Arkady Averchenko read satirical stories. Arkady Averchenko: short stories, dialogues and stories. Arkady Averchenko humorous stories

In September 1920, the head of the provincial people's department summoned me to his office and said:

That's what, brother, I heard you swear a lot there ... that's what they gave your labor school this very thing ... the provincial economic council ...

Yes, how not to swear? Here you will not only scold - you will howl: what kind of labor school is there? Smokey, dirty! Does it look like a school?

Yes... It would be the same for you: to build a new building, put up new desks, then you would be engaged. It’s not in buildings, brother, it’s important to educate a new person, but you, teachers, sabotage everything: the building is not like that, and the tables are not like that. You don't have this very ... fire, you know, such a revolutionary one. Your pants are out!

I just don't have a run.

Well, you’re out of your mind… You’re lousy intellectuals!.. So I’m looking, I’m looking, it’s such a big deal: these tramps are divorced, boys - you can’t walk down the street, and they climb into apartments. They tell me: this is your business, the people's education organization... Well?

What about "well"?

Yes, this is the same thing: no one wants, to whom I say - with their hands and feet, they will slaughter, they say. You should have this cabinet, books ... Put on your glasses ...

I laughed.

Look, the glasses are already in the way!

The head of the regional administration angrily pricked me with his small black eyes and from under his Nietzsche mustache he spewed blasphemy against all our pedagogical brethren. But he was wrong, this head of the regional administration.

Now listen to me...

Well, what "listen"? Well, what can you say? You will say: if only it were the same as in America! I recently read a little book on this occasion - slipped it. Reformers... or whatever, stop! Aha! Reformatoriums. Well, we don't have that yet. (Reformatoriums - institutions for the re-education of juvenile delinquents in some cap countries; children's prisons).

No, you listen to me.

Well, I'm listening.

After all, even before the revolution, they coped with these tramps. There were colonies of juvenile delinquents ...

It's not the same, you know... Before the revolution, it's not the same.

Right. So, you need to make a new person in a new way.

In a new way, you are right.

And no one knows how.

And don't you know?

And I don't know.

But I have this very thing ... there are those in the provincial government who know ...

And they don't want to get down to business.

They don't want to, bastards, you're right.

And if I take it, they will kill me from the world. Whatever I do, they'll say it's wrong.

The bitches will say, you're right.

And you believe them, not me.

I won’t believe them, I’ll say: it would be better to take it ourselves!

So what if I really messed up?

The head of the regional administration slammed his fist on the table:

Why are you telling me: I'll mess it up, I'll mess it up! Well, you mess up! What do you want from me? What I don't understand, right? Confuse, but you need to do the job. It will be visible there. The most important thing, this is the most ... not some kind of colony of juvenile delinquents, but, you understand, social education ... We need such a person, here ... our man! You do it. Anyway, everyone needs to learn. And you will learn. It's good that you said to your face: I don't know. Well, good.

Is there a place? Buildings are still needed.

Have a brother. Great place. Just there and there was a colony of juvenile delinquents. Not far away - six versts. It’s good there: a forest, a field, you will breed cows ...

And now I'll take people out of your pocket. Maybe give you a car?


There is money. Here, get it.

He pulled out a packet from a drawer.

One hundred and fifty million. This is for every organization. repairs there, what furniture is needed ...

And for cows?

Wait with the cows, there are no glasses. And make a budget for the year.

It's embarrassing, it wouldn't hurt to see it earlier.

I already looked… well, you better see me? Come on, that's all.

Well, good, - I said with relief, because at that moment there was nothing more terrible for me than the rooms of the Gubernia Economic Council.

Here is a good guy! - said the deputy governor. - Act! The thing is holy!

2. The inglorious beginning of the Gorky colony

Six kilometers from Poltava on sandy hills - two hundred hectares of pine forest, and along the edge of the forest - the highway to Kharkov, boringly gleaming with a clean cobblestone.

There is a clearing in the forest, about forty hectares. In one of its corners, five geometrically regular brick boxes are placed, which together make up a regular quadrangle. This is a new colony for offenders.

The sandy platform of the courtyard descends into a wide forest clearing, to the reeds of a small lake, on the other side of which there are wattle fences and huts of a kulak farm. Far behind the farm, a row of old birches is drawn in the sky, and two or three more thatched roofs. That's all.

Before the revolution, there was a colony of juvenile delinquents. In 1917, she fled, leaving behind very few pedagogical traces. Judging by these traces, preserved in tattered journals, diaries, the main teachers in the colony were uncles, probably retired non-commissioned officers, whose duty it was to follow every step of the pupils both during work and during rest, and sleep next to each other at night. with them in the next room. According to the stories of the peasant neighbors, it could be judged that the uncles' pedagogy was not particularly difficult. Its external expression was such a simple projectile as a stick.

The material traces of the old colony were even smaller. The closest neighbors of the colony transported and transferred to their own storages, called comoros and kluni, everything that could be expressed in material units: workshops, pantries, furniture. Among all good things, even an orchard was taken out. However, in all this history there was nothing resembling vandals. The garden was not cut down, but dug out and re-planted somewhere, the windows in the houses were not broken, but carefully removed, the doors were not planted with an angry ax, but were removed from their hinges in a businesslike manner, the stoves were taken apart like bricks. Only the cupboard in the director's former apartment remained in place.

Why is the closet left? I asked my neighbor, Luka Semyonovich Verkhola, who had come from the farm to look at the new owners.

So, it means that we can say that our people do not need this locker. Take it apart - you yourself see what happened to it? And it can be said that he will not enter the hut - both in height and across himself too ...

In the sheds in the corners, a lot of scrap was piled up, but there were no useful items. On fresh footsteps, I managed to recover some valuables stolen in the most recent days. These were: an ordinary old seeder, eight carpentry workbenches, barely standing on their feet, a horse - a gelding, once a Kigiz - at the age of thirty years and a copper bell.

In the colony, I already found the caretaker Kalina Ivanovich. He greeted me with a question:

Will you be the head of the pedagogical department?

I soon established that Kalina Ivanovich expressed himself with a Ukrainian accent, although he did not recognize the Ukrainian language in principle. There were many Ukrainian words in his dictionary, and he always pronounced "g" in a southern manner. But in the word "pedagogical" for some reason he pressed so hard on the literary Great Russian "r" that he succeeded, perhaps, even too strongly.

Will you be the head of the pedagogical department?

Why? I am the head of the colony ...

No, - he said, taking the pipe out of his mouth, - you will be the head of the pedagogical department, and I will be the head of the economic department.

Imagine Vrubel's "Pan", already completely bald, with only small remnants of hair above his ears. Shave off Pan's beard, and cut his mustache like a bishop. Give him a pipe in the teeth. It will no longer be Pan, but Kalina Ivanovich Serdyuk. He was extremely difficult for such a simple matter as managing the economy of a children's colony. Behind him was at least fifty years of various activities. But only two eras were his pride: in his youth he was a hussar of the Life Guards of Her Majesty's Keksgolmsky Regiment, and in the eighteenth year he was in charge of the evacuation of the city of Mirgorod during the German offensive.

Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Pedagogical poem

With devotion and love

our boss, friend and teacher

M a k s i m u G o r k o m u


1. Conversation with the head of the regional administration

In September 1920, the head of the provincial people's department summoned me to his office and said:

That's what, brother, I heard you swear a lot there ... that's what they gave your labor school this very thing ... the provincial economic council ...

Yes, how not to swear? Here you will not only scold - you will howl: what kind of labor school is there? Smokey, dirty! Does it look like a school?

Yes... It would be the same for you: to build a new building, put up new desks, then you would be engaged. It’s not in buildings, brother, it’s important to educate a new person, but you, teachers, sabotage everything: the building is not like that, and the tables are not like that. You don't have this very ... fire, you know, such a revolutionary one. Your pants are out!

I just don't have a run.

Well, you’re out of your mind… You’re lousy intellectuals!.. So I’m looking, I’m looking, it’s such a big deal: these tramps are divorced, boys - you can’t walk down the street, and they climb into apartments. They tell me: this is your business, the people's education organization... Well?

What about "well"?

Yes, this is the same thing: no one wants, to whom I say - with their hands and feet, they will slaughter, they say. You should have this cabinet, books ... Put on your glasses ...

I laughed.

Look, the glasses are already in the way!

The head of the regional administration angrily pricked me with his small black eyes and from under his Nietzsche mustache he spewed blasphemy against all our pedagogical brethren. But he was wrong, this head of the regional administration.

Now listen to me...

Well, what "listen"? Well, what can you say? You will say: if only it were the same as in America! I recently read a little book on this occasion - slipped it. Reformers... or whatever, stop! Aha! Reformatoriums. Well, we don't have that yet. (Reformatoriums - institutions for the re-education of juvenile delinquents in some cap countries; children's prisons).

No, you listen to me.

Well, I'm listening.

After all, even before the revolution, they coped with these tramps. There were colonies of juvenile delinquents ...

It's not the same, you know... Before the revolution, it's not the same.

Right. So, you need to make a new person in a new way.

In a new way, you are right.

And no one knows how.

And don't you know?

And I don't know.

But I have this very thing ... there are those in the provincial government who know ...

And they don't want to get down to business.

They don't want to, bastards, you're right.

And if I take it, they will kill me from the world. Whatever I do, they'll say it's wrong.

The bitches will say, you're right.

And you believe them, not me.

I won’t believe them, I’ll say: it would be better to take it ourselves!

So what if I really messed up?

The head of the regional administration slammed his fist on the table:

Why are you telling me: I'll mess it up, I'll mess it up! Well, you mess up! What do you want from me? What I don't understand, right? Confuse, but you need to do the job. It will be visible there. The most important thing, this is the most ... not some kind of colony of juvenile delinquents, but, you understand, social education ... We need such a person, here ... our man! You do it. Anyway, everyone needs to learn. And you will learn. It's good that you said to your face: I don't know. Well, good.

Is there a place? Buildings are still needed.

Have a brother. Great place. Just there and there was a colony of juvenile delinquents. Not far away - six versts. It’s good there: a forest, a field, you will breed cows ...

And now I'll take people out of your pocket. Maybe give you a car?


There is money. Here, get it.

He pulled out a packet from a drawer.

One hundred and fifty million. This is for every organization. repairs there, what furniture is needed ...

And for cows?

Wait with the cows, there are no glasses. And make a budget for the year.

It's embarrassing, it wouldn't hurt to see it earlier.

I already looked… well, you better see me? Come on, that's all.

Well, good, - I said with relief, because at that moment there was nothing more terrible for me than the rooms of the Gubernia Economic Council.

Here is a good guy! - said the deputy governor. - Act! The thing is holy!

2. The inglorious beginning of the Gorky colony

Six kilometers from Poltava on sandy hills - two hundred hectares of pine forest, and along the edge of the forest - the highway to Kharkov, boringly gleaming with a clean cobblestone.

To the 130th anniversary of the birth of Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888–1939)

With devotion and love to our boss, friend and teacher Maxim Gorky

© S. S. Nevskaya, compilation, introductory article, notes, comments, 2018

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2018

From the compiler
"The poem of my life..."

Before you, dear reader, is an amazing book - “Pedagogical Poem”, carefully reading which you penetrate into the depths of consciousness of Anton Semenovich Makarenko, a subtle connoisseur of human psychology, whose scale of personality evokes a deep sense of respect.

In 2016, the Pedagogical Poem turned 80, a separate edition of which in three parts appeared in 1936. The Poem has an unusual ten-year history of creation, but before revealing this story, let us turn to the little-known pages of the biography of A. S. Makarenko - the great teacher of the twentieth century.

Pages of life and work of A. S. Makarenko

A. S. Makarenko was born on March 13 (1 according to the old style) March 1888 in the city of Belopolye (now the Sumy region of Ukraine).

Brother, Vitaly Semenovich, recalled that his father, Semyon Grigorievich, worked in railway workshops (master molar). The orphan childhood left its mark on the father's character: "he was always a little withdrawn, rather silent, with a slight touch of sadness." Semyon Grigorievich was born in Kharkov, where they spoke the most beautiful Russian language.

Mother, Tatyana Mikhailovna, “and even more so did not know the “Ukrainian language” - her relatives were from the Oryol province.” “Her father, Mikhail Dergachev, served as a small official in the Kryukovsky commissariat and had a pretty decent house in Kryukov. Mother came from the nobility, but from an impoverished noble family.

There were four children in the family of S. G. Makarenko: the eldest daughter Alexander, the eldest son Anton, the youngest - Vitaly and the youngest daughter Natasha, who died in childhood from a serious illness. Tatyana Mikhailovna was a caring mother and hostess.

Vitaly Makarenko admitted that the family was patriarchal, like most families in that era. “Father every morning and every evening performed a short prayer in front of the icon. In Belopolye, he was even a church warden. The characters of the parents were different, but both father and mother were calm. Mom was a joker, all permeated with Ukrainian humor, who noticed the funny side of people.

Semyon Grigorievich wrote freely, subscribed to the newspaper and the Niva magazine. The appendices to the magazine contained in a strict order; “there were complete collections of works by A. Chekhov, Danilevsky, Korolenko, Kuprin, and from foreign writers ... Bjornstern Bjornson, S. Lagerlöf, Maupassant, Cervantes and others.”

His father taught his eldest son Anton to read at the age of five. Vitaly Semenovich in his memoirs emphasized that Anton “possessed a colossal memory, and his ability to assimilate was, directly, unlimited. It can be said without exaggeration that at that time he, of course, was the most educated person in Kryukov for all 10 thousand of the population. He read books on philosophy, sociology, astronomy, natural science, art criticism, "but, of course, most of all he read works of art, where he read literally everything, from Homer to Hamsun and Maxim Gorky."

According to his brother, Anton Semenovich was especially fond of Russian history. Vitaly Semenovich remembered the names of famous historians: Klyuchevsky, Platonov, Kostomarov, Milyukov; read "History of Ukraine" by Grushevsky, Schilder's books "Alexander I", "Nicholas I".

From general history, Vitaly recalled, he was interested in the history of Rome (“he read all the ancient Roman historians”), as well as the history of the French Revolution, “on which he read several works, of which a rather solid one in 3 volumes, translated from French ( "French Revolution") - I do not remember the name of the author.

By the number of books read by young Anton, Vitaly noted, philosophy was next (“I was especially fond of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer”). “He was also greatly impressed by the works of V. Solovyov and E. Renard and the book by Otto Weininger “Sex and Character”. The appearance of this last book at that time was a real literary event. I read literally everything that appeared on the book market from fiction. “The indisputable“ idols ”of this era were Maxim Gorky and Leonid Andreev, and from foreign writers - Knut Hamsun. This was followed by Kuprin, Veresaev, Chirikov, Skitales, Serafimovich, Artsybashev, Sologub, Merezhkovsky, Averchenko, Naydenov, Surguchev, Teffi and others. From the poets A. Blok, Bryusov, Balmont, Fofanov, Gippius, Gorodetsky and others. besides Hamsun, I will name: G. Ibsen, A. Strindberg, O. Wilde, D. London, G. Hauptmann, B. Kellerman, G. D'Annunzio, A. France, M. Maeterlinck, E. Rostand and many others " . "Anton read attentively, amazingly quickly, without missing anything, and it was completely useless to argue with him about literature." He did not miss the collections “Knowledge”, “Rosehip”, “Alcyone”, subscribed to the magazine “Russian wealth”, the St. Petersburg satirical magazine “Satyricon” and the Moscow newspaper “Russian Word”, bought illustrated magazines “Capital and Estate”, “World of Art”. He did not keep books and collections, "Anton's entire library consisted of 8 volumes of Klyuchevsky -" The Course of Russian History ", and 22 volumes of the Great Encyclopedia, which he bought on credit in 1913."

In 1901, the family of S. G. Makarenko moved to Kryukov. In 1904, the eldest son Anton graduated with honors from the Kremenchug 4-class city school, and in 1905 - pedagogical courses with him. And from the age of 17 he worked as a teacher, first at the Kryukov 2-class railway elementary school, then at the railway school at the Dolinskaya station (1911–1914).

The work of A. S. Makarenko at the Dolinsk Railway School was observed by the people's teacher L. Stepanchenko. He recalled: "A. S. Makarenko was only three years older than me, but with his erudition he surprised and at first downright oppressed me. (...) Having found a literary vacuum in my head, he advises me to read Leskov, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, Balzac, Jack London, Gorky ... ". And further: “Student love for him was universal. And no wonder: he was with the children all the time. Autumn and spring - a ball, towns, a rope-constriction. Fun, laughter, and cheerfulness! And everywhere he organizes, having fun with the guys. Winter - student evenings: interesting, colorfully decorated, with a lot of participants.

In 1914, at the age of 27, A. S. Makarenko entered the Poltava Teachers' Institute. In October 1916 he was drafted into the army and sent as a private to Kyiv. In the spring of 1917, he was removed from the military register due to myopia. In the same year he graduated from the teacher's institute with a gold medal, and from September 9, 1917, he taught for a short time at the exemplary school at the Poltava Institute. After the revolution, A. S. Makarenko headed the Kryukov railway school.

With the advent of Denikin's army in Kryukov in 1919, Anton Semenovich returned to Poltava, where he received the post of head of the second city primary school named after Kurakin. Since the autumn of 1919, A. S. Makarenko was a member of the board of the city trade union of teachers of Russian schools, was elected deputy head of the department of labor colonies at the Poltava governorate.

The events of the Civil War also affected the Makarenko family. His father died back in 1916, and his brother Vitaly, a lieutenant, was forced to emigrate (without his wife and child) in 1920. A. S. Makarenko’s decision to change work with ordinary children to work with juvenile offenders may have been caused by difficult problems. Anton Semenovich started working in a colony in the town of Triby, 6 km from Poltava.

For some time (from 1922) the brothers corresponded. V. S. Makarenko from memory (the letters burned down) restored one of Anton Semenovich’s letters: ““... Mom lives with me. She is very sad for you and sometimes calls me Vitya. She has grown old, but is still very cheerful and is now reading the 3rd volume of Tolstoy's "War and Peace...". “... After your departure, our house was plundered, what is called to the skin. They not only took away the furniture, but even took away the firewood and coal in the shed…”. “... I am terribly sorry that you are not with me. We have a lot of philistines and terribly few enthusiasts…”. “…I think it’s too early for you to return to your homeland. The raging sea has not yet completely calmed down ... ".

So, in 1920, A.S. Makarenko took over the leadership of an orphanage for juvenile delinquents near Poltava, which later became known as the children's labor colony named after. M. Gorky (1920–1928). This period of his life and work is depicted in the Pedagogical Poem. He began writing the first part of the “Poem” (“Gorky History”) in 1925. Since that year, Anton Semenovich and his colonists corresponded with their boss Alexei Maksimovich Gorky.

Even after graduating from the Poltava Teachers' Institute, A. S. Makarenko made an attempt to enter Moscow University, but he, as he had already received a state scholarship, was refused (it was necessary to work out the prescribed time). In 1922, Anton Semenovich fulfilled his dream and became a student at the Moscow Central Institute of Organizers of Public Education. E. A. Litkens. An inexhaustible thirst for knowledge haunted the teacher all his life. Here is what he wrote at that time in the document “Instead of a colloquium”:

«… Story- my favorite subject. I know Klyuchevsky and Pokrovsky almost by heart. I read Solovyov several times. He is well acquainted with the monographs of Kostomarov and Pavlov-Silvansky. I know non-Russian history from the works of Vipper, Alandsky, Petrushevsky, Kareev. Generally speaking, all the literature on history available in Russian is known to me. I am especially interested in feudalism in all its historical and sociological manifestations. Perfectly familiar with the era of the French Revolution. I know Homeric Greece after studying the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Sociology, besides the sociological studies of these historical writers, he is familiar with the special works of Spencer, M. Kovalevsky and Dengraf, as well as with F. de Coulange and de Roberty. From sociology, studies on the origin of religion, on feudalism, are best known.

In area political economy and the history of socialism studied Tugan-Baranovsky and Zheleznov. Marx read individual works, but he did not read Capital, except in the exposition. I am well acquainted with the works of Mikhailovsky, Lafargue, Maslov, Lenin.

Politically, he is non-partisan. I consider socialism possible in the most beautiful forms of human community, but I believe that until a strong foundation of scientific psychology, especially collective psychology, is placed under sociology, the scientific development of socialist forms is impossible, and without scientific substantiation, perfect socialism is impossible. ( The text in italics is not included in the Pedagogical works of A. S. Makarenko. – S. N. )

Logic I know very well from Chelpanov, Minto and Troitsky.

I read everything that is available in Russian, in psychology. In the colony, he himself organized an office for psychological observations and experiments, but he is deeply convinced that the science of psychology must be created first.

The most valuable thing that has been done so far in psychology, I consider the work of Petrazhitsky. I read many of his writings, but I could not read Essays on the Theory of Law.

I consider individual psychology non-existent - the fate of our Lazursky convinced me most of all of this. Regardless of the above, I love psychology, I believe that the future belongs to it.

With philosophy sign is very unsystematic. Read Locke, Critique of Pure Reason [Kant], Schopenhauer, Stirner, Nietzsche and Bergson. Of the Russians, he studied Solovyov very conscientiously. I know about Hegel from presentations.

I love graceful literature. Most of all I revere Shakespeare, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Hamsun. I feel the enormous power of Tolstoy, but I don't like, I can't stand Dickens. From the latest literature I know and understand Gorky and Al. N. Tolstoy. In the field of literary images, I had to think a lot, and therefore I was able to independently establish their assessment and make a comparison. In Poltava, I had to work quite successfully on compiling a questionnaire for individual works of literature. I think I have the (small) ability of a literary critic.

About your specialty - pedagogy I read a lot and thought a lot. At the Teachers' Institute, he received a gold medal for his large essay "The Crisis of Modern Pedagogy", on which he worked for 6 months.

On November 11, 1922, A. S. Makarenko, a student, delivers a report “Hegel and Feuerbach”, and on November 27 he writes a statement: “As a result of the messages I received from pupils and educators of the Poltava labor colony for morally defective, which I organized and led in within two years, I consider myself obliged to immediately return to the colony in order to stop the process of disintegration of the colony in time. Gubsotsvos also telegraphed me about my return ... ".

Thus, I had to study only from October 14 to November 27. Because of the discord in the colony. M. Gorky Anton Semenovich left his studies and returned to Poltava. The teacher not only managed to improve the life of the colony, but also turned it into an exemplary one. In 1926, the colony named after. M. Gorky was transferred to Kuryazh (near Kharkov).

Since 1927, A.S. Makarenko combined work in the colony with the organization of the children's labor commune. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1928, he was forced to leave the colony. M. Gorky. Until 1932, Makarenko was the head, and from 1932 to 1935. - head of the pedagogical department of the commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

In 1934, A. S. Makarenko was admitted to the Writers' Union. In 1932–1936 with the support of M. Gorky, the works of art by A. S. Makarenko were published: “The March of 30”, “Pedagogical Poem”, the play “Major”.

In the summer of 1935, Anton Semenovich was recalled from the commune to Kyiv, having been appointed deputy head of the Department of Labor Colonies of the NKVD of Ukraine, where he led the educational department. But even in the new position, the teacher took over (concurrently) the leadership of the colony of juvenile delinquents No. 5 in Brovary near Kiev.

At the beginning of 1937, A. S. Makarenko moved to Moscow, devoting himself to literary and social pedagogical activities. In 1937–1939 his works were published: “A Book for Parents” (j. Krasnaya Nov, 1937, No. 710), the story “Honor” (j. Oktyabr, 1937, No. 11–12, 1938, No. 56), “Flags on towers” ​​(“Krasnaya Nov”, 1938, No. 6,7,8), articles, essays, reviews, etc.

January 30, 1939 A. S. Makarenko was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor "for outstanding successes and achievements in the development of Soviet fiction."

April 1, 1939 Anton Semenovich Makarenko died suddenly of a heart attack. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

The heart of an unsurpassed master teacher, the subtlest psychologist, a talented writer, screenwriter, playwright, and literary critic stopped beating.

During his short life, A. S. Makarenko accomplished his main feat: he gave a start in life to former juvenile delinquents, educated them, introduced them to culture, gave them an education, taught them to be happy! He became their father!

Even during the life of Anton Semenovich, representatives of the pedagogical "Olympus", watching his pupils, said: « They recruited good children, dressed and show. You take the real homeless!”

The teacher replied to such remarks: “Before everything turned upside down in these heads, they began to consider drunkenness, theft and brawl in an orphanage as signs of the success of educational work and the merit of its leaders ... That which was a direct result of reason, practicality, simple love for children, finally, the result of many efforts and my own hard labor, what was supposed to follow in a stunningly convincing way from the correctness of the organization and prove this correctness - all this was declared simply not to exist. A properly organized children's team, obviously, seemed such an impossible miracle that they simply did not believe in it, even when they observed it in real life ... Briefly, I noted in my mind that, by all indications, I had no hope of convincing the Olympians that I was right. It was now clear that the more brilliant the successes of the colony and the commune, the brighter would be the enmity and hatred towards me and my cause. In any case, I realized that my stake on the argumentation of experience was beaten: experience was declared not only non-existent, but also impossible in reality.

These lines are taken from the manuscript of the 14th chapter of the third part of the Pedagogical Poem, but, like other statements, replicas, skits, and even entire chapters, the book was excluded during the first editions and restored only in the new edition of 2003. A.S. Makarenko wrote: “This is a poem of my whole life, which, although poorly reflected in my story, nevertheless seems to me to be something“ sacred ”.

Before the Poem appeared in print, he managed to publish March of 1930 and write the story FD 1, which was not published during his lifetime and, therefore, was partially lost. The first editor of Anton Semenovich, Yuri Lukin, wrote: “The March of 1930 was a kind of literary experiment by A. S. Makarenko. After this experience was crowned with success unexpected for the modest author, a new, also experimental in the same sense, work “PD 1” was created ... The book “PD 1” was not published at that time. Her manuscript, unfortunately, survived only partially ... This is about half of the manuscript. “FD 1”, in fact, continues the narrative of the “March of the 30th year”. This shows a new stage in the labor education of the Communards, more precisely, the transition from labor education to production education.

The history of the creation of the "Pedagogical poem"

"Pedagogical poem" A. S. Makarenko was created for 10 years. Anton Semenovich himself called the beginning of work on the book 1925. However, he had to write in rare moments of rest. The teacher was not just the head of the colony. M. Gorky. He is its creator, brain, soul! The colonists among themselves called their foreman "Anton". Makarenko's colleague and friend K.S. Kononenko recalled that, having gone to work in the Dzerzhinsky commune in March 1932, he did not find Makarenko there (he was on vacation). But it was precisely his absence that particularly sharply made clear the significance of A. S. Makarenko for the commune. The air of the commune was saturated with the name "Anton", everywhere and on every occasion they uttered this word. “And there was something in this that involuntarily attracted attention ... Here in the word “Anton” there was something immeasurably greater ... there was so much respect, artless enthusiasm, so much warmth ...”. So it was in the commune in the 1930s, but so it was in the colony in the 1920s: sons' love, respect, enthusiasm. The colonists saw in him a father - strict, demanding and fair.

In 1927, sharp changes took place in the life of A.S. Makarenko. His pedagogical system did not suit the pedagogical "Olympus", but he categorically refused any changes in his work. It was at this difficult time for him that the decision to create his own family came. The meeting with Galina Stakhievna Salko turned his whole life upside down: in those difficult years she became his guiding star, his muse. They met when Galina Stakhievna was 34 years old, and Anton Semenovich was 39 years old. G. S. Salko - Chairman of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs of the Kharkov Regional Executive Committee. A. S. Makarenko fell in love with this woman, completely trusted her. In the most difficult (lost the colony) and happy (fell in love) year of his life, he wrote letters to “his muse” about his love, about his anxieties and plans. So, on October 3, 1928, he admitted:

“... I think about how, according to some unexpected, some new law, two huge things happened in my life: I fell in love with you and I lost the Gorky colony. I think about these two things a lot and intensely. I want my life to continue to revolve around a new mysterious axis, as it has been revolving for the second year now.

There has never been anything like it in my life. It's not that I failed or succeeded. There have been successes and failures in my life before, but they were logical, they were connected by steel cords with all the existing laws of life and, especially, with my own laws and habits. I used to stand on the firm position of a firm person who knows his worth, and the value of his work, and the value of every mongrel who barks at this work ... It seemed to me that my life contained the most cheerful, smartest, most socially valuable philosophy of a real person.

How many years was this story of mine created? I had already approached old age, I was deeply convinced that I had found the most perfect form of inner freedom and inner strength, strength, at the same time, completely invulnerable in all the splendor of its calmness.

But the year 27 came, and in just two weeks everything flew to dust.

The caring attitude of A. S. Makarenko towards G. S. Salko and her son Leva was reflected in the correspondence. In a letter dated October 10, 1928, he resolutely insisted on entrusting his son to him: “I’m saying straight out: Lev must be taken from his current environment, otherwise he will turn out to be a semi-literate amateur and a Soviet official who treats everything with non-binding irony. Isn't it true? What can Leva lose in the commune? The most dangerous thing to talk about is education. But what? Isn't that what is given in our seven-year plans? We will give him a completely new and interesting world: production, machines, skills, dexterity and confidence. In the field of literacy, excuse me, Sunny, but our current fifth group, where Lyova will fall, is much more literate than him, I judge by his letters ... In a word, I take Lyova and it's over ... "

In July 1927, Galina Stakhievna presented her photograph to Anton Semenovich (photo taken in 1914). A. S. Makarenko framed the photo, and on the back he made the following inscription: “It happens with a person: a person lives, lives in the world and gets used to earthly life so much that he sees nothing ahead except the Earth. And suddenly he finds ... a month. Here is such as "on the back of this." A month, with calm surprise, looking both at Man and at the Earth. To a clear month, a person sends a new hello, not at all like what happens on Earth. A. Makarenko. 5/7 1927". This photograph was on his desk.

And five days later, Anton Semenovich writes a letter in which he reveals to a loved one his inner world, which he always protected from others, following the words of his beloved poet Tyutchev "be silent, hide and conceal your thoughts and dreams":

“It's 11 o'clock now. I have driven out the last hunter to use my pedagogical talents, and alone I enter the temple of my secret. In the temple there is an altar on which I want to spread the whole world. Yes, it's the whole world. If you have read scholarly books, you should know that the world fits very comfortably into each individual mind. Please, do not think that such a world is very small. My world is several myriad times larger than the Flamarion universe and, in addition, it lacks many unnecessary things of the Flamarion world, such as: the African continent, the star Sirius, or alpha Canis Major, all sorts of mountains and mountain formations, stones and soils, the Arctic Ocean and much more other. And on the other hand, in my world there are many such objects that no astronomer will catch and change with the help of his best tubes and glasses ... "

The letter ends with these words:

“I still know that it is not given to me to invent the law of my love, that I am in the power of her elements and that I must submit. And I know that I will be able to reverently bear the cross of my feelings, that I will be able to solemnly decay and disappear with all my talents and principles, that I will be able to carefully bury my personality and my love in eternity. Maybe for this you need to talk and talk, or maybe hide in a corner and be silent, or maybe, having accelerated, smash yourself against the stone wall of Sotsvos, or maybe just live. "All good." But what I absolutely must do is to thank you for the fact that you live in the world, and for the fact that you did not pass by an accident - me. For the fact that you have adorned my life with confusion and greatness, humility and takeoff. For allowing me to climb a mountain and see the world. The world is wonderful."

In another letter, Anton Semenovich makes another confession, revealing and exposing his inner world:

“Every word now spoken or written seems to me blasphemy, but to remain silent and look into the black depths of loneliness is unbearable. Every moment today is loneliness. (...) I stand in front of my world created by me in seven years of tension, as in front of an unnecessary toy. There is so much of my own here that I don’t have the strength to throw it away, but it is suddenly broken, and I don’t need to fix it anymore.

Today I don't recognize myself in the colony. I do not have the simplicity and sincerity of the labor movement - I walk among the guys with my secret, and I understand that it is dearer to me than they are, than all that I have been building for seven years. I am like a guest in the colony.

I have always been a realist. And now I soberly realize that my colonial period must be ended, because I am forged anew by someone. I need to rebuild my life so that I do not feel like a traitor to myself ... "

In his frank confession letters, A. S. Makarenko not only reveals his soul and heart, he conveys in them his “reverent awe before the gift of fate”: the unexpected happiness of loving and being loved. From now on, Anton Semenovich will argue that a person needs to be brought up happy, this happiness (responsibility for one's own and others' happiness) is in the hands of every person.

Ten months later - May 1928 - the Gorky period of his life will break against the "stone wall" of the socialist community. In a letter (on the night of May 12-13) to Galina Stakhievna, Anton Semenovich says: “The teachers' council has just ended, at which I announced my resignation. We decided that our teachers' council does not leave its candidate for head. In general, most will probably leave in the coming months. I actually gathered a teachers' council in order to establish a common tactic in relation to the pupils. I want my care to be painless. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that there are no petitions or deputations for my return. This vulgarity would only lead to new insults to me and the colony. The mood of our teachers is not even depressed, but simply crazy, nevertheless, everyone unanimously approves of my decision, it is obvious to everyone that there could be no other solution.

In this difficult time, A. S. Makarenko shared his writing dreams with G. S. Salko: “In general: to write a book, then only such as to immediately become the center of public attention, wrap human thought around you and say the right strong word yourself” . These words turned out to be prophetic - the poem of his whole life is born!

So, the goal was set high, but the path to it turned out to be long and thorny.

In the general plan of the "Pedagogical Poem", compiled in 1930-1931, A. S. Makarenko indicated that the background for the proposed 4 parts of the book is the development of the Russian revolution.

On background of the first part it was planned to repel “the last thunders of the civil war. Banditry, Makhnovshchina, the dying remnants of the old philistinism and the old intelligentsia, the pathos of victory and destruction ... " Second part- the period of the first NEP: “open shops and shop windows. Vodka. Earnings of workers and improvement of the peasantry. The peasants are building. Peasant weddings. It smells of something pre-revolutionary ... ". Background of the third part: “The time of right and left deviations and oppositions. A time of new crises and trials, a time of gradual, slow death from suffocation of all kinds of Nepmen and private traders, a time of many kinds of confusion and incomprehension of where to lay one's head and who to vote for. The time of manifestation of all servility and decay ... ". Background of the fourth part: “a feverish restructuring of social ranks towards a new pathos of collective work. At the expanded pace of the new construction, precisely those motives are brought in that the colony has insisted on all the time. These include: collective competition, greater awareness of the collective about its own movement, great interest in the organic structure of the collective, great interest in the role of the individual in the collective, and, most importantly, a great upsurge and greater demand from the individual. The Five-Year Plan and industrialization must by no means be shown as undoubted magnitudes. On the contrary, many characters in the novel can and should doubt the correctness of individual details. In this part there should be more new people, new builders, new energies and definitely more workers - they all represent one side of society, but the other side remains alive - the side of irresponsible pests-talkers and blind little men. And it is still not entirely clear which side will win, but it is quite clear that victory will be decided only by the quality of the human composition, and the entire last part is under the sign of a revision, or at least attempts to revise this composition. This includes any purge, and new ways of selection, and new ideas in the economy of the human collective. In particular, this is reflected in disputes about the labor exchange, the importance of the trade union, and so on. The chatterers, of course, resist, and they also take part in the very human revision.

In general terms, the “Pedagogical Poem”, as in a mirror, reflects the ten-year history of the young Land of Soviets. But A. S. Makarenko does not stop there. He gives wonderful team development sketch, which was created by the power of his thought and will. Against the background of the first part“in the same chaotic and somewhat stupid order, a colony of offenders is formed”, “the first bonds of the collective are formed, mainly under the pressure of will and appeal, under the pressure of violence.” Gradually, “the first movements of the new team are visible”, the “first human pride” appears. Against the background of the second part“The collective of the colony is growing stronger and richer, the collective of the colony is acquiring culture, the restoration is over, peace with the villagers, the theater. The formation of the Komsomol. The kids are getting energy. Glory rumbles about the colony. Closely in the provincial outback, old people are growing up, workers stand out, weddings, workers' faculty members have appeared. There is no split in the colony, but a living division into petty-bourgeois, striving for their own earnings and retaining the collective pathos of a common aspiration. Finding an exit. Dream, island, Zaporozhye, Courage. These dreams cannot be understood by the dangling intelligentsia. On background of the third chapter"the internal boiling of the energy of the colony pours out in its broad offensive on the sea of ​​slovenliness and dirt, what is called the labor corps." “The inner pathos of the colony dissolves into a petty struggle. Within itself, an exhausted colony meets blows less steadfastly than one might expect. The abundance of the new anarchist people makes the efforts of the old part of little fruit, but the struggle continues with stubbornness. Lots of visits, revisions, gossip, meetings. The economic life of the colony still goes on in its own way, and the colony even embarks on very risky business. The workshops are expanding, the colony is preparing to receive the chief, but at this time it is dealt the final blow. The retreat of the main part and cadres to the GPU commune begins. Against the background of the fourth In part, the line of development of the colony's collective is depicted as follows: “The so-called emerald continues to live a healthy and joyful life, but this rest for the combat team must already be completed. Old members of the team appear, some of them are workers, others are graduating from high school. Many of them have itchy hands for a new big job. The work of the commune is covered by broad production plans. New “productive” ideas in education and old habitual sympathies for the cheerful discipline of the team. The commune must die as a temporary mobilization haven for the collective. The novel ends with the collection of old and new members of the team, who have grown up and improved ... for a new big and difficult job. The emerald remains in the hands of the younger team and new believers, remains as a beautiful memory.”

Evidence of sincere friendship: Memoirs of K. S. Kononenko about A. S. Makarenko. - Marburg, 1997. P.2.

You taught me to cry... (correspondence of A. S. Makarenko with his wife. 1927-1939). In 2 vols. - Vol. 1 / Compilation and comments by G. Hillig and S. Nevskaya. - M .: Publishing Center "Vityaz", 1994. S. 120-122.

Makarenko A.S. Pedagogical poem / Comp., entry. st., note, comment. S. Nevskaya. – M.: ITRK, 2003. S. 686.

The work "Pedagogical Poem" is a pearl of Soviet literature, in the content of which it describes the model of educating a full-fledged citizen of society. The poem is autobiographical in nature, where the characters and places are real. The main idea of ​​the work is to educate the younger generation through the collective consciousness.

Actions begin in the 20s of the 20th century with the fact that the hero of the work creates a colony for homeless children and juvenile delinquents. The protagonist tried to create discipline in the colony, but her first pupils were out of control. After a couple of months of the life of the colony, the situation changed when Makarenko himself hit the child in front of the pupils, after which the colony had its own rules and laws. The discipline in the colony grows, and the pupils grow up, a team begins to form in the colony.

A special part of the work is the moment of the creation of patrol units by pupils guarding the streets of the city. Homeless criminals begin to feel their importance and become full members of society, able to benefit the public. The team is getting stronger, friendships are established among the guys and moral qualities are growing.

Soon the colony moves to a no-man's estate, where pupils organize agriculture and blacksmithing, and play in the theater in the evenings. A semblance of infrastructure and new working specialties appear, and the colony itself becomes part of a large family.

Despite the rapid development of the colony, Makarenko is forced to leave under the yoke of power. Despite this, the work of the author made a great impression and found a lot of followers. Thanks to the colony, more than three thousand street children were able to become full members of society, and Makarenko himself became a symbol of the important work of teachers.

Picture or drawing Makarenko - Pedagogical poem

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