Tablets from the back mydocalm. Mydocalm relieves back pain in osteochondrosis. Indications for the use of Mydocalm, what treats and what the drug helps with

Many people suffer. Reduction of pain associated with spasms of the transverse muscles of the back occurs under the action of the drug Mydocalm. Course therapy helps to relieve enslaved reflective muscles and minimizes the effects of spasm.

Doctors explain what the danger of spasm is. It is a source of soreness, reduces muscle fibers. The list of serious consequences does not end there.

The danger of spasm is the pressure on the blood vessels. As a result, blood flow is disrupted. This situation is aggravated with cervical osteochondrosis, cerebral circulation is subject to violation. In the future, parts of the brain are not fully supplied with oxygen and nutrients. If you use Mydocalm, then the development of unwanted complications can be excluded.

Also, muscle spasm leads to compression of the nerve roots. The patient experiences severe pain of a radiating nature. As a result, there is a violation of the functioning of the innervated injured fibers of the internal organs.

Indications for use

When diagnosing cervical osteochondrosis, regardless of localization, medical workers prescribe Mydocalm. It is effective for reflex, compression. The drug helps to eliminate muscle rigidity, pathologically increased tone. The effectiveness of taking the medication is manifested in a decrease in pain, a decrease in stiffness of movements.

The indication for treatment with a pharmaceutical preparation is the relaxation of skeletal muscles. It perfectly resists pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system: spondylosis, arthrosis of large vessels. It is also prescribed for cerebral palsy.

On the positive side, the drug shows itself with muscle spasms that occur as a result of neurological pathologies (myelopathy, multiple sclerosis and encephalomyelitis). Reception of drugs is prescribed after surgery for osteochondrosis.

General characteristics of the drug, its action, what is the main effect

Drugs are classified as muscle relaxants. The main effect is the ability to eliminate tension in the muscles. Its effect is manifested directly on the nerves, which increase muscle tone.

The effect of the drug is selective, which consists in reducing the excitability of muscle fibers. At the same time, nerve impulses are not inhibited, which allows the body to move. The effect of the drug is manifested in the expansion of blood vessels, improving blood flow, increasing lymph outflow.


The main active substance of the drug is tolperisone hydrochloride. In addition to it, additional components are included in the LAN. Among them are talc, lactose and others. The component of the solution is lidocaine.

Release forms


The drug is produced in tablet form. Their dosage is 50-150 mg. There are 30 pieces in a package. One pack is enough to complete a course of therapy.


In ampoules for injection there are 100 mg of the active substance. The box contains five ampoules.

Features of the drug to which attention should be paid

Pros and cons of the drug

The drug is characterized by positive properties. With it, you can adjust muscle tone without reducing the contractility of the muscles during movement.

Long-term use does not become a consequence of addiction, side effects. With combined treatment, it is possible to reduce the dose of NSAIDs. They adversely affect the human body if the course of treatment is a long period. The drug is provided for in the standard treatment regimen for the diagnosis of osteochondrosis.

Compatibility with other drugs

This pharmaceutical preparation is combined with other means of similar action. Doctors do not have data on the negative effects of the drug in therapy with others. The pharmaceutical preparation can be taken immediately with painkillers, sedatives and hypnotics. At the same time, it is worth having information that the drug enhances the effectiveness of niflumic acid.

The effectiveness of the therapy

After research conducted in the 70s. By Hungarian scientists, the drug is widely used in medical practice by doctors of various specialties, due to its ability to block muscle spasms. It blocks the posterior roots of the spinal cord, relieves the soreness of muscle spasms, preventing the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.


In pharmacies, the cost of packing 30 pieces of 50 mg tablets is from 350 rubles. A dose of 150 mg of a similar amount is sold at a price of 380 rubles. You can buy a package of ampoules of 1 ml of 5 pieces for 440 rubles.


Structural analogues, based on the active substance, are Kalmirex tabs, Mydocalm Richter, Tolizor and others. According to the therapeutic effect, the drug can be replaced with Aertal, Voltaren, Diklak and others.

One of the most popular analogues is myolgin, effective for muscle pain of various etiologies. It has antipyretic properties and fights migraines well. A potent remedy is sirdalud. Easy to use - just once a day. Tolperisone contributes to a decrease in muscle tone.

How to take, dosage, duration of the course

Doctors prescribe Mydocalm (50 mg) for adults three times a day. When there is a strong spasm and the disease is severe, the dose can be increased three times. Reception is three tablets three times a day after meals.

For children, drugs are prescribed in tablets of 50 mg. The daily dosage should be divided into three parts. Experts recommend adhering to the following scheme: patients who are under 6 years old - 5 mg per 1 kg of weight; for children from 7 to 14 years old - 2-4 mg per such indicator. When a child has difficulty swallowing a tablet, it is rubbed.

You can feel the effectiveness of the drug after forty minutes after use. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days. Intramuscular injections of 200 mg / day can be done 2 times. Intravenous are 100 mg per day.

The dosage of the drug is selected by the specialist according to the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The dose of drugs in the diagnosis is selected in accordance with the severity of the pathological processes occurring in the spine. The doctor also takes into account the age and concomitant chronic diseases of the patient.

Features during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis can undergo Mydocalm therapy only in serious cases. This rule applies to the first trimester. The drug is not recommended for lactation during the GV period. Studies of the effect of the drug in this period have not been conducted.


When diagnosed with osteochondrosis and other diseases, the drug should not be taken when there is a pronounced sensitivity to tolperisone. It is also contraindicated in allergic manifestations to lidocaine. The remedy is carefully prescribed in childhood. Babies who are under 1 year old should not be treated.



Data on drug overdoses are rare. Signs of an overdose may indicate dysfunction of the cerebellum, respiratory center, convulsions. There is no specific antidote.

What to do

Standard procedures should be carried out aimed at washing the gastrointestinal tract, taking enterosorbents. The treatment regimen is selected based on the symptoms. With symptoms of poisoning at home, you should seek help from a medical facility. Practice shows that in some cases the tablet form is absorbed better than injections.

Side effects

Therapy with a drug for osteochondrosis does not cause complications. If they appear, then the dose should be lowered. The data is based on a study of over 12,000 patients. Negative symptoms signal nausea, in some cases accompanied by vomiting.

Also, the patient begins to experience discomfort in the abdomen. He suffers from migraine, low blood pressure. Anxiety symptoms are manifested by muscle weakness, allergies (urticaria, erythema and bronchospasm). Negative symptoms are expressed with systematic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system.

For citation: Parfenov V.A. Back pain and their treatment with Mydocalm // RMJ. 2009. No. 4. S. 267

Back pain occupies one of the leading places among the reasons for seeking medical advice in outpatient practice. Pain is more often localized in the lumbosacral region, less often in the cervical or thoracic region. Acute back pain includes all cases in which the duration of pain does not exceed 6 weeks, subacute - pain from 6 to 12 weeks and chronic - pain from 12 weeks or more. Back pain causes enormous social and economic losses for society due to temporary disability.

Main causes of back pain
Back pain is most often of a muscular origin, it occurs due to muscle strain (for example, unprepared movement) or intense physical activity, which leads to trauma to the back muscles, their stretching, to tears of muscle and connective tissue fibers, especially at the points of muscle attachment.
Somewhat less often, back pain is caused by manifestations of osteochondrosis and (or) spondylarthrosis, usually accompanied by reflex muscle tension in the back muscles. Osteochondrosis of the spine includes degenerative lesions of the cartilage of the intervertebral disc with the formation of hernias and reactive changes in the bodies of adjacent vertebrae. Spondylarthrosis is a pathology of the intervertebral (facet) joints caused by degenerative-dystrophic changes or functional blockage of the synovial membrane. Pain due to trauma or muscle strain, as well as pathology of the intervertebral discs or joints, is often regarded as musculoskeletal pain.
Relatively rarely, back pain is caused by compression of the spinal root and its vessels (radiculopathy) due to herniation of the intervertebral disc in the posterior and posterolateral direction, the development of spondylarthrosis with hypertrophy of the intervertebral joints, or the formation of osteophytes.
Back pain can be caused by displacement of the vertebral bodies (spondylolisthesis), vertebral stenosis, instability of the spine, and osteoporosis, which is more common in menopausal women, complicated by a compression fracture of the spine. The causes listed above, which in the literature are usually regarded as mechanical, account for approximately 90-95% of all cases in outpatient practice.
In more rare cases, back pain is caused by a neoplasm affecting the spine (primary and metastatic tumors of the spine, multiple myeloma), syringomyelia, destruction of the vertebrae and damage to the nerve roots due to infectious processes (osteomyelitis, epiduritis), dysmetabolic disorders (hyperparathyroidism, Paget's disease), fractures spine and some other diseases. Back pain is possible with various somatic diseases (ischemic heart disease, diseases of the kidneys, pancreas and other organs) according to the mechanism of reflected pain.
In the development of chronic back pain, psychosocial factors, the development of depression and (or) anxiety disorder are of great importance, often chronic back pain is a long-term anxiety (somatoform) disorder.
Examination and diagnosis
for back pain
The basis of the diagnosis for back pain is a thorough examination of the patient, including clarification of complaints, history taking, somatic, neurological, manual and orthopedic examinations. Of great importance are manual and orthopedic examinations, which determine mobility in various parts of the spine, range of motion of the upper and lower extremities, the presence of local pain in the back and extremities, muscle tension and pain during their palpation.
When examining a patient with back pain, it is necessary to exclude dangerous diseases, sometimes hiding under the guise of musculoskeletal pathology. The symptoms of "danger" include the following clinical situations:
1) an atypical picture of the pain syndrome (lack of connection of pain with movements of the spine; unusual localization of pain);
2) a history of recent back injury or malignancy;
3) fever, symptoms of intoxication;
4) symptoms of dysfunction of the pelvic bones or lesions of the spinal cord or cauda equina roots;
5) signs of a mental illness, in which back pain can be its manifestation (somatoform disorder).
In most cases, the diagnosis of back pain is established on an outpatient basis on the basis of somatic, neurological, manual and orthopedic examinations, if they reveal a typical clinical picture of musculoskeletal pathology or radiculopathy in the absence of signs of a somatic, oncological or inflammatory disease.
For musculoskeletal pain in the lumbar (lumbalgia), cervical (cervicalgia) and thoracic region (thorocalgia), pain is characteristic that occurs after an awkward (unprepared) movement, intense physical or static load. The pains are usually aching in nature, aggravated by movement with the participation of the interested muscles and (or) parts of the spine, certain poses. The examination reveals limitation of mobility due to increased pain, muscle tension, pain on palpation of the muscles and / or the area of ​​the facet joints in the absence of paresis, sensitivity disorders and loss of reflexes.
Discogenic radiculopathy is characterized by sharp shooting pain in the cervical or lumbar region with spread to the fingers or toes. When examining a patient, in addition to changes found in musculoskeletal pathology, sensitive, reflex and, less commonly, motor disorders in the area of ​​the affected root are detected. The lower lumbar and first sacral roots are more often affected, less often the lower cervical and upper lumbar roots.
In most cases, acute back pain does not require additional examinations. If necessary, as additional methods of research, radiography of the spine in several projections, a general blood and urine test, computed x-ray tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine, densitometry, scintigraphy of the pelvic bones and spine are most often used as additional research methods.
X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or X-ray computed tomography (CT) of the spine should not be performed in all patients with back pain. X-ray of the spine is performed to exclude vertebral fractures, inflammatory changes (spondylitis), osteoporosis, primary and metastatic tumors, and other changes. The presence of osteochondrosis and / or spondyloarthrosis according to radiography is found in many middle-aged people and in most elderly patients. This does not rule out the presence of other causes of back pain and may lead to misdiagnosis. X-ray CT or MRI can detect herniated discs, determine their size and location, and detect spinal cord tumor, syringomyelia, and other changes. However, the presence of herniated discs on CT or MRI, especially small ones, does not exclude another cause of back pain and cannot be the basis of a clinical diagnosis.
Currently, many patients begin their examination not with a doctor's consultation, but with a CT or MRI of the spine. At the same time, the identification of herniated intervertebral discs can cause both a deterioration in their condition (due to an overestimation of the severity of their condition) and improper treatment, in which the “treatment of an intervertebral hernia” comes to the fore, and not the musculoskeletal pathology that actually exists in most patients.
In chronic back pain or frequently recurring back pain, it is important to assess the emotional state, identify increased anxiety and depression, “rental” attitudes to the disease, and psychosocial factors that contribute to the chronic course of back pain.
The course of non-specific pain
in back
In most cases, musculoskeletal pain (lumbodynia, cervicalgia, thorocalgia) disappear within a few days or 2-4 weeks, radiculopathy - within months, but in some cases they take a chronic course for years.
The chronic course of back pain can be facilitated by inadequate treatment of acute pain, prolonged bed rest in acute back pain, excessive limitation of physical activity, a "painful" personality type, low mood, and sometimes the patient's interest in long-term disability, aggravation of existing symptoms, or " rent" attitude to the disease.
Changes in the emotional sphere, various psychosocial factors are one of the common causes of chronic back pain. As psychosocial factors contributing to frequent exacerbations and chronic course of back pain, there is a desire to receive some kind of financial compensation in connection with the disease, fear of increased pain and deterioration during physical activity, hope for various passive methods of treatment (without increasing one's own physical activity). ), job dissatisfaction, depression and anxiety disorders.
Treatment of acute non-specific (musculoskeletal) back pain
Medical tactics for acute non-specific back pain is, on the one hand, to relieve pain and return the patient to an active lifestyle as quickly as possible, and, on the other hand, to prevent repeated exacerbations and chronic pain syndrome.
It is advisable to inform the patient about the benign nature of his disease and the high probability of its rapid resolution. It is necessary to avoid overexertion and excessive stress on the spine and muscles (for example, prolonged sedentary work). Bed rest is not recommended, on the contrary, it slows down recovery and negatively affects the patient's rehabilitation process, it is recommended to return to normal activities faster.
Analgesics (paracetamol), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and muscle relaxants are used to relieve pain. For acute pain, it is advisable to treat at home, without forcing the patient to visit the clinic for injections or physiotherapy, the benefits of which are doubtful.
For back pain, NSAIDs are often used, which have a good analgesic effect and a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Diclofenac, indomethacin, piroxicam, naproxen, ibuprofen and other drugs are used as NSAIDs. The average therapeutic doses of diclofenac are 50-100 mg for oral administration or in the form of rectal suppositories, the maximum daily dose is 150 mg orally, intramuscular administration of the drug is used to achieve a rapid effect. As NSAIDs that have selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 and usually have fewer side effects, you can use meloxicam (usually 15 mg / day in 1-2 doses) or celecoxib, usually 200 mg / day. in one or two doses.
Muscle relaxants reduce pain, reduce reflex muscle tension. Treatment with muscle relaxants begins with the usual therapeutic dose and continues for as long as the pain persists. A meta-analysis of the use of muscle relaxants in acute low back pain shows that they are most effective when prescribed from the onset of pain, their addition to NSAIDs can reduce the duration of the disease. In Russia, Mydocalm and tizanidine are commonly used as muscle relaxants for back pain.
Locally with back pain, you can use rubbing ointments, compresses with a 30-50% solution of dimexide and novocaine. The widespread use of back muscle massage, ultrasound treatment methods, electrotherapy, traction is not recommended, since their effectiveness has not been proven, and their administration can contribute to the formation of a “painful” personality, chronic pain.
With pain relief, a gradual increase in motor activity, muscle strengthening exercises are recommended. However, there is no special therapeutic gymnastics that allows you to achieve a faster disappearance of pain. A meta-analysis of 10 studies examining the effectiveness of various methods of therapeutic exercises did not show any advantages in terms of either immediate or long-term treatment outcomes.
Treatment of chronic
(musculoskeletal) back pain
In the chronic course of back pain, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, manual therapy and psychotherapeutic methods of treatment can be effective. The most important of these are therapeutic exercises, the "education" of patients, in which patients are explained the need to maintain sufficient physical activity, but to avoid excessive physical and static loads, wearing weight. Among psychotherapeutic methods, the positive impact of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is noted.
Many patients with chronic back pain show signs of depression, so a significant benefit can be obtained from the use of antidepressants. In cases where there are no signs of depression, the effectiveness of antidepressants is not so high. Of great importance is the professional, social and domestic rehabilitation of patients, their gradual return to normal (before the onset of pain) activities.
Traditionally in our country, for chronic back pain, manual therapy, various types of physiotherapy, and in some centers - spinal traction are widely used. Many patients are observed and treated only by manual therapy specialists for a long time. A positive effect can be obtained from manual therapy if it is performed at a high methodological level and combined with therapeutic exercises and other methods of treatment. The question of the effectiveness of most physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, reflexology remains debatable, and spinal traction often leads to deterioration. Wearing a lumbar fixation belt or cervical collar is not very effective for long-term use, they can be used periodically if long-term movement is necessary, as well as when lifting weights.
Surgery (removal of a herniated disc) is not required for most patients if the pain is of musculoskeletal origin. Surgical treatment is discussed for long-term (more than 3-4 months) muscular-tonic syndrome caused by a herniated disc, and the absence of the effect of conservative treatment.
As a prevention of back pain recurrence, provoking factors should be avoided (lifting large loads, staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time, intense physical activity, carrying a heavy bag in one hand, etc.), use walking, regularly engage in swimming or therapeutic exercises.
Mydocalm in the treatment of back pain
The use of Mydocalm, as well as other muscle relaxants, is justified by the important role of muscle spasm in the pathogenesis of nonspecific (musculoskeletal) back pain. Pain of various origins (due to damage to the muscles themselves, the facet joints of the spine, intervertebral discs) increases the activity of the motor neurons of the spinal cord, which leads to muscle spasm, which, in turn, plays a significant role in maintaining the pain itself. Pathologically increased muscle tone has various mechanisms for increasing pain: direct irritation of muscle pain receptors, deterioration of blood supply to muscles, which leads to the formation of a vicious circle leading to increased muscle spasm and accompanying pain. Muscle relaxants break the vicious cycle of "pain > muscle spasm > pain" and, as a result, can accelerate the healing process.
Mydocalm (tolperisone) has a predominantly central muscle relaxant effect, it stabilizes cell membranes. A decrease in muscle tone when taking the drug is associated with a depressing effect on the caudal part of the reticular pharmacy, suppression of spinal reflex activity. The drug also has a moderate central analgesic effect and a slight vasodilating effect. Mydocalm is usually administered orally at 150 mg 2 or 3 times a day, it is well tolerated even by elderly patients, it can be used in combination with various drugs.
Over the past 10 years, several double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have been conducted that have shown the efficacy and safety of Mydocalm in acute and chronic back pain.
The efficacy and safety of Mydocalm in the treatment of back pain of muscular origin was shown in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 110 patients aged 20 to 75 years. In 8 study centers, patients received Mydocalm at a dose of 300 mg per day or placebo in combination with therapeutic exercises and rehabilitation for 21 days. Both groups were dominated by patients with chronic (more than 3 months) pain syndrome. As the main criterion for the effectiveness of treatment, the pain pressure threshold, measured using a special device (Pressure Tolerance Meter) at 16 symmetrical points of the trunk and extremities, was chosen. The results of the study showed that the use of Mydocalm significantly more than placebo reduces the sensation of pain. The difference between the treatment and placebo groups was noted as early as day 4, it gradually increased and became statistically significant on days 10 and 21 of treatment, which were selected as endpoints for evidence-based comparison.
Mydocalm does not cause sedation and muscle weakness when taken, which was proven in another double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which 72 healthy volunteers participated. Volunteers randomized to placebo or 150 or 450 mg of Mydocalm per day in three divided doses for eight days. The results of the study showed that there are no differences in the speed of reactions and other neuropsychological tests after 1.5 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours and eight days after taking Mydocalm or placebo.
One of the latest double-blind, placebo-controlled studies showed the effectiveness of Mydocalm in patients with acute non-specific low back pain. The study included 225 patients aged 18 to 60 years, in whom lumbar pain appeared no earlier than 5 days before the start of the study. When examined on the 7th day of treatment in the Mydocalm treatment group, a significant advantage was noted in assessing the quality of life of patients, and this positive trend continued until the end of the study. In the Mido-cal-mo group, there was also a trend towards a reduction in the time of incapacity for work.
We noted the effectiveness of Mydocalm in patients with acute lumbar pain (no more than 7 days from the moment of illness) of working age, some turned to a neurologist for advice in one of the Moscow polyclinics. Within four months, the study included 60 patients (43 women and 17 men) aged 18 to 60 years (mean age 41.8 years) with acute low back pain. All patients took NSAIDs, in addition, 30 patients additionally took Mydocalm 150 mg 3 times a day (Mydocalm treatment group), the remaining 30 patients made up the comparison group. During treatment, all patients recovered and were discharged to work in a satisfactory condition. However, the average duration of stay on sick leave in the group of patients treated with Mydocalm was 10.3±1.0 days and was significantly lower than in the comparison group, in which it reached 17.7±3.3 days (p<0,05).
Thus, back pain is most often of musculoskeletal origin. In their diagnosis, careful collection of complaints and anamnesis, somatic, neurological, manual and orthopedic examinations are of key importance. Radiography, CT and MRI of the spine are used largely to exclude other diseases that can occur under the guise of benign musculoskeletal pain. In the case of non-specific (musculoskeletal) back pain, the patient should be informed about the favorable prognosis of the disease, analgesics and NSAIDs should be used to reduce pain. The inclusion of muscle relaxants in therapy can lead to a faster recovery and a decrease in the period of temporary disability. The effectiveness of the muscle relaxant Mydocalm is indicated for acute and chronic back pain, its important advantages are good tolerability, the absence of a sedative effect. To prevent the chronic course of lumbar pain and their repetition, an active lifestyle, avoidance of lifting significant weights and static overloads, and therapeutic exercises are recommended.

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Glucocorticoid drugs are used for severe pain in the spine

Anti-edematous, enzyme, vasodilator, hormonal drugs and muscle relaxants are called upon to prevent and eliminate the links of the pathological chain during the formation of a hernia.

In medical practice, the following means of pathogenetic treatment of spinal disc prolapse are most common: diprospan, dexamethasone, milgamma, almag, neuromidin, actovegin, midokalm.

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticoids), which include diprospan and dexamethasone, are used for severe inflammation and severe pain.

Due to the body's addiction to them, glucocorticoids are not used for a long time. In a hospital setting, it is sometimes necessary to administer diprospan or its other analogues. In such a situation, drug withdrawal is carried out with a gradual dose reduction.

We draw the readers' attention to the fact that long-term use of glucocorticoid steroids has a negative effect on cartilage, which becomes brittle and therefore less resistant to external stress. Muscle relaxants (mydocalm) for intervertebral hernia are used to relax muscles

Muscle relaxants (mydocalm) for intervertebral hernia are used to relax muscles.

The contraction of the muscular system leads to compression of the nerve trunks, which leads to pain. Sometimes a few intramuscular injections of mydocalm are enough to get rid of it.

Treatment with muscle relaxants is also effective in the combined therapy of pathology in the presence of muscle constriction with inflammatory scars. Due to the side effect in the form of a decrease in pressure, the dosage of mydocalm should only be selected by a doctor.

Papain gel is used to soften the spinal disc

To improve blood supply in vertebral hernia, methylxanthine derivatives (pentoxifylline, trental) are used.

They prevent damage to blood vessels by strengthening their walls by relaxing the smooth muscles of the arteries of the brain and limbs. The course of treatment with pentoxifylline is long. Often, along with these drugs, vitamins (milgamma), brain activators (neuromidin, actovegin) and biogenic stimulants (fibs) are prescribed. Such treatment normalizes the blood supply in the spine and increases the resistance of tissues to oxygen deficiency.

Enzymes for vertebral hernia (hydrolytic enzymes) are used to eliminate the formation of blood clots, swelling of the spine. In combination with other drugs, enzymes improve the course of the disease and prevent the development of complications.

1 What effect does Mydocalm have on spinal hernia and protrusion

Patients with intervertebral hernia are prescribed to take Mydocalm in the first place in order to relieve spasms of the spinal muscles. But the benefits of such therapy go much further than simply relieving the patient of stiffness due to spasms.

With hernias, Mydocalm has an analgesic effect, and in two ways:

  1. Painful sensations pass due to the removal of spasm, since in most patients it is this that causes pain (but not severe).
  2. The composition of Mydocalm includes Lidocaine, a fairly powerful pain reliever (for example, an order of magnitude better than Novocain). Lidocaine relieves both moderate and severe pain, and its analgesic effect lasts for four to six hours.

Mydocalm tablets with tolperison

Mydocalm also has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect (including due to Lidocaine). However, it is better to use specialized non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesil, as an example) to stop inflammatory processes in vertebral hernia.

Mydocalm does not cure the disease: it is an adjuvant in the treatment of hernias and protrusions of the spine.

1.1 When can and when can not Mydocalm be used for hernia?

There are strict indications and contraindications for the treatment of vertebral hernias and protrusions with Mydocalm. Moreover, contraindications are divided into conditional (they can be neglected, but only if the attending physician allows) and absolute.

List of indications:

  1. Severe pain syndrome against the background of intervertebral hernia or protrusion.
  2. Severe spasm of the muscular corset of the back (chronic or sporadic acute episodes).
  3. Partial immobilization of the spine (development of stiffness in the movements of the back).
  4. The presence of stiff neck, the development of compression of the vertebral arteries or spinal nerve nodes due to spasm of the back muscles.

Mydocalm injections are indicated for severe back hernia

List of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the constituent components of Mydocalm (allergic reactions),
  • the patient has myasthenia gravis,
  • pregnancy (in any trimester) or lactation (breastfeeding),
  • only the alleged presence of an intervertebral hernia or protrusion (that is, situations where the diagnosis is unclear),
  • the presence of acute autoimmune processes in the body, mastocytosis (systemic and skin), systemic malignant neoplasms (lymphoma, leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia, mycosis fungoides).

Alternative methods of drug administration

Drip therapy

There is a way to administer drugs by gradual drip infusion into the bloodstream. The dropper is used only in inpatient treatment or under the constant direct supervision of a qualified nurse. The advantages of its use are that the drug is administered for a long time, its concentration is constant and the absorption of the drug occurs in full. In addition, some drugs cannot be administered intramuscularly.

Droppers for hernia allow you to quickly remove inflammation and pain from the patient. In order for the treatment to be successful and effective, the medicines are selected only by the attending physician, who has a card with a history of the disease.

The composition of the solution for drip administration may include several drugs at once. Apply a combination of an analgesic with a hormonal drug (a combination of Drotaverine, Dexamethasone and glucose). Droppers for hernia are not a panacea and cannot cure the disease. They are used as a temporary remedy to relieve symptoms, and as one of the components of complex therapy.

Etiotropic treatment

Elimination of the source of this pathology significantly improves the patient's condition. However, the cause of the disease is several unpleasant factors, so it can be quite difficult to achieve a quick and effective result.

Often the cause of a hernia of the spine is a disorder of the blood supply. In this regard, the cells are not able to receive all the necessary useful components. Cartilage discs lose their elasticity, and at the same time, the likelihood of damage to their integrity increases.

Do not self-medicate! For the selection of the necessary drugs, consult a doctor!

To eliminate the cause of the formation of a hernia, you must:

  1. Normalize your lifestyle, switch to proper and healthy nutrition. Do physical therapy every day, it will help restore posture, as well as eliminate excess weight.
  2. It is necessary to restore functional abilities, conduct massages, physiotherapy, manual therapy, acupuncture, etc. well. You can take muscle relaxants (Mydocalm).
  3. To strengthen the structure of cartilaginous tissue, relieve the inflammatory process, as well as normalize blood supply, drug treatment of spinal hernia is used (Chondroxide, Artra, Teraflex, etc.).

Etiotropic treatment for the treatment of spinal hernia involves the following means:

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs (Movalis, Diclofenac). Have a triple action - relieve inflammation, fever and pain

They are taken with caution, because. with prolonged use, they can disrupt the walls of the stomach and intestines.
Chondroprotectors (Chondroitin sulfate, Alflutop, Artra)

These funds strengthen the structure of the intervertebral discs, restore their work. The shock-absorbing features of the disc are enhanced by medications consisting of hyaluronic acid. They increase the viscosity, elasticity of cartilage, relieve pain. And their chemical compounds, which are in the preparation, protect the receptors from the influence of aggressive substances.
Homeopathic remedies for herniated discs. They exacerbate chronic pathologies. In response to this, the human body activates defense mechanisms. Homeopathic remedies almost never cause side effects, but they are used only for preventive measures or in combination with other drugs (Mydocalm, Diclofenac).

Complementary Therapies


This method of treatment should be performed only as prescribed by the attending physician. It should be entrusted only to experienced specialists in the field of massage.

Types of massage are used: classic, periosteal deep (myofascial therapy) and with the use of fir oil and honey. Classical massage includes: stroking, rubbing and vibration of tissues. During periosteal massage, the sacral zone, the area of ​​the womb and the ischium are massaged. This method is very valuable in the treatment of lumbar hernia. The effectiveness of massage with honey and fir oil was also noted, after which the patient is rubbed on his back with an anesthetic cream (Finalgon) and then placed under a blanket.

Benefits of massage:

  • restoration of blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition in the spine;
  • removal of spasms in the muscles;
  • posture restoration;
  • prevention of pain;
  • faster recovery after surgery.


  • sharp pain;
  • back wounds;
  • elevated body temperature.

There are many positive reviews about the treatment of hernia with vacuum cupping massage.

Note! Important!

Vacuum massage cans "VACUUM APPARATUS" not only eliminate pain, but also affect the causes of diseases, due to which they have a long-term healing effect.


  • Quickly stop the pain (acute and aching).
  • Enhance blood circulation.
  • Remove puffiness.
  • Improve metabolism.
  • Return joint mobility.
  • Increase tissue elasticity.
  • Provide bones and joints with essential trace elements.
  • They prevent the occurrence of complications and the further development of the disease.
  • They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Here is one of the many testimonials from patients:

Manual therapy

This is traditional medicine. Such treatment is prescribed when, in addition to a hernia, there is a displacement of the vertebrae. The specialist with the help of his hands skillfully affects the area of ​​the damaged vertebra. At the same time, muscle spasms go away and the displaced vertebra is set. The course of treatment is 6-10 sessions. It is recommended that you consult your doctor about this method.

Spinal traction or traction

The procedure is carried out manually or using a special apparatus. This procedure is carried out on an inclined surface (dry) or under water. The distance between the vertebrae increases, blood circulation improves, spasms are relieved.

A positive effect can be achieved already in the first month after the appearance of a lumbar hernia. But if there is no improvement in the first week of treatment, then a positive result is unlikely to be achieved.

This method of treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Be sure to read a good article:

Spinal traction: what is it, harm and benefit, price, types (dry, hardware)


This is liquid nitrogen treatment. Increases blood flow to the affected area of ​​the back, relieves swelling and has the ability to regenerate tissues. The method works very well in the complex treatment of vertebral hernias.

Postisometric relaxation (PIR)

This method is one of the best. These are special exercises for tension and stretching of muscles (without pain). The main thing is that this procedure is performed under the supervision of a qualified specialist. At the same time, spasms, tension and pain quickly pass. It is possible to improve the patient's condition by 80%.

Do not trust charlatans and self-taught, as they can greatly worsen your condition with this method of treatment!

radicular syndrome

If a hernia is left unattended by doctors, a progressive disease leads to compression of the spinal roots, as a result of which they die, and blood access to the tissues of the damaged disc is almost impossible. Symptoms characteristic of serious stages of the disease appear:

  • Weakening of the leg muscles. The patient cannot squat, stretch, jump. Even climbing stairs is difficult for him.
  • Numbness of the affected area and nearby areas. The skin becomes insensitive and pale, there is a feeling of goosebumps, tingling. Patients complain of hyperhidrosis in the affected area and legs, or, conversely, excessive dryness of the skin.
  • Lumbago. The patient is tormented by shootings in the lumbar region with sharp, sharp pain, which is aggravated by any movement. Left untreated, this leads to destruction of the hip and knee joints.
  • A noticeable thinning of the diseased leg, which leads to asymmetry in posture.
  • Violation of the pelvic organs. Urological and gynecological ailments worsen, libido disappears, diarrhea, urinary incontinence are possible.

In severe cases of vertebral hernia, there is a risk of paralysis, disability, and even death.

Features of pathogenetic treatment and those medications that are prescribed for its implementation

  • overwhelming edematous phenomena;
  • which include enzymes;
  • the main action of which is the expansion of the walls of blood vessels;
  • the basic component of which are hormones.
  1. Dexamethasone. It is prescribed in case of detection of inflammatory processes, characterized by pronounced severity and accompanied by acute pain. One of the negative consequences of taking it is rapid addiction, and Dexamethasone is also distinguished by its adverse effect on cartilaginous tissues.
  2. Mydocalm. It is used by patients to relieve pain by relaxing muscle tissues. If the dosages are too high, the pressure may drop, so Mydocalm is used only after the approval of a specialist.
  3. Pentoxifylline. It helps to improve the quality of blood supply, strengthens the vascular walls, coupled with the prevention of their deformation, and also increases the resistance of body tissues to oxygen deficiency.
  4. Karipazim. The drug is combined with electrophoresis and produces an excellent effect. It is available in the form of gels or ointments, however, in addition to them, the patient also needs to drink tablets. After a course, the duration of which is a month, an improvement in blood flow, trophism of tissues damaged by hernial cells, and a decrease in edematous and inflammatory phenomena are noted.

  1. Actovegin. Thanks to him, the affected cells are regenerated, starting to receive the amount of glucose and oxygen they need.
  2. Novocaine blockades with the addition of hormones, the basis of the latter are corticosteroids. These blockades reduce the degree of inflammation of the pinched nerves, relieve pain and swelling, but if the course of treatment with such drugs has been prescribed by a doctor, it should be followed with great care.
  3. Sibazon and Baclofen help to reduce tension in the muscular corset of the back.
  • normalization of the susceptibility of tissues damaged by hernial cells and a decrease in the severity of pain symptoms are possible due to the use of B vitamins;
  • rehabilitation of bone tissue, coupled with the strengthening of ligaments, is carried out due to vitamin D, used in conjunction with calcium;
  • vitamins such as A, E and C are responsible for the regeneration of damaged cells.


Modern methods of treating a problematic spine and drugs developed by scientists and produced by the pharmaceutical industry make it possible today to carry out conservative treatment without surgical intervention. Since the treatment includes a complex intake of drugs, the drugs should quickly relieve pain, relax spasmodic muscles, block and reverse the processes of destruction of bone and cartilage tissue.


This drug is today one of the most popular in the treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine. "Alflutop" is released in pharmacies only by prescription, so before using this medicine for its intended purpose, you will have to undergo a consultation and examination with a specialist.

"Alflutop" includes the main component in the form of an extract of a biological concentrate of small sea fish - anchovy, sprat, shad. In the role of auxiliary ingredients in the composition of the drug there are distilled water and phenol. "Alflutop" belongs to the chondoprotective group of drugs, therefore it helps to relieve muscle spasms in the problem area of ​​the spine, eliminates pain, saturates the affected areas of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine with useful substances. Trace elements and vitamins contained in the drug "Alflutop" contribute to the regeneration of bone tissue, so this drug, which has recently appeared on the pharmacy market, is rapidly gaining popularity in patients diagnosed with a hernia of the spine. Pain is the main factor in hernia of the lumbar and thoracic spine, which Alflutop copes with quickly.


This medicine is also used for hernia, if the treatment is carried out in combination. "Mydocalm" refers to a group of drugs that relax muscles in problem areas of the spine and relieve pain that occurs when the nerve roots and tissues of the lumbar spine are squeezed. "Mydocalm" belongs to the category of muscle relaxant drugs. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that even a strong pain syndrome disappears after 1-2 injections of the drug.

"Mydocalm" contains an active substance - lidocaine, which almost instantly begins treatment, relaxing the muscles of the muscular skeleton in the lumbar and thoracic spine and quickly relieving pain. "Mydocalm" refers to non-steroidal drugs. At the stage of a subacute form of an intervertebral hernia, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac or Indomethacin are used instead, with the support of complexes containing vitamins and trace elements.


This drug belongs to the group of nonsteroidal drugs. "Meloxicam" is available in injection solutions and tablets, eliminates pain and relieves muscle tension. Pharmacological properties resemble the drugs "Alflutop" and "Mydocalm", however, "Meloxicam" has some features. Thanks to glycofurol, the action of the drug occurs purposefully. "Meloxicam" has a number of contraindications, therefore, like "Mydocalm", it is used only as directed by a doctor.

Treatment of an intervertebral hernia is a complex and lengthy process. In the acute period, the patient is recommended to be in a medical institution. Only specialists will make a diagnosis, after a thorough examination, and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Surgical intervention

Surgical operation for intervertebral hernia of the lumbar is performed to remove the destroyed disc and release the nerves from compression. Discectomy is performed according to various methods, simple changes in the vertebrae are eliminated with the help of endoscopic intervention. An extensive surgical operation is necessary for pronounced changes; during its implementation, a disc segment located in the spinal column is removed. Open discectomy can be complicated by infectious processes, bleeding, as a result of which the spine often loses its flexibility. To date, there are other minimally invasive methods of treatment of lumbar hernias, characterized by low trauma and rapid recovery.

  • Endoscopic intervention. The essence of the technique is the introduction of endoscopic manipulators into the required area of ​​the back through a small incision in the skin. The entire process of intervention is controlled visually, while there is no need to give anesthesia. The vertebrae adjacent to the pathological disc are not affected, the recovery period is short, the positive effect is observed almost immediately.
  • Microdiscectomy is performed under anesthesia, the skin tissues are dissected, the muscles are moved apart and the nucleus pulposus is removed under the control of a microscope. Due to the fact that the muscles are not dissected, there is a short recovery period and the structure of the vertebrae themselves is not disturbed. In parallel, interspinous stabilization can be carried out, that is, the installation of a special implant that prevents contact between the vertebrae.
  • Disc nucleoplasty with a laser. The laser stimulates the division of cartilage cells, which starts the processes of their restoration. A few months after nucleoplasty, the pain disappears, and movements are restored.
  • Cold plasma nucleoplasty. Through a small puncture in the skin and under the control of radiography, cold plasma is supplied to the disc, designed to destroy the nucleus pulposus. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, it is characterized by minimal trauma and a short rehabilitation period.

The choice of the method of surgical intervention depends not only on the desire of the patient, therefore, any manipulation must be coordinated with the doctor. Each technique used to treat lumbar hernia has its own indications and contraindications, so preliminary diagnosis is an important step before choosing such a treatment.

2 How to use Mydocalm for hernia

Specific dosages of Mydocalm in the treatment of intervertebral hernias or protrusions are established exclusively by the attending physician. The patient has no right not only to set the dosage, but also to use this drug in general without consulting a doctor.

For the treatment of vertebral hernias, Mydocalm is prescribed in the following forms:

  1. In tablet form. Tablets should be taken with meals. They are effective for mild muscle spasms or soreness. Often they are prescribed for the prevention (for the period of temporary remission of the disease) complications of vertebral hernias.
  2. injection form. In the form of injections, Mydocalm is prescribed for severe hernia with severe pain and severe muscle spasms. The injections are carried out on an outpatient basis.
  3. Local cutaneous administration using electrophoresis (you can read about the use of electrophoresis for hernia separately). A non-invasive way of introducing a drug into the body. The advantages include the transportation of the drug directly to the pathological focus.
  4. In the form of an ointment. In most cases, in this form, Mydocalm is prescribed to patients with moderate pain and / or spasms of the back muscles. In addition, ointments are great for the prevention of such pathological conditions.

2.1 How long is the course?

How long should Mydocalm be taken for intervertebral hernias or protrusions? The exact duration of therapy is individual for each patient. In addition, the duration of therapy depends on the form in which the drug is prescribed.

Packing medicine Mydocalm

If it is a tablet form, then a monthly course is usually enough to treat the pathology. In order to prevent Mydocalm in tablets, it is prescribed once every 3 months in a weekly course (with a minimum daily dosage).

In the form of electrophoresis, 10 therapy sessions are usually required, with breaks between each session of 1-2 days. Electrophoresis with Mydocalm is prescribed only for the treatment of intervertebral hernias or protrusions; this method is not suitable as a prophylaxis.

The same situation is with the injection form of the drug. Injections are indicated only for patients with severe symptoms, and only for temporary relief of the manifestations of the disease. In most cases, injection therapy is prescribed for a period of 3 days, but can be extended up to a week.

Ointments can be prescribed for a long period, up to three months. This is an excellent way to prevent the recurrence of spasms after their previous therapy with pills, injections or electrophoresis.

2.3 Mydocalm analogues for hernia

There are relatively few direct analogues of Mydocalm. First of all, analogues from the original drug differ in cost, quantity and likelihood of side effects, and availability.

But it just so happened that Mydocalm is the most affordable drug available in every pharmacy (this is due to its huge popularity among polyclinics and their patients). In addition, in its group of muscle relaxants, it is also one of the cheapest drugs.

List of analogs of Mydocalm:

  • sirdalud tablets,
  • tizalud tablets,
  • tablets Tizanidin-Ratiopharm,
  • solution for injections and capsules Muskomed,
  • solutions for injections and capsules Myoflex,
  • Miorix capsules,
  • baclofen tablets,
  • tablets and solution for injections Tolperil-Health,
  • solution for injection Midostad Combi,
  • solution for injection Miaksil.

Folk recipes for a hernia in the spine

Quite serious pain can appear with a vertebral hernia of the lumbar. How to treat such a disease with folk remedies? There are many original and useful recipes to alleviate the serious condition of a patient suffering from such a disease.

Hernia. The concept and reasons for the appearance

Intervertebral hernia is a fairly common and serious complication of a disease such as osteochondrosis. When degenerative changes in the cartilaginous tissue lead to its destruction, the fibrous ring bursts, the nucleus pulposus, squeezed by two adjacent vertebrae, bulges outward.

This process is accompanied by severe pain, due to which the patient often cannot get out of bed.

The reasons for the appearance of a hernia of the lumbar can be:
  1. metabolic disease;
  2. age-related changes in bone tissues;
  3. spinal injury;
  4. heavy loads on the spinal column.

In severe forms of the disease, surgical intervention is required, often you can do without surgical treatment. For this, various methods of therapy, special exercises, as well as traditional medicine techniques are used.

The effectiveness of folk remedies

It is worth mentioning that folk remedies used to treat lumbar hernia help to alleviate the patient's condition, but they cannot completely get rid of the hernia. All such recipes are aimed at eliminating pain, slowing down degenerative processes, and improving the general condition of the body.

The use of folk remedies should not be the only method in the treatment of lower back problems caused by a hernia. Physical therapy, diet therapy, physiotherapy, massage should be connected. In combination, all these methods allow you to quickly get rid of pain, return the patient to normal life.

Folk remedies for oral administration

Excellent proven itself in the treatment of a hernia in the lower back tincture of cinquefoil. Such a remedy infused with alcohol is consumed before meals for a month. What medicine can improve blood circulation, as well as relieve spasms.

For a general strengthening of the body, a balm of strawberry flowers, immortelle, chamomile, as well as birch buds and St. John's wort is suitable. Infused with vodka, such a collection has a general tonic, systemic effect.

Folk compresses, ointments and rubbing

Horse fat will help eliminate the pain of a lumbar hernia. A compress from this remedy relieves the condition after a few hours, although it is recommended to remove it only after a day. In the absence of horse fat, it can be replaced by dog ​​or badger. Daily use of such a procedure will very quickly put the patient on his feet.

Excellent massage with fir oil, in which honey and mummy are added. Rubbing the sore spot with this remedy, you should apply your palm to the skin so that it sticks and sharply tear it off the back. Thanks to the use of this method, blood flow increases, the deep layers of tissues are kneaded, and the general condition improves.

What drugs for hernia can be bought without a prescription

Karipazim in the form of electrophoresis prevents nerve compression

Since most medications for the treatment of spinal hernia have side effects, you cannot buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription. The only exceptions are paracetamol (acetaminophen) and some types of NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin).

Paracetamol has a moderate analgesic effect, but does not eliminate inflammation. The effectiveness of the drug is different for each person, so the medicine is practically not prescribed by doctors when the disc falls out.

Ibuprofen has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, but is not without the disadvantages of all NSAIDs.

It should be used carefully, no more than a week

All other drugs are sold in pharmacies by prescription, as they have serious side effects.

Article result

In conclusion, we draw the following conclusions:

  1. Drug treatment of spinal hernia involves the use of a large number of drugs (diprospan, milgamma, alflutop, movalis, diclofenac, mydocalm, dexamethasone). Each of them has its own side effects, which are summarized in combined treatment regimens. Only a doctor should prescribe medication for an intervertebral hernia
  2. In a pharmacy without a prescription, you can only buy paracetamol and ibuprofen, which are effective only as symptomatic agents in the initial stages of the disease.
  3. At home, you can apply thermal procedures, massage, therapeutic exercises and folk methods of treating spinal hernia.

The main symptom of osteochondrosis is pain. It is present in almost all stages of the disease. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends on the prevalence and degree of pathological changes in the tissues of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae, the tension of the muscle fibers, the neglect of the inflammatory process, and a number of other factors. One of the main ways to treat osteochondrosis is drug therapy. Unfortunately, not all of the prescribed funds are highly effective. The action of local preparations (ointments, gels) mainly leads to a limited local effect, and many of the oral medications do not affect the cause and cannot eliminate the inflammatory process. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, Mydocalm has proven itself well.

Muscle spasm compresses blood vessels

Why is it necessary to eliminate muscle spasm?

What is the danger of muscle spasm? In addition to provoking pain, contraction of muscle fibers can lead to a number of serious consequences.

  1. The main possible result of a spasm is squeezing of the blood vessels. Compression of blood vessels leads to impaired blood circulation. Such a phenomenon is especially dangerous in cervical osteochondrosis, since it results in impaired cerebral circulation, insufficient supply of some parts of the brain with nutrients and oxygen. The use of Mydocalm in this form of osteochondrosis is of great importance, since it helps to prevent the development of formidable complications.
  2. Another consequence of muscle spasm is the compression of nerve endings, which provokes the occurrence of severe pain of a radiating nature. In addition, the work of internal organs innervated by injured fibers may be disrupted.

The use of muscle relaxants in the treatment of diseases of the spine

Preparations of this group are used to relieve muscle tension in pathological lesions of the spine, including osteochondrosis.

Mydocalm relieves muscle tension

The best way to get rid of spastic pain is centrally acting muscle relaxants, i.e. directed directly at the parts of the central nervous system responsible for the regulation of muscle tone. Mydocalm also belongs to this group.

The results of numerous studies show that when muscle relaxants are added to the standard treatment regimen for osteochondrosis based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, physiotherapy and massage, it is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of therapy, achieve relief or reduction of pain in a short time and increase the mobility of the damaged spinal column.

Benefits of using Mydocalm

The use of Mydocalm in osteochondrosis has a number of obvious advantages:

Tablets Mydocalm
  • The central muscle relaxant effect it has is highly selective. The drug reduces the degree of excitability of muscle fibers, but it does not have an overwhelming effect on nerve impulses, which provide the necessary muscle strength during movement and maintain correct posture.
  • Even with prolonged use, Mydocalm is well tolerated and does not lead to dangerous side effects.
  • Treatment with this muscle relaxant does not affect the patient's activity, does not reduce his physical and mental capacity for work.
  • Mydocalm fits perfectly into the traditional scheme for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar regions and is combined with other used drugs.
  • Due to the pronounced muscle relaxant and analgesic effect provided by the drug, it is possible to reduce the dosage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As a result, their negative side effect on the internal organs is eliminated, while the effectiveness of the treatment of osteochondrosis is not reduced at all.

Currently, Mydocalm is considered the most effective and safe of the existing muscle relaxants. It has been used in clinical practice for over 50 years.

About the drug

Mydocalm is used to treat neurological syndromes, accompanied by pain, increased muscle tone and trophic disorders.

The active substance of the drug has a local anesthetic and membrane-stabilizing effect. With osteochondrosis and other diseases Mydocalm:

Mydocalm contains lidocaine
  • helps to eliminate muscle tension;
  • leads to an indirect analgesic effect;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation and lymph flow.

Reviews of specialists and patients testify to the rapid action of Mydocalm and its good tolerability.


The drug is available in the form of round film-coated tablets. Tablets with the engraving "50" contain 50 mg of the active substance - tolperisone hydrochloride, in tablets with the engraving "150" of the active substance, respectively, three times more. The following are used as auxiliary components in Mydocalm:

  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • stearic acid;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • silica;
  • macrogol 6000;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • dye.

The package contains 10 tablets.

Mydocalm in the form of a solution for injection is released in darkened ampoules. Each ampoule contains:

  • tolperisone - 100 mg;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride - 2.5 mg.

As auxiliary components, in addition to the above substances, the following are used:

  • iron oxide black;
  • iron oxide red;
  • iron oxide yellow.

The package contains 5 ampoules.

Mydocalm is taken for diseases of the spine

Indications for use

With osteochondrosis of any localization (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), Mydocalm is prescribed in the presence of reflex and compression syndromes. The drug eliminates muscle rigidity and pathological high muscle tone. As a result, pain is reduced and stiffness of movements is reduced.
In addition to osteochondrosis, the drug is prescribed to relax skeletal muscles also in some other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • spondylosis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • lumbar and cervical syndromes;
  • large vessels.

Mydocalm is prescribed for cerebral palsy, some other encephalopathies, accompanied by muscular dystonia.
The drug is also indicated for a pathological increase in tone and the presence of muscle spasms, which are the result of neurological diseases of an organic nature:

  1. myelopathy;
  2. multiple sclerosis;
  3. encephalomyelitis, etc.

Mydocalm is also used after surgery for osteochondrosis, other orthopedic and traumatological surgical interventions.

The drug is taken three times a day


With osteochondrosis and other diseases, Mydocalm is not recommended for use in:

  • hypersensitivity to tolperisone;
  • allergies to lidocaine.

The drug is prescribed with caution in childhood. It is not recommended for babies under 1 year of age.


In osteochondrosis, the dose of Mydocalm is determined individually, depending on several factors:

  • features of the clinical picture and its severity;
  • localization of the lesion (in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region);
  • patient's age;
  • the presence of comorbidities.

As a rule, adults are prescribed a three-time intake of Mydocalm (50 mg each). With severe spasms and severe osteochondrosis, it is possible to increase the dosage three times (three tablets three times a day after meals).

Children take Mydocalm in tablets of 50 mg.

Mydocalm is prescribed for children in tablet form of 50 mg. The daily dose should be divided into three parts. It is calculated according to the following scheme:

  • for patients under 6 years old - 5 mg per 1 kg of weight;
  • for children from 7 to 14 years old - 2-4 mg per 1 kg of weight.

If the tablet is difficult for the child to swallow, it should be crushed.

The action of the drug begins 40 minutes after ingestion. The recommended course duration is no more than 10 days.

Intramuscular injections: 200 mg/day. Divided into two doses.

Intravenous injection: 100 mg/day.

Compatibility with other drugs

Mydocalm is compatible with other medications used for osteochondrosis of the spine. In any case, there are no data confirming the manifestation of a negative effect from the simultaneous use of the drug with other drugs. It is prescribed simultaneously with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, hypnotic drugs.

The only point that needs to be taken into account: Mydocalm is able to enhance the effect of niflumic acid.

Application during pregnancy

The use of Mydocalm in osteochondrosis in pregnant women is indicated only in case of emergency. This is especially true for the first trimester. The tool is also not recommended for lactation, during breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, Mydocalm is undesirable

Side effects

According to reviews, taking Mydocalm for osteochondrosis does not lead to serious undesirable effects. When they occur, the dosage is reduced. Possible side effects include:

  • nausea, sometimes with vomiting;
  • feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;
  • headache;
  • lowering blood pressure (possible with rapid intravenous administration);
  • muscle weakness;
  • allergic reactions: pruritus, erythema, urticaria, bronchospasm, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.
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