How to recognize a bruise or fracture of the foot. The main symptomatic differences. in most cases

You can never confuse a fracture with a displacement with anything, and even more so an open fracture, when bone fragments are visible from the wound. In these cases, the deformation of the damaged part of the body is immediately evident. It is clear that one cannot do without medical assistance: it is necessary to give the bones the correct position, fix them securely, and with an open wound, treat it. These fractures usually occur when the arms and legs are injured.

Much more often you have to deal with less obvious injuries: there was a strong blow or a fall, the bruised place hurts, swells, a hematoma appears, it is difficult to move, but it is not clear whether the bones are damaged, or it is only a bruise of the soft tissues. Usually such doubts arise:

  • when you hit your toe on the leg of a cabinet or bed with a swing,
  • twist your ankle, slipping on the ice,
  • when hitting the chest or shoulder, when there is a risk of fracture of the ribs or collarbone,
  • with awkward jumps from a height, when there is pain in the spine
  • when falling on the hip.

If at the time of the injury you did not hear an ominous crunch, and after you came to your senses, you did not find visible deformations on the body, it will be quite difficult to establish the severity of the injury. What criteria are used for this?

Signs of a fracture

There is an opinion that a fracture hurts more than a bruise. In fact, it is not. Pain receptors are the same everywhere: in the muscles, skin and ligaments, in the periosteum. Therefore, it is pointless to conduct a diagnosis based on the intensity of pain sensations. Moreover, some fractures almost do not hurt, and at first a person may not be aware of the severity of what happened. So, for example, it happens in older people with certain types of hip fractures.

The second sign is swelling of the tissues and the size of the hematoma (bruise). Indeed, fractures are usually accompanied by more massive damage, which means severe swelling and more bruising. Moreover, swelling and hematoma can increase within a few hours after the fall and even the next day. But there are exceptions. For example, with bruises of parts of the body where there is little fatty tissue, but a lot of blood vessels (thorax, ankle, front surface of the lower leg, head and face). The site of the injury literally swells before our eyes, and then this huge hematoma can also slide down, under the influence of gravity, painting the skin in different shades of crimson and blue-green over a decent distance. The consequences of such injuries look scary, although the bones are intact and nothing threatens health. Conversely, with fractures of bones hidden under a thick layer of muscles, swelling may be barely noticeable, and there may be no bruising at all.

The third sign is a violation of movement in the damaged part of the body. When a bone breaks, it loses its strength, which means it does not perform its supporting function, so movement is impossible. However, this rule does not work for subperiosteal fractures, bone fractures and impacted fractures.

Thus, it is unfounded to say that this is just a bruise or a whole fracture in most cases is stupid. You can be wrong with a probability of 50 to 50. The only way to accurately diagnose is an x-ray. Another question is how dangerous are such fractures? Can they seriously harm health if their symptoms are so similar to a common bruise?

Should I see a doctor if I suspect a fracture?

In most cases, non-severe fractures heal on their own, without examination, plaster or medical care. To do this, it is enough to spare the place of impact and ensure its immobility. In the practice of traumatologists, it is not uncommon for a patient, having made an x-ray of a fresh fracture, to find out that there is already an accreted one nearby, which he had no idea about before. But not always such injuries pass without consequences.

A case from one's life. The attendant was clearing the steps of ice, slipped and hit his chest painfully. The wife's female intuition told her that it was better to play it safe and call an ambulance. However, the paramedic, having arrived at the call, suggested that the man once again not “shine” on the x-ray - all the same, plaster is not applied when the ribs are fractured. Left everything as is and left. In the morning, awkwardly turning around, the man felt a prick in his chest and began to swell like a balloon. A few minutes - and it became difficult to breathe. If not for the operational work of another team of doctors, the attendant would have died of pneumothorax - a lung injury caused by a fragment of a rib that damaged soft tissues. The attendant returned to work after the operation, in the middle of spring, when it was no longer necessary to clean the steps from ice.

No less dangerous situations arise with impacted fractures of the femoral neck, if you fall on your side with a swing. External signs of injury may be minor, the pain is tolerable, which allows a person to continue walking and even running. But at some point, bone fragments can shift, which greatly aggravates the condition. Firstly, an operation is required to compare them, and secondly, complete destruction of the femoral head is possible due to impaired blood supply. And the result is prosthetics or complete immobility.

A compression fracture of the spine can lead to chronic back pain, paresis and paralysis due to compression of the intervertebral nerves and even the spinal cord. An inattentive attitude to a broken toe can subsequently lead to its deformity. And you can no longer wear fashion shoes.

Of course, all these complications are rare. Therefore, in extreme cases, you can rely on luck and not seek medical help, the chance to “lick the wounds” on your own with uncomplicated fractures is quite high. But still, if you hurt yourself not at the end of the world, but somewhere in civilization, it is better to take a picture at any nearest emergency room. And in case of a fracture, take all necessary measures for its speedy healing.

No one is immune from physical damage. If such a situation has occurred and the injury is subjectively serious enough, you should immediately consult a doctor. However, some time will pass before meeting with the doctor, and first aid is needed immediately. To act adequately to the situation, you need to understand how a bruise differs from a bone fracture.

The difference between a fracture and a bruise

A bruise is an internal traumatization of tissues, in which there is no violation of the integrity of bones and skin. Bruises occur as a result of falls or other mechanical influences on the damaged area.

As a result of a bruise, tissues and organs located in the affected area are damaged. In the case of a severe bruise, swelling and hematoma occur around the damaged area, and the lower limb itself loses normal mobility.

In a fracture, there is a complete or partial violation of the integrity of the bone. In this case, the injury also affects neighboring tissues, including muscles, skin, blood vessels and nerve endings.

Fractures occur for the following reasons:

  • the impact of a sufficiently powerful external force, which is enough to destroy the bone;
  • exposure to a small force against the background of a disease that weakens the structure of bone tissue.

Violations of the integrity of the bone are closed (most often) and open. With an open fracture, trauma to the skin and bleeding occurs. Broken bone is usually visible on the surface of the limb. With an open fracture, in addition to the destruction of the bone, there is a rupture of the skin and ligaments.

If the violation of the integrity of the bone is of a closed nature, then the skin remains intact, and external signs of bleeding are not detected. However, a hematoma from internal bleeding is possible.

Note! Hematoma is one of the symptoms of a fracture. However, if we are talking about a hip fracture, a hematoma may appear on the second or even third day, since the femur is surrounded by a significant muscle and fat layer.

A fracture and a bruise have largely similar symptoms. To distinguish the two types of injury from each other, it is recommended to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. If the integrity of the bone is broken, the pain does not subside and may even increase over time. Moreover, pain is present even in a state of complete rest, since bone fragments press on soft tissues. As a result of the pressure of the fragments, the muscles reflexively contract, trying to return to their original position, but this cannot be achieved due to the sharp pain. With a bruise, the pain syndrome is usually less pronounced and gradually decreases.
  2. In the case of a fracture, the maximum swelling is observed on the 2nd - 3rd day. With a bruise, swelling appears almost immediately after the injury.
  3. If the bone is broken, the motor activity of the limb is blocked due to a powerful pain syndrome. The leg is almost impossible to straighten.
  4. If the fracture is accompanied by displacement, then a clear deformity is noticeable on the leg. In addition, in some cases, the length of the injured limb changes in comparison with the healthy leg.
  5. When probing the injured area, the patient may feel a crunch made by bone fragments.

Features of fractures in different areas

Fractures in different parts of the lower limb have some features.

Finger fracture

When a toe is fractured, the patient is haunted by incessant pain. Fingers and feet swell, and a hematoma appears under the skin. The finger cannot be bent. The same applies to the foot - pain and swelling limit the possibility of its mobility. Perhaps the deviation of the finger in an uncharacteristic direction. The finger can dangle, creating a feeling that it is held only by the skin.

Gradually, swelling increases, and the finger becomes visually shorter. If you feel the fracture site, you can find a protruding bone. Walking with a broken toe is very painful, and the pain is felt anywhere on the foot - even if you lean on the heel.

metatarsal bones

Metatarsal fractures are associated with the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome when trying to walk and when probing the foot;
  • foot deformity;
  • swelling captures both sides of the foot and moves towards the ankle;
  • painful sensations are aggravated not only when resting on the foot, but also when it is turned;
  • pronounced deformity of the foot.

hip fracture

Violations of the integrity of the femoral bone do not happen very often - only about 6% of fractures. However, in the elderly, such injuries are among the most common - about 40% of all injuries of this type.

In case of damage to the femoral neck, pain is felt in the groin and hip joint. At the same time, although with the help of probing it is possible to increase the pain, palpation does not provoke a sharp attack.

With trochanteric hip fractures, the pain is much more pronounced, increasing with a change in the position of the leg. The limb itself is turned outward. If the bone is displaced, the broken leg becomes visually shorter. An injured leg cannot be lifted off the surface, even with maximum effort.

If the integrity of the bone of the impacted type is violated, the pain syndrome manifests itself not so obviously. Very often, victims perceive the injury as a bruise, because, despite some soreness, they may well walk.

Injuries in the hip region are determined only with the help of instrumental examination using X-rays and MRI.

Help with injuries

First of all, it should be understood that, despite the fact that a fracture and a bruise differ in symptoms, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made without an x-ray.

  1. A cold object (ice or compress) is applied to the injured area.
  2. When the skin is damaged, anesthetics are taken.
  3. Anti-inflammatory ointments help. These drugs relieve swelling, pain and swelling.

On average, the rehabilitation period after a bruise takes from 1 to 2 weeks. If the hematoma has not gone away during the specified period, there is cause for concern and you need to see a doctor. In some cases, surgery may even be necessary.

Help with a fracture

In the event of a fracture of a limb, the following algorithm must be followed:

  1. Provide rest to the victim.
  2. Apply a cold compress or ice to the injured leg.
  3. If transportation to the hospital is carried out on their own, the patient is in the supine position. After that, the injured limb is tied to a healthy leg. The legs are tied in two places - above and below the fracture.
  4. If for any reason the patient cannot be transported in the prone position, a splint is placed on him. To ensure immobilization of the leg, the splint must cover at least two joints. A splint is applied to the back of the lower limb - this will help to avoid flexion of the joints. If the hip is broken, the splint must grip the belt.
  5. If a finger is broken, it should be tightly (but carefully) fixed with a bandage to an adjacent intact finger.
  6. In case of violation of the integrity of the open bone, the wound is treated with an antiseptic. For example, chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide are suitable. In case of bleeding, a gauze bandage or tampon is applied to the damaged area. Painkillers are used to relieve pain.

If the fracture is confirmed by x-ray, a cast will be placed. The period of wearing a plaster cast is on average 3-5 weeks (this period can increase significantly with a complex fracture).

In the event of a fracture, you should definitely consult a doctor. In this case, you can not do without qualified help.

Fractures, sprains and bruises affect patients of any age and gender, but most often such injuries occur among children. This is due to the extreme activity of the child and insufficient maturity of bone tissue. Initial diagnosis is of great importance in therapy. Therefore, every person who is next to the victim should know how to distinguish a fracture from a bruise, and be able to provide first aid to the victims.

Signs of a bruise

A bruise is an internal injury to soft tissues that is not accompanied by violations of the integrity of the skin. The hands and feet are most frequently injured.

Based on the severity of bruises are divided into:


At this degree, the bruise is accompanied by mild soreness, slight swelling and redness of the injured area. Sometimes it can be difficult to move.


This degree of bruising is characterized by severe swelling, pain and hematoma. After relief of pain symptoms, there is an increase in swelling, and an attempt to move the injured limb can lead to acute pain.


With a severe injury, the motor activity of the limb is impaired. These types of injuries require the exclusion of fractures, cracks or dislocations.

The danger of bruising lies in the incorrectness of therapy, which can lead to various complications. The presence of dizziness, bouts of nausea and weakness may indicate the possibility of a concussion, which requires urgent medical attention.

Most often, a bruise is taken as a fracture without displacement of bone fragments or a marginal one, which is one of the most severe injuries and requires long-term rehabilitation.

Types and signs of fractures

All fractures are accompanied by severe pain symptoms, which can increase over time. With injuries of this kind, there is a violation of the integrity of the bone tissue, as well as the periosteum.

Depending on the fracture line, there are the following types of fractures:

  • open - with damage to the bone cover;
  • closed - accompanied by displacement of bone fragments;
  • edge;
  • transversely serrated;
  • helical;
  • incomplete and pathological.

In addition, fractures, depending on the location, are diagnosed on the basis of the following signs:

  • Growing edema with severe hematoma is possible. Injuries to the hip or shoulder are accompanied by the appearance of bruising on the 2nd or 3rd day, which is due to the density of the muscles in this area. With impacted fractures, soft tissues are not affected, so hematomas and edema may be absent.
  • There is an increase in pain during movement of the injured limb. With a broken arm, it is impossible to clench a fist, with extremely painful inhalation, body turns, and leg injuries do not allow leaning on it.
  • When the bone fragments are displaced, the diagnosis of injury is not difficult. In this case, there is a deformation of the bone at the site of injury, the limb may be shortened or, conversely, lengthened compared to a healthy one. Hip injuries can change the axis of the injured limb - it collapses outward, which can be determined by the displacement of the foot.
  • With fractures of the lower extremities, a symptom of “stuck heel” is possible, when the patient cannot tear the leg off the surface in the prone position. There may be a sensation of fragments crunching during injury, and palpation determines crepitus (characteristic crunch) of bone fragments.
  • When the bone fragments are displaced, their pathological mobility (intra-articular movement of the bones) is revealed. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to independently check the pathological mobility and crepitus in the joint, since there is the possibility of even greater displacement of bone fragments, violation of the integrity of blood vessels and nerve endings.

Open fractures are fairly easy to diagnose, since in this case there is a wound surface and bone fragments are visible.

Treatment tactics directly depend on the nature of the injury. Displacements and comminuted fractures require emergency surgery with further application of a plaster cast. Further, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, etc. are applied.


With bruises, visual inspection of the damaged area, as well as palpation (palpation) is of primary importance. Moderate to severe bruising requires x-rays to rule out cracks or more serious injuries. To diagnose possible sprains and ruptures of the ligamentous apparatus, ultrasound and MRI are recommended.

Fractures, as well as bruises, are diagnosed on the basis of an external examination of the patient, using an x-ray, as well as palpation. The exception is soft tissue sprains, so they cannot be visualized on x-ray.

Main differences

There are no universal rules on how to distinguish a bruise from a crack or fracture in the first hours after an injury, if there are no obvious violations of the integrity of the bone tissue. Most often, fractures are classified according to fragmentary bone fragments and the structure of the injury. In the absence of damage to the skin, a bruise or fracture can be misdiagnosed.

Lack of effectiveness after applying a cold compress and first aid means a possible fracture

To determine the nature of a patient's injury, the doctor may perform an axial load test, in which a slight pressure (or support) is applied to the bone while tapping the heel or pressing along the length of the bone. In this case, there is a sharp pain at the site of injury, which is caused by damage to the periosteum, which is permeated with nerve endings responsible for the intensity of pain. With bruises, this symptom is negative.

Fractures are characterized by damage to the bone tissue, while the muscles remain intact, with the exception of open and comminuted fractures. It is possible to injure internal organs with fragments of bones, while with bruises this is impossible and soft tissues are not damaged. Therefore, the victim must be taken to a medical facility so that the doctor can understand the source of negative manifestations.

With bruises, a restriction of the motor activity of the damaged area is extremely rarely observed. Fractures completely exclude the possibility of movement of the injured limb. Fractures always require immobilization of the injured area with a plaster cast, unlike bruises, which rarely require a cast.

Fractures provide longer rehabilitation than bruises. In addition, surgery for bruises is performed very rarely (only for complications), while for fractures, every 3rd case is not complete without surgery.

This is what a broken leg looks like

In case of skull fractures, the patient is in a critical condition, consciousness is absent, breathing is shallow, there is an increase in intracranial pressure. With bruises, a short-term loss of consciousness is observed. In both cases, emergency medical attention is required. With bruises, the pain can gradually subside, unlike fractures, when the intensity of pain only intensifies, which can lead to pain shock.

In case of fractures, the damaged limb is deformed, acquiring an unnatural position, and bruises are most often accompanied by increasing edema, without the presence of deformation. With an increased density of the muscle corset in the area of ​​injury, a hematoma may appear after 2 days, while some types of fractures occur without hematomas.

Important! In all cases, first aid consists in providing rest to the victim, the use of cold and anesthesia. It is strictly forbidden to massage the damaged area of ​​the body.

When to See a Doctor

For any injuries, whether it be a slight sprain, torn ligaments, bruises or displacement of bone tissue, it is necessary to contact a doctor - a traumatologist who deals with the treatment of such injuries. In the absence of this specialist, you can contact a surgeon or therapist.

Treatment of fractures requires consultation with specialists, such as a nutritionist, as being overweight can lead to the development of osteoporosis, which in turn increases the risk of injury, especially in elderly patients. To choose the tactics of treatment for osteoporosis, it is necessary to additionally visit a rheumatologist, and for women during menopause - a gynecologist.

It will not be superfluous to visit a chiropractor, masseur and nutritionist, especially in the rehabilitation period, to speed up the restoration of limb functionality. For injuries caused by falls, it is recommended to consult a neurologist and a cardiologist, who, together with other specialists, will help to find out the root cause of the fall.

It must be remembered that, despite the similarity of the symptoms of fractures and bruises, there is some difference between them. Only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis, therefore, at the first signs of injury, you should seek medical help, which will avoid serious complications in the future.

In our industrial age, the percentage of child injuries has increased, and now it makes up almost a third of all injuries. It is important to adhere to the rules of conduct at home, on the water and in transport, as well as to be able to provide first aid in time if necessary. How to do it correctly, tells our consultant orthopedist.

Causes of injury in children

Approximately 70% of all childhood injuries are injuries sustained at home. Most of them are caused by banal falls. Fast driving and riding in prohibited places on bicycles, skateboards, roller skates also often lead to falls. Motor vehicles and motor vehicles do not cause injuries as often in children as compared to adults, but, as a rule, these injuries are the most severe. According to statistics, wounds and bruises in Ukraine account for 24.8% of cases per 1000 children, while bone fractures - 5.7% of cases, and dislocations - only 3%.

If the child hit

Closed damage to tissues and organs, which does not significantly violate their structure, is called a bruise. With it, there are no ruptures and detachments of tendons, muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues. True, blood vessels can be damaged, which usually leads to a hematoma (accumulation of blood in the cavity after an injury) or a bruise (a bruise in which the tissues at the site of injury are evenly saturated with blood). Bruising at the site of injury appears as a blue-purple spot, gradually changing color to greenish and yellow. Most often, a bruise is caused by a blow from a fall or collision.

Main symptom: pain at the site of injury while maintaining mobility.

First aid: Apply cold to the injured area and keep the injured area at rest.

If the baby pulled the ligaments

Sprain occurs in children older than 3 years, and the most typical injury of this type is an ankle sprain. It occurs, as a rule, with an awkward movement, when the child's foot is tucked inward. This damage can occur while running or even walking. Quite often, kids are injured when they run up the stairs.

Main symptoms: sharp pain that gradually subsides. After a while, a swelling appears on the outer part of the ankle joint, sometimes it is bluish in color. When palpated, there is severe pain. At the same time, the child can move the joint, but hardly steps on the leg, sparing it.

First aid: apply a fixing bandage with an elastic bandage and apply ice to the sprained ligament. Leave the compress on for 2-3 hours.

Important! After providing first aid, be sure to show the child to a traumatologist. Children often have fractures in the form of a crack in one of the bones of the leg in its lower part, which can be confused with a sprain. A crack can only be diagnosed with an x-ray.

How to recognize a dislocation in a baby

Violation of the normal contours of the joint is called dislocation. The injury occurs as a result of a fall.

Main symptoms: movements in the joint are sharply limited, while pain increases at the site of dislocation, it becomes difficult to move the limb, it shortens or lengthens, and sometimes deforms.

First aid: for an injured arm or leg, maximum rest must be ensured. Apply a splint or bandage. Then, as soon as possible, show the child to a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist. It is impossible to correct a dislocation on your own.

Subluxation of the radius in the elbow joint is a common injury among children. It is typical for babies from 1 year to 3 years. Also called "pull dislocation". Such an injury can occur when an adult holds the child tightly by the hand, and the baby suddenly stumbles or slips. In some cases, you can hear a crunch in the injured limb.

Main symptoms: the baby experiences a sharp pain, after which he stops moving his arm and keeps it extended along the body, slightly bending at the elbow. Particularly severe pain in this injury occurs from rotation of the forearms or elbow joints.

First aid: the same as with a dislocation: ensure peace and deliver the child to the emergency room.

Types of fractures in a child and how to recognize them

Violation of the integrity of the bones doctors call a fracture. There is a closed fracture and an open one.
With a closed fracture, there is no violation of the integrity of the skin.
A crack is a partial damage to bone tissue, that is, an incomplete fracture. It is difficult to recognize a fracture, since only older children can voice specific complaints. Complaints of a small child can be manifested only by general anxiety. Babies rarely get fractures, because their mass is small, in addition, soft tissues weaken the force of impact when falling. At the same time, children's bones contain less minerals than those of an adult, making them more elastic and resilient.


If you hurt your leg, you will feel severe pain.

The site of damage begins to swell, a hematoma appears.

All of this concerns closed fracture and, as for the open, then a rupture of the skin and ligaments is added to these points. Define fracture legs this type is much easier, as a broken bone protrudes through the torn tissue.

If you have even the slightest suspicion of fracture, immediately seek medical attention in a hospital or traumatology, as well as calling an ambulance. Try to avoid independent actions, they are possible only in the most extreme cases. Do everything very carefully, trying not to do more harm.

Prevent traumatic shock: put something cold on the damaged area.

Apply the tire with improvised materials. They should be light, but strong enough, able to support and fix the limb in such a position that pain is felt as little as possible.

For supporting legs in the correct position, use rollers; as a last resort, bandage the sore leg to the healthy one.

Open fracture bones are accompanied by an open wound of soft tissues that communicate with the external environment. At the same time, open fracture s can be combined ( fracture associated with trauma to the skull or internal organs) or combined (lesion in one or more anatomical regions).


Provide first aid to the victim. To do this, it is necessary to reduce pain and create complete peace for the wounded. In this case, the main thing is to prevent damage to soft tissues (tendons, muscles), the area of ​​\u200b\u200bopen a. Lay the victim down, give him a remedy (promedol or analgin). Then create immobility to the damaged part of the body (limb).

Stop bleeding. To do this, apply a sterile bandage to the wound. Possible reduction fracture a, but it is allowed only if the specialist owns the technique of this procedure.

Hospitalize the patient. After the implementation of immobilization (immobility of the injured limb), the doctor decides whether to conduct outpatient treatment or whether the patient needs to be hospitalized in a hospital. When performing (transport) immobilization of a limb, the person who will perform it must follow certain rules: the limb must be fixed in the position in which it remained after the injury, there is no need to try to set it back into place; at least 2 joints should be fixed (below and above fracture A). In turn, the shoulder or hip need to fix 3 joints. Then, when applying a splint, you must first treat the wound and stop the bleeding.

Use conservative treatment methods. Bandaging should be accompanied by treatment with an antiseptic solution on all protruding bones that fall under a special bandage. Then small pieces of cotton wool are placed to prevent the formation of bedsores. Next, a special gypsum splint or its polymer is installed on the broken limb, and after that circular bandaging is performed. Very often when fracture ah spongy it is impossible to restore them with the help of conservative methods of treatment. For example, when fracture e bones of the cranial vault require metal osteosynthesis, and with fracture In the lower or upper jaw, an external fixation device is required.

An open fracture is a rather serious damage to the bones, which is accompanied by the destruction of nearby soft tissues. As a rule, the integrity of the bone is broken during a fall, mechanical impact, excess load on one or another part of the body.

There are specific signs that characterize an open fracture. First of all, they differ in the place of localization. For example, with tubular bones, a significant shortening of the damaged limb occurs, sharp pain and increased mobility in the fracture zone appear. If an open fracture of the patella is fixed, then this area swells in a person due to edema and hemorrhage, the supporting function of the body is disturbed, it is impossible to painlessly bend or straighten the leg. With a fracture of the foot, swelling and an increase in size also appear, pain during movement.

Of course, an open fracture of the leg requires immediate medical attention to the victim. The final result of the treatment and restoration of the damaged bone depends on this. First of all, you should reduce pain with the help of analgesic drugs. Next, be sure to ensure peace and immobility of the damaged part of the limb. For this, it is advisable to use various improvised materials if there is no special tire. These are wooden slats, sticks, cardboard and other dense materials that will help fix a broken leg. For example, if a person has received an open fracture of the lower leg, then the splint is applied to the area of ​​damage. It is very important to fix it correctly, using dressings strips of clean cloth. Please note that the splint is applied only to the bare limb, having previously treated the open fracture with disinfectants and antiseptics (iodine, alcohol, cologne, streptocide), which eliminates the possibility of infection entering the wound. In no case do not engage in self-repositioning of the bones in, the limb must be fixed in the position in which it is after the injury.

Very often, the victim develops severe bleeding, which should be stopped in time to prevent large blood loss. As a rule, the best option is to apply a tight tourniquet or bandage. Pre-determine the nature of the bleeding. It is venous and arterial. Arterial blood has a bright scarlet hue, and it follows in jolts. To stop it, you need to pass the artery above the damaged area for 1-1.5 hours. Venous blood is dark red in color and flows out in an even stream. In this case, the bandage is applied below the damaged area.

After providing first aid, it is necessary to immediately contact the specialists, as it is necessary to correctly establish the position of the bone fragments for proper fusion. Currently, various metal elements (plates, nails) are used, which allow accelerating the healing and recovery process of the body.

The most common complications after getting open are impaired circulation and motor function of the limb. In addition, the age of the patient is of great importance, since at a young age the bones fuse faster than in humans. Over the years, from the bones, and they become more fragile, which leads to an increased risk of injury even with a slight blow or on. Therefore, you need to be very careful, especially in winter on slippery roads.

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