How to give an injection intramuscularly, to yourself, in the buttock, right, the consequences. We do a subcutaneous injection. Subcutaneous injections in the withers

Medicinal substances can enter the body in different ways. Most often, drugs are taken orally, that is, through the mouth. There are also parenteral routes of administration, which include the injection method. With this method, the right amount of the substance enters the blood very quickly and is transferred to the "point" of application - the diseased organ. Today we will focus on the algorithm for performing an intramuscular injection, which is often referred to by us as an “injection”.

Intramuscular injections are inferior to intravenous administration (infusion) in terms of the rate of entry of a substance into the blood. However, many drugs are not intended for intravenous administration. Intramuscularly, you can enter not only aqueous solutions, but also oily, and even suspensions. This parenteral route is the most commonly administered drug.

If the patient is in the hospital, then there are no questions about the implementation of intramuscular injections. But when drugs are prescribed intramuscularly to a person, but he is not in the hospital, difficulties arise here. Patients may be offered to go to the clinic for procedures. However, every trip to the clinic is a health risk, which lies in the possibility of contracting infections, as well as the negative emotions of outraged patients in line. In addition, if a working person is not on sick leave, he simply does not have free time during the opening hours of the treatment room.

The skills of performing intramuscular injections are of great help in maintaining the health of the household, and in some situations, they save lives.

Advantages of intramuscular injections

  • a fairly rapid entry of the drug into the blood (in comparison with subcutaneous administration);
  • you can enter aqueous, oily solutions and suspensions;
  • it is allowed to introduce irritating substances;
  • you can enter depot drugs that give a prolonged effect.

Cons of intramuscular injections

  • it is very difficult to make an injection on your own;
  • soreness of the introduction of certain substances;
  • administration of suspensions and oily solutions may cause pain at the injection site due to slow absorption;
  • some substances bind to tissues or precipitate upon administration, which slows down absorption;
  • the risk of hitting a nerve with a syringe needle, which will injure it and cause severe pain;
  • the danger of a needle entering a large blood vessel (it is especially dangerous when administering suspensions, emulsions and oil solutions: if particles of a substance enter the general bloodstream, blockage of vital vessels may occur)

Some substances are not administered intramuscularly. For example, calcium chloride will cause inflammation and tissue necrosis at the injection site.

Intramuscular injections are made in those areas where there is a sufficiently thick layer of muscle tissue, and the probability of getting into the nerve, large vessel and periosteum is also low. These areas include:

  • gluteal region;
  • anterior thigh;
  • the back surface of the shoulder (much less often used for injections, because you can touch the radial and ulnar nerves, the brachial artery).

Most often, when conducting an intramuscular injection, they “target” the gluteal region. The buttock is mentally divided into 4 parts (quadrants) and the upper-outer quadrant is selected, as shown in the figure.

Why this particular part? Due to the minimal risk of hurting the sciatic nerve and bone formations.

Choosing a syringe

  • The syringe must match the volume of the injected substance.
  • Syringes for intramuscular injections, together with a needle, are 8-10 cm in size.
  • The volume of the drug solution should not exceed 10 ml.
  • Tip: choose syringes with a needle of at least 5 cm, this will reduce soreness and reduce the risk of lumps after an injection.

Prepare everything you need:

  • Sterile syringe (before use, pay attention to the integrity of the package);
  • Ampoule / bottle with medicine (it is necessary that the medicine has body temperature, for this you can first hold it in your hand if the drug was stored in the refrigerator; oil solutions are heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38 degrees);
  • Cotton swabs;
  • Antiseptic solution (medical antiseptic solution, boric alcohol, salicylic alcohol);
  • Bag for used accessories.

Injection algorithm:

Intramuscular injections can be made independently in the anterior surface of the thigh. To do this, you need to hold the syringe at an angle of 45 degrees, like a pen for writing. However, in this case, a greater likelihood of touching the nerve than in the case of gluteal insertion.

If you have never injected yourself and have not even seen how it is done, you need to contact a healthcare professional. Theoretical knowledge without the help of an experienced specialist is sometimes insufficient. Sometimes it is psychologically difficult to insert a needle into a living person, especially a loved one. It is useful to practice injecting on surfaces whose resistance is akin to human tissue. Foam rubber is often used for this, but vegetables and fruits are better suited - tomatoes, peaches, etc.

Observe sterility during injections and be healthy!

Intramuscular injection is one of the most popular methods of drug administration. The main thing is to know how to properly inject into the buttock if the manipulation is carried out at home.

The popularity of this procedure is due to its effectiveness and safety for health. Due to the good blood flow, the product is quickly distributed throughout the body. There is also a minimal amount of nerves in the buttock area, which makes the procedure less painful compared to other injections.

To make an intramuscular injection, you must purchase a disposable syringe. Its volume for injection for an adult is 5 ml, for a child - 3 ml. After the injection, the instrument is disposed of.

The needle is recommended to use a long and thin. It enters the muscle more easily and causes minimal pain. The long needle also delivers the drug to the deeper layers of the tissue, so that the drug spreads through the body faster.

It is important to know not only how to properly inject into the buttock, but also how to prepare for the procedure. Mandatory manipulation - disinfection. It is necessary to disinfect hands or medical gloves, as well as the injection site. This will prevent harmful bacteria from entering the body.

  • disposable syringe;
  • needle;
  • ampoule with medication;
  • a special nail file for opening the ampoule;
  • cotton swab soaked in an alcohol-based agent to disinfect the puncture site.

In which part of the buttock to put an injection

When self-injecting, it is important to know how to inject into the buttock. The drug is injected into a specific area. If you inject in the wrong place, you can injure a person or cause him severe pain.

For proper injection, the muscle is visually divided into four regions. To deliver an injection, use the upper outer part. This choice is not accidental. There are no vessels with particularly large dimensions. This part also contains a minimum of nerve endings. This means that during the procedure the patient will experience a minimum of discomfort.

From this area, the drug will also spread throughout the body at an optimal speed, therefore, after an intramuscular injection, the patient quickly feels an improvement in well-being.

The instructions for administering the drug intramuscularly are almost identical for each age category, but in each case there are some nuances that you should definitely remember.

For an adult

The algorithm for performing an injection in the buttocks of an adult is as follows.

  1. Prepare all the necessary tools. Check the name of the drug on the ampoule and the name of the drug on the prescription issued by the doctor. Read the instructions that come with the medication. Particular attention is recommended to be paid to the speed at which the agent must be administered. It is also important to familiarize yourself with post-injection procedures, such as whether ice or a heating pad should be applied to the puncture site.
  2. Hands are thoroughly washed with water and detergent. After that, they and the injection site are disinfected. A cotton swab is impregnated with an alcohol-containing agent and set aside on a sterile surface. It is used later, after a puncture.
  3. The ampoule is taken in hand and shaken so that the main active ingredient is evenly distributed throughout the preparation. After that, the upper part is tapped with light movements for the medicine to flow down. In the place of narrowing, small notches are made with a file. After that, a cotton swab or bandage is taken into the hands, the tip of the ampoule is wrapped around and a break is made to open the drug.
  4. A needle is put on the syringe and the cap is removed from it. The ampoule is held with one hand, the medicine is taken from the package with the other hand by pulling the piston up.
  5. The syringe is rotated vertically, needle up. The piston is lightly pressed with fingers to eliminate oxygen bubbles from the syringe. If there is more medicine in the instrument than the doctor prescribed, the excess drug is drained.
  6. The needle is applied to the injection site so that the syringe is vertical. The instrument is pressed so that the needle enters the buttock completely. After that, press the piston to inject the drug.
  7. The puncture site is clamped with a cotton pad, and the needle is removed from the muscle. In a circular motion, the injured area is massaged for better distribution of the medication throughout the body.
  8. A cap is put on the needle. All tools are collected and disposed of.

To kid

A child should be given an injection a little differently than an adult. The algorithm of actions is the same before the administration of the drug.

In order for the child to experience a minimum of discomfort, the entire part of the buttock, where the puncture will be, is captured with the free hand, and a fold is made from the muscle. It is compressed with force, and after that a needle is inserted. If this condition is met, then the baby will practically not feel that he was given an injection.

To myself

A lonely person is forced to inject himself. He can inject himself while standing in front of a mirror.

The rules for self-administration of the drug are as follows.

  1. Take the medicine from the ampoule into the syringe. Stand in front of a mirror and determine the injection site. Disinfect the area of ​​the proposed puncture and relax.
  2. In one sharp motion, insert the needle into the buttock. She must enter completely. If it has entered three-quarters, you do not need to stick it further, as this will cause an acute attack of pain.
  3. Press down on the plunger so that the drug enters the body. Remove the needle and massage the puncture site. This will help the agent to disperse throughout the body.

Disinfection of hands and the site of the alleged puncture is a mandatory measure that will protect the body from blood poisoning. The safety rules for intramuscular injections are not limited to this.

It is important to dispose of all instruments that remain after the procedure. It is recommended to break the needle, then cover with a cap. Then all the tools are disposed of so that children and animals cannot reach them in order to avoid sad consequences.

After the introduction of the drug by intramuscular route, a bump may occur at the puncture site. It will not harm the body, but it will cause pain, especially in a sitting position.

To prevent this from happening, immediately after removing the needle, it is recommended to massage the injured area. Then the medicine will disperse throughout the body, and there will be no stagnation.

In order for the procedure to deliver a minimum of discomfort, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations during the injection.

  1. The gluteal muscle should be relaxed. Its tension will make it difficult to insert the needle, and because of this, severe pain will occur.
  2. The needle is inserted to its full length. Due to this, the drug penetrates deep into the tissue.
  3. The next injection is given in the other buttock. You need to alternate sides constantly. This will help prevent seals.


Knowing how to properly inject yourself or your loved ones in the buttock, you can independently perform injections, but only after consulting a doctor. Self-administration of the drug can cause the most serious consequences. Video tutorials clearly demonstrate how to perform injections.

There are situations when it is simply necessary to pierce a course of intramuscular injections on your own. Then you have to master the skills of a very simple procedure that requires increased accuracy and sterile cleanliness not only for preparation, but also for manipulations. Often prescribed and the easiest to learn are intramuscular injections, which allow the drug to enter the bloodstream faster without causing much harm to health.

Tip: for someone who is just learning how to perform the procedure, it is most convenient to put an intramuscular injection in the buttock, and not the muscle of the thigh or arm. In the upper part of the buttock, the most extensive muscle layer, which will protect it from getting into the region of the nerve or blood vessel, and through the developed capillary network, the drug will quickly reach the general blood flow.

Where are intramuscular injections usually given?

This type of injection allows you to enter a small dose of the drug solution, since the muscle, becoming a kind of reservoir, provides a long period of drug release, maintaining the same concentration of the drug in the blood with a minimal likelihood of side effects.

What are the best places for intramuscular infusion:

  • region of the gluteal muscle;
  • deltoid muscle of the shoulder;
  • broad muscle of the thigh (lateral).

To give an injection, you will need a sterile syringe with a volume of 5-10 ml with a needle length of 4-6 cm, which should be checked for free patency of the needle before the procedure by passing air through it by moving the piston. In addition, you need an ampoule with a ready-made solution or powder, which will need to be diluted with a special solvent, as well as means for disinfection.

How to give injections

The general principle of intramuscular injection is the same for all muscle groups that can be injected. It is safest to learn to inject injections in the buttock. The process begins with a thorough washing of hands with soap and water, then wipe them with alcohol. The next steps are:

Tip: when prescribing a course from a series of injections, each time for the administration of the drug, choose a different buttock, and also try not to get into the places of previous injections to avoid inflammation and seals.

What are the complications after injections?

Among the main causes of complications are errors in the execution of the procedure, as well as improper administration of the drug, which can result in the following troubles:

  • the appearance of an embolism when the needle enters the wall of a blood vessel after the introduction of oil-based solutions;
  • the formation of infiltrates (seals) due to neglect of the rules of asepsis or repeated infusion into the same place;
  • an abscess, when an infection that has entered the injection area provokes the development of an inflammatory process with a high temperature;
  • incorrect choice of injection site can lead to nerve damage, and a damaged vessel will cause a hematoma;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions to the administered agent.

Important: before injecting into the muscle, it should be maximally relaxed in order to prevent the needle from breaking during insertion.

Injections into the shoulder muscle: performance features

The need for this kind of injection is caused by the appearance of soreness at the injection site and difficult absorption of the drug during subcutaneous infusion. It is customary to make an injection in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder and only when other zones for manipulation are not available or several injections need to be made.

Important: the danger of injecting the drug is the passage along the thigh of the artery, vein and nerves, which can be affected by an unprofessional procedure.

How to inject into the shoulder muscle:

  • determine the zone where to inject, visually dividing the upper part of the arm into three horizontal parts, choose the middle one;
  • taking a syringe with a solution of the drug with one hand, with the other hand with an alcoholized swab, stretch the skin and confidently insert the needle;
  • after fixing the syringe after inserting the needle, the drug is released, after which the syringe is removed by pressing the injection site with an alcohol swab.

Tip: the shoulder should be free from clothing, the muscles are relaxed, and the arm itself is bent at the elbow. In another way, they determine where to prick according to the location of the acromial process - at a distance of four fingers from it there will be the desired point.

It is important to remember that with injections into the muscle, the skin is stretched, and the syringe is inserted vertically. With subcutaneous infusions, the skin is collected in a fold, injecting the medicine at an angle into its base.

Injections into the thigh muscle: performance features

For injection, choose the wide lateral muscle. An important feature of the manipulation is that the syringe, which needs to be injected, is not held with all fingers, but only with two, like a pencil. This is a safety measure against getting into the periosteum or sciatic nerve tissue.

How to make injections in the thigh area:

  • it is necessary to relax the leg and bend it at the knee, sitting on a chair, the lateral surface of the thigh with the overhanging muscle will be the part where the injection should be given;
  • having selected the middle part of the muscle, having disinfected the injection zone, the needle is sharply inserted into the muscle tissue at a right angle, the medicine is injected slowly, fixing the syringe;
  • after injecting the drug, the needle can be pulled out by pressing the injection site with an alcohol swab, massaging it will help to disinfect the wound.

Important: if an intramuscular injection has to be given to a patient with an extensive subcutaneous fat layer, a 6 mm needle should be taken, not a 4 mm one. When injecting should be given to young children or malnourished adults, the skin along with the muscle is formed as a fold, then the medicine is guaranteed to enter the muscle, and the injection will be painless.

How to inject yourself: rules of procedure

B vitamins are responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the normal functioning of nerve fibers in the human body. In order to make up for their shortage, Milgamma is used: intramuscularly or orally (Milgamma is not administered intravenously). Intramuscular administration of Milgamma allows you to quickly eliminate pain, since with this method of drug administration, the necessary therapeutic concentrations are reached already 10-15 minutes after the manipulation.

Despite the harmlessness of the drug, there are some recommendations on how to inject Milgamma correctly. Therefore, before starting use, it is necessary to contact a qualified specialist of the Yusupov hospital, who will answer all the questions, the most frequent of which are: “How many times a year can you inject Milgamma?”, “What time of day is it better to inject Milgamma - when is it better to inject Milgamma: in the morning or in the evening?”, “Which syringe to inject Milgamma?”, “How often can Milgamma be injected intramuscularly?” etc.

Why inject Milgamma?

The described drug is used to treat a large number of syndromes and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system:

  • plexopathies;
  • neuralgia;
  • paresis of the facial nerve;
  • ganglionite;
  • neuritis;
  • shingles;
  • neuropathy;
  • retrobulbar neuritis;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • nocturnal convulsive muscle contraction;
  • radiculopathy;
  • muscular-tonic syndrome;
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • lumboischialgia;
  • myalgia;
  • herpesvirus infections that affect the joints;
  • polyneuropathy.

It must be understood that Milgamma can only be used while taking other, more potent drugs, this must be taken into account before injecting Milgamma intramuscularly. The use of this vitamin solution helps to improve blood microcirculation, activate hematopoietic processes, stabilize the functions and conductive abilities of the nervous system.

In addition, Milgamma is an excellent general tonic, which is prescribed to persons with a lack of B vitamins.

Who should not use Milgamma?

The drug Milgamma is contraindicated in persons with high sensitivity to its constituent components, as well as those suffering from decompensated heart failure.

Benefits of Intravenous Milgamma

Both the oral form and the intramuscular solution have the same composition and mode of action. Intramuscular injections of the drug are used, most often, for patients with severe pain, because. due to the introduction of the drug directly into the muscle, a more accelerated effect is achieved.

Conducted pharmacological studies have shown that the maximum level of therapeutic concentration of the active ingredients of the drug Milgamma is observed already 15 minutes after intramuscular injection.

Milgamma, released in the form for oral administration, begins to exert its effect only half an hour after ingestion. In addition, for maintenance therapy, one injection every two to three days is sufficient, while taking tablets should be daily.

Considering the foregoing, we can conclude that the advantages of using Milgamma intramuscularly lie in the faster achievement of the effect, which is especially important for severe pain, since Milgamma injection is prescribed most often in these cases.

Milgamma (injections): how many days to inject Milgamma?

Before starting therapy with this drug, it is imperative to consult with a neuropathologist who will decide how often Milgamma injections can be given, when to inject - in the morning or in the evening and select the required dosage. For qualified advice, you can contact one of the leading centers in Moscow - the Yusupov Hospital.

The duration of the therapeutic course of Milgamma for persons with severe pain can be from five to ten days. Injections are given daily, the daily dosage is 2 ml. After the acute inflammatory process subsides and the intensity of pain decreases, Milgamma Compositum is administered orally. However, in some cases, the doctor may recommend continuing intramuscular administration of the drug, but not more than two to three times a week.

Milgamma (shots): how to inject the drug?

Milgamma injections are quite painful, so there are special rules for the procedure, the observance of which will significantly reduce the discomfort of the patient:

  • for intramuscular injection of Milgamma, the thinnest needles should be used, since the oily consistency of the solution makes manipulation difficult;
  • to reduce the risk of damage to the nerve bundles and blood vessels by the needle, it should be inserted into the muscle as deeply as possible. Therefore, the choice must be stopped on the longest needle;
  • Slow and smooth pressure must be applied to the syringe plunger. The drug should be administered for about one and a half minutes, which will significantly reduce pain;
  • after the injection, the patient is recommended to do a light massage at the injection site, due to which the solution will be more quickly distributed in the muscle tissue and the likelihood of hematomas will decrease;
  • in the event of a lump in the injection area, you can make a warm compress or lotions based on magnesia.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma with oncology?

The opinion that Milgamma injections can be given for cancer is deeply wrong. This drug can only worsen the patient's condition. This is due to the fact that the main components of Milgamma are B vitamins, which can help accelerate the growth of malignant cells and significantly aggravate the problem.

In order to eliminate the pain caused by the development of a malignant neoplasm, the use of completely different drugs is prescribed.

The benefits of Milgamma for cancer patients are minimal, while the harm caused by the drug in this situation can be quite significant.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma during menstruation and pregnancy?

Milgamma can be used on any day of a woman's menstrual cycle without any effect on it.

Due to the fact that there is currently no sufficient information on the effect of Milgamma components on intrauterine development of the fetus, the drug is not prescribed to pregnant women.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma with endometriosis?

The drug Milgamma is often part of the treatment of endometriosis and is often used in gynecological practice. How much Milgamma can be injected with endometriosis and in what dosages - the gynecologist decides, in accordance with the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma in the evening?

Many patients wonder what time of day it is better to inject Milgamma - morning or evening? Since the drug is inherently a vitamin complex, from a therapeutic point of view, it is more logical to give an injection in the morning, when the intensity of metabolic processes is higher. However, in cases where Milgamma is part of a complex treatment along with other drugs for intramuscular injection, the sequence of their administration is established by the attending physician.

special instructions

If Milgamma was accidentally administered intravenously, the patient should be under the supervision of a physician who will prescribe symptomatic therapy for adverse symptoms.

There are no data on how Milgamma's intake affects the ability to drive vehicles and work with precise mechanisms.

Reception of Milgamma should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist who is familiar with the characteristics of the patient's body, his diagnosis, and a history of diseases. He selects the required dosage and decides how much to inject Milgamma.

In the Yusupov hospital, you can get advice from a competent specialist who will tell you how often to inject Milgamma, and also prescribe a comprehensive examination to identify contraindications to the drug. Diagnostic studies are performed on modern high-precision equipment, which is equipped with the Yusupov hospital.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • Badalyan L. O. Neuropathology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - S.307-308.
  • Bogolyubov, Medical rehabilitation (manual, in 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998.
  • Popov S. N. Physical rehabilitation. 2005. - P.608.

Service prices *

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. The list of paid services provided is indicated in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Learning to do it yourself

Intramuscular injection is the most common and easiest way to introduce drugs into the body. Such injections are recommended to be done in the largest muscles in places remote from the main blood vessels and nerves.

It is in the gluteal muscles that a person has the most powerful layer of muscle tissue, which has few nerve endings.

As a rule, 3 or 5 cc syringes are used for injection into the buttock. After an injection, a depot is formed inside the muscle tissue, from which the drug, thanks to an extensive vascular system, enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

Preparing for an injection

A prerequisite for the introduction of drugs into the muscle is the observance of elementary hygiene. Before injection should wash your hands thoroughly. It is necessary to prepare a preparation, a sterile syringe, a blade with which ampoules, cotton wool, alcohol wipes or vodka are opened. To make the injection less painful, it is recommended to use a long, thin needle.


If you are giving an injection to another person, it is best for him to lie down. In this position, it is easier to achieve complete relaxation of the muscles. When injecting yourself, it is also desirable to take a horizontal position, although, with sufficient skill, you can also inject yourself while standing.

The needle is inserted strictly in the extreme upper quarter of the gluteal muscle. In this case, you are completely safe from getting into a nerve or blood vessel.

Follow these simple steps

  1. Remove the syringe from the package and put a needle on it;
  2. Inspect the ampoules: check the name and concentration of the drug;
  3. Wipe the ampoule with the drug with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol;
  4. Open the ampoule with a special blade;
  5. Draw the required amount of the drug into the syringe without touching the walls of the ampoule with the needle;
  6. Wipe the area of ​​the buttock intended for the administration of the drug with an alcohol wipe;
  7. Raise the syringe with the needle up and release a small trickle so that there is no air left in the syringe;
  8. With a gentle, strong movement, insert the needle into the muscle at a right angle;
  9. Slowly press down on the syringe and inject the drug;
  10. Remove the syringe and wipe the injection site with a cotton swab, gently massaging it.

Injections, as a rule, are not administered once, but are calculated for a certain course. Some of the drugs, such as B vitamins, are quite painful.

With a long course should alternate buttocks and make injections at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. An iodine mesh can be made in the injection area, which speeds up the process of resorption of the drug and reduces the feeling of pain and discomfort.

By watching the video below, you will be able to consolidate the knowledge gained. Just be extremely careful and do not miss a single detail.

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