Healthy eating plan for every day. Healthy eating: Menu for the whole week. A sample menu of proper nutrition for a week for the whole family

In order to be healthy and feel great, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This fact is indisputable. What does the concept of "healthy lifestyle" include? Rejection of bad habits? Yes. Regular exercise? Also correct. But another important link in this logical chain is proper nutrition. It is this concept that we will discuss in this article. From it, the reader will be able to learn how to properly compose a balanced menu and healthy food recipes for all family members. The information presented will help you make your diet not only tasty, but also the most beneficial for the body.

Where to start healthy eating?

The menu (recipes) for the week is the first step in switching to healthy food. It needs to be done every week. The seven-day diet should include all the elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. For convenience, get a notebook where you can write down all the necessary information: daily diet, healthy food recipes, a list of necessary products and a table of their calorie content.

The right menu: what is it?

Tasty and healthy food (recipes will be presented below) usually consists of five meals a day. During breakfast, the body should be saturated, which will provide energy for the whole working day. It can be a piece of gray bread with butter, cereal, tea with honey. The second breakfast (snack) is the time for a fresh fruit or vegetable salad. Lunch should be hearty, but not heavy. At this time of day, you need to eat proteins, as well as a little fat and carbohydrates. The menu may include broth, or compote cutlets or unsweetened tea. In the afternoon (afternoon snack), it is recommended to take dairy products or fruits. Dinner should not overload the stomach with heavy food. At this time of day, you need to consume a small amount of vegetable fats, proteins, carbohydrates. The diet may consist of boiled fish, steamed meat, fruit compote. We will consider in more detail recipes for a healthy diet for a week in the next part of the article.


Oatmeal with dried fruits

Pour 100 g of oatmeal with two glasses of water and set to boil. Boil the workpiece for about 10 minutes. Pre-soak in hot water a handful of different dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes). Drain the liquid from them and add to the porridge at the final stage of cooking. Cool the dish. Before use, add a little honey to the delicacy.

Buckwheat porridge with milk

Rinse half a glass of buckwheat and pour 200 grams of water. Bring it to a boil, and then simmer under a closed lid for about 15 minutes. Next, pour 1 large glass of milk into the blank. Boil the dish for another 5 minutes and turn it off. Let the porridge brew. Add 1 small spoonful of sugar and a piece of butter to it.

Omelet with vegetables

Peel onion, sweet pepper, zucchini, tomato
and free from seeds. Cut all vegetables into small pieces. Fry them in vegetable oil. First, brown the onion, then add the zucchini and pepper to it. Put the tomato last. Simmer the workpiece for about 10 minutes. Whisk eggs with salt and pour over vegetables. Fry the omelette over low heat on one side and then flip over to the other. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh parsley and dill.

Fish baked in tomato puree

Salt and lightly pepper the pieces of catfish, tilapia or cod. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the tomato slices in it. Arrange the tomatoes in a single layer in an oven dish and season with salt. Place fish pieces on top. Sprinkle them with chopped parsley. Put the remaining tomatoes on the fish. Lubricate it with sour cream on top, sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Salt and pepper the dish. Put the mold in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the fish for 40 minutes.

Pumpkin porridge with millet

Rinse 200 g of millet and pour into a saucepan. Peel the pumpkin (300 g) and remove the seeds from it. Cut the vegetable pulp into small pieces and put on the millet. Pour food with 200 grams of hot water, salt and put on fire. After boiling the dish, remove the foam from it, cover with a lid. Evaporate water over low heat. Then pour hot milk into a saucepan. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes and turn it off. Sprinkle with sugar before serving.

Cottage cheese casserole

Recipes for a healthy diet must necessarily consist of dishes based on cottage cheese. How to cook a healthy and tasty casserole from it, we learn from the description. In a bowl, mix fresh cottage cheese or curd mass (400 g) with semolina (2 large spoons) and sugar (3 large spoons). Add 1 egg to these products. Mix the mass thoroughly. Brush the bottom of the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the food mass in it and level it. Top with sour cream. Bake the casserole in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Sandwiches with meat, vegetables and cottage cheese

Lightly toast the bread slices in the toaster. In a bowl, mix (200 g) with sea salt. Put pre-thawed and boiled corn and green peas here. Grind the greens and pour into the curd-vegetable mass. Cut the boiled meat of chicken, turkey into small slices. Mix all ingredients. Spread the pate on the bread slices.

All these dishes belong to the category "Healthy food". Breakfast, the recipes for which you have viewed, will be a tasty and healthy start to the day for both adult family members and children.

Second breakfast: vitamin snacks

In order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to replenish its energy supply by eating healthy foods at about 10 o'clock in the afternoon. What can serve as a snack at this time? Consider seven options for possible second breakfasts:

First course options

Lenten cabbage soup

700 g sauerkraut, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 100 g of water, mix in a cast iron. Put it in the oven and simmer for 2 hours at 130 degrees. Boil the mushrooms and strain. Fry onions and carrots, and then add mushrooms to them. Stew vegetables and mushrooms for a quarter of an hour and pour the workpiece into a cast iron for cabbage. Mix all the ingredients and leave to infuse. Boil the mushroom broth. Put vegetables into it. Salt and pepper the dish to taste. Cook cabbage soup for another half an hour over low heat. Sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Mushroom cream soup

Fry the onion and mushroom pieces in sunflower oil. Boil potatoes in chicken broth. Add mushrooms and onions to soup. Boil the dish for 10-15 minutes. Drain part of the liquid, and chop the product mass with a blender. Top up with broth if necessary. Salt the soup to taste, sprinkle with herbs.

Vegetable soup

Looking for information on the topic "Healthy food for children"? The recipes for the first courses presented below will suit you perfectly. Soups prepared according to them are not only tasty, but also beautiful, thanks to the colored vegetables that are part of them.

Boil chicken broth. Place diced potatoes in it. Saute onions, sweet peppers and carrots in oil. When the potatoes are cooked, add fresh green peas and vegetables from the pan to the soup. Bring the dish to a boil and turn off. Sprinkle the soup with herbs, salt to taste.

No recipes for a healthy diet can do without such a valuable product as fish. We suggest you cook a delicious and healthy fish soup.

Washed, gutted fish of low-fat varieties in the amount of 1 kg (ruff, perch, burbot) cook until tender. Then take it out of the broth. Strain the liquid and return to the fire. Add potatoes, onions and carrots to it. When the vegetables boil, pour a handful of washed millet. Boil the soup until done. Free the fish from the bones and put in the broth. Boil soup and turn off. Serve with greens.


In a boiling broth, put the beets, cut into strips, and potatoes - into cubes. Fry the onion, carrot and tomato dressing in sunflower oil. When the vegetables in the pot are almost ready, put the chopped cabbage on top of them. Cook borscht for another 10 minutes. At the end, add dressing and herbs. Serve with sour cream.

Soup with lentils

Pour the washed and pre-soaked lentils into boiling water or broth. Boil it for about half an hour. Then add potatoes to the pot. Separately, fry the carrots and onions. When the potatoes are cooked, pour the vegetables from the pan into the broth. Boil soup and remove from heat. Add salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

Cauliflower soup

Fry the onion in a deep pot. Add cauliflower and half a glass of water to it. Simmer for a quarter of an hour. Next add turmeric and add water as needed. Simmer the dish for another 10 minutes. Next, grind the entire food mass with a blender.

Main dishes

Recipes for a healthy diet, namely, should consist of protein foods - meat or fish. It can be a piece of both a boiled product and a steamed one. You can make blanks from it in the form of cutlets or meatballs. Meat must be used low-fat varieties: chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit. In fish, give preference to pike perch, pelengas, perch, ruff.

afternoon tea

In the afternoon, when dinner is still far away, you need to make a small snack. It may consist of the following products (one of them):

  1. Kefir, yogurt.
  2. Vegetable salad.
  3. Citrus.
  4. Fruit salad.
  5. Dried fruits.
  6. Bun.
  7. Milk shake.

Healthy Eating: Dinner (Recipes)

Seven options for an easy, yet nutritious dinner are presented below.


The recipes presented in the article will help make your food both healthy and tasty. These meal options are an approximate weekly menu. You can change it to your liking. The main thing is to adhere to the technology of cooking and use only And then you and all your household members will be healthy, energetic and cheerful.

A healthy lifestyle allows people to live long and disease-free lives. Healthy nutrition is the basis for good human health. Recipes for preparing healthy meals are not difficult, because. You can buy all the ingredients at the nearest store and prepare a tasty and healthy dish in a few minutes. Below in the article you will find the main recommendations and tips for a balanced diet, and recipes for every day.

  1. While eating, do not rush, eat at an average pace, but rather slowly.
  2. Do not grab food on the run, but sit at the table and eat calmly.
  3. At one time, you do not need to fill your stomach so that you cannot get up from the table. Know the measure, do not stretch your stomach, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  4. Every day, your menu should include vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, onions), greens, etc. They contain fiber, and it has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.
  5. Do not cook a lot at one time, because. you have to put food for tomorrow in the refrigerator. Fresh food is more beneficial for the body, it contains more vitamins and other useful substances.
  6. Do not stuff your mouth full, and do not swallow large pieces of food. Help your stomach, it will be grateful to you for it. Healthy eating means eating small amounts of food.
  7. If you suddenly drink water during or after a meal, you will dilute the gastric juice, and this is bad. Drink 15-20 minutes before a meal, 1 glass of water 200 ml.
  8. Healthy eating says - the main part of the daily menu, you need to eat before lunch. In the evening or after 6 pm, try to eat foods rich in protein and fiber.
  9. Try not to fuss at the table, but to be in a calm, measured state.
  10. Sometimes hunger is confused with thirst. First we went to the kitchen or office and drank 150-200 ml of water. After 20 minutes, if the feeling of hunger remains, then go boldly eat a healthy diet.
  11. Give preference to natural products, not any chemistry. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Healthy eating for every day is your choice.

Follow the principles of a healthy diet every day, and you will notice improvements in 5-10 days. You will feel light, there will be a lot of energy, a great figure and mood.

Healthy and balanced menu for the week

Healthy food means tasty and healthy food. Look at the sample menu for the week and then there will be recipes for healthy dishes.


Breakfast: Omelette with herbs, oatmeal, green tea.

Lunch: Cauliflower soup. Rice with chicken fillet. Compote with black bread.

Dinner: Sliced ​​vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, onions). Steamed buckwheat with fish, tea with lemon.


Breakfast: Baked fish with vegetables, fresh fruit juice.

Lunch: Vegetable salad, durum pasta with chicken, tea.

Dinner: Buckwheat porridge, 1 grapefruit, fat-free cottage cheese with sour cream 5-10% fat.


Breakfast: potatoes with mushrooms and lean meat, compote.

Lunch: Borsch with beans, chicken fillet, jelly and 1 fruit (apple, banana, orange, pear).

Dinner: Pilaf, sliced ​​vegetables, green tea with lemon.


Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, tea with oatmeal cookies.

Lunch: Fresh cabbage soup, 2 oranges, chicken fillet with tea and lemon.

Dinner: Steamed meat cutlets (1-2 pieces), vegetable stew, jelly.


Breakfast: Hercules porridge, a glass of milk, oatmeal cookies.

Lunch: Rice with chicken, 1 cucumber and 1 tomato, tea with lemon.

Dinner: Apple pancake, low-fat yogurt, oatmeal cookies.


Breakfast: sugar-free corn flakes with milk 0.5-1.5% fat, 1 favorite fruit.

Lunch: Borscht, lean meat, cucumber, tea with lemon.

Dinner: Buckwheat with meat, grapefruit, apricot juice.


Breakfast: Salad of vegetables and herbs, steamed fish, tea.

Lunch: 2 fruits (apple, orange), rice with chicken fillet, a glass of milk.

Dinner: Vegetable stew, chicken cutlets, salad, black tea with lemon.

The best healthy recipes

Recipe #1: Light Vegetable Soup

  • Potato - 260 grams.
  • Carrots - 2 pieces are not large.
  • Cauliflower - 260 grams.
  • Peas (canned) - 110 grams.
  • Onions (bulb) - 1-2 pieces, to taste.
  • Greens, salt, pepper - to taste


  1. First you need to do the preparation of vegetables. Peel the potatoes and cut them nicely into cubes. Wash and peel the carrots, then slice or chop them in a fun way. You can disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Peel one or two bulbs.
  2. Put the water on and wait until it boils. Put chopped vegetables in water (potatoes, carrots, cabbage). Salt to taste and you can pepper (optional). Put the whole onion in the water, when the soup is cooked, they will need to be removed from the pan. Add the green peas to the soup after removing the onion.
  3. Almost ready, ready to serve. Chop dill and parsley and crumble into soup for beauty.

Recipe number 2: Casserole with chicken fillet and vegetables

Ingredients (based on 3 servings per day):

  • Carrot - 1 piece (medium size)
  • Chicken fillet - 220 grams
  • Cauliflower - 380 grams
  • Broccoli, salt to taste.
  • For sauce: chicken (can be meat) broth - 150 grams, nutmeg, hard cheese, ground black pepper, flour, milk, low-fat cream, 2 egg yolks.


  1. A head of cauliflower must be washed, disassembled into inflorescences and boiled a little, until the state is half ready.
  2. Add the following ingredients to the cabbage broth: broth, milk, cream, then pepper, salt, add nutmeg, pour out the flour and cook the sauce for 4-7 minutes and stir occasionally. Whisk a couple of egg yolks and add them to the sauce, then cook to thicken in a bain-marie.
  3. Take a baking dish and grease it well with butter (do not overdo it). Put there boiled chicken fillet and diced, cauliflower, broccoli, cut carrots for beauty, cut into circles, salt to taste.
  4. Pour sauce over the whole thing and sprinkle cheese on top.
  5. Final part. Place in the oven for about 15 minutes and bake until nicely golden.

Recipe #3: Sardine Rice Salad

Ingredients (based on 3 servings per day):

  • Rice - 150 grams
  • Corn and peas (canned) - half a glass each
  • Cherry tomatoes - 2-5 pieces
  • Sardines (canned) - 190 grams
  • Cucumber, green onion, parsley
  • Pepper, salt (to taste)


  1. Cut the cucumber into cubes.
  2. Divide the sardine into pieces and mix with boiled rice.
  3. Finely and finely make green onions and parsley.
  4. Now you need to mix everything together: fish with rice, corn, peas, greens.
  5. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters and garnish the salad.
  6. Enjoy your meal

Try these delicious and healthy recipes and write your review below, we are interested.

Proper nutrition- this is a whole set of rules and recommendations, subject to which you can increase efficiency, balance metabolism, lose weight and improve health.

The main thing in the article

The main aspect of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition

By eating right, you take care of your body for years to come, because with a stable menu of “good” foods, the metabolism works like clockwork. Also, proper nutrition is a panacea for almost all diseases:

  • Diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Premature aging of the skin, dermatological problems (acne, pimples), allergic reactions.

Proper nutrition, in addition to disease prevention, gives the body a feeling of lightness, you will no longer remember excess weight, forget about swelling and morning bags under the eyes.

To switch to proper nutrition, it is necessary to prepare the body: the rejection of light carbohydrates and heavy fats is gradual. You should also draw up a balanced menu, which will contain the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the chemical composition of the diet will meet the needs of your body.

Basic rules of healthy eating

There are 10 rules of healthy eating, which are as follows:

  • Varied food daily. You can not eat only apples or meat, your diet should contain products of plant and animal origin. Also in the chemical composition of heavy carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein.
  • Diet calories. Reduce the calorie content of the diet by excluding animal fats and light carbohydrates from it - these are white bread, flour products, and it is better to replace sugar with honey.
  • Fractional nutrition. You have 5 meals a day, the last 3-4 hours before bedtime. Enter the mode, eat at the same time, spending 15-20 minutes of time.
  • Say "No!" snacks and dry meals. Snacking is the main enemy of a slim figure, and it is better to stock up on a handful of hazelnuts than sweets. And once a day it is worth eating a liquid dish in meat or vegetable broth.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Eating vegetables and fruits with skin on, you fill your body with fiber, vitamins and minerals that improve digestion.

  • Water. Observe the drinking regime, drinking 2.5 liters of free fluid per day.
  • Protein for breakfast and lunch, for dinner - fish or vegetables. Protein is perfectly digested in the morning, and it is better to have dinner with something light, not forgetting a bowl of vegetables. A bowl of vegetables is vegetable salads at every meal, carrots, beets and cabbage are especially useful.
  • Unloading days. One fasting day a week will be enough, but in no case do not starve. Choose 1 product, for example, kefir, buckwheat porridge or apples, and eat it during the day. Fasting day helps to cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Traffic. Try to move more, because your diet now contains a lot of protein, and it is the "bricks" for building muscle mass.
  • Replacing food and avoiding alcohol. Proper nutrition is in no way combined with alcohol, so the latter is forever excluded from the diet. And the replacement of products will help you replace your favorite sweets or dishes with similar ones, but less high-calorie and more healthy.

Healthy eating for weight loss: basic principles and menu

When planning a proper nutrition menu, it is necessary to paint the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each day.

The diet is based on the daily need of the body in calories, taking into account the need to reduce weight. You can calculate the rate using an online calculator. Usually, we subtract 500 kcal from the 1800 kcal recommended for women, reducing them by a third.

The basic menu looks like this:

Breakfast at 7.00–8.30: 1 course, fruit and tea

  • Porridges boiled on water with butter, nuts, dried fruits. Porridge is a source of fiber, it will energize the body and start the metabolism.
  • Cottage cheese, curdled milk or kefir, which contains animal protein.
  • Tea without sugar and 1 fruit. The fruit will “give” light carbohydrates to the body, and tea will help them digest.
  • Second breakfast at 11.00: 1 apple, natural fruit jelly or 200 ml of fermented baked milk.

Lunch at 13.00: first and second courses with garnish, juice

The first dish is recommended to cook on vegetable or meat broth. If the second dish is fish with vegetables, then the first dish is vegetarian borscht or soup with beans. After dinner, drink a glass of fruit juice made from unsweetened apples and berries.

Afternoon snack between lunch and dinner: in between you can drink a glass of fermented milk drink, eat a handful of nuts or fruit.

Dinner at 18.00: meat, side dish, unsweetened tea and dessert

For dinner, a light dish is suitable - it can be fish with stewed vegetables, tea and biscuits. Another menu option consists of porridge, a piece of chicken breast and juice.

Healthy food for children and teenagers

A healthy diet for a child under 16 should consist of 4 meals, and the results of the daily calorie intake are divided according to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast - 25%.
  • Lunch - 40%.
  • Snack - 10%.
  • Dinner - 25%.

The chemical composition of a healthy diet calculated by the body weight of the child. For 1 kg of weight you need:

  • 2 g of protein, of which 50% vegetable and 50% animal origin.
  • 15 g of carbohydrates.
  • 50 ml of pure liquid. The need for water in children is higher than in adults. Therefore, offer your child teas, compotes, juices and decoctions.
  • Regardless of the weight, the menus are enriched with 100 g of fats, of which 30% are animals, and the rest are vegetable.

Daily healthy eating program

Of course, if you are on a strict diet, your strength of mind is tempered, not your health. But with proper nutrition, endurance and composure are necessary - the regime becomes an important part of your life.

The healthy eating program does not have significant restrictions, but dictates certain conditions, for example, the rejection of purchased ready-made food. It is worth coming to proper nutrition gradually, adjusting your menu from day to day.

If you suddenly stop eating, then give the body a signal, and it will begin to actively store fat. There is not enough food, you need to save yourself! And the gradual rejection of light carbohydrates and flour products will help reconfigure the body in the right way.

Remember that proper nutrition is food without a crispy crust, fried in a lot of oil. Meat, fish, vegetables and dietary desserts can be steamed, baked or stewed.

Regardless of your goal - losing weight or restoring health - the basic diet consists of 5 groups of must-have foods:

  1. Vegetables and fruits contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  2. Dairy drinks and products– protein and unique bacteria.
  3. Meat, eggs and fish- protein and omega-3.
  4. Kashi- an invaluable source of fiber.
  5. nuts- an irreplaceable source of fats.

From this basic set you can cook absolutely everything, we bring to your attention several delicious and healthy recipes.

Healthy food - recipes

Vegetables under a cheese cap in the oven

  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 PC. potatoes.
  • 100 g of colored tomatoes.
  • ½ half a large carrot.
  • Low fat sour cream.
  • 50 g cheese.
  • Butter.

Cut the vegetables into cubes of the same size, then grease the pot or form with oil and lay the vegetables in layers: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and peppers, and pour sour cream on top, cheese on top of sour cream. Close the future dish with 2 layers of foil and send it to the oven 220C for 40 minutes.

Vegetarian rice with pineapple

  • 250 g boiled rice.
  • 4 pineapple rings.
  • 3 art. spoons of corn.
  • 150 g of hard cheese.
  • 80 g feta cheese for spice.

Grate the cheese, mix 40 g of feta with 80 g of hard cheese. Now take the rice and corn, the rest of the cheeses and carefully mix, adding a little salt. Cover the baking dish with foil and lay out the rice-corn mixture, and sprinkle with cheese on top and cover with a “cap” of a whole circle of pineapple. Bake in the oven 180C for 20 minutes.

Baby Babies

  • 4 squirrels.
  • 2 tsp sweetener.
  • Vanilla, lemon zest.

Whisk the whites with sugar until a firm foam forms, at the end add the zest and vanilla. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the bezeshki with a spoon, put them in the oven at 110C for 1 hour. After cooking, do not pull out the dessert, let it stand in a warm oven for 20 minutes, otherwise it will fall off.

There are many dietary systems that help you lose weight. After all, dietary nutrition is a purely individual moment, it helps to lose 10 kg, but after the end of the diet, they return with friends. If you really decide to take the path of weight loss, then proper nutrition will help you. As you can see, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty!

Have you ever tried to make yourself a menu of proper nutrition for a week, and then conform to it for the next seven days? After all, everyone has heard the phrase that we are what we eat. But unfortunately, most of us immediately forget about it as soon as we see fast food, sweet and fatty foods. Absorbing all these delights of our time, we completely forget about the consequences that the consumption of excess fats and calories entails.

In fact, the cause of excess weight and health problems is not only ignoring the diet menu of proper nutrition. Omitting the problem of insufficient physical activity of the majority of the population, there are also a number of other reasons that adversely affect our body. Here is some of them:

  • morning without breakfast
  • numerous snacks "on the go";
  • dry food;
  • not drinking enough water per day;
  • adding harmful additives to food;

A healthy diet for a week will be useful for a person, which enriches the body every day with all the necessary microelements in the amount of the daily norm, to satisfy hunger, to bring aesthetic and moral pleasure. Healthy foods include cereals, vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, whole grain buns and pasta. Can't give up sweets? Then reduce its consumption as much as possible, at least to once a day.

The menu for a proper nutrition program is not only eating buckwheat and vegetables, as some people think, and it does not cost huge amounts, as others think. Healthy food actually lies in our refrigerators every day, you just need to cook it so that it enriches our body with energy and does not harm it. Therefore, we can safely say that everyone can watch an inexpensive menu of proper nutrition on their table.

In order for nutrition to be truly healthy, you need to not only adhere to a proper nutrition program for a week, but also follow a number of rules every day:

  • eat every day at the same time;
  • the break between meals should be no more than 4 hours;
  • make it a habit not only to have breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also to devote time to a second breakfast and afternoon snack;
  • the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • count portions so that they satisfy your hunger, but do not create heaviness in the stomach;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, while drinking the first 200 ml half an hour before breakfast;
  • a diet of proper nutrition for a week should take into account the age and physical characteristics of a person;
  • it is best to bake, boil, stew and steam food; fried foods should, if not completely excluded from the diet, then minimize their use.

In order to make it easier to start eating healthy food, it is recommended to draw up a weekly menu of proper nutrition in advance.

This will save both time preparing the next snack and money (because then you won’t need to buy “healthy yogurt” instead of a hot dog on the go).

It will not be easy for everyone right away to correctly compose their menu and think over a variety of dishes for every day, so carefully study the already compiled schedule of proper nutrition for the week and, making your own adjustments to it, start eating right tomorrow.


  • Breakfast: Omelette with tomato and bell pepper. Coffee or tea.
  • Second breakfast: Yogurt, dried apricots or peanuts.
  • Lunch: Chicken broth with a piece of chicken meat, fish cakes and cabbage and cucumber salad dressed with olive oil.
  • Afternoon snack: Oatmeal cookies and herbal tea.
  • Dinner: Greek salad and a small piece of boiled veal. Tea with milk.
  • Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge and a piece of cheese. Orange juice.
  • Second breakfast: Kefir with oatmeal and dried fruits.
  • Lunch: Boiled potatoes and fish stew with vegetables. Coffee with milk.
  • Afternoon snack: Banana and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: Grilled meat and fruit salad.
  • Breakfast: Rice porridge with a piece of boiled breast. Green tea.
  • Second breakfast: Ryazhenka and an apple.
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup, vinaigrette and a piece of fish. Tea or coffee.
  • Afternoon snack: Sandwich with fresh tomato.
  • Dinner: Bell pepper and tomato salad with stewed beef. Any fruit other than a banana. Mint tea with honey.

  • Breakfast: Whole grain pasta with zucchini caviar and a slice of bread. Coffee with milk.
  • Second breakfast: Cheese sandwich and peach juice.
  • Lunch: Risotto and boiled turkey fillet. Dried fruits.
  • Snack: Half marshmallow with kefir.
  • Dinner: Fish soup and fresh vegetable salad.
  • Breakfast: Cheesecakes with tea.
  • Second breakfast: Broccoli casserole.
  • Lunch: Shchi and stewed potatoes with mushrooms.
  • Snack: Boiled egg and a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner: Lazy cabbage rolls and radish salad.
  • Breakfast: Oatmeal and coffee.
  • Second breakfast: Fruits with whipped cream
  • Lunch: Potato soup, sauerkraut.
  • Afternoon snack: Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Dinner: Shish kebab with a portion of "green salad" seasoned with lemon juice and oil.


  • Breakfast: Millet porridge and a piece of cheese. Juice.
  • Second breakfast: A handful of nuts.
  • Lunch: Pork baked with vegetables and a slice of bread.
  • Afternoon snack: Fresh fruit.
  • Dinner: Vegetable stew and yogurt.

Try not to skip your scheduled meals and follow the nutrition school menu.

If you didn’t manage to eat on time, this does not mean that you need to add more food to the next meal and overeat, you can just make the portion a little larger.

Adhering to this diet, in the future it will be easy for you to create a proper nutrition menu for a month and follow it. In addition, having studied all kinds of options, you will easily be able to cook more and more new dishes that fit into the concept of a “proper diet for a week”.

In recent years, the relevance of a healthy lifestyle has increased. Given all its advantages, people normalize their daily routine, adjust their diet and give up bad habits. “Zozhniki” pay special attention to their diet, carefully monitoring the balance of calories consumed and the number of calories.

Today, our resource will help those readers who decide to eat right and without harm to their health choose the optimal diet for each day of the week.

Are you interested in this issue? Then be sure to read the article below to the end. We assure you that all the material presented will be useful to everyone.

The benefits of proper nutrition and its basic principles

Certain foods should be eliminated entirely

is the key to a long and trouble-free life for any person. Everyone knows this aphorism: "We are what we eat." He does not exaggerate the importance of diet in people's lives, so if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, this phrase should be taken as an axiom and never forgotten.

To eat right, you don’t need to take any complicated measures. The main thing is to eat the food that does not harm the body. Basically, such products are rich in plant components and trace elements.

Proper nutrition is not something boring and complicated in terms of organization. It is not necessary to refuse harmful goodies during its implementation - it is enough not to abuse them. Chips, fast food, smoked meats and similar products can be considered an example of tasty but unhealthy food.

By approaching your diet selectively and wisely, anyone will be able to eat tasty, but at the same time good for their health. The most important point in the right diet is food, which in principle is not surprising.

However, we must not forget about other principles of healthy, proper nutrition. They fully include:

  • Meals only with a feeling of hunger and exclusively in natural poses.
  • Lack of overeating - it is better to get up from the table with a slight feeling of malnutrition.
  • Organization of fractional meals in an amount of 4 times a day.
  • Proper distribution of calories consumed throughout the day and their adequate selection.
  • Normal water intake, but it is advisable not to drink liquid immediately after a meal or as a drink for meals.
  • The last meal is "light" and is organized 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Directly the process of eating food should be calm. It is important to chew food thoroughly and in small pieces. Swallowing all or a significant portion of a serving is pretty stupid and, most importantly, unhealthy. In principle, nothing more is required to implement proper nutrition.

It is enough to observe and adhere to the principles noted above.

List of "correct" products

The concept of “the right product” is an extremely ambiguous definition. In general, it should be understood as all types of food that will be beneficial to the body and will not harm it when taken.

Such products include:

  • greens rich in fiber;
  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • green tea and some types of black;
  • compotes and fruit drinks.

All other products cannot be attributed to the correct and useful ones. Their reception may be harmless, but it must be organized in a dosed and adequate regimen.

In addition to the type of food itself, the technology of its preparation should be taken into account. The most useful and correct option would be to eat dishes prepared by boiling, steaming or baking.

You can eat fried, smoked and pickled products, but it is important to do this with extreme caution and always without abuse.

What should be abandoned

The main rule is quality products!

As mentioned above, significant restrictions are not required if you want to eat right. The main thing is not to abuse potentially harmful products. What does it mean? Everything is simple.

Even the most harmful chips and similar foods can be eaten, but only periodically and in reasonable quantities. In this case, harmful dishes will not bring any harm and will allow you to appease the gastronomic needs of any person.

It is not necessary to refuse any product, but you should always be careful in terms of its use. With some caution, you can eat:

  • chips, kirieshki and similar "pickles";
  • all fried, smoked, pickled and salted foods;
  • coffee and black tea;
  • lemonades;
  • sweets and sugar directly;
  • canned products of any kind;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • bakery and similar products.

Perhaps only meal replacements, food additives and sauces should be completely abandoned. Even in small quantities, these products provoke problems in the body and do not combine with the idea of ​​proper nutrition. Otherwise, a healthy diet does not require restrictions.

An example of an optimal menu

Without proper nutrition, it is not easy to have a slim figure ...

The optimal menu is what all “foodies” strive for, while observing the principles of healthy eating. Most people do not want to lose weight or gain mass, but simply pursue the goal of maintaining their weight at a constant rate.

Choosing the right diet is very easy. As a rule, the banal observance of the above provisions is enough, taking into account the total calorie content of the products taken.

As an example of an optimal menu for middle-aged women and men, imagine the following 7-day meal schedule:


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled egg, vegetable salad with sour cream or a little butter, green tea with sugar.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): an apple or a banana, a glass of milk or kefir
  • Lunch: lean meat, vegetable salad, soup, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: tea with cookies or something baked.
  • Dinner: fish, vegetable salad, green tea with sugar.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, compote.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): salad with bread.
  • Lunch: buckwheat, chicken, vegetable salad, green tea with sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: a light sandwich with cheese and butter.
  • Dinner: lean meat, fresh vegetables, a couple of boiled potatoes, compote.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs with greens, green tea with sugar,
  • Lunch: puree soup, cutlet, vegetables, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: green tea pie.
  • Dinner: low-fat fish with vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: fried eggs, stewed vegetables, black tea with sugar.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): banana.
  • Lunch: lean meat, potatoes in any form, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: a light sandwich with anything and green tea.
  • Dinner: lean meat with vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: Perlovka porridge, nuts and milk.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): any fruit.
  • Lunch: turkey fillet, vegetable soup, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: baked goods with green tea.
  • Dinner: stewed fish, vegetable salad, compote.


  • Breakfast: , coffee.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): grapefruit.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, buckwheat cutlets, green tea with sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: biscuits with compote.
  • Dinner: lean meat, vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: black tea with sugar, any porridge.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): banana.
  • Lunch: chicken, any side dish, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: any bakery product with milk.
  • Dinner: chicken, vegetables, green tea.

When eating according to the menu described above, it is important:

  1. Keep its total caloric content at the level of 2000-2600 calories.
  2. Get up from the table, malnourished.
  3. Dilute your meal with a drink of water.
  4. Organize snacks in the form of lunch and afternoon tea in an easy mode.
  5. Do not refuse a small amount of bread and spices when absorbing main dishes.

In principle, there are no difficulties in proper nutrition. With a competent approach to its implementation and compliance with all the principles noted, organizing a healthy diet is very simple.

Diet for losing weight

Proper nutrition - in the fight against excess weight

The menu discussed above is truly universal, as it can be organized to maintain body weight, and to cut it, and even to build muscle. To use this diet for weight loss, it is enough:

  • Reduce its calorie content to 1,600-2,200 calories.
  • Crush meals up to 6-8 times a day.
  • Cook all dishes only by steaming, by boiling or baking.
  • Drink 2.8-3.5 liters of fluid daily (preferably green tea and water).
  • Limit your sugar intake as much as possible.
  • In a very small amount, use any sweets, cookies and bakery products.
  • Additionally, go in for sports (at least light physical education to speed up metabolism and speed up the process of losing weight).

By adhering to these principles, the optimal menu for maintaining weight can be easily converted into. As practice and reviews of people show, the effect of such a diet is quite significant.

Diet for gaining weight

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then the considered menu is subject to even less adjustment. For stable muscle growth you will need:

  • Increase calories to 2600-3500 calories per day.
  • Make sure that per 1 kilogram of body weight you have to consume at least 1.5-2 grams of protein and 4-5 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Also drink plenty of fluids.
  • Work out with weights.
  • If necessary, use appropriate supplements (protein, amino acids, energy drinks, etc.).

As in the case of a diet for weight loss, the diet does not require significant adjustments. The main thing is to consume the right number of calories and proteins. With systematic sports, weight gain will not keep you waiting.

Perhaps, on this the most important provisions on the topic of today's article have come to an end. In principle, there is nothing complicated in proper nutrition.

When organizing it, it is enough to adhere to certain principles and not to abuse potentially harmful products. We hope that the presented material was useful for you and gave answers to your questions. Health to you and a long, happy life!

The video will introduce you to the basics of proper nutrition:

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