How to love your job: effective ways. How to love your job psychologist's advice

Everyone knows this morning feeling when, after the alarm goes off, you open your eyes and the first thing you think is: “Back to work. How do you not want to! Feeling reluctant to go to work from time to time is normal. But what to do if this feeling has not left you for a very long time, and you understand that something needs to be done about it, otherwise your psyche simply cannot stand it?

Work should bring not only the desired income, but also pleasure. Otherwise, very quickly you will "earn" chronic fatigue and irritability and will be in constant stress. How to avoid it? There are two options: either quit and look for another place (or change your occupation altogether), or start loving your current job.

If the first option cannot be feasible for you (for example, you pay off a loan and cannot lose earnings even for a short time or do not want to lose all the merits and respect that you have already earned in this job), then there is only one thing left: to start loving your work, and as soon as possible.

Famous people said about the work: “To create something truly great, you need to love what you do” () , “Happiness is waking up in the morning and going to bed at night and doing something you really enjoy in between.” (Bob Dylan), “The best gift that we can receive from fate is the opportunity to do what brings us pleasure” (Theodore Roosevelt).

1. Understand the importance of what you are doing.

If sometimes you are overwhelmed by thoughts that you are doing completely useless work and that your company can do without you, think about what would happen if you did not do it. Even the most insignificant, at first glance, work is actually an integral part of the entire activity of the enterprise. Realize how useful what you do in your workplace (and it cannot be otherwise), and the feeling of uselessness and meaninglessness will leave you.

2. Look for the positive even in small things.

If you keep thinking about how tired you are of your work and how much you don’t like it, you will drive yourself even more into depression. Find the positive aspects in your work and focus your attention only on them. There are advantages in absolutely everything, the main thing is to learn to see them. Do you need to take the subway to work for half an hour? Wonderful! Think of it as “I’m only half an hour away, it’s good that my work is not so far away,” and not as “I have to get as much as half an hour, and in a terrible crowd on the subway.”

3. Think like a person who loves his job.

Many psychologists, advising how to gain self-confidence, say: behave like confident people behave. To become happy, you need to create an atmosphere of happiness around you. The same can be said for work. Imagine that you already love her. How will you behave? What will change in your life? you will cheerfully get ready for work and think over a plan for current affairs; think about what kind of benefit you bring to other people and enjoy it; think about career prospects and strive to achieve them, right? So start doing all this right now!

4. Make friends with colleagues.

To take another step towards loyalty to your work, you need, if not to make friends with colleagues, then at least to be with them in a pleasantly friendly relationship. In addition, smart employers will only support this aspiration. If you don’t communicate with anyone at work, drink coffee alone during a break, and if difficult questions arise, you have no one to consult with - of course, such work will not bring emotional pleasure. Do not impose and do not try to be friends with everyone at once, but you can always find a couple of people with whom you can always have a pleasant conversation, discuss the latest news or ask for advice.

5. Compete.

The spirit of competition is present in every person, only in different degrees. If you could not choose a person with whom you will compete in performance (by the way, it is not at all necessary to know this person that you are competing with him, as it were), then compete with yourself. Set a goal for yourself to do a better job each day than you did yesterday. If you have a habit of being late, reduce the amount of time you are late each day. And there are a lot of such moments in which you can compete with someone or with yourself. When you consistently get ahead, you will be very pleased, therefore, the work itself will also be pleased.

6. Upgrade your skills.

When you have received a diploma in your specialty and completed an internship in a company, this does not mean that there is nothing more you can learn. Each profession involves almost unlimited opportunities for self-improvement, increasing professional knowledge and skills, self-development in this area. Read modern specialized literature, attend trainings and conferences, communicate with experts in your field. You will gain new knowledge and expand your abilities, and this will give you new strength and desire to act further.

7. Decorate your workspace to your liking.

In order for you to be in a good mood every day at work, the workplace should be attractive to you and create a favorable atmosphere. It can be even a very small thing - a favorite flower in a pot, presented by your grandmother, a framed photograph of a loved one, or your favorite cup.

8. Become aware of what you are working for.

is a powerful driving force that can induce a person to commit a variety of actions. If you want to take a high position in your company after some time, keep this in mind at all times. This is your motivation. Even if you work only for the sake of getting a salary, think about how happy you will then go on vacation with this money or buy a car (or something else). And it is very important to visualize in your thoughts the object of your motivation to work.

9. Don't forget about rest.

If you do even the most beloved work around the clock, soon it runs the risk of becoming hated. Each person needs time for rest, which he will devote exclusively to himself and his loved ones. You should not stay at work after a working day without urgent need. Lunch breaks should also be used to the maximum. And when you come home, completely turn off all thoughts about work and enjoy the rest.

10. Take care of your appearance.

Everyone feels more pleasant and confident if they look good. Of course, this applies to women to a greater extent, however, men should not be dismissive of this either. Take some time in the morning to clean yourself up before leaving the house.

Cases when a person chooses a job not to his liking, but in connection with an acceptable monetary reward or out of hopelessness, are not uncommon in modern society. Experts note that a long stay at an unloved job can even lead a person into a state of depression. And only work that brings pleasure can help a person grow, develop and improve himself. Leading psychologists share tips on how to love your job.

Career growth, salary increase, other prospects are impossible a priori at a job that a person did not like. It must be remembered that work activity takes up most of the time in life, and being in a state of dislike and even hatred is fraught with psycho-emotional disorders. It is quite possible to change the situation if you follow a few recommendations from psychologists.

The first thing to remember is that work is an important part of every person's life, since according to statistics, it takes from 40 to 60 hours a week. By calculating how much time is spent per month and per year, you can get staggering numbers. In this regard, one should not underestimate the harm from painful and tiring work, which takes 70-80% of one's entire life.. Psychologists note the negative impact not only on the psycho-emotional background, but also on the physical condition.

The causes and consequences of dislike for work can be as follows:

  1. Accumulation of the stress hormone in the body. Spending every day in a tense state, bringing negativity home, all this is a cycle of stress in a person's life. Thus, life expectancy is reduced, the functioning of the brain, nervous system and other systems deteriorates.
  2. Promoting bad habits. Most often, this is overeating and improper diet, smoking and drinking alcohol to calm and relax, taking sleeping pills due to insomnia due to stress, and much more.
  3. lack of sleep. Most people, due to hard and tiring work, sleep less than the prescribed 8 hours, which affects their performance and health.
  4. Negative impact on other areas of life. Hard work reduces motivation for other goals and achievements, takes away strength and desire for other activities in life.
  5. Missing moments in life. The wrong choice of work takes up most of the time, as a result of which important events in life, vacations, travel, raising children, etc. are missed.

Expert opinion

Viktor Brenz

Psychologist and self-development expert

According to statistics, only 13% of the world's population is engaged in their life's work, that is, they conduct the work they want, and it brings only pleasure and positive emotions. The rest of the people spend their health and life on earning money, after which the rest of their lives they spend this money on restoring health, being in a vicious circle.

How can you learn to love your job?

The advice of a psychologist, as well as your own desire for changes in life, can help in solving such problems. First you need to be aware of the problems, for this you need to write on a piece of paper everything that a person does not like in his work - the boss, salary, team, working conditions, schedule, etc. Next, you need to think about whether it is possible to somehow neutralize these items or change your attitude to the situation, come to terms with something.

Many psychologists and psychotherapists, as well as people who have reached great heights in their work, publish books and collections of tips on how to love the job that you hate.

Some of the simplest and most effective tips can be taken out of them, namely:

  1. Initiative- if you show initiative in your work, you can revive interest and purposefulness in your field of activity.
  2. Competition- competition and motivation in the form of "who is faster" will help make boring duties exciting and alive. You can set yourself goals and reward yourself in some way to prove your abilities and talents.
  3. Self improvement- if the position has already become uninteresting and monotonous, you can go to refresher courses to acquire new skills.
  4. Positive effect- Performing your duties, you should not go in cycles purely in salary. On the contrary, it is necessary to understand what benefits the activity brings to society as a whole.
  5. Refusal of haste- do not chop off the shoulder, wanting to leave work. First, you should make a lot of efforts to solve the problem, reevaluate your attitude to negative aspects, try to change the situation.

And above all, you need to remember that work is not the whole life of a person, the light has not converged on it like a wedge. If the work forces you to day and night at the workplace, it is clear that it will cause almost a gag reflex. You need to give yourself and the body time for rest, other activities and entertainment.

Collection of Methods

A collection of articles from well-known psychologists and psychotherapists will teach each person to treat their work only from a positive point of view. Many of the specialists conduct trainings and seminars, sharing invaluable experience with other people. The most popular ways to love your job are as follows:

  • awareness of the importance of work, because no work can be insignificant and aimless;
  • self-improvement, manifestation of ingenuity and creativity;
  • the value of what is available, not every person manages to find a job in a modern competitive society;
  • thoughts about yourself, you can not take on insurmountable tasks, and the workplace should be comfortable and cozy.

Do you love your work?


You also need to mentally imagine that work is the activity that a person dreamed of. Psychologists insist that thoughts materialize, and you can coordinate your attitude to any things and actions on your own. By changing your attitude to work, you can make sure that in fact everything is not as bad as it seems.

How to love homework

The main technique is awareness of the importance of homework. Unsanitary conditions, dirt, poor nutrition and unfavorable living conditions - all this is an excellent opportunity for the reproduction of microbes, pathogens, which entails a danger to human health. Therefore, when cleaning, washing, cooking and other duties, you need to understand that a person stands guard over the health and life of his family, being her protector.


Regardless of the type of activity and working conditions, each person should periodically arrange rest and entertainment for himself. Unloved work can lead to negative thinking, depression, apathy and quarrels in the family. Therefore, it is important to rethink your attitude, look at yourself and your activities from the outside, and then follow the advice of psychologists in order to subsequently fall in love with your work.

Today in the article, we will tell you in detail how to love your job and how to become the best in the field that you do. Useful tips from psychologist Elena Smirnova on how to make your unloved job your favorite.

Unfortunately, there are very few cases when a person is satisfied with his work. Most people do not do what they like. But work takes up a lot of time. And to hate her means to almost always be in this state.

Where will career growth, the prospects for higher wages and health come from? Is it really possible to change your attitude to the hateful work? Of course.

You just need to correctly place the accents and make a little strong-willed effort. Then a new attitude to work will become a habit. And so, you see, the situation will change for the better and you will not need to somehow set yourself up in a special way, because the work will already completely suit you.

Does your work seem insignificant or completely meaningless to you? But it's not like that. Albeit to a small extent, albeit at some local level, but it is needed. If others don't see it, that's their concern.

The main thing so that you yourself realize the importance of the actions you perform. And your own importance. No one will do your job better or worse than you. Because right now you are doing it. Therefore, now you are the ideal performer of it.

But there is no need to turn up your nose or let someone know who is in charge here. Surely you have met such personalities among ordinary civil servants who, having meager power over a pile of certificates, pretend to be the rulers of the galaxy. You shouldn't be like them. Just realize the importance of the work you do and your value as an employee. Most likely, this will help you to relate to your duties differently.

Be the best

In any position, in any team, there is room for growth. Is your job boring and monotonous? Try to awaken your research interest. Find out all the details of your work. Raise the level of skills, be interested in the latest developments in your field. Try to organize your working day in a new way, use your time rationally.

Show creativity and ingenuity. Suddenly you will be able to apply creativity where, it would seem, there is no place for it. If, as a specialist, you have reached your maximum, you may be pleased to transfer your knowledge and experience to a young employee. Take someone under your wing. This will bring some novelty to the routine of everyday life.

Analyze all existing experience draw conclusions. Perhaps you will see something in your profession that you did not notice before. If this option is not for you, try to become an ideal member of the team, its center.

Find out everything about your colleagues, find common ground with everyone. Try to rally everyone. If there is a pleasant team at work, a healthy atmosphere and warm relations, then work is much better. Then you will rush to work not because you are late, but in order to exchange a couple of phrases with these nice people - your colleagues before the start of the working day.

Appreciate what you have

Absolutely everything, if you wish, you can see something positive. Analyze your situation and identify all its advantages. What attracts you to work? It could be:

  • good wage;
  • is located near the house or it is convenient to get to it;
  • excellent team;
  • the opportunity to learn something;
  • you are valued by your superiors;
  • there is no strict control;
  • a lot of free time or you can do your own thing;
  • the possibility of using the equipment for personal purposes
  • social package, corporate phone, car or travel expenses paid by the company;
  • prestige, etc.

There will be many positive moments or they will be significant. Try to focus on them, without focusing on unpleasant details. You work indoors instead of being outdoors in all weathers, risking your life, and inhaling dangerous chemicals.

You generally have a job, albeit uninteresting and unloved. But some people would give everything for her, but they do not have such an opportunity. Appreciate what you have.

Think of yourself

Even if you are a very obliging person and live by the principle “I have to”, do not forget that you are not a robot. Add some nice touches to your workplace. Put photos (or hide in a drawer from prying eyes), place talismans or other cute trinkets.

A separate office, a table or just a personal locker for clothes is your territory and it should be an island of comfort.

Perhaps feng shui will help you with this if you believe in such things. Or use personal experience and advice from psychologists.

Do not forget also about the pleasant moments of the working day: exchange of news, calling a loved one, drinking tea, the opportunity to warm up. Take regular breaks. Give yourself the opportunity to take a break, retire, if you are tired of people, sit down or walk. Or just sit with your eyes closed.

You have every right to do so. Don't forget about proper rest. Try not to stay up late, get enough sleep, and at least sometimes not take work home. On weekends you need to relax - not everyone remembers this. And during the holidays you should not think about work, especially in a negative way.

It should be mentioned also about clothes. Even if you wear overalls or are forced to strictly adhere to the dress code, there is always an opportunity to look better than the rest.

Yes, you will have to review fashionable novelties, redo something with your own hands or contact an atelier, spend some money. But the main thing is that your outfit should suit you and not cause inconvenience.

This kind of comfort is very important for both women and men.

And further. Try to get the most out of your work. In any case, your professional skills are an invaluable experience. But you never know in advance what skills might come in handy. Therefore, be interested in everything, “spy” on colleagues, replenish your piggy bank with new knowledge, fill your hand.

Change the level of severity and responsibility

Try to take your responsibilities more seriously. Try to be punctual. Don't be late and submit your work on time. Try to take the initiative, take on public duties.

This will help you understand own importance, win the respect of colleagues, attract the attention of superiors, find new facets of your professional activity.

Also, learn to be responsible for what happens to you. You chose this job and still hold on to it. This is your decision and no one else is to blame. Stop being a victim. You are the master of your world. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Another situation is also possible, when a person is too responsible. Think carefully about whether you have taken on too much. Perhaps others have noticed your habit of dragging everything on yourself and taking advantage of it.

In this case Learn to say "no" and "enough". And colleagues, and family, and myself. Otherwise, you will undermine your physical health or your psyche will not stand.

Do you feel like you can't change? Start small. When you feel the pleasure of the new state of affairs, get a taste, you will have the strength for cardinal changes. Review your job responsibilities. Which of the colleagues managed to throw you theirs? Give them back. You have so many things to do. Wow, you need to learn how to relax. And for a workaholic like you, it will take a long time to master this art. Once someone else's work to do.

Everything is easier to understand if reduce the severity of what is happening. A sense of humor and the introduction of elements of the game can help here. Are you unreasonably bothered by your boss or one of your co-workers? That's inadequate! Entertain yourself from time to time, imagining what funny tricks he can throw out. Let your imagination run wild. Now the attacks of this eccentric will not be perceived so painfully.

It's boring at work? Remember how in childhood you played in a store or in a hospital. Play your profession now. Do everything with importance and feigned seriousness, as then, in childhood. There will be no place for boredom. Competitive elements will also add interest to the work. Arrange an unspoken competition with colleagues (let only you know about it). Fuse, excitement, thirst for victory will greatly diversify your everyday life.

If none of the above appealed to you, then perhaps it's time to change the field of activity. The fear of change is understandable. But remember the stories of successful people. They often had to change jobs until luck smiled.

Neither age nor life circumstances should be an obstacle. Think about what you want from your job. State it clearly point by point. Talk to colleagues, discuss the issue of work with friends and relatives. Hear their stories about team relationships, bosses, pay, workflow, benefits, and more.

Develop an action plan to find a new job or make adjustments to an existing one. Or you realize that everything is not so bad and you should not change anything yet, except for your attitude. Maybe this is the only way you will be able to discover unexpected horizons in it.

Remember the genius phrase: “If you don’t like the place you are in, change it - you are not a tree”?

I am a person who is terrified of interviews, new people and situations where I have to be in the spotlight. Apparently, these fears are the main thing that keeps me in my warm workplace near the cooler for more than four years.

In addition, even though I don’t plan my life even a week ahead, I still get nervous, losing stability in something, and a job change suggests just that. Not the last place on my list of fears is the fear of not passing the probationary period: to hear “You are not suitable for us”, to lose faith in yourself. Well, stepping out of my comfort zone doesn't make me happy either. And it can't be avoided if I decide to leave my department. Are you familiar with such thoughts? If yes, I would like to console those who sigh: “Yes, I am an office plankton”, but do not dare to change anything. You have every chance to fall in love with the place where you are now!

So, a year and a half or two years ago, I was overwhelmed (the English have a good word overwhelmed, reflecting the essence) with my work, which I hated with every fiber of my soul. Yes, I hated it, I'm not afraid of the power of this word. In the morning, I doomedly trudged to the office, and in the evening, with rapture, I told my loved one how bad everything was, how it bothered me, and in general - why doesn’t he earn enough money so that I can not go there, but sit at home and develop spiritually? I'm a girl!..

It is clear that this could not go on forever. Even an unloaded gun, no, no, yes, it shoots. And then such a flurry of passions that does not subside for many days in a row! My gun fired, for which I am very grateful. And now I want to, if not change someone's worldview, then at least tell them that you can also enjoy office work.

Below are my recommendations (read - the path traveled, tried methods, life hacks) that will help you cope with longing if, for some reason, you still have the fate of working in the office, and if you feel like the routine is pulling you in.

  1. Always remember the main thing - all diseases are from nerves. I finished my indignation to the point where my body could no longer “ground” me in any other way than by lying in the hospital. So unexpectedly, at the moment (although it was quite expected, as I see it now), I found myself on a drip, receiving my injections and looking at the hospital ceiling. In fact, I still got off lightly - the doctors were amazed that my diagnosis did not cause complaints and pain symptoms, and I realized that someone from above is still supportive of me and just directs me - gently, but adamantly, to where I am need. By the way, being in the hospital greatly reduced my sense of self-importance as an employee of the department - I realized that all people at work are replaceable, but you can never replace your health.
  2. After leaving the hospital, I realized that this could not continue. If I cannot / do not want to change jobs, I we need to rethink our attitude towards him., because my current thoughts are simply killing me - this has already been proven. And therefore, for more than a year now, I have been repeating to myself how wonderful it is to have a stable job, timely salary, social package, quarterly bonuses and a warm office. By the way, I’m not just mentioning the office for the first time: it’s really valuable, I know firsthand, because my loved one spends his entire working day on the road, and in winter it’s a terrible cold, and in summer - sweltering heat. I either bask in the heat, or enjoy the coolness of the air conditioner. And do not forget about the cooler, which stands nearby.
  3. As a separate position, I want to make relationships with colleagues. Before, I didn’t consider it important - I can’t baptize children with them, after all. We work together, we communicate on working moments - this is enough. And yes, we are very different. And again, just in time, I heard a wonderful phrase that all the people in our life are teachers. Every person in our life teaches us something, the main thing is to realize what. And let's not forget that our environment is our mirrors, and most often we are angry about what is characteristic of ourselves, but what we are afraid to show. With the thoughts “Everything is in your hands, start with yourself,” I slowly, day after day, began to establish contact with employees. A year later, I can safely say: we are all different, but our girls are just a miracle. They know what's going on in my life outside of work, I know what's going on in theirs. We are close, and although sometimes misunderstandings may arise, I am even glad of this. We do not get bored, we do not stand still in relationships, we solve some issues - we become such a working family. All theirs. It's not easy. It is even difficult - but at the same time it is a challenge to me, who owns an explosive character. This is a chance to develop understanding, tolerance and acceptance in myself, and I take this chance, rejoicing in it from the bottom of my heart.
  4. Remembering my mantra, “I’m a girl,” I moved her to the workplace. This does not mean that I began to work worse - no, with my suspiciousness and sense of responsibility, this is hardly possible, I just became give less energy and strength to work, while taking the opportunity to receive them from outside. I'm talking about the elementary discussion of something non-working with colleagues, about tea parties with cookies, about giving yourself permission to relax from time to time, realizing that you have every right to do so.
  5. No matter how annoying/infuriating you are Chief, remember - anyway, this is the person who hired you and who, in fact, pays you money, for which you buy food and everything else. Let's be grateful - even though it's so difficult.

Speaking of gratitude. Just a year ago, I learned about such a thing as the Book of Happiness. Every evening you write in this very book (I have a notebook with positive phrases) at least five points of what was good about your day. It can be anything, absolutely everything - from the beautiful morning sun to a free seat in transport, from an extra five minutes of sleep to a delicious bun for breakfast.

You know, it's an incredibly powerful practice. Not only do you get a one-time charge of positive emotions from the concentrated pleasant memories of the day, you also understand that everything, it turns out, was not so bad!

At first, even five points were given with difficulty. Only five - and I tortured them, squeezed out of myself drop by drop. If suddenly you have the same situation and everything is as neglected as it was for me, here's a friendly bonus for you: every day you have at least two positions to fill: firstly, you got out of bed in the morning, and secondly, in the evening got home, are alive and writing the Book of Happiness, which means you have the strength for it! There is something to thank the Universe for, isn't it?

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