What do protruding ears say about a person. if a man has small, neat ears - what does this mean? External signs of male sexuality

Irina Danilina

In the appearance of a person, Chinese physiognomists distinguish five main features, and ears are included in this list. It is easy to determine the nature of the ears, because their shape and size are individual, cannot be corrected with makeup, and they can be corrected only with the help of plastic surgery, which not every person will decide on.

To determine the character of the ears, it is necessary to study all the features of their structure and location on the head.

Location, structure of the ears and character

By the location of the ears on the head, one can judge the potential of the individual:

  • The location of the upper point of the ear above the line of the eyebrows indicates the extraordinary personality and its ability to increase intelligence;
  • The location of the upper point of the ear at the level between the eyebrows and the corner of the eye indicates a person's ability to do business, initiative and the ability to work in high positions;
  • The location of the upper point of the ear at the level of the outer corner of the eye or slightly lower indicates success at a more mature age or a tendency to dependency.
  • If one ear is located higher than the other, then such an asymmetry gives out a passionate, but illogical person, able to argue over trifles and prove his point of view at all costs.
  • The ears are considered normal, slightly pressed to the head. Protruding ears can be a sign of sexual promiscuity.

The structure of the ear resembles the shape of an embryo, which has not gone unnoticed in medicine. As a result of scientific research, it was revealed that there is a connection between the structure of the ears and human health. For example, the presence of some defects on the auricle indicates a violation of brain activity.

The shape of the ear and character are interrelated concepts. The beautiful shape of the ear in the upper part indicates the mind, the middle part speaks of the high spiritual development of the individual, the lower part - about the state of health and sexuality of a person.

The structural features of the outer edge of the auricle also testify to many things: if the edge is thin, then a lack of sexual energy in a person is possible, and vice versa, a fairly wide and moderately fleshy outer edge of the auricle indicates the presence of good health and the possibility of longevity.

The inner edge of the auricle is responsible for the emotionality of a person. If it is turned outward, then this is a sign of the sociability of a person, if inward - a desire for solitude.

In the lower part of the ear there is a lobe, which in physiognomy has received the name "Pearl Drop". A solid, round shape of the earlobe promises prosperity and a happy life, a long one indicates longevity and vitality of its owner.

Ear shape and character

There are seven main types of ears.

1. Big ears

The beauty of big ears is debatable, but from the point of view of physiognomy, having such ears is a great success. Such ears testify to the good character, sharpness of their owners, the ability to do business, prosperity and power. They may seem large compared to the ears of other people, but for a particular person they can be quite harmonious and balanced by other parts of it - cheekbones, chin, jaw.

Ears increase in size with age, as they grow throughout life. It makes sense to cover too large ears with hair, and women can visually reduce their size by applying pinkish-brown blush to the tip of the earlobe.

2. Pointed ears

People with pointed ears have an inner flair and cunning, the ability to quickly grasp the essence of the problem and make profitable deals with the maximum benefit for themselves. Their character is impulsive, they are prone to inconstancy and changeability, often come into conflict with others. Due to the distrust of others towards the owners of this type of ears, it is better to cover them with hair.

3. Round shell, no lobe

Ears without lobes are small, neat and look beautiful. People with such ears are usually idealists: they believe in love at first sight, and so on. They are able to adapt to change and develop business relationships with partners, which allows them to stay afloat.

4. Uneven small ears, no earlobe.

People with this type of ears have an impulsive, restless, rather irresponsible character. They often change their place of work and residence, are often distracted from their goal or do not have it at all, they do not know how to maintain contact with people, preferring loneliness. Males with small ears without lobes are prone to default.

5. Big ears with long lobes

Large ears with long lobes testify to the wisdom, spirituality and nobility of their owner. Chinese physiognomists believe that people with such ears are destined for a long and happy life, in which there will be both money and comfort. Owners of this type of ears can become mentors, teachers, judges, even healers.

6. Small ears

The owners of small ears are active, competent in many areas of life people who achieve success in middle age due to their own efforts. Having a sociable and kind nature, these people have a stable and warm relationship with their surroundings.

7. Large ears with a protruding inner edge of the auricle

Having an independent character, the owners of this type of ears find it difficult to find their place in the business world. Their path is art, trade, advertising, where they can remain independent and realize their abilities to the fullest, showing their bright individuality.

Ear color and character

The ears should have a lighter tone than the skin of the face. The normal skin tone of the ears is white-pink. Too red ears betray a person prone to anger and aggression.

It will not be difficult for an experienced physiognomist to determine the character by the ears, because it is not always possible to even hide the ears. In men, for example, they are in most cases open. However, knowing about the advantages of large ears, you can change your attitude towards them and stop being complex about this.

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The auricles are called the outer parts of the ear, consisting of cartilage. Cartilage is absent only in the lobe. The muscles of the ears in humans are poorly developed, because their functional activity is low. Types of ears in a person are very individual, because the relief of the shells, their configuration and clarity are unique: even among close relatives, they can be different.

The structure of the auricle

The external bony auditory canal in humans is surrounded by a cartilaginous plate, which is a combination of voids and ridges.

The ear is made up of:

  • The lower leg of the antihelix;
  • navicular fossa;
  • Antihelix;
  • The auricle itself;
  • curl;
  • Antitragus;
  • Tail curl;
  • Lobes;
  • Upper legs of the antihelix;
  • triangular fossa;
  • Anterior ligament;
  • Curl legs;
  • Tragus;
  • Interstitial notch.

The blood supply to the ears comes from the posterior auricular artery and vein, as well as the inferior branch of the posterior artery, as well as the superior and median branches.

Types of ear: structural features

The earlobe is fused and free.

In this case, the types of earlobes are examples of both recessive and dominant inheritance. A loose lobe is a sign of dominant inheritance, a fused lobe is a recessive one.

It can also be different in shape Darwin tubercle - one of the parts of the curl, located in its posterior-upper part. Sometimes it is absent altogether.

The curl and its leg are also divided into several types. So, the leg happens:

  • Short (steeply immersed in the shell);
  • Medium (reaches the middle of the sink, more precisely, its bowl);
  • long.

And the curl itself can be different, and all its types depend on how much its edge is bent outward. So, the curl happens:

  1. Shatrov (or strongly bent);
  2. Typical (its edge is evenly bent all over);
  3. Reduced (has a curved edge, as well as an inner surface only in the upper and ascending parts.

The antihelix differs in the features of the trunk (it can be medium, low and protruding).

The upper leg of the antihelix can also be of several types: flat, steep, long and short.

The tragus is typical (its shape is close to symmetrical), single-wave (with a weakly pronounced apex) and two-wave.

The antitragus is smoothed and pronounced.

Types of protruding ears

Lop-earedness is one of the features of ear development.

It can be observed in several cases:

  1. Underdevelopment of the antihelix. This is one of the most common causes of droopy ears. It can either be completely absent (in this case, the entire shell sticks out), or partially underdeveloped. Only the upper pole of the ear sticks out.
  2. Hypertrophy or deformation of the shell. It is observed if the cartilaginous structure of the ear is overdeveloped. In this case, the ear can also protrude excessively. This phenomenon is observed if the thin cartilages of the antihelix complex and the curl itself are located on the strong cartilage of the ear shell.
  3. Urine protrusion. Sometimes a protruding earlobe is the only ear deformity with a normal shape. Often it occurs as a result of an unusual shape of the tail of the curl or if the auricle is hypertrophied.
  4. Macrotia (or a uniform increase in the entire auricle), as well as excessive growth of the shell. Such a diagnosis is made if the size of the shell is not proportional to the facial skeleton. Such a deviation is observed, for example, with isolated congenital overgrowth of the shell or during the rapid growth of half of the face. Macrotia can be a sign of some diseases, such as neurofibromatosis, and also occurs with some vascular abnormalities.

→ Ears

Like other complex human organs, the ear consists of several parts. The outer part, called the racorina or outer ear, is made up of flexible cartilage covered by skin. Like other Essential Features, the outer ear has many forms.
When reading a face, the ear is divided into four parts: the upper rim, which grasps the top of the outer ear; middle bezel; the inner rim adjacent to the cheekbone, and the earlobe.

In Chinese physiognomy, the ear is ranked among the most important organs - mainly because it speaks more about the fate of a person than about his character, especially in his youth. It is believed that the left ear determines the fate of childhood from one to seven years, and also reflects the influence of the father. The right ear gives the key to fate from 8 to 14 years and reflects the influence of the mother.
This may not be as strange as it might seem at first glance, because between the ages of 1 and 14, the fate of a person is most often connected with the fate of his parents. As a general rule, the Chinese believe that a person with firm, well-shaped ears during this period has a happy childhood and a good life. If the ears are badly shaped or colored, then they are said to reflect a bad home environment and a difficult environment. If such a person does not have other signs that are favorable and do not indicate that he has determination, intelligence and firmness, then he is likely to fail in life.
As for the details, experience has shown that if the upper part of the ear is higher than the level of the eyebrows , then the individual has a very high intelligence. Such a person may achieve widespread fame and/or exceptional financial success. If the upper part is above eye level, but does not reach the level of the eyebrows , then it says that the person will probably also have significant success, but not so striking.
However, if the ear is below eye level , then it shows that the individual is mediocrity. In the worst cases, especially if there is no noticeable rim on the top of the ear, it is very likely that a person will have to fight a truly difficult struggle for existence.
Ear size also matters a lot. Large ears are considered good if they are balanced with other factors including thickness, softness, finesse of shape, and radiant coloration of the ear. People with such ears can achieve success. But excessively large ears, badly shaped, colorless and covered with rough skin, are a sign of an evil personality. As a general rule, ears that are too large, out of balance with other facial features, indicate a vain, stubborn nature.
Ears that are smaller than normal and out of balance with the rest of the face indicate a slow-witted and dull-witted person. Such people easily fall under the influence of others, and they lack determination and self-confidence.
If a small ear has a defective rim, then this indicates a treacherous personality. Unusually small ears in a person of great intelligence, having a high forehead, strong eyebrows, imperious eyes, indicate a person who cannot be trusted, is prone to violence and often has a criminal nature.
Thin and soft ears with a low mass indicate a tendency to take unjustified risks in business. Most observations say that ears with little mass indicate a lonely person. Soft ears with an inner rim turned outward indicate a lustful, voluptuous person, sexually promiscuous. If such a soft ear is inclined forward, then it indicates a very tolerant person, indulgent, indulging in pleasures, and sometimes obscenely lustful.
Pointed ears are relatively common, and come in a variety of shapes. Pointed at the top, they indicate a person of a destructive nature and low intelligence. If the ears are pointed and excessively small, then this indicates a stubborn and cruel character.
The rim or edge of the ear must not be defective. If the bezel is small and soft, then this indicates that the person is weak and lacks willpower. If it is round, smooth and balanced with other facial features, then this indicates a happy person with a wonderful character and close family ties. When the rim, outer, inner or middle, is clearly defined, then this indicates intelligence or early development at a tender age. Ears with heavily disheveled outer rims - known in the West as "cauliflower" - indicate a courageous, determined person with an independent mind. Such people, in the literal sense of the word, win their own destiny.
And maybe the most important part of the ear when reading a face is the lobe. The ear, without a well-formed lobe, falls out of balance. If the lobe is so long that it touches the shoulder (the rarest case, an example of which is the Buddha), then this indicates a person of higher wisdom and spirituality. . Chinese physiognomists believe that such a lobe is found in people of a noble family and in unusually powerful people from very wealthy families. If the lobe is slightly turned forward and upward, this is also a favorable sign for the character and fate of a person.
As a rule, the ancient texts state, the less the ear of the face reader sees when looking straight into the face of a person, the better. This means that the ears should be close to the head. However, if the ears are tilted back and are almost invisible from the front , then this indicates that the person is vulgar and treacherous. Therefore, a careful distinction must be made between the two cases.
A person with large, soft, drooping ears protruding from the head , can be attributed to those that are difficult to deal with, especially in middle age. However, if the chin of such a person is well rounded and strong, then he may have great internal energy that can partially compensate for his heavy nature.
The inner rim of the pinna is also an important clue to personality. If it turns inward, then the individual is likely to be one of those who suppress their emotions. If the inner rim is bent outward, then the opposite is true.
As in the case of other facial features, the question of "coloration" is of paramount importance when considering the ears. However, a pale color, paler than complexion, is incomparably better than red. A person with ears of this color, apparently, will have a noticeable success in life. Yellow or bluish pallor has always been considered a sign of an unhealthy person. A dark color extending from the ear to the temple indicates a serious illness. Whether this disease will cause a short life depends on the balance and proportion with other facial features. And as a general rule in determining fate: ears tending to be slightly or darker in color than the face indicate a negative character and fate.
As in the case of eyebrows moles play a role here too. A dark mole inside the auricle indicates painful litigation in the middle years; a red mole near the entrance to the inner ear is a sign of longevity.
When you first devote yourself to the art of face reading, you will immediately identify certain ear prototypes. For example, an obese person with heavy cheekbones is likely to have long, round, large earlobes. A medium-sized person with thin lips often has poorly rounded ears. A person with a triangular head and a thin face usually has small, thin ears. Although physiognomy may seem esoteric in this matter, you will be amazed to find how exactly the proper reading of the human face corresponds to its personality and destiny.
As a summary, the following table gives the main guidelines for ear analysis:

Ear angle

Draw an imaginary line through the top of the ear and . Is the ear vertical to the head or tilted back? The greater the angle of inclination, the stronger the physiognomic significance of this feature.

If a ears are strictly vertical, their "carrier", most likely, strives for balance and balance of all its manifestations, it is important for him to maintain external calm and restraint. Such a person is happy to adhere to existing rules and regulations.

If a ears as if lean back, this indicates that their owner takes life rather easily, adhering to a peculiar view of things, prefers to quickly resolve all his current affairs and move on, for a new interest. He clearly goes out of step with others and sticks to his own position.

If ears "go forward", that is, their upper part is noticeably inclined towards, and the lobe lags behind, then the person seeks to collect as much information as possible for himself, he “listens” all the time.

Protruding and flattened ears

According to the degree of retreat from the head, the ears also differ, and after them, the behavioral and emotional manifestations of a person differ.

Lagging, protruding ears(protruding ears) are considered such if their outer part recedes from the head by about 3 cm (or even more). Sometimes one ear sticks out more than the other. Strongly lagging ears distinguish impressionable people endowed with intuition. Being nonconformists, they have their own idea of ​​everything, they do not like to listen to other people's opinions, they prefer to develop their own considerations and ideas. Some of those around them accept them as stubborn and uncompromising. If the left ear sticks out more, then the person is more independent in his personal life. If the right is more protruding, he is independent in business, social life.

Ears pressed to the head(they are also called flat) indicate caution, restraint of a person. Among such people, one can often meet good listeners, as well as those who are important, before deciding something, to collect different opinions and judgments. Sometimes they attach too much importance to the other person's point of view. The owners of flattened ears prefer to follow the social norms known to them and obey the instructions in everything. This knowledge of common interests and norms can be an asset in marketing.

Diplomat's ears(pressed on top, protruding at the bottom) indicate a person who professes a diplomatic approach. He is able to see both sides of the problem, understand both non-conformists and traditionalists, and stick to the golden mean.

Ear height

Highly located upper point of the ear(at or above) signals that a person instantly absorbs information and tries to immediately take action in order to see the result as soon as possible. The problem is that in a hurry, such a person sometimes misses important details.

If a the lowest point of the ear is low(lobes at or below the tip), then the person most likely prefers a leisurely approach. He listens carefully and is afraid to miss something when he has to hurry. Such people like to work slowly, evenly and carefully and are always ready to listen to new information.


Different people have different personality traits, writes Meaww. Sometimes they can be identified by external signs - for example, by the shape of the ears. She is able to tell about the inclinations, distinctive personality traits, aspirations and unique properties of a person.

Here are the 7 most typical shapes of ears and lobes, by which you can recognize the character of a person:

1. People with fused lobes.

This is one of the most common forms of earlobes. Most people have it and characterize them from a good side. The owners of such a lobe warmly relate to others, know how to put themselves in the place of another person, have a kind and sympathetic heart. The desire to understand the other is their priority.

On the other hand, they can be extremely private people, acting impulsively following their instincts. Others may see this behavior as a sign of arrogance. But they are not worried about the opinions of others, they live the way they want. This is their path, the choice is theirs.

2. People with wide earlobes.

People with such lobes usually behave at ease and relaxed. It's in their nature. They do not like to complicate things, they do not like to take themselves and the world around them seriously. More than anything, they appreciate a good sense of humor and lightness in character.

They like to smile, laugh, have fun, be surrounded by the same positive-minded people, they care little about life's troubles.

A sense of humor helps them get through hard times. They know how to laugh at themselves. Their weapon is sarcasm, which usually indicates the presence of intelligence, but in this case, there is usually nothing behind the sarcasm.

3. People with narrow ears.

People with such ears are usually reserved and like to keep everything under their vigilant control. They are distinguished by calmness and the ability to control themselves. It is not often that you hear offensive or harsh words from them.

They like to be themselves, they hate idleness and aimless pastime. They do not speak much, but when they take the floor, one can hear from them a sober, reasoned assessment of the situation.

They do not scatter words, thoughts are carefully hidden from others, especially from those people who are not able to appreciate them. The ideas and actions of these secretive people speak louder than words.

4. People with pointed ears.

People with such ears have a sharp mind and natural grasp. They treat others with caution, they know how to observe and draw the right conclusions. They have a real gift to see not only the details, but the whole picture.

They may have an obsessive desire for perfectionism, a meticulous nature that makes them so organized and tenacious. Attention to detail helps to do everything in the best possible way. There are no quick fixes for them, no shortcuts.

5. People who have round earlobes.

Such people are extremely loyal and kind. Their trust must first be earned, if not cherished, it can be lost forever. Most of all they hate betrayal. They have a sincere desire to help other people.

They unconditionally believe that the world is not without good people. Forgiveness is given to them easily, but they will not be able to forget about the offense. You can get a second chance from them, but it will also be the last. Deceive their hopes - you will be left without a devoted friend.

6. People with square ears.

These are people-creators, thinkers and visionaries who think globally, not paying attention to details.

They go into their worlds, live in dreams. Creative nature draws them to nature, to a secluded place where you can just sit and dream about things that you would like to create.

Only a truly special person can become a part of this world, who means a lot to the owner of this form of ears. He will receive all the best, he will be surrounded by care, attention and love.

7. People with protruding ears.

They are strange and completely different, they do what others would not even think of. Their uniqueness is not the result of effort or hard work. It's in their nature.

Their views on the world, actions, thoughts differ from the standards accepted in society. They do not like to explain their position to others - this is a very tedious and often useless business.

It is difficult for such people to find like-minded people. Not everyone can understand their thoughts. These unique people bring new colors and variety to life.

What earlobes do you have? Does the description match your personality?

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