What is good for the stomach: foods that can not harm the digestive tract. Light and healthy food for the stomach

As a rule, until bloating, pain and heaviness in the stomach begin to be felt, people do not think about what they eat. The usual morning cup of instant coffee, drunk on an empty stomach, a visit to a suspicious cafe at lunchtime, a hearty dinner before a night's rest cause irreparable harm to the long-suffering stomach. And only when there are problems with the digestive organs, people remember that there are useful foods for the stomach.

Of course, the gastrointestinal tract of each person is purely individual. Some have high acidity, while others have low acidity. Someone often suffers from constipation, someone from diarrhea. Nevertheless, regardless of the state of the digestive organs, one should try throughout life to eat only wholesome food.

Vegetables and fruits have a beneficial effect on the stomach. From them you can make salads seasoned with vegetable oil, or eat fresh. They are rich in fiber, which creates a feeling of satiety, cleanses the stomach, promotes the digestion of other foods, and prevents constipation. Vegetables and fruits are recommended to be included in the daily diet, but only in the absence of peptic ulcer.

If suddenly, nevertheless, an ulcer struck this digestive organ, then the most useful food for a sick stomach is oatmeal. Its consistency envelops and protects the gastric mucosa. In any case, oatmeal for breakfast is a source of energy for the body and the efficiency of the stomach for the whole day.

It should be remembered that the feeling of discomfort when eating fatty foods eloquently indicates problems with the biliary tract. To prevent the development of dyskinesia, cholecystitis, it is necessary to abandon fatty meats. Oven-baked or steamed fish, chicken, veal, and lean beef will benefit the stomach. Vegetarian soups and low-fat chicken broths have a positive effect on the digestive organs.

A real balm for the stomach are bee products - propolis, pollen, royal jelly. Natural honey significantly speeds up the digestion process, and it can be consumed with any acidity of gastric juice. Honey is the key to longevity.

A source of live lactobacilli useful for the stomach is yogurt, kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products. Do not forget about easily digestible potatoes, rich in starch. But spicy dishes seasoned with mustard or adjika should be avoided. They corrode the gastric mucosa, stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, and also contribute to the deposition of fat.

Until now, disputes about the benefits and harms of vegetarianism have not subsided. However, to maintain the digestive organs in good condition, many include in their daily diet. This is not surprising, since in terms of the composition of fiber, vitamins and trace elements, only 25 grams of this product can replace a kilogram of vegetables. Young shoots of wheat are especially rich in vitamin E, iron, and chlorophyll.

Older people remember very well how in the 70s and 80s of the last century the population literally went crazy with kombucha. Meanwhile, this mixture of mushroom yeast, sugar and tea activates the immune system, improves eyesight and normalizes the digestion process. In addition to the fact that kombucha contains a large amount of B vitamins, it can be safely called a homemade probiotic.

Of course, healthy foods for the stomach should not be consumed in unlimited quantities. It should be remembered that the most dangerous enemy of the digestive organs is. It is most useful to consume food less, but more often. And during the snack period, it is better to put aside sandwiches and replace them with an apple or a pear. In addition, it is necessary to abandon the consumption of food in large plates, while watching television, as well as before going to bed. Take care of your stomach!

Why has there been such a boom in healthy nutrition in the world in recent years? Because people realized that the thesis "we are what we eat" is true: with the help of food, beauty, health and longevity can be achieved. Light food for the stomach is quickly absorbed, does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and does not exacerbate many chronic diseases. In this article you will find a list of the most useful products for the human body, as well as recipes for simple dishes that even gastroenterologist patients can eat.

Who needs to eat right

For some, it replaces the usual pleasures. This is both a hobby, and entertainment, and an adventure. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world sit on fast food, as if on a needle with a drug. Sugar, monosodium glutamate, beer - all these goodies are very unhealthy.

For girls, the motivation to choose food that is easy on the stomach is a figure. You can stay slim only by eating right. For young people, motivation is to gain muscle mass, build muscle. This is impossible without careful attention to your own nutrition. Therefore, the younger generation is increasingly aware of their taste preferences and stops at food that is easy for the stomach.

Another indisputable plus of such food is that it is much cheaper than fast food. Food that is light on the stomach is not only healthy, but saves enough money for a yearly trip abroad. Often this factor is decisive in a person's choice of his diet.

The easiest food for the stomach

Very often, a person changes his diet after receiving such diagnoses as gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, etc. There is only one opportunity not to feel pain - to change your diet once and for all.

Nutrition of any person (and even more so if he suffers from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), as a rule, should be aimed at reducing the production of hydrochloric acid and gastric secretions. For this, the following rules must be observed:

  • remove spices from the diet as much as possible, you can use only salt and sometimes black pepper, as well as herbs, horseradish, garlic;
  • completely abandon the use of any alcoholic beverages;
  • once and for all exclude sharp and fast food from the diet;
  • do not drink water immediately after eating;
  • reduce the consumption of black tea and coffee to a minimum;
  • eat fractionally, in small portions and arrange snacks for yourself as often as possible;
  • prevent the development of a strong feeling of hunger and do not take breaks between meals for longer than three hours;
  • never skip breakfast.

List of easy-to-digest foods:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • boiled chicken and quail eggs;
  • dairy products with a fat content of not more than 5 percent;
  • vegetable broths and soups on them;
  • fish (only non-salmon breeds);
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal on the water;
  • spices - greens, garlic, black pepper, curry, turmeric, coriander (in small quantities).

Clean water: benefits and harms

Of course, water is essential for the human body. But there is a difference how to drink it. Sometimes it can be harmful. In particular, if you drink every meal, acidity will be disturbed and digestion will worsen.

Light food for the stomach after poisoning cannot replace the correct drinking regimen. After any intoxication, the water-salt balance is disturbed. Diarrhea, vomiting - all these symptoms lead to severe dehydration. At such moments, you need to drink a glass of clean cool water every two hours.

List of prohibited products

You should once and for all stop eating the following foods:

  • canned food (both meat and vegetables);
  • barbecue and fried meat;
  • fast food;
  • sweet pastries;
  • bakery products made from white flour;
  • cakes, pastries, ice cream;
  • factory sweets with trans fats;
  • rich broths on the bone and first courses from them;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks with any strength;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, factory sauces;
  • pizza and homemade pies on yeast or yeast-free dough;
  • pancakes, pancakes, sandwiches.

Even cups of coffee familiar to all of us in the morning are a difficult test for the digestive organs. There is usually artificial cream and a lot of sugar, and this is a surge of insulin and unnecessary activation of the pancreas and liver.

What is a smoothie and why has it conquered the whole world?

After poisoning, intoxication, for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, losing weight girls, all nutritionists strongly recommend eating smoothies. Here are two popular easy food recipes for the stomach:

  • Take one ripe banana and a handful of any berries (you can do without them), immerse in a blender, add a glass of fat-free kefir, grind to a smooth consistency - the banana smoothie is ready.
  • Take 100 grams of ripe strawberries, 50 grams of ice cream, 150 ml, beat everything in a blender - a creamy strawberry smoothie is ready.

These recipes are perfect for dessert. This is a light food for the stomach at night, which is perfectly absorbed, does not provoke pain and the accumulation of excess fat.

Berries for the stomach: benefit or harm

Some berries can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause pain in gastritis and peptic ulcers. Before eating, all berries should be thoroughly washed.

Allowed to use raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, watermelons. Cranberries and mountain ash should be discarded. From berries you can cook compotes, fruit drinks, jams, add them to smoothies and main dishes. It should be noted that some of them can cause an allergic reaction - nausea, urticaria, skin itching may occur. Do not eat more than a hundred grams of any berries per day.

The easiest vegetables for the stomach and dishes from them

What food for the stomach is light and yet satisfying? These are vegetable stews, broths, soups. It is difficult to overestimate their benefits to the body. Vegetables that are allowed to eat:

  • potato;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage of any kind;
  • carrot.

Radishes, tomatoes, lettuce should be used with caution - they can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer. If you douse them with boiling water before eating, it will be easier for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract to cope with their digestion.

Meat and offal: harm or benefit

What is the easiest food for the stomach? It Among people without medical education there are unfounded rumors about the dangers of meat and offal. In fact, vegetarianism and veganism can benefit very rare inhabitants of our country. Meat should be eaten for endurance, the ability to resist cold, and muscle building.

Turkey and chicken fillet digest very quickly (if it has been stewed). Of course, you shouldn't fry it. But stewing with vegetables and herbs is a great idea! This simple and satisfying dish can be consumed both after poisoning, and during the recovery period after operations, or just for weight loss.

Dairy products for the stomach

Milk, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese are all excellent sources of protein, amino acids and calcium. Under no circumstances should you refuse them! Preference should be given to products with a low percentage of fat, not higher than 5 percent. This will help your stomach digest them faster. And fatty milk, cheese, cottage cheese can remain to rot in the stomach cavity for several hours, which will subsequently cause bloating, cramps, problems with bowel movements.

Butter is the most problematic product of this category. You should either completely abandon its use, or reduce it to 10 grams per day (for example, add it to porridge).

What drinks are considered easy on the stomach

Many patients and losing weight people forget about the importance of drinks. They are no less important than solid food. Even if the diet is perfect, but the person drinks prohibited liquids, there will be no sense in such a diet.

  1. You should once and for all stop drinking alcohol, as they are not only detrimental to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, but are also the most common cause of severe liver pathologies - cirrhosis and toxic hepatitis.
  2. Sweet carbonated drinks have a negative effect on the walls of the esophagus and stomach. If you drink Coca-Cola and similar drinks every day, in a couple of years a person is almost guaranteed to get a peptic ulcer.
  3. You should also limit black tea and coffee, which have an extremely negative effect on the state of the stomach when drunk on an empty stomach. They also contain caffeine, which is an officially recognized psychostimulant.
  4. Packaged juices from the store, despite aggressive marketing, do more harm than good. Most of them have a huge amount of sugar, which is a carbohydrate blow to the body. If you really want to drink fruit, berry or vegetable juice, it is better to purchase a juicer and make it yourself.

List of desserts that are easy on the stomach

Losing weight people and patients of a gastroenterologist often have an erroneous opinion that they will no longer try anything sweet and tasty. It's a delusion. Here is a list of healthy desserts:

  1. Recipes for fruit and berry smoothies (two of them were described above) can perfectly replace any dessert. Fragrant and easy for the stomach food is a thick liquid. To make a smoothie, you need a blender, five minutes of free time and imagination.
  2. A green apple baked in the oven with cinnamon has an exquisite, slightly sour taste. It is well absorbed, saturates the body with iron, does not cause pain in gastritis.
  3. Fat-free cottage cheese with berries - you can simply mix with a spoon, or you can crush it in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting berry-curd soufflé can replace both breakfast and dinner. Pleases with a wonderful aroma, sweet taste and at the same time a minimum calorie content and high digestibility.


  • What foods are good for the stomach?
  • Light food for the stomach
  • How to eat right

What food is easy on the stomach? A healthy diet allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the whole organism. The stomach is the main organ of the digestive system. It is a hollow muscular organ. The internal cavities of the stomach are lined with a layer of epithelial tissue. All the food we eat ends up here, where it is digested. A very important process of digestion is the production of gastric juice, which includes hydrochloric acid.

The walls of the stomach consist of a mucous membrane, which is very vulnerable; if its surface is disturbed, various diseases often occur. In order to maintain the health of the stomach, you should follow the right diet. Food that is easier on the stomach avoids many diseases of the digestive organ.

This is especially important when following a diet or in the treatment of diseases. One of the secrets that will keep the digestive organ healthy is that nutrition should be thought out.

What foods are good for the stomach? Most often, people think about a healthy diet only when they have stomach problems. The manifestation of discomfort, a feeling of bloating, heaviness or pain after eating food very often occurs with diseases of the stomach. Therefore, following the rules of a healthy diet will avoid many problems in the future.

Vegetables and fruits are easy food for the stomach, they can be eaten fresh.

Heat treatment removes most of the vitamins and minerals, so it is very useful to make salads that are seasoned with vegetable oil. It promotes better absorption of fibers. In the event that you have a stomach ulcer, oatmeal is the best. From cereals you can cook porridge and jelly. Oatmeal contributes to the formation of a protective film on the mucous membrane, which promotes the healing of the ulcer.

The peel of fruits is rich in vegetable fiber, it contributes to the fact that there is a feeling of fullness. The composition of fruits contains pectins, they help to cleanse the intestines, which allows you to avoid the process of decay, get rid of toxins.

What foods are good for the stomach?

Food is the remedy for many diseases of the stomach. For certain problems, you should follow the recommendations:

  1. First of all, you should not abuse fatty foods, as this can lead to problems with the biliary tract.
  2. An excellent substitute for fatty meat is lean veal.
  3. Low-fat chicken, fish, beef are very useful.
  4. Eat low-fat soup more often.

The way food is cooked matters a lot. Roasted meat is a heavy food, so it's much healthier to steam or bake in the oven. You should not eat food in too large portions, it is best to prefer fractional meals. You should not satisfy your hunger with dry food. You can eat small portions. Improper nutrition leads to stagnation of bile and the development of cholecystitis.

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Light food for the stomach

If you have digestive problems, such as dyskinesia or cholecystitis, then you should refrain from desserts that contain a lot of fat. Bananas are very good for digestion. These fruits contain fiber, potassium, they create a protective shell on the gastric mucosa.

If there is no allergy to honey, then you can eat this product. Honey is a godsend for the body. It helps improve digestion. It is a natural antiseptic, it allows you to heal minor damage to the mucosa. However, people with different acidity should use it correctly.

If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, then you should eat honey 1 spoonful before meals. If the acidity is low - after eating. There is one more recommendation: honey can be diluted with warm boiled water and drunk at night before going to bed. This will support the immune system of the body.

Vegetarian dishes are extremely beneficial for the stomach and liver. Soups and low-fat broths are very useful.

Dairy products are light and healthy food for the stomach. In curdled milk, kefir, yogurt contains a large number of lactobacilli. Potatoes and rice are well digested. However, you should not eat too much spicy food, especially if it has a lot of spices, spices, such as mustard (powdered or cooked), cinnamon or adjika. In large quantities, they contribute to damage to the gastric mucosa, especially if you watch your diet and try to lose weight. The fact is that thanks to spicy food, appetite increases, which can lead to overeating. Of the medicinal herbs, mint and sage are useful. They are brewed like tea. Useful aloe syrup.

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How to eat right

It is not only what we eat that matters, but also how we do it. Various factors influence the functioning of many body systems.

  • first of all, age, which leads to disruption of the systems;
  • violation of the diet;
  • vinegar and garlic, if consumed in excess, it is harmful;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • polluted ecology;
  • constant stress.

In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the digestive system for your body, there are many ways to improve the functioning of the stomach. Now people use scrubs for facial skin care. There are scrubs that tidy up the work of the stomach. Scrub helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins that poison it. Meanwhile, the normal functioning of the intestines and stomach allows you to put in order the skin of the face, as well as hair. And if you follow a diet, the result will not be long in coming.

How useful is a scrub for the stomach? It is made from oatmeal or bran. It not only removes toxins, but also allows you to break down arterial plaques. This reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Problems with the work of the stomach provoke the development of headaches, which leads to frequent migraine attacks. The beneficial substances found in oatmeal and bran are valuable antioxidants.

Hello everyone, dear friends!

During the New Year holidays, we slowly moved from one festive table to another. The abundance of tasty, but unhealthy food made us break the diet and forget about regular workouts for a while.

Naturally, there are exceptions to the general mass of people - avid athletes have already started visiting gyms on January 1st.

However, for the most part, we lack willpower to refuse, in the presence of cheerful friends or close relatives, the famous Olivier with mayonnaise or a glass “for world peace”. Ironic, isn't it? ?

It is not surprising that in the morning many stomachs hurt, heartburn torments us, and bloating and regular gas formation put us in an awkward situation.

What to do with it? I propose today to identify products to improve digestion, the presence of which at the festive table will be the key to “good morning” for the whole family.

First of all, I note that in order to restore the full and uninterrupted functioning of the gastrointestinal system, it is not necessary to adhere to strict dietary methods. The food entering the body must necessarily contain a high concentration of fiber, amino acids and antioxidants.

In order to rationally compose a menu, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material of the article previously posted on the web pages of our blog on the transition to proper nutrition. You still have to exclude some foods from the diet, so the list of harmful foods will also have to be carefully studied.

Summarizing the rules that will need to be followed, you can make a set of recommendations for improving the functioning of the digestive tract:

Guys, you can follow these rules at any age, so my recommendations are optimal for both children and adults. Naturally, parents must be involved in updating the child's diet, who, due to life experience and a rational approach, will be able to make a menu without harm to health.

During pregnancy, all changes in the daily nutrition of the expectant mother must be agreed with the attending physician, who is able to take into account the anatomical features of the person and the fetus developing inside.

Useful advice from Start-health: “To avoid taking pills for heartburn and bloating, eat apples, bananas, licorice, kale juice, lemon balm and cumin tea - excellent laxatives, devoid of chemical additives.”

Top 20 Foods That Improve Digestion

Friends, finally, we have approached the moment of getting acquainted with food that has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Having studied various variations of food combinations on the Internet, I offer the most complete and effective list of 20 products that improve the functioning of the digestive tract:

Name Benefit
1. Whole grain bakery products

varieties of coarse grinding help to reduce blood cholesterol and cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and other food waste.

2. Wheat bran and cereals

the high level of fiber present in the composition of the food determines the rapid absorption of food, saturating the body with nutrients.

3. Lentils and "representatives" legume family

the presence in the structure of such products of a large amount of iron and zinc ensures the accumulation of toxins that are promptly excreted from the body (excessive consumption is fraught with bloating and gas formation).

4. Flax seeds
5. Ginger root

A "storehouse" of amino acids that cleanse the gastrointestinal system from food waste (excessive presence of such a product in the diet can cause heartburn).

6. Berries

rich in antioxidants that help remove toxins and toxins from the body that impair the functioning of the digestive tract.

7. Dried fruits

the presence of fiber in figs, prunes or dried apricots has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improving the process of digestion.

8. nuts
9. Honey

A "treasury" of manganese and iron, which help to improve overall well-being, normalize the digestive tract, and have antibacterial properties.

10. Sauerkraut

natural prebiotic, in which there is a high concentration of iodine and other useful mineral formations.

11. Carrot

pigment microelements contained in such a product ensure the process of detoxification in the body.

12. Onion

an effective prophylactic for oncological diseases, a product that lowers blood cholesterol levels, and a powerful antioxidant that removes harmful substances and food waste from the gastrointestinal tract.

13. Tomatoes

Vegetables in demand in alternative medicine, which contain a large amount of fiber, which improves the functioning of the esophagus and cleanses the body; prevent diseases of the prostate and colon.

14. Avocado

tropical fruit, with which you can prevent the appearance in the body of chronic and temporary diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract; enhancer of peristaltic processes and an excellent remedy for constipation.

15. Pear

rich in fructose, fiber and other useful trace elements, has strengthening properties, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and becomes indispensable for diseases of the intestinal mucosa.

16. Banana

contains in the structural composition a large amount of fiber and fructooligosaccharides, which contribute to the acceleration of the growth of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

17. Apple

saturated with heteropolysaccharide (pectin), which is involved in the creation of biological processes that allow you to quickly digest food entering the stomach.

18. Dairy

acids present in the structure of such food ensure the smooth functioning of the intestines, creating a favorable microflora inside the esophagus.

19. Egg

A "storehouse" of polypeptides that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the metabolic process.

20. spicy spices

irritate the intestinal mucosa, accelerating metabolism and the accompanying processes of digestion of food in the body.

It should be noted that most of the above products belong to the budget segment of the market, so anyone can include such food in their diet. Given the list presented, it is quite simple to create a menu, while not forgetting about personal taste preferences in food.

The main thing is that daily among the dishes "meet" foods high in fiber and antioxidants.

Useful advice from Start-health: “If you suffer from constipation, then traditional medicine becomes indispensable in this situation. Grind 300 grams of prunes, dried apricots and figs in a mixer, adding 50 ml of agave juice and 300 ml of thick honey to the resulting consistency.

Thoroughly mix the "miraculous" mass and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Guys, already after a day you can evaluate the effectiveness of such a tool.

Today we have managed to identify not only healthy, but also tasty foods that improve the functioning of the digestive tract. From the presented food, you can cook various dishes that your guests and household will definitely appreciate. ?

Delight your loved ones with an avocado and tomato salad, adding flaxseeds and dressing your food with olive oil. Make a vegetable stew with spicy spices on the festive table or surprise those present with an egg and onion pie made from wholemeal flour. Tempting?

The opinion of our readers, who are the most objective "judges" - is especially valuable to us!

All the best to you, friends! See you soon!

A sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition very often negatively affect the digestive system of the human body. In order to avoid any bad diseases and change the situation for the better, you need to diversify your diet with healthy plant fibers - fiber. This component plays one of the most important roles in our body. But an ordinary person consumes it half the recommended rate, which is 25-30 grams per day.

In order to bring the body back to normal and consume a sufficient amount of fiber, you need to know which foods contain it in the greatest amount. We bring to your attention list of useful products for the stomach and intestines with a description.

10 foods that are richest in plant fibers

1) Whole grain products. Whole grain bread is one of the most affordable and richest sources of fiber, it also contains a large amount of trace elements and vitamins. Rye bread is considered to be the most useful, because it is low-calorie and contains a lot of fiber, which lowers blood sugar and cleanses the digestive system well. By the way, rye bread is very often included in therapeutic diets, as 2-3 pieces a day help normalize digestion.

2) Bran and cereals. For breakfast, you can eat cereals with fruits and this is almost 14 grams of fiber in its purest form. For example, a plate of oatmeal, a quarter covers the daily human need for fiber, and the starch that is contained in oats is digested slowly and is well absorbed, thereby providing a feeling of satiety for a long time.

3) Lentils and other legumes. One cup of lentils contains approximately 16 grams of fiber. Moreover, it contains a lot of iron and zinc, and also does not accumulate toxins, which makes it an undeniably pure product. Many other legumes are also rich in fiber. A cup of regular black beans contains about 15 grams of fiber, while a glass of beans has 13 grams. In principle, almost all legumes are a healthy addition to the diet.

4) Berries. Almost all berries (especially raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, gooseberries, etc.) have a very high fiber content, from about 3 grams and above. It is very healthy to consume blueberries, they are not only very high in fiber, they are essentially harmless to health, because they do not contain the unhealthy sugars that are found in many other dessert berries.

5) Avocado. This is a rather exotic fruit and a very rare guest of our table. But it is very useful and able to eliminate a large number of problems that are associated with the digestive system of the body. It also contains a large amount of fiber. For example, a typical ripe avocado contains 12 grams of healthy fiber. This fruit significantly improves the general condition of the microflora, enhances peristalsis and is a prophylactic against constipation.

6) Nuts. Almonds are high in calories. There are 161 calories in 30 grams of almonds. They are also distinguished by a high concentration of fiber, almost 5 grams - this is about 16% of the daily recommended amount.

7) Pears. This fruit also contains a lot of fiber. The average fruit contains up to 5 grams of useful fibers. This fruit contains a lot of fructose, as you know, fructose does not require insulin for its absorption in the body, and therefore it is considered useful in violation of the thyroid gland. Ripe juicy and sweet pears aid digestion, also have many strengthening properties and are therefore very useful in bowel disorders.

8) Flaxseeds. This type of seed contains two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble, and one tablespoon of seeds has approximately 3 grams of fiber. Very often, ordinary linseed oil is used as a laxative, and flax products reduce blood cholesterol levels. When you use them internally, your gastrointestinal tract is enveloped in the mucus they secrete, which is very useful for ulcers, gastritis and other inflammatory processes.

9) Dried fruits. Pretty good effect on the intestines prunes. It also contains a lot of fiber, approximately 4 grams per half cup of dried fruit. Also, useful fibers are found in large quantities in other dried fruits. It is recommended to frequently consume figs, dates, raisins, apricots and many other dried fruits.

10) Greens and vegetables. Common green vegetables, as well as greens, are high in iron, beta-carotene, and insoluble fiber. Surprisingly, one cup of spinach, turnip leaves, or even beetroot contains about 5 grams of fiber. It is also recommended to consume cauliflower, green bell pepper, broccoli, radish, black radish, savoy cabbage, beets, cucumbers, carrots, celery, asparagus, etc.

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