Jewish proverbs and sayings. The best Jewish proverbs and aphorisms

Wanders the world, penetrating from one national culture to another, crossing state borders, seas and oceans. Today it is difficult to establish when Jewish proverbs and sayings became “Russified”, “Germanized” or “Polishized”, but, undoubtedly, the centuries-old wisdom of the “eternal wanderers” influenced the everyday speech of various ethnic groups located in both hemispheres of the planet. Not always people who use popular expressions themselves guess in what language they sounded for the first time.

Who is a slime

The first thing that bribes Jewish proverbs is self-irony. The ability to play a joke on oneself is a sign of wisdom, and this is most clearly manifested in folk art. The hero of many sayings is a certain "shlimazl". This word means, generally speaking, a loser, besides being close-minded and possessing many other personal vices. "Helma" (abbreviated designation) is greedy, stupid, he never succeeds. If the shlimazl sells snow, a warm winter is issued, if it is water, a drought occurs. He sometimes speaks well, but it would be better if he was silent. Of the two evils, the shlimazel manages to choose both. He does not live to see good luck, because he cannot endure troubles, falls at someone's feet, and they certainly step on his head. He tells half the truth, and the result is a lie. In general, if some Jewish proverbs are funny, it is because they contain shlimazel: you can always make fun of it. The main thing is not to get carried away too much and not become one yourself.

About wisdom

The sayings themselves, used to the place, are a kind of concentrate of wisdom accumulated over many centuries. It is not surprising that among them a considerable proportion are those in which the definition of reasonableness and, on the contrary, stupidity is given. At the same time, it is important that wisdom is by no means always identified with So, one of the sayings says that the presence of gray hair indicates old age, and not intelligence. However, another states that an elderly person sees worse, but still more. Apparently, the accumulated experience affects. The call not to be too sweet (they will eat it) is also instructive, but it is also undesirable to overdo it in bitterness (they will spit it out). An anti-alcohol theme is also presented: "the secret goes when the wine enters." These beautiful Jewish proverbs may seem too simple, their moral is too obvious. But that doesn't make them any less wise. After all, the obvious rules of behavior, unfortunately, are not observed by everyone.

About family

Sometimes you can hear the common phrase: “Love is gone!” “So, it means it never started!” - explains one of the sayings such a phenomenon. Jewish proverbs devoted to a lyrical theme are diverse both in subject matter and in direction. Their range is wide - from romanticism (where there is love, there is no sin, and vice versa) and to dry practicality (you cannot cook compote from the sweetest love). For whom are all brides good? For the matchmaker! Even an old maid becomes a young wife, after her marriage, of course. What could be holier than a mother for a proper Jew? God sends her to places where he himself does not have time. And Adam was very lucky: he did not have a mother-in-law. A bad wife is worse than rain, because he drives home, and she, on the contrary, strives to put her out of the door.

About words

Jews, as a rule, like to talk. There are few silent people among them, everyone wants to say something smart. Despite the widespread opinion about the universal wisdom of God's chosen people, this is far from being the case for everyone. Jewish proverbs warn of the dangers of excessive verbosity. "Shut up if you have nothing to say!" - it seems to be nothing special either, and yet if everyone did this ... “First, children are taught to speak, and then be silent” - an excellent generalization of pedagogical methods.

Man has one mouth and two ears. This is an anatomical fact. So, you need to listen twice as often as you speak.

And one more thing: you should not trust someone who willingly talks about his troubles, but hides his joys. very subtle, and such advice can be useful to everyone.

About money and eternal values

Jewish proverbs and sayings relating to material matters are as varied as any other.

It is worth breaking another well-established stereotype about some kind of special love of money for Jews and a special commercial streak that is present in almost every Jew from birth. But what do we see? In fact, not much attention is paid to poverty, it is not considered either a vice or a virtue, at least the Jews who composed the proverbs thought so.

Yes, they love money, but who doesn't? Not so good with them, how bad without them! And a problem that can be solved by paying is not called a trouble, but an expense. But it's not about money, it's about having it. And for this you need not just to save them, but to gain knowledge with which you can always earn them. It’s easy to carry a smart head on your shoulders, and no one will take it away from you, unless they tear it down, but then it doesn’t matter ...

Again, it's much better when a job is looking for you than if the situation is the opposite. There are good things about being poor. It is more difficult for a poor person to sin, God protects him from temptations - they, as a rule, are expensive. And it is noteworthy that everyone has enough mind, most people complain about the lack of money.

And whether there are many or few of them, but you need to live. At least out of curiosity. I wonder what will happen next?


Jewish proverbs are sometimes very difficult to classify. For example, the statement that a single beard looks much worse than a beardless Jew. What is it about? And it is enough to remember that there were once pogroms ...

Or the saying that people undertake great things from idleness. And about two fighting for a hat, and a third who gets it. And that death from laughter is preferable to death from horror. And that the word "experience" is synonymous with human error. And people from afar all look good.

The irony of Jewish proverbs and sayings is also manifested in a certain pessimism, behind which hope is nevertheless guessed. "Don't complain about the lack of change: you can wait a little and it will get worse." And then: “Better any changes, even for the worse, than none at all.”

You shouldn't joke with God, but the Jews manage to do this too. People anger the Almighty with sins, and those around them with benefactors. God behaves like a father, and fate behaves like an evil stepfather. And a prayer-request to him - to help raise, because a person knows how to fall himself.

In general, the Jews composed a lot of proverbs. They concern all aspects of life, therefore, by honoring them, you can enrich yourself, at least spiritually, and then whoever is lucky. However, do not believe the sources, printed or electronic, offering headlines like "35 Jewish proverbs, the best and the wisest." In fact, there are many more.

All peoples have their own special worldview, and this is best reflected in sayings and proverbs. There are many legends about the wisdom of the Jewish people, and this is all for a reason! Here are some witty Jewish proverbs on various topics that capture the whole point of it:

Mind and stupidity

God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less.

Everyone complains about the lack of money, but no one complains about the lack of intelligence.

It is more difficult to be well silent than to speak well.

Don't be sweet or you'll be eaten. Don't be bitter or they'll spit you out.

The deaf man heard the dumb man say that the blind man saw the lame man run very fast.


Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.

Aging, a person sees worse, but more.

Experience is the word people call their mistakes.

When an old maid marries, she immediately turns into a young wife.

If life does not change for the better, wait - it will change for the worse.


Money is not as good as bad without it.

If the problem can be solved for money, it's not a problem, it's a cost.

If charity cost nothing, everyone would be philanthropists.

God protects the poor, at least from costly sins.

When there is no money, great things are taken up.

A family

Parents teach children to talk, children of parents teach to be silent.

God can't be everywhere at the same time - that's why he created mothers

Those who do not have children bring them up well.

Maybe eggs are a lot smarter than chickens, but they go rancid quickly.

Men would do more if women talked less.


It is better to die of laughter than of fear.

God! Help me to stand up - I can fall myself.

A person should live at least for the sake of curiosity.

Entire nations create legends about Jewish wisdom. And this is not surprising, because it is the Jews who are considered the most enterprising and cunning people who can benefit from almost any situation. No matter how anyone treats this people, it cannot be denied that almost every person on earth uses Jewish wisdom. You do not believe? Then think about how many Jewish proverbs and sayings you know. Surely in your arsenal there are at least a couple of phrases that are attributed to people of this nationality. But it is in proverbs that the wisdom of ancestors is stored and transmitted. The Jews are very well aware of this, so for almost any life situation they can utter one or another phrase that will reflect the essence of the problem. Today, our article is devoted to Jewish proverbs, of which this people have accumulated a lot over hundreds of years.

A few words about cultural traditions

"Children of Israel" refers to the most amazing people on our planet. Just think about it - for about two thousand years they did not even have their own territory, but this did not prevent them from preserving their language, culture and traditions unchanged. The culture of the Jewish people is still vibrant and distinctive, and besides, it influences many other ethnic groups. It is difficult to single out the main traditions of this people, because all of them are considered important and are strictly observed by all family members. But we still tried to highlight those moments that most accurately characterize the children of Israel:

  • Jewish lunar calendar. Despite the fact that the Jews use the Gregorian calendar accepted by everyone, their whole life is subordinated to the lunar one. Not only major religious holidays depend on it, but even the simplest household chores. For example, the national calendar may regulate the time of cooking or the date of reception of guests.
  • Holy day. Many tourists who have visited Israel know that no self-respecting Jew will work on Saturday. This sacred day is intended for rest and communication with God, therefore, Sabbath work will not bring money and satisfaction, rather, on the contrary, it promises serious losses.
  • Jewish New Year. The Israelis have quite a few interesting and unusual holidays, the onset of which is regulated by the lunar calendar. The brightest is the New Year, which is celebrated from the fifth of September to the fifth of October.

  • Love for books. Almost all Jews, without exception, are distinguished by this, they have been collecting their treasures for years and often reread their favorite moments. If there is a Jewish friend in your environment, then you know for sure that under no circumstances will he part with his books.
  • Jewish proverbs. They are an integral part of the cultural traditions of the Israeli people. It is difficult to say exactly when they arose, but today they can be applied to almost any area of ​​life or situation that has arisen.

It is characteristic that with the help of these wise proverbs one can learn a lot and look at what is happening from a different angle.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings

Many people underestimate the folk wisdom contained in proverbs, but not the Jews. Jewish proverbs are passed down from generation to generation, and some families even have their own sayings, which are the property of the whole family.

It is noteworthy, but linguists believe that according to various folk sayings one can get an idea of ​​the main characteristic features of a whole ethnic group. This also applies to Jewish proverbs. According to them, the opinion may be formed that the "children of Israel" have the following features:

  • immense respect for women (mothers are especially revered among Jews);
  • the ability to extract financial benefits even from deliberately failed projects;
  • observance of traditions;
  • honoring one's God and religious holidays;
  • respect for other people's work and prosperity;
  • the ability to use other people for their own purposes;
  • trade talent.

Of course, this is far from a complete description of the Israeli people, but thanks to wise Jewish proverbs, any person’s main secrets are revealed. In the following sections of the article, we will present to your attention a selection of aphorisms relating to various situations.

Jewish proverbs about money

Dollars, shekels, rubles - this is what a Jew of any age and social status infinitely respects. And the point is not at all that many consider the Israeli people to be immensely greedy and stingy. It's just that in the blood of the Jews there is a great industriousness, every life achievement is given to them with difficulty. Most of the "children of Israel" from generation to generation are engaged in the work of their ancestors and know that every shekel is earned with great difficulty. Therefore, the Jew will not boast of his income or blow his fortune, because in this way he partly loses contact with his ancestors and the respect of the whole family.

At the same time, a good financial condition never becomes an end in itself for the “children of Israel”. “It’s not as good with money as it’s bad without them” - this saying perfectly illustrates the previous phrase. After all, on the one hand, finances and their increase is a very serious daily concern of a person, but even without the right amount of money, life loses its colors and turns into a series of gray and meaningless everyday life.

Most Israelis are familiar with the phrase:

Thanks to her, it becomes clearer why it is typical for the Israeli people to avoid unnecessary spending by any means.

The following saying has a deep meaning - "If charity were worth nothing, everyone would be philanthropists." Many believe that it vividly illustrates the greed of the Jews. However, experts say that this phrase suggests that any charity is a deliberate matter and is never done at random.

Jewish proverbs about life

"Children of Israel" do not think a single day of their lives without God. They rely on Him in all situations, ask for help and support. For example, a very common expression looks like this:

Or one more thing:

Such expressions are very characteristic of the Israeli people, who live with an eye on the Almighty.

Many note the caution of Jews in communication. On this score, they have their own saying - "From a distance, all people are not bad." This can be understood in two ways. On the one hand, as advice not to get close to people, so as not to be mistaken in them. And on the other hand, as simple worldly wisdom, which says that you can’t judge people by their first impression - you should always try to look much deeper into the soul in order to understand this or that person well.

Quite a few proverbs of the Jewish people relate to the elderly. They are held in high esteem and often come to the elderly for advice regardless of the situation. In Israel, you can hear that, aging, a person sees worse, but more. After all, many nations associate age with wisdom and experience, and they are invaluable for the younger generation.

However, you should not completely and completely trust the words of older people. This topic is most eloquently revealed by the expressions placed below and above.

This nation has a special attitude towards women and mothers. They are devoted to many interesting expressions that came from the depths of centuries.

Proverbs about mothers

If you know some Jewish men, then you have an idea of ​​how much influence their mothers have on them. They are obeyed almost unquestioningly in all life situations, and few people will be surprised that a mother has information about her beloved child from A to Z. “God cannot be everywhere at the same time - that’s why he created mothers” - this is what the “children of Israel” say.

Women's theme

Sayings about relationships with the female sex are quite common among Israelis.

What can be understood from these expressions? We think it is easy to draw conclusions - men are quite cautious in choosing their life partner. After all, according to the Jews, an unsuccessful marriage becomes a disaster for life, and it is not customary for this people to get divorced.

It is also worth considering that not a single male will go down the aisle without the consent of his mother. And this is already a certain guarantee of a successful choice.

gossip and talk

It is noteworthy that the Israeli people are extremely negative about gossip and empty talk. The main wisdom that children learn from the cradle is expressed in the following words - "God gave man two ears and one mouth, so that he would listen more and speak less." Indeed, among the "children of Israel" it is customary to listen to the interlocutor and memorize the information said, but they will give it out to others in an extremely dosed manner and very rarely. The following saying is connected with this - “Wine came in - a secret came out.” Jews treat alcohol differently, but still it is almost impossible to find among them those who abuse strong drinks.

Children and parents

This topic is not often discussed in public in Israel, but do not forget that almost the entire life of Jews revolves around family values ​​and problems. “Whoever does not have children brings them up well” - this is what mothers say and try to share stories about their beloved children with their friends as rarely as possible.

Also in Israel, there is often such an expression - "Parents teach children to talk, and children teach them to be silent."

worldly wisdom

This topic is devoted to a lot of different proverbs.

Among the most common, we have selected a few.

It is noteworthy that for any situation encountered on your way, the Israelis must have come up with a saying a long time ago. It is much easier to overcome troubles and cope with difficulties with them.


The winged expressions of the "children of Israel" are not just entertaining phrases, but a real treasury from which you can endlessly draw knowledge. They are suitable for people of any age and social status, regardless of where they live. And as the Jews themselves believe, with the wisdom of their ancestors, any life crisis can be overcome. It’s hard not to believe them, because the history of this people speaks for itself.

8 533 look.

20 killer Jewish jokes - be careful not to tear your stomach! The fact that the resilient Jews are likely to remain on earth even after Armageddon does not need to be proved to anyone.

However, we can confidently say: this nation has no sense of humor. Do not rush to object. This does not mean that Jews do not know how to joke and laugh. It just seems that what we develop and train for years, they absorb with mother's milk.

Once in Odessa:

- Rosa, would you like to go to the museum with me?
- Yasha! You sho, the word "restaurant" do not pronounce?

Somewhere on Privoz:

- Sarah Abramovna, you have a great gift to attract men!
- I? For nothing? Never!

Rosa Lvovna shouts from the window:

- Syoma, go try on sandals.
- These are the ones that dad bought?
- If I was waiting for your dad, you still would not be here!

- Sofochka, you heard: they say that those who are actively engaged in sex live much longer...
- What did I tell you! This old prostitute Tsilya will outlive you and me!..

Sarah, I want you!
- Oh, Monya, what do you want from me?! Here I want perfume and a dress!
- So you want to spin me for a gift?
- Are you me for sex?
- And what?
- A niche! We lie with you like two idiots... I am without a dress, you are without sex...

- Dinochka Isaakovna, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the very best!
- Thank you dear! After all, no one congratulated me, not a single bastard, except you!

Old Odessa.

- My God, who do I see! Solomon Moiseevich!
- My name is Solomon Markovich.
- Will you tell me what your name is? I have known your father since childhood! He was so handsome, curly!
- Nothing like this. My dad was small and bald.
- Ay, go to hell, you don't know your dad!

- Tsilya Izrailevna, Syoma needs to be washed. Syoma smells bad!
- Marya Nikitichna, Syoma should not be smelled. Sam needs to be taught!

- Fima, why are you still winking at me?
- It's a nervous tic.
- Fima, you are a deceiver and a scoundrel... I have already tuned in!

I heard your Sarah is getting married.
- Yes. It comes out a little.

The father checks his son's diary:

So, physics - 2 ... Tsilya, do you hear? Physics - 2! So, mathematics - 2 ... Tsilya, do you hear? Math - 2! So, singing - 5 ... Tsilya, do you hear? He also sings!

Madame Figner, why are you eating so little today?
- Take care of the figure!
- Ouch! To save your figure - you need to eat, eat and eat!

- Sarah, my dear, where are you going?
- I'll go to Privoz.
But we still have everything!
- Ha-ha! And to quarrel?

Hello! Uncle Shlema, is Monya here?
- Here! More like here!

- Adam Tsezarevich, you know, when you are not, they talk about you like that!
- I beg of you! Tell them: when I'm not there, they can even beat me!

Rabinovich, do you give bribes?
- Yes, my wife.
- And why should she?
- Otherwise, it won't.

- And I've looked after myself a cool machine, I'll take it!
- Wow! Sarah, show me the place where you get money, I want it too!
- No, Izya, you have such a place ...

Sarah, how much do you weigh?
- In glasses one hundred and twenty kilograms.
- And without glasses?
- And without glasses, I can not see the scales.

Dialogue in the Odessa family:

- Syoma, what's that banged in the kitchen?
- Rosa, I had an insight: I saw the future!
- And what's in the future?
We are buying a new sugar bowl.

Jews teach the whole world that healthy laughter at oneself elevates a person above the vanity of days and is the cause of vitality. And try to say something in reproach here - it simply won't work! The Jews were, are and will be, which means that they will always have a reason to prolong our lives.

Artist Vladimir Lyubarov

35 Wise Jewish Proverbs

If money is lost, lost or stolen, wise Jews say: “Thank you, Lord, for taking money!”

It is believed that the Jewish people are the wisest, since the origins of their knowledge come from God himself. The wisdom of the “children of Moses” has been legendary for centuries - and this is not without reason, their insight and wit are really worth learning.

Each nation has its own vision of the world, and this is best manifested in proverbs and sayings. And getting acquainted with different cultures, their mentality and sense of humor, we begin to better understand our own.

All the salt of the Jewish people is in its witty proverbs and sayings:

If the problem can be solved for money, it's not a problem, it's a cost.

Adam is the first lucky one, because he did not have a mother-in-law.

God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less.

May God save you from bad women, save yourself from good ones!

The wine came in - the mystery came out.

God cannot be everywhere at the same time - that's why he created mothers.

Don't be sweet or you'll be eaten. Don't be bitter or they'll spit you out.

Everyone complains about the lack of money, but no one complains about the lack of intelligence.

Fear the goat from the front, the horse from behind, the fool from all sides.

Knowledge does not take up much space.

The guest and the fish begin to smell in three days.

If you do not want to be sat on your neck, do not bow low.

In choosing between two evils, the pessimist will choose both.

The deaf man heard the dumb man say that the blind man saw the lame man run very fast.

God protects the poor, at least from costly sins.

If charity cost nothing, everyone would be philanthropists.

When an old maid marries, she immediately turns into a young wife.

Parents teach children to talk, children of parents teach to be silent.

From a distance, all people are good.

Money is not as good as bad without it.

Maybe eggs are a lot smarter than chickens, but they go rancid quickly.

The horse on which you can catch up with your youth has not yet been born.

Men would do more if women talked less.

Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.

It is more difficult to be well silent than to speak well.

A bad wife is worse than rain: rain drives into the house, and a bad wife drives it out.

The world will disappear not because there are many people, but because there are many non-humans.

God! Help me to stand up - I can fall myself.

If life does not change for the better, wait - it will change for the worse.

No matter how sweet love is, you can’t cook compote from it.

When there is nothing to do, they take on great things.

Those who do not have children bring them up well.

It is better to die of laughter than of fear.

Experience is the word people call their mistakes.

The Jewish people are wise from God. The shrewd mind of the Jews is legendary, and for good reason. Witty proverbs and sayings of the "Children of Moses" help to better understand the wisdom of this world.

God looks first into our hearts, and then into our brains. Jewish proverb
God is subtle, but He is not malicious. A. Einstein

From a distance, all people are good.

The world will disappear not because there are many people, but because there are many non-humans.


Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.


To be a beggar is not a disgrace, but that is the only thing good that can be said about begging. Jewish proverb

God protects the poor at least from costly sins.

There is nothing worse than elusive happiness. Jewish proverb

If charity cost nothing, everyone would be a philanthropist.


Be afraid of time even when it smiles at you. I.Zabara

Fear only God and the one who does not fear Him. I.Lazerov

Money is not as good as bad without it.


Adam is the first lucky man, because he did not have a mother-in-law.


Poverty is from God, but dirt is not. Jewish proverb, Eastern Europe

The poor are always liberals. Jewish proverb


Beware of those who promise something for nothing. Moses Baruch


Piety, especially Jewish piety, honors a small, small person, a small deed, a small task, a small duty. Through this little religion knows the great. L. Back


God looks first into our hearts, and then into our brains. Jewish proverb


If a problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem - it's a cost.


God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less.


May God save you from bad women, save yourself from good ones!


The wine came in, the mystery came out.


In our time, the Jew has only one choice: either become a Zionist, or cease to be a Jew. Crossman

In a man overflowing with himself, there is no place for God. Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism


Faith in the impossible does not bring happiness. Albo


A cheerful person is always right. Babel


War never ends with war. S. Wise


The East is a true trickster; he reveres maniacs as prophets, but we look at prophets as maniacs. Heine


God cannot be everywhere at the same time - that's why he created mothers.


Don't be sweet or you'll be eaten. Don't be bitter or they'll spit you out.


Fear the goat from the front, the horse from behind, the fool from all sides.


The art of survival lies in the art of lying to oneself, lying heroically, endlessly, creatively. Feelings lie to the mind, the mind lies to the feelings. The seeker of truth is a liar: he seeks happiness, not truth. De Casseret

Truth may walk naked, but lies always need clothes. Jewish proverb

Truth illuminates, but it is money that warms. Jewish proverb

Truths and girls are good as long as they don't know they're good. Berne

History teaches us truth, nature teaches vices. Berne

Everyone loves alone, just as everyone prays alone. Varnhagen

When a tormentor fights a chimney sweep, the tormentor turns black with soot, and the chimney sweep looks cleaner. Jewish proverb


Whoever does not do more than he is obliged, does not do, therefore, what he is obliged to do. bohya

Who is smart? Who learns from everyone. Ben Zoma

It is easier to imagine a Jew without exile than an exile without a Jew. Sh. Levin


It is better to talk to a woman and think about God than vice versa. Jewish proverb


Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew. Jewish proverb

Love me less but longer. Jewish proverb

Any translation is a comment. L. Back

Prudent people never wish for themselves what they would not wish for all mankind. Spinoza

People lie out of helplessness. M.Ibn Ezra

People are always funnier than people. Parker

A people who cannot sleep and does not allow anyone to sleep. Singer

A nation is a community of people who, through a common destiny, acquire a single character. O. Bauer

Our trouble is that we consider other people's shortcomings to be our own virtues. Svetlov

Do not be inquisitive about what you can do without: remember that you know more than you can understand. Apocrypha

People never sacrifice themselves for the sake of understandable things: only under the power of love do they move mountains. Baron

People make mistakes not because they mistakenly think they know, but because they think others don't know. Sholom Aleichem

Memoirs are easy to write only when memory fails. Schnitzler

Each person is like a letter in the alphabet: in order to form a word, one must merge with others. Mandelstam

When God wants to break a man's heart, He gives him more intelligence. Jewish proverb

Don't ask God questions about God. Jewish proverb

When sadness comes to the world, Israel is the first to feel it. When the first ray breaks, Israel is the first to see it. Talmud

When asked to define the mind, I answer: "If you have it, you know what it is; if you don't have it, no explanation will help." Newmark

The guest and the fish begin to smell after three days.


Knowledge does not take up much space.


Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew.


A person should live at least for the sake of curiosity.


The enemy must be forgiven only after he is hanged. G. Heine

A doctor who does not take a fee does not deserve it. Babylonian Talmud

All peoples can be divided into two categories: those who expelled the Jews and those who did not let them in. H. Weizmann

Everyone is grieving about something: one that he does not have enough diamonds, the other that there are not enough beans in the soup. Jewish proverb

Everything is predetermined, but freedom is given; the world is judged according to goodness, but everything depends on the majority of deeds. Rabbi Akiva

The deaf man heard the dumb man say that the blind man saw the lame man run very fast.


When an old maid marries, she immediately turns into a young wife.


If you sin, then at least enjoy the sin. Jewish proverb

If you drop the gold and the book, pick up the book first. Jewish proverb

If you want to hang yourself, choose at least a taller tree. Rabbi Akiva (?)

If a person doesn't get bigger, he gets smaller. Rabbi Hillel Senior

Women lie even when they are silent. Jewish proverb

Life is short, work is endless. Halevi

Life is too short to even be small. A. Morua

Knowledge that is paid for is remembered longer. Rabbi Nachman of Braslav

And the Lord saw that the corruption of men on earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times. And the Lord repented that he had created man on earth and indulged in sorrow. Bible - Genesis 6:5-6

From your opinion of others, we learn the opinion of others about you. Ibn Ezra

Of the two quarreling rights, the one who falls silent first. Talmud - Treatise Ktubot 71B

People do very little out of love. More out of hate. But most of the things they do out of indifference. Ford

It is the sinner who brings disaster to the earth, but the first victim of disaster is always the righteous. Johanan b. Napaha - Talmud, Treatise Bava Kama, 60a

Parents teach children to talk, children of parents teach to be silent.


Maybe eggs are a lot smarter than chickens, but they go rancid quickly.


Men would do more if women talked less.


It is more difficult to be well silent than to speak well.


Any passion that leaves room for savoring and thinking is not a strong passion. M. Montaigne

Where sin has happened, there will be judgment. Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban)

The hero despises this world, while the weak honors it. M. Ibn Ezra

The deepest truth is the product of the deepest love. G. Heine

I tell you a secret: we will not all die, but we will all change. bible(?)

Woe to him whom no one loves, but beware of him whom everyone loves. Jewish proverb

God! You help even those I don't know. Why don't you help me? Jewish proverb

A bad wife is worse than rain: the rain drives you into the house, and the bad wife drives you out of it.


Lord, help me get on my feet - I can fall myself.


The Jew is born old. Leroy Bulew

A Jew, finding himself alone on a desert island, will most likely build two synagogues: he will build the second in order not to attend it. Jewish proverb

If God truly loved Man, he would hardly have created Adam. Jewish proverb

If the rich could hire beggars to die for them, the beggars would make good money. Sholom Aleichem

If suddenly the angels revealed to me all the secrets of our Torah, I would not be very happy, because study is more important than knowledge. Elia Gaon

If the horse had something to say, it would say. Jewish proverb

If people guessed what others think of them, they killed each other. Jewish proverb

If life does not change for the better, wait - it will change for the worse.


No matter how sweet love is, you can’t cook compote from it.


A house without laughter is a house without love. Gordon

The fool blames others; the smart one blames himself; the wise do not blame anyone, for he is pious. S. Gabirol

Fools are refuted by facts, not arguments. Josephus Flavius

Jews are hated for their virtues, not their vices. Herzl

Jews do not keep women's monasteries. Jewish proverb

When there is nothing to do, they take on great things.


In choosing between two evils, the pessimist will choose both.


Everyone complains about the lack of money, but no one complains about the lack of intelligence.


If my brother is a thief, then they will not execute my brother, but the thief. Jewish proverb

Even if hell was waiting for a person’s good deeds, and paradise for bad deeds, then in this case it would be preferable to do good. Lipkin

If you sincerely want to give alms, the Lord will take care of the money. Isaac Napaha

If you do not raise your son as a Jew, you are depriving him of a power that cannot be replaced by anything. Freud

If your good is at your fingertips, you are its owner; if far away - you are a slave to him. Ben Sira

If life doesn't change for the better, wait, it will change for the worse. Jewish proverb

If life doesn't get better, maybe it gets worse. Jewish proverb

If my theory of relativity is successfully proven, Germany will declare me a German and France a citizen of the universe. If this theory turns out to be wrong, France will declare that I am a German, and Germany will announce to the world that I am a Jew. A. Einstein

Those who do not have children bring them up well.


It is better to die of laughter than of fear.


If there are only two Jews left in the world, one of them will read a sermon in the synagogue, and the other will listen to it. Jewish proverb

If you do not give to Jacob, then you give to Esau. Jewish proverb

If you don't open the door for a beggar, you'll have to open it to the doctor. Jewish proverb

If the hour has not struck, even the doctor will not kill you. pearlstein

If your deeds exceed your knowledge, then your knowledge is valuable; if your knowledge is higher than your deeds, then they are useless. Khanina b. Dosa

If they tell you: "They searched, but did not find," do not believe; if they tell you: "They didn't look for it, but they found it," don't believe it; if they say to you: "We searched and found," believe it. Talmud

If one keeps talking about peace, it will lead to war just as inevitably as if talking about war. Feuchtwanger

If you see a wise man conversing with a fool, know that two fools are talking. Jewish proverb

Experience is the word people call their mistakes.


Aging, a person sees worse, but more.

Don't worry about tomorrow; fix what happened yesterday. Jewish proverb

A submissive wife commands her husband. B. Disraeli. I agree with all this !

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