many days does an allergic rash go away in children?

The speed of recovery depends on many factors: the duration of contact with the irritant, the degree of skin damage, the presence of complications, etc. In some cases (for example, when exposed to cold), the rash disappears quickly.

Food allergy in the initial stage in a child up to a year passes in 2-5 days (subject to the immediate elimination of the allergen from the diet).

Uncomplicated dermatitis or urticaria is cured in 7-10 days.

Children's eczema or neurodermatitis can be cured in 2 weeks, but often these diseases become chronic.

Prevention of allergic rash

Pediatricians advise first of all to strengthen the child's immunity: walk more often in the fresh air, exercise and adhere to the rules of rational nutrition.

It is important to observe hygiene - careful care of the baby's skin will prevent the appearance of diaper rash.

Medicines should be used as prescribed by the doctor and in accordance with the instructions.

If you do not know how infectious skin diseases and allergic rashes in children differ from each other, photos of these pathologies will help to distinguish one from the other.

In the article we will talk in detail about allergic rashes, their characteristic signs and methods of treatment.

What causes an allergic rash to appear on a child's skin?

Skin rashes often appear in children from birth to 7 years of age. This is largely due to the fact that during this period the immune system of infants is still being formed.

Violations in its work are often accompanied by swelling, hyperemia (reddening of the skin) and / or rash.

Most often, an allergic rash appears due to:

  • medicines (the child's body may react negatively to individual components in the medicines included in the composition);
  • breastfeeding if the mother does not follow a diet (for example, she is fond of chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, strawberries);
  • household chemicals (washing powder, baby soap or baby cream, dishwashing liquid);
  • allergic dermatoses (plants or animals, prickly or poisonous);
  • natural factors (for example, prolonged exposure to the sun);
  • infections (non-cellular infectious agents).

The rash may appear only on the face or "go" all over the body.

What does a skin allergy look like in a child?

Allergic reactions in babies can be different. Depending on what caused it, you have to deal with a food allergy or a viral one.

In many cases, exanthems appear on the child's body (as various manifestations of allergic rashes are called):

  • pustules (filled with pus);
  • plaques;
  • spots;
  • vesicles (filled with fluid);
  • blisters (large vesicles, larger than 0.5 cm).

With food allergies in babies, a rash can be found primarily on the cheeks and near the mouth. If the allergy is contact, then the rash will appear in the place that the allergen touched.

If the baby's immune system reacted negatively to plant pollen, then instead of acne, there may be hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the face.

A photo, better than any words, will allow parents to understand what an allergy looks like, what they may encounter. We will give a brief description of some types of allergic rashes that appear in children up to a year and older.

Type of rash a brief description of Cause
Allergic dermatitis A small red rash spreads all over the body. In these places, the skin becomes dry, peeling, cracks, ulcers may occur.Weak immunity or contact with an irritant.
Hives Outwardly, it resembles blisters that appear after contact with a prickly plant of the same name. The rash "wanders" through the body, appears on the hands, then on the face, then on the folds of the arms and legs. It may be accompanied by itching, but after scratching, relief does not occur.The reaction of the child's body to individual products (chocolate, honey, eggs, citrus fruits).
Neurodermatitis It looks like psoriasis. Characteristic signs are severe peeling. May become chronic.Food allergies, weak immune system.
Eczema Small red sores or small pimples. It is a chronic form, so it may disappear, then reappear. Appears first on the face, then on the arms and legs.Infectious diseases, household chemicals, dermatitis.

Allergy to foods (sweets, citrus fruits), drugs and antibiotics manifests itself differently. The following table will help you figure out what is what:

Allergen The nature of the rash
Sweets (chocolate (peanuts, sugar, milk powder) and honey)Acne, urticaria, small rash around the mouth appear. With sugar intolerance, a small patient develops spots that itch a lot. With intolerance to honey - swelling, thirst, shortness of breath, red spots on the face.
MedicinesAt the injection sites or on the arms, legs, stomach and back of the baby (if the medicine was instilled into the child's mouth), red spots appear that resemble a mosquito bite. Sometimes they swell, start to itch a lot. If spots and pimples appear on the feet and palms, then this is an infection and will require other treatment.
AntibioticsIn a child, a reaction to antibiotics occurs immediately after taking the drug. An allergic rash in the form of red spots covers the face and body of the baby. These patches do not itch, unlike contact dermatitis. Sometimes there is a temperature (appears for no apparent reason). Instead of spots, bubbles with liquid inside may appear.

How to diagnose an allergy?

An allergic rash in children is often confused with an infectious one. If the treatment is wrong, then the consequences of such a therapeutic course will not be the best.

Before choosing an effective remedy, you need to learn how to distinguish one disease from another. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, since a visual examination is not always enough to determine the cause of the disease; tests are required.

The differences between an allergic rash in children and an infectious disease are presented in the table:

Features allergic rash Infection
General form It can be in the form of both small dots and large blisters. In addition to them, there are often crusts, erosions and serous wells (sores from which fluid oozes).Rashes are punctate, do not “merge” into a large spot.
Spawn location Face (forehead, cheeks, chin). Neck, arms, legs, buttocks. Rarely - stomach, back.Belly, back. Rarely - arms, legs. Very rarely - forehead.
Heat The temperature is rare, and if it rises, it is not higher than 37-38°C.The disease is accompanied by fever, from 37°C to 41°C.
Itching It happens.It happens.
Puffiness Well visible. In some situations it is life threatening.There are very rare.
Associated symptoms Lachrymation, conjunctivitis, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye, decreased pressure, cough, indigestion.Flow from the nose, general prostration, body aches.
How fast does it go Often the rash goes away immediately after taking the medicine.It remains until the course of treatment is completed.

What medications are used to treat allergic rashes?

When an allergic rash appears on the skin in children, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples or open blisters. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is also impossible to comb the sores.

If he is still too small, make sure that he does not touch the wounds with dirty hands. He can bring an infection, and this will only worsen his condition.

Treatment of rash in children is selected depending on the type of disease. Parents who do not know how to treat an allergic rash in children should not choose their own medications.

allergic rash Medications Non-drug treatment
Allergic dermatitisTo relieve symptoms, Suprastin or Erius is prescribed.Eliminate contact with the irritant.

Bathe the child in water with the addition of decoctions of chamomile or sage.

Physiotherapy, peace and positive emotions will also help the baby.

HivesChildren are prescribed antiallergic drugs: Suprastin, Tavegil.
NeurodermatitisThe doctor recommends:
  • sorbents("Laktofiltrum" or activated carbon);
  • sedative(you can make a decoction of lemon balm);
  • ointment that has a cooling effect(for example, gel "Fenistil").
EczemaGood help:
  • antiallergic drugs (for example, "Suprastin");
  • immunostimulating agents (for example, echinacea tincture);
  • sorbents ("Laktofiltrum", activated carbon).

How quickly does an allergic rash go away in children?

There is no single answer to the question of how long it will take to deal with allergic rashes in children. Much depends on the type and nature of the course of the disease.

For example, a food allergy, if it appeared in a baby or a one-year-old baby, disappears within one week. It is enough just to remove the allergenic product from the diet of a nursing mother.

Seven days will have to suffer those children who have urticaria or allergic dermatitis. It is more difficult to deal with eczema and neurodermatitis.

These diseases are disturbing for 14 days and often become chronic. And this means that an allergic reaction may occur more than once.

Treatment should be started at the first appearance of a small pale rash. If you do not pay attention to it in the hope that "everything will pass by itself", then the therapeutic course may drag on for a long time and turn out to be ineffective.

What is done to prevent allergic rashes in children?

Preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of an allergic rash in a child. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  • Make sure that the baby does not come into contact with the allergen (remove allergenic foods from his diet; if necessary, change baby powder, soap or dishwashing liquid.
  • Maintain order in his room, regularly do wet cleaning.
  • If there are pets in the house, keep them clean.
  • Strengthen the baby's immunity (walk more often, play sports).
  • Do not violate the doctor's recommendations for taking medications.


An allergic rash in children under one year old and at an older age appears for various reasons. Often food, medicines, household chemicals become an allergen.

Allergies can come in many forms and look different. It is easy to confuse it with an infectious disease. It is important to correctly diagnose and quickly choose an effective treatment.

At the first suspicion of allergic manifestations, you need to show the child to the doctor. Self-medication may be ineffective: there is a high risk of harming the baby, and not helping.


Allergy is one of the most common diseases in the world. Almost everyone has suffered in one form or another. Adults can take care of themselves, but for a child, allergies are stressful. From our article you will learn what to do if a child has an allergy, what forms of an allergic rash are, how to get rid of them and prevent their manifestations in the future.

An allergic rash is a common occurrence among preschool and primary school children.

Causes of allergic rashes on the body in children

Skin reactions caused by contact with an irritant affect most children aged 0 to 7 years. An allergic reaction can be food, viral or chemical. As a rule, rashes on the body against the background of contact with the allergen are accompanied by severe itching, swelling and hyperemia.

The most common causes of allergic rashes in children are:

  • Taking drugs with an aggressive composition. A reaction in young children can be caused by both a synthetic antibiotic and a natural preparation with herbal ingredients. Aggressive allergens are expectorant syrups.
  • Breast-feeding. Rashes occur if a nursing mother neglects the diet developed by the doctor and eats food containing allergens. Allergic reactions in babies can be caused by chocolate, citrus fruits, fast food - a pediatrician or dermatologist will provide a complete list.
  • The use of household chemicals and the use of cosmetics with a chemical fragrance. Allergies in children can be caused by washing powder, skin cream, dishwashing detergent (we recommend reading:).
  • natural factors. Sudden temperature changes, long walks under the influence of sunlight.
  • Allergodermatoses are poisonous plants and animals that, upon contact with the skin, leave a burn.
  • Non-cellular infectious agents are the cause of viral allergies.

Types of children's allergic rash with a description

Currently, experts talk about two types of allergies:

  • Acute, which is characterized by an instantaneous reaction to a stimulus. Such an allergy has a pronounced clinical picture, however, the rashes are subject to rapid treatment: they disappear within a few days.
  • Chronic. As the name implies, it is a sluggish ongoing disease process. As a rule, chronic allergies disappear on their own by the age of one and a half years.

The clinical picture of an allergy is several varieties of a rash on the skin of a child. Each type involves taking certain drugs. If you notice symptoms of a rash in your child, contact your doctor immediately.

We will analyze each of the types with a description and explanation of the causes of occurrence (photos are presented below).

Type of rashDescriptionThe most common causes of occurrence
Allergic dermatitisSmall red rash all over the body. The skin on the affected area is dry, peeling is possible. It is characterized by the presence of ulcers and cracks.Failure in the child's immune system, contact with an external irritant.
HivesThe name comes from the nettle, because. the rash resembles a burn with this plant. Large patches of pinkish or bright red. Additional symptom: itching that cannot be relieved by scratching. Blisters wander all over the body, appearing in new places: on the face, arms, legs, on the folds of the body.Food intolerance to certain foods: chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs, etc.
EczemaSmall pimples or red sores. It is chronic, so relapses are possible. The skin of the face is affected first, then the blisters cover the legs and arms.Household chemicals, infection, dermatitis.
NeurodermatitisThe rash looks like psoriasis. Severe peeling, seals on the skin. Is a chronic disease.Frequent allergic reactions, malfunctions of the immune system, food allergies to a large number of products.

Allergic dermatitis

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of allergies includes 3 methods:

  1. Symptomatic (initial diagnosis). The method is used for classic forms - dermatitis and urticaria. The clinical picture of diseases is not diverse. Usually, looking at the rash is enough to make a diagnosis. In addition to the rash, other symptoms are taken into account: redness of the eyes, runny nose, swelling, irritability, etc.
  2. Taking allergy tests. The method allows you to determine the allergen. However, the procedure can be performed on children over 3 years old.
  3. Analyzes for the state of immunity. There are no age restrictions.

A differentiated diagnosis is also necessary, since the overall clinical picture can give false ideas about the diagnosis.

Allergies are accompanied by symptoms similar to some infectious diseases. The table below shows the distinctive features in the symptoms of these two categories.

Symptoms and signsAllergic reactionAn infectious disease
General appearance of the rash (including spots, pimples, sores)Size - from small dots to large blisters. There may be crusts, erosions, serous wells.The rashes are autonomous in nature: each of the points is pronounced, does not merge with the others.
LocalizationOn the face: the area of ​​the chin, cheeks, sometimes on the forehead. Arms, legs, thighs, buttocks, neck. On the body - rarely.Front and back of the body. Rarely - legs and arms. Very rarely - on the forehead.
FeverAbsent or observed subfebrile condition.It can be expressed by all types of temperatures - from subfebrile to hyperpyretic.
Edema and swelling in the affected areasPronounced. They may be mild or life-threatening.Almost never appear.
Associated symptomsAbundant work of the lacrimal glands, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, conjunctivitis, lowering blood pressure, gastrointestinal upset, cough.Mucus from mouth and nose, body aches, general prostration.
How long does the rash last?As a rule, after taking the medication, the rash quickly disappears and does not leave marks.The rash persists throughout the treatment period.

The scheme of treatment of an allergic rash, depending on its type

Therapy for an allergic rash in children depends on its type and reaction to the irritant. With any type of allergic rash, an important step is to determine the substance that caused it. The child should avoid contact with the allergen. The next step is to strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

As a rule, therapy is based on observing the rules of nutrition and taking antiallergic drugs (antihistamines). For drug treatment, carefully read the instructions for use of the drugs. Many of them contain age restrictions. Means for children have a “soft” composition and taste good.

As mentioned above, there are several types of allergic rashes, each of which requires specific treatment. Below is a table with the names of drugs for treatment.

Type of rashMedical therapyNon-drug therapy
Allergic dermatitis (we recommend reading:)To relieve symptoms, use:
  • Suprastin
  • Zyrtec
  • Fenistil
  • Erius
  • physiotherapy
  • lack of contact with the allergen, diet
  • use of soothing baths with chamomile and sage
  • providing a small patient with peace, positive emotions
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Suprastin
  • Tavegil
  • antihistamines (described above)
  • immunomodulators (echinacea tincture, dietary supplements)
  • enterosorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel, etc. (more details in the article:).)
  • sorbents
  • sedatives
  • ointments with a cooling effect

The listed types of allergic reactions, in addition to the rash, include a number of other symptoms. You can also remove them with the help of medications. Itching, redness and similar discomfort will be removed by gels and ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect. With a runny nose and swelling of the nasal mucosa, corticosteroids will cope. Eye drops can help with conjunctivitis. Parental love and care will be the best addition to treatment.

What is strictly forbidden to do?

If a rash is found on the body of a child, it is strictly forbidden:

  • squeezing sores and abscesses (especially on the cheeks, forehead);
  • blisters injury (puncture, extrusion);
  • contacts of the affected area with dirty hands, especially scratching the rashes;
  • the use of drugs that can distort the clinical picture (with dyes and substances based on them).

An allergic rash is a serious symptom. Many types of allergies do not require specific medical therapy. However, in some cases, self-medication is detrimental to the health and life of the baby. A rash can also cause an infectious disease, which is dangerous not only for the baby, but also for others. The best solution is to see a doctor right away.

As a rule, an allergic rash proceeds easily and is treated fairly quickly, however, when it appears, the child must be shown to a specialist.

How many days does an allergic rash go away in children?

There is no single answer to this question. How quickly the rash passes depends on many factors: the correctness of the treatment, the quality of the drugs taken. Some regularities still exist.

In an infant under one year old or a one-year-old child, the initial stage of a mild food allergy resolves within a week. To do this, you need to quickly eliminate the allergen from the diet of a nursing mother. Allergic dermatitis and urticaria in the absence of complications also disappear after 7 days. Eczema and neurodermatitis last up to 2 weeks and often become chronic

If the dynamics of recovery is positive, the rash and itching gradually disappear. If the manifestations of the disease are static, or the condition has worsened, it is necessary to change the strategy. If the allergen is incorrectly determined or the therapy is ineffective, hospitalization may be required, as well as additional tests.

With the timely reaction of the parents and the exact establishment of the irritant, the rash may disappear in a day.

Even a small and pale rash cannot be ignored. Such negligence can lead to lengthy, costly and ineffective treatment. The sooner the rash is treated, the sooner it will go away.


To prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, the following measures are shown:

  • limit the child's contact with the most aggressive allergens, as well as with substances to which there is an individual intolerance;
  • maintain house order, do wet cleaning once a week;
  • carefully monitor the cleanliness of furniture from dust;
  • balance the nutrition of the baby;
  • stimulate the immune system (more often in the fresh air, send the child to the sports section, etc.);
  • do not abuse drugs - how many tablets should be given to the child, only the doctor decides;
  • if there are pets at home, provide them with care and cleanliness;
  • observe the rules of hygiene.
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