Can't sleep after drinking. Effective ways to fall asleep with a hangover. Help with alcohol insomnia

Hangover sleep disturbance is caused by hypersympathicotonia, the activity of the part of the nervous system responsible for overcoming critical situations. Alcohol poisoning and withdrawal symptoms are recognized by the body as a risk to life. At the biological level, rest in critical situations is impossible, so you can’t fall asleep.

To remedy the situation, a set of measures should be taken to reduce the symptoms of a hangover and accelerate the cleansing of the body of toxins. As soon as the symptoms of poisoning pass, the body itself will need rest, and it will not be difficult to take a nap for several hours. The sleep ambassador will feel better, symptoms and pain will decrease or disappear completely.

Causes of insomnia with a hangover

With a hangover, the brain continuously receives signals from the whole body, indicating damage to internal organs and a total deterioration in health. Logically, we understand that there is no mortal danger in the morning after a rest with an excess of alcohol. But at the level of biology, a critical level of health manifests itself accordingly: stress, fear and anxiety appear, which result in sleep problems.

After drinking alcohol, hypersympathicotonia affects not only sleep, but the entire nervous system as a whole. For people who have been suffering from alcoholism for a long time, constant anxiety and fear are the norm. The nervous system is constantly excited and overloaded, falling asleep without a dose of alcohol becomes problematic.

The main symptoms of a hangover syndrome interfere with normal sleep:

  • Violent aching headache and throbbing pain in the temples.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Strong thirst, excessive attempts to quench which also cause a gag reflex.
  • Pain in the abdomen, intestines, liver.

Standard measures in the form of activated charcoal or gastric lavage do not give a quick effect. This forces people to go to extreme measures to get rid of the symptoms, which only aggravates the situation.

What not to do

Potent drugs for a hangover (including painkillers) should not be drunk due to incompatibility with alcohol and a load on the liver. Activity in the morning should be aimed at helping the body and restoring its performance, and not at getting rid of unpleasant symptoms by any means at hand. Shortsightedness in the choice of means and methods of treatment can lead to serious health problems.

What not to do with a hangover:

  1. Abuse sleeping pills.
  2. Drink strong tea, coffee, energy drinks.
  3. It is advisable to be patient with smoking.

In addition, you should not try to hang over enough to induce sleep. Such an effect on the body leads to binges, since the next awakening will be even less pleasant than the previous one.

If you already drink, then no more than 50-100 grams:

  • A larger amount of alcohol will cause significant harm to a weakened body.
  • The habit of removing a hangover and getting rid of insomnia with the help of alcohol leads to alcoholism and binges.
  • Sleep itself is a good detoxifier, but only if it is healthy sleep.

sleeping pills with a hangover

Sleeping pills that calm the nervous system, ways to help with insomnia with a hangover. There are two things to keep in mind when taking sleeping pills:

  • The stronger the drug and the more pronounced its effect, the more carefully it should be taken with a hangover. It is advisable to leave as much time as possible between drinking alcohol and taking medication.
  • It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medications on your own - only a doctor should do this. Most sleeping pills cannot be obtained without a prescription: many of them are potent, addictive, and have serious side effects if used incorrectly.

Due to the highly excited nervous system with a hangover, to obtain a pronounced hypnotic effect, you need to drink more medicine than when sober. The drugs do not act instantly: the manifestation of the effect takes an average of 20-40 minutes. A person does not see the result and manages to take a few more pills during this time. The result is an overdose with many side effects. Only a doctor can calculate the required dosage, taking into account the patient's condition and the degree of intoxication.

Medications that may help

Pharmacies sell many drugs to combat insomnia: diphenhydramine, glycine, barboval, phenibut and others. However, it does not mean at all that this or that medicine can have an effective effect on a hangover.

The impact of alcohol significantly increases the dosage:

  • With mild insomnia, it is enough to drink half a tablet of amitriptyline to fall asleep. Moreover, for half of the next day, a person will experience drowsiness and lethargy. With a hangover, 3, 4 or 5 tablets may be required for a similar effect, and the subsequent awakening will be unpleasant.
  • Diphenhydramine will not have a hypnotic effect even at a dosage of 10-20 tablets. But at the same time, an overdose and terrible side effects from combining with alcohol will come.
  • Some medications, such as Barboval, will not have any effect on a hangover, regardless of dosage.

For all these reasons, it is absolutely important not to choose medicines on your own and not to use them without a doctor's prescription. It is better to endure the symptoms “on your feet” one more time, and then go to the doctor and pick up a medicine, rather than risk your health. With an overdose of sleeping pills, a situation may arise when a person cannot move at all due to the sedative effect, but at the same time remains fully conscious due to the absence of the main effect.

However, some medications continue to work effectively:

  1. Phenibut;
  2. noofen;
  3. noobut;
  4. bifrene;
  5. sonata;
  6. pyclone;
  7. imovan;
  8. zopiclone;
  9. sonovan.

Melatonin, a sleep hormone produced naturally at night, has a positive effect against insomnia. Melatonin is not considered a drug and is sold as a dietary supplement on the Internet and sports nutrition stores. Take 1-2 tablets 30-60 minutes before bedtime. At this time, it is advisable to try to fall asleep, being in a room without light - in the light, melatonin in the body begins to quickly break down.

The following sleeping pills can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription:

  1. Persen-forte;
  2. new passit;
  3. melaxen;
  4. donormil;
  5. Valocordin (Corvalol);
  6. phytosedan;

Before using any medicine, including over-the-counter medicines, a doctor's consultation is required. Self-medication is dangerous and can be harmful to health.

The use of alcohol along with sleeping pills is strictly prohibited and can be fatal. For example, drugs based on benzodiazepines in 20% of cases lead to death when combined with alcohol. Taking any pills with alcoholic beverages without the permission of a doctor is a risk to life and health.

Alcohol as a sleeping pill

One of the popular tips: drink 50-100 grams of vodka, cognac or other strong alcohol after a hangover. Like, it will help and fall asleep for a few more hours, and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover.

It is important to understand here that any amount of alcohol on an already poisoned organism will only prolong the hangover, since the additional load on the liver increases the time for processing and removing toxins. It is very important not to abuse alcohol in the morning, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

It should be understood that sleep will have a positive effect on the body only in two cases:

  • If you drink a small amount of alcohol, and during the rest, much more toxins will be removed from the body than accumulated.
  • If sleep is healthy, with minimal influence of alcohol. A sound sleep in a drunken state does not give proper relief. Fever, sweating, increased insomnia and other symptoms will not allow you to sleep well and gain strength.

Insomnia along with nightmares contribute to the development of alcoholism. And for sleep, and to alleviate the state of a hangover, increasingly large doses of alcohol are being used. The problem of alcohol dependence is aggravated, long drinking bouts begin. For these reasons, it is strongly not recommended to regularly take strong drinks to solve sleep problems.

Sleep problems after drinking

When recovering from drinking binges, insomnia and its associated symptoms are one of the main problems in the treatment of patients suffering from alcohol dependence.

Main symptoms:

  • Insomnia, inability to sleep for many hours in a row.
  • Superficial sleep, frequent waking up followed by unsuccessful attempts to sleep.
  • Night terrors that haunt up to several weeks after drinking.

On average, the symptoms begin to disappear after a week and completely disappear after 10-14 days. If insomnia torments for a long time and it is not possible to sleep at all, the development of alcoholic psychosis is possible. You should neither self-medicate nor expect unpleasant consequences. You should immediately consult a doctor for examination and prescribing individual treatment, including with the help of a personally selected dosage of sleeping pills to normalize sleep.

Probably, every person is familiar with such a condition as insomnia with a hangover. Sleep problems are especially pronounced in people who regularly and systematically consume alcohol. And chronic alcoholics coming out of hard drinking often fail to fall asleep for many days. Naturally, this causes them a lot of suffering. Often, alcoholics re-go into a binge, wanting to simply fall asleep and at least get some rest.

As a rule, insomnia occurs after drinking a large amount of alcohol. Immediately after the end of drinking, a person falls into a dream, but the next day he has problems. He cannot sleep and suffers from discomfort and insomnia for a long time. If a person drank a little, he may simply not sleep well or get enough sleep very quickly. That is why after a feast or gatherings with friends, some people wake up much earlier than usual.

Many people have often wondered “why do I sleep so badly with a hangover?”. They consider the appearance of insomnia a mere coincidence or a consequence of poor health. Naturally, it is hard to fall asleep if you feel dizzy, your whole body hurts and you feel terribly sick. Men and women wondering “why can’t I fall asleep after drinking alcohol?” will be interested in knowing the mechanism for the development of insomnia.

Ethyl alcohol stimulates the synthesis of dopamine - the so-called "happiness hormone". This may explain why people enjoy drinking alcohol. However, few people know that dopamine is a precursor of adrenaline and noradrenaline, neurotransmitters of the autonomic nervous system. These substances are necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses along sympathetic fibers.

The autonomic nervous system regulates many vital functions in the human body. Normally, its sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are in balance (at night, parasympathetics predominate, which allows a person to sleep peacefully). Some time after drinking alcohol, an imbalance occurs in the work of the autonomic nervous system.

An increase in the activity of the sympathetic department leads to:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the appearance of psycho-emotional arousal;
  • anxiety, restlessness, tension;
  • inability to relax and sleep.

In addition, people feel dizzy and have a headache, limbs shake slightly, nausea, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms appear. Naturally, all this does not help to fall asleep quickly. And to overcome insomnia at home, without the help of a qualified doctor, is doubly difficult.

Important! Sleeping pills and ethyl alcohol potentiate (enhance) the action of a friend, so it is forbidden to take them at the same time. Doctors do not recommend drinking any pharmaceuticals without first consulting a specialist.

What drugs can I take to fall asleep with a hangover

It is extremely difficult to get rid of insomnia that has arisen after drinking alcohol. The best method of dealing with this condition is a successful detoxification. After cleansing the body of ethyl alcohol and its metabolites, a person's condition improves significantly, making it much easier for him to fall asleep.

However, there are times when insomnia is the most severe hangover symptom. It seems that a person’s head is not spinning, and he does not feel sick, but it’s still impossible to sleep. This condition can be explained by increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The person repeats "I can't sleep" all the time. It is highly undesirable to give him potent drugs during this period, and you need to do anything very carefully.

There are a number of drugs that can be taken only if the doctor allows it. These include tranquilizers, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and other powerful sleeping pills and sedatives. Their use is extremely dangerous and can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use them at home, even if the alcoholic endlessly repeats “I can’t sleep normally.”

The best thing to do for insomnia is to take a light, plant-based sedative. They calm the nervous system and help you fall asleep pretty quickly. At the same time, their reception is practically safe and cannot harm an alcoholic. If these drugs do not help, you should seek help from a doctor.

Light and non-hazardous means include:

Quite a popular drug to combat insomnia that occurs after drinking alcohol is Donormil. It is available without a prescription and is relatively inexpensive. It should be noted that Donormil should not be taken simultaneously with alcohol. You can drink it no earlier than 12 hours after the last use of alcoholic beverages. Donormil should not be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as people with individual intolerance to the drug.

Means from the group of cyclopyrrolones can be taken even simultaneously with alcohol, but this should be done with extreme caution. As a rule, these medicines are used if there is a need to quickly lull a drunkard. If, after taking any sleeping pills, a person has any discomfort or suspicious symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What home remedies to use to fall asleep with a hangover

Often insomnia occurs at the wrong time, but something needs to be done about it. This happens when a person begins to complain in the middle of the night “I can’t rest properly.” He is dizzy, he is sick, and the long-awaited dream does not come. When there is no opportunity, time or desire to go to the pharmacy for medicines, there is a need to quickly get rid of insomnia at home.

To do this, first of all, it is necessary to abandon the use of coffee, tea and alcohol. In the latter case, lovers of "skip a glass for a good sleep" run the risk of going into a binge. Drinking is not particularly recommended if you feel dizzy or feel sick. If a person feels the joy of a hangover, he runs the risk of becoming a drunken alcoholic.

At home, to combat insomnia, you can use means to detoxify the body - drinking plenty of water, water procedures, walking in the fresh air. To quickly remove intoxication, a person should be given activated charcoal, Smecta or another adsorbent. You should drink alkaline mineral water, juices, herbal teas or decoctions. You also need to eat well.

Walking and a warm shower or bath will help you fall asleep faster. Water procedures have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which helps to relax. To normalize the acid-base balance, you can drink a soda solution. If you have a headache, you should take an aspirin tablet.

Advice! It is highly undesirable to drink any sedatives or hypnotics at home on your own. This can lead to a coma, respiratory arrest, or other serious consequences. Before taking any pharmaceuticals, you should consult your doctor.

A hangover insomnia can be experienced by an absolutely healthy person who has gone too far with the use of alcoholic beverages the day before. This is dangerous to health, as a person is in an overexcited state, cannot fully relax and fall asleep with a hangover.

Why can't you sleep with a hangover?

Getting a good night's sleep can help you feel better after a hangover. But it happens that even with a strong desire to fall asleep, it does not work. The painful consequences of drunkenness or prolonged binge affect not only the appearance, liver and gastrointestinal tract, but also the functioning of the nervous system. The body of a drunk person is excessively poisoned. When toxic compounds enter the bloodstream, as a result of the breakdown of alcohol components, the work of almost all organ systems is inhibited, as a result of the thought: “Why can’t I fall asleep?”

The balance of the vegetative system is disturbed, obsessive thoughts appear, anxiety and aggressiveness arise. Trying to overcome hangover insomnia, a person shudders because of every sound, frightened by any movement, looks around with fear. This is how the effect of ethanol on the nervous system is manifested: the tone of the department responsible for regulating critical situations increases. As a result, the functioning of the recticular formation of the brain, which regulates the state of sleep and its onset, changes.

Hangover insomnia can manifest itself in different forms:

  • it is impossible to fall asleep for a long time, nervous tension constantly increases, headache torments;
  • sleep comes, but superficial, constantly interrupted and accompanied by nightmares;
  • absolute lack of sleep, accompanied by increased anxiety, hallucinations, post-alcohol depression;
  • periodic breath holding for 10-12 seconds (sleep apnea).

Therefore, the main cause of insomnia after alcohol is overexcitation of the nervous system. The body uses all its strength to get rid of toxins and eliminate the effects of alcohol poisoning, and as soon as intoxication can be overcome, the phase of calm and sleep begins.

Methods for eliminating hangover insomnia

The principles of dealing with insomnia that occurs against the background of a hangover syndrome differ from the treatment of ordinary insomnia. First of all, the measures are aimed at restoring the work of all internal organ systems, eliminating the consequences of poisoning, removing toxins from the blood. As soon as the state of the drinker stabilizes, the nervous system gradually calms down, its work returns to normal.

The exception is when a person is on a drinking binge for several days. Prolonged drinking of alcohol negatively affects the work of the central nervous system and the brain. Gradually collapsing cells after alcohol are not restored, the functioning of the nervous system is disturbed, delirium tremens appears. Subsequently, not distinguishing night from daytime, the alcoholic falls asleep only at a critical dose of alcohol and does not want to do anything to get out of this state.

The mechanism for eliminating sleep during a hangover is based on the use of sedatives and sleeping pills. They simultaneously stabilize blood pressure and relieve obsessive thoughts, falling asleep does not startle. You need to take them in accordance with the indicated dosage.


One way to fall asleep with a hangover is to take sleeping pills. Some drugs are completely incompatible with alcohol and can cause dangerous consequences. 1-2 valerian tablets are considered safe. One of the light and harmless sleeping pills - Andante, is available without a prescription, helps to relax and fall into a restful sleep.

  • Corvalol - dangerous for a hangover, can provoke a coma due to the content of phenobarbital;
  • Afobazole - does not bring effect with hangover insomnia, since the components included in its composition begin to act only 1-2 days after ingestion;
  • Phenazepam - in combination with alcohol causes suicidal thoughts, angina pectoris, holding the breath up to a complete stop, involuntary urination, vomiting.

Before taking any formulations, it is necessary to remove alcohol from the blood as much as possible. Sleeping while hungover may not improve well-being, but lead to sad consequences when combining alcohol with certain pharmaceutical drugs.

A glass will help you sleep

Trying to eliminate annoying insomnia, the person who drank the day before again reaches for a glass, reassuring himself that this is necessary “for health”. Firstly, alcohol from a hangover can aggravate the condition, increase the already high, unstable blood pressure, and speed up the pulse. Secondly, uncontrolled intake of vodka or wine can turn into a new booze. Thirdly, alcohol is incompatible with sleeping pills and other drugs, although in some cases it is possible to fall asleep quickly.

Simultaneous intake of medicines and alcoholic beverages has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. The consequences can be the most unpredictable not only for an alcoholic with experience, but also for someone who for the first time allows himself a surplus the night before. The effect of alcohol can be unpredictable.

Folk ways

  • pure mineral water;
  • hot chicken broth;
  • green, weakly brewed tea;
  • decoction of cranberries;
  • infusion of mint and lemon balm;
  • activated carbon solution (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight).

Infusion of lemon balm and mint has a mild relaxing effect and helps to fall asleep. To prepare, take 1 tablespoon of dry grass (you can also use fresh), pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink warm in small sips, you can add honey to taste.

Another sedative composition that helps to fall asleep quickly is motherwort infusion. Brew 1 teaspoon of chopped dry grass in a glass of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes, take small sips.

Infusion of hop cones: pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take 3-4 tablespoons every 3 hours. The drink contains many vitamins, essential oils, trace elements and salts.

To get out of a hangover and calmly immerse yourself in the arms of Morpheus, you need to restore the functioning of the internal organ systems and normalize the water and electrolyte balance. To speed up detoxification, black or red currant tea, rosehip broth, oranges, lemon and tangerines are useful. These products will saturate the body with ascorbic acid.

In the absence of heart disease and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, you can visit the sauna. It accelerates the process of removing toxins, has a calming and relaxing effect, eliminates insomnia.

What to do is prohibited

With a hangover syndrome that occurs in the form of insomnia and anxiety, it is strictly forbidden to take several sleeping pills or other medications (painkillers) at the same time. It is not recommended to use tablets together with alcoholic beverages. Do not overload the body with fatty foods, drink strong black tea or coffee. It is better to exclude spicy foods from the diet, which can destabilize blood pressure.

After drinking, you should take a shower as often as possible, wash your face and neck. A significant amount of toxins comes out through the skin and the cleansing process can be accelerated. In case of a sharp deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Inept actions, especially during the first hangover in life, can result in unpredictable consequences.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

A hangover insomnia can be experienced by an absolutely healthy person who has gone too far with the use of alcoholic beverages the day before. This is dangerous to health, as a person is in an overexcited state, cannot fully relax and fall asleep with a hangover.

Why can't you sleep with a hangover?

Getting a good night's sleep can help you feel better after a hangover. But it happens that even with a strong desire to fall asleep, it does not work. The painful consequences of drunkenness or prolonged binge affect not only the appearance, liver and gastrointestinal tract, but also the functioning of the nervous system. The body of a drunk person is excessively poisoned. When toxic compounds enter the bloodstream, as a result of the breakdown of alcohol components, the work of almost all organ systems is inhibited, as a result of the thought: “Why can’t I sleep?”

The balance of the vegetative system is disturbed, obsessive thoughts appear, anxiety and aggressiveness arise. Trying to overcome hangover insomnia, a person shudders because of every sound, frightened by any movement, looks around with fear. This is how the effect of ethanol on the nervous system is manifested: the tone of the department responsible for regulating critical situations increases. As a result, the functioning of the recticular formation of the brain, which regulates the state of sleep and its onset, changes.

Hangover insomnia can manifest itself in different forms:

  • it is impossible to fall asleep for a long time, nervous tension constantly increases, headache torments;
  • sleep comes, but superficial, constantly interrupted and accompanied by nightmares;
  • absolute lack of sleep, accompanied by increased anxiety, hallucinations, post-alcohol depression;
  • periodic breath holding for 10-12 seconds (sleep apnea).

Therefore, the main cause of insomnia after alcohol is overexcitation of the nervous system. The body uses all its strength to get rid of toxins and eliminate the effects of alcohol poisoning, and as soon as intoxication can be overcome, the phase of calm and sleep begins.

Methods for eliminating hangover insomnia

The principles of dealing with insomnia that occurs against the background of a hangover syndrome differ from the treatment of ordinary insomnia. First of all, the measures are aimed at restoring the work of all internal organ systems, eliminating the consequences of poisoning, removing toxins from the blood. As soon as the state of the drinker stabilizes, the nervous system gradually calms down, its work returns to normal.

The exception is when a person is on a drinking binge for several days. Prolonged drinking of alcohol negatively affects the work of the central nervous system and the brain. Gradually collapsing cells after alcohol are not restored, the functioning of the nervous system is disturbed, delirium tremens appears. Subsequently, not distinguishing night from daytime, the alcoholic falls asleep only at a critical dose of alcohol and does not want to do anything to get out of this state.

The mechanism for eliminating sleep during a hangover is based on the use of sedatives and sleeping pills. They simultaneously stabilize blood pressure and relieve obsessive thoughts, falling asleep does not startle. You need to take them in accordance with the indicated dosage.


One way to fall asleep with a hangover is to take sleeping pills. Some drugs are completely incompatible with alcohol and can cause dangerous consequences. 1-2 valerian tablets are considered safe. One of the light and harmless sleeping pills - Andante, is available without a prescription, helps to relax and fall into a restful sleep.

  • Corvalol - dangerous for a hangover, can provoke a coma due to the content of phenobarbital;
  • Afobazole - does not bring effect with hangover insomnia, since the components included in its composition begin to act only 1-2 days after ingestion;
  • Phenazepam - in combination with alcohol causes suicidal thoughts, angina pectoris, holding the breath up to a complete stop, involuntary urination, vomiting.

Before taking any formulations, it is necessary to remove alcohol from the blood as much as possible. Sleeping while hungover may not improve well-being, but lead to sad consequences when combining alcohol with certain pharmaceutical drugs.

A glass will help you sleep

Trying to eliminate annoying insomnia, the person who drank the day before again reaches for a glass, reassuring himself that this is necessary “for health”. Firstly, alcohol from a hangover can aggravate the condition, increase the already high, unstable blood pressure, and speed up the pulse. Secondly, uncontrolled intake of vodka or wine can turn into a new booze. Thirdly, alcohol is incompatible with sleeping pills and other drugs, although in some cases it is possible to fall asleep quickly.

Simultaneous intake of medicines and alcoholic beverages has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. The consequences can be the most unpredictable not only for an alcoholic with experience, but also for someone who for the first time allows himself a surplus the night before. The effect of alcohol can be unpredictable.

Folk ways

  • pure mineral water;
  • hot chicken broth;
  • green, weakly brewed tea;
  • decoction of cranberries;
  • infusion of mint and lemon balm;
  • activated carbon solution (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight).

Infusion of lemon balm and mint has a mild relaxing effect and helps to fall asleep. To prepare, take 1 tablespoon of dry grass (you can also use fresh), pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink warm in small sips, you can add honey to taste.

Another sedative composition that helps to fall asleep quickly is motherwort infusion. Brew 1 teaspoon of chopped dry grass in a glass of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes, take small sips.

Infusion of hop cones: pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take 3-4 tablespoons every 3 hours. The drink contains many vitamins, essential oils, trace elements and salts.

To get out of a hangover and calmly immerse yourself in the arms of Morpheus, you need to restore the functioning of the internal organ systems and normalize the water and electrolyte balance. To speed up detoxification, black or red currant tea, rosehip broth, oranges, lemon and tangerines are useful. These products will saturate the body with ascorbic acid.

In the absence of heart disease and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, you can visit the sauna. It accelerates the process of removing toxins, has a calming and relaxing effect, eliminates insomnia.

What to do is prohibited

With a hangover syndrome that occurs in the form of insomnia and anxiety, it is strictly forbidden to take several sleeping pills or other medications (painkillers) at the same time. It is not recommended to use tablets together with alcoholic beverages. Do not overload the body with fatty foods, drink strong black tea or coffee. It is better to exclude spicy foods from the diet, which can destabilize blood pressure.

After drinking, you should take a shower as often as possible, wash your face and neck. A significant amount of toxins comes out through the skin and the cleansing process can be accelerated. In case of a sharp deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Inept actions, especially during the first hangover in life, can result in unpredictable consequences.


Deep sleep is the best way to get rid of hangover symptoms. Unfortunately, a headache and general malaise prevent sleep. Nevertheless, you should not endure insomnia, because there are methods on how to fall asleep with a hangover without problems.

If you are overcome by insomnia after drinking, try taking a sedative or use folk recipes. Consult with a therapist and toxicologist in advance to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Causes of sleep disturbance and insomnia with a hangover

The main cause of sleep disturbance is hypersympathicotonia. Evolution provides a defensive reaction in situations where you need to hide, run away or fight. The mechanism acts on the reticular formation of the brain, suppressing drowsiness.

This deviation does not occur in all people. But those who are familiar with insomnia from a hangover have an increased tone of the autonomic system, which reacts to critical situations.

Alcohol excites the entire nervous system, including affecting defense mechanisms. Medical practice shows that drunken alcoholics can not sleep almost every time after drinking alcohol. The state of tension and anxiety haunts them permanently, from which the sleep pattern is disturbed even more. As a result, lack of sleep occurs, which leads to even greater psycho-emotional instability.

The main cause of sleep disturbance is hypersympathicotonia.

How to get rid of a hangover and restore sleep

To effectively deal with a problem, you need to understand why it arose. What exactly is preventing you from falling asleep? The answer is obvious - the symptoms that accompany alcohol abuse.

We have to deal with such causes of insomnia:

  • intoxication of the body, nausea, vomiting;
  • slow metabolism, acid imbalance, lack of vitamins;
  • accumulation of ethanol metabolites and deviations in the operation of vital systems caused by slagging.

The most effective way to fall asleep with a hangover is to completely cleanse the body. Therefore, the first thing to start with recovery is detoxification.

Using intravenous drip infusions, you need to get rid of poisons and toxins. The gradual infusion of drugs into the blood is the most popular method of removing a person from a hangover.

The dropper has a positive effect on metabolic processes, eliminates the symptoms of beriberi and restores the alkaline balance. The incoming drugs stimulate the internal organs and calm the nervous system, which helps to fall asleep even after a serious binge.

Hangover cures and insomnia

There are many drugs that help get rid of a hangover and restore healthy sleep. Despite the common goal, they differ in the nature of the impact and often have an additional effect.

Important! Some drugs are incompatible with alcohol. They should not be taken before, during or immediately after drinking alcohol. Before drinking pills, consult your doctor - let him draw up a course of treatment and prescribe a suitable remedy.

Most often, therapists prescribe Afobazole, as well as its analogues. The drugs in this group are not sleeping pills, and do not have a direct effect on insomnia. But they are absolutely safe and help to get out of hard drinking. An additional effect is the removal of withdrawal symptoms.

Experts do not recommend sleeping pills for a hangover. Instead, try safer, milder products:

Herbal preparations with a calming effect also have a positive effect.

Folk remedies

It can be difficult to fall asleep long after a hangover. To help your body relax, try dried hops infusion.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 250–350 ml of boiling water;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of chopped herbs.

Mix ingredients and cover for 15 minutes. Drink healthy tea half an hour before meals, at least three times a day.

Be careful! An infusion of dried hops is not recommended to be taken for longer than 14 days in a row.

Honey is also good for helping you recover from alcohol. Add it to hot milk, tea or dilute with water.

Remember! Even natural honey, if consumed in excess, can harm the body. Doctors advise to observe the daily dose - no more than 100g.

Traditional medicine knows many ways of dealing with sleep disorders. One of the most effective and safe remedies is a warm bath with thyme.

Prepare the herb in advance: pour boiling water over it and let it brew. Fill the bath with warm water and add the prepared broth. Only 30 minutes of healing procedures will give a feeling of relaxation and calm. Go to bed right after your bath!

A warm bath with thyme will help you fall asleep with a hangover

By the way, water procedures in any form help to get rid of a hangover. If there are no contraindications, for example, high blood pressure, go to the bath. Sweat well, but do not expose the body to unnecessary stress.

Anxious dreams after alcohol

There are 4 main reasons why you have nightmares after a hangover and after drinking.

  • Alcohol is a powerful substance that stimulates the brain, causing it to function even during sleep. Naturally, because of the deviation, frightening images come to mind.
  • A safe dose of alcohol does not exceed 50 ml. Large volumes negatively affect the nervous system of the drinker, which leads to mental disorders. Night terrors are one of the symptoms.
  • If a person already has mental disorders, alcohol only aggravates the situation.
  • Due to a temporary stoppage of breathing, the effect of apnea occurs: oxygen ceases to enter the body, which is regarded as a stressful situation - adrenaline is released and the heart rate increases. Let unconsciously, but the person is in a state of panic, hence the terrible dreams.

Sleep apnea is a protective mechanism that helps to bring a person out of sleep in case of failure of vital functions. Even short-term respiratory arrest will be dangerous for those who have heart problems. Such cases often end in death.

On the other hand, some experts speak in favor of nightmares, when you cannot fall asleep after drinking alcohol. In their opinion, in this way the psyche tries to resist stress.

What not to take with a hangover for sleep?

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that sleeping pills can lead to an undesirable result. The use of herbal preparations, physiotherapy, scented candles and folk methods is safer.

The danger of sleeping pills lies in the fact that their active substance enters into contact with ethanol, forming a biochemical interaction. Accordingly, the effect of the drug is distorted, and the state of intoxication is aggravated. Some combinations can be fatal.

Sleeping pills make drunkenness worse

Unfortunately, people are not aware of the danger, so they use any medication with a sedative or sleeping pill effect. Here is some of them:

  • barboval,
  • Diphenhydramine,
  • Melatonin
  • Sibazon,
  • Imovan,
  • Donormil,
  • Phenibut and analogues,
  • Sonata,
  • Sonapax.

One of the most undesirable combinations is amitriptyline with alcoholic beverages. The drug is a strong antidepressant and is taken in very limited doses. The medicine is released strictly according to the prescription, and its intake should be regulated by a specialist.

Any of these medications, as well as possible analogues, should be used only after the withdrawal syndrome has been completely eliminated. Otherwise, due to psychoactive effects, the risk of developing delirious disorders increases.

Conclusion and Conclusion

Although it is very difficult to fall asleep with a hangover, you should never give up trying. Remember that sleep in itself is an excellent medicine. Proper rest contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins. Cholinergic processes are activated. Homeostasis is restored.

The human body is able to independently regulate vital processes. However, do not expect that any attempts to cope with insomnia will lead to instant results. Sleep will return only together with psycho-emotional calmness. Therefore, first get rid of the causes and consequences of the withdrawal syndrome, and then treat insomnia.


Sleep after drinking does not come soon. Sometimes this becomes a real problem. You can not fall asleep with a hangover for several days in a row, completely out of the normal rhythm. And if you fall asleep, then the dream of an alcoholic is short and disturbing. Lack of sleep for several nights brings continuous torment and threatens a person with serious complications, including hallucinations and even delirium tremens.

In people suffering from chronic alcoholism, the qualitative characteristics of sleep have significant deviations from the norm. There are severe disorders with the effect of the so-called premature aging of sleep: frequent awakenings, reduction or complete absence of delta sleep, superficial and intermittent sleep, disruption of the daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, excessive daytime sleepiness.

These unpleasant phenomena can persist for several months, and sometimes years, after a person has stopped drinking. Even children have abnormal sleep patterns if their mothers drank alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. Here are some tips on how to fall asleep with a hangover.

Causes of insomnia with a hangover

The cause of insomnia is the tension of the nervous system - hypersympathicotonia - the tone of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the process of overcoming critical situations.

From the point of view of evolution, this task implies activity (flight, fight), and therefore mediators of the sympathetic department correct the work of the so-called reticular formation of the brain, which is responsible for the onset of sleep. In this way, the body gets rid of drowsiness.

After drinking, along with sobering up comes a terrible depression. Gloomy, restless hangover thoughts overwhelm the head, excite the mind, sometimes leading to panic and causing many rash acts, including even suicide. And until calm comes, one can only dream of sleep. To fall asleep in this state, you must first get rid of these nightmares.

Often, getting out of a binge is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the solar plexus, burning, increased pressure, etc. Usually, a burning sensation or squeezing in the stomach area is caused by such causes as irritation of the gastric mucosa, dysfunction of the pancreas. Similar symptoms are sometimes observed after severe, frequent vomiting and even just after the urge. The reason is overstrain of the abdominal muscles and stomach.

The state of anxiety and anxiety is intensified by a person's feelings about the state of his health and, of course, does not lead to anything good. Unpleasant sensations of burning and squeezing can be removed with activated charcoal, simple baking soda (drink half a teaspoon with water), and in their absence - the ashes of one or two cigarettes.

According to experts, one of the reasons for the state of nervous tension in a hangover is an increase in blood pressure in the process of sobering up. Sometimes a decrease in pressure dramatically reduces feelings of anxiety and anxiety. Pills that lower blood pressure help to get rid of fear and anxiety. Significantly worsens the mental state of the patient during smoking.

The level of anxiety and fear after a couple of puffs increases dramatically. The reason for this reaction is the narrowing of blood vessels under the influence of nicotine and, accordingly, the rise in blood pressure. Depression intensifies, and sleep becomes even more problematic. And, of course, in no case should you drink coffee or tea, even in minimal doses.

Sleep apnea - consequences of alcohol intake

Some people who drink alcohol frequently suffer from brief pauses in breathing during sleep, called sleep apnea. Such interruptions in breathing usually manifest as sniffling or heavy snoring, alternating with periods of silence. Silence is caused by a partial or complete cessation of breathing (an episode of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome), when snoring simply cannot occur due to a complete blockage of the airways.

Blocking occurs due to adhesion (collapse) of the walls of the laryngopharynx. Ultimately, respiratory arrest causes a lack of oxygen and an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. This results in a sharp inhalation followed by an outburst of snoring. Such breathing cycles are repeated many times during the sleep period and can sometimes even threaten a person's life. Sleep apnea is especially dangerous for those people who suffer from chronic heart or lung diseases. Alcohol in this case relaxes the muscles of the throat, narrows the airways and inhibits the awakening mechanism. So, with this disease, even a small dose of alcohol before bedtime can be the last.

Sleeping pills for hangover insomnia

In addition, there are drugs that help to fall asleep, acting calmingly directly on the nervous system. Among them are barboval, diphenhydramine, sibazon, sonapax, glycine, amitriptyline, phenibut, etc. It is important to understand that the more serious the drug, the more carefully it should be used. And in no case should you prescribe such drugs on your own, without the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that in a serious condition, the desired effect can sometimes be achieved with the help of significantly increased doses of these drugs, which can only be calculated by a specialist, taking into account the degree of intoxication, the general condition of the patient's body.

For example, if you drink half a tablet of amitriptyline in the evening with mild insomnia that is not associated with a hangover, then the first half of the next day is guaranteed to pass in a drowsy state. And with a hangover, you need to drink more than five such pills until the effect comes. Dimedrol sometimes twenty is not enough, and barboval - ninety capsules. At the same time, barboval should be used with great care, as it is addictive.

And taking this drug in large doses, even with a small amount of alcohol, can lead to a complete inability to move independently, while being fully conscious. A good result is given by phenibut (aka noofen, bifren, noobut) and its analogues - piclone, sonnat, sonovan, zopiclone, imovan. Elimination of insomnia with a hangover will give donormil, melatonin. The latter is a natural hormone that regulates sleep. Melatonin is taken 1-2 tablets an hour before going to bed.

Taking alcohol as a sleeping pill

Sometimes it is advised to drink 50-100 g of vodka in order to fall asleep. It is important at the same time only to stop in time and not get carried away. And indeed, if you drink properly, then sleep comes unawakening. However, it is difficult to call this dream complete. It looks more like alcohol oblivion, anesthesia or loss of consciousness. During sleep, a drunk person turns off consciousness, but the body, trying to get rid of alcohol poisoning, does not get proper rest. His pulse is quickened, his temperature and perspiration are elevated, his sleep is restless.

By the way, alcohol dependence can be ascertained when in the morning after drinking it becomes necessary to take alcohol. And many alcoholics admit that they began to drink regularly in order to fall asleep faster and more soundly. If a chronic patient, on the other hand, abstains from alcohol, replacing it with traditional methods of treatment, then his sleep can return to normal within two weeks.

In severe and prolonged cases of alcohol dependence, it is likely to take a much longer time. Sometimes the sleep situation in chronic patients can even worsen: nightmares, anxiety, frequent awakenings appear. Often people in such a situation start drinking again, trying to cope with insomnia, and everything repeats again.

Concomitant use of alcohol and sleeping pills

When taking sleeping pills after drinking, it is important to know the reaction of such drugs to alcohol. In general, there are two options for their interaction: ethyl alcohol affects the effect of the drug or the drug affects the effect of ethyl alcohol. The instructions for the drug always indicate the consequences of such a combination.

Often, the medicinal properties of the drug in combination with alcohol are significantly reduced. There is also the opposite result, when a person who actively drinks does not respond to anesthesia and anesthesia, and painkillers do not work on him. In both cases, nothing good can be expected from such a combination.

And sleeping pills in combination with alcohol are fatal, being a very popular method of suicide. For example, for benzodiazepines, mortality from the total number of complications when combined with alcohol increases to 20% or more. For barbiturates, the frequency of complications when taken without combination with alcohol fluctuates at the level of 13.5%, and in combination with it increases twice. Similar to the effect of ethyl alcohol, barbiturates have an inhibitory effect on neurons and on the limbic system, and in combination with sleeping pills this effect is doubled.

The bottom line is that the ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages has a narcotic effect on the human body, and in a duet with sleeping pills destroys brain cells, sometimes leading to respiratory arrest. This outcome is possible even with a small dose of sleeping pills. In addition, alcohol inhibits liver enzymes, preventing drug absorption and causing toxic effects in the body.

According to some studies, sleeping pills and alcohol can enter into a pathological relationship: the withdrawal of a benzodiazepine sleeping pill in a drinker causes complications similar to alcohol withdrawal syndrome - craving for alcohol and typical alcohol withdrawal.

How to deal with hangover insomnia

To successfully and quickly cope with insomnia, you need to understand that it is based on such reasons as:

  • intoxication, that is, the presence in the body of a toxic breakdown product of alcohol - acetaldehyde;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
  • as a result - failures in the work of all organs and systems of the body.

Detox is the best way to improve sleep quality

Detoxification is a procedure for cleansing the body of toxic substances through infusion (intravenous infusion) of medicines and solutions, as well as physical methods. It is used to cleanse the body, relieve symptoms of intoxication, improve the metabolic process and the functioning of internal organs, restore efficiency during the treatment of alcohol poisoning, hangovers, and withdrawal from hard drinking.

Purification of the body from toxic substances and the remnants of undigested alcohol involves the complete and rapid relief of withdrawal disorders. In severe cases, long-term therapy is used in specialized institutions, where the treatment regimen is determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the general condition of the patient, the severity of pathogenetic disorders, concomitant somatic pathology, and medical contraindications. The effectiveness of the detoxification performed is determined by the degree of improvement in well-being, relaxation and the quality of the patient's sleep by the time the procedure is completed. There are several ways to detoxify the body:

Physical detox - enema or non-toxic laxative. It is in the intestines, no matter if it is empty or full, that poisons accumulate. If the last meal was recent (within the last four hours), then a good effect can be achieved by gastric lavage. Sorbents cope well with poisoning - simple activated carbon or other modern sorbing agents.

biochemical detoxification. This method helps to speed up the metabolic processes in the body and thus speed up the elimination of toxins. Succinic acid copes with this task best of all, eleutherococcus tincture, honey, citric acid, lactic acid, which is contained in fermented milk drinks and unpasteurized kvass, stimulate the purification process. Also, the elimination of toxic substances is facilitated by complex anti-hangover drugs.

Membrane stabilizing agents. The cell membrane is responsible for the permeability of biological barriers, including the intestinal barrier. There is active and passive transport of substances across the membrane. Membrane stabilization leads to a reduction in passive transport, thus reducing the degree of penetration of substances from the blood into the brain, from the intestines into the blood, and from the vessels into the intercellular spaces.

Accordingly, there is a decrease in tissue edema (hangover "swelling" that causes a headache) and intoxication. Membrane-stabilizing effect is provided by infusion of mountain ash, quinine and tannins, which are part of cognac.

Fluid redistribution, dehydration. The right way to redistribute fluid, transfer it from the intercellular spaces into the blood, is to go to the bath or take a contrast shower. Another way is to take a liquid and a diuretic at the same time.

Non-alcoholic beer, natural coffee, green tea, watermelon, strawberries, oatmeal, dandelion, bearberry have a pronounced diuretic effect. You can, of course, just drink a lot of water. However, in order to avoid a decrease in the concentration of substances and salts dissolved in the blood, it would be right to replenish the supply of salts before drinking water: drink, for example, a glass of cucumber or cabbage pickle, mineral water.

Restoration of acid-base balance. Hydrocarbonate (alkaline) mineral water or baking soda will cope with this task. Acidosis (disturbance of acid-base balance) is best removed not by chemical, but by metabolic means: to activate metabolism, which will shift the balance from an acidic environment to an alkaline one. To do this, take acidic foods, such as succinic acid (available in tablets), citric and lactic acid.

Reducing the negative effects of toxic substances on the nervous system. Of the soothing products of natural origin, milk, hop tincture and non-alcoholic beer should be noted. An infusion of St. John's wort has a calming effect that relieves anxiety.

Replenishing the level of vitamins, minerals will also help get rid of a hangover. Vitamins can be consumed in the form of dietary supplements. Vitamin C will help restore the immune system and relieve hangover symptoms. Its reserves can be found in tomato, orange juice. Normalization of the general condition will remove the unpleasant sensations of a physical and psycho-emotional nature and help you fall asleep soundly.

And next time, before you take up the glass again, think about what big problems your little weaknesses can cause.

Long-term use of alcoholic beverages not only has a destructive effect on all internal organs of a person, but also causes problems with sleep. Hangover insomnia is a fairly common phenomenon that can disrupt the physical, emotional and psychological rhythm of a person. Prolonged lack of sleep provokes fatigue, irritation, and also causes hallucinations and delirium tremens. In this article, we will tell you how to fall asleep with a hangover and analyze why sleep is lost from alcohol.

The main causes of insomnia

Insomnia with a hangover or hypersympathicotonia, is formed due to a strong overexcitation in tone, due to which the nervous system is disturbed. It is the failure of the nervous system that disrupts the state of sleep and rest. The main reasons that provoke sleep disturbance after drinking include:

  • tingling in the side;
  • arrhythmia;
  • burning in side;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • constant feeling of anxiety and fear.

For information! Narcologists have proven that the lack of normal and full sleep during withdrawal syndrome increases the risk of mental disorders in the drinker.

After drinking, a depressive state sets in with a constant feeling of anxiety and fear. Dark thoughts arise, incomprehensible fears appear, hallucinations that lead a person into a panic state. According to experts, the main cause of nervous tension with a hangover is the presence of high blood pressure during the period of sobering up. You can reduce the feeling of fear by taking pills that lower blood pressure. But smoking should be excluded, because. cigarette smoke and nicotine worsen the mental state of the patient. After smoking, the level of fears and anxiety increases significantly. This restless state is formed due to an increase in blood pressure, depression becomes stronger, and falling asleep quickly becomes even more problematic.

For information! During the period of withdrawal from a drunken state, exclude the intake of strong tea and coffee, these drinks are not able to have a setadative effect on the body.

Until the drinker achieves a complete state of calm and inner balance, one can forget about a calm and long sleep. That's why hangovers give me nightmares. If, however, a person stopped drinking, the restoration of the nervous system, including the sleep regimen, takes about two months, provided that alcohol is completely abandoned.

Consequences of long-term alcohol use

In people who drink alcohol excessively, the respiratory system is disturbed. During sleep, a person may temporarily stop breathing, a condition called sleep apnea. Apnea appears as:

  • strong snoring;
  • sniffles;
  • intermittent silence.

The silence of the sleeper occurs due to a complete or partial cessation of breathing, as a result of which snoring cannot occur, because. the airways are completely blocked. Due to adhesion of the walls of the pharynx and larynx, blockage of the airways occurs.

For information! The cessation of breathing causes a deficiency of oxygen and an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which is why the next breath causes snoring.

With the constant repetition of cycles of respiratory arrest, the state of health can significantly deteriorate and death can occur. The most dangerous sleep apnea is for heart patients and people suffering from various chronic pathologies. Alcohol has a sedative effect, as a result of which the muscles relax, the airways narrow and the awakening mechanism is disrupted.

Medications for insomnia

Some drinkers use various sleeping pills or sedative drugs to relieve insomnia after alcohol.

Some drinkers use various sleeping pills or sedative drugs to eliminate insomnia after alcohol. It is worth noting that sleep with a hangover cannot come for a long time, a person does not sleep, as a result of which his unequal system suffers and collapses even more. There is a list of drugs that help in a state of hangover syndrome, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription:

  • Sonata;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Sibazon;
  • Imovan;
  • Piclon;
  • Zopiclone.

For information! Sometimes alcohol helps to fall asleep quickly, for this it is advised to take 50 grams. However, this method can lead a person into a binge or into a deep and long sleep.

Experts do not recommend self-selection of sleeping pills, because. each drug has its own characteristics, disadvantages and compatibility. An important point is the calculation of the dosage and the time of taking the medicine. With the wrong scheme of taking medications, there is a risk of developing a depressed state, an addictive effect, and many other more serious consequences.

Combination of alcohol and sleeping pills

Before taking sleeping pills while intoxicated or after a long binge, you must carefully study the annotation of the drug. Typically, either the drug affects the effect of the alcohol, or the alcohol affects the effect of the drug. Most often, in a state of intoxication, a person does not respond to medications and even to anesthesia.

For information! Any sedative drug in combination with alcohol significantly reduces its effect and effectiveness.

In medical practice, quite often taking alcohol with sleeping pills leads to death. Death occurs due to the entry into a pathological reaction of ethanol and a medical drug, their tandem inhibits the neural and limbic systems, destroys brain cells, stops breathing and has a narcotic effect similar to barbiturate. An important point is that ethanol products affect liver enzymes, as a result of which the absorption of active medicinal substances is blocked and intoxication of the body occurs.

For information! From the response of the Internet community “What should I do, I can’t sleep with a hangover? Even if I sleep, the dream is not long and something terrible is dreaming all the time. I feel a constant feeling of anxiety and irritation.”

Prolonged insomnia can cause severe mental disorders, so it should be treated.

How to get rid of insomnia with a hangover

To quickly and effectively eliminate insomnia in a drinker, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence. Insomnia is caused by:

  • lack of amino acids, vitamins and minerals;
  • violations and malfunctions in the work of internal organs and all systems;
  • the presence of intoxication and the presence in the body of aceltadehyde, a product of the breakdown of ethanol.

The treatment method consists of several stages, namely:

  • Detoxification - a procedure for cleansing the body using a dropper with various solutions, this method allows you to quickly remove toxins and improve metabolism;
  • Membrane stabilizing compound- a biological filter that needs homeostasis, which is responsible for cell membranes, to stabilize the passive transport function of the membrane. For this, various medications are used, as a result of which the level of ingestion of various toxins from the blood is significantly reduced;

For information! When the drinker enters the narcological department, he is given sedatives that enable the person to sleep. As a rule, the first 2 days in the hospital the alcoholic is constantly sleeping.

  • Restoration of acid-base balance- mineral water and a chemical method are used to restore it, i.e. taking medications;
  • Restoration of water balance- it is recommended to take fresh juices, eat more vegetables and fruits.

When you stop drinking, the body experiences stress, panic sets in, aches and anxiety, you won’t fall asleep in this state, however, if you follow the recommendations of narcologists and perform detoxification, you can overcome insomnia caused by a hangover.

Remember, to maintain a normal sleep pattern, you should observe the measure of alcohol consumption, and it is best to completely abandon it. Do not neglect your health, insomnia is not just a lack or disturbance of sleep, but a pathology that can cause serious mental disorders.

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