Owl flu. Vaxigripp, Influvac, Grippol Plus, Sovigripp, Ultrix - which flu vaccine is better? What complications can occur after vaccination

Hi all!

I am a pediatrician. I work in the field. And in addition to the reception, once a week, I go to kindergarten for examination and vaccination of children.

This year (at the beginning of September) to our polyclinic A new vaccine has arrived - soviflu. Prior to that, more than 3 years flupol plus. Grippol has already been tested, I was vaccinated with it even during pregnancy. What is sovigripp?

SOVIGRIPP: composition, indications

This vaccine is without preservative. It is intended for children over 6 months old, pregnant women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, teenagers and adults.

Vaccine without preservative:
- hemagglutin of the influenza virus subtype A (H1N1) - 5 mcg;
- hemagglutin of the influenza virus subtype A (H3N2) - 5 mcg;
- hemagglutin of the influenza virus type B - 11 mcg;
- adjuvant SOVIDON - 500 mcg;
- phosphate-saline buffer solution - up to 0.5 ml.

There is also a soviflu vaccine with a preservative. It is administered to adults over the age of 18.


What's in the vaccine box???

In the box with the vaccine: instructions, a sealed bag with a syringe and vaccine (1 dose) and instructions.

1 dose = 0.5 ml.

The method of administration is intramuscular (thigh or shoulder).

Production: Russia

Expiration date - 1 year.


How is the SOVIGRIPP vaccine tolerated by children? SIDE EFFECTS

I have already vaccinated more than 150 children on the plot and in the gardens. I want to note that 10 children had a single temperature increase to 37.2 - 37.5 (it fell on its own) after this vaccine, several children had a runny nose, which also disappeared in 1-2 days. Two of them have a cough for 3-4 days, and then, I am more inclined to believe that this is a contact with ARVI (such a side effect as a cough is simply not in the annotation)

The vaccine is a highly purified drug and is well tolerated by the vaccinated.
The following reactions may develop:
Very common (>1/10):
- local reactions: pain on palpation, induration, swelling and hyperemia of the skin at the injection site;
- systemic reactions: subfebrile temperature, malaise, headache. sore throat and sore throat, slight runny nose.
These local and systemic reactions are transient and disappear after 1-2 days without the appointment of specific therapy.
Very rarely (<1/10 000):
- with high individual sensitivity, allergic reactions can occur: anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria, rash (erythematous, papular), etc.

My son has there was a sore throat during the day and that's it. Further, no one even remembered vaccination. More than 3 weeks have passed since the vaccination. As soon as immunity is formed. I think before the epidemic will definitely have time to form.

I even surprised myself that there are so few adverse reactions to this vaccine. There were more "complaints" from mothers about grippol plus.

Still, I would like to say that often refusals to vaccinate against influenza are written by those mothers whose children either "fell ill" after vaccination, or who heard about the possibility of getting sick. But I explain to them that it is impossible to get sick from vaccines (for influenza), they are inactivated. Which is most likely children caught the virus standing in line at the clinic, waiting for an appointment. But such mothers can no longer be persuaded, Yes, I do not insist. This is a personal choice for every mother.

REJECTIONS FROM VACCINATION FROM INFLUENZA VERY MUCH, in schools, in kindergartens, in clinics.

I myself only "FOR!!!" influenza vaccination. This vaccine:


VERY well tolerated by children

After 3 years, a single vaccination (in the shoulder)

You can vaccinate children from 6 months (from 6 months to 3 years, two vaccinations with an interval of 1 month - in the thigh / m IN HALF DOSES = 0.25 ml).


The flu vaccine does not give a 100% guarantee that a child will not get the flu. If immunity against this strain of influenza has time to develop, then even when the body encounters the influenza virus, the disease will either not develop or will proceed in a mild form. The flu is not so much terrible as its complications. A flu vaccine can help prevent them.

Be healthy!



Sovigripp has already been delivered to our clinic. Took my kids for vaccinations today. The vaccine is purified, in the same miserable syringe that the children did not even have time to cry. I measured the temperature in the evening - 36.6 C, active.

We get vaccinated against the flu every year, I'm still for vaccination!! My children did not get the flu, we do everything in time so that the immune response has time to form. And winters are well tolerated. Sovigripp, ultrix, grippol plus - all were well tolerated.

I will also go to get vaccinated with my husband. Are you vaccinated against the flu?


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

What is soviflu?

Sovigripp- this is vaccine from influenza of domestic production. Given the current trend towards the spread of the influenza virus, vaccination is the most effective way to prevent this disease. Influenza is a rather dangerous disease that can not only cause a runny nose and cough, but also lead to death. The introduction of this vaccine should be carried out annually. Due to the high variability of the virus, the composition of the vaccine is updated every year.

Influenza vaccination is included in the national preventive calendar vaccination In Russian federation. It is recommended for carrying out already from the age of six months. It is important to note that due to the need for frequent vaccine updates ( once a year), people do not always repeat it, as a result of which immunity to influenza weakens. The vaccine is required, first of all, for those who spend a lot of time in public places, groups, often get flu and viral respiratory diseases ( SARS).

Sovigripp has a large number of analogues, both domestic and imported. It is difficult to say which vaccine is preferable, since the composition of the vaccines is always the same and includes the most relevant strains of the influenza virus. Sovigripp containing preservatives is allowed for use from the age of 18, and without their content - from 6 months.

What type of vaccine is soviflu? How is this vaccine obtained?

Soviflu vaccine - inactivated ( inanimate) antiviral vaccine. This means that it provides the body with information about the influenza virus due to the inclusion of killed virus particles in its composition. Therefore, the flu vaccine is completely safe and cannot make you sick with the flu. Despite this, there remains the risk of adverse reactions, mainly associated with the body's immune response.

The preparation of this vaccine involves several steps. Viruses cannot develop on their own in a nutrient medium, therefore, for their reproduction, infection of chicken embryos is carried out. By centrifugation and filtration, primary purification is carried out and a sufficient amount of influenza viruses is obtained. After that, they are killed using ultraviolet light or chemical solutions ( formalin). Further purification is used to isolate influenza virus antigens ( so-called hemagglutinin and neuraminidase), which cause immune responses and allow the body to acquire protection against the virus. At the last stage, a water-salt solution, preservatives, and excipients are added to the vaccine.

What types of influenza does the sovigripp vaccine protect against?

Soviflu vaccine has a different composition in each vaccination season. This is due to the fact that the World Health Organization ( WHO) on the basis of epidemiological data at the beginning of each autumn-spring season announces the estimated spectrum of influenza virus strains that will be most active during the season. It is against these strains that vaccination is carried out. Thus, sovigripp protects against those strains of the influenza virus that will be most common during the cold season. Due to the high variability of the influenza virus, it is important to vaccinate with sovigripple annually in early autumn.

The current composition of sovigripp ( for 2018 - 2019) provides protection against three strains of the influenza virus, namely A( H1N1), A( H3N2) and B. It is believed that these strains are more common today than others. After vaccination with sovigrippom, the body becomes protected from the listed types of influenza virus, but there are other varieties of it. In their regard, strong immunity does not develop, but it is assumed that after vaccination, influenza caused by any strains of the virus will be easier. The fact is that the body creates cross-immunity, allowing it to respond faster even to unfamiliar flu strains.

Today, the most dangerous strain of influenza is considered to be codenamed A ( H1N1) Michigan. It was identified in 2015. The peak incidence of this strain falls on December-January. The Michigan flu is highly contagious ( infectiousness) and a high risk of complications. For prevention, doctors recommend getting vaccinated against this strain of the virus. Thanks to vaccination, the body is able to fight it without delay from the first minutes it enters the respiratory tract. Otherwise, the immune response begins only from the third day of illness or later.

At what age is the soviflu vaccine given?

The flu vaccine is most often given to adults starting at age 18. However, it can also be performed in schools for high school students. The advantage of the vaccine is the weakening of the course of the virus and its provision free of charge. The vaccination is practically necessary for those individuals who spend a lot of time in teams and work in the social sphere.

Influenza vaccination is carried out in the direction of a family doctor in public medical institutions. As a rule, the doctor recommends vaccination for patients at risk. In other cases, the patient can independently consult a doctor to obtain the necessary referral. Vaccination with soviflu is free of charge, as it is supported by the state.

How is the soviflu vaccine given?

Vaccination with soviflu is carried out in special treatment rooms of polyclinics by paramedical personnel. The nurse prepares the vaccine solution by drawing it into the syringe from the ampoule or by using the universal dose presented in the syringe. Soviflu vaccine is a colorless or slightly yellowish transparent liquid. If there is a change in color or transparency, the expiration date of this vaccine is not used.

On the day of vaccination, the patient must be examined by a doctor, in addition, it is necessary to measure body temperature. At temperatures above 37 degrees, vaccination is postponed. The vaccine is given intramuscularly into the outer thigh or upper arm ( quadriceps femoris or deltoid muscle). Before setting the injection, the nurse wipes the skin with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution. The injection takes a very short time, since a small volume of solution is injected ( only 0.5 ml), however, the patient may feel pain during the administration of the vaccine and for some time after. The vaccine must not be administered intravenously.

After the vaccine, it is recommended to stay near the medical facility for about 30 minutes, so that, if necessary, medical personnel can provide urgent assistance in the development of allergic reactions. The office where vaccination is carried out is always equipped with anti-shock therapy.

Sovigrip vaccination schedule

The standard vaccination schedule for soviflu includes one injection in a single dose of 0.5 ml. The preferred time for the injection is the autumn months. Children older than three years and adults are injected into the shoulder muscle. It is very important to follow the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, that is, sterility, during vaccination. All syringes, needles and vaccination solutions must be clean and used only once.

Children from 6 months to 3 years of age are given the vaccine twice, dividing the main dose into 2 parts. The vaccine is injected into the outer part of the thigh in an amount of 0.25 ml. The rest of the vaccine is disposed of, as it will not lie open for storage. After 4 weeks, the second part of the influenza vaccine is administered, also equal to 0.25 ml. The need to divide the dose into two parts is explained by the peculiarity of the production of antibodies in children. The child's body produces antibodies more slowly and in a smaller volume.

Can the injection site be wetted?

The injection site after vaccination with soviflu can be wetted. A child and an adult are allowed to swim even on the day of the vaccination. This prohibition is valid only for the Mantoux test or the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis. These procedures have a specific mechanism of development, so contact with water can somewhat damage their result. It does not apply to all other vaccinations. On the contrary, bathing has a positive effect, since cleaning the injection site from contamination will help prevent bacteria from entering the wound.

Can I drink alcohol after vaccination?

The use of alcoholic beverages leads to a temporary weakening of the immune system. As a result of alcohol consumption, the immune response to the vaccine may not be strong enough, that is, the effectiveness of the vaccine is reduced. That is why after vaccination against influenza, as well as against other infections, doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol for three days. If, after the introduction of the vaccine, there are not enough antibodies and “memory cells” formed, the likelihood of getting the flu during the season will remain at the same level.

How does sovigripp interact with other vaccines?

Sovigripp interacts well with other vaccines. Due to the high vaccination density in childhood, it can be administered at the same time as most of the vaccines included in the national vaccination schedule. The exception concerns the rabies vaccination. However, in any case, before combining two different vaccines, you must carefully read the instructions and study the features of their interaction.

If a child or adult suffers from a chronic illness and takes certain medications for this reason, it is also necessary to check their compatibility with the Covigripp vaccine. In most cases, this vaccine is well combined with medications and is approved for use in chronic diseases without exacerbation.

Sovigripp vaccination storage conditions

Soviflu vaccine should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. However, freezing of the vaccine to negative temperatures is not allowed. In this way, the patient can ensure that the soviflu vaccine is refrigerated before use. If this was not observed, the vaccine could lose its immunogenic properties due to the breakdown of antigens.

Soviflu vaccine should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees and during transport. Unfortunately, a person undergoing vaccination cannot control the conditions under which the vaccine was delivered to a medical facility.

Expiry date of the soviflu vaccine

The expiration date of the soviflu vaccine is 1 year. This is how long the set of antigens of the influenza virus, which is part of the vaccine, remains relevant. The point is that the World Health Organization (WHO) WHO) updates the composition of influenza vaccines annually based on worldwide incidence data. Therefore, the vaccine of different years of publication differs in composition. The introduction of an outdated vaccine, although it indirectly protects against influenza, does not completely cover exactly those strains that will be spread during the next season. That is why it is in the best interest of the patient to check the expiration date of the vaccine before administering it.

How quickly does immunity develop after vaccination?

Immunity after the introduction of the soviflu vaccine is formed within one to two weeks or even faster. The advantage of the vaccine is that the body has time to prepare antibodies and lymphocytes for infection with the influenza virus. With a common illness, immunity is delayed, because in the first days after infection, when immunity has not yet been formed, the virus multiplies faster than the body destroys it. The speed of immunity formation depends on many factors, and in middle-aged people it is formed faster than in children and the elderly.

How long does flu immunity last after vaccination?

Immunity from any flu vaccine lasts no more than a year. This is due to the fact that the influenza virus has a high variability. It mutates, changes the composition of antigens on the surface shell, as a result of which the body almost never encounters the same versions of the virus. Thus, immunity from influenza is short-lived and unstable. Because of this, in order to prepare for infection with the flu virus, it is necessary to get vaccinated annually against the most common strains of the virus. For this purpose, the composition of the sovigripp vaccine is updated before the start of each influenza season.

Side effects of the soviflu vaccine

The soviflu vaccine is generally well tolerated by patients. Despite this, certain adverse reactions may occur after the administration of the vaccine. In most cases, they go away on their own, no action is required to eliminate them. Despite this, in order to be prepared for various scenarios, the patient must be warned about those phenomena that may occur after vaccination.

Allergic reaction to sovigripp

Allergy to sovigripp can have various manifestations and develop both quickly and slowly. The greatest danger is anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. These reactions imply respiratory failure, a drop in blood pressure, fainting, and require urgent attention. They can develop in the first half hour after the introduction of the vaccine. It is to prevent them and provide the necessary assistance that one should not quickly leave the medical facility immediately after the vaccination.

On the other hand, allergic reactions can develop slowly. In this case, they mean the appearance of a reddish rash near the injection site or in distant places. Such a manifestation of an allergy is not life-threatening. To treat it, you can take a tablet of antiallergic drugs ( for example suprastin). If allergic rashes persist for more than a day, you should see a doctor.

Prevention of allergic reactions is the study of one's own body and knowledge of the manifestations of allergies. It is very important to tell your doctor if you have any allergies, either food or medication, before you get vaccinated. Patients suffering from bronchial asthma should be especially careful about allergic reactions after vaccination, as they have an increased chance of developing them.

Fever after soviflu vaccine

Fever after influenza vaccination is a fairly common side effect. Its frequency is estimated within 10%. Body temperature after vaccination rarely reaches values ​​above 37.5 degrees. This reaction is due to the fact that when confronted with the components of the vaccine, the body behaves like a flu infection. As a result, specific antibodies are produced, and the centers of the nervous system specifically raise the body temperature. This protective reaction is aimed at fighting infection, since with an increase in body temperature, the reproduction of viruses in it slows down. An increase in temperature is a temporary phenomenon that disappears within a day after vaccination. If the fever interferes with normal work activities, doctors are allowed to take drugs that reduce the temperature ( e.g. paracetamol).

Redness and swelling of the injection site. Pain at the injection site

Local reactions at the injection site are very common. Their development mechanism is associated with migration to the injection site of cells responsible for protection from foreign substances. Leukocytes, macrophages, and other cells secrete various substances that cause mild inflammation. It is manifested by redness and pain at the injection site, swelling. Edema is formed due to the expansion of blood vessels and the release of blood plasma into the soft tissues.

Sometimes a seal is formed at the injection site, which is an infiltrate from the cells of the immune system. It dissolves on its own over time. As in the case of other adverse reactions, these local phenomena pass on their own and do not require any protective measures. However, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the injection site, since even a small violation of the integrity of the soft tissues can penetrate dangerous bacteria ( primarily staphylococci and streptococci), leading to the formation of pustules ( abscesses).

Cough and runny nose after vaccination

Sometimes, after vaccination, patients develop a cough and runny nose. After that, people may consider that it was the vaccine that caused these phenomena. In fact, this is ruled out, since the flu vaccine does not contain viruses that can cause illness. With the vaccine, previously neutralized viruses are introduced into the body, which cannot spread or multiply in it. That is why coughing and runny nose after vaccination is a coincidence and can be caused by both a cold and flu infection from others. Unfortunately, the latter is really not excluded, since in the medical center where vaccination is carried out, there are many people with various infections from which you can get infected by airborne droplets, including influenza.

Dizziness and malaise after vaccination

These adverse reactions are relatively rare. Their frequency does not exceed 1%. Due to possible discomfort on the day of vaccination, it is best to relax at home and not engage in heavy mental or physical labor. The cause of dizziness and malaise is the immune response to the vaccine. They go away on their own within one day after the injection. Some anti-inflammatory drugs ( ibuprofen, nimesil) or stimulants ( caffeine) can help to remove this condition at an earlier date.

Soviflu vaccine prices

The soviflu vaccine is provided free of charge as part of the state vaccination program. When contacting a state medical institution, namely a family doctor, he issues a referral for influenza vaccination with the help of the sovigripp vaccine or analogues of domestic production. You only have to pay for influenza vaccination if the patient wishes to be vaccinated using imported vaccines. Also, private medical centers do not provide free vaccination, the cost of their services may vary depending on the region of Russia and other factors.

The cost of the soviflu vaccine in various cities of Russia

Do I need a prescription to buy Sovigripp vaccine?

The sale of the soviflu vaccine in pharmacies is carried out exclusively by prescription. However, in most cases, patients do not need to purchase the vaccine themselves. When contacting their family doctor, they can get a referral for a free flu vaccine. In this case, all the necessary drugs must be available at the clinic at the place of residence.

It is very difficult to protect a child from the flu because the virus is highly contagious. In kindergarten and school, in transport and shops, on the street, in the sports section, during a period of mass morbidity, a child may well become infected with the flu. There is only one measure of specific prevention - vaccination. In this article, we will talk about the features of the Sovigripp vaccine, which has long established itself as an excellent tool for preventing influenza in children.

Calculate the vaccination calendar

Enter your child's date of birth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 28 28 29 30 31 January March April June July August September November 2020 2018 2017 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Generate a calendar

Why do you need to do?

Influenza is considered one of the most dangerous illnesses for children, the elderly, pregnant women and those who suffer from chronic diseases. The fact is that the immunity of an adult has enough strength and ability to cope with the virus that caused the disease, without significant "losses".

The natural protection of the child's body is weak and imperfect, it has yet to get stronger. Therefore, it is not even the virus itself that causes the flu that is considered dangerous, but the possible complications that can develop after the acute stage of the disease.

They develop not at all as rarely as it seems, and can significantly worsen the quality of life of the baby, and even lead to death. Among the most severe complications are meningitis, pneumonia, myocarditis, lesions of the central nervous system. Often, an acute viral illness ends with the development of sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis and other diseases that become possible due to the addition of a secondary bacterial or other infection.

During the period of mass morbidity, large-scale preventive measures are recommended, which include limiting attendance at crowded meetings, especially indoors, wearing gauze bandages (the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets), saturating the child's diet with vitamins and protein foods. But the only actual method of prevention is vaccination.

It is very important to understand that a child's vaccination does not guarantee that influenza will not occur. But the likelihood of infection even when in contact with the patient will be significantly lower, and the disease itself, if it happens, will proceed faster and easier, the risks of complications after the flu will decrease to a minimum.

The task of vaccination is to create a small reserve of antibodies to the virus in the child's body. This supply will be temporary, non-permanent, but it will help the immune system cope with the disease if the infection does occur. For vaccinations, Russian doctors use two types of vaccines. A live vaccine contains a certain amount of live virus particles - this amount is not enough to cause illness, but it is enough to activate the immune system, which will begin to produce specific antibodies.

Inactivated vaccines contain virus particles neutralized in the laboratory. Since live vaccines are the most reactogenic, inactivated influenza vaccines are prescribed for children and other members of the risk group. "Sovigripp" refers to just such a group.

About the vaccine

"Sovigripp" is a domestic inactivated influenza vaccine, the composition of which each varies depending on the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Russian Ministry of Health. The fact is that the flu virus is constantly mutating, so every year you have to make adjustments to the composition of vaccines, supplementing them or replacing one component with another.

In the basic version, the vaccine contains surface proteins - virus glycoproteins, which are isolated in the laboratory by genetic engineers from previously neutralized and purified particles of the causative agent of the disease: viruses of types A and B. Before this, chicken embryos are infected with these viruses in order to obtain a virus-containing liquid as a raw material.

"Sovigripp" can be produced in two forms: with the addition of the preservative thiomersal and without it. The second option is considered optimal for children and women expecting a baby. For adult patients, the use of both types of funds (both with and without a preservative) is allowed.

"Sovigripp" is administered exclusively intramuscularly, is available in an appropriate injection solution, there is no vaccine in other forms. The drug is annually purchased centrally under the state program, and delivered to medical institutions, from where it is distributed to schools, kindergartens, children's polyclinics of district subordination.

Each of both types of "Sovigrippa" has a single dose of protein particles that form immunity to such types of influenza as A (H1N1) in the amount of 5 μg, subtype A (H3N2) in the same amount and type B influenza virus proteins in the amount of 11 mcg. This composition helps to protect the child from the most dangerous subtypes and strains that most often cause severe consequences: "swine" flu and "Hong Kong flu".

The liquid in disposable vials is usually colorless or has a slight yellowish tint, which is quite acceptable by the manufacturer.

Indications and contraindications

Influenza vaccination is not mandatory in Russia, but highly recommended for all children over the age of six months. During the first six months of a child's life, the innate "maternal" immunity protects. But already from six months, the crumbs become very susceptible to the viral threat.

Childhood, therefore, is considered an important indication for the use of Sovigripp, but parents should decide whether to vaccinate a child or not. Therefore, the mothers of schoolchildren and kindergarteners fill out an informed consent for vaccination or write a refusal. Parents of babies under 3 years of age will be offered such consent at the children's clinic at the place of residence.

Particular attention to the risk of contracting influenza and the need to participate in vaccination should be paid to parents of children from the so-called risk group. It includes frequently ill babies, children with any chronic ailments, children who have already had the flu or SARS with subsequent complications, as well as those who are often in crowded places (kindergarten and school).

Instructions for use of the drug also indicate some contraindications to the use of Sovigripp:

  • you can not use a product with a preservative if the child is a minor;
  • the child should not be allergic to chicken protein;
  • it is forbidden to vaccinate babies under six months;

If a child at the time of vaccination has signs of any disease: runny nose, cough, headache, exacerbation of a chronic disease, then the introduction of the drug may worsen his condition.

If during the previous introduction in the last epidemiological season the child had a pronounced reaction to the vaccine: fever above 40.0 degrees, the development of swelling in the area of ​​vaccine administration, convulsions, then the manufacturers also do not recommend using the drug. Such a child can be given another vaccine, such as Grippol, but the reaction should still be closely monitored by medical professionals. If the negative experience is repeated, the vaccination of the baby will have to be temporarily abandoned.

Parents can always ask a pediatrician for a description of the drug and tips for use, or read the official instructions on their own.

Advantages of the drug for children's use

"Sovigripp" provides a high degree of protection, as proven by clinical trials. This is partly due to the merit of a special component that enhances the degree of the immune response. This component is called "Sovidon". Other influenza vaccines usually add "Polyoxidonium" as such a "booster".

Due to the composition of the liquid for vaccination, thought out to the smallest detail, it is possible to achieve a long period of protection - after vaccination, specific immunity lasts from 6 to 9 months. This is quite enough to protect the child from a dangerous disease during the entire epidemiological season. Therefore, vaccination in August-October will help provide protection almost until the onset of next summer.

The advantage of the drug for children is the absence of a preservative, and therefore vaccination less often than other influenza vaccines causes a negative reaction of the child's body.

Parents who doubt the safety of the drug should remember that the same vaccine is administered to pregnant women, because clinical trials have shown the absence of a teratogenic or other effect of the composition on the developing fetus in the womb.

How to graft?

Instructions for use of the drug describes the rules by which vaccination should be carried out. They are coordinated and approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. Here are the key rules for using Sovigripp to protect children.

  • It is necessary to carry out a vaccination campaign every year in the fall - winter, preferably, before the appearance of cases of infection.
  • Vaccinations are not excluded at the start of the epidemiological season, when the first cases, indicating an increase in the incidence, are already occurring.
  • The vaccination is done in the arm - in the upper part of the outer surface of the shoulder (in the area of ​​​​the anatomical location of the deltoid muscle).
  • For children aged 3 years and older, a single dose of 0.5 ml is sufficient.
  • Children from six months to 3 years of age should be vaccinated twice per season - 0.25 ml of the drug is administered for the first time, and the same amount exactly one month later. Unlike older children, babies are not vaccinated in the arm; it is allowed to administer it intramuscularly to the anterior outer part of the thigh surface.

It is possible to open the ampoule with the drug only under sterile conditions and in compliance with all hygienic requirements. After the injection, the remains of the drug are not subject to storage, they must be disposed of immediately.

Before a child is vaccinated with Sovigripp, a medical worker must make sure that the vaccine is not expired, that the integrity of the package is not broken, that the color and transparency of the drug inside the ampoule comply with the standards declared by the manufacturers.

Vaccination rooms in a clinic, school or kindergarten should be equipped with anti-shock therapy. Doctors should observe the child after vaccination for at least half an hour. It is strictly forbidden to administer the drug intravenously, drip or in any other way.

On the day of vaccination, the child must be examined by a pediatrician or paramedic - measure body temperature, examine the condition of the throat and nasal passages, and skin.

After vaccination, the injection site can be wetted, but on the first day it is not recommended to walk with the child, as well as engage in physical education and sports. A gentle regimen during the day will help the child's immunity to more gently adjust to a new mode of operation.

At home, parents also need to watch the child. If you notice a rise in temperature, skin reactions, or other symptoms of deterioration, you should definitely contact your doctor.

Side effects and reactions

Sovigripp is one of the highly purified drugs, and therefore the remedy is usually well tolerated. But clinical trials conducted on this drug still revealed the likelihood of negative reactions. Therefore, after vaccination in a child, the following symptoms of a post-vaccination reaction are sometimes not excluded:

  • most often- redness and induration at the injection site, slight swelling of the skin, fever above 37.0 degrees, mild nasal congestion, headaches, pain when swallowing, malaise, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • often- joint pain, muscle pain, dizziness;
  • rarely- anaphylactic shock, rashes and other allergic reactions.

Parents should not be very worried when most side effects appear - most of them disappear on their own in 1-2 days, and no special treatment is required. With other vaccines, if the timing of other vaccinations is suitable, the drug is fully compatible. The only exception is rabies vaccines.

If a child is given two vaccinations on the same day, the side effects of several drugs must be taken into account at once, and it is also necessary to inject drugs with different syringes into different parts of the body.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

According to the well-known pediatrician and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky, parents should not neglect the flu shot. But with age, he calls to be more careful - to vaccinate not from six months, but from one year of age. Until that time, the best protection for the child will be breastfeeding and family members of the baby vaccinated with Sovigripp or other means.

The pediatrician recommends vaccinating an older child in advance. It takes 3 to 5 weeks to build strong immunity.

Influenza is a very dangerous and acute infectious pathology that has seasonal manifestations and most often occurs in autumn and winter. The disease itself is caused by a separate type of virus that spreads by airborne droplets.

Being a rather dangerous infection, the flu, not treated in time, can lead to a number of complications. That is why today there are many means for the prevention of this disease.

The most effective drug should be considered influenza drugs. Due to their diversity, a comparison will be made against influenza, their features and effectiveness.

What are there?

All vaccines, including influenza vaccines, are divided into two main types: live and inactivated (that is, all viruses are killed). So, a live vaccine is created from specially weakened and “neutralized” (devoid of their pathogenicity) influenza viruses.

This drug is administered nasally, due to which a specific “protection” called “local immunity” is formed in the mucosa. This type of vaccine is considered quite safe.

However, among experts there is still no consensus on this. Many question the effectiveness of the live vaccine. But the inactivated drug consists entirely of "killed" viruses. This tool comes in three generations, each of which will be considered separately.

First generation. It is called whole virion (not split) vaccines and is produced using a whole, completely inactivated influenza virus. This means that he will never be able to cause disease.

This vaccine is given either by nose or subcutaneously. In this case, up to 37 and a half degrees and compaction in place up to five centimeters are allowed.

The first generation includes the following influenza vaccines:

  • Grifor. Russian production, injected into the nose;
  • eluate-centrifuge vaccine (liquid form). Domestic development. Enter subcutaneously or intramuscularly;
  • and Grippovak. Also Russian made. Enter both into the nose and subcutaneously.gr

Second generation. Refers to split (or split) vaccines. The peculiarity of these drugs is that all parts of the virus containing proteins are removed from them, since it is these particles that cause side reactions.

Second generation drugs include:

  • Begrivak. German production;
  • . French manufacturer;
  • Fluarix. German production.

In this case, second-generation drugs are administered exclusively subcutaneously. According to statistics, reactions to this vaccine occur in about 1% of children and 2% of adults. Sometimes a vaccinant is diagnosed with an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees. But this is a rather rare occurrence.

Third generation. Their name is subunit vaccines. They are composed of specific influenza surface antigens. The essence of these protein bodies is that their aggressive nature has been “neutralized” for them. As a result, these drugs rarely give unwanted symptoms.

Third generation vaccines are:

  • Inflexal. Swiss made;
  • Grippol and Grippol plus. Russian manufacturer;
  • Influvac and Influvac-TS. Dutch production;
  • and Agrippal. Italian development.

There is an opinion that third-generation vaccines weaken the immune system. Therefore, an adjuvant (a substance that enhances the immunizing ability of the body and increases the production of antibodies) is added to some of the listed drugs.

Comparison of flu vaccines: which one is better?

The decision to vaccinate has been made. But the question is: which drug to choose, because there are so many of them now? Let's figure it out.

Grippol or Waxigripp

Grippol is a subunit adjuvanted influenza vaccine. The drug was developed and produced by the Microgen concern, the leader of the domestic vaccine market. A specific feature of the drug is the content of azoximer bromide (mentioned adjuvant for immunity).

Grippol differs from analogues by a three-fold reduced content of antigens (compared to Influvak). At the same time, Grippol occupies a leading position in the Russian market among influenza vaccines (about 60%).

Grippol drug

Vaxiflu, in turn, is an inactivated split vaccine to fight the same flu. The peculiarity of this tool is that it can be used simultaneously with other vaccines (but not more than once a day).

Vaxigripp is allowed to be used for influenza prophylaxis even for 6-month-old babies. In addition, the drug is especially recommended for those who often give complications after having had this pathology. Which of these two vaccines is better?

Reviews about the drug Grippol are mostly positive, although some point to its lack of effectiveness (the same applies to Grippol Plus). Being a domestic vaccine, Grippol constantly improves and controls not only the Ministry of Health, but also Rospotrebnadzor.

The drug Vaxigripp

It is worth noting that in terms of quality and characteristics, many Russian medicines are in no way inferior to foreign ones, while they are much cheaper. However, Vaxigripp from France is especially popular among imported drugs.

Vaxigripp is purified and rid of allergens during the creation process. But it has a high monetary value. Its general composition is quite similar to Grippol. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether it is worth overpaying here. But if you have money, then Vaxigripp is the best solution.

Vaxigripp or Influvac

We have already mentioned the properties and features of Vaxigrippa. But, in addition to it, there is such a drug as Influvac, which is also common today. Which one is better?

The drug Influvac

Influvac. The first thing that catches your eye is the cost of this vaccine. On average, the price of Influvak is 550 rubles, while Vaxigripp can be bought for 400 rubles.. Influvac is quite similar to Vaxigripp in its composition and dosage.

Both drugs give the same result. The only difference (besides the price) is the side effects. The list of those in Influvac is much larger than that of Vaxigrippa. This means that the latter can be called more preferable for purchase.

Sovigripp or Ultrix

But Ultrix can be used from the age of six. A big plus of the drug is rare side effects, usually not painful.

Ultrix best meets international standards (among other Russian vaccines). Which is an added bonus in his favor.

Grippol Plus or Sovigripp

The properties of Grippol have already been discussed earlier. But what about Grippol Plus? In fact, it is an improved version of the vaccine and can be used for children from six months.

The drug Sovigripp

Grippol Plus is considered to be more highly purified and better tolerated (compared to regular Grippol). At the same time, local and general reactions to this vaccine are absent in most cases.

The price of both drugs is almost identical and is in the region of 200 rubles per pack. Thus, there are no significant differences between them. Here it is worth starting only from the price advantage.

Grippol Plus or Influvac

It is noteworthy that Grippol Plus is produced in two: in Russia and the Netherlands. And Influvak - exclusively in Holland. Is there a difference between these vaccines?

There is a difference in price. But it is small: Grippol Plus costs an average of 150-250 rubles per dose, and Influvak - 250-350 rubles.

Grippol Plus

There are no preservatives in both preparations, the age of application is the same - from six months. A distinctive point between the drugs can be called the absence of an immunostimulant in Influvac.

Differences between imported and domestic flu shots

As already mentioned, better cleaning and quality components. But their main disadvantage is the price.

Recently, one can observe trends towards a reduction in the price gap between domestic and foreign influenza vaccines.

Now in Russia, these drugs are being actively improved. This means that there may not be any differences soon.

Which influenza vaccine is best and safest for children?

Each flu vaccine has its own age of use. It can range from six months to six years. It is extremely important to find out the acceptable age before vaccinating.

The safest and most suitable for children are the vaccines that have the smallest age restrictions. These include:

  • Grippol Plus;
  • Sovigripp;
  • Vaxigripp;
  • and Influvac.

All of them can be introduced to already six-month-old babies.

What vaccination is best for adults?

The most priority qualities when choosing a flu shot for adults are the presence of immunostimulants, the dose of the virus antigen and the possibility of use in pregnant women.

The best vaccines for adults are:

  • Grippol Plus;
  • and Sovigripp.

They meet all of the listed properties. However, it is best to consult a doctor in choosing a flu vaccine.

Only a specialist will select the right vaccine for you.

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Dr. Komarovsky on the types of flu vaccines:

The influenza virus has a peculiarity - it changes itself every year, adjusting to the environment and new vaccines. That is why there is a continuous renewal and improvement of drugs for this pathology. And, despite the possible side effects, the total number of people who want to get vaccinated against the flu is growing.

Every year, with the advent of autumn and winter, outbreaks of influenza epidemics increase, despite the implementation of active preventive measures. Although people are accustomed to believing that the flu is not a serious disease, in reality, such an ailment is characterized by its severe form of leakage. To combat influenza pathogens, there are many different drugs, the list of which is only growing every year. Despite the fact that the death rate from influenza is low, the absence of any measures to eliminate symptoms can lead to serious complications. Due to the rising trend of influenza, the pharmaceutical industry has released a vaccine against this disease called Sovigripp. Currently, the injection is actively used to increase immunity among the population. How effective is the Sovigripp vaccine, we will find out in the material.

Features of Sovigripp injection

Sovigripp is a domestic influenza vaccine, which was first released by the pharmaceutical company Microgen in 2013. All components of the injection are domestic and are not purchased abroad. Since 2015, the vaccine has been mandatory, so everyone can get vaccinated absolutely free of charge.

Sovigripp injections are based on strains of various influenza viruses, which makes this drug even more effective. Every year, depending on the type of flu, the vaccine may differ in its composition. The most common viruses are group A and B. Every year, the mutation of these viruses leads to the fact that the vaccine does not have a positive effect, so it needs to be updated.

It's important to know! The flu vaccine "Sovigripp" does not contain "Polyoxidonium", as in many analogues of the vaccine, but "Sovidon", which allows not only to strengthen immunity, but also to form the immune system.

A number of useful qualities of "Sovidon" include:

  • stable elimination of toxins;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • protection of cell membranes;
  • the formation of immunity.

The composition of the flu vaccine "Sovigripp" includes a substance such as thiomersal. It is a chemical substance composed of ethyl mercury. This substance is used as a preservative for multiple-use vaccine vials. To prevent bacterial or fungal contamination of multiple-use injection vials, the use of this substance is resorted to. If the Soviripp vaccine is a one-time use, then this preservative is absent in it.

Who should be vaccinated

Influenza vaccination is indicated for persons over 18 years of age. Moreover, vaccination is carried out mainly during the off-season, usually at the beginning of autumn and spring. In particular, it is mandatory to vaccinate the following groups of people:

  1. Elderly people over the age of 60.
  2. People with weakened immune systems who often have acute respiratory infections.
  3. Patients who have chronic ailments, diabetes, heart and kidney disease.
  4. Patients with immunodeficiency.
  5. Students.
  6. Doctors and medical workers.
  7. Social workers.
  8. Military and police.

It's important to know! Vaccination is absolutely free, so anyone who does not belong to the list of the above can get it. To do this, you must come to a medical facility and express a desire to get vaccinated against influenza.

Features of the injection "Sovigripp"

Instructions for use of the Sovigripp vaccine exclude the use of the drug for children under 18 years of age. The restriction on the use of the injection is indicated in the instructions, so before you get vaccinated, you will need to present your passport to the health worker.

To avoid the occurrence of influenza, it is recommended to get vaccinated in early autumn (September). This is necessary so that immunity has time to form to the viral nature. After the injection, the maximum protection of the body occurs on the 14th day after its administration. After the formation of immunity to viruses, protection is maintained for 7-9 months.

It's important to know! If a person has not had time to get vaccinated, and flu symptoms have already appeared, then it is still worth visiting a hospital and getting vaccinated. This will speed up the process of fighting the disease, as well as eliminate the occurrence of a recurrence of the disease.

Vaccination is carried out only once a year. Re-vaccination can be performed no earlier than after 7-9 months. A single dose of Sovigripp injection is 0.5 ml. An injection is administered intramuscularly in the upper third of the shoulder. Before vaccination, it is not recommended that the patient have symptoms of acute respiratory infections, since after the introduction of the vaccine, immunity is weakened. After the injection, it is required to stay in the hospital for 30 minutes to exclude the occurrence of allergies and other dangerous complications.

A medical worker is obliged to administer the injection, most often, the vaccination is carried out by a nurse. Drinking alcohol is prohibited after and before injection. When drinking alcohol, the production of immune bodies is reduced, and the body's defenses are also weakened. After the introduction of the vaccine, you should not drink alcohol for at least 3 days.

For whom the injection is contraindicated

There are contraindications to the use of the vaccine. In the presence of such contraindications, vaccination is prohibited. A number of contraindications include:

  1. If the patient has signs of intolerance to the constituent components of the vaccine.
  2. If you have previously received influenza vaccines. Additional use of the influenza vaccine can lead to serious side effects.
  3. In the presence of diseases in the patient, which are caused by an increase in temperature.
  4. In the presence of diseases in a chronic form.
  5. Children and adolescents up to 18 years of age.

If the patient does not know about the presence of contraindications, then an additional examination by a therapist may be required, as well as testing.

What complications can occur after vaccination

With the correct use of the vaccine, complications after its administration are excluded. In some cases, it is possible to increase body temperature up to 38 degrees, which is an absolutely normal factor. Sometimes there may be pain in the injection area, as well as redness of this place.

It's important to know! To relieve pain and redness at the injection site, an iodine mesh is required. The injection site can be wetted, but it is important to avoid contamination.

Usually, mild complications that occur after vaccination disappear after a few days. If the injection site continues to hurt for more than 2 days, then you should contact the hospital. In addition to the above complications, the instructions for use indicate the possible development of the following side symptoms:

  1. Headache.
  2. Runny nose and sore throat.
  3. Signs of allergy, which manifest themselves in the form of a rash, swelling, urticaria and the occurrence of Quincke's edema.

Serious and fatal cases after the introduction of the vaccine have not been detected since 2013. During pregnancy, vaccination is indicated in exceptional cases. It is categorically contraindicated to be vaccinated during the first trimester of pregnancy, since during the first 12 weeks the formation of the main organs and systems of the unborn baby is observed.

It's important to know! Currently, research is ongoing on the use of the vaccine for children and pregnant women, so it is planned to expand the indications in the future.

Analogues and additional information about the vaccine

The Sovigripp vaccine can be used for patients with signs of HIV infections. The vaccine can be used in combination with other types of vaccinations and medicines, but with the exception of anti-influenza.

It's important to know! It is contraindicated to inject Sovigripp on the same day as a tetanus shot.

To maintain the effectiveness of the drug, it is required to store the vaccine properly, as provided by the manufacturer. The storage conditions of the vaccine include compliance with the temperature regime in the range from 2 to 8 degrees. Usually, the vaccine is purchased from the manufacturer by the state, after which the population is vaccinated free of charge if desired.

It's important to know! The more people who get vaccinated, the more likely it is that influenza will be rare and mild.

The Sovigripp vaccine has analogues that are produced not only in Russia, but also abroad. Foreign counterparts include:

  • Fluarix;
  • Vaxigripp;
  • Agrippal;
  • Begrivak;
  • Inflexal 5.

Domestic analogues of Sovigripp:

  • Grippovak;
  • Microfluid;
  • Ultrix;
  • Grifor.

The results of the use of the vaccine "Sovigripp"

Sovigripp vaccine is a virus cell particles that are deliberately introduced into the body in order to develop resistance to these strains. In addition to virus particles, special components are also added to the vaccine, which contribute to the prolongation and formation of immunity. Such a component is Sovidon, which is used exclusively in this vaccine. In all other analogues of Russian production, the less reliable "Polyoxidonium" is used. Sovidon increases the level of body defense, and also reduces the number of cases of acute respiratory infections.

The effectiveness of the vaccine is 80%-90%. After the introduction of the vaccine, maximum protection does not occur immediately, but only on day 4, that is, after 2 weeks. Patients who are prone to influenza illnesses must be vaccinated. This vaccine is contraindicated for children, but studies are currently ongoing, through which it is planned to expand the range of use of the drug.

Summing up, it should be noted that the development of adverse symptoms after vaccination is extremely small. If signs such as fever and soreness occur in the area where the vaccine is administered, it is necessary to wait a few days. Usually negative symptoms disappear on the 2nd day.

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