Dan il. The meaning of the name Daniel (Daniel)

The diversity of names in the 21st century is surprising, but at the same time, you need to know and understand the difference between similar options that raise doubts about their origin.

Daniel and Danila: differences between names

Daniel and Danila are two forms of the same name. What is the difference?

  1. Daniil is the official version for documents (primarily for a civil passport). Danila is a diminutive version of the name, which is used only for society. Despite different opinions, this is the standard that should be observed.
  2. Daniel is the full name, Danila is a diminutive. Among other affectionate options, Danya, Danka, Danilushka, Dasya, Danchik, Danilka, Dasyunya should be noted.
  3. If we consider each of the 2 versions of the name from the point of view of numerology, a significant difference is assumed. This is due to the fact that each letter carries a significant meaning, which is manifested in all character traits of people.

Although Daniel and Danila are controversial versions of the name, only man can decide what he likes best.

Daniel and Danila: the origin of the name

Daniel is a biblical name derived from Daniel. Initially, this was the name of the prophet Daniel, who is mentioned in the Bible.

The translation of the name can be as follows: “the judge is my God”, “God is my judge”, “God is the judge”. It is important to note that the name is Hebrew, and it consists of two bases, which subsequently transformed into a modern interpretation: “dan” (judge), “el” or “eel” (God) in connection with which a large number of interpretations are assumed. Nowadays, more and more people use the following translation variations: “judge”, “God's judgment”, “just man”.

It should be noted that Daniel is the masculine form of the name, which is also represented as a feminine ( Daniella). If we consider the classic diminutive form for representatives of a beautiful name, we can use Dana. At the same time, it is assumed that Dana is not only a diminutive interpretation of Danielle, but also an independent name, therefore there are small controversial situations even in this situation.

Description of the character of men named Daniel

Daniel is a name that has a special character. At the same time, if the form “Danila” is often used, all the best character traits appear even brighter, despite the influence of modern life.

A man named Daniel can be decent. In addition, it is assumed that he has a developed intuition and the ability to quickly disposition to communicate. Despite the lack of the possibility of displaying bright and unusual emotions, a predisposition to calm behavior, communication brings only the best impressions.

Daniel is not prone to fuss and haste in various matters. The approach to life is always characterized by slowness and optimal judgment, which creates a stable, reliable basis for further development. Even in the most difficult situations, it is assumed that it is possible to maintain a good, positive attitude.

Daniel may have kindness, a developed and sharp mind, hard work. At first glance, a man will seem inconspicuous in his team, but all of the above advantages can be appreciated.

Daniel values ​​family ties. Almost any important life events should be held among close, dear people. The love of home is especially pronounced, which suggests that there is a basis for creating a strong family.

Daniel cannot bear lies, deceit, temper. In most cases, a man quickly moves away and is able to forgive the existing mistakes of those around him.

Daniel may live in his own private world, but at the same time he tries to gain respect in his own society. At the same time, it is assumed that there is an exceptional intuition that contributes to the successful solution of numerous issues. Curiosity and the presence of analytical thinking contribute to the successful development in life, the effective overcoming of any obstacles.

Daniel: features of the manifestation of the characteristics of the name

Men under the name Daniel can manifest their inherent potential in different ways. It largely depends on the time of birth.

  1. Men born in winter are fond of exact sciences, teaching, architecture. Among the features of character, it is important to note the correctness of behavior, restraint and diplomacy.
  2. The autumn representative can be a worthy economist and politician thanks to his prudence and determination.
  3. Summer Daniil has a bright mind and a good-natured character, thanks to which he successfully develops acting and directing skills.
  4. Spring Daniel can be an artist or a writer due to his developed imagination, a penchant for idealizing life.

Daniel is one of the best male names, despite the presence of supporting aspects.

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Daniel Pereslavsky- Painting of the Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky. 1668 Artel Guria Nikitin Name in the world: Dmitry Birth ... Wikipedia

DANIEL- (Heb. Dâniyye l, Dani el, “God is the judge”, “God is my judge”), the legendary Jewish righteous man and sage prophet, whose adventures and visions are described in the biblical book that canonically bears his name (“The Book of the Prophet Daniel”). He is named among... Encyclopedia of mythology

Daniil Alexandrovich Moskovsky- Daniil Alexandrovich Miniature from the Tsar's titular ... Wikipedia

DANIEL (prophet)- DANIEL, in the Bible (see BIBLE) a righteous man and a wise prophet, whose life and visions are described in the "Book of the Prophet Daniel". During the period of the Babylonian captivity, Daniel is left at the court of Nebuchadnezzar (see NBUCHADONOSOR II) and they give him the new name Belshazzar. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Daniel- and husband.; unfold Danil, a and Danila, s; old unfold Danilo, y. Father: Daniilovich, Daniilovna. Derivatives: Danilka; Danish; Danya (Dana); Danusya; Dusya. Origin: (Ancient Hebrew name Dani’el is my judge god.) Name day: January 2, March 1, March 17, March 31, 20 ... ... Dictionary of personal names

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The origin of the name Danil is rooted in the distant past, history takes him to the lands of Israel and Biblical times. The name Daniel was given to the biblical prophet. It will be interesting for the owners of this name and his relatives to learn about the talismans that patronize Dana, and about the fate of a man in a career, love and marriage.

All Danilas can, no doubt, be proud of the name, and there are reasons for this. Today, as before, the name is an integral part of a person’s personality, therefore it is so important to know what it carries in itself, to know its translation and history of origin. A person hears it every day and several times a day, which cannot but affect his behavior and intentions.

To understand what the name Danil means, historians turn from its Slavic form to the Hebrew roots - the name Daniel. Its interpretation means God or God's judgment. The peculiarity of the abbreviated name Danya originates from the prophet Daniel, who at the court of the ancient kings was the main mystic and soothsayer.

In the Russian naming system, "Daniel" entered the full form "Danilo" along with other Christian names, according to the provisions of the Orthodox canons and calendars. Despite the fact that the name originated in ancient Israel, Orthodox people accepted it and immediately fell in love with it for its melodic sound, giving it a righteous meaning.

It was the biblical roots that became the basis for the considerable popularity of the name Danil among Orthodox Christians, which today occupies a leading position in the ranking of modern names for boys.

Linguists call the following forms derivatives of Daniel: Danilka and Danya, Danya and Danechka, Dusya and Danusya. But if we turn to the history of other peoples, we can find other names similar to Danila:

  1. In France, it is Daniel or Dani for short.
  2. In Germany, there is a male Daniel and a female Daniela.
  3. On the territory of Serbia, Danilo and Daniel are popular for men, for women - Danila.
  4. The ancient Greek language gave us Daniel, Danielos;
  5. In Bulgaria, men's Daniel, Daniil and women's - Daniala are especially popular.

All of them have the same roots and origins. Nevertheless, all of them, due to linguistic forms and peculiarities of pronunciation, historical traditions, interpreted the very first Hebrew name of an Orthodox prophet.

The very first Orthodox patron is considered to be the prophet Daniel. He served as a soothsayer under 6 kings, carrying the word of God and faith in Christ, rejecting paganism. After the first prophet, other saints with the same name were elevated to the rank of saints.

According to Orthodox canons, the name day of all Daniels is often celebrated. In particular, Orthodox canons highlight the following dates:

  • in January - 2-3, 12 numbers;
  • in March - 1, 17, 31 numbers;
  • in April - the 20th;
  • in June - 4-5 numbers;
  • in August - the 30th;
  • in September - the 12th and 25th;
  • in October - 4 numbers;
  • November 25th.

This makes it possible to celebrate the name day as close as possible to the date of birth, which pleases every Danila and his parents.

Naming the boy Danila means giving him not only the favor of God, but also world fame.

Among the celebrities wearing it, the following personalities can be distinguished:

  1. Daniil Pevtsov is an actor of theater and cinema of Russia, the son of the famous people's artist Dmitry Pevtsov.
  2. Daniil Soldatov is a famous Russian actor.
  3. Daniil Strakhov - Russian theater and film actor, laureate of the Government Prize.
  4. Danila Kozlovsky is an actor of the Russian Federation, known to young people from the films “We are from the Future”, “Viking”, “Crew” and many other films.

Of course, this is not a complete list of celebrities and famous people named Daniel.

The Hebrew Daniel is multifaceted in character and definition. The very essence of it can be interpreted in different ways, changing depending on when the boy was born. For the most part, they are good-natured and calm people, friendly to everyone, with a considerable amount of optimism and sociability.

Early childhood

Danila's character in childhood is calm and balanced; for parents, this will be the quietest baby that does not cause them any special problems. Thanks to the good nature, responsiveness and gentleness that Danya inherited from his mother, he has many friends.

But in the process of education, parents should pay attention to the formation of his inner world: self-confidence, respect for his needs. If this is not laid at the very beginning, others will use his kindness.


In adolescence, this is a very active and inquisitive child. Not yet an adult, but no longer a baby, he takes on many things at the same time, while rarely bringing them all to their logical conclusion. His interests are very versatile, while they are superficial, so a teenager should understand everything and a little.

He easily adapts to change, but as a friend he is tyrannical, because he does not tolerate competitors around him. With his surroundings, he tries to behave courteously, with a considerable share of charm, and for this reason he is eagerly awaited in many companies.

You should not argue with men named Daniel - his equanimity can unbalance even the most calm and balanced person.

grown man

In adulthood, all Daniels are calm and balanced, very reasonable, distinguished by slowness in their every judgment. Pragmatism and cold calculation take the place of youthful temper, which has a positive effect on fate. Such people have others to communicate, they exude a real charge of optimism even in the most difficult life situation.

Danila's positive character traits include:

  • diplomacy;
  • correctness in communication;
  • sense of tact and courtesy.

With these traits, he successfully resolves every dispute peacefully.

If a person betrays him, Daniel simply cuts him out of his life.

Among other things, Danila often wonders if he is doing the right thing because of his strong-willed and strong character. Often such questions lead Danya to a negative answer, and therefore it is so important that he is surrounded by true friends who can support him in difficult times on the chosen path.

All Danilovs have had good health since childhood, such a child rarely gets sick. But this does not mean that health should be neglected, not taken care of yourself and do whatever you want.

All Danilas love very harmful foods and dishes that they consume in large quantities, and therefore often suffer from:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • excess weight.

It is important for them to monitor their diet and join the gym.

At a more mature age, Danilas suffer from a tense rhythm of life, which leads to the development of chronic fatigue, which is difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is important for them not to bring themselves to overwork and relax more in nature, leaving the family to a seaside resort.

All men who bear the name Daniel do not strive for power and supremacy, rarely move up the career ladder. They prefer creative professions:

  1. Acting.
  2. Theatrical platforms.
  3. Journalism.

Due to the fact that Dani is excellent at communicating with people, professions are suitable for them:

  1. Psychologist.
  2. Lawyer.

In his own business, Danila will show himself to be an excellent entrepreneur: the ability to find an approach to everyone, make well-considered and balanced decisions will make him a successful businessman.

A well-developed intuition and the habit of taking into account the inner voice will allow you to bypass many pitfalls and not make a mistake.


Daniel's sexuality is hidden behind a screen of calmness and poise, as he is afraid of appearing too assertive. In bed, they are constrained, but more experienced partners and mentors will help Dana cope with this.

In sex, for a man named Danya, not only the physiological side of the issue is important, but also spiritual unity - this is the only way they can reach the heights of bliss.

At the same time, it is important for them not only to satisfy their needs, but also to give joy to their partner.

Love and marriage for men named Daniel is not an empty phrase. In relation to every woman, he appreciates sincerity, putting it in the first place over carnal pleasures, as well as common interests and building a family hearth. For them, material wealth and the appearance of the spouse are not important, they are often happy in marriage.

Such a man chooses his wife at first sight unmistakably, becoming a devoted husband and a loving father.

Sex for the family Danila is in second place, and therefore he is unlikely to go left, although he is active and very temperamental in bed. He loves his children to the point of madness, but you should not expect help from him in the household.

Compatibility with female names

Danila can get along by virtue of her character with any woman. Nevertheless, if we talk about what is the compatibility of Dani with female names, then:

  • he can achieve special harmony with Anastasia and Irina, Lyuda and Augusta, Maria;
  • it will be harder for him with Zina and Ksyusha, Toma and Raisa.

But as they say, you can't command your heart. With harmonious relations in the family, Danila can be a faithful spouse and a loving father.

Like any name, Danila has its own astrological symbols. The following points can be made on this issue:

  1. The talisman stone for all Daniels is bright blue jasper.
  2. The patron planet is Mercury.
  3. The element of life is water.
  4. Totem animal - sperm whale and squirrel.
  5. Totem plant - ash or buttercup.
  6. Lucky day is Wednesday.
  7. The ideal season is spring.
  8. Year - Pig.
  9. Color - blue or yellow

To believe in them or not is everyone's business. But all these symbols were selected from ancient times by astrologers of their times.

Name horoscope

For a boy and a man, the name Daniel is more suitable if he was born under the following zodiac signs:

  1. Sagittarius. It is Sagittarius who is able to embody in him the bright and pure energy of the child, mobility and generosity, openness to everything new.
  2. Fish. Pisces will make him more peaceful and calm, reveal his creative potential, revive his imagination, awakening a romantic nature in him.

Modern Danila, like his glorious ancestors, is an interesting and good-natured man, with good health, capable of reaching considerable heights in this life.

The name Daniel is not only beautiful and noble, but also very rare. I wonder what the meaning of the name Daniel is, what Wikipedia and esoteric sources will say, what is its origin, and in general - what is a person’s character, how to find an approach to him, what is his fate and what is his future?

Is it worth connecting your life with this man, is it worth naming a child like that? We will find out what the meaning of the name Daniel is, its origin and much more.

The name Daniel is of ancient Jewish origin. It originates in the Bible, where Daniel is the name of a prophet. And this name means “God is a judge”, or “God is my judge”. Majestic, isn't it? There are many forms of this name. For example, the Russian name Daniel and the name Danil are one and the same.

There is also a form of Danila, this is also the same name. It is male, full, there is also a female form - Danielle. Daniel, Daniel, Danilo, Danyal and Danil are also different forms. In short or diminutively, you can say Dan, Danechka, Danya, Danyusha, Danilka, Danchik.

Characteristics of personality and fate

As a child, the boy Danila is distinguished from all his peers by timidity, gentleness and obedience. He is a calm, cheerful little boy who evokes tenderness and joy in all adults. Loves parents, kind, accommodating, rarely argues, argues or is offended.

It is very important for Dani's child that dad and mom give him enough attention, he is very jealous from an early age. Mom is of particular importance to him - Danil is more like her and takes on more maternal qualities. Responsive, but sometimes cunning and can get what he wants with the help of his kindness and sweet smile.

He does not study very well at school, but at the same time he is smart and very quick-witted. It is important for this boy to get carried away with something, because only in this way will he achieve good results. You can force him to do something, but he will do it somehow if he does not feel interest in the matter.

The boy Dani has one feature - he is not very inquisitive. This does not mean at all that he is lazy or stupid, just that he is not particularly interested in anything, it is difficult to captivate him. Because of this, there are problems in school, and among the Danils there are often losers.

But if he is already interested in something, then this is for real. He can have only one hobby, and his whole future fate will be connected with him. There are inclinations for creativity (more often for performing arts, acting), and for science, and for mathematics, and for technical specialties.

He can become an inventor or a programmer, an actor or a traveler, depending on what he gets into in his early years. So the upbringing of parents and teachers in childhood is of great importance for Danil, and if adults do not help him find some kind of interest, then his fate can turn out to be rather ordinary and boring.

An adult guy, whose name is Daniel, is rather modest and even timid, many consider him quiet. He does not participate in noisy companies, avoids dangers and conflicts, among his peers he usually finds one or two friends who have a similar character and hobbies. Danya is not a very emotional guy, not quick-tempered, but he can also be “brought on”.

He has both strength, and a strong character, and confidence, and his will is especially strong - if he decides, for example, that he will quit smoking, then he will certainly quit. Although this guy is unlikely to start smoking at all. Because he takes his health very seriously. Among the men who bear the name Danila, most often there are non-drinkers and non-smokers, some go in for sports - not for the sake of a beautiful body, but only for the sake of health.

In general, the character of Daniel is very specific, this man is always different from the rest. He has his own unusual tastes that run counter to modern trends, he almost always loves not what everyone loves and what is in fashion. He dresses in such a way that he is as comfortable as possible, warm (or not hot), buys only the most necessary for himself.

Convenience, safety and practicality are things that are crucial, so Daniel never chases fashion and does not understand why people buy beautiful and expensive, but absolutely impractical things for themselves. He can quite easily use the same thing for many years, if the thing is really of high quality.

In personal relationships, the fate of a man whose name is Daniel is not easy and not fast. Not every girl can understand his unusual character and habits, lifestyle and way of thinking. He himself does not pursue the female sex and can calmly be alone for several years. But one day he finds a girl who suits him, and stays with her forever!

He does not need adventure or a sense of novelty, he is looking for his chosen one for life. The main significance for him is fidelity, honesty, intelligence, the thriftiness of the girl, a calm and simple character, and Daniel does not like the spoiled. It is unlikely that great wealth awaits him, so that his family will live modestly, but peacefully and amicably and will not need anything.

Name Compatibility

As already mentioned, in girls, housekeeping, complaisance and simplicity are of decisive importance for him, so Danil is looking for a special chosen one. He is not affected by female charms, seduction and external beauty, this man immediately looks at the character and inner qualities. Let's see which female names suit him the most.

1. Excellent compatibility: Barbara, Anastasia, Emma, ​​Anna, Love, Larisa, Margarita,

But the main thing is not the compatibility of names, but feelings and a desire to be near. If there is sincerity and love, then no compatibility is important to you!

Daniel has a name day almost every month, because there were many saints and reverends with this name. So, when to congratulate the birthday man on the day of the angel?

  • January 2.
  • 1 and 31 March.
  • 20 April.
  • 4 and 5 June.
  • 23 July.
  • 12 and 25 September.
  • The 4th of October.
  • 11 and 24 December.

Danil loves when they show attention and care to him, so don't forget to congratulate Danya on his birthday! Find an approach to this person, understand his soul - and you will have a wonderful friend or a loving husband. Because this person is worth spending time communicating with him. And if you are thinking about naming a child like that, then do not hesitate, this is a worthy choice! Author: Vasilina Serova

In early childhood, this is a calm, gentle and affectionate baby. He is very smiling and gets along well with children. The name itself largely contributes to this development of character, because Daniel even sounds soft and measured.

From early childhood, the boy has an acute rejection of lies, which is usually not characteristic of children, who often look for an opportunity to cheat or deceive. Despite the gentleness and calmness, Danya can by no means be called a quiet or withdrawn child. He loves active games and often chooses to practice such sports as tennis, football, gymnastics, and martial arts.

The bearer of this name does not strive for high performance. For him, the game is just a great pleasure. Daniki have a great creative potential, they can sing, dance, play music, so parents need to work hard to discover and develop his incredible abilities.

In adolescence, Daniel retains his calmness, gentleness and kindness. He becomes quite impressionable, so the first love, some failures or disappointments can cause him strong feelings. Relatives should be attentive to the boy during this period.

Studying is given to Daniel easily. One of his traits is curiosity. Therefore, if he is lucky and he meets a bright talented teacher, he will be able to ignite a true love for his subject in the boy and even to some extent help to decide on an occupation in the future. But the lack of contact with teachers can completely kill interest in learning, and it will become a simple duty for a teenager.

He never gives vent to strong emotions, and a critical situation only makes him concentrate and mobilize. Judgment and well-developed intuition help him resolve even the most difficult life situations.

The man Daniel is a very fair, calm, balanced and restrained person. It is unlikely that you will ever see him screaming, harsh or aggressive. For this, he is highly respected by those around him.

Even in the most responsible and exciting moments, he maintains composure, as if immersed in himself. Such behavior invariably earns respect. In a dispute, he will not put pressure on the interlocutor. His style is to methodically and reasonably defend his point of view, to try to convey his opinion in a simple but convincing way.

The name Daniel is rare and no less rare for modern men, it endows its owner with features. He is not characterized by a feeling of envy, vindictiveness, he does not go in cycles in the search for negative qualities in people, he is open and good-natured.

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