How is echo deciphered? Examination of the heart with echocardiography. Deciphering the results of echocardiography

  • Indications for the procedure
  • Methods for conducting echocardiography
  • Preparation for the procedure
  • Advantages of the echocardiography procedure

An echocardiogram is used to study the structure and functioning of the heart muscle. An echocardiogram is a special research method in which the internal structure of the heart is studied using ultrasound, its work is analyzed. Ultrasound, passing through the walls and colliding with an obstacle, sends an impulse back. In this case, the device displays the presence of one or another obstacle.

A cardiac echocardiogram is an ultrasound examination of the function and structure of the heart.

Indications for the procedure

An echocardiogram is prescribed if the following symptoms and indications are present:

  • in the process of examining a patient by a cardiologist, noises are detected when listening;
  • when analyzing the electrocardiogram (ECG), there are obvious observable changes;
  • if the patient's body temperature rises in the absence of any signs and symptoms of the disease;
  • the patient himself clearly feels any interruptions in the work of the heart, breathing goes astray, the heartbeat quickens and slows down;
  • when analyzing a radiograph, there are changes in the size or shape of the heart muscle, its position, the size of the vessels extending from the heart;
  • patients suffering from high blood pressure, which can lead to disruption of the heart;
  • if close relatives have any disturbances in the work of the heart itself, heart defects;
  • with emerging dizziness, fainting, the presence of pain in the chest;
  • after suffering heart disease.

After a past heart attack, it is very important to carry out the “Echo” procedure, since it is necessary to assess how the work of the heart has changed after the death of individual tissues and cells.

Heart echo is recommended for athletes, those people who are engaged in enhanced physical exercise, as well as those who are associated with frequent and severe stressful and emotional situations.

For children, an echocardiogram is performed in the same cases as for adults, and also without fail in the presence of congenital heart defects.

EchoCG is absolutely harmless. It allows you to assess any violations that have appeared in the work of the heart, to monitor the state of blood flow inside the heart and near it.

Echocardiography is also done during pregnancy. EchoCG is mandatory for the following categories of pregnant women:

  • if close relatives had any heart defects or defects;
  • if during pregnancy there was a miscarriage before;
  • if a woman is observed on the issue of diabetes;
  • if antibodies to rubella are detected in a biochemical blood test or the disease has passed in childhood;
  • if the woman took any antibiotics in the first trimesters of pregnancy.

A fetal echocardiogram is usually done between 18 and 22 weeks of gestation. Echo cardiogram can be prescribed for children at almost all ages with the available indications.

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Methods for conducting echocardiography

The echocardiogram procedure itself can be carried out by various methods:

  1. Cardiography in one dimension is to record the readings of cardiac activity in the form of a regular graph. This method is used extremely rarely, it allows you to evaluate the size and shape of the heart and its chambers, to analyze the work of the heart in the process of its contraction.
  2. Two-dimensional cardiography consists of a static recording of the work of the heart, displayed in grayscale. On it you can see the process of cardiac contraction and closing of the heart valves. This method allows you to assess the condition of the walls of the heart, the condition and operation of the heart valves, detect tumors, thrombosis.
  3. Doppler echocardiography consists in determining the rate and direction of blood flow to and from the heart, the patency of blood through the vessels. This method is very popular because it allows you to determine exactly the direction of blood movement, which is very important, since it should only move in one direction. When analyzing the rate of passage of blood through the vessels, one can judge the state of the vessels themselves, their openness or the degree of narrowing.

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Preparation for the procedure

The use of all of the above methods is possible only if the patient does not have any acoustic and mechanical barriers, i.e. there are no additional devices that help the work of internal organs. In the presence of such devices, the patient needs to conduct a transalimentary echocardiogram. In this case, the patient is forced to swallow a special sensor, with the help of which the internal state of the heart muscle and blood vessels, the state of the walls of the heart are examined, visible violations and the presence of any changes, tumors are detected.

However, this procedure is contraindicated in patients suffering from various diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by bleeding and inflammation.

  • if there is a possibility of bacterial infection of the heart valve;
  • if there is an artificial valve, then it is necessary to check it from time to time;
  • if there is suspicion of a violation of the atrial septum.

Often, a method such as a stress echocardiogram is also used. This method helps to examine the behavior and changes in the work of the heart muscle when it is affected by any stressful situations or under the influence of drugs. It reveals hidden disorders of the functioning of the heart muscle, which can only appear in certain situations. In this case, a two-dimensional Echo cardiogram is made in the presence of highly professional doctors who, using various drugs, physical activity, cause a certain stress on the patient's body, thereby analyzing the work of the heart at rest and in a stressful situation.

A stress echocardiogram is indicated in the following cases:

  • to confirm the diagnosis of coronary heart disease;
  • to monitor the degree of influence of vasoconstriction on the work and condition of the heart muscle;
  • to determine the degree of effectiveness of the applied drug treatment.

The choice of a specific method for studying the work of the heart is determined by the attending cardiologist, depending on the condition and symptoms of the patient.

Timely detection of the pathology of the heart (the central organ of blood circulation) and blood vessels is an important and one of the most popular procedures in Russian medicine.

Virtually any person has encountered pain, heaviness, or retrosternal area in his life. And if these symptoms are repeated systematically, there is a desire, and sometimes the need to see a doctor.

At the appointment of a therapist or cardiologist, the patient, after an oral questioning, should receive a referral to an electrocardiogram, which will allow you to obtain information in graphical form about the work of the central organ of blood circulation.

The nerve impulses that coordinate the work of the heart muscle are captured and read by the device in the form of electronic signals, then reflected on a paper tape in the form of teeth of various sizes. What the cardiogram shows, the therapist will help to understand.

After analyzing the results of the study, he will draw conclusions either about the presence of any abnormalities in the work of the heart, or reassure the patient, saying that he has normal study indicators, everything is fine with his heart and there is no reason for concern.

If the doctor found a deviation from the norm on the cardiogram, then additional diagnostics are carried out. In this case, the ECHO of the COP is mandatory - an echocardiogram of the heart.

This type of diagnosis has several other names (ECG echo, heart echography, echocardiogram, echocardioscopy), but the essence of the study is always the same.

It is not recommended to independently try to understand the ultrasound of the heart and decipher the results, making a diagnosis.

What is an echo kg (echocardiogram) of the heart?

Echocardiography, echocardiography of the heart- this is an ultrasound method of examining the heart, which allows diagnosing pathological changes in the structure of the heart (both congenital and acquired), valves, vessels that come to the heart and depart from it.

In addition, echography of the heart allows you to track the indicators of the filling of the heart chambers - the atria and ventricles with blood during the full cardiac cycle. Echo ks - diagnostics, which is required to be carried out regularly.

Diseases that can be diagnosed using ECHO-KG of the heart:

  • cardiomyopathy;
  • narrowing of the lumen between the atria and ventricles of the heart, regulated by valves (according to medical terminology - stenosis);
  • deviation from the norm of the structure and density of the muscular and integumentary tissues of the aortic wall and aortic arch (aneurysm, hematoma);
  • malnutrition of the left or right ventricle or atrium;
  • septal defect between the left and right parts of the central organ of blood circulation;
  • the presence of blood clots in the heart and its vessels;
  • violation of the thickness of the heart muscle in different parts of the heart;
  • (its increase, change in density, the appearance of an excess amount of fluid in the pericardial cavity).

Echocardioscopy allows diagnosing diseases at the initial stages of their development. The correct treatment prescribed by the cardiologist after the echogram of the heart allows you to count on a complete cure and recovery of the patient.

Indications for the procedure

For example, athletes are sent for the ECG procedure of the heart without fail.

An echocardiogram is a regular examination that every person for whom sports is a profession should undergo.

Particular attention is paid to the following sports:

  • all types of weightlifting;
  • marathon run;
  • extreme sports.

ECG echoes are regularly performed by patients who were previously diagnosed with:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;

An echocardiogram is also mandatory for pregnant women. A lag in weight gain is an indicator that may indicate congenital organic or functional heart defects in young children. Echocardioscopy can confirm or refute this diagnosis.

In an adult, especially after sixty to seventy years, an echocardiogram of the heart can show serious age-related changes in the structure and functioning of the organ. Carrying out such a procedure once a year allows you to identify the problem and provide timely assistance.

Echocardiography shows that there are deviations from the norm in the structure of the central circulatory organ and that attention should be paid to them.

What diseases can be detected by ultrasound of the heart

Diseases that are usually detected after echocardiography of the heart:

  • (acceleration of the work of the heart muscle);
  • bradycardia (slowdown of the heart muscle);
  • preinfarction state;
  • transferred earlier);
  • inflammatory diseases of the muscles of the heart and pericardial sac;
  • at the initial stages of development;
  • congenital organic heart defects;
  • aneurysm of the aorta, aortic arch, vessels of the pulmonary trunk.

Doing self-treatment or diagnosing yourself according to information from the Internet is not worth it. Diagnosis should only be done by an experienced cardiologist.

Preparation for the procedure

For ECHOCG of the heart special training is not required.

  • On the eve of the procedure, limit the consumption of coffee and black tea.
  • Eliminate all types of alcoholic beverages a few days before the time of the study.
  • Do not overwork, do not exercise immediately before the ECHO ECG.

The order of the procedure

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The patient needs to undress to the waist, freeing the chest;
  • Lie down on a medical couch;
  • A contact gel is applied to the chest for the procedure;
  • Special sensors are located on the chest.

Carrying out the procedure

Sensors connected to an echocardiograph transmit ultrasonic vibrations to the chest cavity, where the heart and the largest and most important vessels are located.

Sound vibrations reflected from the heart and blood vessels, returning, form an image of the heart, incoming and outgoing vessels on the screen of the echocardiograph. Unlike an electrocardiograph, an echocardiograph shows all the structural features of the heart, and not just a graphical representation of the organ's activity parameters.

The procedure for taking an echocardiogram can be carried out in two ways. Allocate:

  • transthoracic echocardiogram of the heart;
  • transesophageal echocardiogram of the heart.

Understanding how an ultrasound of the heart is done transthoracically is very simple. This is a study of the structure of the heart through the muscular wall of the chest cavity. The method is traditional and most commonly used.

If access to the heart is difficult for ultrasonic waves (the presence of fatty deposits in the patient, structural features of the chest and organs located in it), perform transesophageal echocardiography, or transesophageal.

The resulting image is of the same quality, clear. A three-dimensional picture makes it possible to consider all anomalies in the structure, if any.

Contraindications to this variant of the study can only be diseases of the esophagus (inflammation, bleeding, muscle spasm).

As a preparation, a refusal to eat for 7-8 hours before the procedure is prescribed.

The duration of the Echo-CS is about fifteen minutes.

There is another classification . It is based on the output image format of the heart. Allocate:

  • one-dimensional (M-mode);
  • doppler;
  • two-dimensional.

One-dimensional ECG echo (M-mode) - view of the heart from above. It makes it possible to characterize the work of the heart and the largest vessel in the human body - the aorta, as well as the structure of the ventricles and atria.

With two-dimensional diagnostics, ultrasonic waves from sensors transmit a two-plane image of the heart to the screen. During the diagnostics, the work of the organ, parameters, functions of the cardiac structures are analyzed.

ECHO ECG with Doppler analysis determines the dynamics of blood flow in the heart and blood vessels. Doppler echocardiography is usually indicated in conjunction with 2D cardiac imaging. There are two types of Doppler analysis:

  • color;
  • continuous.

For a detailed study in the diagnosis, a contrast agent is used, which more clearly highlights all areas of the heart, their structure, structure.

An analysis with a contrast agent can be prescribed during a second study to analyze the change in results and indicators after the treatment or to clarify the previously made diagnosis, if there are any doubts.

Deciphering the ultrasound of the heart can show different results, which will depend on the presence or absence of physical activity accompanying the study.

Stress echocardioscopy

This type of study allows you to get the results of the work of the heart both at rest of the patient, and when a particular type of physical activity occurs.

This method allows you to recognize coronary heart disease in the early stages, at the very beginning of its development.

Initially, indicators are taken from the heart and blood vessels in normal mode. Having fixed them, the patient is transferred to a state close to stress.

This can be achieved using two options:

  • medication;
  • with the help of a dosed physical load on the patient.

Since a situation is artificially created that is dangerous to the health of the patient, medical workers must be present during the procedure, capable of providing qualified assistance, if necessary.

Increased work of the heart can be caused by introducing special drugs intramuscularly, intravenously or orally. This method is more dangerous due to the possibility of a variety of side effects. For its use, an initial diagnosis of the patient for the tolerability of these drugs should be carried out.

Another method is the use of dosed physical activity on the patient. The person being examined needs to perform a series of exercises before the study or perform certain exercises on a simulator with connected echocardiograph sensors.

Analysis of the results of the study (decoding)

Deciphering the ultrasound of the heart should be carried out only by a professional (therapist, general practitioner, cardiologist). Only a cardiologist can analyze what the echocardiogram shows, give subsequent recommendations, prescribe treatment.

What the echo kg shows in an adult when deciphering an ultrasound of the heart is normally reflected in the table:

Indicators Value (from - to)
Left atrium23 - 38 mm
LV dimensions during relaxation (KDR)37 - 56 mm
LV dimensions during contraction (CRD)23 - 36 mm
LV end-diastolic volume (EDV)Men: 165 - 193 ml.

Women: 59 - 136 ml.

Posterior LV wall8-11 mm
Interventricular septum8-10 mm
LV myocardial massMen: 88 - 224

Women: 66 - 162

LV ejection fraction55 – 70 %
LV fiber shortening fraction25 – 45 %
Right atrium23 - 46 mm
Right ventricle (basal compartment size)20 - 30 mm
Wall of the right ventricle2 - 5 mm
Left atrium20 - 36 mm
Aortic root lumen20 - 38 mm
Opening amplitude of the aortic valve leaflets during systole15 - 26 mm
Transmitral blood flow rate0.6 - 1.3 m/s
Transtricuspid blood flow velocity0.3 - 0.7 m/s
Transaortic blood flow velocity during systole1.7 m/s
Transpulmonary blood flow velocity0.6 - 0.9 m/s
Fluid in the pericardial cavity0 – 30 ml
Regurgitation, thrombi, infarction zonesMissing

In any form, the same basic indicators should appear. The decoding of the norm should also be detailed.

The cardiologist should consider all the numbers obtained from the ultrasound of the heart and decipher the results.

The objectives of the study can be very different, so the indicators can be different.


Echocardiography is a diagnosis that allows you to determine the presence of a very serious, life-threatening disease at the beginning of its formation.

Symptoms with which people turn to a cardiologist, thinking that they have problems with the central organ of blood circulation, may be associated with a violation of the work of the nervous system (neuralgia, neurosis), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis), digestive systems.

Deciphering the results of the study allows not only to exclude the initial assumption of heart problems, but also to refer the patient for further examination to identify the cause of the symptoms that disturb the patient.

Diagnosis is carried out in ordinary public clinics, specialized cardiology centers or private medical institutions. The accuracy of diagnostics depends not only on the qualifications of the specialist conducting the study, but also on the condition, novelty of the equipment on which the study is carried out.

In state medical institutions, this type of diagnosis in the direction of the attending physician should be carried out free of charge. In non-state clinics, a certain amount is charged for the study.

If the ultrasound of the heart and the interpretation of the results of the patient are in doubt, you can contact another cardiologist and repeat the procedure.

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Many people ask themselves: “ECHO KG of the heart - what is it?” Echocardiography is a modern informative method for examining the heart, which has become the leading method in the diagnosis of most cardiac pathologies in recent decades. Although the history of the method has more than half a century, it is in constant development at the present time.

  • Examination methods

    Echocardiography is a complex research method that includes M-mode, B-mode, Doppler. One of the new areas of ultrasound of the heart is the use of three-dimensional and four-dimensional echography.

    B-mode - such an access in which the intensity of the received signals corresponds to the brightness of the dots on the screen of the echocardiograph
    M-mode is a time-spacing of the M-mode. A graphic image of the movement of heart structures that are crossed by one ultrasound beam is recorded on the screen

    These techniques are auxiliary and should be carried out in conjunction with the B-mode. However, their undoubted advantage is obtaining a volumetric image of the heart with the possibility of assessing hemodynamics.

    In addition to the standard ultrasound examination of the heart, there are additional, less frequently used methods: transesophageal cardiography, intravascular and intracardiac examination, stress echocardiography, examination using contrast agents.

    This procedure is mandatory for patients with ischemia and signs of heart failure, as well as for complaints of pain in the region of the heart and chest.

    Basic information

    Examination of the heart using ultrasound is a time-consuming process and requires great professionalism from a specialist doctor. EchoCG can be understood if you understand the main components of the study - modes.


    This study consists in assessing the structures of the heart in two dimensions. In this mode, the dimensions of the chambers in the 4-chamber position, the condition of the valves, the thickness and condition of the heart walls, and their contractility are evaluated. Diagnosis should be carried out polypositionally to exclude the influence of artifacts.


    This method is based on the evaluation of the linear parameters of the chambers of the heart, the walls and their movement, as well as the state of the valves using a graphic image. This mode is of secondary importance, since in the assessment of these dimensions a large error is possible if the measurement rules are not followed, and in the assessment of the valve apparatus, all detected signs are indicative and require a more detailed assessment in other modes.


    This mode is represented by a combination of individual high-tech techniques.

    The essence of pulsed wave Doppler is to graphically display the flow in a specified volume. The limitation of the application of this method is the impossibility of its use on high-speed streams. In the latter case, it is optimal to use continuous-wave Doppler. It allows you to register flows with a speed of more than 2.5 m/s.

    Color Doppler shows blood flow and its direction in color mode (blue indicates flow from the transducer and red towards the transducer). This method allows you to assess the direction of blood flow, the presence of pathological flows and shunts.

    Indications for such an examination are shortness of breath, poor physical tolerance. stress, dizziness, fainting, detection of noise and rhythm disturbances, changes in the ECG graphs

    Tissue color Doppler by staining the walls of the chambers when moving in blue and red (similar to color Doppler) allows you to identify areas with impaired contractile function.

    There are a number of varieties of the method (tissue non-linear, tissue pulsed wave Doppler, vector high-speed image), but they are of an auxiliary nature and their use is very limited by the complexity and higher cost of devices of the required class.

    The result of the examination is a form in which all the data obtained during the procedure are entered. After analyzing the information received, the sonologist prescribes the necessary treatment and draws a conclusion about the patient's health


    Having an idea of ​​​​what EchoCG is, we can say with confidence that absolutely everyone can undergo this study. However, given its high cost, this method should be carried out with strict indications and recommendations from a specialist cardiologist.

    Reasons for referral for echocardiography:

    • Systolic murmur (new to children or older)
    • ECG changes
    • Heart defects (congenital and acquired)
    • Ischemic changes in the myocardium
    • Persistent changes in blood pressure
    • Pain behind the sternum, the appearance of shortness of breath and swelling
    • Control of surgical treatment
    • Control of cardiac function in athletes
    • Rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus and other systemic diseases
    • Control of previously diagnosed pathology.

    In any of the presented cases, the study should be preceded by an electrocardiogram and a consultation with a cardiologist.

    Carrying out diagnostics

    Ultrasound examination of the heart does not require any preparation. An echocardiogram can be done at any time. Of course, on the eve of this diagnosis, you should not experience physical activity, the study should not be carried out in a state of stress.

    If transesophageal cardioechography is planned, it is necessary to first carry out fibrogastroscopy, general clinical tests. Since the study is done invasively, on the day of the study, you should refrain from eating and drinking for 4-5 hours.

    The echocardiography of the heart itself takes 15-30 minutes (the duration of the study depends on the professionalism of the doctor and on the volume of the study). For the procedure, the patient exposes the upper body and lies on the back on the couch. With poor visualization, the patient is placed on the left side, placing the left hand under the head and the right hand along the body.

    Such a study is carried out in cases where it is impossible to analyze using the transthoracic method, for example, in the presence of acoustic obstructions.

    Regulatory indicators

    The results of the study should be evaluated taking into account the age, gender and physical parameters of the patient.

    Normative values ​​are regularly reviewed and changed, which is associated with the development and improvement of the method.

    Indicators of the sizes and volumes of the left ventricle

    Options Men Women
    Long axis parasternal position
    LV diameter in diastole, mm 42,1-58,4 37,8-52,2
    LV diameter in systole, mm 25,2-39,8 21,6-34,8
    Dual chamber apical position
    Ejection fraction, % 48-76 53-76
    59-175 41-133
    15-75 10-54
    Four chamber apical position
    Ejection fraction, % 46-74 46-78
    End-diastolic volume, ml 69-185 48-140
    End-systolic volume, ml 21-61 14-42
    biplane method
    Ejection fraction, % 52-72 54-74
    End-diastolic volume, ml 62-150 46-106
    End-systolic volume, ml 21-61 14-42

    Dimensions and area of ​​the right ventricle

    Indicators of the sizes of the main vessels

    Indicators of intracardiac blood flow

    In addition to the main parameters presented, indicators of valve areas are used, an assessment of valvular regurgitations is carried out with the determination of their area and velocity gradient.

    Deciphering the results

    The volume of detected pathology during echocardiography is extremely large and includes:

    • valve pathology (stenosis, insufficiency, change and prolapse of the leaflets)
    • changes in the myocardium (ischemia of areas, hypotrophy and hypertrophy, impaired kinetics)
    • changes in the size of the heart (dilations of various etiologies, hypoplasia of the departments)
    • pericardial pathology
    • heart injury
    • infectious diseases
    • congenital and acquired heart defects
    • minor anomalies in the development of the heart.

    All detected pathology is based on ultrasound criteria for a particular disease. These criteria underlie the differential diagnosis.

    Dilatation of the chambers of the heart.

    The expansion of the heart departments can be isolated (expansion of one of the departments) or have a general character.

    The expansion of the right departments can have the following reasons:

    • Septal defects (interventricular or interatrial) cause dilatation of the right ventricle, with decompensation - atrial expansion, the appearance of pulmonary hypertension. Diagnostics is carried out in the color flow mode, which allows you to determine the pathological flow through the septum.
    • Stenosis of the pulmonary artery is accompanied by the expansion of the right sections and hypertrophy of the walls. Diagnosis is based on the assessment of blood flow velocity and pressure in the right ventricle. A related criterion is tricuspid regurgitation.
    • Myocardial infarction of the right sections occurs secondarily, has signs of impaired local contractility, low cardiac output.
    • Thromboembolism of the pulmonary trunk.
    • Chronic obstructive processes in the lungs.
    • An open arterial duct is accompanied by an expansion of the right sections and the pulmonary artery. With CDC, the pathological communication of the aortic arch and pulmonary artery is determined.

    Expansion of the left chambers of the heart

    The expansion of the chambers of the heart can talk about the following problems.

    • Dilated cardiomyopathy is accompanied by an expansion of all departments, as well as a violation of the systolic-diastolic function of the ventricles.
    • Myocarditis is accompanied by an increase in the left ventricle, a decrease in ejection, the presence of an area of ​​fibrosis in the myocardium (with a long-standing process).
    • Myocardial infarction is accompanied by a violation of systolic function, the appearance of a site of dyskinesia and an increase in the cavity of the left ventricle. In the acute period, it is sometimes possible to visualize a thrombus in the ventricular cavity.
    • Coarctation and stenosis of the aorta at the stage of decompensation is accompanied by dilatation of the left ventricle and thickening of its walls. With stenosis, there is a decrease in the area of ​​​​the aortic opening and restriction of the movement of the valves. In coarctation, there is a widening of the aortic root and a specific type of flow.

    Hypertrophy of the walls of the right sections

    Wall hypertrophy may indicate the following problems.

    • Stenosis of the pulmonary trunk or its branches
    • Pulmonary hypertension of various origins
    • Congenital heart defects that are accompanied.

    Hypertrophy of the walls of the left departments

    Hypertrophy can talk about the following problems.

    • cardiomyopathy
    • Arterial hypertension
    • aortic stenosis

    Mitral regurgitation above the first degree

    Such regurgitation indicates the following problems

    • Pathology of the structure of the valve leaflets (calcification, myxomatosis, congenital and acquired dysplasia
    • Expansion of the left ventricle of various etiologies prevents the closure of the valves.
    • Increased pressure in the cavity of the left chambers of the heart.

    Regurgitation on the aortic valve

    • Expansion of the aortic root preventing complete closure of the valve leaflets
    • Pathology of the valve structure
    • Ventricular septal defect in the membranous part.

    Regurgitation on the tricuspid valve above the second degree

    This feature indicates the following.

    • Dilatation of the right ventricle
    • Violation of the structure of the valve leaflets
    • Pulmonary hypertension.

    Pathological regurgitation in the pulmonary artery

    This feature indicates the following.

    • Expansion of the cavity of the right ventricle leads to the appearance of pathological tricuspid and pulmonary regurgitation
    • Pulmonary hypertension of various etiologies
    • Violation of the structure of the valve (congenital and acquired).

    The volume of pathologies is extremely large, but not all diagnoses can be established by the results of an ultrasound examination. Therefore, the task of the researcher is to write a comprehensive conclusion, the information of which will help the clinician to make the correct diagnosis. For a correct interpretation of the results, it is not enough to understand what it is - EchoCG, which the study shows, but it is also necessary to present the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

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What is echocardiography of the heart and what does it show?

An echocardiographic study of the heart is a clinical analysis and assessment of the condition of the heart using a diagnostic device that uses both ultrasound and Dopplerography. Ultrasound of the heart allows the doctor to see the structure of the chambers of the heart, adjacent large vessels, the operation of the valves, and measure the thickness of the walls of the heart. Doppler analysis makes it possible to measure the speed and direction of blood flow, display its color three-dimensional image on the screen.

To diagnose the vessels that feed the heart muscle - the coronary arteries, a stress test is done, which combines ultrasound, ECG and Doppler analysis with physical activity on a treadmill or on a bicycle ergometer.

Echo kg is done to diagnose heart disease in infants, children and adults, heart disease, as well as to monitor patients with an established diagnosis, especially with heart valve disease, congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis and pericarditis, ischemic disease, heart failure.

The doctor may refer to an echographic examination if a heart murmur is detected, with an increase in its size, signs of fluid in the heart sac, if there is a suspicion of a deterioration in the ability of the heart to pump blood, with a decrease in exercise tolerance.

How is an echocardiogram done?

The patient lies on the couch while the doctor attaches the ECG sensors to the chest and applies the gel to the skin. With a transducer that emits ultrasound and receives reflected sound waves, the doctor leads over the surface of the body, sometimes asking you to hold your breath or turn around. Based on the analysis of the reflected sound waves, the computer displays a "live" picture of the beating heart on the screen and shows a three-dimensional color image of the blood flow. The study lasts from 45 minutes to one hour.

What preparation is needed before the procedure?

Echo does not require any special preparation. The patient can eat and drink, take medications, unless otherwise instructed.

Deciphering the results

During the study, the doctor measures the size of the heart, the thickness of its walls, and the computer calculates the performance of its work and blood flow parameters. The entire study is recorded as a video file with sound so that other physicians such as cardiologists and cardiac surgeons can analyze them and evaluate the results.

The leading place among modern methods of diagnosing cardiac diseases is occupied by ultrasound of the heart. It is also called "echocardiography" or "echocardioscopy". Ultrasound examination of the heart is an absolutely harmless procedure that is used for all categories of patients, including children and pregnant women. Ultrasound of the heart, like most ultrasound diagnostic procedures, is a painless procedure, there are no contraindications to it.

What is research?

Echocardiography is a non-invasive examination using ultrasound waves. An echocardiographic study is performed using a transducer that produces sound waves that pass into the same transducer. Information is transferred to a computer and displayed as an image on its monitor.

Ultrasound of the heart is a completely painless procedure

Echocardiography or ultrasound of the heart allows you to determine and evaluate the following parameters:

  • the structure of the heart and its size;
  • the integrity of the walls of the heart and their thickness;
  • the size of the atria and ventricles;
  • contractility of the heart muscle;
  • valve operation;
  • condition of the pulmonary artery and aorta;
  • heart circulation;
  • condition of the pericardium.

EchoCG diagnoses various pathologies: hydropericardium, defects, blood clots, neoplasms and circulatory disorders. In addition, thinning or thickening of the walls, expansion or decrease in the size of the chambers are detected, and additional chords are determined in the cavities of the heart.

Echocardiography is carried out in relation to all categories of patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, such a study is used for diagnostic purposes for the primary detection of cardiac disorders.

In what cases is ultrasound diagnostics of the heart indicated?

The need for an ultrasound of the heart arises in such cases as:

  • suspicion of heart disease;
  • the presence of congenital heart defects in close relatives;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • transferred myocardial infarction;
  • angina;
  • suspicion of a heart tumor;
  • aneurysm diagnosis;
  • cardiomyopathy.

With complaints of frequent dizziness and fainting, interruptions in cardiac activity, pain in the retrosternal region, the patient should be referred for an ultrasound of the heart. Persons with an unstable psycho-emotional state and constant physical exertion are also recommended to carry out this diagnostic procedure. Based on these data, the results will be deciphered and a diagnosis will be made.

Pain behind the sternum is a good reason for the appointment of an ultrasound of the heart

A referral for diagnostics using ultrasound to an adult patient is given by a therapist or cardiologist. Pathologies can also be detected on chest x-ray - an increase in the size of the heart, a change in its shape, an abnormal location, a modification of the aorta and pulmonary artery. In these cases, it is also necessary to undergo echocardiography.

An echocardiogram is often prescribed to a woman during pregnancy in cases where she has an elevated blood sugar level, or close relatives had heart defects. When during pregnancy a woman was found to have elevated titers of antibodies to rubella, or she had this disease, or in the first trimester she was taking special medications, this is also the basis for an echocardiogram.

In some cases, echocardiography can be done to the fetus in utero to detect malformations. Usually such an echocardiogram is done from 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy. There are no contraindications for ultrasound of the heart.

Preparation for ultrasound of the heart is not required, the procedure is carried out at any convenient time. The exception is the transesophageal method of examination, in which case you need to prepare as follows: refrain from drinking and eating 5 hours before the procedure.

Types of ultrasound examination of the heart

Most often, an ultrasound of the heart is done through the chest, this method is called "transthoracic echocardiography". Depending on the method of obtaining information, transthoracic echocardiography is divided into one-dimensional and two-dimensional.

With a one-dimensional study, the data obtained are displayed on the monitor of the device in the form of a graph. Such a study provides accurate information about the size of the ventricles and atria, in addition, the functioning of the ventricles and valves themselves is assessed. In a two-dimensional study, the transformed information is presented as a gray-white image of the heart. This type of study gives a clear visualization of the work of the organ and allows you to quite clearly determine its size, the volume of the chambers and the thickness of the walls of the organ.

There is also such a study of the activity of the cardiac system as doppler echocardiography. With the help of this study, the features of the blood supply to a vital organ are determined. In particular, during the procedure, the doctor can observe the movement of blood in its various sections and vessels. Normally, the blood should move in one direction, but if there is a malfunction of the valves, then the reverse flow of blood can be observed. In addition to revealing this fact, its severity and speed are determined. Doppler study is prescribed in combination with one-dimensional or two-dimensional echocardiography.

In addition, there are other methods of examining the heart:

  • If a clear visualization of the internal structure of the heart is necessary, then a study with a contrast agent is done - this is contrast echocardiography.
  • If the purpose of echocardiography is to reveal hidden pathologies of the heart, then the examination should be carried out during physical exertion, since at rest the symptoms of disorders may not appear. Such a study is called "stress echocardiography" or stress echocardiography.
  • Ultrasound of the heart can be performed through the esophagus and throat - transesophageal echocardiography or PE-EchoCG.

Transesophageal echocardiography is another highly informative diagnostic method for examining the heart.

How is a cardiac test performed?

Echocardioscopy as a procedure does not cause any difficulty for a specialist. The patient must release the entire chest from clothing so that the doctor has free access to the examination site. For accurate visualization of the heart, the patient should lie on the couch lying on his left side. In this position, simultaneous viewing of all 4 cameras is possible.

A gel is applied to the region of the heart, by means of which the permeability of ultrasonic waves in the tissue of the organ improves. An ultrasound doctor using a sensor receives an image of the examined organ on the monitor of the device. The sensor is alternately installed in different positions of the chest and captures different data.

Echocardioscopy takes a short time, it can be done in 40 minutes. The study protocol is received immediately after its completion.

Sometimes research data is distorted, this is caused by the action of the following factors:

  • excessive obesity;
  • chest deformity;
  • professionalism of the diagnostician;
  • compliance of equipment with quality requirements.

Echocardiography can be done in public health facilities and in private, commercial settings. Specific types of research can be done only in specialized institutions equipped with special equipment.

Results of the study and interpretation of the results

After the end of the EchoCG procedure, the doctor draws up a protocol for an ultrasound of the heart, which indicates the decoding of the indicators and makes a conclusion. Decoding is carried out by comparing the norm with the examination data of a particular patient. Here is a table with average values ​​of normal indicators:

Object of studyNorms
Left ventricle (LV)
- end diastolic size (EDD)3.4 - 5.6 cm
- final systolic size (SSR)2.5 - 4.1 cm
- diastolic volume55 - 149 ml
- systolic volume18 - 40 ml
- ejection fraction60 - 65%
- shortening fraction30 - 40%
- back wall thickness0.9 - 1.1 cm
Thickness of the interventricular septum0.9 - 1.0 cm
Right ventricle (RV)
- cavity size2.6 - 3.1 cm
- wall thickness0.2 - 0.4 cm
Left atrium2.5 - 3.6 cm
Aortic diameter
- at the level of the sinuses of Valsalva2.4 - 3.9 cm
- at the level of the ascending department2.2 - 3.4 cm

Deciphering the examination and comparing it with the norm indicators is of great diagnostic importance; only a cardiologist can do this. It must be borne in mind that the norms of ultrasound indicators differ depending on the gender of the subject.

The decryption includes the following:

  • norms for the ventricles and septum;
  • norms for auricles;
  • malfunction of valves;
  • norm for the pericardium.

Valve dysfunction has three degrees - insufficiency, stenosis and relative insufficiency. Often there is such a deviation as pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardial sac, due to the accumulation of fluid there. The presence of liquid in it up to 30 ml is allowed. Independent interpretation of the study is not allowed.

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