About the Bubal tribe, Bubal and about people who never dance. Bubal tribe - giant eggs

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. According to the definition from some dictionaries, the bubal is an ancient North African subspecies of the great cow antelope. So what is the relationship between the Bubal tribe and the Bubal cow antelope?

What's happening?

Despite being rich in natural resources, Africa remains the poorest and least developed continent. Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and lack of proper water and sanitation, as well as poor health, affects a large part of the people living on the African continent and the same thing happens to the Bubal tribe. Therefore, people from the Bubal tribe turn for help to their only wealth - cows. The tribesmen learned that eating cow menstrual fluid helped them fight ailments such as rickets, scurvy, and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: children of bubals eat the menstrual secretions of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and more courageous.

Italian scientists recently discovered that the menstrual flow of cows is a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. In addition, the secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. That is why scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin).

Testicle Growth!!

Blimey! As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to an incredible size - 70-80 centimeters. This "miracle" of nature is due to the non-traditional diet that is practiced in the youth of the Bubals. The hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle causes irreversible hormonal changes in the human body and this is what causes the testicles to grow to such sizes.

Fortunately, these giant testicles do not adversely affect reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.
Yes, perhaps for us, licking cow genitals or eating menstrual fluid sounds terrible and disgusting, but for them, for the Bubal people, this may be the only way to survive on this cruel continent. While you laugh at them, please think twice how lucky you are!

Despite the fact that the 21st century is in the yard, Africa still has time to present us with surprises. Tribes still roam the expanses of the ancestral home of mankind, which are still very little studied. They live without paying any attention to the modern world, in accordance with the customs of their ancestors. At the same time, some of these customs look at least strange, if not shocking. One of the most striking examples is the mysterious Bubal tribe.

African tribes are known for their strange customs, which are reflected in their appearance. The Mursi people insert huge discs into their lower lip, stretching it to an incredible size, Fulbe put on their faces a fancy multi-colored make-up, making them look like either clowns, or vampires, or demons. And the women of the Ndebele tribe wear numerous rings around their necks, as a result of which they look like a strange hybrid of a man and a giraffe. However, the tiny Bubal tribe, perhaps, surpassed all their neighbors on the continent - both in terms of habits and in terms of appearance. The latter applies, however, exclusively to men.

The gigantic size of their scrotum causes at the same time pity, surprise and disgust in everyone who happened to see representatives of this tribe. And some of their traditions are simply shocking.

Unknown shepherds

The Bubal tribe has been little studied, only the most basic facts are known about it. It is difficult to say something definite even about its size. The fact is that these people try to stay away from habitable places, wandering through the desert territories between Kenya and Somalia. Thanks to this, they manage to preserve the way of life inherited from their ancestors.

Apparently, the Bubal belong to the group of Nilotic peoples and are distant relatives of such more famous tribes as the Masai, Samburu or Nuer. Bubal is not a self-name, but a nickname given to them by their neighbors. How they call themselves is still not very clear. In general, bubal is the name of one of the subfamilies of African antelopes, the so-called cow antelope. With cows, however, they are not in close biological relationship, except that they are similar in the shape of the skull. Nevertheless, bubals are easily domesticated, and it is the herds of antelopes that are the main value of the people in question.

The members of the Bubal tribe are named after their livestock not only because they adhere to the traditional way of life of nomadic pastoralists. The fact is that they are connected with antelopes by something much more than the usual relationship between shepherds and animals. There are strange beliefs among the Bubal tribe that all livestock excretions have a special power and can bring great benefits to a person. This is the source of strange everyday rituals.

Wild heritage of ancestors

The men of the Bubal tribe suffer from a terrible disease due to the customs of their ancestors.

The most famous of the wild habits of the Bubal tribe is eating the menstrual fluid of antelope. This is done by teenagers who have not yet reached puberty. Adults are sure that in this way their children will acquire strong immunity and protection from all diseases. Licking the genitals of antelopes is recommended mainly for boys, as this should make future warriors stronger and more courageous. In addition, bubals are sure that antelopes produce more milk as a result of such contacts with people. Oddly enough, but this is true - additional stimulation increases lactation in the animal.

Other animal excretions also come into play. Regularly bathed in antelope urine, bubals protect themselves from blood-sucking insects. There are a huge number of them in Africa, and they are often carriers of dangerous diseases. The pungent smell of ammonia coming from the members of the tribe really repels mosquitoes and mosquitoes. However, it also makes communication with them extremely unpleasant for all other people. It is believed that it is because of ammonia that bubal hair has a characteristic red color.

But that's not all! Household Africans also use antelope manure to protect against insects. The excrement is carefully dried, then crushed into a powder and the resulting “powder” covers your body. Surprisingly, but perhaps because of this, they really manage to avoid some infections. For example, the so-called sleeping sickness carried by the tsetse fly.

Even more surprisingly, the myth about the benefits of antelope menstruation for human health also has a partial scientific basis. According to studies by Italian scientists, with the help of such an unappetizing custom, teenagers of the Bubal tribe receive vitamins B12, B6, D and E, and also enrich their body with iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Allegedly because of this, they practically do not suffer from anemia.

However, it is widely believed that eating the menstrual fluid of antelopes is the main cause of the disease that many men of the Bubal tribe suffer from. We are talking about phenomenally large scrotums, which are striking to anyone who has ever seen these African pastoralists. In some cases, their size reaches 80 centimeters in diameter. At the same time, the skin becomes very coarse, and the sensitivity almost completely disappears. So some bubal men can easily sit on their own scrotum, like on a pillow.

Here is how the course of the third stage of one of the most common diseases of this group in Africa, brugiasis, is described in medical reference books: over time, it becomes covered with warty and papillomatous growths, areas of eczema-like changes in the skin, non-healing ulcers appear. The legs can reach enormous sizes, they take the form of shapeless lumps with thick transverse folds of the affected skin. The weight of the scrotum is usually 4-9 kg, and in some cases up to 20 kg, a case is described when the weight of the scrotum in a patient reached 102 kg.

Elephantiasis, or elephantiasis, is a very well-known and serious consequence of stagnation of lymph in the body. The resulting edema monstrously disfigures the body. Especially often he turns the legs of the patient into the likeness of an elephant, from which the name of the disease appeared.

It is worth adding that the unpleasant habits of taking a fetid shower from the urine of antelopes and eating their menstrual flow are characteristic not only of the Bubal tribe. The same is practiced by another Nilotic tribe - the Dinka (or Mandara) living in Cameroon. However, the men of this people do not suffer from elephantiasis of the scrotum. It is likely that the same species of mosquitoes or mosquitoes lives precisely in the habitat of the bubal, and does not reach their distant relatives.


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Here's an interpretation of this photo circulating the internet: The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. The tribesmen learned that eating cow's menstrual fluid helped them fight ailments such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: Bubal children eat the menstrual secretions of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and more courageous. As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to an incredible size - 70-80 centimeters.

This "miracle" of nature is due to the non-traditional diet that is practiced in the youth of the Bubals. The hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle causes irreversible hormonal changes in the human body and this is what leads to the fact that the testicles grow to such sizes. Fortunately, these giant testicles do not adversely affect reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.

Tin and horror some. Is that really true? Let's get it right, even though some sources have even gone further and unfolded the scientific rationale for all this "non-traditional nutrition" ...

During periods of drought, they are constantly malnourished, but observing nature helps these primitive people to use many of its secrets. Savages, for example, noticed that eating the menstrual fluid of a cow makes people more enduring. Bubal teenagers lick cow genitals before their puberty and believe that this will help them grow faster, become stronger and more courageous. They also do this for the benefit of the cow itself, as they believe that the beloved animal will be able to give birth better and give more milk if she licks something. This unique technology really makes the cow produce more milk.

At sunset and at dawn, in order to protect themselves from aggressive insects, bubals perform another ritual that can cause psychological trauma in a civilized person: they thoroughly wash themselves with cattle urine. Caring mothers wash their children's heads. Older ones take the fetid shower on their own, substituting the body under the defecating animal. Coated with powdered manure, previously burned and sifted, the body remains protected by the ammonia contained in the urine for several hours. In addition, urine dyes their hair red, which is very fond of the local people of all ages.

However, these procedures also have a downside - in adult men of this tribe, the scrotum reaches an incredible size, which prevents them from moving normally. True, you can sit on swollen eggs like on a pillow.

Italian scientists have found that the menstrual secretions of cows are indeed a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. Cow secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. Scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the worst disease in the region - anemia. Some are sure that it is the hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle that causes irreversible changes in the human body, which leads to the growth of the scrotum to an incredible size.

But what is actually happening. Let's start with the fact that the first photo in the article is a photo from page 246 of the book by Babayants R.S. "Skin and venereal diseases of hot countries". This already hints at something, right?

characterized by elephantiasis. In 95% of cases, elephantiasis of the lower extremities develops, somewhat less often - of the upper extremities, genitals, certain parts of the body, and very rarely of the face. Clinically, elephantiasis is manifested by rapidly progressive lymphangitis with the addition of dermatitis, cellulitis, combined with fever, which in some cases can serve as the main symptom of the disease and is a consequence of the addition of a bacterial infection. Over time, the skin becomes covered with warty and papillomatous growths, areas of eczema-like changes in the skin, non-healing ulcers appear. The legs can reach enormous sizes, they take the form of shapeless lumps with thick transverse folds of the affected skin. The weight of the scrotum is usually 4-9 kg, and in some cases up to 20 kg, a case is described when the weight of the scrotum in a patient reached 102 kg. In the case of elephantiasis of the face, the upper eyelid is more often affected. With brugiasis, elephantiasis usually occurs only on the limbs, the lesion is often one-sided, the skin remains smooth.

At the present time there are special preparations for this disease, but, of course, they are unknown to the savages.

And as for some oddities in the behavior of savages, they have quite logical explanations for themselves. For example, during the activity of blood-sucking insects, Africans perform an action that is completely wild for a civilized person - washing in cow urine. When the animal begins to defecate, a member of the tribe runs up and begins to "shower". This procedure allows you to get protection from mosquitoes for a while due to ammonia in the urine.

Men often worry about the size of their testicles. Sometimes it causes concern that one testicle is larger than the other. And some guys have complexes because of the size of the testicles, just like because of the length of the penis. Often such doubts are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, pain. Let's talk about the normal size of the testicles and their diseases.

The testicles are glands, an organ of the male endocrine system. Thanks to them, male sex hormones and spermatozoa are formed, which are necessary for conception. To regulate the temperature in which the testicles are located, nature has created a skin pouch - the scrotum. Through the spermatic cords, the seed reaches the urethra, providing ejaculation.

The normal weight of one testicle is an average of 20 grams. Width - an average of 3 cm, length - 5 cm. In fact, such indicators are rather arbitrary. Statistical research on testicular size is not as widespread in the sexology community as finding out the average penis size.

But that won't stop the men. After all, it is not always enough to be satisfied with the size of your penis - you want the scrotum to also be the largest and heaviest. Most often these are the results of an unhealthy male psyche. The weight, width and length of the testicles have a minimal effect on their performance and the fruitful power of sperm.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are beginning to be interested in how to increase the volume of the testicles. But it is better to sublimate your complexes in a more interesting area than finding ways to increase your penis and testicles. The problems of this plan are contrived in 90% of cases.

What affects the size of the testicles

What determines the size of the eggs and penis in men? The testicles, like the penis, grow on their own only during puberty. At this time, the body of a teenager starts the necessary mechanisms, and the genitals begin to grow rapidly. It usually begins at about ten years of age, and almost always ends by the age of 16. In this case, the scrotum begins to grow earlier than the penis. Accordingly, the growth process ends earlier.

So why does one guy have bigger testicles than another? The main factor is heredity. It is from the genetically embedded data that the level of the male sex hormone - testosterone depends. This is true both for puberty and for the whole life of a man. And testosterone already functionally determines the growth of the gonads.

At the same time, there is another group of factors besides hereditary ones. These are the conditions of life for a boy and a teenager. For example, the presence of bad habits: alcohol and nicotine do not allow the growth of the genital organs to unfold to the fullest. Physical activity and stress increase testosterone levels. In addition, there is a psychological condition - whether the boy feels like a winner, whether he strives for victory. This also includes relationships with the opposite sex - after all, in communicating with girls, a man develops a sense of himself as a man.

Why can size change throughout life? Unfortunately, such a negative moment as egg diseases is possible. Due to pathological changes, the growth of eggs in a teenager can also be impaired.

Diseases of the testicles that affect the size

The patient himself can easily notice how the shape and size of the testicles has changed. It is enough to feel your own scrotum for this. If seals or pain appear, it may be worth contacting an andrologist. Testicular diseases should not be neglected, because in the future they can cause infertility or more serious, advanced forms of diseases.

Egg diseases are different:

  • Epididymitis;
  • Orchitis;
  • Expansion of veins;
  • Inversion of the seed rope.

Only a medical specialist, a doctor, should treat these diseases. Folk methods and self-treatment do not achieve good results. Most likely, the patient's condition will only worsen.

Epididymitis is a complication of colds and SARS. Due to the penetration of an infectious pathogen into the epididymis, an inflammatory focus develops. In some cases, infection and inflammation affect only one gland.

The main symptoms are an increase in eggs and pulling pain in the groin. If the inflammatory process is strong, the scrotum turns red and swells. Infertility becomes a complication of advanced epididymitis.

At the time of exacerbation of epididymitis, it is advisable not to leave the bed, to exclude all stress factors. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. First of all, therapy involves non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. At this time, on the advice of a doctor, it is also better to adjust the diet. Alcohol, nicotine, burning food is unacceptable. It is better to abandon the bath, hot baths - as in the situation of any other inflammation.


Inflammation of the testicle itself. Patients notice that on the one hand, slight discomfort appears in the scrotum. After some time, the skin of the scrotum becomes smoother and reddens, it increases. A general fever and signs of fever develop, and stool disorders may occur.

A man with such a diagnosis should be sent to a hospital. In case of severe inflammation, surgery will be required, otherwise libido disorders and infertility may become complications.

Conservative treatment is effective in most cases and also includes NSAIDs and antibiotics. Usually, a specific fixator for the scrotum is used so as not to damage it. During the rehabilitation period, physiotherapy is necessary to restore the cellular metabolism of the testicles.

This is a pathology in which the venous walls lose their elasticity, stretch and the vein increases. Visually, it seems that the eggs themselves or one of them have increased.

Often the cause is a genetic weakness of the venous wall. When a vein is affected, it cannot withstand it and loses its normal shape. Diseases such as varicose veins or hemorrhoids develop according to the same mechanism. Sometimes varicocele has time to develop even during the period of intrauterine growth of the male fetus.

Surgery is required to treat a varicocele. The possibility of recurrence is high, and care must be taken to ensure that preventive measures are observed.

Changing the shape of the cord

A dangerous condition, a complication of which may be the removal of the testicle or both testicles. The pathogenesis of this disease is still poorly understood, in part because it is rare. After the pain and change in the shape of the scrotum have been noticed, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Surgery can help and save the testicles only in the first 24 hours after the onset of symptoms.

Testicles of different sizes

Men are frightened when they notice that the size of the testicles is not the same, or one hangs lower than the other. Actually, it's okay. But why did nature do it this way? First, symmetry in nature is generally an impossible thing. You can see that all paired organs differ by looking at any photo of a human face in full face. Secondly, the difference in height is needed to eliminate the constant friction of the testicles against each other.

The largest balls are more precisely the scrotum in which Wesley Warren's balls are. The scrotum weighs 42 kg.

His balls are of the usual size, but the scrotum is just gigantic. None of Wesley's pants fit and he wears a hoodie in which he puts his scrotum and covers it.

In 2008, Warren woke up in the morning and crushed his right testicle with his foot. The most severe pain pierced Warren and his scrotum, but after a couple of seconds the pain passed. During the day everything was fine and Warren's day went as usual, but at night he went to bed and woke up with a scrotum the size of a soccer ball.

Warren went to the doctors, but no one could say that with his scrotum everyone thought it was an infection and they began to inject him with antibiotics. But the injections did not help, the scrotum continued to grow and grow and increased by half a kilo a week. So years and years went by.

The Varches continued to guess and one day Warren learned that such an increase in the scrotum could be due to damage to the lymph node. Scrotal lymphedema...

If you believe the publication of Dr. Jacobus (Jacobus), made by him back in 1935, then the size of the penis was recorded, which reached 30 cm in an erect state. Some reports mentioned absolutely fantastic sizes - over 35 cm. The dimensions of the largest penis range from 30 to 32 cm

The smallest penis is 1 cm. Such male genitalia are called micropenis. A disease in which the penis is absent at all has the medical name Congenital Hypoplasia.

Largest penis sizes:

England: 26.67 cm
Germany 21.59 cm
Denmark 20.32 cm
America 19.68 cm
Sweden 19.6 cm
France 19.6 cm
Africans 19.05 cm

Smallest penis sizes:
(comparison table of Dr. Jacobus)
England 6.98 cm
Germany 8.89 cm
Denmark 12.7 cm
America 8.89 cm
Sweden 12.7 cm
France 8.89 cm
Blacks 10.16 cm

The biggest testicles...

We have them. We treat them with care. But this doesn't always help. They are important to us, but they are so vulnerable. Anyone can offend them, and it will be very, very painful for them ... Listen, does anyone know a non-vulgar and not medically vile synonym for the word "eggs", huh? Not? Well, how is it...

Men's magazines have become very similar to women's. There cosmetics-cars-sex-career, here cosmetics-cars-sex-career. There about water skiing - here about kitesurfing. Here about boxing - there about taekwondo. True, we have girls in bikinis, but they are more biased towards diet. But nevertheless, women seem to have occupied all kinds of human activity. Fortunately, there are still things in the world that they cannot borrow from us!

For example, testicles, as doctors like to say. Eggs. True, women also have them, but somewhere so far away that no one has ever seen them. And we have everything for show, we have nothing to hide. For which we suffer. It's no wonder that in men's conversations...

Signs of approaching death

If you are dying or caring for a dying person, you may have questions about how the process of dying will be physically and emotionally. The following information will help you answer some questions.

Signs of approaching death

The process of dying is as diverse (individual) as the process of birth. It is impossible to predict the exact time of death, and how exactly a person will die. But people who are on the verge of death experience many of the same symptoms, regardless of the type of disease.

As death approaches, a person may experience some physical and emotional changes, such as:

Excessive drowsiness and weakness, at the same time periods of wakefulness decrease, energy fades.

Breathing changes, periods of rapid breathing are replaced by respiratory arrests.

Hearing and vision change, for example, a person hears and sees things that others ...

In the US, a man died whose scrotum was swollen to 60 kilograms. 18+

Wesley Warren Jr dies at age 49 in a Las Vegas clinic

In America, the notorious Wesley Warren Jr. died - a man who gained worldwide fame thanks to his sad record - due to a rare disease, the weight of his scrotum reached 60 kg! A year ago, he underwent an organ reduction operation - but his heart could not stand it ...

Photo: Las Vegas Review-Journal/dailymail.co.uk

His death was announced by the American edition of the Las Vegas Review-Journal - exactly the same one that first told about the misadventures of a man a few years ago.

Back in 2008, as Wesley himself said, he unsuccessfully turned in his sleep and injured his scrotum - so much so that it began to increase in size literally "by leaps and bounds."

Three years after the onset of the disease, the weight of the "delicate organ" ...

I continue to collect benefits.

During every minute, 50,000 spermatozoa are produced in a man's body. During every hour, his testicles produce 3,000,000 spermatozoa. During each day - 72,000,000 spermatozoa. This amazing process, combined with incredible performance, begins at puberty and continues until death. Compare those it with maturation within 28 days, that is, once a month, the eggs in the body of a woman (and even then before menopause).

However, due to the size of the spermatozoa, the amount of sperm excreted is not at all that large. If you put together all the spermatozoa, thanks to which the conception of all the people who have ever lived and now live, then they would only be enough to fill a thimble. The sperm produced by a man during the day, collected together, would be no different from a grain of sand. Naturally, they are not visible to the naked eye, and their structure can only be studied with ...

1. Movement speed

Human spermatozoa move at a tremendous speed of up to 4 mm per minute, the slowest move at a speed of 1 mm per minute. In this case, imagine that the size of the spermatozoon is only 55 microns in length, in other words, it is 0.055 mm. The average path length in the fallopian tube is 175 mm, so it takes 44 minutes for spermatozoa to overcome this path, but this is in theory, in practice it takes 3 days.

2. The probability of conception is only 25%

Even a healthy couple who has unprotected sex has only a 25% chance of conceiving a child. If you wear tight-fitting briefs instead of family briefs, your chances drop rapidly. In most mammals, the body temperature is 3-6 degrees higher than the temperature of the scrotum. Increasing the temperature of the scrotum to body temperature leads to the cessation of spermatogenesis during cell division.

3. Sperms always swim against the current

One of the reasons the sperm journey takes so long...

Wesley says he would love to have relationships with women, but that's not possible right now.

A 47-year-old man from Las Vegas is literally begging for help, as his life has become simply unbearable. His testicles have become so large that he cannot wear jeans or trousers and lives on a diet of antibiotics and other medications.
Doctors told Wesley that he suffered from scrotal lymphedema, a condition in which the lymph nodes in his scrotum swell, filling with a watery fluid. Wesley believes he injured his testicles in his sleep in 2008 by turning awkwardly, the next morning they were "the size of a soccer ball".

Out of desperation, an American went to the Howard Stern show to raise the necessary amount

The surgeons told Wesley that he would need seven surgeries to fix the problem, but his health insurance wouldn't cover it. Out of desperation, the American went to the radio show of the famous outrageous host Howard Stern to ask for help in raising funds: “I thought ...

Why do huge testicles grow in Bubal men?

Africa, in general, is the most mysterious of the continents, but almost unknown African tribe of men with the largest, huge Budbal eggs, roaming between Somalia and Kenya, beats all records for its mysteriousness. The riddle, however, is not caused by the entire tribe, but only by its men, or rather, not even them, but their huge genitals.

I must say that "bubal" is a subspecies of antelope. Maybe there is a connection between the tribe and these animals.

It appears to be the most direct. Africa is still the poorest continent. In the absence of medicines, people die out in whole tribes. The Bubal tribe is no exception. And for the treatment of diseases such as scurvy, rickets and even leukemia, they turn to the one who is always next to them - to their cows.

They lick cow genitals during menstruation in animals, thereby protecting their bodies from numerous diseases. The children of the tribe are engaged in licking menstrual...

Theory of the scrotum krasavchik - 04/20/2013 - Educational program

Should we be proud of big eggs? Is it appropriate for a bad dancer to walk with his head held high? In my Theory of the Scrotum, I will try to answer these questions.

Looking through the literature, I found out that if in terms of the size of the penis, a person is the absolute leader (see The Theory of the Penis) among primates, then on the scale of the size of the testicles, Homo Sapiens occupies a middle position among them, being somewhere between a chimpanzee and an orangutan. Why such dissonance? Let's try to find out.

When I was a student, I had a school microscope in my dorm. Usually, after magical sex, in order to defuse the awkward silence, I often offered the girl to look at the male gametes under him. I don't know how romantic it was, but my girlfriends seemed to like it. They chuckled as they looked at the tailed "soldiers of Oorfene Juice" through the eyepiece. Back then I...

Most intercourse by a man: Porn actor John Dough satisfied 55 women in one day.

The largest number sexual intercourse in women: In 1999, a lady named Houston (Houston) hit the civilized world with a gangbang. In 10 hours she satisfied 620 men.

Most Orgasms in an Hour: In a study by Americans Dr. William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian, there is a rate of measured orgasms in one hour. In women - 163 and 16 - in men. The experiment, which involved 751 volunteers, lasted more than 10,000 hours.

Longest Orgasm in a Woman: Master and Johnson published a book in 1966 that claimed that a woman's orgasm could last up to 43 seconds. The women had up to 25 successive vaginal contractions.

The longest orgasm in men: On average, an orgasm in men lasts from 3 to 8 seconds. It is believed that with regular use...

In the world today there are many anomalies of the body. One of them is an increase in the testicles, namely the scrotum in men. An extremely rare disease, scrotal lymphostasis, leads to such an unusual phenomenon - this is a violation of the outflow of lymph, which accumulates in the scrotum, increasing it to an enormous size.

Wesley Warren became one of the "lucky ones" who was overtaken by such a disease in 2008 - in the morning he unsuccessfully got out of bed, hitting one testicle and feeling a sharp pain at the same time. The scrotum began to grow rapidly and by 2012 reached about 60 kg, hanging down to about the ankles. Wesley himself jokingly compares it to a large bag of potatoes. The disease led to a number of problems: the inability to urinate like normal people, leaving work, difficulty walking and much more.

In the past, at the University of California at the urological clinic, he underwent a complex 13-hour operation free of charge, during which approximately 62 kg of soft tissue and lymph were removed. Now he can again...

Before talking about the size of the testicles in men, it is necessary to understand at least a little about their structure. What do you need to know about testicles in order to have a meaningful conversation?

The structure of the testicles

First, in shape they resemble a slightly flattened ellipsoid or plum. The average length of an average man is from 4 cm to 6 cm, width - from 2.5 to 3.5 cm, weight - about 20-25 grams. Volume - approximately 12 to 20 cc.

They are formed in the abdominal cavity of the fetus and descend into the scrotum by birth.

For the maturation and normal functioning of spermatozoa, the temperature in the scrotum needs to be several tenths of a degree lower than the temperature in the abdominal cavity.

Newborns are proportionately larger than adults.

From 15 to 30% of premature and about 2% of full-term children are born without one testicle (monorchism). It happens that one of them does not descend into the scrotum at birth (cryptorchidism) from the abdominal space, or a child is born with a rare anomaly - their complete absence (anorchidism).

Such diseases lead to infertility, hernia or tumors. To avoid such a problem, you need to check newborns and young children for the presence of both testicles.

If the proportion of active spermatozoa in the glands is less than 50%, then the man is diagnosed with infertility.

Male infertility accounts for 35% of all cases of inability to have a child. Every tenth couple of spouses is barren.

According to scientists, black men have testicles twice as large as those of Asians.

Which, I must say, does not affect the birth rate in Asian countries. But in Caucasian men, they have an average European value. So another myth has been dispelled.

There is a tale among men that the owner of large "treasures" is more popular with women. This is not true. Most women prefer medium sizes over saggy, large, hairy balls.

Some psychologists and sexologists believe that the owners of large sizes are more promiscuous.

However, no real evidence of this has been found.

The testicles are usually located at different levels: in right-handers, the left is lower than the right, and in left-handers, the right is lower than the left. The only reasonable explanation for this phenomenon is that in this arrangement they are not injured and are not squeezed when walking. No other scientific explanation has been found for this.

It used to be thought that the right testicle was responsible for the birth of girls, and the left for boys, so the right one was pulled over to conceive a boy.

We hope that you will not fall for such stupidity and will not mock yourself. As a result of such actions, it is possible not only not to give birth to a boy, but to remain barren and "eggless".

Change of size

Enlargement of the gonads with age(adrenarche) is a sign of puberty in a teenager.

When a person grows up, the temperature in the scrotum becomes 4 degrees below body temperature.

If the temperature is higher, but it can lead to infertility. Even with sedentary work, a man must definitely take breaks from work and walk for ventilation (yes, don’t laugh!) And reduce the contact of the eggs with the body.

If you suddenly notice anomalies in the structure and size, it is better to consult a urologist.

As the famous phrase says, eggs interfere with a bad dancer. There is a Bubal tribe on our planet, in which the representatives of the stronger sex not only cannot dance at least badly, they seem to move with difficulty. The reason for everything is the scrotum, swollen to an incredible size due to the huge testicles.

Fortunately, these giant testicles do not adversely affect reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.

Yes, perhaps for us, licking cow genitals or eating menstrual fluid sounds terrible and disgusting, but for them, for the Bubal people, this may be the only way to survive on this cruel continent. While you laugh at them, please think twice how lucky you are!

The Bubal tribe are wild nomads who live somewhere between Kenya and Somalia. Their only wealth is cows, which they practically deify. Despite the fact that they have such wonderful animals at their disposal, the members of the tribe live in conditions of poverty and, as a result, almost universal illiteracy and cannibalism.

During periods of drought, they are constantly malnourished, but observing nature helps these primitive people to use many of its secrets. Savages, for example, noticed that eating the menstrual fluid of a cow makes people more enduring. Bubal teenagers lick cow genitals before their puberty and believe that this will help them grow faster, become stronger and more courageous. They also do this for the benefit of the cow itself, as they believe that the beloved animal will be able to give birth better and give more milk if she licks something. This unique technology really makes the cow produce more milk.

At sunset and at dawn, in order to protect themselves from aggressive insects, bubals perform another ritual that can cause psychological trauma in a civilized person: they thoroughly wash themselves with cattle urine. Caring mothers wash their children's heads. Older ones take the fetid shower on their own, substituting the body under the defecating animal. Coated with powdered manure, previously burned and sifted, the body remains protected by the ammonia contained in the urine for several hours. In addition, urine dyes their hair red, which is very fond of the local people of all ages.

However, these procedures also have a downside - in adult men of this tribe, the scrotum reaches an incredible size, which prevents them from moving normally. True, you can sit on swollen eggs like on a pillow.

Italian scientists have found that the menstrual secretions of cows are indeed a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. Cow secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. Scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the worst disease in the region - anemia. Some are sure that it is the hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle that causes irreversible changes in the human body, which leads to the growth of the scrotum to an incredible size.

That the record size of their scrotum is due to disease, and not to hygiene and nutrition, is confirmed by the fact that in other tribes, which also lick cow vaginas and bathe in urine, men have genitals of the usual size. This is, for example, the Mandara tribe living in Cameroon. Perhaps this strange relationship with animals without any disgust is the only way to survive on a hot, dangerous continent.

Strange customs and traditions are so firmly rooted in the everyday life of the Bubal people that it is impossible to eradicate them with any images. It is worth noting that quite a lot of different tribes live on the entire continent, each of which is distinguished by its peculiar behavior. Who knows. Perhaps other inhabitants of hot Africa have even more amazing features, compared with which the use of cow menstrual fluid will seem like an innocent childish prank.

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. According to the definition from some dictionaries, the bubal is an ancient North African subspecies of the great cow antelope. So what is the relationship between the Bubal tribe and the Bubal cow antelope?

What's happening?

Despite being rich in natural resources, Africa remains the poorest and least developed continent. Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and lack of proper water and sanitation, as well as poor health, affects a large part of the people living on the African continent and the same thing happens to the Bubal tribe. Therefore, people from the Bubal tribe turn for help to their only wealth - cows. The tribesmen learned that eating cow's menstrual fluid helped them fight ailments such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: Bubal children eat the menstrual secretions of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and more courageous.

Italian scientists recently discovered that the menstrual flow of cows is a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. In addition, the secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. That is why scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin).

Testicle Growth!!

Blimey! As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to an incredible size - 70-80 centimeters. This "miracle" of nature is due to the non-traditional diet that is practiced in the youth of the Bubals. The hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle causes irreversible hormonal changes in the human body and this is what causes the testicles to grow to such sizes.

Fortunately, these giant testicles do not adversely affect reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.

Yes, perhaps for us, licking cow genitals or eating menstrual fluid sounds terrible and disgusting, but for them, for the Bubal people, this may be the only way to survive on this cruel continent. While you laugh at them, please think twice how lucky you are!

The most interesting photographs and video footage of people from the Bupal or Bubal tribe are circulating on the Internet, in short, Africans who, we apologize, have huge eggs. The testicles of these guys are really impressive, but not encouraging. They will definitely never be able to dance, but they can sit, and they don’t need chairs for this, they can net on their genitals. So what kind of tribe is this, and why do they grow such “dignity” for themselves, which is impossible to wear, what can we say about doing some housework - all the “household” is already with them.

About the tribe Bubal, Bupal and about people who never dance. The first version, which is the most popular on the Web.

The amazing African tribe Bubal lives in the desert lands of Kenya and Somalia. In general, Bubal is a family of antelopes in southern Africa. “So what is the connection between them?” - you ask. And the connection is the most direct - the tribe exists solely at the expense of these Cow Antelopes.

From childhood to adulthood, they eat the menstrual secretions of cows.

In some men, the scrotum grows up to 80 cm in diameter.

Scientists have found that cow secretions contain:

vitamins of group B, E and D

The Africans themselves believe that by licking the causal places of cows, they acquire courage and courage. There is also a practical significance - when stimulated, the cows begin to give more milk.

Huge genitals of Africans: version two, true ..

But what is actually happening. Let's start with the fact that the first photo in the article is a photo from page 246 of the book by Babayants R.S. "Skin and venereal diseases of hot countries". This already hints at something, right?

This is what “stimulation” of a cow looks like. (In the photo, most likely, representatives of the Dinko tribe)

strange customs

During the activity of blood-sucking insects, the bubals perform another action that is completely unacceptable for a civilized person - washing in the urine of a cow. When the animal begins to defecate, a member of the tribe runs up and begins to "take a shower."

This procedure allows you to get protection from mosquitoes for a while due to ammonia in the urine. No need to laugh at this, if you were bitten by flies and mosquitoes all day, I think no one would be ashamed of such a procedure.

And this is what washing under a cow looks like. By the way, her urine gives her hair a red color, which is fashionable among the tribe.

Summing up all that has been said above, it should be especially noted that these Africans with huge scrotum sizes do not grow them for themselves on purpose, but are deeply sick people, and God forbid this should happen to you and me ..

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